How to Not Get Denied With Bad Credit

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[Music] how do we how do we get to America right now and help not as much as as much as possible through everything that's going on and I I came up with an idea a couple months ago that would prior to this whole coronavirus thing that I would put together an education platform a lot of people you guys know me from from wholesale trade lines obviously we transitioned out of servicing to going into the education platform and boy has that made a difference not only a difference in hey I'm not gonna give you a band-aid for your cut right but I'm gonna show you how to sew yourself up I know that analogy doesn't really work but I can't use the I teach you how to fish now instead of I buy you a fish right or you buy a fish whatever the same is anyway my point is this are you applying for credit cards are you applying for loans are you applying for vehicles and getting denied that's what I wanna know post your comments below if yes you are getting denied I can tell you most of the time especially right now what's what's going on if you guys knew when I talk I talk about this so many times because the misconception of credit is that people think that have a high credit score that they should be approved for everything I got people coming back in my platform telling me hey Mike I got a 794 and I just can't get approved how do you have a 794 credit score and you're getting denied let me tell you why because people don't understand credit I got approved for five American Express credit cards last week straight through okay one two three four five I've got one inquiry on Experian and five approvals how did I do that well let me tell you something because I understand the credit game I understand how to get multiple credit cards with one inquiry that's not the only bank you can do it with by the way but if you guys are getting denied for credit there's a reason and the reason is because the computer system okay most people apply online you get online you go to Capital One or you go to discover and you put in your information and then you realize that after you put it all in because you have no idea what to put for job history for rental history or mortgage history or your annual income how long you've been working whatever the case you don't even know that right so you just fill it out and based on your particular situation so if I were to fill out an application and I would have said hey my name is John Smith and I just got my job last month and I make thirteen thousand dollars a year and you know right now I'm staying in my mom's basement do you think that you would be approved for an American Express Platinum Card it's a silly question but it's the same thing that banks are saying and when you understand the game now I'm not saying hey if you make $13,000 a year to go put two hundred thousand dollars on there okay but what if you knew what to put on there what if you knew how long for your job history your rental history your annual income what if you knew what credit cards to go to based on looking at your credit report because all credit reports aren't the same okay look at it this way if I'm looking at my experience and that's a 6 12 credit score and then I look at my TransUnion and it's a 740 what credit bureau do i want it pulling from i'm using a lot of simple analogies to show you guys like this is this is like so simple you have to know the credit game you're getting denied because it's a computer system that doesn't like the answer and if you got a 500 and something credit score guess what most credit cards are not going to approve you would you loan to you would you be able to get a $20,000 credit line if you have a 500 credit score why would a bank allow you to get a $20,000 credit line so you can blow through the $20,000 and not pay him back I I wouldn't be I wouldn't want to lend 20,000 if I was a bank I wouldn't put out I'm gonna give you $20,000 because I believe that you have you have changed that those 17 late payments and 12 collections that it wasn't you maybe you were victim of identity theft but in reality if you have a 500 credit score or even anywhere in the 500 credit score's there is definitely negative on your credit for where that's charge-offs late payments or collections I can assure you that very very very very slim possibility that you make it into the 500s and it's because of utilization okay like in my case I went down to a 598 okay I had an 8 12 credit score I maxed out every one of my credit cards to start a business since obviously went back up again today hundreds but I knew that it was because of my utilization that it dropped me into the high five hundreds in most cases that's not the case most cases if you're in the 500s or even really under 650 there's some negative stuff so what happens is you apply you have no idea what to put on the application you fill it out thinking okay right and then you hope and you apply for credit cards that you have no clue what that credit card even expects right so you're applying for a Barclays card with a 512 credit score and they're like please give me this Berkeley green card which requires that over 700 but you didn't know that so what ends up happening is you get a bunch of inquiries and then after a bunch of inquiries the computer system says you know what this person is searching for credit and when you do too many inquiries in a short period of time it doesn't matter if you have an 850 credit score if I apply for 16 credit cards today I'd probably get five or six of them and the rest will be declined because the banks see that as you are looking for money that means you're cash-strapped and when you're cash-strapped you try to go to credit to be able to leverage to get more credit card so you could use those instead of Cask you don't allow cash so what are we doing these times okay and if you guys been watching me for years years and years and years I put out free content every single day to help you what I'm asking you to do is think about this for a second if you're applying for a credit card whether it's a credit one bank or you know first premier or some Capital One platinum something to lower credit limit cards okay you have to know what to apply for what credit bureaus are pulling from and basically am I gonna get approved by doing a pre-approval first now a pre-approval doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get approved but it gives you a pretty good option to say hey I may or may not based on this data or you could look into the credit game and the reason I say that is because there's thousands of people even through all this that are getting credit cards with low credit scores because they know what credit bureau it's pulling from they know the credit score needed to get that credit card and they understand what has to be because I lay all this out for you what has to be on your credit report to get that particular card and if you get denied let me tell you something if you get denied that does not mean that you do not get the card you see another huge misconception is they think that when you apply online that says hey we'll give you information we need information or we'll get back with you in seven to ten days that you believe that that's the end of it when in fact that's not the end of it that just means and I'm gonna tell you guys this tip right here if you get denied for a credit card especially in these times now let's say you didn't do the associates let's say you didn't get my platform you just said no I won't apply for a bunch of credit cards be done but let's just say devil's advocate here and you got denied I'll give you one strong tip you can do number one as soon as that comes back online contact the bank and say I applied for a credit card and I would liked it a reconsideration on this when you get to a human versus a computer humans especially right now are going through the same situation there's not a single person that you'll call that doesn't know about the coronavirus so they have sympathy whereas the computer doesn't so you got denied and it didn't like something on your credit report but what if you called and said you know what mr. Jones I really appreciate I really want to stay with you guys I really believe this is the the family of line of credit card that I wouldn't be I want to stay with you guys through Capital One forever and I really like this this card my friend has it he uses it all the time and I would really like you to reconsider looking at my credit card application and they will do that and then you have a human instead of a computer okay so think about that I teach you guys all this kind of stuff every trick and trade to getting looms to getting more credit cards to get a higher line of credits to getting credit line increases I just went through no joke I went through all my credit cards last night and I did what I do seven or eight of them I didn't do all of them but tonight I have a little bit more dough but I did seven or eight of them contact the bank talk to you human never do it online talk to you human said look right now with what the times are going on I need a credit line increase please right now I got support my family there's no income coming in and I would like to you know basically use it if I need it for emergency funds whatever the case is seven out of seven said yes telling you guys there's ways and tricks and things that I teach you how to do on here free but if you think this is good information I'm telling you today wait till you see this stuff that I put inside the credit game associates edition I mean it has it has everything I'm basically taking ten years of knowledge gaining and day out on credit and put it into a platform for you so do me a favor I want you to take action especially right now and contact me at nine oh four four two zero seven seven seven two by the way just so you know I'm inside the platform all day long and if you have questions on credit health relationships business scaling how to grow a company how to manage a company I don't care right now for the next 60 days I'm gonna it's I'm the one who's physically answering every question inside there so there's a platform that I put together where the chat box it's like a it's basically like a comment box I don't care if it's even off topic if it's off one of those topics in life in general put your question in there and I will answer that question for you guys it is like having a credit expert on staff 24/7 put your question in there I'll answer for you but that's our platform and right now you can not only fix your credit fix someone else's credit fix your mother's credit your father's credit your sister's credit your cousin's credit your uncle or aunt I don't care if it's a client or a co-worker you have the tools inside my platform to fix theirs as well as yours and make money doing it at the same time I'll show you how to make money inside the platform as well but if you're getting denied you got to call me you got to call me if you're getting denied for stuff and I can look and see what's going on and then say look this is what you need to do I'm giving you my time right now I have time and I want to give you the time to ask as many questions you have through this time what everybody just needs help I will be there for you guys so call me at nine oh four four two oh seven seven seven two I'm here for you and until tomorrow take care [Music]
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 35,524
Rating: 4.876833 out of 5
Keywords: Are You STILL Getting DENIED For Credit Cards With Bad Credit?, Credit Cards With Bad Credit, credit cards during recession, coronavirus stimulus check, how to come out on top of coronavirus, coronavirus, how to get credit cards with bad credit, credit repair templates, the credit game, how to do your own credit repair, credit game videos, mike singles, wholesale tradelines, Bad Credit Credit Cards, get credit cards with bad credit
Id: kHo8MYgCeVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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