Amazing Welding Workers Doing Their Jobs Perfectly

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Channel: TechFreeze
Views: 734,684
Rating: 4.8654332 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing welding workers, 2020, forming, laser cut, hammer, rolling, armature, welding, cutting, joining, sealing, amazing, another level, automatic, forged knife, handmade ring, garden swing, biggest, cnc, metalworkers, jewelry, construction, cool gadgets, cool tools, cordless, diy, drill, equipment, factory, forging, gadgets, hand tools, handmade, homemade, ingenious tools, inventions, life hacks, machine, machine tools, machines, metal, new, next level tools, skill, tech, technology, tool, Tool repair
Id: 60gCK0zCZO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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