Tim Grover: The Best Are Always Looking To Get Better

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people run from pressure pressure is a privilege [Music] this has got to be one of my favorite episodes ever ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of the Empire show an inside look with the author of my favorite book relentless he was the trainer for Dwyane Wade Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan and he's created a word called a cleaner and when I first heard it I had no idea what a cleaner was but after reading it I quickly discovered that my gosh I may very well be a cleaner let's welcome mr. Tim Grover how are you Bayless why thank you thank you sir thank you for coming out to sunny California so that was a tough sell really really tough sell why don't you tell everybody what you're about to fly back into in Chicago it is going to be 50 below in Chicago in a few days minus 50 minus 50 and for the record it's about 72 and sunny here in Southern California so I have a feeling you're gonna be at the ritz-carlton for this so so Tim you obviously man there's no shortage of people who speak so highly of you I mean Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan Charles Barkley Dwayne Wade you name it how do you even become the trainer to these amazing NBA athletes well before we go there the first thing I want to do is you're the first person I've done a podcast with that actually owns a piece of highway Oh are you sorry sighs I saw that I was like this you know I'm always looking for different experiences something that's unique and I can finally say I did a podcast or I met an individual that owns a piece of highway we do see that's special 11 miles of it to be exact there you go 11 miles yeah that's very I look for the unique things in there and that was bad that was that's outstanding oh thank you thank you high praises yes so diggin what you have to do to get with these kind of individuals is everybody wants to start there it doesn't start there all right it starts many many years ago knowing exactly what you wanted to do I was fortunate enough when I went to college I have a master's degree in exercise in Kinesiology so what I wanted to do was when I told my parents this is what I wanted to I said I was gonna train professional athletes and everybody says what are you gonna study I said I'm studying kinesiology Exercise Science I said oh you're gonna be a gym teacher said no I'm gonna train professional athletes you know we're going back into the 80s you know I'm a couple of months older than you share a couple months you know so people I kept telling myself this is where I want to do this is where I wanted to I had a big passion and I always loved sports the passion and action behind the sport so I was like okay ha but I wasn't good enough to be a professional I knew that you know I was not going to make any money playing basketball that was my sport sure I still wanted to be involved in it at the highest level at the highest level still how can you make a difference and still work and be in the same mindset as these individuals so what I did was I finished off my degree I went to work in a local health club my hourly rate was three dollars and 25 cents as a personal trainer and they won't even hire me as a personal trainer when I came into the health club you had to work here's a word for you Fitness people out there for young guys that you might have not heard the Nautilus room the Nautilus room yeah well you had all the quick equipment and there was just a Nautilus so you had to go in there and you everybody who came in joined the health club they got a free session yeah of how to use the Nautilus equipment there were 12 pieces there and you went that I was that individual with a master's degree with a master's degree teaching these people but I was like it was one of the best things that happened to me because what it did was you go to college you learn everything from a book but you don't really get a chance to apply it and to actually use it so now it gave me a chance in this environment to actually learn how to use everything with real people with real people and I suppose that's probably a good thing that you weren't working without these through out the gate because the last thing you want to do is get your hands wet with athletes right exactly and here's the thing everybody wants to go there but they forget that you do all that other stuff first nobody wants to do that people come in they apply for a job they've never worked in the industry first thing they check off managerial position managerial position for what have you done over here so I learned my craft I worked with every possible individual in there anybody that wanted to lose weight gained weight had injury any kid that wanted to be a perform better and learned everything I learned how to apply everything learn how to do everything the word kind of spread that hey there's an actual individual in it he's just not doing training he's doing more like movement stuff he's making people better as recreational tennis players as recreational basketball players and so forth and I made a lot of mistakes during the time I would write programs out and I'm like this isn't gonna work and that allowed me to have the trust in myself to know when the opportunity came and I didn't say if when the opportunity came what made you so confident that the opportunity was going to come that he would say when and not if there was no other option for me I was going to make it happen I wasn't relying on somebody else to say I'm gonna figure this out let me make a contact here let me you know you do find your resources in different places but still the onus is on you so what I did was I sent out when I was confident enough in my ability I sent out a letter to every single player in the Bulls organization there's 15 players well he's a mistake I made all right I only sent out 14 letters and this was when you and you had to handwrite the letters don't get post office stamp there was no emails back then I sent out 14 letters who was the 15th I did not send out one letter to Michael Jordan why in my mind I was like he's already the best at what he does why would somebody who's as great as they are need help Wow I got one reply back from the one person I did not send a letter to him oh the one person I did not send a letter to he contacted the team athletic trainer he contacted a team physician and said hey find out who this guy is and what he's about so there's a lesson over there there's a reason why individuals are so successful business sports athletics whatever you want to do the best of the best are always looking to get better they're never satisfied they're always looking for that competitive advantage no matter how much they've won they want to win more one of the greatest things that I said now I know you understood the book you did not call yourself a cleaner okay and we'll get into it later about what a cleaner actually is cleaners don't recognize themselves as cleaners because they're never completely satisfied with what they've done they've never played a perfect game they've never had a perfect anything there's always they could figure out something that it just didn't go right he's tell people about a story about Michael Jordan and his statute after every basketball game there's a statute you know how many points you scored how many rebounds assists all that other stuff used to give that to Michael Mike said never bring me that statute again he goes this is all I want to see on the statute I want to see how many turnovers I had how many missed free-throws and how many fouls I had he goes I'm supposed to score points I'm supposed to get rebounds I'm supposed to make my teammates better I'm supposed to play defense I don't need to see a stat of things I'm supposed to do I need to see a stat of the things I'm not supposed to do how many people cuz you've coached the best or you've trained the best how many of the athletes that you've come across in your time have had that mindset versus wanting to see all the Pat's on the back of how well they scored and how they rebounded how many there's less than that I've dealt with and I've talked to I'd say there's less than 20 less than 20 there's less than time talking about in all the sports that I've had to actually had a conversation with not all these athletes you know the Michaels the Kobe's the Wade's I've actually had a chance to work with those individuals you know personally for years and years but through them I got a chance to meet so many other people I'm not just talking about a what like a one-off I'm talking about being four years you know like a Wayne Gretzky and you know Derek Jeeter yeah you know roger federer to see those individuals to put them in a room and if they all spoke exactly the same way you didn't know who was who was speaking they're talking about the same thing over and over again they can't tell you all the points and all the games they want but they can tell you every opportunity that they didn't capitalize or the game they should have won and they made a mistake that's what sticks with those individuals like Tom Brady I give you a great example the Super Bowl is coming up all right last year the only memory he has is about dropping that pass right what an opportunity and he dropped that pass drop that forget about the numbers he put up he put up record numbers for a quarterback in a Super Bowl game as a loss he doesn't care about that he's not talking about that it's all about the things that didn't happen so would you say these are people who are like super achievers they're just unreasonable expectations like how do you define this cleaner mentality like what the makes someone so relentlessly focused on the things that they failed at versus the I mean the things that they're so amazing at that less than 1/10 of 1% of the population could achieve you know what I always tell something happened we all have that ability this is not something you're born with I love how people say all that this person is born with that you're not born with that you know when you're born the doctor doesn't say this kid is gonna be relentless this one's gonna be a winner this one's gonna do that no like everyone has the same opportunities now what happens is through your childhood and he may be on even later in life something happens to you there's some kind of decision you have to make there's some kind of obstacle that came in your way something that you had to deal with and how you dealt with that situation pretty much determines how everything else is going to go did somebody handle that for you or did you own up to it and say I'm gonna take I'm gonna take care of this and I think how you hand I don't think I know those individuals if you look at all their stories every individual that's been successful you know bit uh Bill Gates Jeff Bezos all that other stuff if you look at everything that they've done some kind of something happened in their life early on in their life they put that in this relentless mindset to just be an overachiever set unrealistic goals because they saw something and they did not want to go back in that direction so when something happens you have two options you can either curl up and just say yeah you know make excuses after excuses or you can own up to it and turn around and figure out how to do it you gave a perfect example about the building well before this building yeah you could be whoa with me I spent seven figures here what the hell am I gonna do blame everybody else okay and your wife came up with the idea you guys came up with a concept look what happened yeah it doesn't happen right away people want it to happen right away yeah all right it doesn't happen right away all right it's only a failure when you decide it's a failure not when somebody else tells you it's a failure so Tim I'm curious because I imagine that if you're someone who's training like the not even the tip of the spear I'm talking the razor's edge in a particular sport here like in the NBA you probably see common denominators from the sport that can be translated into entrepreneurship and business sure and since this is a entrepreneurship and business podcast if I were to say all right Tim what talents ability skill sets habits belief systems do the viewers and listeners of this show need to adopt to even begin to think or operate like a cleaner well the first thing you got to do you know we have 13 traits in here of quote-unquote the most competitive cleaner cleaner individuals out there the one thing you have to do is you have to know exactly who you are so many times you're not living your life you're living what somebody else wants you to live you're trying to make them happy you become the person they want you to be I always said somewhere down the lines a lot of individuals somebody takes their identity or you give them your identity and now you've become the way they want you to be these individuals know exactly who they are and they're that way all the time you know people always say listen one of my biggest faults is I'm the same person all the time no matter what the circumstances is what does what the situation is I'm going to give you the straight answer whether you like it or you don't like it don't ask the questions I know it and these individuals know exactly who they are they're the most competitive individuals out there and everything they do you know people always say you know I love when people get on podcasts and you know these different shows and they tell you the same thing over and over you gotta get up early you got outwork the competition you got to work harder you got to do these things we all know that we all know that if that's all it took then we'd all be super super successor all right it takes way more than that it takes the mindset to put those things into place if you're going to get up earlier than everybody else are you using that time productively are you doing what you're supposed to be doing you know I get people I always tell people I've never worked out an individual I've trained individuals there's a big difference between working on the difference and training somebody I can take anybody into a gym and work them out get their heart rate up you know get them doing these motions and literally ten minutes later they're pouring and they're pouring and sweat all right man I had a great workout yeah you had a great workout but now did you train did you actually train in your sport did you train yourself physically did you train yourself mentally to give you that competitive edge and what you need to do it in and that's what these individuals do everything they do is focus it could be even in their personal life its focused to give them that competitive advantage and they surround themselves with not with friends they surround themselves with allies and the difference between friends and allies is friends tell you what you want to hear allies tell you what you need to hit and there's a huge difference that's a massive difference I've never heard that differentiation put like that before so before we even dive into what the definition of a cleaner is this is why I keep teasing it along why don't you share if you don't mind one of my favorite stories that you give from your book where Michael Jordan had some kind of stomach virus and I imagine any other athlete and any other environment would have probably said I'm out I'm out of this game what he did and what his response was oh it was like listen it wasn't an option it was actually against the Utah Jazz and this was in the finals in the finals and everybody calls it the flu game but I was actually there he wasn't he didn't have the flu he had food poisoning I remember the whole story about now you kind of implied in the book that there might have been some tampering with I did I did I listen I didn't make the pizza oh my I didn't make the pizza myself but this was like all the we're up late he couldn't sleep big game so we're sitting in myself a few other of his closest friends were sitting in the room and this was in Park City Utah this was before Park City Utah was Park City you sure yeah and the only thing we could find at that place the room service they had closed down so the only thing we could find to find one pizza place open so I said I said Mike Michael this is all we got this all he goes order me a pizza so I order the pizza and we had already been in Utah for a little while even though he was under an alias 30 minutes later there's a knock on the door I open the door there's five guys to deliver one pizza I'm like all right and you know they're trying to look in the room I said I take the pizza I pay them and I put it down and I and I already got a bad feeling about this I said why I said I told him I said Michael I'm not really sure about this he goes man I'm starving there's eight of us in the room he's the only one that ate always smokes the next literally three hours later he's curled up in a ball he's like just he goes man well I guess he was I'm so sick you know he's just he's throwing up he's got the shivers he's got everything that's going on we get the team doctor and the team doctor is like you know I don't know we give him a couple of medicines and so forth it's just making things eat it making things even worse and they're talking about he needs to UM you know if you can't play if you can't play tomorrow we understand so Michael just turn his head and just look it well I didn't say that this was a team doctor that said that he goes if you can't you just looked at him I said I need him to leave the room Wow doctor doctor left the room he just said hey listen let me just sit here we know what time we got to leave what time I got to get dressed he goes I will figure I will figure this out I will think of this not only for himself these are the things about cleaners and about the superior competitive individuals in business in sports and I say not only do they have an obligation to themselves they know they have an obligation to others so Michael always said listen not only do I have an obligation to go out and play this basketball game and play it to the best of my ability there's millions of people watching the people that have spent money that are going to be coming to this game this might be the only chance they get a chance to average to ever see me play so his obligation to himself is so strong that it passes on to everybody else he goes not only am i responsible for my actions here but there's so many other people that I'm responsible for I have to put out the best product out there and there was no way that he was not going to play now remember it's amazing when you see athletes that are not up to their full capacity and they always play their best why is it because they have to block out all the distractions and now you have a sense and height of your mindset your focus becomes a little bit more it becomes a little bit more intense you learn to block out the crowd you get into you get into that zone it's like going into a business meeting and you're walking in there and you come out of it man I don't know how I closed that deal you can't remember but you know you were just so totally locked in so laser focus you can't see anything else around you is this this ability to compartmentalize everything else that's happening around you and to just do what you must do in the moment to win exactly it is it's like to be able you know how they say everyone says just block it out some people don't so have the ability to block it out so what happens is what happens is when you tell somebody don't think first thing they do is start thinking about that first thing you tell them block it out well if they're blocking it out it's already too late it's already too late the preparation we've had this podcast on the books for over a month now yep okay I guarantee it your preparation didn't start this morning mm-hmm all right there's a third time reading your book see that's what I'm trying to say this then there are no secrets out there okay you know what's gonna happen you know the preparation guys don't make those great tennis shots they don't make those golf putts they don't make those basketball shots the baseball you know the your closers that doesn't happen then it's happened months years before that that allows you to be able to be laser-focused be able block things out to be able to get it to be able to get into the zone you know the questions is you've read the book three times you know hey this is a pie and it's just not with this pocket you do it with all your podcasts this is not like use like oh I have a special guest coming in I need to do it with this individual this is what you do and you don't know any other way yeah let me let me give you an example on that and there are audience knows that I like to go fully transparent and and I think you'll appreciate this as well this morning it's a Monday by the way it's a Monday and this morning I got a text message that one of our key team members and we don't have any employees in this building because employees o'clock and a little late clock out a little early do the bare minimum employees are unified in the mission and vision and play to win and so our team one of our key team members this morning I had to give the order to can him and it's probably happening right now as we're doing this even talking about it I have zero feelings and emotions about it because I I'm so pumped meant alized and and I've said this before if my wife were to open that door and say I'm divorcing you this podcast would still go on and her and I have had that conversation before and now I also realized this could be detrimental this I also say this is a dark side to mean I call it my monster don't let my monster come out because it will you up and if I am relentlessly focused on the franchise it will grow if I'm relentless to focus on anything it will grow what is it about that ability to compartmentalize and go to this dark side because you do talk about that there is a darkness and everybody has it where does it come from the greatest competitive you and but what happens is people spend so much energy keeping it down and fighting it it's who you are it's a part of you you have to adjust accept the good people like only like to accept the good part of them there's a whole there's so many other pieces to you you have to accept all of it and know how to use all of it ok your dark side is one of the most powerful tools that's out there first you got to recognize what it is all right then can you control it right a lot of individuals can't control it if you could recognize what it is you can control it it will take you to places you just can't get to I'm gonna love to use the people I do podcast with as an example because this is real life yeah all right you stole me today you just closed your 800 franchise all right if you never tapped into your dark side you'd be at 100 now give me 100 and you know what I guarantee if I'm standing here next year you will not be at 800 not even close not even close not even close that you know what your dark side is you've emitted it to it this is the second time we've met and you've already told me some things that other people would never share but that's who you are you want you're transparent and people need to be more transparent I rather be and I know you said it's okay to use the language I'd rather be the that tells you the truth instead of the that always lies to you amen amen one of my other favorite parts in here that you talk about in this since you brought up controlling that dark side controlling I think the word used was to bring 48 minutes of controlled rage to the court and I think it was the Wayne Wade you were talking about right yeah okay tell us that story and the note that you had in your pocket yeah so if there's a championship game he's got a little bit you know he's got some issues with his knee so I come in we look at it and I said hey listen this is what we're going to do all right there's there's a little structural thing here after with that we're gonna have to deal with during offseason we can't think about it right now we're gonna do some things do some exercises do some mobility stuff I'll give you some stuff to do during the game when you go in and everything you're supposed to do I said stop thinking about the knee I said don't even worry about it don't even worry about the knee all right the knee is gonna be fine it's gonna hold it's gonna hold up you've trusted me this long I said I've never lied to you I've never led you down the wrong restaurant I said this and nothing's going to happen to this knee and I looked and I said do you trust me on that he goes if you tell me this thing is structurally fine nothing's gonna happen I'm going to go out there and do what I need to do I had a note in my pocket that wine did give to him I put him through some exercises I put him through some different things and then I was like I don't need to give it to him he's got it I can already see after we did our little routine after we did our thing I looked at him and I could and I talked about this little click you seen I I said it and sometimes you can go too far you could take a person give them you can give them too much information and you gotta know when to stop and that's the difference between a boss and a leader a leader gives you enough information to say hey you figure that I've given you this now you got enough to figure out yourself I don't want to give you too much I'm not dictating the whole situation I saw I had just given him enough go out there and do what you did for 48 minutes the guy was I mean it was just like it was unbelievable mmm and result championship brilliant and result what you have to have that trust in those individuals when you're building your franchises people have a trust in your product okay because they see the work that you've put in the dedication that you have the belief this the system that you've put in the place to succeed so they have that so now they're willing to take that they're willing to take that next step all right if you haven't done that people aren't willing to take that now people are willing to take that next step but remember you're only as good as the next franchisee or the next franchisee that you're doing Dwain didn't care about what I did for Michael all right Coby didn't care what I did for Michael what are you gonna do for me again that's great you did a great job with that individual but now can you apply this to me you can have yeah you have 700 franchises that are kicking ass all right that's 701 right what are you doing that's great but I'm not them yeah I'm me you know what are you gonna do for me cuz I must I have to run my business a little bit different different environment you're gonna give me the base principles but hey what else are you gonna be there for me if these things you give me aren't working out are you gonna be there for me to help me there that's an incredible way of really defining that you're right because every morning when I wake up and we we've sold a new location a new franchise territory I remind myself and our and I've taught our operations team that I introduce you to to remind themselves that you're gonna have to rewind your stripes today and reprove to yourself to me it's like Groundhog Day every time I fill up that conference room with new franchisees I have to prove to them Who I am and what I'm going to do for them and what they need to do for themselves all the time all the time each year when I work with my individuals forget about what I did last year and forget about what I did that came before they want to raise their game I have to raise again after every championship I've ever been a part of the celebration that you see my guys doing out on the court the hug they give me or the handshake the first words out of their mouth is what's next yeah because in their mind if I come back as good as I came back this year when I won the championship I'm not gonna be here next year yeah I have to be better I have to be better does that put an unnecessary amount of pressure on you as their trainer it's the only way I would want it really it's the only way people says the cleaner people run from pressure pressure is a privilege everybody should be so thankful if somebody puts you in a opportunity where you're under pressure and you get a chance to thrive that means they believe in you that means you have they see something in you that they don't see in somebody else don't run from pressure embrace it embrace the pressure embrace the stress everything that people tell you is bad for you you know they tell you you know your dark side is bad for your pressure is bad for you stress is badly if you have no pressure you have no stress in your life you don't have a life all right that's what fuels you that's what keeps you going that's what keeps you going when nothing else will then everybody's always looking for external motivation and so forth if you have your own added pressure and you have your own stress that you deal with that nobody else is putting on you that you put on yourself that you put on yourself okay it's what lights your own fire it's what keeps you going you need that pressure the greatest things some of the most beautiful things in life that we buy that people love to have are made through pressure yeah you know diamonds are made through pressure all right greatness is made through you got to put that pressure on I say the only difference between pressure and stress is stress is pressure that you decide not to deal with if you deal with a pressure situation every single day it'll never really convert into stress but you have other people that thrive they only thrive under the highest stressful situations you know you know you're talking about earlier about and I'm sorry for that as a military individual that ray-ray care the Navy SEAL yeah the Navy see yeah you talk about stress he only thrives under stress that's it yeah that that's it without that they don't they don't know what to do yeah they and those those individuals strive under the most talked about going into an environment unknown environment not being able to see not being able to hear but now you got to go find the target yeah that's that stress and there's people there waiting for you yeah it's not just a game where we're gonna Scout score each other right it's just like it's completely it's completely different so every time you think you're under a pressure stressful situation because you have to meet a deadline you better think about what other people what real real stress really is yeah so with that I think it's really important to shift gears here coolers closers cleaners why don't you lay out the definition of our three characters here all right so coolers closers and cleaners the easiest way I like to define this for people is just if you look at the book we have good great and unstoppable a cooler is an individual that's good at what they do all right and every company needs to need some course all right they're the individuals you tell them what to do they're gonna do exactly what you tell them to do if you tell them I need to make you need to make 15 phone calls today or this they're gonna make 15 phone calls they're not going to make 16 even though they may have an extra hour excuse me you tell them to show up at nine o'clock they're gonna show up at 8:59 and when they clock out they are clocked after good you know you give them something to do they're gonna give you the result that's satisfactory it's not gonna be over the top it's not gonna be extraordinary it's going to be good all right and a lot of people a lot of people accept those accept those individuals all right then you have closers closers are individuals that are great at what they do as long as a lot of variables aren't thrown at them so they can follow a plan they're going to deliver you the end result over and over again as long as a lot of variables are thrown are thrown at them or when a lot of variables are thrown at them then they start to blame how you didn't you didn't train me right or the weather had a problem they they find external things to blame okay a cleaner is an individual that's going to get you that end result you've gotten the end result 800 times as of today over and over again no matter what circumstance is thrown at them they are going to figure it out Wow they are going to figure it out the biggest difference between a closer and a cleaner is you know how all they say trust your instincts now closers trust their instincts cleaners their instincts trust them you might exact give me an example of that all right there's there's a story and there's a story in the book all right Michael Jordan this is the big shot that everybody gets to normally against Cleveland with Craig Ehlo yeah so Doug Collins is the coach during that time so there's about eight seconds left on the clock maybe even less than that so Doug they call a timeout Doug draws its elaborate play Scottie you go over here Michael he wants you over here down and so forth so they break out of the huddle and Michael looks at everybody says hey man give me the ball and get the out the way if I'm gonna win this game it's gonna be on me if I'm gonna lose this game it's gonna be on me I'm not leaving it to anybody else so the work that he put in his instincts at that moment trusted him said hey this is gonna be the outcome he already knew what the outcome was gonna be but if he left the outcome to somebody else then he didn't know what the outcome was going to be right I'm going to make sure this outcome one way or the other is going to be what it should be and that's what you do that's when you know your instincts trust you when you I'll give you an example I always like to get everyone you know I talk a lot about sports but then I go back to the business world and I like to use individuals like yourself that have brought me in when you did going back to the going back to your building all right you bought a building you like this is not your wife or whoever it was not it wasn't the right decision yeah you decide to buy this building the first building you bought you trusted your instincts this building your instincts trusted you and now what's happened you're already growing out of this space you know it's funny you say that too is you were telling this story about trusting your instincts versus your instincts trusting you that's exactly the storyline that was running through my head I trusted my instincts because I got pragmatic okay we've got the money if we buy that building in Chino which is now BK strength because I love you watching and listening to this you guys know my private gym BK strength what you don't know is that was my million dollar mistake as I was telling Tim here because I bought that building to be our franchise headquarters but it's across the street from the men's prison and so my wife and I decided that we really want our franchise new franchisees to have this as their experience but I bought it because I trusted my instincts that well will grow into it it's our first commercial building I'll play it safe when in reality when I let my monster come out I was like I need this three and a half million dollar building we're gonna empty out all bank accounts and I remember telling my team here who's right here in this room I said guys I'm the richest broke person and chino hills' right now because on paper I had assets but I was broke we emptied my sons and daughters college fund which we decided not to replenish because we said they're not going to college since then but we empty their college fund to have the downpayment for this building that we're in right now and it's funny is because my instincts trusted me and but I couldn't verbalize that until you said that at that moment and that's what that's the difference you know you give you another example coolers closers cleaners coolers love to read stories they have more self-help books on their deaths than any individual that you know and they follow every social media guru out there ones that have done absolutely nothing but they could recite what they do everything that's going on they could tell you every quote in the book everything's going on so they just love to read stories there's no action behind what they do they just love to read read read read read it's like an individual that becomes so educated that they're so smart that they don't know what to do now too smart for their own good yeah they don't know what to do then you have your closers closers love to tell stories they're the storytellers they love to tell you how great they are all right and if things didn't work out how they blame everybody how they'd blame everybody else cleaners they have the ability to change the story everybody in this room everybody that's listening to this podcast you all have the ability to change your story but in order to change the story you've got to put something on the line and I love how this is flowing so well because in order for you to change your story what did you put on the line every single dollar everything you had you put it on the line and what did it do it changed your story yeah it sure did it's funny that you say it this way you're bringing so much clarity into the last two years because when you make a decision like that then you go I got to go head down into the trenches and not look up and it's been just the last few months that I've been looking up and it's because we get the Inc 5000 recognition again and the entrepreneur 500 I look up and okay we got to go to the gala that means we've done something right right but the gala means nothing to me cuz I got to go and do it again because next year if I'm not on that who's buying a franchise exactly right exactly and that's not my industry work yes that's exactly how that's exactly how your industry works and you know when you look at those at you when you look at those individuals that have the ability to change the ability to change the story that's what I said it's in all of us we all have the ability to change that story but what are you willing to put on the line and it has to be something that's substantial to you so I've got a question here we're gonna go a little personal here mr. Grover I know your story because I've read your book and I'm a big fan and it's funny I have a unique privilege where I get to interview people that I admire and look up to and so I also see myself as the voice of the fans you've got the immigrant edge like you guys immigrated to the United States and your family right how old were you when you guys came for you were four years old well you were four I was six and you didn't I mean you came from a third world country I came from India India Yeah right and it's not like hey it's not a westernized country especially then no yeah right yes why Chicago what was the turning point for you what gave you this edge you know I everyone loves to tell these stories about how you know they they had a their childhood wasn't fulfilling and you know their parents I had great parents I had absolutely wonderful parents I saw them work grind every single day so what happened was when it's very rare that parents from India go against their parents wishes my dad told his mom that I'm not staying here I'm not gonna be in the family business I want a better life for myself for my wife for our boys he packed up we first moved to London England no so my mom's my my mom is a nurse a nurse practitioner so it's easier for her to get a job over there my dad kind of stayed back on everything settled and we moved from we moved to and then in the States here in the early late 60s early 70s there was a huge shortage of nurses huge shortage of nurses all right and they actually contacted the hospitals where my mom was working at and they're saying listen we're looking for nurses here in the in the states Chicago was one of the places and you know the money is so much the money is so much better you know all right so my dad saw another opportunity you know my dad's actually a professor a PhD of biology but his education when he came to the States it didn't transfer over so they did not allow him to did not allow them to teach here but the nurses you could take at a skateboard you could get board-certified so my mom came here my dad my brother night we stayed back in London while my mom came and got herself established found a job found a place everything in it then my dad brought my brother and I over here how long after two years after two he mom was it yeah my mom was there so basically from the age of two to four my dad raised me by himself then we came over here and remember getting in the cab no matter how many times I tell the story it gets to me my dad telling the cab driver stop stop like stop like we're in the middle of nowhere no money this is far as I can go what are your dad tell you and your brother we got out of the cab now this was when yet he had two heavy suitcases now this is where suitcases didn't have wheels no wheels no wheels okay this is not no backpacks no nothing is the old fashioned suitcases I actually have pictures of him so he's just telling me those listen guys we're in a new country I want you guys to see the sights see the tour see everything that's going on so my dad's picking up these two suitcases with where there's two boys walk a little bit suitcases get heavy poured on oh look at this building look at the done he made a game out of it he made a game out of it yeah we got to the destination my mom didn't even know we were coming my mom didn't know cell phones back then no emails you know no what you couldn't leave a message you know it wasn't like you could leave her there was no father there was no vall answering machines so she didn't even know we were coming so she was still at work we're over there he got the job done he changed the story for all of us you have vivid memories of certain things no matter how old you are how young you are that sticks with you so you can see what they did and how hard they work to get listen we didn't have everything we wanted but we had everything we needed yeah all right and see them build from nothing I mean up tamo nothing nothing to see to go to everything that they done put two kids to put two kids through college being able to buy their own place take us for family vacations do all these do all these different things and I was like if they could do that why can't anybody else and this is what you said it's about that it's that immigrant edge it's about coming to somewhere different and proving yourself yeah I would say this is I was like different doesn't mean less than it doesn't mean less than but you know what different does different scares people it does it really scares people it scares not only other individuals or you for a lot of times it scares yourself so you'd be thinking you're you become you put yourself in an inferior place when it's actually that different mindset being difference is what separates you from everybody else you look at individuals we spend our whole lives trying to fit into a certain group make sure we have the right kind of friends make sure we go to the right school you're in the right for turning right sorority and who the individuals we admire the most the ones that stand out yeah ones that stand out we work our ass off don't we trying to blend in only to admire the ones who stand out it's crazy yeah you can look at the six championships alright the five Super Bowls that Tom Brady has won the five championships that Kobe has won all the matches that Serena Williams has won all these things all right there's not a single individual that I know could name every individual on that team but they can name the individuals that stood out they can name the individuals that stood out whether yours whether you're a sports fan or not with your business fad whether you're a business entrepreneur or not you know the individuals that changed the world well say I want to end with this question for you because I want our audience who's watching and listening to this episode of the inside look to follow and learn from the folks that you're about to mention here and what I'm gonna ask is who are the cleaners in the entrepreneurial world like business men and women that you know have done it they're moving the needle they're doing things differently they're standing out they would be the Michael Jordan's the Kobe's the Dwayne Wade's of entrepreneurship who are they you know what I'm gonna make this real simple for you guys all right one thing you should know about I'm not an ass kisser I don't do it I don't tell like it is for all the people that are watching this podcast and I hope there's millions of you you want to find an individual in the business who's changed things who's gonna continue to change things who's gone through the same struggles that you going through that you have gone through who's got the same thoughts of not being good enough being told you're never going to be successful you're never going to mount this I can throw out the names that everybody else would want you to think about they're gonna throw you yo the Jeff Bezos you know the Warren Buffett's all these individuals out there you know the individual is right there Wow thank you I didn't expect that right there look what you built look what you had to overcome you still have the demons in your head that you have to fight every single day we all have thoughts about quitting no matter what you've built you're never satisfied you always want more you're raising a family last time you spoke tell me about this dog that you adopted cookie yeah all right yeah yeah okay what does that tell you about an individual all right bring something that can't take care of itself that needed me you brought it into your family you just came on this show and just said what did you just say complete opposite of what everybody else tells you and I want people when I say pay attention just don't listen to this podcast just don't hear it I want you to listen to it and hear it he just said my kids aren't going to college how many parents out there don't give their kids that option but now there's a reason behind it it's just not a decision to say they're just not going there's a whole thought process between that they've learned that they've expected that they've gauged to say this is not the right decision for our kids we are going to go in a different direction remember where I told you know exactly who you are when you're following individuals the first thing you need to do is make sure you know exactly who you are he knows exactly who he is thank you that's a great compliment that I was not expecting I appreciate that Tim if someone wants to learn more about you follow you learn from your products your coaching systems where do they get this information from our website is Tim Grover comm you can follow me on twitter and instagram at attack athletics listen to this podcast listen there's very few people out there it's very few individuals that have the ability to actually help an individual through their different experiences through their different things that they've gone through most people love to tell you about other people's battles all right the one thing that's great about myself and Bader is over here we're not talking about our successes yeah it's great to hear these stories we want you to change your lives we want you to have better for yourself we want you to have better for your families all right we're just two examples of two individuals who are both happen to be in the fitness industry took different paths and succeeded what other people think is success in our minds we have so much more to do and I guarantee it if if we leave this earth and the only thing I'm known for is for training these athletes and the only thing he's known for his the franchise's the Fit Body Boot camps we didn't do our jobs amen to that thank you so much Bob joining sir yes thank you folks what a great episode like I told you I've got goosebumps right now it's not often that I get to stand here and interview someone who I look up to that I've learned from and the stories that we talked about the stories that Tim shared that's only ten percent of what's in this book you would be doing your yourself a disservice you would be doing your business your team a disservice if you didn't get everyone a copy of this book relentless go get it and thank you so much for joining us hey thanks so much for being here for today's Empire podcast show we would love for you to do a quick little favor for us just go to iTunes and give us a 5 star rating leave a comment share it with your friends and if you're interested in growing your business faster go to bait row school Ian comm forward slash Empire fill out the application to see if you're a good fit for our Empire mastermind group
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 102,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, business, ceo, success, manup, decide, leadership, mindset, entrepreneurship, smallbusiness, savvybusinessowner, motivation, businessstips, personaldevelopment, productivity, onlinemarketing, hustle, creativeentrepreneur
Id: kwNnYU2XdCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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