The Secret Life of Butters In Your Hair!

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hey what's going on I'm so excited for this video because we are going to be talking about butters everyone loves a good hair butter right at least I know I do however we have some concerns here like all these moisturizing do they penetrate the hair I have low porosity hair I have high porosity hair what is the best butter for me what is the purpose what is a butter we're gonna talk all about it so stay tuned okay so when it comes to a butter I want you to begin thinking of the butter as the same thing as an oil but just a solid version a different form that is all a butter is it does the same thing as an oil now scientifically butters are solid because they have a high amount of saturated fatty acid now we're going to be Liz Pacific and we'll talk about serious acid that is a saturated fatty acid that actually contributes to the butter like shea butter for example that contributes to the solidness of that butter but on the flip style you have a high amount of unsaturated fatty acid like oleic acid and that kind of gives you that melty oily butter you feel that we love so much so you kind of have like a balance here of a hard-ass off whatever and you put it together you just really don't you know hair butter now that is what chemically what a hair butter is now the purpose I get access question all the time do butter's moisturize the hair no they do not because they do not contain water anytime talk about moisturizing there has to be water involved whether it's a glycerin that has a humectant that draws in water or if it's an aloe vera juice but in the case of butters and oils there's no water in bottle therefore oils do not moisturize the hair I'm not a question they penetrate the hair it depends it depends on two things really so we go little bit deeper inside y-axis the fatty acid has to be pretty small okay so it actually penetrates at the hair and there are actually three butters that do penetrate into the hair that has high amounts of the teeny-tiny fatty acid called lauric acid lauric acid is structurally linear so it's very flat so therefore it can actually penetrate to the hair a lot easier and the three butters that enter into the hair are coconut oil which is also a fire because think about it it's kind of solid bobasa loyal same thing coconut oil as well and rural moral butter so if you want to borrow that finished rice use some great butter slash oils to look into now on the flip side the majority of butters like our beloved shea butter and our mango butter and our Kapaa su butter and cocoa butter they are not going to penetrate to the hair they are going to protect the hair so what does that mean Tonya that means they're going to create a nice film on the hair they're going to soften the hair they might even use some shine it's um an ability there but they are not going to penetrate the hair which is okay because either way you need that balance which leads into my next topic why do butters and oils fill dry my hair I want to tell you why typically and it's not for everybody but this is for some people a lot of times people put oil / butters on at the wrong time meaning they are missing a step now I created this really cool method that I think is really dope I'm gonna make a video on it but it's called PNP now when it comes to effectively moisturizing your hair PNP is ideal what is campy Tonya I'm going to tell you right now so you're going to want to penetrate the hair moisturize the hair protect the hair okay a lot of times people are putting oils and butters on the hair without properly moisturizing the hair so therefore you have this film on your hair but there's no moisture underneath so therefore it just feels like straw and it feels just like that so when it comes to penetrating your hair the first P that helps to prevent high rule fatigue the last thing you want is your hair to absorb too much moisture to point that it just gets weak and starts to break you don't want that so penetrating oil or butter number one number two moisturize it can be just straight-up spraying water on your hair or it could be a pretty moisturizer whatever your friend was driving is that can be what that is alright and then the last step is protect this can be your mangled butter your shea butter your sunflower oil whatever but this combination is going to help you tremendously I don't talk too much about my hair but I will say this I've been doing this method for the past few months now and my hair is growing and is super shiny is really really doing food really good so I'll make another video on pnp but that's just a quick little snippet now let's talk about the best butters for your hair type slash porosity now let's break it down into two categories if you have thin hair you may want to stay away from the heavier butters because you know put your hair down and you're not gonna be happy so you have thin hair I will stick with light oils like jojoba or maybe some grapeseed things like that now you have thicker hair like mine your hair can withstand the mango and the shea butter you know now if you have high porosity hair you definitely want to go towards the heavier butters like the mango or the Shea or the heavier oils like castor avocado because you have these lifted cuticles and you need some help and getting them closed tightly so you can seal in that moisture so heavier butters like the mango and the share gonna help you do that on the flip side for me I have low porosity hair but I have thick low porosity hair so I can get down with the mango butter and shea butter however if you have like let's say thins low porosity hair then I would say the same thing with thinner hair you want to stick with the lighter oil just to avoid your hair feeling way down now can butters change your hair texture no they cannot butters chemically are not able to break the disulfide bonds in our hair to change the structure to change the texture of it but it will weigh down so that's why I would definitely mention that if you do use butters and oils to make sure that you regularly shampoo your hair I'm not talking about co-washing I'm talking about shampoo your hair what a cleansing surfactant whether that's called a glucoside whether that's cocoa miracle attain whatever but shampoo on your hair readily just to avoid buildup also quick tip don't put butters like shea butter mango butter on your wet hair because it becomes very difficult to comb your hair if you want to come here with oil use an actual oil like a sunflower avocado but try to stay away from butters on wet hair now when it comes to hair care labels and formulations if you see a butter in like the top five ingredient list more than likely is there for textures therefore feel is there for softness because that's what oils and butters do now if you have like an ingredient list that has like 20 ingredients and the butter is weighed on the bottom more than likely it's a marketing ingredient or it's just in there just because and it's not really contributing to the formula itself so long story short I hope you guys enjoy this video on butters I hope that you learned something amazing I kind of a bit of this in my book the curly girls guide to haircare ingredients if you have not gotten your book what are you waiting for get the book is amazing you're going to love it the link is below definitely check it out and I also have a question for you this list let's take it back to the oil video if you had to go let's say on a cruise ok we on a seven-day cruise y'all we're going to Turks and Caicos you going somewhere I almost said Barbados are we going to the Bahamas we're going to Barbados have a good time but you can only bring one butter I'm at once you're mine yet but what is yours let me know below and make sure you notifications are on because my next video you're not gonna want to miss it and I'm still debating what to talk about because I'm like okay hair grease or the curly girl method cuz I still got some dish of the curly girl method but hair grease y'all I feel like it's gonna make a comeback because hair grease is not as bad as you think it is as long we'll say all right I love you guys make sure my features are on definitely subscribe to this channel and I will see you guys soon all right bye [Music]
Channel: Curly Chemistry
Views: 87,799
Rating: 4.977705 out of 5
Keywords: best oils for natural hair, best butters for natural hair, best hair butters for natural hair, mango butter, shea butter, cupuacu butter, best natural hair care videos 2020, curly chemistry, black cosmetic chemist, start your hair care line, how to start a hair care line, best oils for curly hair, best butters for curly hair
Id: AHh-LwIe1aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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