James Hardie Installation Guide brought to you by Northville Lumber

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[Music] hey everybody my name is aaron wolfe i'm the technical sales manager for james hardy building products in the greater detroit metro my job with james hardy is to work with our install partners on not only the business side of things but also proper installation technique tips and tricks on the job and just how to overall run a more efficient business what i'll go over today is just a couple of the main points as far as one flashings and clearances so that we're meeting codes when installing our james hardy products and also touching up our pre-finished products which is either the statement or the dream collection our pre-finished boards come with a 15-year warranty you just want to make sure they're sealed up nice and tight before you move on to the next part of the job so having said that we'll just get started with a little bit of the clearances and flashing requirements there's really three numbers you need to watch out for when it comes to doing a james hardy install that's six inches two inches and one quarter of an inch so when you've got those down pretty much everything else is smooth sailing so what we'll do starting at the bottom of the house which is grade what you'll notice a lot of these actually just come from building code requirements they don't have nothing to do with hardy specifically but they do work for our application so when it comes to grade clearance that's where that first number comes in six inches off grade if you install your sidings and trim six inches off grade it covers universally all of our products as do all these clearance and flashing requirements and then you'll be good to go when we talk about the two-inch minimum as far as clearances you also want to have any slabs paths or steps as well as roof lines or decks two inches up from that with your siding or your trim that's to prevent a lot of snow and moisture from running into the product and causing it to fail prematurely next we'll talk about z flashings any kind of horizontal seam that's where that third number comes into play one quarter inch so whether you have a belt board running across a window a door a band board running across the entire house you want to have a quarter inch clearance from the siding and the flashing right on top of that piece which will be z flashing and that z flashing will cover your trim make sure it works perfect moving along you'll see again a lot of these apply in the same cases here's horizontal flashing above windows horizontal flashing with brick or stone one main component to that is that you never want to have any cementitious product or what hardy is interact with any kind of brick or mortar so you want to keep clearances there and use flash flashings appropriately such as an l flashing on verticals or z flashing on horizontals moving right along to block outs same thing applies you want to block out any anything on the house whether it's a light block or a hose and you want to make sure that that's flashed over the top of that quarter inch clearance something that's not necessarily a clearance requirement but it is a flashing requirement would be butt joint flashings whenever you put two pieces of hardy together they form a butt joint first and foremost those butt joints can be run together in contact because james hardy products will not expand and contract due to the weather outside it's very helpful in a climate like michigan what you do have to do is put a joint flashing in between those two pieces just to protect it from wind driven rain and any condensation that's flowing away from the wall caused by the heat and cold moving right along again we already talked about roofs kickout flashing is something that's also required by building code usually the responsibility of a roofer but if you end up having to do it it's important to put a flashing card at any roof wall intersection that will kick the water away from the gutter or into the gutter excuse me also the gutter placement if you end up having another trade coming after you if you are a siding contractor you're not necessarily doing the gutters you want to make sure that they know to leave the gutter one inch off of that of that siding also before the roof goes on they need to put a drip edge as well as valley flashing that's particularly important if you do use any of our trim as fascia boards so on the back of our handy little flyer here it also talks about finishing james hardy products so one important note about any james hardy product is when you do cut into it that cut end has to be sealed sealing happens one of two ways the first is with paint which we'll discuss in a minute and the second is caulking so caulking occurs at any vertical termination of the trim and the siding so as you can see right here there's a nice bead of caulking that runs and down up and down this vertical these are the main areas in which you will end up caulking james hardy products on vertical seams like this underneath windows in any kind of penetration as well as up in any gables up on the at the peak of the house where you will never caulk is up at the top of it where you're going to have any of your horizontal z flashings and your siding coming down and staying a quarter inch off you don't want to create a dam for that moisture that's trying to escape you want that to flow freely so again you never caulk up at the top you start up at the top piece of your corner trim put a little caulk damn in there and then you follow an eighth of an inch gap in between your siding and your trim all the way down and that's how you finish james hardy sealing it with caulking all right the second way you can seal a piece of james hardy is with paint so what will come out with every color plus job which is our pre-finished material is a hearty touch-up kit it'll match the exact paint of both your trim and your siding and typically about one kit each per house gets you gets you where you need to be so the kit comes with a number of different things it'll be labeled with the proper color for you in this case it's evening blue and you can see all the order numbers and all that stuff on there for when you order it it'll come with first a full pint of paint so this again will be touching up any areas that are cut that will not be caulked the most common areas you're going to see that are going to be pieces of window trim or corner trim as well as notch outs of siding around windows and doors where you have to cut and make specific angles for for that piece also siding running up a roof line since it's two inches off of that roof you'll also need to seal that bottom edge and that's where this will come in handy so after you pour out your paint it goes into a couple of different applicators the first is an edge coder the edge coder is meant for cut pieces of hardy like this piece of trim i have right here you literally just put your paint right in there and then dab it all along the side here and that seals it up perfect this will also be useful for your notch outs around your windows and doors you don't want to use this on finished nail heads unfortunately it can create almost like a leopard spotted effect so if you do have to face nail we have a specific applicator for that as well now this is something that might show up in your touch-up kit it's actually our old touch-up uh for finish head net applicator and what i usually tell people to do with this one is just to put it together just like so and then throw it away okay a lot of complaints about that thing what we did is we took your feedback we actually created a pin nail applicator number one it has a ball bearing inside so you can really get that paint going and then the tip depresses every time you put it onto a nail head so like we can see here in our piece of trim you just push this over this will be filled with paint obviously a small amount of paint will come up and you've touched up your nail heads without having that kind of leopard spotted effect on the house this is very useful just have to keep this tip clean and it'll last you a couple houses of course the touch-up kit also comes with a couple extras for you so a couple extra pads for the touch-up and then this is a spout that you can cut off so you can pour your paint out nice and easy without spilling everywhere and of course a lid to cover up your applicator so that those don't get too dried out on you and also you don't get paint all over yourself so again the hearty touch-up applicator this will come out with any pre-finished color plus job so you can finish the house beautifully and move on to the next and if you have any questions or want to order any of these products reach out to your sales associate at northfield lumber they'll be happy to help you out thanks for your time you
Channel: Northville Lumber
Views: 88,175
Rating: 4.8577523 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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