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hey youtube what's going on i'm super excited about this video because we are talking about deep conditioning overnight so in this video i'm going to be talking about the whole discussion around bacteria and mildew and if the time matters like how long you condition on your hair the whole thing about hyper fatigue and who should be doing this and how often so before i get into that i just want to say this this may not be for you and that is okay if you have tried the conditioning overnight before and it did not work out great for your hair that's okay and i say this because as i was preparing this video i'm hearing people who say that they love it and i'm hearing those who say that they do not like it and they don't love it and that's okay that being said let's get started so let's talk about the whole mildew bacteria topic now let's dissect a deep conditioner formula so here i have a ingredient list of a deep conditioner and here i have an ingredient list of a leave-in conditioner you will notice that they are pretty much very similar and leave-in conditioners are things that you actually put on damp hair and you don't rinse them out you keep them on there and your hair is pretty good without mildew so the same thing with deep conditioner what happens is these formulas have a built-in preservative system within it these preservatives are designed to kill off any type of mildew bacteria mold fungus yeast all of those things from growing within the hair while it's on the hair but also in the bottle as well when we are launching new products we have to test these formulas at different temperatures and a lot of these temperatures are going to be very humid wet warm you know type humidity temperatures where these preservatives have to withstand and actually continue to work even in these temperatures that actually resemble when you sleep at night with conditioner on your hair under a cap now i will say this application matters if you do decide to deep condition overnight i would not recommend it on wet hair you do not put this on like drenched wet hair it is better on towel dry hair for two reasons number one it makes sleeping so much better because no one wants to sleep with a wet head and then number two you're going to get better product absorption when you have towel dried hair versus soaking wet hair if you decide to do this method make sure to apply the product at least an inch away from your scalp just so that it's not directly on the scalp so just an inch away start from here and then go ahead and move the conditioner going downward also if you have a pre-existing scalp condition whether that's a bacterial fungal infection on your scalp or you suffer from dandruff on a regular basis then i would not recommend deep conditioning overnight now as far as like the timing goes and the duration of the product is on your hair if it's the longer the better now i know in the past video i said anything over 30 minutes and 60 minutes is kind of overkill but one thing i'm learning is that when you have conditioners that have an increased amount of cationic surfactants they actually do perform a lot better on low porosity hair for example those who have high frosty hair are going to have more negative charges on the cuticle of their hair so therefore conditioners with cationic surfactants these positive charges are going to work a lot quicker on the hair cuticle because of so many negative charge it's going to be like like that now with low porosity hair we don't have that many negative charges so it might take a little bit longer for a conditioner to really do its thing to a high level capacity so in that case once again case by case that is when these prolonged times of deep conditioning can be really beneficial for low porosity hair okay now high growth fatigue hydro fatigue now here's the thing with hybrid fatigue and deep conditioning overnight if you have high porosity hair and if you have cargo fatigue i would not recommend deep conditioning overnight for the simple reason because your cuticles are already lifted so you really don't need any additional excessive amounts of water now if you have low porosity hair this can be a great option but then also i i know some low porosity people who don't like you can stream overnight but then i also know some little process people who like depicting overnight but either way i will said if you do decide to deep condition your hair overnight definitely consider adding pre to your regimen because it's going to help to be a preventative method to avoid hyper fatigue while you are deep conditioning overnight so who should be doing this number one if you have high frosty hair no if you have low porosity hair it's case by case and if you don't have no time and you're like look i'm just tired providing you have high frosty hair and you should be good to go now how often i'm not going to say do this every week i don't recommend it every week this is one of those things where like you do it once in a blue moon for me deep conditioning overnight might take place like once every two months like on rare occasions where i feel like my hair needs that extra tlc okay so if you guys enjoyed this video like i said before this may or may not work for you i will say this if you do decide to try it and you see that it doesn't work for your hair that's okay hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys learned something new of course this is a natural hair community i really want this community to stay positive i've been seeing so many videos online about people leaving the natural community because sometimes it can get kind of toxic you know and i see that sometimes in my comments when someone's getting mad because it doesn't work for them to work for someone else like that's not it's not necessary okay so i'm all about love peace and positivity on my channel you guys already know you guys rock with me for a minute you guys know in my comments i'm quick to be like hey if it works for you stick with it if it works for you stick with it that's just my motto because everyone's hair is different period okay i do have a question for you guys what is your favorite deep conditioner comment below and i look forward to joining the conversation with you so i love you guys thank you so much for subscribing watching this video commenting all of that stuff all right i'll talk to you guys soon bye you
Channel: Curly Chemistry
Views: 55,248
Rating: 4.9575014 out of 5
Keywords: curly chemistry, hair loss, growing long hair fast, best oil for hair growth, best products for hair growth, cosmetic chemist, grow hair faster, hair thinning, helps to grow hair, easy hair recipes, easy hair growth recipes, self care for curly hair, hot oil treatments, deep condition overnight, how to get softer hair, black chemist, how to get thicker hair, how to start a hair care line, leaving natural hair community
Id: DLMjh8gS2XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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