Season 1 BEST END GAME Ice Shards Sorcerer Build Guide | Diablo 4

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now this is one of the best ishar builds for the sorcerer in season one you can easily do tier 100 nightmare dungeons quickly level up and Destroy bosses so let's check this out okay so first I'm going to show you clearing this dungeon and as you can see I'm doing a tier 100 nightmare dungeon and with this build you will be able to do trillions of damage and easily destroy bosses this build is also great at leveling and speed farming dungeons so starting with the malignant Hearts now the season should just be called the season of The Barber because the barber wrathful malignant heart is just the best malignant heart in the game you can easily clear groups of enemies and Destroy bosses with the Barbara raffle malignant heart now the next two million Hearts you're looking for you will need an orange color socket accessory the reason why is that so you can use the tarash's malignant heart and the tempting Faith malignant heart these two malignant Hearts will greatly increase your overall damage now if you're having trouble finding a good orange socket accessory and can only find a blue or a red color socket accessory then you can use the Revenge heart malignant heart or the blue color socket accessory for defense and survivability or you can use the determination malignant heart or the red socket color accessory for the increased Mana regeneration but ideally you want to find accessories with the orange color socket for the taurasha's malignant heart and the tempting fate malignant heart for the insane increase in damage okay so now let's check out the skills now of course the main skill is ice shards and this will be our main damage dealing skill the next skill I'm using is Frost Nova and this will freeze and apply vulnerable to enemies the next two skills will be barrier skills so flame shield and Ice armor for defense and survivability the next skill I have is teleport and this is just one of the best movement skills in the game and the last skill I have is the ultimate skill the freeze this is just basically a get out of jail for free skill while defreeze is active you'll become immune to everything chill and freeze enemies around you and all your cooldowns will reset and this ultimate skill saved me a ton of times when my other skills were on cooldown okay so next let's check out the enchantments now the first enchantment I'm using is the fireball enchantment this will basically apply burning damage to all your skills and because all our skills now apply burning damage we can now benefit from the skills devouring Blaze which will greatly increase our Critical Strike damage against burning enemies now for the second enchantment I do switch around depending if I'm fighting a boss or a group of enemies now when fighting a group of enemies it's better to use the ice shards of champion because whenever you freeze enemies the ice shards will automatically fire at them and Destroy them so the ice shards enchantment makes it very easy to destroy huge groups of enemies now when I'm fighting bosses I will quickly switch out the ice shards enchantment and switch it up to the frostbolt enchantment the reason why is that ice shards does not originally apply chill so the frostboulder chairman will apply chill to your ice Shard skill so you can quickly stagger bosses and then easily destroy them okay so next let's check out the skill tree so starting with the basic skills I put one point into Firebolt and this is for the fire bullet enchantment slot so all my skills can apply burning damage to enemies and I put one point into Frost bolt for the frost bolt enchantment when fighting bosses now majority of the time I will use the ice shards a chairman for my second enchantment to easily clear huge groups of enemies but when I fight bosses I'll switch the ice shards the chairman to frostbolt so my ice shards can apply chill and this will easily stagger the bosses but of course once the boss is defeated don't forget to switch back the frostboulder chairman to the ice shards enchantment so you can easily clear huge groups of enemies okay so next for the core skills I put 5 Points into ice shards a point into enhanced ice shards and a point into destructive ice shards and of course this is our main damage dealing skill and next I put one point into Devastation and three points into Elemental dominance and this will increase our core skills damage now for the defensive skills I put one point into flame Shield appointed to enhanced flame shield and a point into shimmering flame shield and this is just one of the best barriers in the game you become completely immune to damage next I put one point in to teleport a point into enhanced teleport and a point into shimmering teleport and this is just one of the best movement skills in the game next I put one point into ice armor I'll Point into enhanced ice armor and a pointing to shimmering ice armor and this skill will give us more defense and survivability next I put one point into Frost Nova appointing to enhanced Frost Nova and appointed to Mystical Frost Nova and this skill will freeze and apply vulnerable to enemies next I put three points into glass Cannon and this is a huge damage increase and I put one point into Elemental Two Men and this skill gives us a chance to reset one of our defensive skills now next were the conjuration skills I put one point in to align the elements and one point into protection and these skills are for defense and survivability next I put three points into Precision magic now this build does require some lucky hit chance so this skill is important for this build next for the Mastery skills I put one point into inner flames and three points into devouring Blaze and this will greatly increase our Critical Strike damage against burning enemies next I put one point into icy Veil and three points into snap freeze and this skill is important because it allows your Frost skills to have a chance to instantly freeze the enemies so be aware that ice shards alone does not chill or freeze enemies so having snap freeze will give a chance for your ice shards to instantly freeze enemies allowing you to easily kite them and next for the ultimate skills I put one point into D freeze a point into Prime D freeze and appointing to Supreme D freeze and this is my get out of jail free skill you basically become completely immune you will chill and freeze enemies around you and you'll reset all your cooldowns next I put three points into permafrost three points into horror Frost and three points into icy Touch and this will increase the damage of all our Frost skills and next I put three points into frigid Breeze and this skill is important to regenerate mana and last but not least for the key passive I put one point into Avalanche and with this skill your ice shards will have a chance to consume no mana and deal increased damage okay so next let's check out the gear and I do want to mention that every piece of gear and stats are important for this build in order to easily clear tier 100 nightmare dungeons but I'm just going to highlight the most important stats and the legendary affix you're looking for but I'll have a D4 build planner in the description below with the best stats and legendary aspects for this build so starting with the helmet you're looking for cooldown reduction and total armor and the legendary aspect I have is that Frost Nova gains an additional charge but the cooldown per charge is increased by 30 percent now this legendary aspect is very important having an additional charge of frost Nova is really good for offense and defense when fighting huge groups of enemies next for the chest piece you're looking for damage reduction stats and the legendary aspect I have is that you take 25 less damage from crowd control or vulnerable enemies now once you're in the highest tier nightmare dungeons a lot of enemies will just be able to one shot you if you don't have a lot of damage reduction stats but just be aware that when it comes to leveling it's better to use the Raymond of the infinite the reason why is that when you're your leveling ideally you don't want to do nightmare dungeons where the enemies are more than 10 levels higher than yourself because with the most recent update you will not gain additional XP if the mobs are over 10 levels than you and this was added to prevent other players from boosting so because of that it's better to equip the Raymond of the infinite unique chess piece because this will pull and stun enemies around you and with this you can easily clear the dungeons very quickly but once you want to do the highest tier nightmare dungeons it will be better to switch to a chest piece with damage reduction stats so you won't get one-shotted by enemies but don't get me wrong there's still some enemies that still can one shot you but those enemies will usually be slow and easy to dodge next for the gloves you're looking for Critical Strike chance lucky hit chance attack speed and ranks to ice shards and the legendary aspect I have is that your ice shards Pierce four times dealing 20 less damage per subsequent enemy hit and this legendary aspect is important so your ice shards can Pierce and hit multiple enemies next for the pants you're looking for a damage reduction stats and the legendary aspect I have is that you gain 0.5 percent increased armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage stacking up to 30 percent and this legendary aspect is just one of the best defensive legendary aspects in the game now for the boots you're looking for movement speed ranks to teleport and ranks to frost Nova in the legendary aspect I have is that flame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies enemies you move through while flame Shield is active are immobilized for 3 seconds this legendary aspect is good for moving through huge packs of enemies and against bosses it'll greatly staggered bosses next for the weapon you're looking for a wand and the reason why is that its base stat has lucky hit chance and the other stats you're looking for is vulnerable damage Critical Strike damage horse skill damage and all stats and the legendary aspect I have is that you deal 30 increased damage to vulnerable enemies while you have a barrier now the reason you want all stats is because on the Paragon board you will be missing some stats to get the bonus stats from the rare Paragon notes so having all stats on your weapon or your helmet will help get the bonus stats from the rare Paragon nodes okay so next for the amulet you're looking for cooldown reduction movement speed and ranks due to varying Blaze and the legendary aspect I have is that you deal 53 more damage to immobilized stunned or frozen enemies in this legendary aspect greatly increases our damage to Frozen enemies next for the Rings now there are some stats you can switch around but ideally you're looking for vulnerable damage Critical Strike damage Critical Strike chance resource regeneration or on my second ring I have lucky hit chance so these are ideally the five stats you're looking to get on your rings in the first Ring's legendary aspect I have is that critical strikes with core skills increase your attack speed by 25 in this legendary aspect will greatly increase our attack speed and for the second Ring's legendary aspect I have the Avalanche key passive now applies to one additional cast this legendary aspect is important because the Avalanche key passive is really strong and last but not least for the offhand you're looking for cooldown reduction Critical Strike chance Mana cost reduction and lucky hit chance and the legendary aspect I have is that you deal 25 increased damage while you have a barrier active and with this build you will ideally have a barrier active almost all the time okay so that's pretty much the best stats and legendary aspects you're looking to get on your gear but if you're having Mana issues in the early levels then I recommend to switch out this legendary aspect that increases your attack speed from your ring to a legendary aspect that gives you Mana like the prodigies aspect that restores Mano when you use a cooldown or the aspect of concentration that increases your Mana regeneration and I did list the best stats and legendary aspects in a D4 build planner in the description below okay so next let's check out the gems and malignant Hearts so for the armor you're looking for ruby gems for the increased maximum life for the weapon you're looking for Emerald Gems for the increased Critical Strike damage to vulnerable enemies and for the malignant Hearts first you want to use the best malignant heart which is the barber wrathful malignant heart and the barbell wrathful millionaire heart is just overpowered and will destroy packs of enemies and bosses now for the next two malignant Hearts you're looking for orange color socket accessories so you can socket vicious malignant Hearts now vicious malignant Hearts will greatly increase your damage so the first vicious malignant heart I have equipped is the tarash's malignant heart and this will greatly increase our skills damage and the second vicious malignant heart I have is tempting fade and this will greatly increase my Critical Strike damage now I do have other rings with similar stats but with a different color socket for the malignant Hearts but you do want to find orange color socket accessories two socket vicious malignant Hearts to greatly increase your damage okay so next let's check out the Paragon board and I do want to mention that this Paragon board is fully optimized for the ice shards build at level 100. now I'm just going to quickly go over the Paragon board but I'll have a D4 build planner in the description below with the full Paragon board layout so starting with the starter board I went with the destruction glyph and this glyph will greatly increase our Critical Strike damage then I headed up this way and for the second Paragon board I took burning Instinct the glyph I chose was exploit and this will greatly increase our vulnerable damage and this Paragon board is really good because it'll increase our damage to burning enemies then I headed this way and for the next Paragon board I took enchantment master and the glyph I took is Elementalist and this will increase our Paragon node's non-physical damage and additional bonus is that dealing fire cold or lightning damage to an enemy increases all damage you deal to them by 5 for 10 seconds stacking once per element and this glyph will greatly increase our damage and then I head it down this way and for the next Paragon board I took frigid fate and the cliff I took is tactician and this will increase the bonuses to all rare notes within range and the additional bonus is that you deal 10 increased damage for 4 seconds after casting a defensive skill now the bonus we're getting from the rare notes is the vulnerable damage so this glyph will help us increase vulnerable damage and this Paragon board is really good because it has rare notes that increase your vulnerable damage then I headed this way and the next Paragon board I took is icefall in the glyph I'm using is flame feeder and this will greatly increase our damage to burning enemies then I headed up this way and for the last Paragon board I took searing Heat and the glyph I'm using is control and this will greatly increase our damage to crowd controlled enemies and the reason why this Paragon board is good is because it'll have magic and rare notes that'll increase our Critical Strike damage okay so this is pretty much the most optimized Paragon board at level 100 for ishar builds now just be aware you do want to look at the stats on the side and make sure you get the bonuses for the rare notes and the reason I have all stats on my wand is because I needed more willpower to reach the bonus on this rare node okay so that's pretty much the full Paragon board layout and like I mentioned before I will have a D4 build planner in the description below with the full Paragon boards layout okay so thanks for checking out one of the best ice-sharp builds for the sorcerer in season one now just be aware that this build is meant for clearing the highest level nightmare dungeons or speed farming slash leveling this build is not optimized for beating Uber Lilith because this build has a lot of crowd control and crowd control damage which is not needed when fighting Uber Lilith so you do want to adjust some skill points and Paragon points when fighting Uber Lilith too easily beat her and more Diablo 4 videos to come so stay tuned and of course hell for you
Channel: The Life of a Gamer
Views: 32,354
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Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4 best sorcerer build, diablo 4 sorcerer build, diablo 4 ice shards build, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 sorceress build, diablo 4 ice shards sorcerer, best sorcerer build, diablo 4 sorcerer leveling build, diablo 4 build, diablo 4 best build, sorcerer build, diablo 4 ice sorcerer build, diablo 4 season 1, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 sorcerer endgame build, diablo 4 sorc build, diablo 4 sorceress, diablo 4 ice shards sorcerer endgame
Id: Qf1nOGtWsMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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