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hey what's going on super excited this video because we are talking about low porosity hair and there's so many of you out there that are low porosity and there's so many challenges with it as well so in this video i'm going to be sharing some ingredients and techniques that you need to be doing to help your hair that you will see results instantly because it's really not as complex as you think it is but on top of that i have those frosty hairs of course i'm going to share what works for me so stay tuned okay so first of all what exactly is low frosty hair so it is a hair cuticle that has very closed cuticles so these cuticles are sealed they are not lifted up and it is lipophilic meaning low crossy hair loves oil but it does not like water it needs water but it still doesn't like it now the issue with this for low porosity hair the biggest challenge is dryness because you have those tight cuticles it's kind of difficult to get moisture within the hair aka water within the hair right but it's so interesting because high porosity hair they have the opposite issue they can get water in or moisture in but they can't keep it in they can't retain it because their cuticles are lifted so let's talk about some techniques and some ingredients that you can do now to see some changes so how to really know if you have little frosty hair of course you can do the strand test you put you know your hair and water and it floats low porosity if it sinks high porosity another way you can do is to see how fast it takes for your hair to get wet if your hair takes a while for it to get wet more than likely you are low porosity if your hair takes a long time to dry more than likely you are low porosity so those are just some key indicators also low porosity hair doesn't really get as frizzy very often so the first thing i want to recommend is that using watery liquidy light moisturizers over cream based moisturizers now if you already have a previous moisturizer that's your hair love stick with it but if it doesn't work you're looking for some alternatives i would recommend this idea because the more liquidy the formula is the higher the moisture the higher the water content in that formulation now of course water alone is not enough because you know you've probably seen it you spray water on your hair and you get little water beads just chilling on the cuticle not really going in just sitting on top of the cuticle that's because of the lipophilic nature of low porosity hair so i recommend this utilizing conditioner inside of your water spritz mixer thing that you have in your spray bottle make some conditioner in there because when you have water mixed with some conditioning surfactants it actually makes water a lot easier to absorb into the hair so not only are you getting better water absorption into the cuticle but the conditioning surfactants which happen to be more lipophilic are going to stay on the outer part of the cuticle to help protect that moisture that just got absorbed into the hair in addition it's going to soften the cuticle to make it more manageable for you okay and number two i would say consider using humectants in your regimen like aloe vera juice i think it is amazing and many of you guys do as well because not only is it a humectant but it's also acidic so it's going to be ideal for our hair so it's going to soften the hair bring shine to the hair and moisturize the hair and if you're looking for this ingredient i would say make sure it's at least within the first four or five ingredients on the ingredient list to make sure that you're getting enough of it in your hair also look for mucilage like humectants like flaxseed gel marshmallow root slippery elm because even though they are very gooey and good for curl definition they're also humectants and they're also going to draw moisture to the hair and they contain polysaccharides and polysaccharides generally give you a nice film-forming moisturizing layer around the cuticle and the third thing i'm going to say is consider investing in a humidifier especially if you have low frosty hair because that heat is going to help to open the cuticles just a little bit not crazy but just enough to get some additional moisture in there or you can consider doing overnight deep conditioning treatment this is something that i did a lot early on in my hair care regimen i would legit go to bed with my conditioner on put a shower cap on and then my stock on top of that and the heat from my body was just giving me this really cool deep treatment overnight and now i'll just rinse it out the next morning so i would say that's another great tip as well okay so now to what i use so when it comes to moisturizing my hair i want to say this i will charge my hair at least two or three times a week some of you guys think that you know you have to find this amazing moisturizer that keeps your hair moisturized for the entire week you don't have to another example i gave recently in my comments was like imagine if you just put lotion on your skin once a week by day two or three your skin is gonna be ashy it's gonna be dry it's gonna be gray it's gonna be like okay homegirl where's the lotion same thing with our hair so if you have to moisturize your hair multiple times a week that is okay do whatever your hair needs you to do okay so number one my moisture spritz is water and the aussie moist avocado conditioner i literally just use like maybe two or three squirts and then i fill the rest up with water and that's it i mix that up and i spray my hair that is like my liquid moisturizer if i have a need for a creamy base moisturizer then i'll use the aussie moist leave-in conditioner which is kind of very watery like but it's amazing for moisture and the aussie moist i believe it's called the frizz taming cream i'll have the picture for you guys but that's another great moisturizer and last but not least the kuzo black castor oil moisturizing lotion i love those like those are like my top free moisturizers currently and of course i either seal with hair grease or i'll still would like a diy oil that i have here at home so yeah that's what i do so yeah so hope you guys enjoyed this simple video on low porosity hair if you guys learned something i have a question for you before i even say my question i just want to say you guys are amazing in the comment box below because you guys are actually helping each other out and this is why i do the q a because when i ask you guys questions you guys share so much wealth of knowledge that's helping so many other people so thank you thank you thank you so the question today is what is your favorite product for your low profit hair and for those who may not have favorite product what is your biggest challenge with having a little frosty hair is it the dryness is the tingles is it the lack of shine like what is it so we can definitely help you guys out and i look forward to joining the conversation as usual thank you guys for getting the curly girls got to hair care ingredients i love you guys you guys are just amazing i'm so happy that it's super helpful thank you guys who have been signing up for consultations for your hair care line i'm so excited to work with you for more information about that i'll have a special link for you below don't forget to subscribe to this channel make sure notifications are on i'm preparing to do an amazing video on coconut oil and then after that another video on hair growth you are not going to want to miss these videos so make sure notifications are on so thank you guys for watching i will talk to you soon [Music] bye
Channel: Curly Chemistry
Views: 98,735
Rating: 4.967103 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: erh64AXQiJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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