SECRET Fire Steel Technique Everybody Needs To Know

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hey guys my name is Lily and today I want to show you the correct way of how to strike a FiOS TV stay tuned good dog good dog good dog you dirty little girl yeah folks so this is not my dog it's my aunt stalk that I sometimes borrow and yeah so she and her name is Julie all right guys so there are many ways how you can strike your firesteel and in the course of time I have seen a lot of firesteel techniques and first I want to show you a very popular technique which is not my favorite I have to say so it goes like this first you hold your striker very firmly at one spot and then you just put it on the fire steel and then you draw back your fire steel like this now the problem if this technique here is that the fire steel is pretty far away from the wood here or from the potential tinder and usually this technique only works with very fine tinder like cotton ER okay let's open up a tampon which is one of the best sources for very fine tinder because it's made from cotton okay so I'm taking the small piece of cotton ER and now I try to ignite it with this technique so as you can see it just worked so this was the cotton tinder which is very fine and it doesn't grow in my area and the only natural alternative that I could find is this here so this is very fluffy as well and now let's see if I can ignite this plant here with the first technique as well so it worked as you can see so this first method is really okay for verifying Tinder's but what about this plain grass here can I ignite it with the same technique let's find out as it just so I could not get the grass ignited so now I'm trying my knife because I can get hot and sparks with it so as it just saw I could not get the grass ignited again so now I want to try a different technique a technique which is my favorite so for this technique I just take the grass and I make a bundle and then I pinch it down with my fire steel like so and this way the tinder won't move that much anymore and now I strike down the fire steel and let's see what happens so I don't know if you just saw the flame but I got a flame see and just ignited the grass so this technique where you directly pinch down the tinder works better because the fresh sparks do not have to fly in such a great distance let's try another tinder let's try this birch bark let's try to ignite it with the first technique didn't work now let's try it with the second technique we're a pinch down the tinder see it worked okay now let's try to make some fat wood shavings now let's try the second technique here we go okay now let's pretend that you did not find anything go in the wilderness and you also didn't bring one with you the thing that you have to do now is you have to make your own tinder and I'm making my own tinder by making some very fine shavings from a small log of dry wood and now I'm making some fine shavings with the back of my knife here we go so this year is really my favorite technique the pinching down method and the other technique I barely use I only use it for example like if there's something in the way for example if I have to make a fire in a deep hole like a Takota fire pit but yeah other than that I'm using the pinching down technique because it really works great and it concentrates the spark in one spot alright folks so this was how to make a fire with using a fire steel and a striker or a fire steel and a knife and yeah I have to say it's really important to master the skill of how to strike the fire steel in a correct way and fire steels are great but I always recommend that people also take other means of fire making with them like for example a lighter or matches because you never know what happens maybe you get caught in a week of rain and then everything is wet and then it can be very tricky to make a fire with a fire steel so I always recommend that you take besides the fast heal you can take like a lighter with you or matches something that will back up your backup okay and yeah if you're interested in getting my fire steel or my knife here then please make sure to check out my website you will find a link in the description below all the best and stay tuned till next time you
Channel: Survival Lilly
Views: 95,320
Rating: 4.8745279 out of 5
Keywords: survivallilly, bushcraft, survival, camping, education, SECRET Fire Steel Technique Everybody Needs To Know
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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