Searching for the Perfect Stack of Dimes! Everlast Lightning 225

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hey everyone welcome to i'm man cup today we're going to try all these different crazy techniques uh with mig short circuit i know you guys seen them on youtube instagram so we're going to try all these crazy different techniques i hope they work we're in the search for the perfect dime so let's go ahead and try these the first pattern we're going to do is the standard old straight push pull straight line technique so we're going to go ahead and do this one first that's what i'm dragging we're just doing a little straight standard old-school drag pull i'm doing is pulling the trigger here light it up get the beads the size i want it and just try to go steady as i can keep it the same size all the way down you're going to be looking at the top toe the bottom toe and looking right at your root all the way down all right that's all you want to do all right here you guys have it uh old generic drag push uh stringer bead nothing fancy but we're here for one thing uh making dimes and making a well look sexy so let's go ahead and find the perfect dime technique so we're going to do the cursive w or cursive e this one is my personal favorite pour our trigger at the beginning here let the puddle build up and we're just going to move forward and do a little cursive e and just make sure it's overlapping by half your little orange puddle there you see so just keep doing that make sure you're pulling up on the top toes the same size as the height of that top toe of the previous like little weave you did same thing with the bottom one make sure you're using that as your little depth or bring your toe out that's like your imaginary straight line right there it'll tell you how far to come out come back up do the same thing up top and right there and i tell you how far you got to come up and go down and that will keep you very consistent all the way down all right this is uh my personal favorite it looks pretty good got dimes dimes all the way down i couldn't pause a little bit longer than the toes um but besides that it's pretty good that's my favorite so we're gonna move on to the next one the next one is the cub tooth so basically you're going to start on start right here on your piece of metal step forward go on the top side of the t-joint come back down come come on the bottom plate and we're just going to keep doing the same motion all right so let's go ahead and try this all right i'm just letting everyone know this is not my favorite one the cub two pull the trigger to let that puddle build up and you're just going step forward pause for a second on the top let that uh puddle wet out a little bit because when when you pull it back down gravity uh we'll take that away and you'll get undercut and just go down the bottom hurry up come back up and see that same motion down step forward a little bit a little harder this one is this gave me problems all right here we go we got the cup tooth so it looks it looks alright i could be a little bit more consistent but i'm doing that little jagger half moon thing so uh we did pretty good no bb's here the machine was tuned in and we're looking all right i mean it's not the dimes i want we could do better but it's not bad still up next is the triangle uh i think this looks like a little sailboat but that's me so we're gonna go down diagonal go back diagonal go back down and we're stepping forward diagonal again and we're gonna just repeat that all the way down so we're gonna light up on the edge of the plate uh basically you're gonna step forward right when you step forward and hit the root and as soon as you hit that route you want to step back that tells you you got to go straight back right away at a 45 and come straight down and you're going to do the same motion come straight down look where you just left your weld you want to kind of keep it the same same width and then you're going to as soon as you hit that bottom you're going to shoot forward at a 45. all you're doing is stepping up to that middle of that joint that's it then you're just going to shoot straight back at 45 make sure you're overlapping that weld a little bit because there won't you won't get that dime effect and you're just going straight down that's it it's pretty simple i caught on to this one pretty quick and you just keep the same movement all the way down this one actually shocked me i kind of like it everything is nice and uniformed here a little spatter my arc length was a little bit off because i got uncomfortable but it took me about three tries the first two i was like kind of like messing up the camera guy really helped me out he kind of drew the technique on a t-joint and the third time i nailed it just like that appreciate it camera guy all right on the stitch most people use this one to try to keep their hands steady or keep their weld consistent their bead so this is more of a common one that a lot of people use this one too i'm doing a push technique i think it comes out better moving forward stopping let the puddle catch up to me and let it wet out on top on the top of the plate and the bottom plate and just coming forward about eighth inch and let the puddle catch up to me letting it wet out the size i want this is a stitch remember guys the weld really don't have to be no bigger than this plate so we're nice and consecutive here ran real good hardly no spatter really consistent i'm kind of straight all the way through well i am really straight you could tell all the way through so this one's pretty simple everyone uses this one so let's let's do the last one on this last technique i really just made this up yesterday i'm not bs in your nothing this is uh my own little technique i haven't seen none on the internet i looked all day yesterday and looked all day today so let's go ahead and show you my personal technique so on my technique i basically come up like this and i whip forward i go slow right here and make sure i'm cut connecting right here to that previous bead or previous little dime looking and coming back up whipping forward coming back up and just keep doing that i'm going kind of slow but not slow as this up here but the bottom kind takes care of itself because gravity pulls the molten puddle down so just going like that that's all we're doing all right now i'm just drawing a curse of l recursive e coming down doing the e stepping forward about eighth inch really fast fill in that root and coming back and make sure i'm overlapping half of that little uh dime size weld but i'm pausing up there a little bit kind of slowed and then coming back on the bottom kind of going slow but not slow at the top if that makes sense then coming back and whipping forward a little bit or moving forward about eighth inch and we're just coming back like a slow arch rainbow and we want to let that top fills up and just come down a little bit slow not for the top and move forward and that's it nice bench assistant [Music] all right this one looks pretty good the cub i mean it looks so good i don't have to wire brush i didn't get no bbs i mean there's not much black smoke it looks really good nice and consistent here on my toes both of them got my crater filled in good i mean everything looks great this is the cub i hope you guys found this all interesting all these different types of techniques i know i did i learned a lot of different things um i found new ones like the cub i made that up yesterday practicing for you guys so i could look better at welding here so the triangle that's my second favorite now in the old reliable is the curse of w that one's my favorite if i want to rely on x-ray tests i'll do that one let us know in the comments below what's your favorite out of the six uh let us know on instagram through let us know about your technique show us pictures of it because i want to see them and i want to learn we need to learn from everybody hey remember guys learning is key on mancub make sure you hit the subscribe button below all right the big the bell the little red square definitely do that thanks for watching i'm mancub stay healthy and stay safe thank you
Views: 133,414
Rating: 4.9440441 out of 5
Keywords: everlast, welding,, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld, everlast welder, powersource, welding resources, welding education, welddotcom, learn to weld, weldporn, Weld porn
Id: 3lsgCrEKfFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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