Sea Cove Cottage Restoration featuring Royal® PVC Trim

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I'm Steve Thomas and this is the first of a web-based series of programs on building materials challenges and solutions now the first project in this series is my own house it is a little shingle style Victorian in a fishing village in Maine now my wife and I are downsizing so we wanted to renovate a house that was small and this is small it's 1,300 square feet it was built in 1905 and it's in a neighborhood of similarly aged houses the one across the street is late 1800s the church is late 1800s the hotel a couple doors down is also late 18-hundreds so really this is kind of the new kid on the block it has been here virtually unchanged since it was built in 1905 same window configuration hasn't been added on - you know it's really intact and I wanted to keep it intact but I wanted to modernize it on the inside while doing a sympathetic restoration renovation and I wanted to modernize it on the outside in terms of materials so when I got into it I discovered that there was a lot more damage than I had originally anticipated the foundation in the back was gone I had to rebuild that the whole back wall was gone I had to totally rebuild that and then I gutted the inside and then I took out all the plaster that I was not going to take out i rewired it I replumbed it new kitchens bathrooms you get the whole idea so about half way through this whole process I decided you know what I'm going to get this absolutely right it's been standing here for 110 years and I'm going to make sure that it's in good shape for another 110 years so the outside was really important to me there are some really critical details like the cornice molding under the gamble there and then the southern critical detail is this band molding that runs around the whole of the house that was actually in pretty good shape so I was able to salvage that I put in all new windows and doors but they look just like the originals so this ended up being a very sympathetic restoration renovation so I decided that I really needed to choose a suite of materials for the outside of the house that was sympathetic to the house but would also stand up to the harsh weather main dishes out so up top there was all shingles in the original version and I replaced it with shingles these are Eastern white cedar they were pre dipped and they looked pretty much like the originals I ended up staying them so that brings you all the way down to that nice flare above the prim band they're getting that just right was really critical so so far so good now down below here this is all plaids I replaced it with collaborates and these also were wood it's western red cedar it's pre primed and it goes on just in a conventional fashion stainless steel nails nail it to the sheathing so we ended up painting it to match the shingles up top there so all conventional materials there there's nothing unusual now for the water table and for the corner boards and for all of miscellaneous trim that I had to replace I wanted to use something that would last if you look around the neighborhood here you can see houses with water tables water table is aptly named because in fact the water from the side wall washes down kicks out over this molding and washes down the water table and it kind of kicks out away from the foundation from an architectural standpoint it really does anchor it to the stone foundation and you see that's a typical feature all around the neighborhood now this is cellular PVC and it's made by royal building products and full disclosure they hired me to make this video although I have to say that I made the choice to use this all by myself it was not induced by them in any way shape or form I like it because it it's got a nice smooth surface and really sharp crisp edges and it looks like wood inside it is literally kind of foamy PVC so here's a big wide piece for the water table this is standard material it's used for trimming out windows you can see it on these windows here and the original wood version that goes on top there this is a bed molding here you can buy this in wood it's also available in PVC that goes here and composes a very traditional looking water table copper flashing on top of that that dresses it all up and conducts the water away from the sidewall and ultimately away from the house and then your collaborator so all in all it is a suite of materials that is the best of the old and the best of the new and I'm pretty confident that in a hundred and ten years you come back here you will see this same skin on the building at the end of the day we don't own our buildings we are just the stewards of our building and when you pass it on to the next owner and they pass it on to the next owner as a carpenter and a contractor you want to know that you've done the right thing for the building plus it looks great it really looks great
Channel: Royal Building Products
Views: 35,749
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: Royal, RoyalBuildingProducts, Steve Thomas, Maine, Sea Cove, cottage, sea cottage, PVC trim, PVC trim system, trim system, watertable
Id: X0C8oQA6kCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2016
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