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I found a key to wipe everything off your credit report in the next 14 days to show you it's not luck I work with lawyers credit repair professionals and people who worked at expand transun eoa learning top secret hacks that get results like this like this and like this if you want deletions from your credit report you can't just send one letter and pray your accounts come off in fact there is a secret formula that I'm going to share with you to get your accounts deleted like this like this and like this and it's so powerful that most top experts only share this information in high level masterminds and I've been in those rooms and I heard those conversations and it's no surprise if consumers get the ability to work with lawyers they get results like this while you're waking up with no results not knowing this information is a gigantic problem that's holding you back but once you fix it you'll be able to get deletions from your credit report that you truly deserve and I know this word because when I shared this information to someone he was able to grow his credit score from a 400 to a 700 plus in less than 2 weeks and also got approved for over $50,000 in business funding to help grow his business and I'm going to show you how you can too there is one way to get deletions fast even if your accounts are open or closed or if you have a bankruptcy eviction student loan child support late payments or even collections for an example I was working on my friend's credit profile and I was able to get deletions in 4 days all because of this one word accuracy here's why after having a conversation with lawyers the reason why they win their cases is because experience Transunion and Equifax has to ensure maximum possible accuracy so let me ask you a question can you spot any errors on these accounts look at this now look at this now look at this now after seeing that does these accounts look like it's assured maximum possible accuracy so here's an action plan for you click the link in the comments sign up for a dollar trial to check your credit report Now look for those negative accounts that are holding you back make sure you take a screenshot of the account name and the account number because you're going to need this later but there is still one issue we need to solve what laws can maximize your results hold up I'm not an attorney I'm just going to show you your rights so go grab your credit Babble cuz we about to get into the word 15 USC 1681 EB now if you have your credit Bible guess what what we're going to go to is page 43 all right compliance and procedure if you don't all you have to do is just Google 15 USC 1681 EB and click on it it's going to pop up all right and go to number B I mean letter B accuracy of report whenever a consumer reporting agency which is experience training un Equifax and other people right prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedure to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual which is you about whom the report relates all right so when you saw your accounts and you saw the open date date last active and date of last payment all that stuff you saw the inaccuracy and remember it's supposed to assure maximum possible accuracy this is the reason why you can get your account removed all right so let's go to the next law 15 USC 1681 s-2 so let's go to page 86 all right responsibility of furniture of information to a consumer report agency duty of furniture of information to provide accurate information very important all right reported information with actual knowledge of Errors A person shall not furnish any information related to a consumer to a consumer to any Consumer Report agency if the person knows or has has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate all right reported information after notice and confirmation of Errors A person shall not furnish information related to a consumer to any consumer repor agency if the person has been notified by the consumer at the address specified by the person for such notices that the specific information is inaccurate and the information is in fact inaccurate all right so I'm pretty sure you already notifi experence trans you Equifax that he these accounts are inaccurate and I'm pretty sure you sent the letter out letter after letter and you probably haven't got no results so let me show you this next law that's going to help you knock the credit barrels out so let's go to page 59 all right 15 USC 1681 I5 all right treatment of inaccurate or unverifiable information in general if after any reinvestigation under paragraph one of any information disputed by a consumer a item of the information is found to be inaccurate or incomplete or cannot be verified the consumer reported agency shall what they're supposed to do all right promptly delete the item of information from the file of the consumer or modify that item of information as appropriate based on the results of the reinvestigation and promptly notify the furniture of the information that the information has been modified or deleted from the file or the I mean of the consumer so when you saw that report did you look and see that hey the open date date last active date last P was updated modified cuz that's what they're supposed to do I'm pretty sure you sent the letter and I'm pretty sure they didn't do that that's the reason why you're going to be able to get these results so let me walk you through the process on how people are getting deletions based off of these specific laws I'm going to walk you through the entire process so let's get into it things first what you want to do is of course go to Google and what we're going to do is just look up cfpb all right now once we're once you click on that now what you want to do is just click on submit the complaint all right now from there you're going to be on a screen that looks similar to this and we're just going to scroll all the way down to the bottom if you want to read the information you can go ahead scroll all the way down to the bottom click on start a new complaint all right you're going to be on a screen that looks similar to this all right so you're going to put your first name last name email create a password and then confirm password and then sign up and then verify your um address your email address now from there what you want to do if you already have an account click on already submitted a complaint all right now you should be on a screen that looks similar to this all right so what we want to do now is just scroll all the way down to the bottom right and click on credit reporting okay now from here you want to click on credit reporting again but I forgot to tell you once you're in your back portal portal right once you verify you're going to see start new complaint at the top right here in cor corner and then you're going to be on the screen that look similar to this and then what you want to do of course is click on credit reporting and then click on credit reporting again and then click on next all right very important so once you click on next now what we want to do is talk about the specific complaint of what happened and how experience Trans Union or Equifax violated your rights all right so just give a little bit of time from there what you want to do is click on improper use of your credit report all right which best describes your problem all right reporting company use your report improperly have you already tried to fix this problem with this company either yes or no you probably tried to fix it you probably sent a letter off did you request information from this company no all right and then what we want to do now is just click on next but if you did request most of the time if you requested information usually you requested for them to either update or modify or check the completeness and accuracy of those accounts so if you sent the letter before you probably told them to check the completeness and accuracy of that account and did the company provide you with this information no all right but if you didn't do none of this or whatever re EST information just click on no all right now from there click on next and then from there what we want to do is talk about who what when how why we're going to type out everything all right so I already have something written for you that's going to be in the description but this is very important all right so in accordance with The Fair Credit Reporting Act the list of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681 all right so what we want to do now is put the account name and account number remember when you had the account name or I told you to take a screenshot put for an example Capital One then you put the number right here 1 2 3 4 and it's O it's okay if you don't have the full account number so if you have 1 2 3 4 star star star or 1 2 3 4xxx what whatever that looks like just put it there and pull all the accounts that are holding your credit score back all right not the ones that are positive the ones that are negative so charge off bankruptcy eviction any accounts that's holding your credit score back all right and if it's open it has if it's open and has multiple late payments multiple what I mean by that two or three late payments on that account let's get it removed because it's also hurting your credit score back the reason why is payment his outweighs age all right so 35% of your credit score outweighs 15% of your credit score so we if we can get these payments or this specific account removed now the late payments are not on your report makees sense all right so once you want to do now what you want to do is just put all the accounts that's holding your credit score back all right open or close remember if they're open with multiple late payments let's remove it if they're closed with multiple late payments let let's remove it if it's a charge off you already know bankruptcy eviction student loans repossession let's get it off child support let's get it off all right so we're going to be focused with only talking to one credit bureau at a time all right one consumer reporting agency at a time here's why because you might have accounts that are only on experience or you might have accounts that's only reported to Trans Union or eifax or two out of the three we we don't want to get it mixed up so we're only talking to one specific company at a time all right so I looked at my experience credit report who what when how why April 2nd 2024 and notice some things are incomplete and not accurate so put whatever date that you looked at your report and according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act whenever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedure to assure maximum possible accuracy I'm not going to read this because we already read it before according 15 USC 1681 EB and the other laws that we read as well and it's right here as well all right now scroll all the way down if you want to certify and publish it that's up to you but what would be a fair resolution to this issue a fair resolution to this issue is telling them to delete the account all right so delete account account name and um account number so remember when you put all that information up here the account name and account number come down and put the account name and account number that you want remove all right because of multiple violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act Now from there you could attach a document but we don't need to all right or you can attach you know the specific laws if you want to take a screenshot of the laws it's up to you but then click on next all right now from there like I said before who are we talking to are we talking to experient are we talking to we're going to create three separates but we're only talking to experien right now all right so you want to click on experience information solution all right and then put click on social click name as it repairs on your report date of birth and then from there you want to input all that information so social security number date of birth and name as it pairs on your credit report do you want to complain about another company remember like I said we're only going to be talking to experience so you're going to click on no and you're going to click on next and you're going to review that information all right and then click on submit and then we're going to come back and create the same complaint again where we're only going to be talking to TransUnion then we're going to do the same exact thing again submit the complaint and then we're going to create another one and then we're going to be addressing Equifax all right three separate complaints all right like I said before now that you at your complaint give it some time but what I want to do is show you how you can remove some accounts off your credit report within 24 to 72 hours by watching this video right here and I'm going to walk you through the entire process of how to knock the credit burials out so I'll see you in this video right here so you can start removing them accounts within 24 hours
Channel: Dave Cousins
Views: 14,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aRbrjGqViko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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