How to Get Credit Cards Without Your Social Security Number

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all right guys welcome to the credit game my name is mike if it's your first time on the channel it's very important that you subscribe and the reason for that is every single day monday through friday i'm coming to you with education about credit about how to leverage credit and really just finances in general this is a channel that um again this is i'm doing it on a daily to help you guys um and so if you would like subscribe would really appreciate it and most importantly turn on that bell notification because today's video is something you're going to want to watch all the way through to the end it is a game changer video we had a lot of people asking us about this and i did a video on this uh quite a few months back but uh very similar but this is more powerful and the reason for it is because at the time a lot of people were asking how to get credit cards is there a way to get credit cards without even using your social and there's actually two ways there's a gentleman called stephen lau okay many of you guys have maybe heard of him in the cred space um he had over 200 credit cards and over two million dollars in available lines of credit and a lot of people were asking me like mike how does a kid who's 19 years old to 21 years old within a two-year period get millions of dollars a line of credit well i'm going to show you exactly how he did that today by showing you the tricks of how to get credit cards without ever using your social now the first thing that you have to do is make sure you watch the end because i'm going to give you so many damn nuggets it's going to be this this video is unbelievable in uh the amount of gems i might throw at you but the first thing i need you to do to understand that you don't need to use your social security number is that you need to get into public record okay so some of the tricks that i'm going to show you today requires you to get into public record and by doing that you're going to see that the last four of your social are only required 99 of the time whenever you put your social in and they only require the last four digits they're doing what they call a soft pull and a soft pull doesn't require a hard pull because it's using your public record so if you got good credit bad credit horrible credit it doesn't matter about your credit score you can get credit cards without your credit ever being pulled okay so the first thing that i want you guys to do okay is i want you to go to opt out okay opt out so google that okay put it in the bar at the top um opt out prescreen dot com once you get there this is again this is the important thing it's about getting into public record right so this is gonna pull up things like your name this is going to pull up things like your address from your credit report maybe if you add a bankruptcy it'll pull up on your public record as well but i want you to put accurate information in here and it's going to be very important vital to the next few things that we're going to talk about if you're doing opt-in opt-out okay there's a way to do this once you get there and you scroll all the way to the bottom it's going to say opt-in opt-out you want to do the opposite you want to opt in okay when you opt in what happens is over the next two to three weeks you're gonna start getting credit card offers okay you guys ever got those from capital one and discover and a lot of the american express and they come in a beautiful envelope right what happens is those companies have already done a soft pull on your credit thus the important thing here is is that you don't have to have another inquiry so once they pull it okay when you apply for that credit card most of the time they will not do a hard inquiry because they've already pulled your credit so a lot of people are asking like how did steven do it 200 cards in two years okay over 200 cards in two years think about this guys if he's not using his social how do you get that many cards well he's not using his social he's using his public record because most of the time and you know this that if you get 10 inquiry 12 inquiries what will happen was then it'll start flagging the account right so if you apply for too many things too quick and guy did it in a year and a half from 19 years old to 21 years old literally under two years you couldn't have 200 credit cards you'd have 200 inquiries so the reason he was able to do it was because he used his public record i'm sharing with you guys make sure that when you google um the the when you guys get to opt out then you scroll all the way to the bottom and make sure that you opt in okay so that's your first step making sure you opt in and then it's going to ask some questions and you want to make sure you put the information that corresponds to your credit report so address make sure that you're using an address that is on your credit report phone number make sure you're using your real name make sure you're using your address because once you start getting these credit cards it is very important that it comes to the right address the cool thing about the pre-order these pre-approvals that are coming to come to you is that when you apply for them they've done the soft pool already so they will not require in most cases 99 of time they will not do another hard pull on your credit a lot of people don't know this trick this is a game changer to get multiple credit cards with zero inquiries okay because they've already done the soft pull and they say hey we're willing to give it to you based on your public record based on the soft pool that they already did they already see your credit score but it's mostly generated off your public record okay so that's trick number one okay now this second i told you guys man i'm gonna hit you with so many nuggets like i'm gonna knock you over the head i mean we're doing three-piece with cheese and a happy meal today number two is this and number two will not work unless you are in public record okay so you have to make sure that you're in public record first before you go to the second way of getting credit cards without ever using your social that's why i said stay to the end because i got some serious stuff coming for you the second way and most of you some you heard of it some of you haven't heard of it maybe you have heard of somebody who've done it i did it personally but i'm gonna tell you this is for educational purposes only because it is serious you can get a lot of credit card store cards visa cards without using your social you guys ready this is called the shopping cart trick okay and right now i'm going to share with you how to do this the first thing you want to do is get into google chrome and inside google chrome you'll see at the top right what i want you guys to do is click the top right button and you'll see a little window that pulls down incognito okay so you want to make sure your page goes incognito and then there's going to be a black screen that pops up and that actually puts you in to that incognito window you want to make sure you're there first the important thing which is really the important thing is to get in public record first because again the shopping cart trick will not work if you're not in public record so i would get in public record wait a few maybe week to two weeks start getting those pre um pre-approval offers that are going to come into the mail start applying for those and then do the shopping cart now if you guys are already in public record then you can go to step two here and you can start using the shopping cart trick right away now no harm no foul because guess what it's not going to pull hard inquiry so i guess the best way to find out that you're in public rec or not is you could go to step two right away you go to step two you try the shopping cart trick and if it works then that means you are already in public record if it does not work that means you got to go back to step one make sure your public record start getting the credit card offers that are coming into you and then move on to step two okay so um yeah 200 credit cards guys this guy's getting 200 credit cards in two years it's impossible to do that there's a couple ways you could do that now obviously there's a way that you could get a bunch of credit cards and then remove all the inquiries but then if you get approved for the credit cards and you start removing inquiries then you have issues where you know the credit card companies can start reaching out and saying hey you know this inquiry and you got the account and they're gonna verify it and just makes it really tough how about just not using your social at all like steven did okay the guy's got millions of dollars in lines of credit because he didn't use his social and 90 of those okay so this is called the shopping cart trick and it mostly works store cards i'll give you a couple of examples you can use victoria secret you can use overstock you can use sportsman guide visa you can use a lot of the banks that are from comendi so commenity bank okay if you guys just research community bank a lot of these banks um accept the shopping cart trick because they can go off the public record they're not going off your social side okay if you have a 300 credit score it doesn't matter they're not going off your social they are going only off of your public record okay for educational purposes i'm going to have to tell you this do not do this for the purposes of getting a bunch of credit cards and not paying them back because it's not attached to your social okay remember the credit cards are coming off your public record they're not pulling a hard inquiry so i'm telling you for educational purposes only if you don't plan on you know going to victoria's secrets and getting paintings and brawls for your loved one or you're going to get your husband a bunch of stuff from overstock i i wouldn't rack up a bunch of credit card debt and just not pay it back that's why i said this is for educational purposes only and for the reason i'm telling you this is that you can get multiple credit cards without actually pulling a hard inquiry on your credit and that reason is because they're only going to require the last four so anything that requires the last four of your social is considered a soft pull when you have to put your full social end that's a hard pull okay so that's how you'll know the difference all right so after we get into incognito okay what's going to happen is um you got to go to the company that you're trying to get the card from so whether that's like i said victoria's secrets let's use that for example okay you go into victoria's secret you're in the incognito window okay and then you're going to go and open up a new tab and you're going to go to victoria once you are in there the important thing this is the kicker is that you fill your shopping cart with at least 100 worth of merchandise okay if you go less than 100 of merchandise this will not work no matter what company sportsman guide is a visa visa credit card um i've gotten 1500 from them some capital one cards are actually doing it now i know most community banks are doing it like i said overstock um victoria's secret there's plenty of cards okay but the cool thing about it is you have to appea you have to put at least a hundred dollars plus i usually put 130 140 just like you're going shopping online you're gonna fill up the cart and when you fill up the cart with that uh amount okay what's gonna happen is wait a few minutes okay and then you're going to go to checkout okay you're going to go to the bottom when you go to check out and it's going to have like two different windows but at the bottom you're going to see a thing that says sign isn't as a guest okay so i want to make sure you sign in as a guest don't create an account or anything like that okay once you sign in as a guest um it's going oh and this is the important thing okay when you're filling out the credit card information for let's just use for example victoria secrets you want to make sure that you use the same information that you did on your public record the same information that is on your credit report okay so the address has to match also the application you're doing because that's how they're verifying it through the public record so make sure that whenever you fill out this application for your credit cards wherever you're going that the address and the phone number the name okay match your public record if it doesn't match this trick will not work okay key number one those have to match okay so if you have to go to your credit report first see what address is on there okay um and maybe you're living in a place right now where the address is not on your credit report then you're going to want to make sure that you get it onto your credit report by going to public record first filling out the public record information like i shared with you earlier and then going to the shopping cart trick okay because you want to get the address matching the address is the kicker address phone number first name last name okay so when you're filling out your public record it is going to ask for your full your full social okay when you're filling out your public record it will ask for the full social it's when you up when you start getting the pre-approvals the first trick that it will not do a hard pull it's when you do second trick which is the shopping cart trick that when you go to check out you put 100 in your cart when you go to check out you're going to sign in as a guest okay and then it's going to basically it'll likely have little two little windows up and at the bottom it'll say sign in as a guest okay what's going to happen is it's going to ask you for the name your address your phone number and it's going to ask you for the last four digits of your social security number it will not ask you for the full ssn you know that you're on the right track if it's only asking you for the last four okay that's how you'll know that it's starting to work because it's going to ask you for the last four of your social when it does that okay a window will pop up and inside this window this is how you know what's going to happen is um there will be a pop-up button okay when you go to checkout and you put all your information in there will be a window that will pop up that will say do you accept this pre-approval offer okay when you get that you are obviously going to push yes okay that's how you know this worked if you get that window that pops up when you go to check out what they're trying to do okay give it a reader's digest on it what they're trying to do is you're putting your thing of shopping cart with a bunch of stuff in there and then what happens is they think that you're leaving and they want to offer you basically approval okay and so what will happen is when that window pops up and tells you hey do you accept a pre-approval offer for this credit card you absolutely one hundred thousand percent better click yes because it's not using your social remember you only put your last four in so now bing bang boom you click yes and then another window will pop up and say congratulations your card is on its way congratulations you have been pre-approved for this credit card now that just means that you got a credit card without ever using your social because you only put the foreign it also means that you didn't get a hard inquiry on your credit so for educational purposes only could you do this multiple times absolutely but it's for the purposes of building think about this for a minute guys i don't want you to go out and get a bunch of credit cards that you're not going to pay back that's not the purpose of this channel is to teach you things that are unethical i want you to think about getting cards that you need okay and getting credit cards that could benefit you but making sure that you are taking care of your obligations in your credit card don't just get a bunch of credit cards and rack them up and don't pay them back okay so the pre-approvals and the shopping cart trick they work tremendously this is a way that stephen was able to get over 200 credit cards in two years or less okay guys that's why i bring it to you i bring you the the most best information how to get credit cards without ever using your social i'm gonna put a diagram in the video make sure you follow us on facebook and instagram um the credit game credit game and uh that's instagram and facebook and again for this video i'm gonna ask you guys this give me a thumbs up it helps make sure you subscribe to our channel uh because again this is something i want to bring to you this content resonates with you this is the kind of stuff that i'm going to be doing every single day for you different tips and tricks how to build your credit how to maintain your credit how to leverage credit and really just how to have an overall better credit score so that's what i'm here for and more important than that before you leave this video turn on that bell notification because if not you won't see tomorrow's video that's what i'm here from it's mike credit game i'm here for you guys i'll see you tomorrow thanks for watching and thanks for subscribing and give me a thumbs up love you guys see you tomorrow you
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 290,056
Rating: 4.9328942 out of 5
Keywords: how to get credit cards without your social security number, The Credit Game, Credit Secrets, How to Boost My Credit Score, how to get credit cards with bad credit, credit education, mike singles, benefits of not using your social security number, credit cards, how to get pre approved credit card, preapproved credit card, tradelines for credit, amazon card, shopping cart trick, victoria secret credit card, victorias secret credit card, how to get more credit cards
Id: DwBWG3lm8TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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