Secret Ways to Remove Hard Inquiries From Credit Reports

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[Music] all right guys welcome to the credit game listen i come to you every single day to be able to show you the education and how to scale your credit today is going to be the game changer video that everybody's been asking about and this one right here is talking about how to remove hard inquiries from your credit report let me give you an example you ever go to a car dealership and let's just say bmw okay you go to bmw finance and bmw finance tries to get you approved however you know you're in the 500 credit score or maybe you're in the 600s or maybe you're even slightly just under 700. okay same thing with mercedes they go on a 700 fico score okay so what happens is you go to these places with the intentions of getting a vehicle now when you go there and you apply you think okay i'm gonna get one inquiry wrong the problem with this is when you go there their job and their only job is to get you approved for that vehicle so what do they do they're gonna shop you around every sub prime lender known to man what happens is you end up walking away with 10 to 15 inquiries now do those inquiries need to be there before we get into anything we're going to talk about a hard inquiry versus assault okay so there's two different ways the hardening query is when you give them authorization with either verification okay social security card driver's license xxx or um you have given them authorization with a wet signature now let's say you're behind a computer and you're applying for something okay what the burden of proof is is on them not you they have to verify that it was you behind a computer right there's no wet signature so first you have to understand that a hard inquiry is you giving them authorization okay and knowing the law which we're going to talk about in a second and a soft inquiry is usually what credit card companies do or maybe lenders do um to basically do a pre-authorization maybe a credit card that you're looking to get in the mail they'll usually just go in they'll do a soft pull it's not going to impact your credit hard inquiries so you guys know will stay on for 24 months straight after the 24th month on the 25th month they're automatically removed okay but a hard inquiry if you get denied for a hard inquiry it could cost you anywhere between two and five points where typically when you get approved on a hard inquiry like you actually got approved for the card or the car or the car credit card or the house whatever it's usually one of two points okay so that's really the difference between a hard inquiry soft inquiry will cost you nothing ever it doesn't cost you any points ever it's not no effect on your credit now the burden of proof is always on them what i'm going to share with you guys today is how to get those inquiries removed off your credit report as fast as humanly possible so that's why you're like mike why are you giving out this information why do you want to come to me and and tell me how to do something when you guys have a service here and you provide a product that helps people do this well because look i want to value i want to overvalue over deliver i want to make sure this is why i come to you every single day to give you as much information as possible to help you with your credit it's about giving back and serving back to you guys all right so there is a letter in the fair credit reporting act called the 604 act okay and i'll show you guys here the 604 act okay what i want you to do is i want you to go there and i want you to print out that document once you print out that document keep it aside for a second because i have a few other steps i need to talk to you about okay so 604 act states that they have the burden of proof is on the lender and the credit bureaus to be able to say hey this was actually him here's his social security card here's his driver's license here's his wet signature xxxxx the burden proof is always on the bureaus and the lenders not you legally they have to follow the law and if they don't you can take them to small claims court but let's go into a couple steps here how to actually get these removed because this is the most important part all right the first thing that i want you guys to do is i want you to pull up sage stream now let me tell you about stage stream because a lot of you guys don't even know about stage friend never heard of it when the credit bureau is verifying the inquiry they're not going to the lender they're going to public record companies sage stream is where they're going to verify your inquiry okay so i want you to pull up stage stream and i'm going to show you how to do that here and what i want you to do is i want you to put a security freeze you'll see it up in the top right here security freeze your sage stream okay very very important okay so now you got your letter printed but don't do anything with that letter yet from the 604 okay first step sage stream make sure you get that security freeze on second step lexis nexis okay this is another place where they're gonna verify inquiries and public records is a housing they're not going to lenders to verify this so today's right in today's date they're going to the major companies that these major companies are going to hold your data second thing i need you to do and i'll show you how to do this here is go to lexisnexis and you'll see that you need to actually put a security freeze there as well it'll say freeze okay once you get those two frozen here's the kicker once you get those two frozen i want you to certify mail your 604 letter so you're going to print your 604 letter and you're going to have a separate piece of paper and you're going to list out the inquiries that you believe are negative incorrect unduly unfair obsolete shouldn't be there not mine i didn't do them don't recognize them whatever the case is again the burden proof is on them not you they have to verify that it was you not the other way around okay so once we get our sage stream frozen once we get our lexus frozen then you're going to print out your 604 act okay and you are going to print out another piece of paper and list out the inquiries that you want removed now when i say certified there's a reason for that make sure that when you certify mail this which usually you can do it like a two day okay you're going to send it to each credit bureau with the inquiries again that you believe are not yours okay but you have to have the other things frozen first because what's going to happen is the credit bureaus are going to try to verify the information to lexus and sage stream but they are frozen okay so from here remember the 604 what do we not want to do on a 604 that i told you in the beginning you don't want to send the 604 with a wet signature if you take the 604 letter and you print that out and then you got your list of your inquiries listed out and then you sign the bottom james smith maybe i'm talking to a james smith what's this thing and james smith signs the bottom of it while you're dead in the water now now they have your wet signature okay so again the burden proof is on them now what's going to happen is in about three weeks they're going to come back and they're going to say either verified these inquiries were verified or we are deleting them takes about three weeks for them to come back sometimes a little bit longer maybe with what's going on the economy right now it might be slightly longer but if they do not come off okay and i'm gonna tell you a tip real quick anything that is about 60 days like fresh inquiries are slightly tougher than inquiries that are older than 60 days remember it takes 25 months for it to automatically fall off from the time that you applied if you don't recognize these inquiries the burden proof is on them but if you have inquiries within the last couple days okay those are going to be slightly tougher now do they still get removed of course they do but they're tougher to get removed when they're within the last 60 days okay if that happens you can then because they didn't follow the law more than likely they don't have the burden of proof okay maybe when you applied for your vehicle same thing with house same thing with house same thing with credit cards okay you know when you apply for credit cards how do they know it's you behind a computer applying for credit cards how do they know it's not somebody else right they're not checking ip addresses by the way okay so when you apply for a credit card if you're applying online you might want to think about that as well when you go into a dealership okay you didn't give them authorization to run you through the ringer for 15 different inquiries when you go to a mortgage company same thing can happen now that's more prevalent obviously in vehicles but it does happen with mortgages as well where they're just going to shop you around they're trying to get you approved but those inquiries do not need to be there okay maybe the one inquiry now here's another tip if you have and this is only strictly for credit cards okay this does not apply to a vehicle or a home do not dispute any inquiry where you have an active credit card because what will happen is let's say you've got a chase credit card okay that you just got within the last 60 days and then you go and dispute the inquiry then sometimes what can happen there's certain credit cards where they will actually stop and uh put a freeze on your credit card or maybe even cancel out your credit card and close it down because it's an active account if you've been denied and you don't have an active account on a credit card and you don't believe it's yours because it comes it's not me wasn't me maybe i was a victim of identity theft maybe i was uh it wasn't i don't recognize it whatever reason unfair unduly incorrect i'm looking at it it's not mine i'm challenging that inquiry okay then at that point it's not going to mess up obviously because you didn't get approved for it now same thing with a car and a house if you've got an inquiry from a car in a house and you dispute it they're not going to take your house away from me okay this is applied to credit cards only all right so let me just recap really quickly what i want you to do okay i want you to go to sage stream freezing i want to go to lexis i want you to freeze it and then i want you to send out the letter certified mail go to usps only okay not fedex or ups usps certified mail do not sign it at all okay you want to print out your you want to type out your signature that's fine just don't put it with a pen or a pencil okay take that piece of paper certify it send it to each credit bureau on a second sheet of paper list out the inquiries that you are saying that are not yours attach that two forms together staple it put it in a piece of uh mail and then certify it out one to each credit bureau okay then you're gonna wait your 15 to 30 days somewhere in that time frame they're going to come back and say verified or not if it comes back as verified the burden of proof on them again then from there you could take them to small claims court or you can have a professional help you at that point okay this is what we do at the credit game i put together programs i give you like a step by step i mean i have the proprietary letters i have all the information you need if you guys ever need help just give me a ring that's what i'm here for um plus you know collections and judgments and foreclosures and repos and student loans and maybe you're a victim of identity who knows what the situation is i actually put together the proprietary letters step by step to show you in order with videos literally a third grader can do this that's how simple i made that i mean like two to three minute video while i'm actually walking you through the process all the way up to you like in the mailbox usps saying hey here's my letter that's how simple i make it for you right plug and play all you got to do is kind of like just fill in your information where it's highlighted and then mail okay that's our credit game program if you guys are interested in that obviously i'm here for you you'd call me at 904-420-7772 that's 904-420-7772 other than that i want to make sure that i give you all the information that you need to get you the help you need and i want to show you the step-by-step things you need to know and you need to know the wall the law states the burden proof is on them make sure you get that 604 and get those other two things frozen you guys should be in good shape okay i need a thumbs up i need your thumbs up i need a thumbs up because this is going to help out this channel also turn on your bell notification i tell you guys this every day it takes two seconds to turn on the bell and hit all because that would make sure that every video when i come to you every day that you guys are getting the videos making sure i'm giving you content that's unbelievable things that nobody wants to tell you because why would they tell you that when they have offer programs to do it right so comment like subscribe and turn on that bell and i'll see you guys tomorrow if you need help at all i'm here for you 904-420-7772 talk to you more love you guys bye you
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 183,162
Rating: 4.958046 out of 5
Keywords: Secret Ways to Remove Hard Inquiries From Credit Reports, how to remove hard inquiries from credit report, how to remove hard inquiries from experian, The Credit Game, Credit Secrets, How to Boost My Credit Score, What to do when I have bad credit, credit education, credit game, credit repair, credit repair letters, Fico 10, credit dispute templates, credit, lexisnexis, lexisnexis freeze, lexisnexis security freeze, sagestream security freeze, sagestream inquiries, credit report
Id: VMvROdg2WC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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