How To MIG Weld with Settings

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so today we're going to be running fill it well to not send corner welds on the new HTTP protocols to 20 mts so I got the settings inductance everything that I use on this once again I'm using coupons from weld metals online and these ones are eighth inch coupons and they're eight inches long so a nice long run that's good for mig welding gives you a chance to actually start and finish the four inch ones you're good for TIG but for mig you know i it's not gonna last very long anyways actually weld metals online made me an affiliate link so if you use it then i can buy more coupons and do more stuff alright well let's get to it [Music] [Applause] so voltage on spray transfer and pulse is your arc length so the length from where it starts spraying off to the workpiece so the higher voltage the longer of an arc length you're going to have and with short circuit what we're doing here it's controlling your bead width so how wide of a puddle you're gonna get so down here super narrow up here super wide [Music] so the settings that I've ran on here was 236 inches per minute of oh three oh wire it's er 70s - six wire and nineteen point one volts and the way that I can get away with running a super low wire speed with a higher voltage is my inductance is up at a hundred so the inductance on this machine goes from 25 percent to two hundred percent so if your machine isn't an HDPE like this if you set it somewhere in the middle it should be pretty dang close if you don't set it somewhere in the middle it's and you leave it it's going to be too hard of an arc and you're gonna have problems with it starting so this is the bead with 25% inductance this is the bead with 100% inductance they can see this one the arc was super erratic and it was spattering everywhere couldn't really see what you're doing through all the spatter and it's just a nasty way to do it if you're using this technique so if this technique I'm using a drag dangle but it's really only about five to ten degrees so this is 90 it's pointing backwards about that much just a little bit and if you do a drag angle it'll help cut into the route just a little better but you'll end up with the more crowned up bead if you push it's a little harder to get into that route but it's a lot softer looking bead like smooth but this technique works best with the push or with the drag because you need all the penetration you can get with it so how I like to hold the torch I'm a lefty so I'll hold it in my left hand and kind of grip it right here with my right if you're writing hold it in your right grip right here you can do it any way you want but this is what I found more comfortable with this so I use take finger XL when I'm MIG welding at home at work I just have tick gloves here I cheap out and buy these Harbor Freight mechanics gloves so I just use that to slide and to protect my knuckles from the heat so all I'm doing when I start is I'll do a slight up-and-down motion just to get the bead going let it soak in both the top and bottom and I just have this angle so you can see what I'm doing just a little bit better so once I get that going I'm just gonna drag forward into the root so the wire is literally into the root and once I drag just a little ways past where the edge of this circle that you started with was I'll push or ya push backwards into the puddle slightly and it's just far enough to where these toes tie into this last circle this last dime and once I have that up drag forward push back till it ties in and when I'm pushing back it's just slight and I'm letting it fill in and then drag it forward push back till it's that size and it's a real consistent back and forth basically and you're just doing that the whole way and however long you stay in wait in that puddle is how high up this is going to crown so it's just kind of trial and error but usually it's just enough to see that the toes tie in and then I'll go again and that works real nice and the more consistent you can do it the more consistent of a bead width and ripple pattern spacing that you're gonna get so when I tacked it up I put just a slight gap in there not enough for the wire to shoot through but just enough and that will help with just a tiny bit of penetration with this technique you don't get that much but that'll help so on this I'm using manual MIG mode on the HTTP you just hit that twice it'll go to manual I'm running 17 volts and 175 inches per minute on a 300 wire and then the key for this is a hundred percent inductance on that so it goes from 25 all the way up to 200 percent so right in the middle so if you can adjust your inductance on your machine if you can put it right in the middle you should be pretty close on this if I had the inductance lower it would be really unstable and pop a ton with the low wire speed that I'm running but since I can turn it up it'll make up for that [Music] so this is that outside corner and I just used the same technique that I used for the fill at weld and because I had that gap in there you can see that it's just starting to penetrate through if I didn't do that there wouldn't be any penetration on the roof all right guys that does it for today's video hopefully you learned something about the settings that I use hopefully you can run them on your machine at home come up with results like this if you have any inquiries just email me my email so in the description below like this video if it helped you subscribe if you're not and follow me on instagram at 5th Street fab I also got a list of my affiliate links like the welding metals coupons if you want to get 10% off that it's in the description I got the welders that I use the inverted the pro pulse and just random Amazon tools that I use in the shop alright thank you guys you have a good one
Channel: 5th Street Fab
Views: 273,993
Rating: 4.8951278 out of 5
Keywords: HTP pro, HTP pro pulse, mig welding settings for beginners, mig welding settings, mig welder settings, how to mig weld, htp invertig, HTP, HTP pro pulse 200, HTP pp200, htp invertig 221, mig welding techniques, mig welding tips, mig welding fundamentals, mig welding basics, mig welding settings for steel, how to mig weld for beginners, mig welding settings for mild steel, mig welding tips and tricks, mig welding for beginners, gas metal arc welding, wire feed welding
Id: nDWGRzfcmcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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