World's Biggest Fire Striker

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what's up everybody welcome back to more about to every city isn't about priority and today I'm going to show you something cool I got enough fun mail pure box it's actually was sent by a company a bunch of survival tools but it's super unique I never seen anything like that let's see what it's all about also five more days limited edition all log a t-shirt links in description where you buy it and no more after five days and when I opened I was like whoa this is awesome this is a bunch of Flint fire starters and there's different sizes but what really surprised me is this I was like no way let me just show you look how big this survival firestarter Flint or striker whatever you call it I never seen anything as big as this thing I cannot wait to actually try it and I see I was like wow that's impossible who makes them so big that just so insane so we're going to actually put it to the test but first of all let me show you what else they have sent me and also they send me one of this nice right here this is a striker another huge lone striker and a handle you can actually use it as a fire starter as well like a kindling because they also send me a couple of pieces of wood this is actually a kindling you just cut off pieces and then you start the fire with this we're all going to put it to the test and then they send me more fire striking odds beautiful look at that you can just hang it on your survivor backpack on your court anywhere it's pretty big one as well so it will last you a while they actually send me a letter as well and they have so many different sizes so if you don't like the big one you can find a smaller one easily whoa what is that that's amazing this is a steel striker Wow I never had a steel striker before I don't even know how to use it I'll figure it out in a little bit I'll put it back so I know what it is there's more storage here beautiful this one is even bigger than the other one look up huge there sis this is some of the biggest fire strikers I've ever seen firm assume a lot fire starter and there is a dimension for that this is could be my new favorite five star cuz that's for sure nice this one fire starter with the magnesium I love magnesium fire starters very easy to hold it with my big hands I love big strike on soy you go like that you shave it off definitely putting that one to the test as well and they give me something else over here I have no idea what is inside here oh nice looks like there's a bunch of shavings so that way you can start a fire with this stuff cool this amazing they probably have all of the sizes well there's two of them in one box that's so far I did not expect that so as you can see the smaller sizes there's bigger sizes nice another Flint's another steel striker I have no idea how to use them I never seen even one of those before so probably going to put that to the test in the future as well and another star card here this came in one box beautiful she's gonna put it back in and they give me a couple pins and whatever what is this last one oh looks like there's just a bunch of kindling bunch of leaves the digraphs and of course they know that I love coconut husk looks like bunch of bird shavings as well the good stuff honestly guys this is a lifetime supply of the strikers look how many of god I killed and they also send me a bunch of kindling as well they said here is a steel rod I'm not sure how to use it so I'll have to do some research before I'm going to teach you or show you how to do it so figure it out and probably put it to the test in my future videos the second channel by the way this five stars are called one-pound misery fatwood pine lighter that's what they call this pretty sure that first of all magnesium Flint this probably one of my most favorite because you can just shave off magnesium like this probably have to use a knife yep you see all those shavings come off really well with a knife you can use the back of a knife too but with the knife it comes off a lot better this is why I don't mind cheaper knife because I don't mind making couple scratches on them okay put this magnesium together and let's start just strike it see what happens gasps creep of that brain first they go whoa it strikes a lot and there you go this magnesium burns over hot look at that Wow very easy to start fire with the magnesium rod beautiful I love this it's big it's comfortable it has a one of this carabiner so I can hang it on my backpack on my coat anyway beautiful this one have a lot different approach but you can do actually is scrape off some of your handle and you don't need a lot this handle is actually your kindling I don't know if it'd been dipped in something or it's just this awesome wood pine wood that has that's up on it we're gonna have to get rid of some of that pain so it's talked about look how much sparks coming off boom Wow three or four strikes and while this handle I should burn silver well look how much flame there is I guess because pine has all that juice and stuff in their oils and they burn a little well and they didn't even shave up that much beautiful I love that a lot all right next one this one is amazing this is so big Wow so again I'm just gonna go up one of these sticks this is like kindling and I'm just gonna shave up a bunch just like that then we're just gonna put all the shavings together boom that's probably too much but this is cool anyway wow this is so awesome I don't even want to take off the pain off of it because it's a collector's item definitely gonna surprise bunch of people to do the size of this fire striker okay same thing just gotta shave off some of that pain not too much whoa this is like fireworks and look at it's on fire all idea it bill my knife this fire kindling is insane look how well it's billion Wow look how much a half I can even cut it in half and only bring a little piece and I can start fires many many fires with just few shavings I'm honest a mind blown how amazing this fire starters are let me just show you how much it strikes one more time look at this flames bouncing of the ground this is just insane definitely need safety glasses to use this fire rod oh that's a good one wow this is beautiful I don't even want to waste any more but I scratch a lot of it and there's almost no damage look at that I would not mind half pipe of this because this is just beautiful I love this thing I'll never run out well that's pretty much it and I said this to you right here my new favorite fire striker but my most favorite is this one this is just amazing to have do you see how many sparks it giving off if you cannot start a survival fire with this thing I don't know what it will help you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time by the way don't forget to give this video a thumbs up
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 2,722,742
Rating: 4.8652844 out of 5
Keywords: Fire Striker, Biggest Fire Striker, World's Biggest, world's, fan mail, unboxing, review, fire striker review, what is the ebest fire striker, survival fire starter, kindling, Bushcraft, 9 Weird Things on Amazon, 8 Fishing Gadgets put to the Test, 8 Pizza Gadgets put to the Test, 4 Beach Gadgets Put to the Test, survival
Id: xKxKlNrtWv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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