Raise Your Credit Score 50 Points In Less Than 5 Minutes

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all right guys this is gonna be an absolute video of the year okay this is how we're gonna raise our credit score 50 points in less than five minutes this is what i've been teaching for many many years to learn the credit game my name is mike i'm from the credit game and before we even get started what helps me out tremendously you guys been doing a phenomenal job of that is actually hitting and smashing that like button and getting subscribed if it's your first time seeing me i appreciate watching if you've been with me for a minute i know you're already subscribed then make sure you turn on the bell notification there's a little bell you guys will see it's a little bell notification you guys will know the bell notification tells you that my videos are coming in every single day that's why i do it every day for you okay so today we're going to talk about how to raise our credit score 50 points in less than five minutes the first thing i want to talk about is a myth alert okay i want to put this to rest right away okay most people that come to us are probably between 550 and 600 credit score okay nobody calls us with an 800 credit score very rarely unless they're looking for you know some benefits on credit cards i've got ideas where like if you do have an 850 grand scoring i could give you some better things with travel and rewards and all that but the majority of our clients are coming to us with the 500s the 400s you know the average probably being right around 580. these people need help okay you guys need help even if you're into 600 even early 700s watch this what i'm going to share with you how to raise your credit score 50 points very very fast now i've got some gems coming your way now here's what i want you to do first thing you got to do is you got to check your credit report okay so pull up a credit karma it's free credit karma.com and see if you have any revolving accounts right now make sure that you have revolving accounts that are being paid on time okay revolving accounts would be a line of credit usually or a credit card okay jim and tip number one if you do not have any revolving accounts okay if you don't make credit cards okay and you don't have a line of credit that means that you typically probably have either a thin file or you do not have any uh credit cards or line of credit and you probably just have maybe some student loans maybe you have a car payment whatever the case is it's on your credit tip number one and where do you see we had a client to come to us last week this trick works tremendously fast okay to raise your credit score extremely quick okay if you do not have a revolving account okay what i want you to do is and i'm gonna put the link below inside the description box i don't want to immediately go and click on credit card builder i'm gonna put the link below you get a guys get a discount it is a revolving account so for you guys that don't have revolving accounts by adding this link okay and actually i'll let you get two of them you're gonna see in a second when i share with you what you can do you can actually get two of these which will build faster this right here brought our client from a 565 to a 615 credit score okay the reason is is because fico which is the scoring model really really helps people with revolving accounts they play heavy in way of increasing your credit score if you don't have any revolving accounts and maybe you just got like i said some student loans or maybe a car and you add a revolving account like i'm gonna put the one that i want you to get below this one works fast almost every single person will be approved it reports to all three credit bureaus it is a game changer now when you get the card okay here's the cool thing and you need to do this right away go spend ten dollars on the card immediately go buy lunch that's all i want you to do is go buy lunch when you do that because you are putting the debt on the card you're going to see the magic happen okay my magic number has always been two to three percent okay if you can keep your utilization of two to three percent okay so that's number one thing you'll see that in the description box it is the fastest way to raise your credit score if you do not have any revolving accounts now some of you guys are like look man i got some credit cards um you know i've already got a couple revolving accounts that i've been paying on time this may not apply to you but i also have something for you you want to add an authorized user okay now i'll give you some tips on authorized users and what you need to have so you can get that 50-point increase okay so let's say you've got some revolving accounts you've been making payments on time an authorized user just so i can educate you guys as well is somebody else's card that they're willing to share their credit with you okay maybe that's mom maybe that's dad maybe that's uncle brother or sister maybe it's maybe it's we can help you with that okay because that's what we do we've got a vetted vip vendor now i want to tell you the criteria so you know exactly what you're trying to do when it comes to getting an authorized user you have to make sure that mom dad whoever you're asking if it's a family member that the card itself has never had any late payments on the card it cannot have any late payments because when they add you as an authorized user all they got to do is call their bank no risks to them what's going to happen is everything transfers it's a copy paste from their credit history over to yours so a couple things you want to look for if that card itself has late payments it's going to then reflect on yours what late payments and then obviously that's a bad thing not a good thing okay so by adding an authorized user you want to be a good thing so make sure the card has no late payments make sure the card has utilization under 15 ideally 10 or under but i'll accept 15. okay so if mom's got a card she's had for x amount of time i'm gonna tell you as long as the utilization of that card i don't care the utilization of any other card the card that she's adding you to whoever it is under 15 would be ideal for the biggest impact you also want 10 000 credit limit plus okay and you also want something with five years of history remember we're talking about 50 plus points okay so the golden rule of thumb is that you get about five to seven points per year of authorized user that is being added so 10 years of history okay is going to give you approximately 50 to 70 points five years of history you might get somewhere between 35 and 40 points okay so that's the golden rule of thumb also make sure that the card actually reports to the credit bureaus because a lot of times commenity bank uh wells fargo is probably not a great one there's a couple cards out there that are you know they're just not that good okay so i'm gonna recommend barclays i'm gonna wreck capital one discover citibank um navy federal usaa those are great cards if you got family members that have those that fit the criteria that i just share with you go back through this video if you need to multiple times take some notes so you can check out what i'm telling you okay very very important i'm gonna put the link below this is for people with no credit low credit okay maybe you don't have any history maybe your history is very low you're looking for an authorized user you want to make sure that thing has about 10 years of history on it okay and if you can get something around 10k with 10 years of history i mean your score should jump anywhere between 50 and 80 points okay that's just the golden rule of thumb okay there's no magic number but that's about what you're gonna get okay for someone with a thin file or somebody that has um you know not many uh much history at all okay but maybe you don't have any revolving then if you don't have any revolving you're gonna see a link below for the credit card builder okay not only is it uh the approval is phenomenal like almost every single person will get approved not only that it reports to all three credit bureaus and they allow you to get two cards not just one okay so i'm just telling you some of the things that that um that is tremendously working for our clients remember everything that i bring to you is because i want you guys to know what our clients are bringing to us and then i find the solution the solution is people want to raise their credit score because guess what you guys worked your ass off you guys worked very hard and you deserve to get a house or you deserve to get a car now there's a big debate should i get a house should i buy a house or should i rent okay i'm gonna get into that really really quickly with you i always go by the golden rule of this rent where you live and purchase or buy something you can rent out because a house itself is actually a liability anything that takes money out of your pocket each month is a liability anything that puts money into your pocket is an asset so a house even though most people consider that an asset is actually taking money because you're paying the mortgage company each month when you buy something that you're going to rent out to somebody that's passive income coming in which also is known as a asset okay so again if there's controversy here whether or not to buy a house or not you know what america tells you get a house get a dog get a cat get your wife and kids and live a happy life and live like the 76 percent of people they're living paycheck to paycheck i'm going to tell you the opposite my job is to help you with your credit your finances that's what i do and i'm going to tell you that the wealthy people don't buy houses they rent the houses they do buy they rent out okay two things i'm going to recap if you've got no revolving credit first you gotta pull your credit report credit karma free okay freecreditreport.com free pull it up if you don't have any revolving accounts click the link below you'll see in the description box and get yourself one or two of these credit card builders so you can start immediately as soon as you get the card in the mail go out buy lunch on it and that's it go buy lunch and then pay the card off it's only like whatever seven ten bucks that's what i want you to do if you have revolving accounts then what i want you to do is i want you to think about authorized user now again family member friend co-worker maybe you know somebody that you know mommy daddy they'll say you know what i'll add you to my card just make sure it fits the criteria no late payments ever make sure the utilization is under 15 make sure the card has about 10 000 credit limit and about 10 years of um history now i'll settle for a 5k credit limit with 10 years of history but ideally a little bit higher credit limit would help more okay again we're looking for 50 to 100 points that's what i want you guys to be able to do and the criteria like i told you about five to seven points for every year that the authorized user card has on it because that's going to copy on to your credit report so again if the card has 10 years of history you're looking at about 70 points that it'll add to your credit these are for the people that already have revolving accounts now if you have revolving accounts that are in the negative okay because you're not making payments on them or you've missed a few payments it is okay there are companies out there i'm gonna tell you they're gonna drag you for about 18 to 24 months you guys know the companies that i'm talking about some of them may start with ll i'm not going to go out and batch companies but i'm going to tell you there's a bunch of companies out there maybe one starts with an o that'll drag you for 18 to 24 months and the reason they do that is because it is set up designed to challenge one thing or two things per month why because they get you on a monthly payment you're paying 100 to 250 or 150 bucks a month but you're paying it over 18 months and barely anything comes off okay so here's where we can help you if you want the help maybe you don't have a family member friend or somebody that has that criteria that i just shared above and you're looking for authorized users then you're going to want our associate to our bachelor's program we have vetted and screened the best vendors in the world that already have that criteria already okay if you're looking for credit repair and you don't want to waste your time because time is the most valuable commodity in the world and you're like you know what mike i don't have time to wait 18 to 24 months then call me i've got the fastest credit repair on the planet the credit game pri the proprietary letters and our vendor it is game over we're talking about results in 60 days okay this is what i'm talking about not dragging you out till 2023 okay getting results done fast people are happy the clients have been we've helped thousands and thousands of people just in the last 60 days alone so whether it's us whether it's somebody else just make sure that the criteria that i shared with you in this video is um that you've checked it to make sure no revolving accounts click the link below revolving accounts make sure you follow the criteria above we can help you with the au's through our vip vendor section we can help you with the elite credit repair if you don't want to wait 18 to 24 months like most companies drag you because it's a monthly plan we can help you with that as well i'm here to help i love you guys and that's my thanks for you guys doing everything that i ask here's the only thing i ask for this i need a thumbs up the more thumbs up i get the more viewers i get the more people i can help my goal in life is to raise the national credit average credit score by doing that my videos got to perform okay that's why i bring the strongest amount of value to you let me say this again i need you guys to like give me a thumbs up if this found you somewhere in the heart that you can give me a thumbs up on this i would appreciate it make sure you subscribe if you're not already subscribe and turn on the bell notification guys there's that bell in the top right corner okay just clicked it click the bell and then click all it'll tell you that every time i come to you which is every day guys not just once a week not every single day i'm coming to you to give you the most and up-to-date information on credit and finances okay this is the credit game my name is mike i'm here to help you like like no other now that i have gotten i want to give back so call me if you need to help 904-427-7772-904-427-7772 if not click the link below get yourself set up uh through the you go in the description box and you'll see the link that i put there for you guys that'll be able to help these people that don't have credit okay or have low credit or a thin file or not a lot of history okay this is the fastest way to get your credit score raised humanly possible i'm telling you i've been doing this for 10 years i'm the credit guru the god of credit and i don't say that to my horn it's not bragging if it's true i've ran the number one trade line company in america for seven years straight i know what i'm doing i know how to tell you how to raise your credit score fast but if you guys don't know and you want the help then call me that's what i'm here for so like subscribe turn your bell notification on let's see how many people how many likes how many subscribers i can get and how many people can actually turn on their bell notification 904-427-7772 thank you guys for watching credit game my name is mike i come to you every day to help you god bless take care oh
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 92,432
Rating: 4.9433336 out of 5
Keywords: Raise Your Credit Score 50 Points In Less Than 5 Minutes, how to raise your credit score, the best way to Raise Your Credit Score, Raise Your Credit, boost your credit, raise your credit 50 points, 50 points on credit score, credit score, credit cards, fastest way to boost credit, fastest way to boost my credit, fix credit, credit boosting tips, credit cards for fixing credit, credit cards for raising credit, credit game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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