10 Secret Consumer Laws Wipes EVERYTHING off your credit report

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you can wipe anything off your credit report using these 10 laws just like this this and this once you understand how to use these laws you're going to be able to not the credit barrels out and I'm going to walk you through the whole entire process of what you need to do so grab a pen get some paper get something to drink sit back and relax cuz we about to get straight into it here's what we got to do we have to get a report all right get a credit report now if you don't have a credit report you can go ahead and get one from my identity IQ now once you have your report this is key all right we want to see all the negative accounts that's holding our credit score back whether that's a charge off bankruptcy eviction student loan with late payments child support it doesn't matter any account that's holding your credit score back you want to identify all those negative accounts all right now once we identify all the negative accounts what you also going to see when you look at it you're going to see a lot of information you're going to see a lot of stuff that's going to be inconsistent that look similar to this all right you're going to see the open date that's inconsistent they lasts active they last reporting not only on just the the negative accounts you also going to see that with the open accounts but we're not focusing on the open accounts that are positive we're focusing on the negative accounts all right so once we identify all the negative accounts that's holding your credit score back now what you want to do is go ahead and create a letter all right now we're going to go ahead and create this letter based off of the laws that they violated all right and I'm going to show you how to create this letter here's how you're going to create your letter and have your first name last name of course your address current um today's current date to whom it concerned all right I just got my credit report and some accounts on my credit report are incomplete and inaccurate which is a violation of 15 USC 1681 EB all right I'm going break down these laws a little bit later but we just talking about this letter right now all right you also violated 15 USC 1681 s-28 and B 15 USC 16815 A1 and two all right any person who fails to comply and fix this matter will be H will be held liable under 15 USC 1681 in which is a civil liability for willful non-compliance all right hey you just got to get aggressive sometime because you already know credit be like to play Crazy now what we want to do is list all the negative accounts on this letter all right so list all the accounts so name and account number all right so the account number like I said it could be 1 2 3 4 XXX or as it don't have to have all the account numbers on there all right just have the name and a few account numbers and that's okay all right now delete this account immediately because of violation of 15 USC 1681 I'm just listenting off all the laws all right so you want to document all the laws that they violate and then there are other laws like I said that I'm going to talk about but this is just for this specific um scenario scenario So based off of this scenario we're going to use these specific laws and I'm going to talk about a different type of scenario based off of some other laws that you can use to get these accounts removed but typically this happens for most people but of course there are other laws that you can use to get accounts removed now once you have all this is just an example I only have four accounts right but you can list off all your negative accounts whether that's five six seven 10 of them 12 it doesn't matter all right now once you have deleted the accounts from my credit report please send me a copy of my updated report all right now once we have that next what we want to do is save this letter for our records all right um you want to save this letter for your records and I'm going to show you how to use this Leever this letter as leverage to get these count these accounts deleted from your credit report all right now once you have the letter now let's go over these specific laws that I was talking about and the other laws that typically that they violate all right so 15 USC 1681 EB 15 USC 1681 I 581 15 USC 1681 582 15 USC 16817 15 USC 1681b 15 USC 1681 5 AI 15 USC 1681 5B 2 15 USC 1681b U 15 USC 1681 n and you kind of saw that one already but let's go over some of these laws um let me break down how you can leverage them so we can you know already know not the credit bars out so let's go over this first law 15 USC 1681 EB so 15 USC 1681 EB all right accuracy of report when a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedures to ensure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates serious question when you looked at your report do you feel like the credit brills follow reasonable procedure to ensure maximum possible accuracy just look man they playing they playing with us they really playing with us just look how just look at these reports and how they're inconsistent this is why this is a violation of 15 USC 1681 EB now let's go to 15 USC 1681 I5 all right now all you have to do is go click on sub chapter just follow along with me all right um or you can go back um I'll have these links for you but you just go back and look at them but 15 USC 1681 um I5 um all you have to do is look down from the letter I and then go down here and then you go all the way down to you can also read over the other laws as well that's what I do on my spare time but you want to go down to number five all right so treatment of inaccurate or unverifiable information I'm pretty sure that you all probably sent out a letter already and the credit bureaus are supposed to update modify and do a lot of things but typically they don't they don't do nothing all right they say everything is updated and you know modified everything is complete inacurate but really it's not so here's an example of what I'm talking about you can go ahead and read this law if after any reinvestigation under paragraph one of information disputed by a consumer an item of the information is found to be inaccurate or complete or cannot be verified the consumer reported agency shall right and this is key word promptly delete that information from the file of the consumer or modify that information as appropriate based on the results of their reinvestigation and as you can see you look at your report they didn't update they didn't modifi they didn't do nothing all right and and that's another violation of 15 usd6 like they like they are not compliant we we going to talk about that law in a second but number two promptly notify the furniture of that information that the information has been modified or deleted from the file and they a do none of that they didn't modifi they don't like I said man they just playing blatantly disrespecting our rights you see what I'm saying they just don't care I want you to look look at this video really quick here's what I'm talking about for people like Judy Thomas to get their problem solved it's all these people who take the time to meticulously document a case that the bill isn't theirs or the bill has been paid that is never seen by anybody it's not seen by anyone who considers it in determining whether or not information will be uh removed from a credit report it's not forwarded on to the person who has the complaint with you no it is never forwarded on never forward it on to the Creditor there's another law all right 15 USC 1681 I57 so all we got to do is go down to number seven and once you're down to number seven here's what you want to do a consumer report ageny shop from provide to a consumer a description referred to paragraph sb3 by no later than 15 days after receiving a request from the consumer for that description all right now let's go to that 6 B3 all right so six is right here and then B and then number three all right so here's number three a notice that if requested by the consumer a description of the procedure use to determine the accuracy and the completeness of the information shall be shall be provided to the consumer by the agency including the business name and address of the furniture of the information contacted and connection with such information in a telephone of such Furniture if reasonably available all right so how can you lever out law you should already have sent the letter out if you haven't sent the letter out before typically when you send the letter out the credit will say everything is completely inaccurate and what you ask for them to do is provide you a description of how they check the completeness and accuracy of those specific accounts account and they supposed and they supposed to provide you that within 15 days but typically they don't so that's how you can leverage that law and get those accounts deleted from your credit report all right now if you haven't sent the letter out before don't use that law but if you have sent that letter out before use that law so we can you already know knock the credit barrels out and I'm going to show you how to use that laog when I show you how to write up this cfbb complaint so we can get these things deleted from your credit report all right all law that we could use right and this is like we don't have to use this law because this is more for like hard inquiries all right and I'm going to have a video pinned in the description on how you can leverage this law to remove your heart inquiries but of course I had to put it in here because I know everybody has art inquires and I have a specific video sh you how to use that specific law on how to get that those hard inquiries off your credit report all right but 15 USC 1681b is like permissible purpose you can go over it and read it but that's what that law is for all right now let's go to 15 USC 1681 B1 15 USC 1681 B1 and two all right let's talk about those specific laws so all you have to do now is just go down to number five I think we was on number six so just go down to or scroll up to number five and let's look of what these specific laws um how to use them so 15 USC 1681b now typically you want to use this law when this happens all right requirements related to reinsertion of previously deleted accounts all right so when you have accounts that fall off your credit report sometimes guess what the credit bureaus or whatever they put them back on your credit report however there are specific procedure that they supposed to do to put them back on your credit report and you could talk about these laws and how you can leverage them if you got account removed from your credit report and it came back on here all right so here's the specific law because a lot of people have a lot of information but nobody really talks about the law so let's talk about laws and you can read it for yourself but most importantly if any if any information is deleted from a consumer fire purum to sub paragraph 8 the information may not be reinserted in the file by the consumer report agency unless the person who furnish the information CT now certifies that the information is completely inaccurate now I don't know what the word to them mean certified but I'm pretty sure if you look at that specific account I'm pretty sure it's incomplete and inaccurate and that's all I'm going to say about that all right now the second one if any information that has been deleted from a consumer's file pursuant to sub paragraph 8 is reasserted in the file the consumer agency shall notify the consumer of the reinsertion in five in written no later than five business days after after the reinsertion or if unauthorized by the consumer for the purposes by any other means available to the agency all right now like I said there is procedure that they have to follow and this is the procedure as part of and is basically all this and we can you know break that down but that's another video for another time I don't want to break down the whole procedure but they have to follow a specific procedure as well so like I was saying before if you got account removed from your C report and it reappears on your credit report just look to see if it's complete and accurate and look at that specific law to see if they follow that specific procedure cuz if they didn't it's a violation all right we going just use that as leverage so you already know knock the credit barrels out all right so just read the the specific procedure and I I'm pretty sure they didn't follow it all right you need to do is go to 15 USC 1681 and all right we going to go to that specific law all right so just scroll all the way up to the top um if you follow along with me just go all the way up to the top and just going to go to sub chapter um three and we just want to scroll down all way to end now if you have your quote unquote FC Bible you just go to um this one specific right here so we don't go all the way down to let in civil liability on for willful non-compliance all right so this specific law any person who fail um any person who willfully fails to comply with any requirement imposed under the sub chapters with respect to any consumer is liable to that the consumer an amount equal to the sum of and as you can read you can read down these specific on how much they go all right so that's the specific laws that you're going to use to be able to knock the credit bars out so let's talk about how to actually put everything into character I mean everything in perspective to get these things deleted from your credit report and let me show you how to write up a complaint really really quick first things all right first things first you want to go ahead and create account with cfpb if you already don't have account with cfpb all right now once you have your account with the cfpb here's what you want to do here's the process all right so step one you want to go down to um right here you want to scroll all the way down and you want to click on credit reporting all right now once you click on credit reporting you want to go all the way down to this bottom and then click on credit reporting again then click on next all right now once you have that specifically um you want to go ahead and do a use of credit report let's look at to see what's reporting company use your report and properly all right have you already tried to fix this problem with this company yes now what we want to do is did you request information from this company no and then click on next now here's what you want to say when it comes to this this specific complaint all right um I have something already written up already so here's what you want to say now one more thing we're going to only be talking to one specific credit bu right so you're going to make this you're G to make three different complaints one only talking to exper one only talking to transun one only talking to Equifax all right we don't want to get it mixed up with like the different type of accounts because one account might be reported on experience One account might be reported on richan jion another account might be reported on Equifax all right so here's typically what you want to say say I just got my credit report on January 3rd and notice some accounts or whatever day it is that you look at your report all right and notice some accounts on my credit report are incomplete inaccurate which is which is a violation of 15 USC 1681 EB they also violated 15 USC 1681 s-2 A and B 15 USC 1681 A1 and two at this point I believe they're doing this on purpose according to 15 USC 1681b whenever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedure to ensure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates they must be blind because everything is inconsistent all right all right we just and we just let them know that hey they something must be going on all right so what would be the fair resolution so what you want to do is based off the letter that you created already you want to say you just want to list all the negative accounts um on there which is a violation of 15 USC 16 and all the other laws all right so just list all the accounts like this um you know space it out but just tell them delete this account due to violation of this delete this account due to the violation of this all right delete this account now if you have other violations or other laws that we talked about add them in there of how they violate his rights but most importantly attach the documents and then select the file upload that specific account you can probably upload the report as well if you want to and then show the highlighted information all right we just hey they didn't do their job but you can just update you just put the letter up there you have to do the um report just click on next all right now once you click on next here's what you want to do all right put the company's name which is who we were talking to it could be either Experian oh I almost forgot the report you're only addressing it to Experian all right and then we got to have a letter for a Trans Union and a letter for echa all right so Experian Information Services uh information solution and then click name as appears date of birth and then you want to scroll all the way down and put all this all right do you want to do you want to complain with another company no and then click on next and once you click on next all you're doing is verify and make sure every make sure everything is complete and correct and then submit and then wait so now that you submitted your complaint now now it's time to wait those days but you probably have some hard inquiries on your report all I want you to do is go to that video right here and watch this step by step by step and I'm going to show you how to remove them hard inquires off your credit report and knock the credit barrels out all right so go watch this video right here to remove them hard inquires
Channel: Dave Cousins
Views: 6,642
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Id: U4k-pmvVZCY
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Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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