Robinson Crusoe - 2nd Edition - How To Play

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Owned this game for years, played it 30+ times, still excited to watch this video because I'm still not sure if I interpreted the first edition rulebook correctly :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elteej πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

According to his book, Ignacy (the designer) could explain the rules for the first edition of Robinson in 15 minutes. After watching this video, I'm doubly impressed by that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FaithfulGropaga πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really love the art as well as the components. Overall it just looks great.

I've heard a lot of praise for this as a solo game, might have to check it out when it's released (which I think is sometime soon).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ellite25 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting this, I actually won a copy of this game on BGG so this video will be a great primer for when it arrives.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScroteMorningwood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

God damn does it feel like a lot of things to keep track of.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pixar_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Until I saw the video I wanted this game, now I feel so overwhelmed I still want it but would probably have to watch it at least another 20 times before even attempting a play through :/

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mercury187 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has the second edition been released yet? I originally heard it was supposed to come out in Sept 2016 but it doesn't seem like it's out yet. Is there any news on when it's supposed to be released? This looks like a game that I will really enjoy but it seems like the 2nd edition will offer significant improvements over the 1st.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cubsmaniac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Been waiting for this.

Pre-ordered the new edition from Portal directly and received it a few weeks ago. It has watch it played advertised all over the box suggesting there's a tutorial there, but there wasn't... until now!

Will be watching this after work to see if I've messed up interpreting the new and improved rules.

In either case, loving the game! Completed the Castaways scenario on our third attempt with 2 players. Looking forward to trying the Cursed Isle next!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mitchjmiller πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

is there an upgrade kit available?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/robotco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn the one two four player game Robinson Crusoe adventures on the cursed Island designed by agnostic to have a check and published by portal games when your ship sank you thought all was lost but then your hand clutched sand and you realized you're on a deserted island or at least you think it's deserted but there's no time to find out because the storm is coming you need to make a shelter and then find a way off this patch of land and back to civilization so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up place this board in the middle of the table the game comes with seven different scenarios on these double-sided sheets and for your first game they suggest using this one titled castaways place it nearby and then put this wooden round marker onto the first space here each player now takes a character either by choice or randomly I'll choose to remove this one since we're setting up for a three player game each character has their own four special abilities but aside from the gender pictured here each board is identical on both sides players then take two matching colored disks in either blue yellow black or orange the game also comes with stickers if you want to permanently personalize these this is a wound marker which you'll put on the space here and also note on this side the characters listed invention from this deck of double-sided cards find the one listed for each player and put it with this side face up beside their personal board from all the rest of the inventions including those four characters not currently in play find the nine that have these arrows by their names and in any order place them in the spaces here then take a black disk and place it on this symbol found on the shovel later we'll learn why this is done shuffle all remaining inventions drawing five more to place into the spaces here and then set the rest in a deck nearby this is the morale track place a white disk on to the zero now place black disks at the top of but not into the tracks of these four areas you'll find three decks with backs that have a color and symbol matching the ones found here on the board shuffle each and place them in the indicated areas and underneath put the three matching colored dice for each of those sections these are the island tiles and one of them you'll find is double sided which you'll place with this side face up here on the board on top of it put this double sided camp token with the X face-up and the rest of the island tiles you can shuffle and put nearby the cards with this back you shuffle dealing to face up near the players putting one white disc on each of their spaces and then placing the rest of the deck face down nearby you'll find three cards with this back among them find the one called food crates put it in the space here and return the other two to the box these are the event cards and you'll want to sort them into two face-up piles one should have all the events with a book symbol in this area and the other should have all of those with a question mark symbol shuffle each pile separately and deal a number of cards from each equal to half the number of rounds in your scenario rounded up the castaways scenario that we're using here shows that most you'll have 12 rounds and that's why we've dealt out six from each deck the undealt cards you can return to the box shuffling those remaining into a single pile you'll then place these here facedown on the board these are the beasts and mystery decks which you shuffle separately and then place near the board along with these randomly sorted facedown discovery tokens you'll also set aside an area for the weather dice various resources wooden disks and other tokens that you might use during the game if you have four players put this card right here and if you have only one or two players there are also some extra rules for using Friday and the dog token but I'll leave those for you to discover on your own now give the youngest player this first player token and I should mention for the purposes of this video and being able to move things around as I need to I'll be placing many of these extra components off-screen and just bringing them out as required and that's the setup in Robinson Crusoe players will be working together to survive and try to complete their chosen scenario all the while making decisions between working on things like their shelter the weapons they have hunting beasts fighting off infections preparing for bad weather creating inventions exploring the island and a variety of other things including just trying to keep morale up and not die the cave has played over a series of rounds that are broken into six phases each you'll find these pictured here starting with the event phase which is actually skipped for the first round of the game but I'll come back and explain it before the video is over so we'll now move on to the second item the morale phase here the first player checks to see where this marker is on the morale track if it's at zero then nothing happens but if it's anywhere to the right that player will gain a certain number of these determination tokens as indicated by this symbol if the marker is on the furthest space then they choose to either gain - determination or heal one wound during the game your character may suffer wounds which is commonly shown by this symbol when you take a wound you move this marker on your board one heart to the right sometimes there may be an arrow between two hearts for example if our marker was here and we took another wound we would jump directly to here moving over one of these arrows reduces the morale of the camp by one if you ever get so many wounds that this marker reaches the skull here then your character dies and the players lose the game anytime you heal a wound you move the marker one space to the left if this would ever cause you to cross over an arrow it is ignored and the morale is not adjusted certain card effects may instruct you to gain a wound to a specific part of your body instead of adjusting the wound track it will show a token to collect and where to place it on your character's portrait these wounds cannot be healed like wounds on the track instead the game will tell you later if and how the token can be removed going back to the morale track if the marker is instead to the left of the zero the first player must discard that number of determination tokens and these have to come from their personal collection if you would ever need to discard determination tokens you don't have then for each that you cannot return to the supply you'll suffer one wound and you must always pay with tokens if you have them you can't choose to suffer wounds instead also note that morale cannot be reduced below this level or raised beyond this one now before we move on to the next phase let's stop and talk a bit about these determination tokens and how they can be used once gained first I should mention that players can never trade these with each other instead the ones that you gain can only be used by your character but they can be spent anytime after you have them each character has four unique special abilities listed here that can be used at any time unless it indicates otherwise and to use an ability you spend the required determination tokens and then place a black disc on it this acts as a reminder that that ability cannot be used again this round each ability is explained on the character board itself but if you have any questions about how they work exactly you can find that detail here in the appendix at the back of the rulebook but now let's go back to the phases of a round first we had the event and morale phases but now we're moving on to the production phase on the island tiles you've discovered you'll see certain symbols within squares the fish or in some cases the bird symbol both represent food while logs represent wood on the tile that contains your camp token during the production phase you'll gain one food and/or wood for each of those symbols found on it so in this case we'd gain one food as well as one would both represented by these resource tokens these are now placed in the dark bottom half of this crate this area is known as the available resources space and it will contain things that any player can use during the round sometimes items will go into this top area known as the future resources space and those things cannot be used at least not yet next it's the action phase and this is divided into two steps planning and resolving each player has to action pawns and during the planning step you must assign both unless an effect is preventing you but you'll always have at least one to use you may also have some neutral pawns like these but using them is always optional your pawns are not assigned in turns instead you'll work together to decide how best to place them and sometimes an action will require two pawns and these can come from more than one player as we'll see but for now let me take you on a tour of all the different places your ponds can be assigned any cards found in this area are known as threats and they will show on this bottom half the number of ponds required to satisfy it in this case we could place either one or two ponds other threats like this one or even other action spaces may have additional requirements you need to satisfy for example this threat requires one pond and one wood when a resource is needed it must be in this lower available resources area again any resources in this opera area cannot be used at this time and to prevent mistakes from being made you must move the required resources to the area where you're planning to take your action once assigned like this even though the action is not yet been resolved any resources there are no longer available for other uses sometimes a requirement just needs something else to be in play as an example to plan to handle this threat you need to have one pond and a weapon level which is indicated here of at least two you won't need to change anything on this track as long as you have at least a value of two in this case we have three then you're fine you don't need to adjust anything and other actions can still also use this weapon level when they resolve to plan a hunt you must place two ponds here however you cannot hunt unless you have at least one card already in this deck area and we'll see how these get added a little bit later some actions like this one can be planned with either one or two ponds assigned to it when placing two together you should stack one on top of the other if a pond is placed alone or it's the one on top of a stack these are both considered the resolving characters well the one underneath if any is the supporting character as an aside if a character's ability says that it can only be used during your action it means that that ability can only be resolved during an action in which that character is the resolving one as a tip I should also point out that if there are any consequences when resolving an action later only the resolving character is affected so putting a severely wounded character in this courting role gains the benefit of their support without exposing them to any risk I should also point out that unless specified otherwise all actions can be performed more than once and you show this by placing pawns beside each other rather than stacking them all in one pile so in this case if we wanted to hunt two beasts we could by assigning two stacks of two pawns beside each other here keeping in mind there'd also need to be at least two beasts to hunt as well during the game you may also gain some neutral action pawns these don't necessarily represent other characters so much as new skills or tools that you have to use to make your actions more efficient and they can only be used with actions that match their color so for example this neutral pawn can only be used to hunt it's also important to note that neutral pawns can only be used for support so they must always be assigned with and under a player character another action is building which can be attempted with either one or two pawns placing only one pawn means that you're rushing the job and there's a chance that you'll fail but if you place two pawns it means you're taking your time guaranteeing that the task will succeed when doing this action you don't place the pawns in this area in fact they'll be placed in different areas around the board for example to build a shelter roof or palisade you need to place one or two pawns on their specific area however the roof or palisade cannot be assigned pawns until the round after the shelter has been successfully built or if you have your camp token on an island tile with a natural shelter which is this symbol shown right here along with the pawns that you assign there'll be some additional costs but for each of these it's always the same it's just based on the number of players you have for example if you have three players then you need to either take three wood or two pelts from your available resources and put them here with your pawns you may also work on improving your weapon by placing one or two workers here and assigning one wood for each of those build actions just as a reminder by assigning only one worker I'm attempting this with some risk of failure but if I stacked two workers together I know the task will succeed or I could put them side by side as you separate actions knowing that each could potentially fail or even had a third action the currents here are inventions that you can attempt to build with their cost shown in these upper dark areas some of them may actually require you to have discovered certain types of land on the island before you can attempt to build them for example the shovel here requires you to a first found a beach area which is represented by this symbol we start the game with a tile showing this beach symbol so that's why during setup we covered this requirement showing that it's already satisfied whereas this pot requires us to first find some hills which we have it yet so we can't attempt to build this to show we're going to build the shovel we would assign either one or two ponds there sometimes one invention requires another one to build the moat for example we need to assign one wood resource from our available resources but also have the shovel already invented and the timing here matters we can't attempt to build both of these during the same action round since you always fully need the requirements of any action before you can assign pawns to it and at this point we don't actually have a shovel yet planners also have their own invention by their player board which requires their action pawn in the resolving position although another player's pawn can support it the scenario itself may also have other inventions that you can build like we see down here and these you can assign pawns to again assuming that you can pay the other related costs unlike many other actions only one attempt can be made to build each invention in a single round for example we could not assign to separate groups of pawns to try to build this hatchet more than once the same is true for the shelter only one attempt can be made to build it each round whereas you can assign multiple actions to the roof palisade and even upgrading your weapon another action you can take is gathering and for this you can assign either one or two pawns or multiple groups of them and just like when building assigning only one pawn means there's a chance you won't succeed but two guarantees that you will when gathering pawns are assigned to a source these are the small square pictures that you'll find on Isla tiles however each may only produce resources once per round so you can't gather from your camp tile as we already gained resources from these during the production phase once more tiles have been revealed and added to the board you can then gather from ones adjacent to your camp like this you can also gather from tiles that are not adjacent to your camp as long as you're traveling over already explored ones for each extra tile that you have to pass over to get to your destination you will need to add an extra pawn to that action so let's say for example I wanted to gather wood from this tile if I was willing to risk failure I could just assign one pawn as usual but then I would need to add one extra pawn for the tile that I had to travel over when leaving my camp if instead I had wanted to guarantee my success I would need to place two pawns and then the extra one for the travel you can also plan for an explore action again by either placing one or two pawns depending on whether or not you want to guarantee success these can be placed in an empty region adjacent to your camp tile however no more than one set of pawns may be assigned to anyone unexplored space during the same round so while this would not be allowed you can explore more than once as long as it's in different regions like gathering you can also explore further away from your camp as long as you follow an explorer path to the empty area that you wish to uncover again using additional pawns for each extra tile passed over so as an example we can assign one pawn here or two if we want to guarantee success and then we would also need to assign another pawn for this tile that we passed over some scenarios will allow you to explore areas on already discovered tiles which are usually represented by this symbol show that you're exploring one of these by putting your pawn there this is the arranged camp action and requires only one pawn but more can be placed here as additional actions as usual and then finally we have the rest action which also only requires one pawn though several can be assigned separately your scenario may also provide other actions that you can take to win this one we need to create a large pile of wood and a source of fire to light it with by the time a ship sails past which is shown to occur in rounds 10 11 and 12 the scenario itself will provide you with instructions for how to perform these actions like creating the woodpile but those who can learn when you're playing remember available neutral pawns do not need to be used but character ones must all be placed and then it's time to resolve actions these are followed in the same order every time from left to right starting with the threats here and then ending with the rest action skipping anywhere that pawns have not been assigned as each action is resolved returned the related pawns to their owners or to the supply which might be the case when using some neutral pawns within an action if more than one group of pawns has been assigned players can choose the order in which they're resolved and we also need to be mindful that when resolving actions things may change and some may or may not affect your other actions that round right now let's go over all of the different effects that do have an immediate impact on your actions for example if the shelter here is built then the camp token is immediately flipped over changes to your roof palisade or weapon level take effect as they occur potentially impacting future actions and wounds occur as they happen which could cause the morale to drop also when instructed determination tokens are immediately gained or lost if resources are ever lost only discard them from this available resources area this means you never lose any that are already assigned to actions like this wood here as these were put to use during the planning step of this phase if you would ever need to lose something and you can't whether it's a resource or a level from one of these areas then you take one wound for each unfulfilled item during the action phase only the player resolving an action takes wounds if any but other occurrences of unfulfilled costs during other phases caused all characters to suffer one wound the one case where this isn't true is if your morale is on the final bottom space and needs to be reduced further in that case no wounds are suffered if in effect says you are to lose something if possible then you suffer no penalty if you can't pay it also as a general rule if you can pay a cost you must you can't choose to take wounds instead when I said earlier that the results of some actions may change the state of the game and have an impact on future actions that round do understand that planned actions can't be stopped by the outcomes of other ones that you've already resolved as an example if your weapon value dropped even all the way to zero you may not fight as well during a hunt action that you planned but you'll still get to resolve that action likewise if an action causes you to lose an invention like this shovel that you needed for another action that you already plan to take you still resolve the action that you had planned as this kind of loss will not take effect until the end of the current action phase now all that said any treasures or inventions that you made discovery tokens you claimed or resources collected must all be placed here in the future resources space where they will not be available to pay for costs or penalties until later I should also point out that during setup players gain these random to starting equipment items unless otherwise stated each one may be used by any player anytime for their effect and when used you remove one marker from that equipment once both markers are gone the card can be returned to the box so now in order let's see how each action type is resolved starting with this threat area which can have it most two cards on it each threat may only be resolved once meaning you can't place multiple sets of pawns on a single card and when a threat has pawns assigned to it along with any other required costs as shown here you now remove them gaining the listed benefit and then you discard the threat this ensures that will not be forced off the board in a later event phase which when that happens would cause this negative effect to occur by resolving a threat and removing it now you know that won't happen at the start of the game a special wreckage event is placed here and unlike normal threats these will have no negative consequence when they leave the board the hunt action can gain you food and pelts but without a high enough weapon to fight the beast you encounter here you may suffer wounds and remember you may only take this action if there are already be skirts in this area when resolving the hunt the topmost beast is drawn and then combat is resolved and combat can occur in other ways outside of this action but it's always resolved the same way and then once completed regardless of the outcome the beast is removed from play to resolve combat first compare the strength of the beast to your current weapon level strength is shown with this black skull symbol so the wild pig is a strength of three and our weapon is at level two if your level is lower than the strength of the beast the resolving player suffers wounds equal to the difference but keep in mind you might have treasures or other equipment you could use to temporarily boost your weapon level for example if I wanted to fire a round from my pistol I could temporarily gain three this would give me a total of five and then I wouldn't suffer any wounds but I think I'd rather save this effect for a more dangerous beast so we'll leave things the way they are regardless of whether you took a wound or not now the actual weapon value on the board ignoring any temporary boosts you may have is then reduced by the value with the white skull so minus one in this case if it's not possible to fully reduce your weapon level by the amount required the resolving player suffers a wound for each level that is not paid so if we've gone into this combat with a weapon strength of zero first of all we would have taken three damage because of the beasts strength and then because we couldn't reduce our weapon value we would have taken another damage again regardless of what has happened so far you'll now gain an amount of food and number of pelts as indicated here so in this case three food and one pelt remember these will be placed in the future resource area some beasts may provide benefits or other negative effects that now need to be resolved if those include any cost that need to be paid but you can't then again you'll resolve a wound for each sometimes the game will simply require you to do combat against a beast with a strength of three which is what this symbol represents in those cases you'll resolve the fight in the same way ignoring all factors except for its strengths even if you took wounds or had no weapon level as long as you didn't die which would cause you to end the game then combat is always considered a successful action once it's completed in the case of a hunt once it's over you can then remove the beast from the game and players can take back their action pawns next is the build action and with these you may be working on a shelter your roof palisade weapon levels or trying to turn an invention into a usable item if two pawns were assigned to the action it succeeds however if only one pawn was assigned then it may fail resolving build gather and explore actions with only one pawn always works the same way first you take and roll the three dice that match that actions color for building it's the three brown ones and they're known as the wound success and adventure dice if you roll the wound then the resolving character suffers one wound if you roll this symbol on the success die then the action is successful so if you were trying to build a shovel then the shovel has been built if you roll this symbol instead then the action fails but the character gains to determination tokens on the adventure die if a question mark is rolled you draw and reveal the top card of the matching colored adventure deck now resolve its top half in this case we were told we received a nasty wound while attempting to build something and then typically you're told to shuffle the card into this event deck if it's later drawn out you'll then resolve this bottom half which narrative Lee represents the outcome of this earlier incident take a wound while you're trying to build something you might suffer an infection later on sometimes you might have an ability that lets you rear old dice if this opportunity is gained by spending determination tokens then you must do that immediately after rolling but before resolving any of the dice weather by assigning two pawns or by rolling this symbol if you only assigned one pawn when an action succeeds any resources or determination tokens assigned to it are then discarded but if the action failed resources are instead returned to this available resources area and any determination tokens that might have been assigned through an ability but weren't used are then returned to its character if you succeed in building the shelter move the black disk here to show that and immediately flip this token to its shelter side remember it's only after you build a shelter or if your token had been on a space with a natural shelter that you'll be able to start building the roof and palisade levels on future rounds so that's why we were also able to sign a worker here because during the planning step we were on a space with a natural shelter if an effect would cause you to gain roof or palisade levels and you have no shelter constructed or natural you ignore those effects successfully building a roof or palisade increases its value on these related tracks by moving the disk up by one and there's really no upper limit so if you exceed the number on the bottom row and additional discs to keep track of this here we'd be saying we had a level of six the weapon level advances the same way when it's built when an invention is built it is placed into the future resources space with this invention side still face-up the same is true when a character is personal invention is successfully built but that player also gains to determination tokens as you're reminded of here special inventions on the scenario Matt obviously can't be moved once built so instead place a marker on them to indicate that they have been completed and then they'll be available at the end of the current action phase to be used in future rounds after the build action you'll resolve the gather actions and these succeed when two pawns are used and you gain the resource pictured here remember both the parent and the fish will provide you with one food resource and this is placed into the future resource area if only one pawn is assigned resolve it as we saw with building by rolling the dice in this case we roll the success and we would gain one wood if the tile you're gathering from contains either of these tokens and you're gathering that specific resource from the island tile you'll gain one extra so in this case we would collect two wood sometimes a source can be exhausted which means it's covered with a black disc and in those cases even if there's another token there you cannot gather any of that resource moving on to the explore action we also know that it's successful if two pawns are used or if only one pawn is used and the success result is rolled if successful draw the topmost tile from the stack and place it face up on the explored region take no.2 the terrain type found here and then assuming they're not already covered place a black disc on all matching terrain types of unbuilt inventions if this beast symbol is on the newly explored tile then add the top beast unseen from this deck to the hunt area and if there were already cards there be sure to shuffle them all together if you see this totem symbol then check the scenario for any related effects that might need to be resolved this is the symbol for discovery tokens for each one shown draw one and place it face up into the future resources area we know this symbol means that the location has a natural shelter so if your camp token has been moved their roof and palisade levels can now be built even if a shelter has not yet been constructed the next action to resolve is a ranging camp this represents taking care of your living space and helping to raise morale so each pond placed here raises morale by one and each of those characters gain to determination tokens with four players this card is used here instead requiring each pawn assigned to this action to choose either to collect to determination tokens for their character or to increase morale by one the final action is resting each pawn placed here heals that character's wounds by one but keep in mind this will not remove wounds placed on specific character body parts after resolving all the actions move any resources from the futures area to the available space then move down all discovery tokens where they'll remain until used unless they specifically show either one wood or two food in which case they must be exchanged for right away you'll find details for how all other discovery tokens can be used in the appendix of the rulebook now apply the effects of any inventions found here for example the mote would now increase your palisade level by two assuming we had a shelter of some type we would make this adjustment then flip the invention to the item side placing it on the board with the other items and inventions while showing this side face-up the invention is considered constructed and any other inventions or abilities that would take advantage of it are now satisfied we'll see later that you may also gain treasures that are placed in the futures area and these would be resolved now and then discarded unless they have a future or ongoing ability in which case you would just place them beside the board as a reminder before moving on to the next phase we should go over a few more rules related to actions for example during the game an effect may force you to flip items back to their unbuilt side but that item is still considered available during that round if it was part of a planned action for example we needed that rope to work on this shield and we can still do this but during the next round the rope will be considered destroyed and we need to rebuild it again if we wanted to use it further if it was a character's personal invention that was destroyed place it back beside them and it can be rebuilt later which well once again gain them the two determination tokens shown here if an item you are removing had a positive effect it must be reverted as much as possible for example if we were to lose the mote then we would need to reduce the palisade level by two if you can't reduce it as much as is required that's okay no additional penalty is caused sometimes when assigning pawns during the planning step of the action phase there will be tokens on an area that were placed by previous effects these require special treatment unless they were played during that specific action phase then they only become active after the action phase in which they were placed for example this is a reroll token if it's on an action space when the success is rolled on the success died then it must be rear old and then the token is discarded that said if the initial role of that action was not a success then this token remains in place and applies to the next action role of that type this is the greater danger token if it's on a hunt space the next beast that is fought has its strength increased by one and then this token is discarded if this token is on the island tile with your camp token then actions performed within the camp which include building inventions arranging camp and resting require a weapon level of at least one or a wound is suffered when those actions are taken if it's instead on an island tile other than the camp the weapon level must be at least one for all actions pawns would take their or the character resolving that actions suffers one wound in either case the token is not discarded this is a time consuming token when on an action location an extra pawn is required to perform the first action planned there and then it's discarded so for example if I wanted to build this spear and I wasn't concerned about guaranteeing success I would normally only place one pawn but because of this token I would now need to place a second one if this token is on the tile with the camp it affects only build arranged camp and rest actions there when on a tile other than the camp one all actions there require an additional pawn and in both cases the token remains in place these are the additional food and wood tokens if this is on an action space then an additional wood resource must be assigned to the first action there that requires wood if the action is successful then the token is removed but if unsuccessful it remains in place for the next wood related action if the token is on any one of these four areas here one additional wood must be assigned any time that specific feature is being built using wood keeping in mind if you're building using pelts you don't have to pay an additional wood piece that said either way this token is not discarded when these spaces are used when the extra food token is in this knight phase space each character must eat one additional food during the night phase and for each that they don't they'll suffer one wound then this token is discarded if any of these adventure tokens are on top of their matching adventure deck an adventure card must be drawn the next time an action of that type is resolved even if you assign two pawns to it if you only assigned one pawn and therefore had to roll the dice even if a question mark comes up you'll still only draw one card from the top of this deck and in either case this token is then discarded with the action phase fully explained now let's move on to Phase number five known as weather which is represented here on the board the scenario will dictate how many and which dice are rolled during this phase for example here no dice are rolled until we get to round four where the orange dice will then be used going forward until we get to round seven and all three dice will be rolled from that point forward sometimes whether tokens may have been placed in this space and if so even if no weather die are due to be rolled these are resolved anyway no matter which dice were rolled or tokens used first count the number of these snow symbols which in this case is a total of three and for each one would must be discarded however we only have two to remove for each one that we did not pay each player in camp suffers one wound now add up all of these rain symbols showing in this case we have two and add those to the snow symbols for a grand total of five and compare this to your current roof level which we have here at four if these weather symbols exceed the roof level for each point of this one wood and one food must be discarded we do have the food to remove but not the wood and again each character suffers one wound per required resource that cannot be removed if the hungry animal died had been rolled it must also be resolved with this result one food must be removed or if you're showing this symbol the palisade level must be reduced by one if this side is showing then you must resolve combat against a strength three beasts if the weapon level is less than three each character suffers one wound for each missing level I should mention that if a cart effect would ever require you to roll this die right now and the scenario was already requiring you to roll it as well then it's only rolled once finally check to see if this storm token had been in the weather space and if so the palisade level must be decreased by one if it can't be again each player suffers one wound and then at the end of the weather phase all weather tokens are discarded finally we move on to the night phase and here players may heal by using treasures discovery tokens and even items that they've created but these cannot be used earlier in the round to heal yourself so this is the time to do it to finish the night phase you must now perform the following steps first characters must eat by each discarding either one perishable or one non-perishable food this symbol which represents the perishable goods is what we've seen most often and this is the most common types of food that you'll gather but some items or other effects may also provide you with non-perishable food that looks like this bread slice either can be eaten but we'll see the benefits of non-perishable foods in just a moment we have three players in our game so we need to discard these three food items any player who does not eat must take two wounds and if there's a decision to be made players can decide together which characters won't eat now you may decide whether or not to move your camp token to an adjacent tile if you already built a shelter it can be moved but you must reduce your roof and palisade by half so in this case the roof would drop from four to two and the palisade would go from three to one and a half but then you'd round up in your favor and move it to two if you only had a natural shelter instead then moving reduces any roof or palisade you had to zero there are a few extra rules around moving a camp but these tend to be related to certain items you might have in play and are probably best learned when you encounter them yourself so I'll leave those for you to discover on your own after deciding whether or not to move your camp token if you don't have a shelter on your tile each character suffers one wound now all perishable food if you have not found a way to store it for example by using an invention that you've created must now be discarded and that's why non-perishable food can be so attractive if you can find that you know at the very least it will not go rotten at the end of a round then all markers on character special abilities are removed and the marker on the scenarios sheet is moved to the next round and the first player token is passed clockwise some effects from an action may force a character to spend the night phase outside of camp in that case all of the things that they gain from that specific action are available only to them and are placed on their player sheet a character who is outside of camp ignores weather effects however if the tile they are on does not have a natural shelter they suffer one wound in the night phase and if they don't have food to eat amongst the items on their sheet they also take two wounds you then return to camp at the start of the following round and all resources you still have are placed in the available area we referred to treasures in this video and they come from these mystery cards which can also contain creatures and traps at times you may be instructed to draw some combination of these things for example the effect of remains of a settlement gives us the option to draw until we've resolved up to one trap and two treasures to do this you'll reveal cards from this deck setting them aside if they're not one of the chosen types in this case we reveal the creature so we'll set it aside here the next card I draw is a treasure so this will be placed in the future resources area now I can choose to keep drawing as I'm allowed to continue until I have a total again of two treasures in one trap but I can also stop now to ensure I don't have to resolve a trap let's say I decide to continue if I find a trap which is this type here then it's resolved right away I'll then remove it from the game now again I can stop or continue but since I know I can only resolve treasures from now on I may as well continue this case another trap which I can ignore because I already resolved one trap and hey there's another treasure so this I'll put in the future resources area once I'm finished I then shuffle all set aside cards back into the deck before wrapping up remember that in the first round this event phase was skipped so now let's take a look at how its resolved in all future rounds here the first player draws the top card of this deck now there's only event cards in it to begin with but remember adventure that sometimes even mystery cards can get shuffled in if a mystery card is drawn then read it aloud and resolve it then discard that card and draw a new one if it's an adventure card like this read aloud the bottom half and resolve it this card is then also discarded this may require you to draw and resolve several cards before getting to an actual event card which will have this kind of back when you do draw an event follow these steps first read its name and the italic story text if there's a colored adventure icon put its matching color token on the corresponding adventure deck if that deck already has one then this can be ignored if instead the symbol showing here is a book like on this event then apply the book symbol effect on the scenario sheet if any now continue by resolving the events effect which is shown here just above the middle then place it into the right hand space of this thread area if there's already an event there then remove it and put it into the left-hand space and if there's a threat there you'll discard it but first you'll need to resolve this threat text which currently says that we need to reduce our roof or palisade level by one any cost that you cannot pay when resolving a threat cause one wound to each character unless the threat is reducing morale like this one and it's already at zero then you don't suffer any additional penalties if an event forces combat to occur resolve it as usual but the first player must do it and suffer all of the consequences alone also any cards not pushed by other ones can just stay where they are for example after resolving this event if the space here had been empty this would just move in and this one would stay put it should also be noted that any resources gained during the event phase are sent directly to the available resources area rounds will continue until you fulfill the scenarios goals causing the players to win or as soon as a character dies causing the players to lose you also lose if the last round of the scenario finishes before the game's goals are completed or if the camp shelter token ends up on a tile that becomes inaccessible we've covered a lot of rules in this video and there are some extra ones on these pages to clarify special terms to player and solo variants along with an appendix for each scenario and central card effects in case you need further information but I think it's best I leave that for you to discover on your own when those situations arrive as you may not even encounter those in certain scenarios if you don't have the game yet we'd like to look at some of these additional rules all helped by putting a link in the description of this video to a PDF document of this exact rulebook you may also find it helpful to put the back of the rulebook face-up on the table because it has all of the symbols that you'll encounter in the game on it along with their definitions the game also includes this round summary sheet and this can be helpful to remind you the different steps of completing around did you make it to the end of this video if you did congratulate yourself in the comments below because you deserve it well done there was a lot here to absorb but hopefully you'll find it pretty easy to follow once you sit down and start playing your own games if you have any questions though feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance but until the next episode thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 331,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Learn, Learn To Play, Board Games, Game Rules, Learn How To Play, Watch It Played, Card Games, Portal Games, Tabletop, Rules, Robinson Crusoe, Instructions
Id: 1b__PzNtWxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
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