How Much Money Should I Charge for My Welds?

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hey everyone welcome to well come on man come the other day I had someone asked me hey man cup how much should I charge for my welds hey man cub how much should I charge for my welds do you know what I told the guy I said are you a good welder are you lazy do you cut corners today man cub will show you five different ways to charge more money for your welds all right let's go make some money as you can see this welder really didn't care how his welds were turning out he was basic tuning his machine and while he was welding on a customer part that's a big no-no so don't ever do that tip number one is grab a piece of scrap tune your machine on the piece of scrap obviously this is a piece of crap now so we're gonna go ahead and tune our machine in on this piece of scrap right there sounds like I need a couple more volts that sounds good by one I'm gonna run about good two inch bead now okay I got the machine all tuned in I'm running eighteen point two volts 181 wire feed speed I'm gonna go ahead and tack this up these two parts and we're going to just go ahead and run this and I'm going to show you what the weld will look like just by tuning your machine in doesn't that weld look a lot better just by setting your machine on a piece of scrap will help you produce a better weld so tip number two is remove removed your mill scale just by doing this will increase your arc characteristics I'll reduce your smoke and also reduce your spatter see that was easy it just took a couple seconds cleaning Mills go off so I'm gonna go ahead and tack this up then I'm going to show you how much better the weld will look [Laughter] I bet you guys already could tell a difference so reduce smoke is right here less batter if you look right here and look right here a lot less batter and also you can hear the crisp of the arc it sounds way better so that's tip number two tip number three is anti spatter you guys already noticed we got a lot of spatter everywhere so look how easy this is we're going to spray it on there and we're done that will get rid of our bee bees so let's go ahead and weld this out and I'll show you what it looks like look just by doing that spring the anti spatter on it reduce the bb's all the way down to nothing you see a little bit of bb's but I guarantee they're not even stuck on so we're just gonna wipe this off look see look how easy that little trick was simple and easy and it's cheap too that's how we're gonna get rid of bb's tip number four is back stepping as you guys probably notice already my corns are humped up that's from me starting and basically your post really cold and then when you take off then your puddle warms up then it wets out at the end that's why you get a crater and you got a pause to fill it up well we're back steps move from the left to right and keep going counterclockwise if you drag and basically you're your post so hot when you're coming to and coming off of it to let off your trigger suppose it's so hot it basically runs into your cold start and it flattens it all out so what you think guys yeah it looks a lot better see how this one's really humped up I mean it's like double the size and it's not as nice you can tell this one who looks very very nice in uniform you don't have no no hump it up or anything that looks nice and uniform that's what we want so that brings us tip number five so on back stepping you're always gonna have one humped up alright that's better than having four humped up tip number five is grinding your tax or reducing the size of them so just by grinding your tax will eliminate all the pregnant worms so I'm gonna make four tax two of them are gonna be small now let's go make like I've been making them I'm going to show you how I grind them out load it so you can see how little these tacks are so I'm gonna flip this around here and see how big these ones are so I'm going to show you how how to grind how much to grind and then we're gonna go ahead and weld it all we're doing is running your attack where it's almost where you can't see it but just a little bit of meat worth you still hold the piece of metals together and same thing as this one we're just gonna grind it where it's gonna hold the piece of metal together it's that simple so we're just drying this and feathering it out and making it worse not humped up and big gotta be careful how you grind make sure you're not going in this tube and gouging in that plate so just be careful [Music] so on our last step we eliminate all the big humps there's no little humps here at all so that's very good we need to have to grind or nothing the last little tip I got it's a little pro tip bonus tip take your wire brush and always clean up your welds always take your time if you guys spend 10 minutes spend 10 minutes it's gonna look that much better see the difference just by wire brushing it and makes it look a lot better so this brings us back to our original question hey man Club how am I sure I toured for my weld sir well here you have it you got your 10 20 30 40 50 60 and so on it's all about good craftsmanship skills practice don't be lazy and don't cut corners I hope this helps learning is key stay safe and stay healthy I appreciate you watching see you next time
Views: 4,045,814
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Keywords: money, welding,, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld, moeny, moneybagg yo, moneybagg yo waukesha, money man, moneybagg yo time today, money heist season 5, moneybagg yo type beat, moneybagg, money for nothing, money in the grave, moneybagg yo love it here, moneybagg yo hard for the next, money song, money trees kendrick music video, moeny man, moneybagg yo tiem today, moneybagg yo Tim today, moneybagg yo time todya, moneybagg yo tiem todya, Moeny song
Id: XbdW8DeP_20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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