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foreign [Music] okay the makers of the game Warframe have challenged me to come at the machine which makes me move like their characters the tenno so I need to be able to jump higher than the can now I need to be able to move unlike I can now I basically need to be able to fly to become an ultimate Parkour in space ninja this is the machine that is going to allow me to do it [Music] okay it's a simple machine everything swings around this little Center pivot here on this side we've got this massive block that weighs a ton and then there's a seven and a half meter long arm first sits in here but to fine tune the balance I can move this last bit in and air on a hydraulic ram from a little control panel here now as well as it all bins pivoted and centered around there the whole thing can spin round in circles so you can go round and round again excellent if you want to see how I made this there is a video on my channel where you can see that and this whole thing if that ain't worth a subscription I don't know what is right let's get in it sure it works right to get on it just sit on the seat I've got two straps one that comes across my belly one that goes up and over my legs which is kind of a bit like a harness which like properly fixes me into it now at a minute it's held down by concrete Colony so I need to uncut the lid now the arm is right out at the moment so this is the heaviest I can be but if I move it in you slowly start to become more and more lightless to the point where look you're just floating floating in mid-air now of course because I'm strapped in this thing now I can like tilt forward I can do hand stands I can float around I can do somersaults this this is just amazing [Music] now just like in Warframe I could jump from a super high height and land and not break my legs [Music] and land with such Grace calling with such Grace now when I was in the barn of course I was restricted by the height of the ceiling but I'm not in the barn anymore so I can go all the way over which is good because I can recreate that shot of Excalibur going over the horizon [Music] [Applause] down down Colin that Cliff of the game was done at Sunset sorted out [Music] [Music] yes now we're talking now this is not just about Warframe it's about the new daviri Paradox which is available on all platforms free to play right now the taviri Paradox is available to all players new and old and adds a Time Loop in open World adventure to an already huge Warframe game verse control more than 50 warframes that are known for their super agility parkour space ninja skills which I'm trying to replicate with my machine it's fast it's beautiful with loads of customization and if you use the code the very first at or at the endgame shop you can get some free items to become the ultimate space ninja okay how am I doing with that excellent now at the minute I've got it in front of the barn so we can show a bit of perspective but we're not using this machine to its fullest potential because I can't walk all the way around so let's move it somewhere where we can do that and set up a little bit of a park or course [Music] okay we've got a bit of space now I can run round in circles now I've set up some platforms because controlling warframes is not just about jumping off high stuff no these characters are known for their super parkour abilities their ability to somersault jump bullet jump which is jumping up and then zipping forward we'll crack at that now as well as these two platforms got a new seat this one spins so I can be facing the right direction I'm excited have a go at this right [Music] turns out being a space ninja requires a certain amount of timing [Music] but slowly got the gist of it got a lot better [Music] okay clearly my parkour skills are way better now I've got this thing but I was thinking wall rides tenno can do wall rides what about me I want to do a wall ride and just like before there was a little bit of a learning curve once I cracked it blooming good fun [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] okay I'm definitely better at running along walls than what I am from jumping from pillar to pillar but of course of all these things there's a bit of a learning curve now I did actually try putting the wall up really high and then like jumping up turning round stepping on it and then coming back down again a bit like a foot plant sort of thing that's a lot of fun but the thing I need to crack of course is the iconic bullet jump this is one of the things in the game which it is known for so for that I've made another seed with another bearing right we've got this so we've got this extra bearing like this little Wiggly Roundy thing so I can be spinning around in there and go around that way I don't think there's any orientation you can't be with this but I know you're thinking how'd you get in it Colin it's all skew where well with great difficulties you'll see right strap yourself up first bullet jump coming up it don't matter you're on the weightless machine ah now we're doing this [Music] oh yes okay seems being a space ninja in real life it's a lot more trickier now keep your eye of some YouTube shorts because the more I mess around on this the better I get at it and this basically is just a lot of fun and it's kind of like a small Fairground ride so I thought let's make it look like a small Fairground ride [Music] [Music] with the lights on standing some other people to have a go oh fly your children [Music] oh God [Laughter] [Music] oh this thing looks absolutely fantastic and it's so much fun I don't know if it translates on camera as to how much fun it actually is to be in this thing now stay looking out for some more YouTube shorts because the more I mess around on this the better it get at doing the somersaults and flippy bits and stuff so there's definitely more to come now thanks for the sponsor Warframe if without them this wouldn't have happened it's a massive project hugely expensive you've got to support the sponsors check the link in the description use your code to get you free stuff absolutely fantastic now in the next video which of course you will be subscribed for it's like a 1950s ATV concept and remake it oh see you then friends foreign [Applause] experience [Applause] [Music]
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 4,177,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gSDtNkKPiDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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