Secret CFPB Hack That Can DELETE Anything From Your Credit Report

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what if everything came back verified or the credit barrels didn't respond to you in a certain amount of time or you might have hard inquiries or you might have a bankruptcy what should you do how should you respond I'm going to break all that down so sit back relax grab a pen get some paper get something to drink we going to get straight into [Music] it so when it comes to fixing your credit there's a process for everything right there's a process to remove collections there's a process to remove hard inquires there's a process to remove those negative accounts accounts that get reinserted personal information accounts that was verified what if the credit barels didn't respond to you in a certain amount of time or what if you have a bankruptcy on your report what do you do how do you respond back so we're g to talk about how to Leverage The cfpb to respond back and knock the credit barrels out so I'm gonna walk you through the process of how to do everything so first things first what you need to do is go log into the cfpb all right and grab those accounts the letters grab all the information everything that you did you got it basically we going to create a complaint for everything so I'm going to show you how to log into the cfpv then go ahead and create your complaint and just walk you through the process if you have hard inquires or if you have negative accounts if the basically if your accounts got verified or if your accounts got reinserted or if your accounts um let's just say you have a bankruptcy like what should you do or the credit barrs didn't respond at all I'm walking through the process of everything so let's get into it let's just say the credit barrs either experience trans unit Equifax didn't respond to you within like 35 days all right they have 30 days to the they have 30 days to complete an investigation and 5 days to mail out that investigation so let's just say they didn't respond to you within 35 days what do you do next let me show you how to create the complaint so first things first what you want to do now is just click on credit reported and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on credit reported again now then what you want to do now is just click on next after you click on next here's what we're going to be doing all right so first things first click on this spe specific complaint on problem with companies problem with companies investigation to an existing problem now what we want to do is click on Investigation took more than 30 days all right now what you want to do is have you already tried to fix this problem yes did you request information from this company yes what did you request you probably request for them to investigate the completeness and accuracy of the account did it respond back to you probably not did it did the company provide you information no all right now here's what you want to do next you're going to create your complaint now every everybody's your complaint is going to be different from everybody's all right the reason why is because you have different accounts on your report you have things going on so everybody's complaint should be totally different all right you might be talking to expand you might be talking to trans you might be talking to EA but we're only going to be talking to one specific company all right so is it Experian that didn't respond to you within 35 days is it TransUnion that didn't respond to you within 35 days or is it eifax that are that did not respond to you within 35 days the reason why is because you have accounts that's only on Experian you have accounts that's only on transun you might have accounts that's only on Equifax that's the reason why you want to create three separate complaints all right I want to say that again you want to create three separate complaints because you have different response from different companies all right and you don't want to mix it up all right so first things first you want to create your complaint now here's just an example of what I um created and you want to kind of follow the process so first first things first I'll looked at my report back on March 1st 2024 all right or whatever day it was February 1st or whatever day it is all right and notice some things are incomplete and not accurate and according to the fair Court Reporting Act whenever a consumer report agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedures to ensure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates all right very important that's according to the law 15 USC 1681 EB you can go read it yourself so basically what you did was I sent a letter asking them to reinvestigate these accounts listed below now this is just an example I put collection now you just want to put the name right here put the name of the account so it could be Capital One navy federal whatever the case may be you want to put the account number right 1 two 34 star starxx whatever that looks like open date is not reported correctly date last acted dat to last payment is not correct this account is not accurate now how did I get that information let me show you here's an example of what I was talking about so you want to go to Identity IQ I have a link in the description or in the comments for you to get your um identity IQ report so this is what I was talking about here's a clear example of what I was talking about so let me make it bigger so you can see what I'm talking about so as you can see right here the date open is incorrect as you can see last reporting date is inaccurate um as you can see high credit credit limit um date last active data last payment and as you can see TransUnion experient Equifax is showing a lot of incorrect information all right so everything has to be complete and accurate so that's the reason why you want to gather that information and put it on your complaint because now you have you know evidence you can show so first things after you got that information what you want to do is go ahead and file your complaint all right so you want to gather that information let me show you what to do so grab that andp put it right here so input the account name and account number open date that's why you need to look at your report so if you see on experience it shows this date is inaccurate date last active date of last payment the balance whatever it is put it right here and the showing in accuracy all right now I just list all the negative accounts account One account two account three account four whatever that account whatever that you sent to expand trans unit Equifax is not report um or didn't respond to you within 30 days or 35 days you just want to list all those accounts all right and they have not responded to me and here's my tracking number all right this is very key so this is very important for you to have if you don't have a tracking number that's okay you say you sent it but what they could say is they didn't receive your complaint all right so just put your tracking number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 whatever that looks like um can you look into this matter and then from there what you want to do now is is tell them what you want to happen next so what you want to happen next what you want to happen next is a fair resolution is to delete account boom boom boom from my c report delete this account from my credit from my credit report because of multiple violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and then from there you can attach the letters that you sent to um either expand or trans you eax now what you want to do is just click on next okay so after you click on next here's what we're going to be doing who are we talking to are we talking to experient are we talking to a TransUnion are we talking to eifax and that's basically who you're looking for so let's just say experience you just look for experence information solution social name as a pair data date of birth and then from there put your information and who do you want to talk to next you want to complain with another company no and then you click on next and you want to review your complaint review your personal information then click on submit and just wait what should you do if your accounts come back verified let me walk you through that process all right so if your accounts came back verified here's what you need to do next all right here's how you're going to corate your complaint so now what we want to do is um click on credit reporting all right which you already know and then click on credit reported again and then click on next and from there now what we want to do is basically talk about what happened okay now first things first what we want to do is problem with companies investigation in exis them problem their Pro I mean their thing did not fix an error on your report all right now what you want to do is have you already tried to fix this problem yes did you request information from the company yes all right what did you request you request um you request for them to provide you a description of how they verified your accounts did the company provide you this information no and then from there now what you want to do is just click on next okay now from there after you click on next we're going to basically type up what happened so this is a little bit different so now I want to do is just delete all this information and then from there basically type in what happened all right who what when how why everything that happened to you all right so first things first let's talk about it so here's what you going to say I looked at my report back on February 8 or whatever day it was 2024 and notice some things are incomplete and not accurate and according to the fair Reporting Act whenever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consum report it shall this is very important follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates all right this account account name one two 3 4 account so if you have multiple accounts let continue listing off all the accounts account name one two 3 4 how you grab that information you get it from your identity IQ report or whatever report that you have and then from there is not complete and it's not accurate all right account name account number open date is not um is not reporting correctly date last active date of last payment is not correct this account is not accurate all right here's what we doing this we're telling experience TransUnion Equifax all right who are we talking about I sent a letter on February 9th 2024 asking them to reinvestigate this account and here's my tracking number one two three 4 and I got the investigation back but nothing was um modified or updated according to if you go read the law which is 15 USC 168 I5 they supposed to update modify or delete if it's unverifiable and things like that all right so you can read the law so I requested I requested description of the reinvestigation and they did not provide it to me with which is a violation of 15 USD 1681 i7 because if you ask for the description of how they verify those account update and modify they suppos to prity within 15 days right but they didn't so they also violated 15 USC 1681 i7 now what do you want want to happen same thing delete this account whatever the account is 1 2 3 4 delete this account whatever accounts that you're talking about from my credit report because of multiple violations of the fair ct Reporting Act we're going to keep it simple and then from there you just want to attach all the evidence the letter that you send um whatever that you have just attach it and then from there now what you want to do is just click on next okay after you click on next you already know you should already know what to do who are you talking to are you talking to are you talking to insance Union are you talking to Equifax all right and then from there just look up the companies that you're talking about so we're talking to experient let's talk to experience we talking to trans J let talking to trans J all right uh experience Information Solutions um social name as aair date of birth click on all that information and then do you want to complain with another company no and then after that you want to click on next you just want to reveiew your information make sure everything's good to go then click on submit and just wait so you probably have different variations of your first name last name you tried to dispute it you tried to call in you probably Tred to call experience TR you echa you probably tried to call it get it removed but it's not happening so what do you do next you can use a cfpb to go about removing that personal information and get it removed from your report so I'm going walk you through that process so first things first here's what you want to do now all right so you should get the you should understand how to use a cfpb by now but if you don't I know everybody's new so first things first what you want to do is just click on you know credit reported once you have an account with them now from there what you want to do is click on credit reporting again and then from there click on next now from there all you want to do is just look for the personal information so this is the one we're going to use right here incorrect information on your report and then which best describes your problem personal information is not correct all right now from there have you already tried to fix this problem with this company yes did you request information from this company yes what information did you request you just told them to update your first name last name delete whatever delete the variations and things like that did they did this company provide you with this information no um and then from now what you want to do is just click on next okay now this complaint is going to be a little bit different so let me go ahead and delete all this extra stuff okay but very important what we doing is let them know what we did who what when how why what happened everything that went wrong or what's going on all right so first things first um I put that my report back on that's just say December 1st and notice my personal information was incorrect I had multiple variations on my first name last name and my address I sent a letter to Experian that should say on not say December 3rd 2023 all right and ask them to investigate this but they still haven't fixed this problem I don't know what else to do can you look at into this matter and then from there um you want to tell them to remove your personal information all right but you don't want to put the personal information all you want to do is just tell them to delete it we want to attach the letter so the letter that you want to attach is the letter that you sent so put the letter that has the different variations of your first name the different variations of your last name different variations of your address your phone number just upload the document all right to show them what you're talking about because we don't want to put it um sorry you don't want to put it right here here right you want to add your personal information so from there now what you want to do is just click on next and like before who are we talking to are we talking to experience are we talking to Trans Union are we talking to eifax and just pick the person who you talking to all right so if it's eifax just look for eifax and then I think it's eifax Information Services LLC social name as up here all right date of birth all right now what you want to do is just click on next review everything and then from there you want to create another complaint if Experian is not removing your personal information or TR Union is not removing your personal information create three separate complaints all right now from there what we want to do now is just click on next and review everything and click on submit and wait so we getting things removed from our report so what do you do if you want to remove them hard inquiries off your report all right because of no per because they don't have permissible purpose so how do you get that report to show it that it doesn't have permissible purpose what you want to do first and foremost you want to go to um you want to call experience you want to call Trans you want to call eax if you haven't done this already and order the reports and all right and once you order that report it's going to be a you're gonna be able to see information of um you're going to be able to see your report and you're going to see all the inquiries and you're going to see some have permissible purpose and some doesn't have peral purpose and here's an example of what I'm talking about all right so as you can see right here clear EX example of what I'm talking about so you can see that ay this inquiry shows permissible purpose but you're going to see some of them like Bank of America um this one doesn't have permissible purpose and some other inquiries don't have permissible purpose all right so as you can see some do some don't so how can you leverage that to get that thing removed from your report so first and foremost what you want to do now is just create a complaint all right so you want to call experience call Trans call eifax order that report so you can do this process now if you haven't done it just do it and then from there now what we want to do is just click on problem I mean improper use of you report and then now what we want to do is just click on credit credit inquiries on your report you don't recognize now I'm not saying this is that you don't recognize it this is just the only one that has inquiries or we can just use this one right here um so we just you know abide by what's going on reporting company use your report improperly all right so have you try to fix this problem with this company um yes you probably have did you request information from this company either yes or no you probably try you didn't request information but what you did was try to remove it because of those inquiries didn't have permissable purpose all right did this um company provide you with this information did they remove it no and then from there now what you want to do is just type of what happened we always going to abide by the who what when how everything that we done so far so from there now what you want to do is just do this all right so let me go ahead and read this I just recently looked at my report February 7 2024 I saw some hard inquires that did not have permissable purpose I also attached the evidence all right so what you want to do is put the name of the inquiry in the date this inquiry has Nole purpose to be on my report delete this inquiry due to violation of 15 USC 1681b all right and then just list all the inquiries that's only on Experian that we're talking about or Trans Union or Equifax remember we're only talking to one company at a time all right now from there what we want to do now is just say what would be the fair resolution from there what we want to do is say remove the hard inquiry from my credit report because of multiple violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and just list the hard inquiries right and then you can also attach the file so you can highlight Circle or whatever you want to do of the inquiries that then have permissible purpose so you can show what you're talking about and then from there or you can also send your letter as well and then from there just click on next all right now from there like I said before who are we talking to are we talking to Experian are we talking to trans are we talking to eifax all right now just pick the one so first things first let's look for experience information solution all right social name as a pair date of birth all right input that information name as appears on your report do you want to complain with another company no click on next revie your information and just wait your time all right what if there's a bankruptcy on your report you try to dispute you try to few things but you can't get it off or you might have got off one or not the other one what like what do you do all right so let me show you how to Leverage The cfpb to knock that thing off so first and foremost what you want to do now is just um click on incorrect um incorrect information on your report now what we want to do is just scroll all the way down to the bottom all right scroll all the way down to the bottom and then click on Public Information I'm sorry public information in accurate all right and then from there what we want to do now is just have you already tried to fix this problem yes did you request information from the company probably yes what information did you request for them to remove this bankruptcy did they provide it to you probably not and then from there then you want to click on next all right so what we remember who what when how why everything that we did all right so first and foremost what we want to do is talk about it I mean create the complaint I talk about it let them know what happened all right so I looked at my report back on March 7 2024 and notice some things are incomplete and not accurate and according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act whenever Consumer Report agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedure to ensure maximum possible accuracy all right and you know the rest so so I went to the courthouse on March 8th 2024 whatever day that you went to the courthouse asking them if they report my bankruptcy to the consumer reporting agencies which is expand trans eifax they gave me a letter saying they do not report so to me I'm trying to figure out why is this bankruptcy on my report if quote unquote this letter say they don't report to experience why is it on my report I also attached the letter from the courthouse so from there what we want to do now is just go ahead and copy this cut it and then from there what we want to do now is just tell them hey they need to delete this bankruptcy from our report all right so remove the name of the bankruptcy and uh you know the number from our credit report all right and then remember we're only talking to experience trans unit or Equifax but we're also going to be talking to multiple companies Lexus Nexus LCI because they also got your information with these bankruptcy so upload that letter that you got from the courthouse all right and then from there what you want to do now is just click on next but now what we want to do is attach I mean um type in the company that we're talking about so for an example this company you want to look up so are we talking to um experence trans unit Equifax so let's just say we're talking to expand for right now information um Information Solutions name as a date of birth all right and also we talking to LCI um another company so put this information in and then do you want to complain with another company yes because they also um reporting this information what company you want to complain with all right so you want to put this look them up see if they put okay have you already tried to fix this problem yes no maybe so did you request information yes or no what information did you request for them to remove the bankers from my report because of this letter I got from the courthouse did this company provide you with this information no remember name date as it appears on your report all right and then from there do you want to complain with another company yes all right Lexus Nexus okay so we're going to look up Lexus Nexus they pop up let's scroll all the way down this one right here have you tried to fix this problem did you request information from this company um yes what information is you request for remove that bankruptcy from my report did they provide it to you no they provide you the investigation of what they did all right now what we want to do now is just click on next the reason why we want to talk to LCI is because they report bankruptcies Lexus Nexxus they do as well they get your information from the courthouse put it on your credit sell your information whatever the case may be however they do their process but somehow experence trans un eax got your bankruptcy from those two companies all right so click on next review everything and then from there just wait so remember click on next review all your information make sure everything is complete click on submit now what should happen is the credit buels not the credit bars the cfpb should give you a update within 15 days or experence transer eifax might ask for an additional 60 days it usually don't take 60 days it usually takes about 60 days for them to complete their investigation and don't forget to get your credit monitoring so you can get that information to not the credit Barrel is out all right I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Dave Cousins
Views: 8,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7XohNiyzvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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