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all right you've all whined enough we're back six uh sorry it's not six thousand nine thousand dollar house down in the basement we're gonna be taking care of this dirt floor if you recall there was once something here it is now under here where it's kind of sunken in a haunting reminder of what occurred down in this basement so we've got that crude concrete floor over here this room here dimensions are about nine and a half wide and about 12 and a half this way everything is unlevel in this house so this floor is higher than this floor this floor used to be this like rotten wooden floor being held up at termites then there was the concrete block there and so what's going to happen is this floor will remain this used to have a wood floor in it too everything was so screwed up in this house so the concrete is kind of a little wonky in this room but not too bad pretty rough in this room but again doable so i'm just going to do my best amateur job in here which includes bags of 80 pound quikrete probably be somewhere level-ish down on this area and then as it gets over here it'll kind of ramp up and connect into some patchwork that i'm going to take care of i've got some remesh that's 42 inches wide so basically i'm going to be dividing this space into three sections i'm not going to be doing a proper job so don't get hung up on telling me everything i'm doing wrong or go ahead and do it i don't mind but we're going to be just taking care of business hammering down and getting some sort of a floor in here that is just to scooch better than the other floors that already exist then i'll be able to drop their handler right down on it and get things tied in and i'm probably just going to come back in here and re-spray these walls out white and then maybe just paint the floors out and that'll just kind of freshen everything up it'll still be what it is but it'll be a much cleaner looking environment and not like that and this first thing we're going to do is knock out this transition it sticks up about six inches from the floor on the other side [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] hey [Music] morning [Music] hmm [Music] it's a total of 12 bags [Music] i've got two tools a wood float and a finishing trowel just bought them never used them could have just made this but i'm in a hurry so this is just going to kind of float things out smooth it out the best i can then once it sets up i'll come back and trowel it out with that see how it goes i think we've got probably just enough concrete or tad too much or not enough all right i don't know what i'm doing but one thing you can do with concrete that i have done is it seems kind of stiff you work it around and then when you start patting it like you can see how that is stiff you can see it's kind of mounded up a little bit but you start doing this and it'll sink some of the uh the aggro get the gravel the sand everything it kind of drops that down just a little bit and you start to work up that little cream on top which that's going to give me something to actually smooth out i'm not going to overdo that i'm doing it just kind of liquefied a little bit then i'm going to trowel it around i'll use the finishing trowel to try to kind of work it out actually smooth i don't want to drop the aggregate too much i think what happens is the top ends up kind of soft and it kind of uh wears it out quick so you want to keep that stuff up close to the top then smooth it out but that's a fool talking i don't know what i'm doing it's just based on the very tiny amount of this type of stuff i've done [Music] it's good enough just brought it right up to the top of the two by four and then probably like the last eight or ten inches it just kind of tapers down to that floor so the two by four itself is flat and the concrete self-leveling to a degree um looks pretty decent if i the whole floor just looked like that i'd be fine with it but once this sets up i'm not sure how long it's going to take um probably 20 minutes 15 20 minutes maybe i'll start troweling out i'll do some quick googling on the subject and then trowel it out and then come back tomorrow pull this 2x4 off hopefully comes off smooth move it over do it again i have no idea how to use this right i wish it was rounded on the ends they had ones like that i think it'd be easier to not gouge it like to go like this is kind of hard it wants to end up dragging this upper tip when i go like that so i'm just kind of going straight back and forth and pushing and pulling you know i should have at least watched a video probably how to do it but i didn't so so [Laughter] all right i think i just worked it a lot more than i should have simply safe offers easy to use totally customizable home security they've once again improved their system by releasing their wireless outdoor security camera it features an ultra wide 140 degrees field of view at 1080p hd resolution in 8x zoom this clarity will help you see details like faces and license plates that could become critical evidence simply safe has included a built-in spotlight with color night vision and two-way audio so you can speak to and even scare off someone that's come on to your property setup takes just minutes the camera mounts to a magnetic base that allows you to dial into just the right angle it has an easy to remove rechargeable battery which gives you the freedom to go anywhere on your property without the need for an outlet in the past when i heard a bump in the night i had to go check what was going on with with the simply safe app paired with the outdoor camera i can see my entire front yard on the screen of my phone and setting up the new camera was easy the magnetic base was mounted to my porch and then the camera was connected to the simplisafe app via my wi-fi once set up i opened the live view and got the camera's angle set up to show the best view of my front yard from there you can set up preferences such as notifications i chose to receive notice of any motion i can quickly open the live view on the app and see if it's just a cat or something that needs more attention this camera of course is a solid addition to an already great security system with sensors covering all my doors and windows and the other great offerings such as smoke water and motion detecting sensors you are covered and as always the interactive monitoring service will call the police if alerted to anything take 20 off your simply safe security system and your first month is free when you sign up for the interactive monitoring service visit simplysafe.com homemade home to learn more [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] welcome back it's the next afternoon first lab second slab we did last night and this is the patch job my boots are completely wet and nasty so i'm going to awkwardly wear crocs doing this work today and i've got a big rip in my pants bear with me on that the goal for today is to box in a little form right here that's going to be for the ramp that kind of gets this floor down to that level but then under the air handler and across in front of that ramp this will be level with this floor over here so gonna get that boxed in get the concrete mixed up and pour it here first thing i need to scoop out a little bit of this dirt [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i expected to do more in this video but this turned into quite the job um that is a 10 quart bucket not quite a foot over the uh across the top of that for scale so the room's dimensions are nine and a half feet tall by 12 and a half to the top of the ramp i believe so you know whatever that square footage works out to plus this patch is what i poured um i think it's one pretty good for what it is this is not a critical floor you know everything else in the houses the floors are not that rough but they're just not super nice it's not like a brand new concrete modern basement floor that you could just i mean it's just slick you know they're just so nice how uh how nice slabs are poured but um i think for what it is it's nice first time ever doing this much concrete at once or this large of a section on my own i guess i could say i've done stuff like this where i've had to kind of patch things but never never anything like this i would i always encourage people to try things if they want to do it sometimes it's to where you know you can do things and then other times it's to where you know you shouldn't do things and it's good to kind of learn that on stuff like this uh if i had somebody lined up that was coming and doing this in a concrete truck it would have been worth it just to have them come in and do it they could have just brought it right in the window i would have just stood back and watched it and been impressed by how good and fast they were but at the same time it was kind of cool to do it in hindsight you know while you're doing it it's just rough you know moving 80 pound bags you know you can pretend to be real strong in that 80 pound bag you can toss it around and i can toss around an 80 pound bag you know a few times and it'd be no big deal but after you're mixing bag after bag keep in mind you go to the store you buy it you put it on your cart you roll it out to your car you put it in the back your truck you bring it home you take it out the back of the truck then you pick it up again to put it in the mixer and then you haul it all in in a wheelbarrow and dump it so it's heavy work the whole time and uh you know i i don't want to make all this any harder on myself the goal is to make money off the house not to wear myself out renovating houses um and i think as far as an investment why you know investment that that should be everybody's kind of goal because it's more long-term thinking i don't want to be doing this level of work forever you know my my goal is to make the income to where i don't have to do this type of thing but i'm willing to do it while i you know to to build it all up to that floor turned out relatively flat i actually think the low spots kind of over here what i would have really liked it to be is everything kind of sloped to this door because once you're in this room any water in here runs right out the back door but it's not so much that it's going to like pull up heavy and even when the air handlers here it sits up on these feet so it would never really get wet and there's nothing critical in the bottom of the air handler it's just sort of the empty box so you know this is the intake comes down it comes down then it goes up and then gets distributed back out through the registers the outdoor unit is right there so probably going to replace this just to get a new fresh unit in the house so this little flat area creates a nice spot for it and perfectly fine with it being right here in the room um gives you access kind of all around it to be able to work on it if need be plenty of room to move back and forth through here my mix ratio before i forget that two bags of concrete mixed at a time in my harbor freight mixer with one 10 quart bucket of water so i filled this up all the way and by the time i got over to the machine it was probably to that little lip right there at my thumb just from spelling some stuff and uh the first day it was almost a full bucket then the second day it looked like i needed a little bit less i'm not sure if it was just humidity change or the bags have taken on some moisture or differences in the bags but there was just a slight difference the day two and how much water i needed i needed a little bit less it was mixing up a little too wet and then when i did the ramp i mixed it up kind of stiff so just less water there are additives i can't think what you call them but where you can mix it up to where it looks way too dry like it looks like it's forming those little balls that just tumble around in the mixer mix the mixer but then you add that liquid and it just like disperses that water and it's like you can mix up a really dry mix that flows a lot and i learned about that with concrete countertops and um so pretty interesting and that's a way to maintain that strength so i think that's it next up you know getting this done was a big deal um i need to do a lot of kind of wrapping things up in this house and this was sort of the one big thing that needed to be done whether it was me or someone else i feel really good to get this out of the way i made this to-do list of everything that i can think of to finish the house this was my biggest thing that i had to do personally it was going to be the most labor intensive take days to do so it's knocked out now a lot of the stuff now is it's still quite a bit of stuff but it's a lot of small stuff so i'm you know looking forward to getting that list uh kind of chiseled down but this was holding up whatever i do with this so now i can either get this reassembled or call in the ac guy and get him to come in and replace it but the area is workable now the other thing that i might do down here it's kind of a big job but i might replace this door and by replacing the door i would you know cut up to the bottom plate on the sill plate on the wall and make this taller because when i step up on this little threshold you know i'm hitting my head on it and stuff like that and then also this door is really rigged up it's just a little slide on the back so you can't open it from the outside every time you come in the store you have or go through the store you have to go in through the front door and come down here and unlock it first which no big deal while i'm working but you know to make it more normal i want somebody to come in and out of it and have normal door locks on it that's going to wrap things up for this video again i thought i was going to do more in this video as far as do the floor and then a couple other sort of odds and ends i kind of want to do that in each video one big thing and then some small stuff because i think i don't know it's i don't guess how long it's gonna take me to do things anymore because it just seems so unpredictable i used to be able to do stuff like that when i had a lot less going on and i was mainly focusing on you know stuff shifts you know all my house stuff used to be the number one thing and then i had lots of other things now all those lots of other things it's different stuff now but all that has turned into the priority and then the house stuff is uh not the lowest on the list it's still actually high on the list because it has a lot to do with income that pays for all the important stuff but uh it's just harder to make time for it which is probably more along the lines of what i think a lot of people are um uh y'all situations and if you can tell i'm very tired all the time now if that doesn't clue you into what life event has slowed me down as far as this house goes and other things tired all the time uh it's for quite a while now but uh it's just the way it is it will pass eventually um to a degree but uh what do i want to add um check out the book how i find um i don't know my book on buying cheap houses i won't try to impress you talking about it right now i've got some videos i might link to them in the description they can talk about it more or you can just check it out read the reviews see if it sounds like a good fit but it's just on buying chief houses like this how i go about finding them and a little bit about how i make the deals talking with people and um i think that's about it i'm going to try to get you another video in two weeks or so who knows what'll happen but that's what i'm aiming for all right i'm actually getting a call from a property manager right now so let me see what this is all about thanks for watching see you next time hello [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Homemade Home
Views: 75,796
Rating: 4.9752703 out of 5
Keywords: investing, renovation, remodel, house, home, debt free, diy, fixer upper, house flipper, buy a house, mortgage, forclosure, how to buy a house, first time home buyer, wealth, real estate, rental property, finance, young couple, Dave ramsey, 12000 house, 9000 house
Id: xI3dTynuuds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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