Searching for waterfalls on Vancouver Island

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today's video is brought to you by Squarespace so if you're looking for a new website and go to Squarespace calm [Music] [Music] so this beautiful leafy specimen here I really love it but it's it's just horrible stuff to bushwhack through it's called Devil's club and I know if you can see in the camera there but there's Barb's or spines all the way up the stems and once you get them in your fingers they're really hard to get out and even the bottom of the leaves have all these barbs in them when they're spread out like this it's not a problem but when there's a forest of them it's it's just horrible to go through you can see and they're really sharp and quite stiff so yeah something to avoid but really beautiful to photograph because they're usually under the canopy of trees especially old-growth trees [Music] cheese's [Music] Pat's getting really heavy [Music] oh hello hello everybody I hope you're all doing really well another little adventure today there's a bit of a day trip because I've driven about an hour from from where I live and after doing a bit of a search on the interweb there I found some kind of obscure pictures of a little waterfall not far actually from the side of the highway and lucky for me the photos had some coordinates so I've hiked in from the highway the highway I can actually see the bridge from here but it is a little bit of a bushwhack to get in here now then photographing this might be tricky because as you might be able to see there's a canyon and the waterfall is kind of at the ends of the canyon I had a quick look and there aren't that many places to stand so I might have a little bit of a hard time recording this one I will try though it's pretty deep on in the water there but I actually don't mind if I get my feet wet in this one because like I said the car is not that far it's just a bit of a bushwhack to get in here and actually I should have hiked on this side of the creek because it looks much easier than the side arrows on it and it's very slippery as usual getting across the creek well as you can see this is pretty impressive has beautiful mossy rocks again just like last week but you can see it's a little bit of a problem to get into this section here is very deep to probably come up to about here on me right in front of the camera it's definitely going to come up to my thighs so I might have to get my my feet wet a little bit I should have bought my hip waders I guess I could go back but I don't really feel like bushwhacking back to the car but I think the best spot is probably right in front of the camera there looking down the canyon there's a really great little waterfall in the foreground and then there's some nice boulders that are stuck in the middle there actually I'm really surprised at how much water is coming down right now probably from the snowmelt from the mountains but you know this is a really nice really nice scene the rocks are extremely slippery but it'll be a little bit careful because I'm just here on my own and I mean I do get cell phone reception but I don't really feel like breaking a leg today I think I'm going to try right just in front of the camera to start with and then we'll we'll go from there it looks like it might be better on the other side of the creek yeah this is going to be a little tricky all the things we do for Queen and country actually the water is quite nice it's really quite refreshing it's not as cold as I thought it was going to be so the reason why I wanted to get in the middle of the of the of the stream here is that as soon as they go over too far to the right then some of the cliff blocks out some of that waterfall and even though it doesn't look like bad when you're looking at it I know from experience that as soon as I get those images back I'll start looking at them I'll probably think there was some I wish I'd got into the middle of the creek to include the whole waterfall if that makes sense this is a really really great looking waterfall now I put it on a 32 to 64 zoom so I can play around with the compositions just a little bit what I have in mind is just doing some straight on shots I'll do some some verticals where I close in quite close to the waterfall maybe have some folios of trees at the top and then I think that I'll also do some horizontals I'm not too sure about this log over to the I was the left here but we'll see how we can interplay that with the composition I'm also using a polarizer again I'll probably use experimentation just so we can keep some of that glare but also really intensify those greens something else that I'll have to do if you watched last week's video and if you haven't watched it I'll leave a link up in the corner here is is I'll probably have to do multiple exposures and the reason being is that a lot of the foliage is getting moved around quite a bit by wind and the course that the waterfall itself and I'd really like that to be quite sharp so I'll take some images at a higher ISO just for the foliage so we get a nice spa shutter speed and as far as the waterfall goes with shutter speed I haven't really taken any images yet but I'm guessing probably around a quarter of a second to a second and perhaps combine some of those as well we'll see how it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] once again I'd like to thank Squarespace for sponsoring this week's video if you're looking for a beautiful professional-looking website then why not head over to Squarespace comm for example if you're setting up a gallery of images all you have to do is drag and drop your selection over to the page once you've dragged your images over it's very easy to caption sort and even edit those images interested head over to Squarespace calm for a free trial and if you like what you find use the code Adam Gibbs for 10% off your first purchase [Music] [Music] all right it's a little precarious here but I'm going to try and go over the whole process of what I'm thinking when I'm taking images where I focus and the shutter speed and aperture and so on so my base exposure I've decided to use the lowest ISO that I can in this case iso:100 m16 is f-16 all the time it's not the optimum sharpness for this lens but f-16 is fine I just want to get lots of depth from the foreground to the background now the shutter speed is a little bit slow but we'll deal with that in a minute and I'm talking about the waterfall here it might look a little bit mushy as far as exposure compensation I brought it down to minus 1 because the waterfall is very bright so let's just focus on the foreground rock here I don't know if you can see that right here and we'll just take a shot there okay so let's have a quick look at that so the exposure looks good we can check the histogram if you if we want to it's a little bit underexposed but you'll also notice that the water pool is a little bit overexposed so we're gonna have to deal with that I'd rather have flight under exposure than over exposure to be honest with you now as far as depth goes let's have a look so the water pulled the rocks in the fall and the background are nice and sharp the poor ground is sharp and the very foreground so f-16 works fine so let's deal with the exposure on the waterfall the first thing I'm going to do is that have been the gonna focus on the waterfall I'm going to be exposure down to a fifth of a second so how do we do that so the first thing I can do is they don't need to be an f-16 I can just go down to let's go to f8 and now it's at half a second and we'll just bring the ISO up until it's at the appropriate shutter speed so I so 250f ate at a fifth of a second - one compensation let's try that we have a look at the image and you can see now that we have detail in the waterfall the only problem is is that up here you can see that it's a little washed out so it's slightly overexposed still so what we can do there is let's bring the exposure compensation down to minus two stops and you'll see now this at a tenth of a second f8 ISO 250 we could bring the ISO down to 100 and that brings it down to a quarter of second or a fifth of a second so let's try that and we'll just have a look at that exposure now now you'll notice that around the waterfall is quite underexposed so we're not concerned about that really we're just concentrating on this little section up here and we can look at the histogram again and you see that the whites are well over to the left so especially work fine and lastly I want to concentrate on the foliage the foliage the ferns here are moving around quite a bit so let's try a twentieth of a second so how do we do that let's see the ISO at 8:00 and we'll focus on the ferns that are moving around and we need to bring the shutter up so we'll just adjust the ISO we'll bring it up to about a twentieth of a second that's iso 500 now it's not - - we don't want to - - we wanted at about zero or minus one so let's just bring out two - one we need to up the ISO again throw it I so 1,000 will take that shot let's have a look at this and what we'll do is we'll just zoom in on those ferns just to make sure that they're reasonably sharp and they don't look too bad actually they could we could probably use an even faster shutter speed so what we'll do is we'll just bring the ISO up a bit more f6 1600 ISO 1600 sorry and we'll just zoom in again and as you can see the the ferns look quite sharp all right so what I'll do with those images afterwards is I'll just paint in the bits that need to be sharp with the ferns the waterfall I'll paint in for the shutter speed that I want and then the rest of it I'll just leave at the lower ISO if that makes sense [Applause] [Music] there's something that smells really nice around here some kind of wildflower and at first I thought it was these lilies here these are really pretty this one I think is almost finished usually they're the petals are kind of spread out like this I think they're called a tiger lily and there's also Columbine but Columbine don't smell neither so not quite sure what it is but it smells really good all right well I hope you enjoyed this little adventure on the side of the highway it's kind of neat that we can drive down the center of Vancouver Island pretty much stopped anywhere we want jump out of the car and find nice little spots like this so I'm extremely lucky I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please be sure to give me a thumbs up it really helps and until next week bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 27,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam GibbsPhotgraphy, Adam Gibbs, Quiet Light, Photographing Waterfalls, Video with the Fuji XT-4, Landscape Photography Tips, Landscape Photography with the Fuji GFX50R, Landscape Photography, photographing waterfalls, tips for photographing waterfalls, landscape photography on vancouver island, photographing waterfalls on vancouver island
Id: vjAH7IetIZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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