SEABEAR - Spongebob Squarepants (CAMPING SURVIVIAL)

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[Music] do it sounded like it came from out here squidward what's wrong i heard you screaming i thought i heard something in that bush that bush was rustling is it still there i don't know i can't take this anymore i'm going home wait squidward why did you play in all of these trees so he's gone now what do we do now i have an idea we go camping with the spongebob camping tent yeah this should be pretty easy to put together move over patrick ah you know what scratch that what is all this garbage circle birdies patrick this isn't time for jokes we need shelter we're gonna die out here well you take your leg we got it pretty much together now that was a nightmare now we gotta do is put the top on and then it's easy camping okay let's double check that's how it's supposed to look uh i hope i got this right oh that's hot done [Music] isn't this fun patrick in a tent surrounded by nature potentially a murderous sea bear spongebob get that flashlight out of my face is this better yeah well i've won my own [Music] hey look i'm surrounded by two spongebobs three spongebobs you're looking like the boy in destroyed pajamas what's with the drip you like it you jealous that i'm comfortable what's your beef [Music] oh what was that noise what's out there patrick spongebob keep it down i'm trying to hunt hunt i just heard screaming what are you hunting screaming i don't know anything about that i'm just trying to hunt for mary's patrick there's something out there i don't know if i'd be hunt for berries at a time like this spongebob i'm gathering berries there's nothing to worry stupid spongebob he's not getting any my berries what's this someone put a vog in the way oh well they're trying to protect something like berries yeah i'm gonna get me some what's that some kind of berry i'm gonna get me some of these seaberry maybe these better be ripe why are they green oh spongebob's missing out there are so many what's this over here looks like better shelter than our tent huh it's the ultimate berry i'm gonna take this home biggest berry i've seen oh probably delicious ah i didn't mean to shine the flashlight in patrick's eyes i just get spooked easy now we went out there and he's gonna die spongebob i got the berries and you don't get any of them jerk what is that just know when you're hungry don't come crying to me it's a rare berry patrick is that really a berry let me just look at it [Music] oh so now you're throwing the berries that i harvested what is this a food fight oh patrick that's not a berry that's a skull oh can i still eat it patrick do you hear something maybe it's a toothpick no you're gonna die jumping jellyfish hey look a jumping jellyfish yeah those are pretty rare i guess that's what was making all that noise we got nothing to worry about well i guess let's just go back inside the tent [Music] well patrick it looks like we can continue our camping endeavors let's make a campfire okay all right now all we gotta do is cut down a tree for some firewood already on it come on patrick are you still in the stone age at least crap the wooden axe oh well patrick that tree came in handy we found the perfect place for a fire looks like we won't really be needing these flashlights anymore all right let's start burning wood good thing squidward plated all these trees all right what we get today ah junk a letter from team trees i gotta read this right away all right come on what's it say tell me i've been accepted into team trees i planned like 10 000 trees if i don't get accepted i don't know who will uh what burning trees down cutting them down i didn't do that i'm not burning trees oh wait wait wait what's the smell someone burning my trees tame trees rejecting me i want to get to the bottom of this oh no they burning my trees don't they know i'm trying to be part of team trees they picked the day of all days to go camping i gotta stop em smoke everywhere what did you guys do squidward what are you doing that was our campfire i didn't plant these trains just so you could burn them to the ground but squidward that's what nature is for go back to your tent you guys are a disgrace well patrick let's go back to the tent oh but i didn't even have time to roast my marshmallows it's getting kind of cold out here do you want to light another fire let's chop down another tree it's so warm look at all these trees burning ah this is what nature was made for ah they're doing it again stop lighting campfires mr beast is never gonna maintain trees fire live sacrifice [Applause] [Music] oh squidward i'll save you buddy well i saved what's left of him go ah way i told you not to light another fire go back to your tent both of you ah i'm gonna go take a bubble bath patrick i think we needed that campfire yeah i'm getting kind of spooked what should we do want to throw a rave all night [Music] is that the police where are these lights coming from i'm innocent wait wait a minute what are they doing now let's go camping what a good idea keeping the whole neighborhood up it's two in the morning maybe i should have let them keep that stupid campfire open up guys what's the password password what are you talking about spongebob i think this is it i'm coming in what what what's going on weedward turn that flashlight off we were trying to sleep what but i i just saw a rave flashing lights everywhere kept me up loud music squidward we don't have anything like that here what are you talking about squidward i think you're the one keeping us up i'm keeping my eye on you i'm still keeping my eye on you i'm about to stay up all night just to keep my eye on you spongebob i think he left you know what that means ah if i'm lucky i'll get maybe two hours of sleep [Music] okay that's it now i know there's lights where'd they go oh again squidward what what i just saw christmas rave lights come on okay you know what that's it that's it you guys i'm going camping with you make room welcome to the club squidward squidward can you tell me a bedtime story no now go on your side and stop breathing down my neck squidward can you tell me a bit i'm sorry did you guys hear that what's going on i don't know but it came from this way let's check it out fire truck hustle move it oh oh patrick did you do this no i'd eat this wait is that a bottle of ketchup oh yeah i heard that the sea bear puts ketchup on his victims before he eats them okay i've seen enough i'm going back to town uh i'm coming too this is just one of their stupid pranks ketchup [Music] seriously [Applause] in a cornfield how did i get here i got to get out of here i'm lost spot around the pantry how'd i get in here i don't know which way i'm going ah no that's infinite no not that way corn corn did you have a nightmare what no no of course not not me i felt someone licking me last night squidward why are 20 looking at it wasn't me why are you covered in ketchup if it was me i would have been using barbecue sauce you reek patrick go outside sticking up the whole tent with that ketchup fine at least it doesn't stink as bad as your nose i'll show you your stints i smell minty fresh like a mint leaf hmm well that's better no more ketchup it up to 10. uh squidward why'd you wake up with a piece of corn next to you i don't want to talk about it squidward putting ketchup all over me in my sleep too the nerve he could have at least used grape jelly hey look it's a good place to take a seat oh hey what's up buddy kicked out of the tent if i had a tongue that was long enough i would have already had this ketchup off [Applause] me [Music] oh where am i there's there's no way out except the way he came i should have known i woke up in ketchup squidward set me up what do i do what do i do oh i know if i just make a circle i'll be protected there we go perfect circle now that i'm in here well i'm invincible it's like a force field everyone knows that sea bears can't go in circles well if i go at least i could say i had one more bottle of jack before i went [Music] sea bear i see you ain't got your ketchup but i made a circle and you can't go in circles i bet you feel really dumb right about now you should have thought about that [Music] circle no no no i'm allergic to ketchup patrick where are you i'm finally awake to join you ah he's probably doing something fun come on don't leave me alone with squidward he smells like corn whoa did you hear that oh come on it's just him trying to prank a spongebob you realize that he doesn't just wake up covered in ketchup he probably packs that he even got ketchup on my head look at this ah we should at least go look come on let's go [Music] what wait can you see that squidward is that patrick [Music] a real life sea bear and he's using mustard mustard come on man i don't put no mushroom you need to put a little feeding on that thing stick to it what man come on now get that off there come on somebody come get this man come on come on get this pimp off that's just too much dog i don't really want to see this no more that's really cool oh my god why did you go in there it's a lot safer in here the sea bear's going to take down the whole tank we gotta go we gotta run it's not safe uh hey there wait the corn i almost forgot oh it's still safe i'm gonna get out of here squidward quick squidward we don't have much time we have to make a circle somehow a circle a circle sea bears can't go in circles they're immune why'd you hear that phony baloney look we don't have much time he's gaining on us okay circle circle i got this i got this ham oh whoa squidward that's perfect jump in we're protected are you sure [Music] pop with that meat nah we're fine just trust me how did that work squidward the coast is clear we got to make it home okay i'm way ahead of you wait [Music] okay make worm i believe you [Music] scooter i was gonna say don't go yet because he was coming back we gotta wait till he's at a distance before we run out there i'll keep an eye on him ah okay but this time you're running out there oh i almost got mauled to death oh i'm not leaving this circle again i can't believe we have to leave without patrick i'll have to go back and save him another time i'm just not even equipped for this squidward i don't see him anymore i think the coast is clear i'm about to get ready to run out there okay here i go squidward i'm out of the circle oh i'm in the circle i'm in the circle you can't attack me i don't know what to do it's just waiting for me wait is that the corn i gotta make it to that corn i have one chance to make it to that corn okay well there goes nothing charge corn the corn worked the corn worked wait the sea bear landed in the circle what happens if the sea bear lands in a [Music] circle [Music] can't believe i made it out alive i'm no longer part of team trees i'm about team burning down them trees now this is what i call a cookout this corn is gonna taste so good with that sea bear meat [Music] um uh
Channel: AquaticNeptune
Views: 3,538,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Campfire, Song, Clarinet, Deep, Dark, Shrek, c a m p f i r e s o n g, origionalSpongebob, Patrick, Camping, Squidward, Seabear, Sea bear, Bikini Bottom, Krusty Krab, Spongebob Camping, Mr Krabs, Team Trees, Krabby Patty, Scary, Halloween, Christmas, Squid ward, AquaticNeptune, spongebobmemes, Nick, Nickelodeon, Nick UK, Patty, Broadway, Gary, Sea Rhino, SuperBowserLogan, SuperMarioLogan, SML, SBL, Jeffy, Junior, Chef, Lance, Sponge, Movie, On The Run, Crown, Shell City, Netflix, Hulu, Funny, Pearl, Mrs Puff, Music
Id: O6mdZWWa054
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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