Diablo 4 Season 1: S-TIER T100 Pushing Sorcerer Chain Lightning Hydra Oculus Stun! Full Build Guide!

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foreign hello how is it going Diablo friends so today I have another build guide for you this is going to be a tier 100 pushing build again this one is pretty fun as well and it's using the Oculus so if you want to delete enemies left and right like this guy here this is the guide for you the very cool thing about this build is that it's using the Oculus unique which gives us various bonuses but it also teleports us at a random location which is actually pretty fun if you play it I know it looks chaotic but you know you press the evade button and you just don't know where you're going to end up and that's actually pretty fun like I was very hesitant before playing this because I was like oh my God what's happening if I get into like a group of mobs that just instantly die but it's not like that in this build enemies are pretty much going to be Perma stunned all the time so you are free to press the evade teleport pretty much all the time if you want to and you will end up in really funny situations where you do like the Panic teleport smashing and you hit the weight like four or five times in a row and just end up at the completely random location like three floors down the dungeon like it is fun but not only is it a lot of fun the build is also pretty defensive and also does a big chunk of damage I would consider this being high I a tier maybe low s tier somewhere around that so in this build guide we're going over the skills we use the skill tree the legendary aspects the item and step priorities as well as the Paragon board and I will give some general play style advice for this build and remember all the links to the build planner and to the specific sections of this guide are in the description down below but first let's just really quickly go over what powers this build and what we are actually doing here and after that we are going to Deep dive into the specific sections so this build is powered by the Caged heart of the Baba and if you don't know what this does it pretty much turns single Target damage into AOE explosion damage so whenever you critically strike a mob while having the cage start of the barber equipped the mob goes into absorbing state for two to four seconds depending on the barber roll and after those two to four seconds the mob explodes all damage it receives as an AOE explosion and this explosion will also feed other Baba absorbers so you can actually get a pretty nice Cascade of explosions with this here to feed a lot of damage into the barber we need a high single Target spell and it turns out that Hydra is actually being pretty broken because the burning damage of Hydra does scale with monster level somehow so then we're gonna take all this broken Hydra damage and feed it into Barber explosions and that will pretty much delete all the monsuffs on your screen pretty pretty fast so if we manually cast Hydra with the serpentine inspect we can actually summon two hydras but we can also use the Hydra enchant here which will spawn a Hydra every 200 Mana used and this will actually allow us to have four high-res active at a time to do this we need to use a lot of mana and that where chain lightning comes into play so we are basically using chain lightning here for two main reasons the first reason is we need to use our Mana to trigger the Hydra enchant and soul chain lightning actually has a pretty nice Mana return by using the recharging aspect and that will give us most of the Mana required to cast a chain Lightning Back so by using the accelerating aspect together with chain lightning we can shoot a lot of chain Lightnings which will make it consume 200 Mana very fast so that allows us to spawn more hydras more quickly and the second reason is we want to spawn a lot of crackling energy to actually use our lightning spare enchant here for that we are using the destructive chain lightning as well as the static discharge passive and that generates the crackling energy for us and then whenever we pick up the crackling energy first of all we use the invigorating conduit for additional Mana regeneration and also we use the lightning spare enchant which allows us to spawn a lot of lightning spares those lightning spares were pretty much only used for one reason two permastan enemies so lightning spares will pretty much travel off screen and just pre-stun everything before you even see it and then you can comfortably just teleport out of screen into the next group of mobs and just delete it so you might have noticed that Hydra and lightning spare are both conjuration skills so it comes pretty handy that we use the conjuration Mastery passive here to give us a very nice damage boost but wait we call this the Oculus build right yes so we use the Oculus unique item which gives us additional evade charges and also transforms our evade into a random location teleport but it also gives a lot of skill levels to the regular teleport spell so we can get our cooldown for the regular teleport down to about like six to seven seconds and as we are teleporting around all the time we use the shimmering teleport to give us an additional 30 damage reduction this makes this build very very tanky in the end so that was just a brief summary of this build and remember all the links are in the description down below and also at the very end of this video I'm going to release you footage of two full nightmare Dungeons and also at the very end of the description of this video you will find links to all my build guides if you're interested so let's just check out how we demolished this Bossier real quick and then jump right into the skill tree we put two points into Fireball just to gain access to our core skills then on our core skills we just put one point in the chain lightning the other four are coming from my gloves here one point into enhanced chain lightning and one point inter-destructive chain lightning to form the crackling energy we need and then we put one point into Devastation just to get access to the next tree and for the next three we put one point into teleport one point into enhanced teleport and one point into shimmering teleport this is going to give us the damage reduction we need and then furthermore we put one point in the frost Nova one point into enhance Frost Nova and one point into mystical Frost Nova for the vulnerable um I have an amulet with plus three um you should also have boots with plus skills so pretty much you just want to have flame Shields and don't put any points into it because you can get it from items and then we put one point into Elemental Attunement and three points into glass Cannon just like in pretty much every other source Rock build then we max out Hydra with the enhanced Hydra and the summoned Hydra because we need the burn damage here to power our build we put one point into a lightning spare one point into an ounce lightning spare and one point into invoked lightning spare this is going to keep our permas done going we put three points into conjuration Mastery it's always nice if you have another plus three on amulet this is not mandatory though and three points into Precision Magics and this build is a little bit more lucky hit based than our defensives we put one point in two align the elements three points into Mana Shield this is going to be active all the time since we are spending a lot of Mana three points into protection this is our main barrier generator keep in mind whenever you use the Oculus teleport like the way teleport this will always give you another barrier so this is a pretty nice skill even if you're in panic mode you can just Perma evade and you always gonna get a new shield from this one here and then we put 1.2 inner flames and three points into the devouring Blaze to just get a little bit more Critical Strike damage three points into static discharge to form more crackling energy and three points into invigorating conduit to regenerate Mana when we pick up correcting energy one point into unstable currents and one point into Prime unstable currents to boost our attack speed while we use it one point into causing currents three points into electrocution for additional damage reduction two points into convergence here this is just some extras done if you can pick up a point somewhere else and put it here that's obviously pretty nice but I feel like the two of three points is way more than enough and our ultimate passive is going to be combustion this is going to maximize our Hydra burn damage there are sources which are saying that every Hydra head counts as a source so this would actually mean there is 18 different sources when the hydras do single Target damage I did never confirm this if that's true or not but even if it's not true uh 20 increased burn damage is still pretty nice for the skills we use unstable currents as our ultimate this is going to help us to spawn a lot of lightning spares and get the build going then we use Frost Nova as our primary vulnerable applicator we use teleport to move around faster and also obviously to engage and disengage then we use flame Shield as our primary defensive skill we use the chain lightning to help us burn Mana for the Hydra enchant as well as generate crackling energy for our invigorating conduit and also for our lightning spare passive then we have Hydra on our bar this is our main DPS skill and our enchantments are as already said lightning spare enchantment to promise on enemies and Hydra enchantment to have a maximum of 4 hydras up at a time for the legendary aspects let's start with the defensive one we use the frost Blitz aspect to get an additional Frost Nova charge this is pretty much mandatory since we are using only Frost Nova as our primary vulnerable applicator so this is pretty nice to have just two charges of it and then we're using the aspect of shared misery to spread the crowd control further we use the aspect of Disobedience this is pretty much mandatory for every build since it's the strongest defensive aspect in the game and we're using the exploiters aspect just for the 20 additional crowd control duration then moving over to offensive aspects we use the smiting aspect this is another 40 increased crowd control duration and you will really start to feel the high amount of crowd control duration if you play this build then we also use the serpentine aspect to get an additional Hydra we use the aspect of control for additional damage to crowd controlled enemies this is a no-brainer since this is a crowd control build and we use the accelerating aspect for additional attack speed then we just use one resource aspect which is the recharging aspect which just gives us Mana regeneration from our chain lightning and then we use one unique item as this build is an Oculus build so we use the unique item Oculus it doesn't really matter how many ranks of teleport you have you can get more ranks but it feels like it's going to be like 0.5 seconds you can further reduce the teleport cooldown so probably choose the one with your highest item level and highest resource generation on hit here four step priorities on your helmet you want to get crowd control duration maximum life total armor and Hydra skill levels I don't have hydro skill levels I just have maximum Mana but High risky levels is the best you can get there then on our chest armor we want to get defensive so this is pretty much the perfect piece except for the item level you want damage reduction from distance damage reduction in general total armor and damage reduction from burning on our gloves we want Critical Strike chance attack speed ranks to chain lightning and intelligence um you can get different stats here for intelligence for example lucky hit would be nice but it doesn't really matter it's not mandatory on our pants again we want to get very defensive this one here has damage reduction from distant damage reduction from close and flat damage reduction at maximum life you probably wanna get rid of the damage reduction from clothes and maybe replace it with damage reduction from burning here on our boots we want to have movement speed Mana cost reduction flame shield and frost Nova in this case so this is pretty much the perfect piece for this build you can get ranks in for example teleport here it doesn't really matter also the four ranks and frost Nova do not do that much so this is pretty much not really so important important really is the movement speed and the four ranks of flame Shield here then we use the Oculus as already said um try to get a high item level and a high primary resource regeneration the other skills how many teleport skills Etc do not really matter at all for our Focus we want to get lucky hit lucky hit Mana restore and resource generation so this is pretty much also the perfect piece for this build you can swap one lucky hit with Critical Strike chance for example um that's pretty much up to you for our Rings we always want Critical Strike chance Critical Strike damage vulnerable damage and maximum life my rings are pretty bad for this build here for the second ring you pretty much want to get the same thing and for our amulet we want to get movement speed defensive skills conjuration Mastery and mainstad so this is also pretty much the perfect amulet for this build uh just one comment for the boots choice so you can get Asus boots here um since the teleport and also the eBay teleport will always trigger the 75 movement speed increase so the 75 movement speed increase so this will give you a very very high bass [ __ ] chance it is not so important for this good in general since the Hydra burn damage cannot crit but it will definitely boost your damage so if you want to run Asus boots here you can also do that as well for our cage Tarts we use the cage Dart of the barber to transform the single Target damage into AOE you want to use an as low as possible roll so two seconds is pretty much the best you can get always prioritize the seconds and then prioritize the amount of armor so if you have a level 4 or level 5 is not really so important most important just get one with as close to two seconds as possible then we use the cage that of tar Russia since this has recently been fixed and is now correctly being calculated this gives us uh up to 36 flat damage increase since we are getting fire from our hydras we're getting lightning from our chain lightning and teleport as well and then we are getting the Shadow from the Baba explosion so we can always have three stacks if we have a dungeon with poisonous evade you can actually get a four stack which is always nice to have for our third heart we use the cage chart of Revenge for the 20 damage reduction mainly um a lot of people have been saying you should always use the K chart of tempting fate here you cannot use the cage shot of tempting fate for this build since it is going to decrease non-critical damage and the Hydra damage is always going to be non-critical so the Caged heart of Revenge doesn't really do a lot for us in this build it actually just reduces our damage and also takes up a caged hard slot so we are much better with picking Revenge here for the Paragon board on the first board we just pick up the non-physical damage nodes here and then we pick the conjure glyph with 40 intelligence just to reach the 20 increased duration we don't really need the conjuration skill damage here it doesn't really scale that well then moving over to the next board this is our main board pretty much it's the burning Instinct board so on this board we picked the burning in Stick glyph this gives us a very very big bonus to our burning damage and this pretty much makes this build work and also we pick up all the other burning damage nodes the reduction from burning now it's pretty much we're getting everything here and as our glove we put in the exploit glyph with 49 dexterity for a maximum of vulnerable damage moving over to the next board this is going to be the frigid fade board this is pretty much played in every single sorcerer built so we pick up all the vulnerable damage here and we put in the tactician glyph here to further boost the vulnerable damage from this sport then moving over to the next board here at the top this is the static search board we pick up the Mana bonus and the damage to stunt nodes here and then we pick an additional damage to stunt here and we put in our flame feeder glyphs with 44 dexterity this is gonna give us damage bonus to burning enemies moving over to the next spot this is the keys less conduit board we pretty much just use this for the glyph socket here with 49 dexterity and our destruction glove to maximize our Critical Strike damage and moving over to the last board this is going to be the Searing heat board again we pick up the glyph socket here for our control glyph with 39 dexterity this gives us a very big bonus damage to crowd controlled energy enemies and then we pick up the Critical Strike damage notes Here In The Middle okay that was everything about this build I hope you like it and remember check out the links in the description below and now I'm going to leave you two full nightmare dungeons for you to just watch and as always if you have questions just let me know in the comments down below and I will try to answer them as fast as possible so thank you very much for watching thank you foreign foreign I'm not ready yet foreign you saved my life thank you I'm not ready yet bless you [Music] foreign foreign I'm not ready yet I need time to do I'm not ready yet foreign foreign foreign
Channel: goldfarmingGUIDE
Views: 20,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo iv, t100 pushing, t100, tier 100, diablo 4 tier 100, tier 100 guide, tier 100 sorc, tier 100 sorcerer, tier 100 nightmare dungeon, tier 100 nm, build guide, sorcerer, sorcerer guide, sorceress guide, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 sorcerer, chain lightning guide, sorcerer nightmare dungeon, sorc paragon, sorc, d4, diablo 4 summoner, diablo 4 hydra, hydra build, conjuration build, tier 100 hydra, barber, diablo 4 oculus, oculus build, oculus build guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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