Sam or Tom ? | Zip Zip | 4 hours COMPILATION - Season 2 | Cartoon for kids

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hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sam the board his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] tip tip Susie I got a treasure oh yeah [Music] um [Music] has become famous how about that sorry to shatter your dreams guys but that's not a movie poster it's a wanted poster a wanted poster huh a wanted poster what have you done Sam nothing at all you did nothing I'm telling you Sam has been naughty and now there's gonna be trouble oh no that no Mr Livingstone hello I'm Mrs itby Arlette it be and I've had a call from my veterinarian Mr vetovic who tells me that my cat Tom is here with you what's that Tom I don't believe we have any Toms here no honey are there any Toms here in this house Tom a cat the one I lost incredible Sam is called Tom that's crazy yes but it means he's not oh Sam that's incredible Sarah has a boy cat not a twin that's a real cat that just so happens to look exactly like Sam we had no idea our Sam had another home before coming to us we're really sorry we're awfully attached to him and perhaps we can reach an arrangement out of the question that is my cat he belongs to me and I want him I want my Tom right this minute so Sam you're living a double life are you or should I say a triple lie but it's not him Tom is a real cat who happens to look like him that's all how appalling two Sams how can nature be so cruel you gotta help us find Tom fast if I let take Sam away and realizes he's a wild boar it'll be a catastrophe for us let me think this through no more Sam no one making noise during my naps catastrophe indeed listen to your heart Victoria listen to it Beady like a butterflies you're a sheriff kibble plus fans for the next three weeks my share of kibble and just for one week you're on let's start by going to see Fang he spends his life outside if something happened in the neighborhood he'll know about it super thanks Victoria hey have you seen this cat let me think about this yes I have right here so what's going on now it does lost their scent can't see behind the tips of their noses yeah that's so funny Fang but anyway have you seen them or not okay that's enough no more fooling around I've got other things to do there's a food Thief hanging around the neighborhood no way am I gonna let that Cobra get away I'm the only one who steals food around here who's this Tom Tom but in fact not Sam but Tom who looks like Sam see what I mean that's enough I know what I saw beware if I caught you anywhere near my food supplies you boy oh boy I keep doing stuff I didn't do this is horrible don't worry Sam the good thing is that we're on the right track apparently Tom is the one pilfering the neighborhood's Food Supplies the problem is you're the one getting the stick I mean you're stuck with the blame whatever all we have to do now is catch him Sam give me a chicken I don't have a chicken it's okay Sam we all know you always have a chicken on you but it's absurd I've never had a chicken cut it out Sam we're brother and sister I've known you since the day I was born even in the forest you always managed to hide food on yourself actually we'd like to know how you do that you guys near the neighborhood I just turned up and when I heard you talking about chicken but this is incredible who are you you could be my twin brother look we've got the same pause yeah and we've got the same ears excuse me for interrupting your deeply moving encounter but Tom your name's Tom right well Tom as I was saying your master is very worried and she's out looking for you everywhere you gotta go home are you kidding the world is fast and I still have loads of places to explore this is the first time in my life I've been outside and I'm as hungry as a poor yeah hey if you're hungry come and have a snack at our place the living stones are really welcoming and open you will okay incredible the resemblance is so amazing you didn't say that her leg was in your place apart from One Mall those two are absolutely identical phew so are Sam stay with us what a relief let's celebrate here's a treat for all of you now you Tom you could choke or have an allergic reaction Whittle Tom doesn't want a dreadful allergy does he just because it's you Sam though thank you for everything I'm so happy my little Tom's just fine congratulations your pets are truly adorable come on little TomTom time to go home Freedom comfort and kibble Heaven oh mine [Music] oh Sam you ate everything up again oops I'll deal with this yeah I thought I'd fed you we had an agreement your share for one week [Music] no deck chairs what's got into him [Laughter] what about you what do you mean it's me right I'm thin look at me juicy sandwich phew [Music] foreign [Music] I ground everything up that way there's no risk of you choking well done little TomTom as a reward I got a surprise for you look how beautiful you'll be in this I'm walking up all the doors and windows that way no risk of you wandering outside again it's far too dangerous oh no Sam not again it's cool I got this thing oops I forgot to feed you all again sorry Sam stop that wait a second you'll get your kibble since when does Sam know how to purr he's a boar if Sam is purring there's only one explanation he's a cat oh no Tom took Sam's Place is Sam I believe Thomas we gotta get rid of him before he settles in for good to do that we've gotta scare the Daylights out of him you think something can scare him enough to make him yes we remove our costumes when he sees us as wild beasts Tom will take off to the end of the world and who do we have here great to see you again Sam you remember what you owe us right [Music] ma'am if you don't give us back what you owe us we're going to you don't want to know what we're going to do with you listen we know you're Sam who would want to take his place I swear it's true it's because it misses our let it be my master she never lets me go outside and I love going outside don't hurt me I'll take you to him walk on ahead we'll follow [Music] thank you I beg you please don't hurt Arlette she may seem hard but she's good-hearted you found me where are the keys inner pocket but I'll try to get them out here I'll wake her up so like you never have any chicken on you right Sam [Music] Tom this time I thought of everything and I installed it [Music] you saved me from that big bad wolf all that time I thought I was protecting you when in fact you are the one who protects me what's all this dancing about they're together all the time [Applause] [Music] so I'm Tom [Music] looks like everything's sorted out now and it's thanks to us right there [Applause] Sam no stop come back [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] thank you [Music] why are you crying oh beautiful big boys new shoes I always say crying again because I thought I was a cat so I can eat kibble all day long and watch TV oh yeah because I wish I was a kid so I could eat TVs and watch cable day long ago forget it Sam with my magic rainbow I grant you happiness thank you Genie Lily the unicorn of Joy just like in the cartoon man you don't look like a Unicorn it's a game we're hunting I'm Lily the Unicorn Lily the Unicorn that's totally for babies hogwash literally the Unicorn is amazing if you say so okay Sam put your costume back on let's go outside and play something cool maybe huh [Music] what's up with you guys what are you doing great how about yourself you should watch what you're doing you nearly squished my face off and I gotta go perform an animal star you knuckleheads aren't you [Music] what on Earth is that well you know the Masters had this unicorn come visit but she was about to leave have you gone out of your mind what do you think you're playing at least I look like a unicorn right get inside and zip up your rabbit costume before the Living Stones get back from the market there is no more Eugenie now my name is the happy unicorn okay let me explain a unicorn is an imaginary animal which means that outside the TV they don't exist if the Living Stones discover you like that you'll blow your cover straight away and you can say farewell happiness and hello to a world of horror back in the forest two minutes unicorns Sam hold him up in the house Susie come with me Susie keep watching while I get her costume back [Music] where on Earth did she put it [Music] too late it's incredible have you seen this Sweetie Pies a unicorn isn't it magnificent hey honey thank you I found a baby unicorn in the shack in the yard isn't it amazing I've always dreamed of having my own unicorn and to think you said they didn't exist oh yes indeed have you seen this Sweetie Pies Oh Hey where's your where's your genie oh she must be having her afternoon nap somewhere quick a selfie I've got to get it on my hamstergram account [Music] be hungry cutie pie kibble all around my lovely fur balls it's not every day your dream comes true happiness and hello world of horror [Music] not me and here you can Trot around to your heart's content hello Mr snobby knows let me introduce my lovely little Marvel a unicorn how ridiculous oh it's the animals dog TV show hello yes hello what do you mean animal star canceled Alvarez they found somebody better on a hamstergram account don't you realize what this means it's an outrage which animal could possibly surpass over us come on you know what they say see a unicorn and feel happy all day [Music] wants a phone interview with you they even canceled an Afghan Greyhound to talk about your unicorn sorry important call to make let me leave you with your new friend Susie [Music] what do you want to do that you're a unicorn I want to make everybody happy duh and to begin with with my magic card and rainbow power I name you deputy attorneys give me that remote control [Music] hush with my magic horn and rainbow power let me make your dearest dream come true I name you commander of the remote control pancakes we're in the holiday of a lifetime cream sauce with broccoli and Sam don't sulk you heard what Gigi said hmm [Music] wishes granted may you have all the cable you can eat who do you want to thank you Gigi thank you thank you thank you hey clowns you not through yet there are folks trying to sleep around here there's no need to be so unkind kindness is the food of Life otherwise it'll cost you one couple in the naughty box and what are you gonna do next you complaining is for real kibble now but I don't have any don't lie to me I know you stash my stash them [Music] yes with my magic horn I can indeed make you happy what is your dearest wish we wanna have the same litter box as Vic her litter box is the best they say it smells like cotton candy all right like the same microchip as Everest he never lets me borrow it who is my magic card and rainbow power all of your wishes will be granted [Music] huh hey what are you doing that's my litter box don't worry you can share what what why that's not nice one kibble d this is all about sharing with my magic horn I declare that Vincent has the right to wear his neckerchief hat every other day [Music] my legs say dumbbells quit the magic unicorn act or there's gonna be trouble we're so afraid you know that wild animals are forbidden in this yard well sore imagine our animals too see your unicorn you'd better look it up indoors right this instant or else just started it the pause with my magic horn I offer the ribbon the Friendship go make peace or else you gotta listen to Gigi she can make us happy using your magic horn ever since she turned up I thought all the Cuba like you need she's watching us quick Lord is disgusting Alvarez what has happened to your dignity and your covert here I was coming out to post photos of you on hamster grabs yeah oh horrific you leave me no choice over us I'm going to have to replace you with a magic animal even more magical than a unicorn and he will make it onto animal star in a movement magically unicorn [Music] I shall make it onto animal star and win back my Master's love [Music] [Music] a tiny bull what is going on here the wild animal I'm calling the dog pound [Music] can't you see the poor little creature as terrorized she must feel so lost I shall take her back to the forest myself right this instant [Music] Sam there are worse matters at hand if you're hungry eat this flush your Genie's costume she hidden in her magic horn I'm just taking the baby boy back to the Forest you can help me when you get home [Music] you Genie what are you doing here beautiful you haven't seen a baby boar have you he got out through the window okay I guess he must have set off home come on I have to introduce you to our extraordinary new friend say where did she go [Music] looked everywhere nothing her unicorn has disappeared you know honey that's the thing with magic animals they appear and disappear just like that but when we have such a magnificent crew a fantastic fairy friends who needs unicorns to be happy no you're right honey so what are you watching Lily the Unicorn of babies we're watching Goliath the dragon now that's cool okay with the dragon but no fooling around this time okay [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] my boss is coming to dinner and I want to see no one in the living room come on everybody out boy how annoying just when we were about to find out the identity of the guy behind the horse mask and there's nothing to do outside inside is so much better say life in the forest must have been a nightmare without TV not true we never got bored in the forest we played tons of games yeah how about we play Guess the snout this game is far too easy for a fox I'm gonna obliterate you [Music] a cinch gotcha Sam well you were saying Washington no I wasn't ready let's start over [Music] Washington up here maybe we should move in closer it's a bit difficult for him no yeah too right and anyway he keeps working off watch out for the road [Music] Alvarez is that you Ali it's soft kind of sticky this nose has got to belong to Victoria maybe we should play something else why what's the problem let's just see space and you don't seem to go together let's just say you're hopeless if that's the way it is I quit playing I'm going inside so there and besides I want to find out who this horse guy is [Music] isn't that incredible that don't crossed the whole country to get back home to its owners like everyone knows the dog's sense of direction is second to none isn't that right Washington a dog could never replace my GPS don't listen boy your instincts will always be technology hands down with my navigation assistant I simply enter a destination and zip I'm guided straight there no ifs no buts I'd be very surprised a dog can do the same unless Washington is an expert in map reading my dog is a million times better than your dumb GPS depends on what you're looking for sometimes dogs are better but sometimes it's a GPS I say get them both and you'll be happy we'll have a race Washington against your GPS that way we'll find out no brainer I'm counting on you big fella wow at least there's someone here who recognizes my talents do you really know what you're letting yourself in for you have absolutely zero sense of direction and if the boss wins Mr Livingstone is going to be very very disappointed and then he'll start wondering if his dog is really a dog after all maybe I overestimated my abilities if you'll excuse me I'd rather not watch this farewell friends deep down I loved you dearly enjoy your trip back to the forest what am I gonna do because of me we all have to go back and live in the woods we must find some way to win this ring unless that GPS breaks down I have no chance gotta confess I am hopeless of course that's it we have to sabotage the GPS isn't it what about you by you how I know Sam and I will lay a kibble Trail back to the house all Rush has to do is follow the coupon [Music] what a klutz never leave a window open uh what are you doing I saw that on TV slip your paw through the car window and the door will Spring open hmm hey what's a GPS look like hello what is your destination please well done Susie go on sabotage it uh okay just look for a cable and pull on it hey [Music] you get it have you sabotaged the PBS you mean the GPS that's what I said not yet right now all we've done is get Susie Tangled Up in the glove box in 800 yards turn left in 800 yards turn left in 800 yards wow well done Susie with you pulling the strings there's absolutely no way the boss will find his way back [Music] thank you from the top of this hill it takes exactly the same amount of time to get home by foot as it does by car my GPS knows all the shortcuts it's not too late to give up before I humiliate you give up never very well count to uh let's say one thousand then take off your blindfolds [Music] one thousand take it away my beauty send us right back to where we came from in 800 yards turn left so where's the house well done Washington I knew I could count on your instincts [Music] [Music] [Music] I got a little hungry along the way oh no Sam what are we gonna do without kibble watch you'll never find his way home why did you have to guzzle back to kibble you already have a lot of food stashed in your costume I don't know what you're talking about yes you do Sam your costume is always crammed with food let me see I can't wait to see Livingstone silly loser face this is gonna be fun in 800 yards turn left perfect washer sure to recognize his favorite dog candy [Music] doopy Silly Sam I get an idea the rappers thank you [Music] phew we made it now all we have to do is wait for them to show up just disappeared faces sense of direction will prove once and for all that wash is a real dog there's something wrong what it's a rapper rapper from the dog candy that's strange I've got this uncanny feeling of deja vu in 800 yards turn left I'm sure I've already turned left here in 800 yards turn left oh no wash what have you done we're right back where we started so lost are we I knew it a dog could never beat my GPS got a technical hitch I might be lost but at least my dog knows how to turn right maybe a big greedy warthog passed by an Adar Trail okay if we can't help wash without being spotted at least we can create a diversion Heyday version I'll take care of that it's the least I can do a living Stone [Music] in 800 yards turn left the boys got talent but how do we get we guess I have no idea but I need you to guide me back to the house [Music] it's about time what happened why are you all alone [Music] oh no nothing's happened to my husband [Music] oh in 800 yards turn left you again for a magnificent day the pleasure was all ours and thank you again honey you really saved us it's Washington who saved you gotta say there's no way your GPS could have saved us from a wild hog nah I must confess I am deeply indebted to that dog of yours this is one TV binge we definitely deserved I will admit that just for once you came through okay if Susie hadn't taken control of the GPS and if Sam hadn't ripped off his costume I'd have been a goner I think it's dinner time in 800 yards turn left [Music] [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friends sound aboard his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Music] I don't believe it is there no peace and quiet to be had anywhere thank you and the champion of the most terrifying screens even our teeth are so scared they fall out oh my I lost a tooth don't worry it's just a baby too I'm sure there's already a new one growing in its place he planted in the yard I hear to know the oak tree will grow on top of it with tons of delicious acorns acorns that grow into acorn trees so then if we planted tooth it would make a [Music] no maybe we should avoid that scenario by tossing it in the garbage most certainly not you bunch of fools baby teeth are worth a fortune what in the city when you put a tooth under your pillow during the night a Tooth Fairy comes and gets it and leaves a present in exchange don't you remember Biscuit the little mouse who lives with the Living Stones well biscuit works part-time as a tooth fairy oh that's all nonsense yeah I lost a tooth two months ago and biscuit never came with the slightest gift ah could be your tooth was too boring for him yours Eugenie is way more interesting out my tooth well well for a rabbit that's one huge tooth and I can assure you teeth like that are pretty rare here in the city I'm sure you'll get an enormous present [Music] thank you hello awesome [Music] present that's the dumbest present I've ever seen two what a cheapskate I'd make a way better Tooth Fairy here sis [Music] biscuit has made fun of us yet again well why the long faces you said that Eugenie would get a super present and she got totally ripped off instead yeah yeah laugh all you want but we haven't said our last word what do you want just what is this lousy gift huh Eugenie left you a super tooth and she deserves a super present give us back the tooth we're gonna see another tooth fairy a real one this time two two can't go back on it now and for your info I've been running baby teeth Incorporated the company that handles all the teeth in the hood for years a clothespin no more no less and one more thing you can thank your lucky stars since it was a big tooth I gave you a big clothespin [Music] did you hear that Sam yeah it's my stomach growling I've only had four meals today is totally exceptional hey I'll give you five kilos of cheese and uh a muscle 20 kilos of cheese and a muscle uh 10 kilos enormous 15. 12 kilos and half a muscle it's a deal right I have to organize Transportation now Eugenie got totally ripped off and we got the proof now I'm Gonna Make a Deal time well according to the latest news flash it appears that eugenie's tooth is exceptional and that it's going right on today's tooth Market is about 12 kilos of cheese so either we get it back or we get the cheese too late that's how it's gonna be we'll have to resort to more forceful methods oh you guys are totally nuts are you okay nugget I'm so sorry it's because of that dumb present that biscuit brought me he's really a mean what I actually got a present for biscuit why you and not me drop it I bet it's because we tried to eat biscuit a couple of times you know how those mice hold a garage you could have gotten nothing else [Music] laughs [Music] what's all that racket I believe you have something that belongs to us hey you give me back my toes right now [Music] that looks like a tooth come on open your mouth it's for your own good you know you mustn't suffer in silence Darlings uh listen honey the easiest thing to do is to get an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning they'll know whose tooth this is [Music] thank you given the size of it I think we can count out Susie no indeed we can honey birds don't have teeth oh yeah right if the Living Stones take the tooth to the vet he's gonna tell him it's a wild Boar's tooth and then it's gonna be a one-way ticket back to the forest for all of us steel tooth during the night they'll see it's missing tomorrow morning and they might suspect it was us too risky oh I know what if we replace it with nuggets brilliant idea you Genie yeah well good luck with that nugget and Fluffy's door is always locked at night Susie you could get it by flying through the window so I can get but I do I do not get in wash I just found a super video explaining how to use a clothespin voila whoa awesome catapult Susie get in position everyone ready operation clothespin will begin in five four three two one zero [Music] Sam are your muscles made a silly putty or what pull a bit harder this time okay zero [Music] zero zero zero [Music] I said a bit harder Sam not super hard if all you're going to do is yell at me [Music] what are you doing here get out of here on the double unless you want to wind up in the dog pound yeah I come as a friend actually I come as a little mouse uh a fairy Mouse biscuits at me a dog fairy Mouse yeah that's it and uh since biscuit doesn't have time to come pick up nuggets tooth he asked me to undertake this super important mission for him but didn't that means I'm going to get a president [Music] your present oh yeah uh so who's King of the deal well how'd you do it they seem great no you know the usual part of the deal Nugget had no choice but to hand over the tooth oh yeah with nothing in exchange no no no of course not [Music] oh yeah two kisses come on we got work to do [Music] oh yeah even if I tell you I've got that exceptional tooth and that I'm willing to make a deal I thought the livingstones went off to the vet with a tooth quite right except that as we speak the vet is examining an itsy bitsy cat tooth no doubt about it this is a shark's tooth which means that the tooth belongs to none of our darling furballs now that's great news interesting in exchange for the tooth I'll give you two huge clothes pins we want eight kilos of cheese and a whole muscle you're crazy three killers of cheese and no muscle six kilos and a muscle do you think Rush will be back soon I'm starting to get kind of hungry let's hear it for the king of the deal check it out [Music] hey it's better than a clothespin now you can say that again Watch who wants some oh I think another tooth is loose oh please [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave he's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] foreign [Music] I've never seen such a beautiful one [Music] Sam come on now you're not going to [Music] uh it's perfect get out of that mud now put your costume on someone could see you yo come on wow a shark do you don't see anything oh that was just to get you out it worked my dad said the only thing I miss about our life in the woods and they make my first silky and stuff [Music] Hey look it's acting like it wants to stay with me obviously you stink of old mud for miles around now come on get rid of that fly we're going home I'm keeping it you what I feel this sort of connection between us something very rare very powerful no way am I getting rid of this but I don't believe it now he's talking to flies oh yuck what is that foul thing you will it's my thing I adopted it I'm warning you if that thing comes anywhere near me my claws are out [Music] [Applause] looks like they really like me [Music] isn't that a surprise kids let me show you all around your new home don't worry Vic it's just two flies or rather four [Music] foreign what are all those flies doing around Sam yes that's strange I've never heard of cats attracting flies then again Sam is unique [Music] luckily there were only four I need to talk to you Sam give me a problem here we are alone stay right there kids I'll be right back TV we have to get rid of your flies right now oh yeah and do you mind telling me why Mr I'm so jealous because if the living Stone start asking themselves too many questions our covers are blown a bunch of flies and I can't it's too bizarre not a wild boar it's a sign of social success [Music] may I remind you that officially you are a cat and not a boar may I also remind you that every other time animals have turned up here we've been in big trouble I'm not abandoning them end of discussion but they're just flies foreign [Music] [Music] good morning come on guys let's go outside it's far too noisy in here [Music] time for the Royal nav my court and I are taking possession of that lounge chair hey Lord of the Flies why don't you all just buzz off good [Music] evening [Music] [Music] no these are just baby flies put them back in the house they need to stay nice and warm to hatch if those flies are still here this evening I'm kicking every one of you out I'll take care of it I just need to find an idea well find it fast [Music] [Music] thank you they're too smart and we're outnumbered [Music] this Brilliant Invention is the answer to all our problems what's it for catching flies you'll see you're just happy [Music] well well looks like you prefer sticking around [Music] yeah your flies need nourishment too well looks like you guys were hungry [Music] darling we have to call the vet it simply isn't normal for a cat to attract so many flies [Music] good because I know just the way to do that in the woods [Music] boomy I had a bit of leaves to lie down in let's go [Music] [Music] faster faster they're gonna catch up with us hey how about that my old buddies nice to see a Pals [Music] look at that hi there Mitch hey didn't expect to see you guys in this regular words what do we do rush through all those two [Music] separate us [Music] yeah this time there's no choice Sam you gotta tell them they can't come with you you know a heart to heart talk yeah I know but it's tough wash I've grown really attached to them it's the only way [Music] that's the reason why I'm gonna have to go home without you but I've seen you'll be happy here out in the fresh air and I promise I will never ever forget you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what the mystery of love [Music] hey who you talking to Sam what a day farewell flies never again promise him yeah I promise Rush [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] so what's the surprise you'll see if we don't leave soon we'll miss the lunar eclipse just one minute I've nearly finished here we go system activated now I can control the whole house I am a one-man smart home wizard what's a smart home whiz head no idea but I think we're about to find out allow me to demonstrate greetings and welcome to the Mirage home automation system your remote assistant smart home dream wizard dinner is served [Music] no no wow [Music] and you haven't seen nothing yet [Laughter] and that isn't all but we have a lunar eclipse to catch don't worry honey it'll be all right here when we get back in the meantime my furry friends I prepared a special program for you here we go see you tomorrow morning this is gonna end in tears good luck but this is terrible it's like we're back in the forest don't worry guys I've got it this here tablet is where it's at and he says I've got it that's when we start worrying right nature Escape deactivated there you go just ask the expert okay let's see why don't we create a little atmosphere how about a little music thank you [Music] Now That's What I Call Music how about a little massage sorry [Music] if it's a good idea to play with the tablet Washington of course it is Sam you'll see the possibilities are endless that sounds like [Music] that's an apple isn't it I'll go look for the Stop button just a second I got it covered it's okay I found it proper goldscape activated wow is it getting hot in here or is it me [Music] [Music] ball sort this out in no time how about we press that big green button there and stop the whole thing don't worry Eugenie I have this situation under control you'll see adjusting to maximum temperature you think my costume is melting Lush [Music] hour detected [Music] quarantine commencing [Music] complete oh quick hi oh what was that alarm will you never get a moment's piece around here those neighbors sure are a Wild Bunch [Applause] oh come here you sleepy head uh oh I think we got a tiny problem I knew we were well the animals no Sam we're locked outside who knew no costumes no kibble [Music] why didn't we press the big green button again stop you'll wake up the whole neighborhood then what are we gonna do breathe deeply everything is going to be fine and let's just keep calm if this really is a smart house then it and I aren't gonna get on great hi Mirage I'm Washington would you be so kind to let us back in hmm moving a silly little misunderstanding our costumes aren't toxic and we agreed to get them back we can at least say something everybody come hey watch I've got a great idea to get back into the house good job Eugenie but I have a better idea we'll go in via the roof give me a handstamp we're gonna need some gear is it me or does he never listen to my ideas wanna hear it Susie remember when you snuck into the house through the piping system perfect hey say where are the girls gone Rush are you sure this is the right time to go skiing I know what I'm doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Disney Lizzy can you hear me hear me let's do like we said okay [Music] yes okay [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] is this a kind of joke let us get some sleep what's going on with the house it's Susie Susie yeah yeah I'm inside she has yeah she went into the piping system she was meant to press the big button switch off the smart house and let us back in but great idea so why haven't she done it [Music] there's no meltdown system meltdown says don't meltdown [Music] [Music] press the big button the big button big button on the wall situation critical remote control disabled contacting owner [Music] thank you [Music] I can't see Susie we have to get inside that house but where's Sam hello hello can you hear it Susie we've lost her there's no network we have no choice we have to get inside that house now on three we go what good idea you're right I'm fine then bye okay come on Susie [Music] there you go problem solved right let's get our costumes back oh no get the costume I'll take care of this fire alert [Music] phew wow that was a close call [Music] is everything what has happened here looks like the program went crazy poor little Starlings [Music] my dear little angels you must have must have verified for sure I'm going to uninstall this hopeless Smart House system straight away and you'll be getting double kibble all week it looks like I made the right decision going with them huh I don't know what you're talking about we came through just fine yeah so what's that then [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave but the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] s hello everybody it's time for singing in the shower get your morning wrapping and with no further Ado let's welcome Josephine who's going to sing her latest hit live from her bathroom [Music] we'll drain all your brain cells to let some of us sleep when you don't know how to sing you keep quiet okay first of all we know how to sing that's what you think I happen to have perfect ears and I can tell you that you guys sing like a bunch of elephants huh what's this despair my ear is perfect that means I know when you're singing on key or off and you guys are off way way way off and too loud so hey cut it out Vic they're allowed to have fun sure in total silence Champion up girls and pretty soon it's you will be on TV sorry it means good morning and dolphin ah to your new learn while you sleep method is it really working like a charm as you can see thank you Washington good job oh honey look at this why don't we sign Susie up girls girls stop Susie The Living Stones want to sign you up for a singing Canary contest are you nuts Susie if you sing the livingstones will find out that you're not a real Canary which means a one-way ticket back to the forest huh and I be able to sing like a canary huh uh because you're a blackbird what would you say to a little musical rehearsal huh I'd like to find out if you're good enough to enter a contest [Music] I'm going to play you a little number on the flute and then I want you to repeat it as Faithfully as possible [Music] your turn Susie Kitty what what first show what in the world is this circus Mr Livingstone is quickly understanding that Susie doesn't sing like a canary so in two minutes tops will all be found out and sent packing into the forest any other question what singing what a voice why Susie That's marvelous and it's not like I'm surrounded by a bunch of winners either honey can I borrow your tablet Susie turns out to be a diva of a singer it would be a shame not to enter her in the contest but of course honey I always knew Susie was talented [Music] hmm what do you think what do you think meant when she said she wasn't surrounded by a bunch of winners nothing that's just Vic you know how she is what's important is that Mr Livingstone is persuaded now that Susie is a real Canary and we can hang out and tranquily watch TV before our live broadcast of the world famous canary singing contest we've got an exclusive interview of the president of the jury who has kindly opened his home to us how about a word of advice to all the canaries watching us who have entered tomorrow's contest well practice like your life depended on it I don't cheat I can recognize the voice of a real Canary a mile away and everywhere we've gotta find a way to stop your taking part in this Con Susie Mr snobby knows is not like Mr Livingstone he's an expert he'll find out right from the first note that you're not a real Canary you don't need [Music] foreign that way nobody will ever make fun of me again Susan You Can Count On Me In fact I'm gonna be your personal trainer Sam that's super nice of you but I'm not sure that a wild boar cat is the best person to teach a blackbird how to sing like a canary I've got a better idea by listening to a canary while you're asleep your subconscious will learn how to sing and tomorrow for the contest you'll be brilliant just like Mrs Livingstone and her Dolphins honey you wouldn't have seen my headphones and tablet by any chance [Music] all right and uh a canary oh that's a lion leave it wash please don't tell me you forgot to put that Canary video on repeat play yeah uh uh no I mean I don't know why because there were other videos streaming after that and so Susie has memorized every single animal sound except the one interested in way to go Mr brain surgeon oh hey no problem all we have to do is put the canary video back on oh no I don't believe it don't worry Bush maybe we could just go to Mr snobby news oh yeah of course so we can tell him to his face that Susie's not a real Canary give him our costumes and then head back to the forest got any other brilliant ideas Sam you I can't think of any other solution for listening to canary singing I can recognize the voice of a real Canary a mile away of course Samuel where are you time to go [Music] well well Susie you seem to be in fine shape for the contest in fact it looks like you put on some weight I just hope you still fit into your cage go on hop in go Susie it's no time to play It's Time get back here Susie ouch hurry up even though the contest won't start with others there's no reason to show up late all right Susie you're on half a tone higher Susie there Perfect come come now no reason to get stage fright like that Susie everything's going to be just fine honey I'm leaving where's Eugenie even with a Canary costume she couldn't have flown away could she oh no and welcome to the international canary singing contest how about a big round of applause for Hubert our first contestant [Applause] [Music] and our first contestant has been disqualified after only two and 57 100th of a second our jury president has wasted no time in letting us know that he will be inflexible when it comes to cheating we're Gunners you Genie doesn't stand a chance and now for our second contestant Myrtle [Applause] what a joke that song was pre-recorded incredible Myrtle has just been disqualified will Susie our third Canary have more luck than our first two contestants I can't watch this Susie Pickens the jury is getting impatient [Music] isn't it if she doesn't win the contest with that I can tell you that's no Canary but what in the world is this bizarre specimen quick very impressive this Majestic winged creature appears to be a distant cousin of the Sumatra tomtomber honey why the long face what happened Susie's not a real Canary she's an exotic bird a distant cousin of the chicatumi Tam tampered or something like that and it's strictly forbidden to keep such exotic birds in captivity honey do you realize that all this time we've been breaking the law call the vet just to be 100 sure about this [Music] Susie Go sing into the phone to make the vet think that you're a real Canary [Music] it's our only chance Susie's not a real Canary what in the world is this all about well that's what Mr snobby knows the jury president said and [Music] I already asked you if the coffee's ready and dolphin can you believe that [Music] and now if you will excuse me I am very busy right now where was I well there you go honey Mr snobby knows was mistaken it's a human you know la la la La you're not dead here I have to agree they're pretty good and it's all thanks to me well you should have brought that Canary instead he would have won the contest he's singing the trombardo canary who can see major to Perfection I swear it's the same Canary but I just don't understand he started singing like my rabbit must have been stage fright or something [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave he's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure [Music] but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret hi [Music] uh what where huh what's going on the police aliens the end of the world this is your lucky day do you have a fortune at your feet Yes Siri you've got one Fortune huh Fortune thanks to this incredible metal detector if there's gold silver or precious jewelry buried in your garden this detector will tell you about it in no time at all Cutting Edge technology three-day guarantee single cash payment with extra charge This Magnificent device will change your life change my life it's amazing everything I've dreamed of I'll take it [Music] what is that incredible machine ugh Incredible or not I don't like the look of it at all later guys the battery for the remote control it works we've been looking for that battery for days that machinist pure genius yeah I don't know how it works but it sure looks fun what in the world is that a 50 cent coin this my dear is a treasure detector we are going to be rich amazing and don't tell me you bought that piece of junk from the traveling salesman I saw in the street but it was a real bargain I'll go straight out into the yard and prove to you that this is not a piece of junk [Music] a treasure detector well I knew how to detect one thing the best places in the yard to nap in the afternoon [Music] okay it's like our yard is sitting on a treasure Trove yeah [Music] Sam get out of here [Music] looks like there's no way I'm getting a peaceful afternoon nap today whole yard is crammed with treasure just waiting to be dug up another treasure there [Music] honey I told you our lot is brimming with treasure quick I need something to dig with you're on your own here see how excited he's become since he's got that treasure hunting Gizmo the true scientist is only too familiar with the thrill of Discovery yeah and by some weird coincidence it detects treasure wherever I decide to take a nap can you believe that wait you mean to say the detector always beeps wherever you're standing that is no reason to be pleased with yourself if that detector always beeps near you it must be because of your zipper my zipper yes think about it the remote battery the dime that detector detects metal and your zipper is metal like Eugene's like Susie's and like mine and so obviously it sets the detector off we're done for yeah you reckon I know we are we have no place here yo what are we gonna do wash I know well there's still time don't leave gotta watch TV we have to stop him digging yeah but what for if he discovers there's no treasure beneath where you're sitting he will realize it was you setting the thing up right here we go [Music] here's pretty good isn't it [Music] I'll make like five at Christmas you mainly get some tiny weird guys with pointy hats to make the toy for us and then we wait for the snow so they can deliver it to us to ourselves we head down to me great idea nothing here nothing there hmm that's impossible [Music] oh quick Sam follow me [Music] you feel me your zippers were made out of that weird stuff that makes that really loud sound when you pull on it you mean Velcro okay right don't panic there must be some solution let's think cute thank you Sam what are you doing Sam water what's up with him I only asked him to think ouch bad idea okay I'm off I'll leave you to think and peace huh you okay Sam I just found a huge bag of kibble hidden in the yard using the detector there isn't any kibble in the yard Sam it was just a dream Sam you are a genius what we're going to get a kibble detector no we're gonna hide real treasure in the yard that way when Mr Livingstone finds out he'll leave us completely alone view treasure like what something very very precious something people have to hide so that nobody finds it I think I have an idea wash um hmm maybe I need to change the batteries hey there you are Sam it's all right he's gone it's up to us now did you bring the treasure yeah look at this acorns what are we supposed to do with acorns even a treasure and you know this dash of acorns is a true treasure to me it's taken me many months to collect it oh Sam we're not in the forest now humans don't care for them they're just acorns get it we need real treasure something shiny some treasure so incredible people would do anything to get their hands on it we know where you can find treasure real treasure duh it's true come on we'll show you where it is wow it's even prettier closed up it's beautiful so shiny like treasure ain't that right Bush yeah but what is it yeah I don't know but the girls are right that's the prettiest treasure I've ever seen right no time to lose we have to bury it before Mr Livingstone gets back what are you doing we're covering our tracks tracks now first we have to put the treasure in the hole and then fill the hole back in what oh [Music] what's that bag you're hiding behind your back Sam you haven't found my treasure have you go on show me Sam oh no Sam Sam give that to me you have stolen it from me thank you [Music] [Music] this way Sam quick it's okay there they are my pretty little treasure thieves everything's going to be fine Sam just hand over the back ah now there's a good boy acorns and a cheese grater huh and there's me thinking I found some real treasure [Music] there you are what's the matter you were right honey I have found nothing but a pile of junk this is my grandma 's Creator I thought it was lost forever thanks this is the best treasure you could ever find [Music] thank you [Music] there we go find our treasure you haven't seen Grandma Adelaide's cheese grater have you it was on the kitchen table hey God I'm on my way [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Samba boy his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] step tip [Music] come on bunch of Scaredy Cats the coast is clear there's nothing to worry about use a flush come on I didn't inflate the pool for nothing Well I'm going in well if you want your costumes back you're gonna have to get your paws wet come on jump and swim bunch of chickens with this heat wave even the guys from the animal pound are at the beach today [Music] you were saying about the pound guys yeah right well we all make mistakes and besides for you it's just a misunderstanding they'll quickly find out you're a cat maybe we should have left the cats are you nuts an alley cat that hangs out with animals like that well he's probably wild too and dangerous [Music] and their costumes are back home in the bag for sure you're gonna find them when they come home you can realize there were nothing but a bunch of wild animals fire daughters you yes but me no I can always get re-adopted all I have to do is wait for the first hikers to show up while I quietly nap in a pretty calm little spot in the Sun a pretty and calm little spot in the sun we're not going there on a picnic Vic do you want me to tell you what life in the forest is really like I am sick and tired of you hanging around the Foxhole all day yeah I've been playing with a pack your age so it looks like you've been thrown out again why not at all what do you mean I just like being outside where the weather is fine secret cave the only good thing I had going for me the only place in the forest where I felt protected and could dream of a better life if only they made meat flavored berries then I wouldn't have to hunt anymore and all the animals could live happily in peace hey Rush got anything to eat cause I'm hungry oh no not that well then I guess you better go get me something to eat now [Music] yeah yeah but what you're forgetting is that I'm a cat and I can climb up a tree where nobody will be able to bother me are you crazy super dangerous [Music] relax yeah well then too bad until a hiker comes along I'll just adapt let's go sleep my stomach full [Music] it's also gonna be a hassle nothing left to mention and your genie still hasn't come back yet good thing you're here to live my spirits your beauty you come your smiles it's me here's Sam so fresh bark this should fill you up a bit then there's only one solution Sam you're cute he's my friend all the good times we had together [Music] friend the acorn not even at the last bit second an enormous boy grabbed it from under my nose an alpha board there was nothing I could do yep survival of the fittest forever and ever yeah well I'm going to have the fittest eating out of my pot with my Charisma I'll charm them all that's the last thing you want to do I tried it once and can I play with you guys my brother went off to find something to eat and I'm bored all alone don't you have anyone your age to play with no I'm all alone come on [Music] [Music] [Music] that's not how it happened you had me scared for a moment I thought that yeah well okay I admit I left out a bit the truth is that right when I was almost about to escape that's better I prefer the whole trip being precise is important Eugenie hey don't worry Vic it was all a big joke hey you got everything okay Vic we may have laid it out a bit heavy there was something good that happened to us in the forest like what not nothing good ever I knew how about the time we met that's right but uh it was super hot that day [Music] hey [Music] in here [Music] thanks if it hadn't been for you we would have wound up stewed those humans are all crazy let's cut down the last one and we're all over here I'm Eugenie and she's My Brother Sam and he's the Washington this is my secret cave and you're all welcome here anytime other than Mitch who occasionally stops by no one will ever find us here no one F you sure boy I hope we don't find ourselves nose to nose with any wild animals [Music] he is too cute wow that funny looking animal lives peacefully with humans [Music] come on big honey nap time's over [Music] the middle Monsters Everywhere oh yeah but I wasn't able to do anything who are these Blockheads maybe those humans have taken the bunny Beaver prisoner we have escaped game whoa hang on there who are you I'm neither a bunny nor a beaver and even less a bunny Beaver my name is Victoria and I'm a cat in fact I am a domesticated cat what is domestic are you guys from outer space or what domesticated means I live with humans I'm a pet and they are my humans and this is a car a machine to get you from one place to another and what's that relax these are just moving pictures it's called a movie you love them you cuddle them you want the absolute best for your faithful companions well then give them K goody kibble [Music] you won't see me falling for that stuff you can tell the whole thing's been made up and yet that's my life to a T and the life of all other household pets in the city oh yeah I remember what a marvelous film it was the feature version of sentimental hospital my favorite series please please tell me you've got a plan for getting us out of here please please tell me you've got a plan for getting us out of here big we're going home wait a sec take us with you we want the same life [Laughter] not the best one yet it's my life and I don't share what do we do now wash we're gonna try our luck I think we've got a flat tire wait I know how we're gonna get out of here the truck has to hit a big pothole on the road like the Living Stones did it well then we'll throw the truck off course at the count of three everyone jump to my side seven twelve and three [Music] I'm thirsty smoothie smoothie Susie quick grab the keys and open the back door [Music] and we're up to a secret Forest Hideout well no hiker has ever stepped foot aren't you hungry I could eat anything right now a fox a wild porn and why not a cat while you're at it [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave City's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] hey guys no reason to panic let's analyze the situation calmly Susie has managed to escape the two guys in the front seat are crooks and we're headed for their Hideaway in the worst part of the forest where they might decide to grill us like hot dogs sure there's nothing to eat yeah and I wouldn't eat that if I were you and smell so bad you'd probably die of indigestion our costumes they're here we're saved oh yeah yippee and how Mr Einstein do you plan on getting them she's right Sam as long as we're locked up in here we're still maybe beloved City I will never forget the first time I stepped onto your beautiful asphalt streets yeah back then we didn't know anything did we we even thought the Living Stones would adopt us without our costumes you guys remember foreign now that's a foxhole from heaven don't you think that Vic's fur has been lackluster recently I've noticed that too I think she must be lonely it's not easy being an only cat you know we should maybe think of adopting some other pet friends for her dinner time Vic and then we'll go outside and enjoy the Sun [Music] this cave is enormous whoa do you smell that I don't know what it is but it's really appetizing sovik feeling a little bit less lonely a little less only child you you could eat my kibble anyway kibble you mean like in the commercial at the movies so it was all true for us come check it out assistant parties [Music] I'm warning you if at the count of three you're not out of here [Music] Victoria do you want to play with us good one Sam there I never said a pot in here again I swear promise [Music] oh he's right at home that was the team we discovered Paradise Paradise right away yeah more like a living nightmare I'd say you'd leave so what we're allowed to change our minds aren't we but but you're then you're nothing but a bunch of savages not really instead you should look at this as a favorite we're doing for you to help you fight off loneliness and to help you get you get uh what are you talking about what in the world ever happened to the Rose chicken my friends the moment has come to put on our most winningest smiles yeah [Music] hello hello is this the animal pound there are four of them with bangs and tons of hair and Claws and just come quick okay this is certainly the first time in history we've ever scared human beings Hunters [Music] [Music] it's just like back in the forest we're being hunted so what do we do it's so weird animals are treated like kings in the city [Music] animals and we're wild animals and they'll always think we're wild there's nothing left to do but go back to the forest hey look a fox cub that's proof that wild animals from the forest can also be adopted no yeah well I'll have you know it was thanks to me that we found out what it was [Laughter] hey little cup stupid check it out fake fur hey that's exactly what we need to pass ourselves off as City animals them and that came over there let's grab some sea wash you may have seen the fox Cup first but I was the one who found the costume yeah well finding a store is a cinch getting the costumes out of it is something else no humans in sight everyone into the fake Fern tail cave on the double [Applause] that cave is packed with humans [Music] yeah too wild too weird awesome [Music] uh we can do better [Music] oh aren't they cute guys it appears that all of the city animals have owners like Victoria with these costumes we've got every chance in the world with the Living Stones you can't be serious even disguised as household pets the answer is no [Music] luckily just after that the Living Stones open the door again and adopted us and that was safe to me cause I'm too cute not at all it was thanks to my super adorable Perry knock off your nonsense it was especially when they saw what a super brilliant dog I was only in your dreams guys if they adopted you it was 100 thanks to me okay what I never told you this but oh my poor little vic why look even her whiskers are falling out her loneliness is dragging her down you know what I think nugget and fluffy are all alone this summer The Neighbors are leaving and asked me if we could look after them oh what a great idea we have tons of room and it'll do fix of good new Vic we're going to become the best friends in the whole world soon as there are going to be parasites in this house I'm going to do the choosing what's going on [Applause] she's acting like she wants to go out which certainly isn't like her at all erable don't you think so honey why do I get the feeling there will soon be seven of us in this house you seriously did that for us yeah well I especially did it for me naked and fluffy are such total twits I'll explain to the neighbors that we can't keep their cats this summer oh that's all of them check out the dog he's like too cute [Music] I have absolutely gotta find a way to get them out of there boy am I ever starving hey we hijacked them animal pound truck give me the key maybe there's some captured animals in the back what would you say to some cat kebab ha don't worry big Everest we would never let you down [Music] look at that dinner is served [Music] it's not the police it's the living stones but how did they find us oh because of my collar it's got a GPS tracking device that I can be found all real household pets have one these days uh yeah but red alert guys because we don't have our costumes and without our costumes the living stones will never take us back what do you expect guys all good things come to an end hey I'll send you a postcard [Applause] [Music] an animal pound truck abandoned out here well my GPS reading indicates that Victoria's inside it let's just hope they're all in there together oh [Music] the thing that I was just seconds from being all alone with the Living Stones I dream has been shattered [Music] you're gonna have to squeeze in and find some room Darlings since we were so sad at having lost you we agreed to keep nugget and fluffy for the entire summer [Music] foreign with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure [Music] but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret thank you Veronica I have a confession to make I love you Jesus served [Music] get it Sam get it [Music] [Music] meow how very odd Sam didn't even try to catch that Mouse Jesus she's sick fine darling ever I'm okay breathed you I cannot bear mice I never could when I was little it was pursued by mice you wouldn't think so but they could be ferocious Sam what was that about you're supposed to be a cat and cats are supposed to chase mice they love doing that she's nice are you crazy they run way too fast all cats chase mice I'm telling you if you don't The Living Stones might start wondering about that and realize that you're not a real cat are you sure yes and if they found that out you know what would happen we'd be forced to return to the forest condemn to endless wandering in cold and darkness [Music] as for acting like a cat sounds far from winning the Academy Award but for the worst melodramatic lead you've got a good chance Washington call it Vic you couldn't understand nothing to panic about I just have to revise our cohabitation contract with biscuit biscuit biscuit the mouse he leaves the Living Stones alone and in exchange I give him a hefty piece of cheese every year according to delivery you do why don't you just pounce on him and chase him off and all that why should I The Living Stones provide us with delicious kibble three times a day okay should we do the usual this year swiss cheese or parmesan both both are you kidding it's complicated enough finding one single piece of Quality Cheese you want two hmm I think you have a big problem on your paws in any case big a cat who prefers cheese to mice bizarre no not at least I myself am tempted at times buy a bit of blue cheese or cheddar that's right at times the only explanation I can come up with is that creature is not a real cat this guy here not a cat ridiculous Sam is definitely a cat oh and quite some cat too right Santa you're a cat aren't you meow meow right now [Music] like I said someone ought to open the living Stone's eyes to this problem what's that let's just say if I happen to be in the right place at the right time I could show them that they're darling little cat doesn't behave like a real cat at all they might end up understanding stand there they disposed of bigger dudes than this you mean Pig [Music] let's not get all worked up about this surely we can find some common ground on the subject anyway one piece of cheese two pieces of cheese what difference does it make cats do not make deals with mice better is closed if you want me you won't find me we can't just wait around and do nothing biscuit has threatened to reveal our secret without warning we have no choice we must teach Sam to chase mice yay why me because you're the cat and we'll have the same problem every time a mouse sneaks into this house Susie you'll be the mouse run and don't stop until Sam catches you here we go [Music] what are you doing it's very bad to be evicted I'm taking advantage of the TV one last time a hunter among Hunter the leopard own time Sam you are a genius okay running isn't your strength but waiting around without doing anything at all that is your specialty and and so you just have to use the leopard method wait in Ambush for biscuit maybe we should just give biscuit what he wants and where do we find loads of cheese in the garbage listen carefully Sam there are three rules reactivity reactivity and most of all whatever happens reactivity can you repeat the second one as soon as biscuit appears you grab him and toss him in the bag Simplicity efficiency free activity I did it things are going to reactivity reactivity crab biscuit reactivity hi dude how are things not that Jinx just kind of hungry can't do ice cream hey I was just about to make myself a sandwich in the kitchen want me to bring you one that is so cute thank you [Laughter] gotcha I have my doubts but this is so obvious you are not a cat hello enough not so fast hurry Sam you gotta catch him [Music] already reactivity yeah I still think I'm gonna stay quiet and count myself lucky with stale swiss cheese for the rest of my years they don't know who they're up against better now do you feel calmer no I do not I will when those two so-called cats get rid of that disgusting rodent yeah hurry Sam Now's the Time to be more cat life than all the cats in the world put together [Music] something [Music] [Music] this can't be happening that's your mouse where's Victoria [Music] just a matter of time before the Living Stones realize that you're not a real cat you can't see a piece of cheese [Music] I'm begging you Vic help us cats do not make deals with mice if you don't help us we're done for you've gotta teach Sam how to chase mice Sam is at a Breaking Point Vic that Mouse threatens to reveal his true identity at any moment I can't sleep just look at him he's a zombie well the zombie sure has an appetite what Sam needs to catch biscuit I mean apart from endurance style and technique is a motive what do you mean what motive if you could come up with a very good reason for him to go after that stupid Mouse he will hmm a motive motivation get it this is a good idea darling well I'm not gonna sit around and do nothing until our cats decide to take action [Music] look what I found Sam your favorite cookies actually I'm not sure I'm gonna give you one I wonder if you really really want one well in that case I could give you the whole packet oh yes but only if you manage to catch biscuit then you can eat all of these cookies [Music] [Music] Sam [Music] take your eyes way to go Sam [Music] he looks different this fake cat I think I'm Gonna Leave You guys see you later [Music] go what did she just say did you just call me Mr cat oh yes yes yes yes yes you are 200 cats a formidable mouse hunter and believe me I've seen loads whoa oh thank you Mr Cat I promise I'll never buy the living stones again the mouse so that's it is it really gone for good nice work Mr Cat s [Music] [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too top so we decided to leave but the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Music] what beautiful ears you have miss you Genie [Music] oh big beautiful years [Music] the beauty camera right [Music] uh what what's going on girls we can't see anything they want to go to be bop bunny for a free beauty kit pretty obvious no sorry we're super busy we're gonna do something absolutely awesome here releasing a top speed of the black slug can cover more than two centimeters an hour [Music] sure promise tomorrow [Music] what's that hmm a self Jack go to the Bebop buddy Baron a state-of-the-art self-driving car wash we're actually kind of busy huh and besides must they remind you that cars are reserved for humans only come on call it Sam I just want to have a look I wasn't gonna drive it Relax The Living Stones are gone for the day and when we get back the race will only be half over sorry if I say yes then I'll lose all credibility around here so the answer is no um [Music] hey baby [Music] [Music] I can't see anything through this tinted glass welcome aboard some funny mobile passengers please get in wow it's so beautiful during your trip enjoy all the comfort of the Bunny Mobile automatic pilot with GPS speed regulator soft drink dispenser and free call at zero one one nine eight nine nine nine eight eight one nine nine nine nine one nine nine seven two five three in case of emergency destination [Music] push stop the car no we're gonna get cut oh come on Sam don't worry the windows are tinted so there's no risk are you sure are you sure we're okay I get this feeling we've been spotted you can see on the corner of Lafayette and Washington a person alligator you see I told you we had nothing to fear [Music] how to access your relaxation options punch in the bunny button option one massage music option three carrot juice this is too awesome do you think they also make Kitty movies gonna get to me but we are moving it's just that the technology in these cars is so sophisticated that you don't even notice you're driving when in fact you're actually speeding down the road [Music] all right already girls I'll speed up all you had to do was asking success and their beauty kids are going like hot cakes hurry up if you want to get your hands on one they won't last long [Music] okay okay everything's under control Don't Panic situations under control foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] class Windows we're cool oh yeah and you think that works when they're open too [Music] acceleration activated let's go forget the alligator this is your chains [Music] they're not following us anymore well of course not they're the animal pound not the police you have reached their final destination we'll wait for you in the car girls don't be too long okay what did I say huh it was all just Child's Play [Music] destinations deactivated manual Drive is activated shall we go [Music] so we should hurry up yeah all right he's probably getting a massage in the bunny right now I bet he's at 7th Heaven they're right behind us [Applause] [Music] phew you're gone we're safe you can slow down they're gone I'd like to except I get the feeling that the accelerators like a stuck [Music] uh Sam don't touch anything this is no time to slow down [Music] uh where are they Rush how are we going to pick up Eugenie and Susie without getting caught call the emergency number I think Now's the Time New Year good idea remember again [Applause] [Music] I really like his Daredevil style he's totally deals reminds me of the blind bird Joe that's my buddy [Music] what an awesome driver like him well that would be an honor flight formation thank you open fire [Applause] [Music] come on guys we're going Sam [Music] and they didn't even wait yeah but boy did we ever have fun at Bebop Bunny and you got your beauty kit hey it works yeah can you tell me why we're calling them again drop it everything's cool I ditched them oh no I just realized you like when you get to the girls battery dead please recharge battery I repeat please did you just touch something better three [Music] do you know where we are Sam no idea even when I was little I couldn't find my way home from one mud puddle to the next so just imagine here are you serious [Music] it's a genie Susie of course we knew where we were we were just waiting for you so shall we go home yeah we're filthy if the living Stone feels like this they're gonna want to give us a bath and then they'll see our costumes and we knew we should have stayed in front of the TV Strat you're right hey how did you do it what what clean up funny all-purpose cleaner wow that works awesome thank you you see Sam I told you we'd be back in time for the end of the race yeah but now that we missed everything in the middle I can't figure out what's going on stinks Bebop bunnies way better hey Darlings we've got a surprise for you we're taking you to the Bebop bunny Fair hey you agree [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] oysters for breakfast now that's Paradise I don't get it where are all the trees that grow these delicious nuts see you're right I bet that Sam could find them in a blink do you think it was a good idea to leave them alone I mean a whole weekend's pretty long isn't it don't worry honey everything will be okay as we speak why I bet they're fast asleep having sweet dreams yeah name the livingstone's new cat [Music] listen to the voice of your conscience the day you will have vanquished your fear is the day that Mitch shall no longer be a danger for you it is only when you have surpassed your fear that you shall become a real cat because real cats are afraid of only one thing water but will you know how to find this Jewel of feline courage deep inside you little wild bird say nightmare Sam every time we have to go see Mitch's the same story oh is today the day what was it he demanded from us this time to leave us alone forgot the TV oh no my best best way that's way dangerous the living stones will surely find out the last few did I forget the chicken honey there used to be a kitchen table nothing better than a good bed for a good nap yeah that's weird I don't remember sleeping on the floor if the TV disappears then they'll surely know it was us and we'll be kicked out we're simply not going to give them the TV I have an infallible plan I always knew you were the best watch so what is it we too can blackmail we're gonna tell them that if he keeps demanding things from us we're gonna embarrass him to death by showing this totally ridiculous photo to everyone not bad huh and it'll never work just wait and see how awesome my plan is give Fruit Rush and totally with you may start sir anyway I'll stay here and watch over the TV can we come with you you're way too young and that's why you haven't understood anything about my plan boys your film ever dumb no it's actually quite good but you don't understand anything because you're too young boy am I ever sick of hearing that we're gonna show them how we're not too young at all we're gonna go play in the yard see you later it's not a couple of silly little pine trees that are gonna scare me I used to live here in this forest and in fact I was kind of the king of the wow [Music] [Music] phew that was close okay dear Washington everything cool your friend went off to the forest alone and you you're stuffing your face in front of the TV's like this they're on the renting Ricks You Got Me Down shut up where's my TV it is and will remain at the Living Stones your days of blackmail are over Mitch well if you continue threatening to replace us at the livingstones I'll circulate this photo amongst all the animals in the forest and for you it'll be shame City why you won't be able to leave your cave without being the laughing stock at the whole Forest so what do you say no wash please think you don't do that excuse me right this video is dumb and besides it reminds me of the forest boy I hope wash makes it out okay oh boy oh boy I'm starting to stress out again absolutely gotta get something to eat no no I'm stressing I really stressing out I'm stressed no Sam well she's getting a spirited Mitch with what he's doing for us there's no way you can eat his kibble then again isn't it what she always says to do is you're absent always losing the end rats I'm still totally stressed out I must not have eaten enough but if I was blackmailing you it was just so I could see my friends meaning well you guys my friends if I hadn't done that would you have ever come to visit me duh no Mitch don't cry because now that I'm here we could uh why don't we play clever facts like we used to remember you and I didn't I would look for you you were the best in the whole full Mr decade that's true I was pretty good in fact you never found me do you think you could this time don't worry about that I'll count while you think of your customer what take off my costume well yeah yes you're not gonna play clever Fox this guy's is a dog you don't trust me is that it go on then leave there's no point in playing if it's gonna be like that no I mean of course I do I'll do it go on start counting same game same rules no caves and no foxholes one two three tickets six seven eight now what was it I did in the past to win clever Fox every time but of course that's right I always cheated don't tell me he's going to fall for Mitchell never find me here so who's the cleverest cheating as usual are we I want you wash that if you didn't bring me the TV I would take your place at the Living Stones [Music] hey where is it I know he hit the costume in here okay let's pause on wash his costume and thank ful he's dead right right see you later loser em watching the girls still haven't come home what oh no don't tell me that I'm gonna start to stress [Music] All Is Lost Mitch is gonna take over my place at the living stones and I'm gonna spend all eternity here in this dark cave alone and abandoned by all thinking of your super girlfriend who would have loved to help you but who you treated like dirt Susie you Genie you wouldn't by any chance have an idea for getting me out of here remember we can't have ideas of course you can and besides that's not what I meant it was just a figure of speech you know kind of like when you say yeah like when you say what okay okay I'm sorry girls thanks girls so shall we get my costume don't worry about it I hit it so that Mitch will never find it must I remind you girls that I'm a fox after all clever is my middle name also Mitch's middle name because she found your costume what if the Living Stones think that Mitch is their dog All Is Lost and I shall spend the rest of Eternity in the forest alone in the Rain the wind that oh all right let's go Sam go get me something to eat well I hug my little Vicky and watch my TV oh no I'm so stressed out that I need everything [Music] here you are [Music] you better find me something else while I finish this and make it snappy and stuff and in your costume I know for a fact you always had a chicken in your costume in case you get hungry yeah no no way I swear oh I'll go look in the oven that's how it is I'm gonna eat your friend's costume and take yours and then I'll be the living Stone's new cat only when you have surpassed your fear that you shall become a real cat the day you will have vanquished your fear is the day that men shall no longer be a danger to you ever tried blackmailing us again it'll be me who comes to see you in the forest Fearless I'm sorry so sorry honestly I'll never bother you again how did you do that wow you were like a like a lion in there you know and a cat and cats you're afraid of only one thing and that's that's the forest no water Sam cats are only afraid of water but thanks anyway oh honey I just dreamed that Sam was actually a bear disguised as a cat oysters always bring on strange nightmares when you eat them for breakfast you're right [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Samba boy his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave City's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] The Living Stones thank you who is that [Music] hey there fur balls meet frigid your new companion you must be very nice to her understand I'm counting on each of you all right honey don't you think you're going a bit overboard I'd like to remind you that this is my boss's pet Sal it's not my fault he asked me to look after her during the ham and bacon Fair hello my name is Brigitte Victoria oh I just love your style me too I just love my style is a garbage truck they would ignore him Brigitte he's the most boorish cat I've ever met come on I'll show you around the house it's no Palace but it's comfy oh by the way just call me Vic that's what my friends call me all right did I see something wrong Sam a garbage truck is not a compliment if you wanted to like you make her laugh girls love that really cute funny humor is my strong point thanks and this is the bathroom that was a good one huh I don't think we have the same sense of humor are you okay Brigitte yeah let's go what a dork Sam I told you to make her laugh not to ridiculous let me see that joke on TV everybody laughs but not to impress a girl try offering her flowers in sentimental Hospital Dr Alessandro is always giving flowers to Veronica flowers that's like so tacky because you think you know better than Dr Alessandro Dr Alessandro I'm Angelica [Music] this is for you a present thank you Sam will you just get lost along with your flowers can't you see they make her sick go away Sam [Music] where does it work with Dr Alessandro and not with me yum they're so delicious boy can he ever be a clumsy oh yo stop it you're too hard on him there's no way you could know I was allergic to flowers it was really super sweet of him I mean how cute is that what you don't mean you like him it is the first time a cat has ever offered me flowers don't tell me you'd go out with him no way are you crazy we're from two totally different worlds you don't mix cats and pigs on the other hand if he were big or a wild boar who knows Sam what are you doing can't you see I'm taking off my costume so that Bridget will know that I'm a wild boar what are you crazy do you want the living shows to send us back to the forest [Music] [Music] [Music] that would be paradise Sam must I remind you that we left the forest because we couldn't take any more of it and that's also why we wear costumes in the forest you can see farewell to kibble the sofa and the TV maybe we could take the TV with us and you can always watch your films on the Livingston's tablet no listen up Sam here's what I suggest I take the living stones out for a walk during which time you take off your costume and tell her everything but be careful not outside huh in the house that way we forget about the forest you stay here and everybody's happy okay can we do that [Music] [Music] physique's gonna love it [Music] another one of his great unfunny jokes I bet forget it Brigitte no why should I if you get a bucket full of tomato sauce on the snout whatever you do don't come complaining to me [Music] 100 wild food 99 pure Pork yeah is that you it really is you yeah [Music] this kind of worrisome [Music] look my boss hello sir so how's the ham and bacon Fair going you're watching it now uh yes I'm with her everything's fine you wish to speak with her but but of course uh say hi to Daddy Brigitte oink oink yeah what horse no she's doing perfectly well uh I'm going into a tunnel uh sorry I can't hear you anymore he's arriving at our house in three minutes quick we've got to go home hurry up Angelica I will love you for the rest of my life and even after oh Dr Alessandro [Music] wild beef you get your paws off regime appreciate okay [Music] [Music] will come home she's a show Pig after all ah sir what a pleasure to see you in fact appreciate was just taking a bath in fact I'm gonna go back right now we wanted her to be perfectly clean for you speed it up now I'm in a hurry living Stone everything went well of course oh I've never shown you my stamp collection have I boss just wait and see it's quite unique we gotta get Sam his costume right away otherwise he won't be able to come home but this is horrible we're certainly not gonna live here but why not don't be scared I haven't lived here myself I can assure you that if you're extremely careful the forest can be very Charming [Music] yo so this is your pretty little numbness really New Forest Nester usually for Birds yeah I want to go home otherwise I'm going to scream go home say we can't I don't even have my costume great idea screaming it would have taken us hours to find you otherwise yeah [Music] I'm going to really heat up for Mr Livingstone your owner's already here just one last thing can I have a word with you Sam sweethearts little secrets foreign [Music] [Music] I can't possibly show myself to my owner if I'm covered in mud you bunch of Wildwood I want to see my Brew sheets Livingstone for a minute there I thought you were hiding something from me oh sir that's not my style at all come on [Music] not really I always had problems with the animals she hung out with you gonna be okay Sam you don't miss her too much miss you get on Sam a wild boar dressed up as a cat with the memory of a goldfish [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave he's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] four five six and fingers [Music] oh what is that ball it's the trophy I wanted the cat versus cat contest a tournament that takes place the first day of spring every year coincidence today is the birthday of spring I get you're practicing with your ball for the tournament no way never do you hear me I will never participate in that contest ever again and I never want to hear another word about it again either because you lost lots and that that's what a loser's trophy I suppose I want it in a grueling fight to The Bitter End not even in your dreams you put one Pawn on it or even so much as look at it and I'll make sure you get a one-way ticket to the darkest corner of the darkest Forest [Music] four five six and bingo I'm touching it I'm looking at it did I touch it and look at you you can look at it but paws off I promise [Music] you should have seen the expression on your faces what a greedy imitation so pretty so pretty you are [Music] no if Victoria ever finds out that her trophy has disappeared her Vengeance will know no limits she'll tell the living stones that were wild animals for sure me meow louder [Music] uh are you feeling okay there nugget oh time for small talk you've gotta rehearse if you want to be in top shape for cat versus cat all right the tournament are you entering two Washingtons must I remind you that Washington is not a cat a cat say they're fluffy you know everything about everything where is the contest taking place that's enough back to rehearsing I know exactly how we're gonna get Victoria's ball back we'll sign Sam up for the cap versus cat contest of course with the strength of a wild boar Sam will clobber all those whippy cats he wins the tournament we get the golden ball replace Victorious and nobody's any the wiser it doesn't matter just wait and see look at you you look super impressive okay let's test you out [Music] doing things what's all the Ruckus what are you supposed to be with that new costume a pet hippo no it's nothing we're just playing yeah I don't think so losers all you have to do Sam is stay in the ring not move and wait until your opponent tires out let's go to the tournament I say who's the strongest the awesomest the terriblest of all cats in the world who is gonna turn his opponents into mushy cat food [Music] no one even dares step into the ring you're the winner [Music] he's such a wimpy won't even make it past the first round just do like I told you to take the blows and don't budge okay yeah well I couldn't budge even if I run it too can I groom for the rest I'd like to remind you of the rules for the cat versus cat contest you each take turns fighting and it is strictly forbidden to touch your opponent [Music] the first one who makes a noise is out of here and don't forget I know each and all of your little secrets all right then like last year the winner is the one who makes the most intimidating meow oh no it's a meowing tool not a boxing match we're Connors Sam can't be out to save his life and the first meow goes to Johnny Johnny [Music] looks like scrawny is suffering from a handicap that all you cats know only too well how major hairball crisis man [Music] and the winner of the first round by default is Sam [Music] that was only the first round besides we were lucky Sam cannot meow [Music] trying to like me meow we're gonna concentrate on your meowing repeat after me meow [Music] whoa now that's what we need did you hear that Sam hello why of course Susie do you read me ready testing testing one two one two I'm ready with a meow like that we're gonna win that Golden Ball hands down is this a good time for you to be eating the tournament isn't over yet I need a protein booster if I'm going to win the cat versus cat final okay true I'm battling that loser Sam in the final but I'm going to walk all over him huh hand and the cat versus cat tournament what in the world is going on here [Music] [Music] so were you trying to say something [Laughter] you want Susie to meow Paul on chest okay get it over with give up why don't you hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the winner of the last round is Sam who is now qualified for the finals this Victory is the victory of teamwork team that I coach with my brilliant strategy [Music] for the final I only got one thing to say sam just keep doing what you've been doing don't change anything Susie really let go she's generous with your voice go for the biggest meow ever [Music] we're gonna win for sure [Music] everything's going to go great there's no way used against that fat potato brain cell and Sam opens the battle I get it you want me to start is that it so that you'll get the last meow sure why not time out time out timeout we got a major problem Susie has lost her voice she kept me out [Music] Victoria is Never Gonna [Music] where's my golden show hey Victoria can't you see that we're in the middle of the final that I'm about to win [Music] the Victoria let me explain you see this is all just a big misunderstanding incredible for the second consecutive Year Victoria has won that cat versus cat contest [Music] that was one close call guys [Music] thank you [Music] Victoria really it's not at all what you think believe me yeah [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave City's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ive thanks Washington well done good dog here you go a little reward bring me up my newspaper will you you'll find me in my bedroom you dogs are so pathetic all those disgusting chores to chew on some old shoe no way it's delicious I was Wards great for the teeth all right good little doggy who does everything daddy tells him to got a problem Vic you're not jealous by any chance were you joking CS cats wash we don't have to go boot looking humans for love and appreciation all we have to do is be ourselves beautiful agile gracious everything a dog is not baloney dogs are a match for cats in every Department yeah so if that's true can you for example explain to me why dogs can't climb trees whereas cats can oh yes we can it's just we have better things to do I'll go climbing trees whenever you want big yeah really but warning if you fall then [Music] elimination basically if wash Falls he loses [Music] it looks like I've got time for a little cat nap [Music] poor little Washington need a helping tail go on grab hold you're breaking my little heart hang on tight Washington [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like you've lost Mick is the cat I would say that I'm very disappointed with your performance Victoria but speaking is Wash's best friend I am pleased with the result way to go while she run boy ready to pay the price for defeat thank God oh look at Daddy's cute little dog okay had enough are you through are you happy now can I take this off yeah the sweetie pie [Music] wash not coming to say hi is he doing lying on Victoria's armchair come on wash get up come say hi Washington Washington ah a wolf how weird see that honey wash doesn't look like himself today it looks like his head has gone flat no he's lost weight his skin is hanging off his bones okay honey pie double ration of kibble for you today dog kibble it's disgusting Washington you gotta eat go on [Music] go on this dog eat them all right himself a double ration of kibble and we didn't it isn't funny yeah okay time for some exercise Washington that'll soon perk you up [Music] dude it's like blush's costume has grown too big for him it's because it isn't washed Sam it's Vic wearing lashes costume yeah oh yeah dick wearing Wash's costume big bearing Russia's costume figuring Russia's costume hang on wash wearing no who's it again go on Washington catch your reflexes are Rusty Washington you're beginning to worry me luckily I have a nice juicy vitamin and Rich bone for you push his sear wash Vic is hopeless at playing the dog what it has to stop right this minute I've spent two years training to create the perfect dog act and Victoria's ruining it all in one afternoon if she carries on like that the living stones are gonna kick me out you're a dick yeah me I mean thick and then me if they throw Vic out wearing my dog costume even if I do get it back the living stones will never let me in the house against him [Music] give me my costume back like I wanted to fit you could have watched out you nearly ruined all my efforts at passing is the perfect pooch let it be a lesson to you I didn't ask to wear your crummy costume hey and another thing are you ready to fess up that cats are better than dogs not on your life think okay if that's the way it is I'm keeping it and don't expect me to play the perfect pooch I am hopeless at dog stuff the worst of red Washington my slippers Sam go tell Vic right this minute that I admit cats are better than dogs and make her give me my costume back please squash you bad dog don't ever do that again otherwise you're in for trouble no give me that Washington you've been a bad dog you don't have a right to Europe Washington calm down let's stay there and don't move it's punishment time for you you naughty dog come on girls we're gonna leave Washington on his own he has to calm down he's being punished [Music] Russ told me to tell you that uh the cat said no the dogs are better than cats what dogs are better than cats if it's War wash once he's gonna get it peace and Tranquility it looks like Washington has finally calmed down have you gone crazy who did that own up right this minute [Music] oh things are getting way out of hand we better go one wash what about my costume is she gonna give it back yeah I don't know they carried off into the yard and Mr Livingstone said you're punished and you have to stay on your own in the kitchen how to stop bugging Vic she mad huh what what kind of trouble please calm down what did you say to Victoria to wind her up like that exactly what you told me to say the dogs are better than cats no that wasn't it you naughty naughty dog Washington go to bed this instant I shall decide what punishment you deserve let's go let's go don't know what's going what's got in so wash dreadfully we better get your costume back I have an idea try to tell the living stones that Victoria has disappeared that way she'll be forced to show herself without my costume and we'll be able to oh Victoria you are so sweet not like bad bad Washington imagine if wash attack thick or one of our other lovable Sweetie Pies he's already attacked a postman what if the next time he bites I hate to say this but for the safety of all of us we must call the animal pound honey it's our duty no this is the end wait what if Washington is sick maybe that's why he's behaving like this you're right honey I'll call the vet this instant of this Veterinary Clinic I'm obviously so don't call back until you've forgotten your problem let's go for a little walk to clear our minds honey we'll give him a call when we get fast Vic where did you put my costume so tell me our cats yes cats are better than dogs but for Pete's sake give me back my costume if I don't get to play the perfect push when I get home I've done four see seeing as you're such a good little doggy you should be able to find your costume all on your lonesome with your legendary sense of smell no no no no no no no no real dog Eugenie you smell them they stink of cheesy feet you can't smell anything else sure in the background there's something that smells good kind of perfume that's fixer over she left her scent on the slippers when she ripped him apart all you have to do is track down her odor visit everywhere she went and eventually you're sure to find wherever she hid your costume how do you know all that you've never been a dog before nobody in the forest guys always kept stealing my acorns so I had to learn to use my snout to find him I found it they hit my custom in the kibble I can smell it but where is it still Panic it happens it's what you call a fast League keep looking there must be another Trail going around circles are we you cheat as mock dogs go I confess I'm impressed with you how about we make a taste how about we say a fox and dog disguise is equal to a cat like that idea look honey it looks like wash is feeling better maybe we don't need to call the vet after all of course it must be those vitamin and Rich bones that made him crazy like that he must be allergic to them I'll throw them away it's silly I know but I think I finally developed a taste for them what oh Only Fools never change their minds no [Music] hi I'm Washington with Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave it's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tada fresh clean outfits coming up breathing [Music] oops missed it spring kibble scent I could say this is the good life but you you bet it's the good life oh yeah so who so who so who's gonna have those fees he looks abandoned um [Music] thank you [Music] disguises yeah did they shrink or what we're home Little Darlings and now we have a new addition to our family we found him on the street abandoned here is Poppy your new little friend wow wow a little brother that's cool take good care of him okay excuse me we're going to get you a bowl of kibble a huge bowl of kibble be careful wash my inner voice tells me that that little puppy is not as cute as he seems my shackles roses to me he came into the room poppy but he's too cute for words your inner voice is mistaken Vic hey puffy kiddo let me show you around your new home and there on your left is the softest bed in the entire house demonstration [Music] hey you're a little prankster huh I'm cool it Daddy there's only room for one dog in this house and that dog is me soon I'll be the master of the entire household is this a joke [Music] [Music] stop guys watch out Bobby ferocious pop what are you talking about no seriously I mean it check out his fangs you're reckless appetite never seen anything like it hey tell me bump kids wait a sec this is not what I was trying to do what wash was trying to say is that this is not at all what I expected I thought I found a home in some Campbell but in fact I found friends ah yeah that little squirt's so annoying oh he is so cute I told you so should have listened to my inner voice [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they are my friends my house and it's gonna stay that way guess who's turning up on the street later that dog pound service bye-bye kid are you okay I can explain all this that there was only room for one dog in the house that's why you wanted to get rid of me did that wash no I mean yes I can explain everything you'll never ever do that again or else [Music] sorry poppy won't happen again oh so we can all play together again yippee [Music] time for me to take care of you your friends will soon be obeying Master Poppy dream on squirt sounds like kibble oh that's odd it's not dinner time yet [Music] wow just you wait till Mr Livingstone sees this hey [Music] I don't believe it squash you again wash no poor poppy come here hmm you won't get me this time you little squirt what's going on now wash tough and you're proud of that you bad dog you're punished you're staying in the doghouse and you are not allowed to play with your friends until we get home ah [Music] oh the poor guy Bob I am style yeah and it stinks to me you ninnies yeah get into you puppy from now on it's Master poppy nitwit and you better obey my every word otherwise you're out like your friends [Music] so you think we're scared of a fluffy little pup like you yeah well you actually we are but I can be ferocious too after all I'm a wild boar a wild boar one wild boar right here Infinity you can't speak you you're not a real cat no I'm a wild and not only me Washington and Susie and Eugenia are wild too which means if you don't obey me I can blow your cover that's even better [Laughter] secret now we're done for it hey hey who does this miniature fleabag think he is oh feeling unhappy about something princess out of here right now oh he threw you out too no he didn't Sam did all your buddies are now slaves to master poppy huh how is that possible Sam told him that you were all wild animals he's got you under his thumb oh Sam what have you done now and uh how do you intend to get rid of that perverse pup by revealing his true nature to The Living Stones [Music] [Applause] I Got A Plan listen up [Music] you here how dare you come back into my house [Applause] [Music] girls it's time to reveal little puppy's real face [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes if the Livingstone saw this wild looking creature they'd Chase it out of the house immediately now we'll see who the wild beast is [Music] oh no we're done for wait a minute shorty I think it's time to have a little chat [Music] a little chat [Music] Vic you never fail to surprise me I promise next time we'll listen to your inner voice puppies who are who are hey what's going on poor thing it must be abandoned five is enough [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave but the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure [Music] but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] her favorite tea cups ah the sugar [Music] no Sam pause off that's why you still can girls it's not a game the living stones are getting ready for Auntie Rachel to visit what's that Andy Rachel's are a subspecies of humans who are pain in the rear because they can't stand cats and dogs do they like dogs dogs seriously wash does anyone actually like dogs try and hang in there it's only for a few days [Music] I'm gonna prove to you that everybody loves dogs Vick let the boss man do his stick and this should be a gas [Music] Washington fat dog leave Auntie alone oh now who is this Splendid little creature [Music] free oh no my favorite pillow no way is she going down here my little baby what a Priceless treasure the spinning image of apricot my darling baby when I was a little girl well this one's our Washington sugar auntie sugar sugar isn't that yummy lit that was a good idea to get rid of that horrible Critter you used to have boy did she ever stick yeah what Critter uh Victoria but we still have her auntie in fact I'll be honest the family has gotten much bigger Darlings come say hello to Auntie Rachel get lost you disgusting creature you know so you've got yourself three new balls one wasn't enough Sam girls go into the kitchen we'll introduce you later okay [Music] take a look at Auntie's BB heavyweight champion of the world hey I win some sugar sugars too when I hear the word Sugar Sugar sorry guys Duty cold no it's not fair and all that because he's wearing a baby costume and we're not ah come on quit soaking let's go play hide and go pig great idea but it's Wash's turn to play wolf thank you sure and it's my turn to play The Wolf oh baby you're not playing with those ugly little stink balls [Music] is everything okay Anthony should be worse those stink balls of yours are bothering my baby and me we're going for a walk yeah uh very well uh have a nice walk have a nice walk and where pray tell is the stroller the the stroller well of course you know going to walk on all four [Music] [Music] you go into a costume party because I have never seen such a stuff [Music] whoa check out mommy starting little doggy hey sweetheart you want to make some room in your taxi for us wow what a pretty color look at that people we're watching Ted he really doesn't look very good laughs yeah right sugar sugar is singing color sir what she's leading the high life he just doesn't have time to play hide and go pig with his friends anymore he's got no choice Sam if we can only somehow console them I get an idea just make sure you're ready okay [Music] yep those little feathered pumpkins [Music] well I've seen better days [Music] you've got a musical color Sugar Sugar Galore go for a stroll in the stroller you're a star Buddy a star what more do you want a mountain of sausages you just don't understand Sam we dreamed of all that sure but with Auntie Rachel it's not a dream it's a nightmare I'd rather go back and live in the forest it'll be over soon Auntie will even everything will go back to normal Rachel she's the dumbest bird I've ever seen [Music] the first boat out of here tomorrow morning we you got it baby and me I'm certainly not leaving him in this circus with a bunch of Thieves and stink balls certainly not Nancy Washington is part of our family very well then I'll just have to move in here I'll have my mail forwarder tomorrow well actually you're right it's going to be hard for us but we really can't deprive Washington of a dream life with you go on foreign [Music] [Music] it's from wash dear friends I love you so much you're just awesome all of you but especially Susie who is super super charismatic what I don't know how to read so I interpret hey that's a letter from wash his paw prints he'd rather go back and live in the forest than with that crazy old bat I don't believe it he really left oh gosh we have to go find it we've gotta first get rid of Angie otherwise wash will never want to come home but Auntie will never leave without her babies if you're interested I've got an idea it's not like I really want to see Washington return to the house but if it might help me get my favorite pillow back has disappeared oh baby alone come on off the car my little baby our boat is set to sail boy is it ever hot a fresh air baby is that really you I didn't meet you after all uni is going to wait you can come back home now great where's my costume [Music] [Music] do you really really want me to get Wash's costume for you all right poor Washington we just dropped him like an old sock we really are bad Masters well Washington good job you came home no but then Angie's going to come back too yeah we are peepee oh we've got now hold on baby goodbye honey we got a card from any Rachel keep wash he says she has just adopted an ostrich who reminds her of cherry the ostrich she had when she was a little girl but if she comes back one day yes I promise you can still keep the collar [Applause] [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave City's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cloud it looks like a roller coaster you think so I say it looks more like a rubber ducky you know do you have mud in your eyes or what it looks like a vacuum cleaner it's so obvious so so did you get it did you get it did you get it get it whoa magnificent my dear Alvarez your tattoo is totally awesome what a tattoo now that is classy okay too what's a tattoo I'll join you on your skin you never you never it's almost time for a show you coming here Genie so what'd you get tattooed an eagle a mermaid so where is it well there of course numbers I do not believe it that's the dumbest tattoo I've ever seen did you just say the tattoos were so classy for sure except Alvarez's had to exploit at least know that all dogs and cats must be tattooed it's the law my Master's just checking and making sure the neighbors are following the new regulation uh for sure I knew that yeah you knew that I sure didn't of course we know that Sam no but uh seriously your tattoo is super cool what tattoo parlor did you go to get it done tattoo partner I went to the bird to have it done Silly thank you [Music] super soft two-ply 12 rolls three ply six for uh there furry comfy are we even out of it tattoo TV show the news all about [Applause] Mr Livingstone is doing his shopping online it's now or never Sam he'll be the lookout tattoo tattoo bingo whoa these ones are way too awesome I knew you didn't have to go to the vet for one what a loser that poor old Alvarez is and voila [Music] furry company exactly what we need your order has been confirmed congratulations you have just won four free rolls of our Christmas special toilet paper available wow did you hear that honey Mr Livingstone you ruled let's go right this second are you sure hope that Mr Livingstone chose the same delivery [Music] Mr Livingston's delivery check it out Sam who rules now huh now isn't this classy whoa you guys are heavyweight oh yeah you look amazing with those especially oh yeah more like big time vulgar I'd say huh seriously is this a joke or what forget it he's just jealous of our cool tattoos come on we're gonna go show off our stuff to someone else you Victoria if I'm in here it's precisely so you'll leave me alone hey come on you've slept enough already look oh yeah right now all you need is some long hair going down your neck and you'll be perfect do you really think so nope forget it Sam she's jealous too let's see your tattoo a number just like Alvarez how super cool is that if we have numbers tattooed in our ears it's not to look cool you fools it's so we can be identified wait a sec you mean that that's why all dogs and cats have to tattoo silly ugly numbers in their ears [Music] here now this month's top 10 tattoos what are we going to do first we gotta think Sam if the Living Stones see our tattoos they're gonna look closely at our costumes and realize who we are so we've got hey there guys it is our lucky day oh you'll never believe this honey but with the four rolls we just picked up why we won eight more that we can pick up right now we absolutely have to get rid of these tattoos [Music] I'm sure this will do the job [Music] hey stop everything now tattoos TV yourself in full teenage tattoos his torso little does he know that this rash decision is for life but after years of Despair John Bruce discovers that certain Hospital surgeons are able to remove tattoos with laser treatment lasers aren't those used in outer space films it's cool Sam all they have to do is aim well so they can only disintegrate the tattoos no what's gonna be the hardest is finding the lasers how the heck do we get up into outer space huh Can we go to the amusement park instead it's right nearby and besides they've got time applying lasers there awesome idea Susie Sam we're out of here not a second to lose [Music] Retreat everybody keep going back through the Kitchen perfect time I was looking for it it's about your pets all your pets have been tattooed I presume ah yes yes of course because that is the law any animal who has not been tattooed shall be considered wild and as a consequence sent to the local power perfect timing did you know that animals who have not been appropriately tattooed are totally forbidden from going out in the yard sorry that's the law after all we cannot have just any old wild animal hanging out around here hey there sweetie pies where are you quick Sam let's hide all this come on now wash be a good job let go of Sam we have to go see the vet to get your tattoos leave them alone honey they're stressed out it's normal don't worry the vet will know how to reassure perhaps we should also ask the vet to give them a checkup what are we going to do we've gotta stay like this Sam if the vet sees Our Tattoos he's gonna look at our costumes and then we'll be goners there oh don't look the lasers are inside come on yeah it doesn't seem to work [Music] oh this gun is a fig what a bummer where can we find a real Laser Now [Music] real alien alien incredible incredible hey guys hey wait what are you doing around here come on yes but look they forgot their stuff do you think it's fake too thank you yeah it works Mr and Mrs Livingstone the vet will see your pets now you can wait here it won't take long wow if I go back to the supermarket in less than an hour I can win 10 new rolls of toilet paper ten can you believe that [Applause] [Music] I told you they were inseparable Vladimir but that shouldn't stop you from being able to tattoo their ears are you serious Velma I wouldn't know who I'm tattooing Sam will wash well in that case why don't you separate them yourself you were right this has got on long enough what is he doing he's giving up Sam he realized that it's impossible to separate us that's good Java there's nothing like freshly ground coffee laughs [Music] you you found the laser so who's the best my English Blown Away no doubt about it some of the most beautiful tattoos I've ever done right yep we got tattoos now too and check it out our numbers are even way higher than yours ridiculous thank you guys for the helping hand you did a great job on this one [Music] the supermarket was hosting a contest on their website and I won my way to toilet paper can you help me carry it inside foreign [Music] his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too top so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure [Music] but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be back tomorrow don't get up to anything naughty they are whatever could go wrong a whole weekend alone this is gonna be the longest weekend of the year yeah [Music] what an overpowering odor straight from the forest floor really maybe it's time to clean our outfits you sure wash remember last time it didn't go well at all yep but this time I found the instructions so everything's gonna be hunky-dory if it's easy you'll see any scrub to do it I can't wait to see this with you around generally the word easy means catastrophe [Music] there we go now I just have to press this little boy [Music] awesome I know how low you guys can think but this time you really excelled yourself wash do you believe it what am I gonna do with this hmm you could play dolls I don't understand what happened that machine is completely nuts the living stones have to get a new one all we can do now is um order new costumes thank you nice try Susie I don't like to be the one to tell you but dogs don't bark like that believe me it takes years of experience like I've had to pull it off right I do a great puppy and what's more I've always dreamed dreaming a dog I wouldn't have missed this for the world it's super disguised as a bird [Music] order placed our new costumes arrive tomorrow done till then we can just take it easy and enjoy [Music] [Music] it's time for Zumba you should give it a go Victoria it's awesome I'm done with dance routines let's see what else there is we're very honored today to have Professor Jones in the studio the well-known Hunter and collector of rare species and unusual specimens his Museum contains wonders of the animal world many unfamiliar to men [Music] Professor what do you make of this footage of a small flying dog that has gone viral on social media is it a hoax or is it a genuine scientific discovery I'm not quite sure but what we do know is that evidence of this legendary creature's existence can be found in many sources sometimes it plays a role of messenger to the heavens but in later writings it appears as a retriever of sacred flying discs and as an archivist of Bones [Laughter] the joking aside if the creature does exist you you and you will have all the answers you need hey that was me I was on Amazon did you see that everybody saw it yeah you're sure to be a big hit in his unusual specimen Gallery okay let's not go overboard he'll never be able to track us down you wreck in Washington then what is that outside [Music] he would have recognized the house from the video he's good I don't want to be stuffed quick you gotta get that costume off Susie [Applause] just when I thought you can sink any lower you're on your own here guys oh sounds like it's coming from the garden head [Music] the owners must have gone away for the weekend good I can set up my equipment hmm atrocious craftsmanship that fox has a ridiculous face and such calls fur well anyway I have a job to do time to get moving old hello what do you mean I of course fur and ridiculous face what are we going to do that you're right Eugenie we have to get outside we'll go hide in the garden Shack what he notices there's nobody in the house he'll leave in the meantime we have to get that costume off again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] how could we ever forget Susie and we forgot to have dinner I'm starving totally too he's starving no I'll never be able to hold out well we don't have much choice we have to get back inside that house and find Susie before Professor Jones does infrared check movement census check gamma rays check garden and house traps check that flying dog will never Escape my clutches [Music] nobody move Jones thinks he's clever but little does he know he's dealing with an expert in Cutting Edge Laser Technology me Smooth Move expert movement detected run take cover damn come back [Music] look I'm a real Dad [Music] what's all this racket huh Target hit analysis of the target the dog is mine sleeping is capable again let's go we're the only ones who can save them now let's see Target defined house cat a Vogue a house cat time to pull out the heavy artillery you won't get away no dog can resist this not even a flying dog calm down girls we still have to get rid of Professor Jones there must be a trap no Susie at last soon this flying dog will be stuffed and exhibited in my museum what are we gonna do to save Susie disappeared too [Music] I must have died and gone to heaven what what on Earth [Music] incredible I've hit the jackpot what fantastic specimens they must be mine use this diversion tactic to release Susie from the truck I'll go look for Sam indoors [Music] Sam it's me quick we gotta reach Susie and Eugenie before Jones arrives [Music] [Music] [Applause] this thing open how about this one what on Earth is going on [Music] okay that's enough flying dogs for one day right let's get out of here what a fox two balls and a black bird I've never seen anything so mundane all that effort for nothing a flying snake has been detected in the sections how dare he call us mundane subconscious here we go our new costumes have arrived uh maybe I got the sizes wrong I don't believe it you see that it if I've always dreamed of being a bird I Can Fly I never thought you guys could sink quite so low but looks like I got it wrong again [Music]
Channel: Zip Zip [English Official]
Views: 796,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZIPZIP, ZIP ZIP, ZIP ZIP series, ZIP ZIP cartoon, cartoon with animals, Washington the fox, ZIP ZIP episode, cartoon for kids, cartoon compilation kids, cartoon in english, cartoon network, video for kids, cartoon for 8 yo, cartoon for 7 yo
Id: e9bVf7t1dVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 41sec (13901 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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