Secret Garage/Tunnel Update #6 FLOODED!!

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way up secret garage folks right where are we at well as you can see I've got some paint on the floor and boy do I like a bit of paint on the floor it makes it so tidy you know I love tidiness now before we get too far in this video have to say since the beginning this video is sponsored by insta 360 no wonderful Ace Pro Camera it's what I'm filming on right now and the whole video is going to be filmed on this camera and I'll be going through some various features at some point but the first thing I like about it is it's got voice commands and a flip up screen at the back and as I film on my own all the time that is very useful but anyway what are we doing in here well look at this we got a nice black clear floor I just love it when it starts to get cleaner starts to get tidier now what I've done this week basically is I've been in here I've been working on this obviously I've filled all the holes in where the concrete where we saw the concrete come in they've all been welded up it's all been painted we've got a nice solid floor now which is really good now ideally I'd have liked to start putting the extra rebar around the outside of the walls got some more Concrete in but with before we was dealing with torrential rain we've not got rain now it's blooming freezing it's minus 5 outside now I know there's some people watching that are in Canada and they're likeus 5 I go have some B in man five you may do but we don't and obviously messing around in a hole with bits of metal getting covered in mck in minus 5 is not very good so I've got the floor painted what I'm going to do now I'm going to put some sockets there a socket here that's not fix to the wo yet and I'm stick another one around there and basically extend the ring main which we've got in here comes around here at the minute this is it goes a long a and then goes to this little socket here next to the fan so I'm going to pull it out there slash it back feed it through round to this one and then obviously joint up to that one and then go back to that socket and then we'll get some insulation cut put in the bottom here start getting some floorboards down and then this whole thing will be nice and tidy and I might get a bit of old bit of carpet cuz I like my old carpet put a bit of old carpet down here I can come down here and have dinner kind of anyway con there's enough of that but now the concrete's gone off well look put this around here that's all good I'll get R to it next week it's warming up next week it's probably going to start raining again yeah it's a usual calling first problem with weather in a minute but you know you did start this project in the winter Colin right let's get this done and then after that I think I'm going to make myself a temporary door and then that will stop this condensation issue cuz I've got my do midify going but of course we minus five outside and 14 odd degrees in the tunnel it can't go with that it's too much it's too much people it's too much right get on with it come on do some stud welding Out The Way of the flooring oh by the way milk and tea t-shirts it's your time yes get yourself your own milkin tea t-shirt also available as a wonderful zi of hoodie and if you're a colder person you can have this wonderful gray hooded top made from a super thick heavyweight weave so get yourself over to the Colin first cuz when they're gone they're gone the we Mr St welder come here this this is a beautiful P this is now ideally you have the two clamps and then you have the stud in the middle so it goes across so if we just shove them down here and you get your little stud put that in the end there put it on the do fullon safety Squints this one is and it's on Proby lad I turn that and you can just keep going bang bang bang put that on there I can't see what I'm doing there you guys are in the way there we go tell me this electrician people is this the ultimate Earth for the house you normally get a lot Earth rods that go into the ground thing but this is one giant Earth Rod surely I'm took my shoes off I don't want to get this mcky hell [Music] no now look for all the electricians watching look look watch this look look at this controversial col controversial under it these little gaps are here for look I've not got much longer cuz the uh video that you watched the other week the update five goes out in about 10 minutes to give you an indication of what time it is right now I've knocked it right while I go and answer as many of your comments as possible in the last video check out this camera it is quite impressive the Ace Pro is an action camera from the makers of the brilliant insta 360 with some standout features that I find really useful looking like an action camera it's waterproof to 10 m and like others has displays front and rear but the Ace Pro main screen flips up so if you're a selfshooter you can see if you're in frame or check your shots without the need to connect to an app this has been a game changer for me in tight spots it connects the mounts via the popular system but you can disconnect the camera from the mountain bracket with This brilliant locating locking mechanism saving you time undoing screws the lens is a German made Leica lens with a massive 1 and 1/3 in sensor for superb Clarity but when combined with its 5 nanometer AI chip and set in pure video mode low light IM quality is best in its field with excellent noise reduction and as you can see from this side by side clip the difference is extremely noticeable you can't even see the sofa on the other one but in the Ace Pro the full room is recognizable in all its Glory even the stabilization in the dark is good it has a wide range of shooting modes from time lapse hyperlapse if you want to make it look like your speeding through life or starps to check if the universe is where it should be it can shoot 120 FPS slow-mo at 4K and 240 FPS at 1080p with normal video up to 8K it has added Freedom with voice activation to start and stop recording if you can't quite reach the button start recording and if you're in public and you don't want to shout at your camera you can use gestures instead settings and parameters are quick to change from all your shooting screen without loads of menus to scroll through also to capture your social media Clips in parallel free frame mode lets you line up the landscape and portrait shots in unison so check out the insta 360 Ace Pro at my link in the description and the first 30 orders will get the best deal of 10% discount and a free screen protector okay now back to the secret garage where I seem to have water in places I don't want water here we are these are the things I don't like so I've took this bit of wood up to obviously get to the plug socket and we got a bit of water in here two reasons this could be happening it could have been when this bit like flooded with water that it's basically just ran down here and got to here which potentially is the most likely because there was water right up to here and it is all it's all on a level so what you know why wouldn't it and it's got a cable it can creep along as well or of course cuz it's near the fan is that it's condensed in the tube and then dropped down cuz obviously I don't use this fan very much cuz it doesn't need it the the air in here kind of self circulates itself um but obviously if there's has got warm air which has traveled back up that tube and then where it comes out at the top it condensates massively on my like overhang roof cuz that's metal as well and potentially that could then be dripping back down here so I think if I take these screws out and have a look to see if the pipe up there is wet if that's wet it's coming from there if it's not wet it's com from down there in which case we'll just dry it up and it doesn't matter but this is a reason why we paint the Flor to things like this right let's whip that off got the camera set on pure video at the minute which is for low light it's not as bright in the tunnel as what it is in that room please be dry please be dry up there please let it just be a little bit of the flood ow I hit my finger oh it's not going from there no way there are let me move you you you guys come have and look there we are look that that's all come running down there that's good your heart sinks don't it when you think you do cuz I mean let's face it if this tunnel leaks that's that's like its worst nightmare if if BL thing fills up the water so I've done everything I can to stop it from leaking so if it ever fills it with water it's not going to go anywhere I mean technically if you turn the electric off fill the O pipe up when it's finished you've got an underground swimming pool ain't you and know what you're thinking that's actually worth considering right what a mess you've made Colin look at this right I've come back down again this morning after yesterday where we found this little puddle down here and I mocked it up and it's back again so is that just a little bit of residue that's come from further up cuz it was a little bit still up here it was only a tiny bit didn't look like very much or is it dripping down here and filling it up again right that's plug sockets working that feels good I ain't got Blum in extension leads lashed everywhere there right next up flooring so f up the barn and I've chopped a load of um I think these are like 180 200 mil strips can't remember now so I need to cut these in all around the outside put them all down here and then of course we need to put celotex whatever it's called insulation in all the gaps and we can get that down and then this will start to feel more like a complete room and then also I'll probably set yourself up a little bit of a workbench in here temporary put the welders under put all the tools and all the stuff that's just been landing around everywhere so it'll have a nice little working shelf and then that'll please me very much then I can start getting this extra rebar in because I think this is the last day of the cold of course I forgot to add earlier you can't pour concrete in minus 5 can you no so we can start getting that round and then we can get the concrete about halfway up the wall and then maybe if we got time we'll go up to like what I call the guttering height if you can imagine this was outside you you'd have guttering along there wouldn't you and do that right let's sort the floor out and uh [Music] yep [Music] oh we got a beautiful FLW now I do apologize for [Music] this that one has got the writing up the rest of them are all just silver sorry about that if it keeps me up tonight I'll come down and change it the reason why I haven't changed it it's a very tight fit I've tried flicking it out and I'm just going to snap all the edges up so doesn't bother me that much I don't want to break it right next job to get these bits of wood in so we got to cut the little bits out for the 50 mil box section one in there one in there one in there one in there one in there and then oh we can so out this bit here get that nice and uniform put some middle bits of wood in oh that is going to change the vibe of this place so [Music] much there we go I knew them all come in handy can't be a bit of cable management okay I started lifting floorboards up in here to try and find the end of this water source it goes back a lot further than what I want it to I'm not very happy nope okay this is obviously way worse than I originally thought the key question here is where did the water come from did it definitely come from that side when we had all that rain and them floods and it all bellowed out on that floor has it just crept along here and then just found its way cuz the thing that will happen obviously with these insulation boards underneath is once a little bit of water touches them it will just capillar itself and it will just creep and find its way across the whole thing and of course there's any little low spots it'll fill that up so potentially it could take quite a lot of water down here and you know it's not going to fill up there's a gap over there on that side and that's bone dry which is a good thing it's still wet in that direction so I might have to take a little bit of this kind of entrance hall up here up cuz I want to try and get this all dried up leave it all up let it dry out properly and also see if any more comes from anywhere else cuz of course the worst case scenario is is there is a leak somewhere and with all the rain we had it's finding its way through the concrete in through the steel and then into here cuz that's like that's really bad cuz then of course this is just going to happen forever every time we get any torrential rain I'm quite confident it's not that and I am pretty sure it has just come from down there and crept its way along because this bit has been up for what year two years and obviously it had an open end here we never had any issues like that right let me get this all dried up and then swept up cleaned up tidy all the stuff out the way oh this is not the job I wanted to do this morning mhm M oh yeah get through some blue roll today and I I could just go and get mop but we like mops not a fan of mops a mop is conceding I've had a flood whereas this is merely a spillage can accept a spillage although do I go all click baity on the video and put un flooded oh It's Tricky don't really not really a fan of things like that but you know everybody loves a bit of Jeopardy don't they Ah that's dry well that's good it didn't get that far yep that's wet as well well this this is not exciting at all probably is for you guys but I'm not enjoying this morning but look it's dried out already I've only whipped them up a little it and it's all dry out so I think we've just got to have the two side bits over there and just whatever whatever just do it Colin right got to a now lifted this little bit up and it's thinning out but there still water there so I think best peel this bit of carpet back here and then take this Center bit out and then we can see whether it's wherever it is right we're there it's gone round there got to about here and stopped and then it's crept a little bit along that way and stopped that is it I have reached the end of it now I knew there was a problem as soon as I peeled the carpet back cuz you can smell it it's kind of a mixture of red oxide paint and pond but it does explain something this light after the first floods all those months ago kept tripping out and stopped working and didn't really think out of it I thought the me power pack or something's probably died or whatever CU it sat under the floor of course it's been sat in water cuz it just sits down here and of course this was all absolutely paddling wet it still is a little bit so I'm not going to turn that on just yet cuz I end up in darkness so that explains that that explains when it happened I mean if you if you look at progress video one or two really was when we had those first major floods so this has all been sat under air for a good well couple of months nearly so that ain't great but then at the same time it's good of now sorting it out the good things about this is I don't think the tunnel's leaking that's a massive relief obviously we don't want that and now there's a roof in there it shouldn't happen because when them first rains come down there wasn't a roof on it there was just a floor it come bellowing in on that floor and then it's just it's just come along here like a river basically so I didn't think it was that much water but of course it doesn't you know it's a puddle isn't it it's a puddle that's just kept creeping right finish drying this off I might give this bit here another lick of paint cuz it's just looking a bit sad this bit is this here is not too bad that's fine I'll leave that so and then I can put some paint on down here once it's all dried put it all back together again and then we can continue with our day and it's been one of them days where I was hoping to get a bit more floorboard down in there I should be so luy I'll be lucky if I get all the floorboards in here back down oh look there the hydraulic system that for those of you are slightly new here there is a hydraulic system underneath the floor as well which goes all the way up to the pump in there and that's it where it comes down and then there's some little fittings little flat face fittings that stick out the floor and it also can power this mid press Let's uh a bit of a paint [Music] up okay that's got that all back down together again nice and dry it's a good job JN but it's not how I imagine my Saturday going now then I've lowered some bits of floor sheet down and I've gone to put them down in here looks very nice I don't know what my measurements were for though because I've got I've hit this bar nicely but I don't hit this one so I don't quite know what I was thinking with that cuz look they're like they don't bridge this Gap is that supposed to go there I don't know I've got four I'm just going to lay them down temporary for the minute I think I don't know don't know what I was thinking that day but I've not got that right have I [Applause] [Music] okay floor's down looks very nice now next job we got to put more rebar up the back of these walls now we've got a little bit sticking up which is welded to the side we need to cut the pins off which held it in place when we did that first concrete pour because we want the rebar within the concrete to not touch anything else so it can't get any electric corrosion it can't pass anything through from the the ground or anything outside so drop some new bits down tie it to that with little ties and then up the walls we got these little posts which will stick on they'll hold it off the wall and they'll keep it there so when the concrete comes down it doesn't all just push it flat up against it and then we've got to get another mesh of rebar in front of that and then once we've done that I'd say that is all the tricky jobs done because when we do it here going to do it first yeah every day the garage gives birth to a first this uh this camera is definitely brighter definitely I can see from the uh from the in it you know what I [Music] mean all the claustro phobic clust all the all the claustrophobic people didn't like this did they in the last video there we [Music] go okay here I am in a tight Corner as usual got my rebar up against the wall got another bit around the corner here now we need to stitch them together on the corner so I've bent these little 90° bits up and we're going to put them across there and then tie them up tie them up you say what are you going to do that with well you can do it by hand with a little Wiggly tool or if you want to be Flash in 21st century you can get one of these got this some Power Tool Mate there were the guys that hooked me up with the Milwaukee tool wall back at the barn and all you do is just put it around look press the trigger boom it's tied there we go that's got that nicely around the corner beautiful let's get a bit down here around there right it's concrete day again today sorry I didn't film too much when me putting that rebar in but it's a little bit tricky with me squeezing down there trying to set cameras up even with voice recording and a flip up screen right that's all got that in look it's all brace it's all at the correct distances and everything beautiful then if we come down into the actual room wipe your feet now to stop the walls Bo cuz concrete has a lot of mass there's a lot of weight to it I've been told to use the word mass not weight we got these 45 de these are all pinned up they're bolted to the wall there and the floor beams there so when it starts to fill up there's no chance of this wall light Bo in because concrete has got some serious power behind it and the last thing we want is a banana shaped wall cuz you'll notice it soon as you come in the room ain't no good and then over here we got these little pins sticking out I don't if you can see them properly they blend in a little bit with the background we're basically filling up to about here today which is where they they go all the way up and what that is is when the rebar obviously continues this way we've got them to tie on to there's your 400 mil sticking out which is your overlap for that size mesh and then there we are got a load of mesh in there very nice I better make sure I don't bury my light oh which does actually lead me to one thing so many comments on the last video thinking that this light got buried it hadn't I know you could see the light coming through the hole in the floor but it was basically down the side there shining through the mesh everyone was like no the lights in the concrete but but it wasn't it's fine it's made it it's got covered in concrete a little bit of splashes right concrete man's going to turn up Chris is here again look so then Chris tell me about the response from the last video mental mental you see Collins good for business still charged me though didn't you still charge me so I've got my little uh plastic bit to stop it like teing any of the um soil from the top down with it don't want that and then I got my super shoe to go super in over here down in there look at this look what's this what's this premium in prices and you turn up with [Music] this let me just go and check my little barricade cuz if that's not working we're filling the room up Ah that's all right that's just a spillage yeah go on fire Lo Mor okay here we are the morning after the night before concrete which I said before and I have actually realized makes no sense whatsoever right it's all gone off the walls this time actually got quite warm the floor didn't for some reason I was a little bit disappointed with that cuz when we did the tunnel like because the whole thing was surrounded and obviously it's got all the dirt and Earth above it it's kind of encased in its own little capsule it got Mega hot it was was like 35° in there it was like being in some sort of weird oven um but the floor never got hot but these walls have got quite warm to touch it's very nice now down here it's all gone off nicely and you see look at that beautiful there's lovely now next job we're going to fill it up a little bit more next video um now this isn't too bad these are all pretty much where we want them to be that one might W pulling across slightly so I can put a little clamp or something up there but over here along this wall I had to pull the outer one over so it kind of Lent up against its stays which are at the middle and then pulled it into the right position so I can't I didn't have to do it there but I did need to do it here but of course now that's got concrete around it they're all you know solidified in the position they need to be so I can undo them clamps get it where it needs to be bend it twist it or whatever and then if we've got any extensions to make to go up because that rebar has to go up to just underneath where the rebar for the slab goes across the top but I'll explain all that in the next video These supports don't need to be here anymore I don't know if you remember the plates that went down the back of all the holes in it but of course the concrete would have flooded around them that would have hold this held held this wall in position so this can't bend anymore cuz it's fixed that that concrete porle we've just done and also the weight of concrete up here is's a lot less worry than what it would have been down here at the bottom so these can come out the floor can go back the Mankey car can get dragged back over it and then this room can start to be used a little bit more without the constant upheaval of dragging everything up I mean I'm going to have to swap the floor at some point cuz I don't know what measurements I went to but we'll worry about that probably when the whole thing's nearly finished right there we go see you in the next video might nearly be on a million subscribers as I'm speaking if not past it thank you very much if you've not subscribed what are you up to get that sorted uh these cameras I've been using this now for a month the things I would miss the little clicky thing that you can take the camera off the mount that is a very useful feature for swapping it on mounts not having to do under all the screws that is fantastic the flip up screen again that is very useful I have used the uh voice activation a lot too and of course it is good in low light so generally yes I am very pleased with the cameras cuz I am a camera fresher I fresh all the cameras which I ever use and uh and these are good I'm impressed right you you've got links and stuff if you're interested in that I will see you in the next one oh these these will be coming off sale soon so if you want one get one right shut up Colin get on with it does whatever he [Music] does under what house here is a cers cers call does whatever he does have a bike set a fire build on the ground watch down here is the
Channel: 2 Much ColinFurze
Views: 3,141,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cw98XLRqXlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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