The movement of WATER / WATERFALL photography

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you pretty impressive eh this is a Myra Falls I'm actually in Strathcona Provincial Park which is kind of mid Vancouver Island and Myra Falls here is one of the main Falls right at kind of the heart of the park. Now Strathcona is probably the oldest Park in British Columbia and I've I come out to Myra Falls to see if I can get some shots here now I'd better be honest with you I've been here several times in the past and they've never come away with anything really thrilling I mean it's a pretty impressive falls but I find it quite hard to photograph the nice thing about the Falls is that there are several different Cascades so there's a lot to choose from now I've never been down to the bottom waterfall and from the air with the drone it looks pretty impressive so I'll probably go down there and check that out we're going to spend the night here hopefully get some shots here in the morning as well and then I'm going to head out to another waterfall not too far from here. Have the whole place for myself as usual okay I've managed to bushwack down to the Lower Falls here and it's absolutely fantastic just so much water coming down I can really feel the power and the spray all all over this area so it's heavily backlit we have the sun up here together with this nice spray floating around in the air here so I'm gonna see if I can capture some of that now because this waterfall is quite powerful I think I'm gonna take the bunch of shots at a faster shutter speed and capture or try to capture the power of it. You've probably seen it a lot of my videos my shutter speeds are usually quite slow but I think for this for this image I'm definitely going to use a faster shutter speed I also think I'm going to do like a bit of a pano I especially like the the top part of this waterfall rather than the whole thing I mean I'll take some shots of the whole thing but I definitely like the the line of a waterfall kind of mid ground and then over here there's some really nice moss that's kind of backlit I don't know if you can see this all the spray is kind of backlit so I'm gonna see if I can get a little bit of that in here and then above I can just make out the waterfall that I was looking down on before it's really quite beautiful right going to set some shot up I think I'm also going to try to see if I can get a bit of a Sun star the Sun is just about to set behind the trees there so it's a good opportunity to try that so if you want to get a Sun star the best way to do that is have something blocking the Sun and then stop down your aperture to you know f-16 or even f-22 you get a nice sunburst okay now I took some shots from this area yesterday the only problem is I didn't have my boots with me so I ended up taking them from the sidelines here and I couldn't quite get the angle that I wanted so that's one of the reasons why I've come back here because I went to wade into just over to here and get this small cascade in the foreground to the larger one in the background of course I've got to be kind of careful here because I don't want to fall down the chute here now with this shot here what I'd like to do is kind of show you ways that you can get the smoothness of the water but also get texture in there as well by combining two images together now I use Photoshop and what I do is I take one image with a slow shutter speed one image with a fast shutter speed same composition and then kind of paint in textures where I want them so I'll take one image that a really slow shutter speeds like say a second and then I'll take another one that maybe a sixth or an eighth of a second we'll have a look at those individual images and then we'll combine the two to get the effect that we want this area is really nice the only problem with today is the light isn't quite as nice as yesterday even though it was sunny yesterday the Sun was setting over here and it was really nice backlit mist in the air which was really nice today the lights quite flat so not quite as interesting but still a great location of course I'm the only one here again this is great okay I'm I'm at Lupin Falls and unfortunately Lupin Falls isn't looking quite as good as I remember it last time I was here I mean it was a difficult place to photograph to start with but now there's there's a lot of deadfall around the area so I started to look around for photographs and then it started raining so it just wasn't meant to be for this for this trip anyway so what I'm gonna do is I've got my laptop here and I'm going to go over what I was talking about earlier where I combined two images of water together where we have one with texture and then one with that that kind of blurry effect and you can add as much texture as you want or not add very much at all it really depends on on the kind of mood you want alright let's get right into it okay the first thing I need to do is open up the two files so we're just go into Photoshop here file now instead of just going open and then go down to scripts and load files into stack and we'll just browse for the two files that I'm going to use and here they are here select both of those and open them now this will take a little bit of time now before I do open them I'm just going to click on this box here attempt to automatically align source images and well that'll do is if there's any discrepancies in the alignment Photoshop will automatically align them for you because sometimes there might be a little bit of movement in the camera even though you've taken the shots one after another okay so I have both of the images here in two separate layers the top layer is the image with the water with the texture in it this was taken at one thirtieth of a second I believe and then the bottom layer was taken at one second you can see that it's quite smooth and kind of mushy looking so how do we get this texture or some of this texture into this image here first thing you want to do is just highlight or make sure you select the top layer and then we're going to put a mask on that layer so down here you'll see a rectangle with a circle in it just click on that and you'll notice all of a sudden is a white mask next to the image so make sure that we select the the mask now on a Mac you go command-i and that'll turn the layer into a black mask so now all of a sudden we can't see that top layer so from there we're going to paint in some of that texture into the water so we choose B for brush which is it's already on B for brush and make sure that the paint is white so right now it's black just press X and that will change it to white and then your percentage it's really up to you we'll do it at 80% just so you can see exactly what's happening here so you'll notice that as I start painting you can see the layer or the texture from from that layer coming right through and you can add as much or as little as you want now right now I've more or less added that whole layer which is not really I want to want to do if you feel that you've gone too far and you didn't want to add that much texture then all you have to do is press X again and all of a sudden your black paint and you just start to mask that area in again so it's very simple to do and you don't have to limit this to water either I do this quite often with foliage that's moving so some of the images that I took I wanted a certain shutter speed I wanted a 1/5 or a 1/6 of a second but it was quite windy and the foliage around the waterfall was moving so if I just left it at 1/5 of a second then obviously that foliage would have been quite blurry so what I'll often do is I'll take the photograph of the waterfall of the shutter speed that I need and then I'll take another image of just for the foliage at a faster shutter speed so it captures the action and the foliage isn't blurry and then just to do this exact method in Photoshop I'll just paint in the foliage or the areas that I want to be sharp all right and that's it it's pretty simple method of of adding texture to an image and you know there are other ways that you can do it but this is just one way that I do it that's that's quite simple with with Photoshop anyway I hope you enjoyed this little video if you have any questions as always be sure to leave them in the comments below and as always if you enjoyed this this little video please be sure to give me a thumbs up alright everybody until next time thanks ever so much and we'll catch next time, bye you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 27,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: waterfall photography, adam gibbs, adam gibbs photography, landscape photography, strathcona provincial park, vancouver island, how to compose a photograph, landscape photography tips, photography turorial, photoshop tutorial, photographing moving water, the joy of photography, photographing texture, british columbia, wilderness, canada, movement of water, waterfall photgraphy, nature photography, wilderness photography, myra falls, lupin falls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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