The Insane Engineering of Re-Entry

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This video is brought to you by  Onshape. Try the professional   plan for free for up to 6 months  with the link in the description After spending 7 days in orbit around the  earth, the Space Shuttle Orbiter now has   arguably the most difficult portion of  its mission to complete. A hell blazing   journey through the earth’s upper atmosphere.  Where it will travel so fast that it will rip   air molecules apart, forming a layer of  superheated plasma around the aircraft. Re-Entry is where the Space Shuttle  truly became a one of a kind spacecraft. The Space Shuttle was a radical  new idea. A spacecraft capable of   not only surviving the immense heat of  re-entry, but capable of transitioning   to aerodynamic flight, which required  careful moulding of its wings and tail,   balancing the needs of unpowered glider  with the needs of a re-entry vehicle This is the Insane Engineering of the Re-Entry The Re-entry procedure begins with a 2-4 minute  burn of the orbital manoeuvring system engines   while the space shuttle is upside  down and travelling backwards. With an orbital speed of around 7 kilometres  per second, the OMS pods need to reduce the   orbiter's speed by just 0.1 kilometre per  second. 1.3% of its velocity, to lower its   orbit enough to bring it into a collision  course with the earth’s upper atmosphere. A precise manoeuvre; bleed too little  speed and the orbiter will overshoot its   narrow window for success, skimming through  the thin upper atmosphere and potentially   bouncing back into space. The orbiter  has wings that generate lift, after all. Bleed too much speed and the orbiter will  descend through the atmosphere too fast,   reaching the thick lower atmosphere  before enough speed has been leached away,   resulting in catastrophic overheating. This narrow  entry window was called the entry flight corridor. Once the delicate retrofiring sequence has  been completed. The next phase of re-entry   begins. The reaction control system flips  the shuttle around and places it into a   40 degree upwards pitch angle, ready  to meet the earth’s atmosphere. [REF] Entering the upper atmosphere at 30 times the  speed of sound. The speed is so great that it   begins to rip air molecules apart, creating a  glowing cloud of charged plasma around the lower   surface of the orbiter. With peak temperatures  reaching 1650 degree celsius (3000 F). Nothing like this had ever been attempted.  A blunt body capsule, like every other   re-entry capsule to date, designed purely for  thermal protection is an engineering challenge,   but tack on the needs of an aircraft  and the task gets vastly more difficult. Thankfully NASA had a test run in 1959  with the X-15. The fastest plane in the   history of humankind, and it advanced  our understanding of hypersonic flight,   providing many lessons that were  incorporated into the space shuttles design. However the X-15 had one major advantage over the  Space Shuttle. It didn’t need to launch itself to   orbit. It didn’t even launch from the ground.  Instead launching from the belly of a B-52. This allowed the X-15 to use a state of the  art advanced heat resistant aerospace metal,   inconel X, with a max operating temperature of 980   degrees celsius (1800 F). The Space  Shuttle could not use this metal. Inconel X is too heavy, about 180%  heavier than an equivalent aluminium   airframe. A massive issue for an aircraft  designed to be carried to orbit. [REF] The Space Shuttle’s airframe therefore is not  made from inconel X. It is composed of lightweight   aluminium, which has a max operating temperature  of just 177 degrees. 5 times lower than Inconel X. The orbiter would experience temperatures 10 times   greater than this for extended  periods of its re-entry flight. To make matters worse, one of the  principle lessons learned during   the X-15 program was that the hot pink foam  ablative coating sprayed onto the plane for   top speed flights was completely  unsuitable for the space shuttle. An ablative coating is a sacrificial  material designed to gradually burn   and fall away from the aircraft,  pulling the heat away with it. However, the ablative coating of the X-15 had a  nasty habit of burning away from the nose of the   plane, and begin attaching itself to the cockpit  windows, rendering the pilots completely blind. Which presented a bit of a problem. At one  point the engineers of the X-15 considered   attaching a small explosive to the window, and  intentionally exploding the outer pane of glass   to remove the ablative stained window,  leaving only the inner pane for landing. Thankfully they came up with the much less  risky solution of installing a mechanical   eyelid to the left window that remained  closed until the high speed portion of   the flight concluded. Providing the pilot  one clean window to land with. An extremely   primitive solution that created stability  issues as the open eyelid acted like a canard,   causing the plane to pitch  up, roll right and yaw right. Even more terrifyingly, this coating  became explosive when mixed with liquid   oxygen and could be triggered by even a  slight impact. A massive safety concern   for a plane that required a liquid oxygen  oxidizer to operate. A danger that would   be multiplied many fold with a vehicle filled  with half a million litres of liquid oxygen. The ablative was also not reusable, which  would drastically increase the cost of   refurbishing the shuttle between flights.The  space shuttle would need to be better. As the space shuttle descended  through the atmosphere its nose   and wings bore the brunt of the re-entry heat. The high pressure shock waves forming around  them have created a layer of superheated plasma,   if this heat managed to find its way into the  delicate aluminium framework inside the orbiter,   it would be game over. This is exactly  what happened to the Columbia shuttle   as a result of damage to the  leading edge of these wings. The first step to protect the  orbiter's surface was to keep   this super heated plasma as far away  from the surface as possible. The nose,   wings and belly of the orbiter was carefully  crafted to ensure shockwaves were kept at bay. We can see how using schlieren imaging.  A pointed missile-like vehicle pierces   through the air with efficiency and  in doing so creates a shock wave,   attached to its nose at an angle  determined by its mach number. This shockwave is simply a region  of incredibly high pressure,   and with that pressure comes  incredibly high temperatures This can have disastrous effects, as DARPA  experienced twice in 2010 and 2011 when   testing their sharp nosed hypersonic  reentry vehicle. The HTV-2. Within 9   minutes of re-entering earth's atmosphere,  both vehicles disintegrated as a result of   the 1930 degree heat penetrating their  metallic skin. The HTV-2 completed its   mission of collecting hypersonic flight  data, but the space shuttle needed to   not only survive this mode of flight, but to  do it repeatedly with minimal refurbishment. A good portion of this heat could be  kept away from the aircraft skin with   blunt body design.Which creates a rounded  bow shock wave with a layer of insulating   lower pressure air between the vehicle and  the shockwave. Reducing heat transfer rates. For this reason the Space Shuttles surface is  carefully moulded to take advantage of this   phenomenon. The rounded nose cross section  gradually transitions to a blunted triangle. This shape minimised the heat reaching the  less protected side wall of the shuttle,   which used lower temperature insulation. We are now 7 minutes into the re-entry procedure,  having descended 50 kilometres in altitude,   but only shedding 0.5 kilometres per second  off our velocity, we have entered the period   of maximum reentry heat. A confluence  of speed and atmospheric density. The layer of superheated plasma surrounding  the shuttle is blocking communication to the   computers and astronauts inside. A result  of free electrons in the plasma interfering   with electromagnetic communication techniques. A  problem that would last for the next 12 minutes. For now the shuttle is operating on its own  telemetry data. Ensuring that a 40 degree angle   of attack is maintained. Managing that angle with  a velocity of 6.5 kilometres per second was no   easy task. A massive control surface was needed.  The elevons on the outer wing would not suffice. This is where the rear body flap came into  play. It was a massive control surface   underneath the shuttle's main engines,  covered in high temperature insulation. The body flap doubled as a  heat shield for the shuttles   main engines. With no cooling liquid  hydrogen running through the nozzle,   the flap was needed to shield the  engines from the heat of re-entry. On the Space Shuttle’s third flight the Kuiper  Airborne Observatory flew underneath the orbiter   as it re-entered and captured an infrared image of  its searing hot belly. An experimental program to   validate NASA’s newly developed computational  calculations and experimental testing. This is what it saw [REF] The nose and leading  edges are a scorching 1500 degrees celsius. Far   beyond what the Aluminium airframe  underneath is capable of enduring. These leading edges, experiencing the hottest  temperatures, needed the most heat resistant   material on the entire shuttle, a reinforced  carbon-carbon composite. One of the amazing   materials created in the years between the  development of the X-15 and the Space Shuttle. A carbon composite manufactured  with a special post processing step. It was initially manufactured like any  other carbon fibre part. A carbon fibre   weave moulded into shape and bound  together with a resin. However,   the heat of re-entry would  set the hydrocarbon resin on   fire without special treatment. The post  processing step would solve this problem. The carbon composite is placed in a  vacuum chamber and heated, causing   the hydrocarbon resin to decompose, releasing  the hydrogens, leaving layers of pure carbon   behind. Graphite. Carbon fibres bound together  by a maze of graphite. Strong, and capable of   withstanding 1510 degrees celsius. They face  head on into the inferno of hypersonic flight. The leading edge of the orbiter's wings  is composed of 22 of these carbon carbon   panels. With sealing strips covering  expansion gaps between each panel,   an essential solution to a lesson hard  won during the development of the X-15. To investigate the heat of hypersonic  flight the X-15 was painted with a   special kind of paint that reacts to heat,  and after one flight the X-15 returned with   strange wedge shaped patterns emanating  from the leading edge expansion joints.   Small gaps in the leading edge to allow the  inconel skin to bend and contort with the   wing without buckling. This localised heating  was happening as a result of turbulent flow,   increasing the rate of heat transfer to  the metallic skin of the aircraft. To fix   this small floating strips of inconel  were placed over the expansion gaps.. These strips of reinforced carbon  carbon serve the very same purpose. However, there was one more problem. Carbon is a   thermally conductive material,  not ideal for a heat shield. The space shuttle has been travelling  through the atmosphere for 15 minutes,   but is still travelling at 6 kilometres  per second and contact has not been   reestablished through the cloud of  plasma surrounding the aircraft. This is a sustained heat, and  with carbon being conductive,   this heat could make its way to the  aluminium airframe over this period of time. If these carbon carbon shields were attached  directly to the airframe the heat would come   into direct contact with the metal, raising  it above its max operating temperature. To prevent this the panels were fitted with  inconel attachment points that attached to the   aluminium airframe with inconel bolts.  Inconel, being mostly made of steel,   is a poor conductor of heat and could handle  the heat the carbon parts transferred to it,   without easily transferring  that heat to the aluminium. This wasn’t enough to protect the  interior of the shuttle however,   a layer of insulating tiles were placed  underneath the carbon carbon shield too.   The same insulation that was used on  the underside of the entire orbiter. The Space Shuttle Columbia had 32000 of these  tiles, in two flavours, low temperature and high   temperature, white and black. Both of these  tiles were made from the same base material. Silica fibres just a few millimetres thick,  which by volume made up just 10% of the tile,   the remaining 90% was nothing by air.  An excellent insulating material,   a thick and light tile, composed of a  material with a high operating temperature. The coating is where the tiles differ. The black  tiles, installed on the lower portion of the   shuttle, were covered in a black borosilicate  and tetraboron silicide glass coating. This black coating helps dissipate heat  before it can conduct into the vulnerable   inner structure. Black for the same reason the  SR-71 is black. Kirchoff’s Rule of Radiation. This rule tells us a good infrared heat absorber,   basically any black object, is also an equally  effective heat emitter. With the heat gained   from hypersonic flight vastly higher than  the heat gained from solar radiation, it’s   preferable to prioritise outward heat radiation,  than minimising heat gained from solar radiation. So why isn’t the entire space  shuttle black, like the SR-71? The shuttle has one important difference with the  SR-71, it exited earth’s atmosphere. Once outside   the earth's atmosphere the intensity of solar  radiation increases drastically, with the longest   orbiter mission at 17 days, this heat had plenty  of time to conduct through to the people inside. The orbiter did have huge radiator panels to  reject heat to space, but to minimise their   size we want to reflect as much of that heat back  into space, and for that reason they are white. These tiles were coated with  a similar glass coating,   but with an aluminium oxide additive  to provide the white colouring. The   coatings also helped to waterproof  and strengthen these porous tiles. The tiles were assembled like a giant precisely  engineered puzzle with 32,000 pieces. Each tile   assigned a serial number that corresponded  to their location, shape and thickness. The tiles were created by mixing cotton like  silica fibres with water, this mixture was   then cast into large blocks, and were then  dried in a microwave oven. Once dried they   could be cut into smaller sheets. [Footage] The tiles varied from 25 millimetres to 127   millimetres thick. With the 127 millimetres  tiles insulating up 1280 degrees celsius. These sheets were then into their precise shapes,   according to their assigned serial numbers,  using a computer controlled milling machine. We are now coming through the end of  the communication blackout, and enough   of the heat of re-entry has reached the aluminium  airframe to cause it to expand. A major problem as   these tiles are not flexible in the slightest,  and are quite fragile. The expanding airframe   could easily break the tiles and open up a path  for the superheated gas to penetrate inside. The engineers needed a way  to allow the structure to   move beneath the tiles without  causing the tiles to pop off. To do this, the tiles were first glued in  groups to a layer of flexible nomex felt.   This nomex fabric allowed the structure beneath  to flex, expanding the lower side of the felt,   without transferring that strain to  the upper layer attached to the tiles. These tiles and felt were then attached  to the shuttle using the same adhesive.   A commercially available high temperature RTV  adhesive. A bright red silicone based adhesive. To prevent collisions between tiles,   gaps between 0.64 millimetres and  1.9 millimetres were included. Thankfully the issue of turbulent flow created  by expansion gaps primarily affected the leading   edges of the wing, so these gaps were not  covered on the exterior of the shuttle. In areas exposed to lesser temperatures flexible  heat shields were used. Constructed from high   temperature silica and nomex fibres to create  a flexible fabric which were sewn together   with the same fibres, giving a quilted blanket  appearance. With the nomex fabric capable of   resisting temperatures up to 370 degrees and the  silica fabric capable of tolerating temperatures   up to 650 degrees. These were lighter and  easier to replace than the tiles. Being   bonded directly to the structure once again  with that bright red silicone RTV adhesive. We are now out of the communication black out  and approaching 4 km/s or mach 12 in velocity   and are about 45 kilometres in altitude. About  4 times the cruising altitude of an airliner. The orbiter has maintained that 40  degree angle of attack this entire   time. [Page 239]. Being forced to hold an  angle of attack this large comes with some   control problems. The orbiter needs to  land precisely on a landing strip from   orbit. Managing its trajectory while being  stuck with its nose up would be difficult.   Especially for a glider with no way to add  energy once its been bled away by drag. If the Space Shuttle wanted  to lower its lift and lower   its altitude faster it could  not lower its angle of attack,   So the shuttle needed a special way to adjust  its trajectory to target its landing area. Instead the orbiter decreased  its lift by banking. This split   the lift into vertical and horizontal  components. Reducing the lift keeping   the shuttle in the air and trading  it for lift that moved it sideways. This is what a typical re-entry flight profile  looked like. This line is the angle of attack,   keeping steady up until Mach 12  and then gradually reducing as it   descends through the thick lower  atmosphere. And this is the bank   angle. As the orbiter crashes down from  orbit, it banks wildly from side to side. The astronauts inside, who are already  pointed 40 degrees up, are not tilted   on their sides up 70 degrees. The orbiter is  essentially doing the fastest drift in history. There are some quirks of flying this high  in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds. The bank angle controls actually work in reverse  to normal. If we deflect the right elevon down,   it should increase lift on the  right wing and cause that wing   to rise, banking the aircraft  anti-clockwise, but it doesn’t. When the elevon is deflected downwards, into the  already compressed hypersonic air it causes drag   to rise on the outer wing. This causes the  orbiter to turn its nose in that direction. As the nose turns in the direction of the  deflected elevon, it shields that wing   and causes a decrease in lift, causing  the shuttle to bank in that direction. So, where a downwards deflecting elevon would  typically cause an increase in lift on the wing,   here, through a series of events, it  causes a decrease. Working in reverse. Ofcourse this bank angle causes  the Orbiter to drift off target   for its landing and to correct  it needs to bank the other way. The orbiter has now slowed down to Mach 3,   and at this point flight crew deploy air data  sensors to aid in the final approach. [Page 418] Two probes rotate from underneath the  heat shield on either side of the nose,   providing air speed, angle of attack and  temperature data to the flight computer.   At this point the orbiter is flying like a  plane, but it’s not a plane, it's a glider   and the flight crew needed to carefully  manage the remaining energy to land safely. Especially as the orbiter is not built like  a traditional glider. Balancing the need to   survive reentry, while maximising lift efficiency  was a unique engineering challenge, made more   difficult by Air Force funding causing the design  to skew closer to a plane than a re-entry vehicle. Early concepts of the shuttle  drew inspiration from the X-15,   with much smaller wings. More than enough to  land the original smaller orbiter on a runway.  The air force wanted a larger payload capacity,   and they had one more specific requirement  that required bigger wings. They wanted   the Space Shuttle to be able to take off  from Cape Canaveral, complete its mission,   and land back at Cape Canaveral after  a single orbit. Essentially treating   the space shuttle like a military operation  to avoid Soviet attention, fast and elusive This came with some issues. A single orbit took 90 minutes, in which  time the earth rotated below the shuttle’s   orbit by 2000 kilometres. So, to return  to its launch location the orbiter would   need to be capable of flying laterally by  at least 2000 kilometres. This is called   crossrange. The original X-15 inspired design  was capable of just 370 kilometres of crossrange. North American Rockwell proposed this huge  blended body delta wing concept in 1970   which would have given the orbiter 2800  kilometres of crossrange (1500 nautical   miles). The full reusable concept,  with its crewed booster rocket and   internal fuel tanks were not to be,  but the large delta wings endured. These delta wings provided enough lift in both  hypersonic, supersonic and subsonic flight   regimes to provide the cross range needed to reach  the original launch site after a single orbit. Despite that, the space shuttle was an  unwieldy aircraft, and with no powered flight,   the commander had one shot to land it safely.  So they had to go through intensive training. In 1973 NASA created 4 training aircraft by  modifying 4 gulfstream jets to fly like the   space shuttle. [REF] In order to mimic the  immense drag the blunt body design of the   space shuttle would create, the gulfstreams flew  with their landing gear down, with their engines   working in reverse, and flew with their flaps  deflected upwards to decrease lift. [Footage] With flight characteristics like this the  space shuttle needed to carefully manage   its energy. Losing too much altitude far  from the runway would be far from ideal. The pilots aim, guided by beacons and  ground control, for a tangential entry   into a circular approach path 5800 metres  in diameter just off the runway. The   moment they intercept this circle the space  shuttle commences a deep spiralling turn. At this point the space shuttle is still  travelling at about 0.8 mach. Still very fast,   and it's at this point the wings are stressed  the most. Hitting a higher max dynamic pressure   than at any point during the re-entry process  due the higher air pressure at this altitude. And the shuttle's descent rate increases,   now losing altitude rapidly with the knowledge  the runway is within a safe gliding distance,   descending to about 3000 metres in  altitude and slowing to about 0.5 mach. At this point the Shuttle enters a straight   20 degree glide approach path.  Much steeper than any airliner. Bleeding speed as needed using the  split rudder speed brake. The rudder   on the vertical tail wasn’t just used for  controlling yaw by deflecting left and right,   it could split in two, deflecting outwards  to a maximum of 62 degrees on either side. The gear is lowered as late as possible  and in the final moments before touching   down the commander will increase the  angle of attack of the shuttle using   the elevons in order to slow its  descent rate before touching down. At the moment of main gear touch down  the speed brake is commanded to fully   open. At this point the shuttle is still  travelling at 360 kilometres per hour,   close to 0.3 mach, and there is  plenty of braking left to do. The runway at Cape Canaveral is 4.6 kilometres  long, much longer than your average runway. With   typical 3 kilometres long runways being able to  deal with the heaviest of jumbo jets landing. As the nose gear touches down the  electro-hydraulic brakes in each of   the 4 main landing gear wheels are fully engaged  by application of the foot pedals in the cockpit.  Each brake assembly had nine  carbon-lined beryllium discs,   four rotors, and five stators, which were  pressed together to provide braking force. On STS 49, Bruce Melnicks mission, an  additional braking mechanism was introduced,   hidden away underneath the vertical tail speed  brake. The drag shoot. STS 49 was the maiden   flight of both the endeavour and the drag  shoot. An explosively deployed parachute, you   can even see the parachute door and sabot being  flung from the back of the shuttle on landings. It was designed to allow the Space Shuttle  to land on a shorter 2500 metre runway,   a contingency plan in the event  the space shuttle had to abort   a launch and land on a runway on  the other side of the atlantic. For each and every launch NASA sent staff  to these predetermined landing locations,   like Fairford RAF base in Gloucestershire,   England. A large team was needed to assist with  the final moments of each space shuttle mission.   And these teams were not once needed in the  entire history of the space shuttle program. A giant fan was even rolled out on the runway  to help disperse any potential toxic chemicals,   like the hydrazine fuel, away  from the shuttle. [FOOTAGE] The mission is now over. The crew has disembarked  and the space shuttle will be refurbished and   flown back to Florida on the back of a  747 in preparation for its next mission. People often say how incredible it is that  older aerospace and aviation projects like   this were designed with pen and paper. Hand  drafted technical design was an art form,   and a labour intensive art form at that. Today we computer aided design  makes things vastly easier,   like onshape. Today’s sponsor. Onshape is  available to try for free with the link in   the description. Where your company wants to  evaluate a more modern cloud based CAD system,   or if you just need a design program for home 3D  printing projects, onshape is a fantastic option. Onshape is built entirely on the  cloud, and because of that Onshape   users have some unique advantages. For example, engineers and designers   are able to work together in Onshape at the same  time on the same design from across the globe.   Ensuring there is always a single source for  your designs. A problem I had to contend with   in my job as a design engineer, where sales reps  kept sending out old outdated files to clients.  Onshape also runs in a browser,  which means you can use it on   virtually any device or operating system Even highly compute intensive capabilities   like Finite Element Analyse and Rendering are  done completely in the cloud in onshape, making   the design process faster and easier than ever. If you or your company wants to test Onshape,   engineers and product designers can get the  Onshape Professional Plan free up to 6 months,   and the base free plan is available to all for  unlimited non-commercial use. You can signup   at, or by clicking  the link in the description or on screen now.
Channel: Real Engineering
Views: 2,292,524
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Keywords: engineering, science, technology, education, history, real
Id: ivLX9o6Ayl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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