(SDA Sermon) Will Your Name Be Found in the Book of Life | Kenny Shelton

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[Music] hello and welcome to 3bn worship hour we're glad you decided to join us we're going to spend i want to call it a thoughtful hour studying the word of god today i believe you're going to enjoy the message and at least i want to be challenging to you as it was for me in in laying it out and so we're going to be talking about weighed in the balances what does that all mean a lot of directions that can go but we're going to encourage you just to stay with us again just get your pencil papal bible get whatever you need to study and we're going to come together and look at this word that i believe is very critical in this hour that we are living in praise god you're with us today always before we study the word of god and our custom is that we pray and i encourage you to do that also i'm going to kneel and you where you can can please kneel with me and others maybe you cannot let's just pray together shall we loving father in heaven we thank you for the privilege that we have to study your word here today we ask for the power of thy holy spirit lord we pray that you'll take all selfish interest out and only jesus will be seen may the cross of calvary be lifted high we pray for divine wisdom that only heaven can give blessed we pray bless every viewer every listener and may we be drawn closer to jesus as we study the word and lift up jesus in his name we pray and for his sake amen again the subject is we're going to be talking about weight in the balances what does that really really mean first of all i want to just kind of go back and tell a little bit of story i believe that fits well with what we're going to be talking about today so just kind of put this in the back of your memory as we go as we study along there's some of you going to be very familiar with this his name is robert robinson robert robertson he was a he authored a hymn and many of you will know that maybe some of the younger will not but it's an older hymn come thou fount of every blessing he wrote this song and very interesting song and i think it's a challenging one also but the time came he wrote this song it was very uh heart rendering when you'd go through it and to follow it but something happened in this poor man's life that he gave up on jesus christ he he passed into the world of of sin and the things of the world and he became very spiritual spiritually dark he decided you know i really don't want this kind of a lifestyle but i don't know if i want to change or not and so he said i'll travel you know i'm going to travel and sometimes traveling might clear the mind and you know the senses and so on but he began to travel and he traveled in his travels he met a woman now in one of their many conversations that they had she asked him a question and i think it's a question maybe that you know most of us could ask our ourselves today and you know again about the hymn but you know you'd have to know the him hey but she had been reading this hymn that he had written and so she she didn't know that but she asked him she said i want you to read this hymn and i want you to tell me what you think about that about it at first he kind of evaded it and he said no i you know i i i don't want to read that no please read it and then tell me what you think about it well he read it but suddenly he began to weep suddenly the tears just begin to flow from his eyes and he said i am the man that wrote that song oh she was kind of shocked and put back as we say for just a little bit and she said oh really you're the man that wrote that oh yeah he said listen i would give anything if i could experience that joy once again maybe like some of us today i i would give anything he said and again the woman said oh really oh let me reassure you and she went back to a couple of lines of this of this song and she said remember the words streams of mercy still flows oh it's so touched his heart right then right there he rededicated his life to jesus christ and i encourage you today please remember that we're looking at is that that stream of mercy is still flowing i jotted down a couple of lines of this song because i remember singing it as a young person haven't saying it for years but a couple of the lines i like this listen carefully it said jesus sought me when a stranger wandering from the foal of god he rescued me from danger interposed his precious blood isn't that beautiful when you think about he sought me when a stranger so you know if he's seeking you today and he says you know we need to seek and we shall surely find and those blessings those streams of of life and mercy still flowing today to accept christ as your personal savior because we live in a very awesome time of earth's history and that's what kind of you know i was impressed by the spirit of god to be talking about weighed in the balances and certainly you know that goes back to daniel chapter 5 verse 27. the bible says i love this the bible says thou art weighed in the balances and are found wanting what an interesting thought we're weighed in the balances and then we are found wanting that's going to happen to every one of us sooner or later we're being weighed in the balances but here was words of doom written on a banquet wall you know this everybody could see you know fiery letters up there that it's frightened king belshazzar oh oh what is it what's going on what's being written up there why were these words written this might be a better you know thought it's why were these words written and maybe they might be written maybe against you or me wow weighed in the balances and found wanting i want to be weighed in the balances but found what on god's side i know you do too had it possibly been that babylon had gone the wrong direction is it possible maybe to that we talk about that maybe we as a people individually have maybe been going the wrong direction and god is trying to call us back into the fold maybe a greater question would be has america gone too far is it possible we've gone too far or the songs we've drifted so far too far from the shore or is god trying to get our attention right now is it possible his mercy has reached its limit you know i talk to a lot of people and they say oh well you know god's grace is bigger than anything absolutely it is there's no doubt about that but there is a time that you know his cup is full there's a time that mercy has reached its limit and then what takes place found something i thought was very very interesting in the manuscript 58 it written in 1900 now i'll use some of these things from time to time as you well know but remember it doesn't matter how old it is if it's truth it always remains it never changes notice what it says it says all nations have a period of probation until the point was reached notice this till their iniquity was full and the vengeance of god would be notice this it would be put off for a while but notice every nation every individual has a certain amount of time probate and you can go back and you look at babylon media persia greece and rome you'll find the nations of the world had this very specific time and then the end came god doesn't change so could be uh we have it in our life we have it maybe this country that we live in maybe we're so close to the end and many of us do not realize it god keeps an accurate account when you talk about weight in the balance accurate account of all sins that are committed deeds whether it be good or evil but an accurate account is kept you can read that in in romans chapter 2 verse 6. you can read that also in jude 15. god keeps an accurate account but the time's going to come when he's going to visit the bible talks about the transgressors with a rod in other words there's going to be some correcting that's going to go on there psalms 89 just jottle them down you time look them up verse 30. he's going to visit us and then as god visit us or when god has to withdraw from us who comes in oh the enemy that's exactly right the enemy comes in he comes in to kill still and destroy just to remind you and maybe those who have not heard it you know we are living in the hour of god's judgment jesus is soon to come this is an awesome awesome awesome time you'll say well i've never heard of that just read a couple quick passages before we we move on but the book of daniel chapter 7 verse 10 it confirms what we're talking about here the bible says that a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him thousands and thousands ministered unto him ten thousand notices and ten thousand stood before him the judgment notice the judgment was set and what and the books were opened oh you can talk read about the books and we'll read about one in just a moment you know revelation 21 verse 7 talking about the lamb's book of life that's where i want my name that's i'm sure that's where you want your name and written in the lamb's book of life how desperately we should be striving make sure our name is written in that lamb's book of life another powerful scripture to at least consider revelation 20 verse 12. it goes right along with this notice and he said and i saw the dead and notice this small and great stand before god everyone is going to have to stand before god interesting remember the good deeds or the bad weight in the balances and how are you going to be found today that's the big question as we go through the study where are you going to be found how am i going to be found it said the books were opened and another book which was the book of life the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books notice this according to their works did you get that according to what according to their works many people are interested and i i'm certain i'm interested the question has been asked when will probation close when will pearl pays has anybody ever asked you that question when will probation close you know the bible doesn't give an answer to that spirit of prophecy doesn't give an answer that i know of but i wonder what people would do if we knew that next week next month next year that probation was going to close for us how would we react what would we be doing right now what kind of decisions would we make would we be making the same ones that we are right now or would they be a little bit different god knew that he knew that so he didn't give it as far as i know a definite time on the close of probation but the bible does say clearly when we study the word of god that it is you know that we are to work while the day lasts because night comes what when no man can work i want this to be an encouragement to you yes wait in the balances yes there comes a time that god is going to you know he he's coming back after us and we need to be ready for that great day but the bible said we need to work right now john 9 verse 4 the time is coming when no man can work and let me ask you another question is it possible that we could be weighed in the balances and found wanting notice this beca oh oh because we're wasting time well i think i've wasted enough time and i don't want to waste any more time and god has impressed my heart and mind as well as i'm sure that he has yours that we need to be redeeming the time that we have wasted notice huh we are accountable for the things notice and say well we'll be accountable for things that we have done but we understand that we're going to be held accountable for those things that we left good undone so wow we need to look at it very closely and so if i want to look at this and examine it i would look at jesus wouldn't you jesus was an earnest constant consistent worker you'll read that in the first part of john chapter 9 verse 4 notice what jesus said he said i must work i love that i must work the works of him that sent me don't you feel that in your soul don't you feel that in your heart and your mind from day to day that we need to be working the works of our heavenly father why because he's coming soon because the world is in a mess things are people don't know right from wrong anymore they don't know when it's dark they don't know when it's light someone has to give right the good news of salvation will it be you that's quite a question that's posed jesus said i must work those my grandpa said many times to us when and i want to call it this way when we went to work on the farm when we went to work on the farm grandpa would say something like this now listen guys i don't want any shirking going on well when i was a younger guy his name was shirking what are you talking about shurikers he didn't want any shirkers in his field and so he'd say you know listen i think i maybe maybe understand it better now than i did back then he wanted when we came out there to work for him he wanted us to care about our work he wanted us to be responsible for our work he wanted us to take up the work where he didn't have to keep an eye on us all the time he said no shurkers may i make this comment i don't believe there's going to be any shirkers in the kingdom of god so i'm sure you don't want to be one you know i've thought about that but christ said you know just a few words in the desire of i love the book desire of ages i hope you do too and you've been reading it page 73 gives this and it refers to just exactly what we've been talking about here let's go over that just for a moment and you know what this article uses the word shirt yeah it says it notice this jesus did not shirk care and responsibility as many do who profess to be followers now notice why do they share why is there shurkers in the field well the circus in the field the article goes on and says it is because they seek to notice the word evade they seek to evade they to get rid of to to put off to not accept it got other things to do i'm busy but they put things off because they want notice this they want to evade christ's discipline that this is the reason that so many of us the article says we are weak and inefficient if we maybe are weak and inefficient in our christian experience maybe just maybe it's because we have shirked our responsibility toward christ and what remember along with this shirking comes sometimes there's some discipline that follows the article goes on and says because of this evading discipline or can i say being spiritually lazy notice this they are noticed nervous and uh-oh and almost useless when difficulties to be met and obstacles surmounted in this hour my brothers and sisters this hour that we live in it's no time to beat now not careful nerveless did you get it people are just they're shook up all the time and when you're shook up all the time you're just about the word in here in the article says useless have you ever met someone that's shook up ever met someone that's like their nerves are shot they're just shaky all over they can't think properly and you're trying to help them they can't seem to hear what you're saying maybe it's because maybe we've just kind of evaded the life that christ would have us to live and the corrections that he would have in our life so that we may be bold in this hour in the judgment hour god's looking for boldness he's not looking for laces it's not looking for shirters he's looking for those who are willing to go into the field and do whatever it takes to get this message out to the world but you know what you have to love it you have to love this message now don't say it in that sense well we're going to you you just have to love it if you love the message you're going to be willing to give it you want to give it you want to be involved and you know what people that hear you will respond to that this is no time for us to be lazy this is no time to shirt in this hour and it could be the last hours of earth history now how many how often have you heard that well hopefully you're hearing it more and more and more and more because i believe it's a fact our world is going to change and we're not even going to recognize it how are we going to adjust to it are we willing to give it more freedoms what are we going to do when we're really challenged our faith is really challenged there's so many talkers in the world today and professors as you well know and i'm looking at myself i want to be more than a professor i want to be able to stand on the truth don't you be counted of heaven somebody i can heaven can count on to give the message that god would have us to get today just simply once again go through the mind he jesus is coming i need i want to be ready for that day now why this statement useless or is difficult or nervous or spiritual lazy notice what's laziness notice it goes on to say that which is in christ is to be developed in us through the same notice this discipline that he endured wow he endured some discipline did he not and sometimes we have difficulty with discipline we have difficulty with with being corrected we have difficulty with people saying things about us or saying things that you believe maybe is truth and they're they're attacking us we learn sometime through difficult situations i can remember at home years ago growing up we did something in the seventh-day adventist church that probably a lot more churches don't do that i know of and that's called in gathering so every time couple of weeks before christmas man we just you know cold who wants to go out you know if you're 10 11 12 13 man you've got the other things to do seems but it was always our duty for those two weeks every night to go out and there'd be a car you know there'll be a you know some music on there and playing you know some religious songs about jesus and you knock on the doors and ask for a little bit of finances to help those who are needy who needed help well i did that you know several years in a row and i guess i'm probably 13 years old and so my dad always said you know about six o'clock we'd go out he said well can he get ready in gathering night i looked at him i said i'm not going tonight he said what so i'm not going tonight oh you've made your mind up you've made that up on your own yeah yeah so he said well let's see your brother ronnie just a year younger than me he said well ronnie how about you well he said well kenny's not going to go i'm not going to go either dad said well well okay i see what you well i'll tell you what i'm going to do now we're talking about discipline we're talking about trying to correct and help this today would not be accepted because we're not being you know what the twigs we're not bending those twigs when we can bend them our youth we wait till they're older sometime and then we try to bend and it's very difficult because they'll say oh they made me go to church that's why i don't go to church now i never did say that it was just a custom that's what we did that's how we were raised but in gathering i just thought i just wasn't going to go so that's i'm going to give you a choice you don't have to go ronnie you don't have to go either but you're going to have to get a weapon which one you want i said just bring the belt on go ahead i'd rather have the whip and then go i said okay he said ronnie how about you say well kenny's going to take one i'm going to take one too well so we've got a good thrashing i'll just put it that way a good one no more was said about it we got out of it that night so i just thought this is the way it is i don't have to go any more i just that well worth it next night about six o'clock kenny you ready ready for what go in gathering i thought it was over with no no it's not but you've got a choice you can go tonight or you get another whip and was it going to be i looked over at ronnie and ronnie said i'm going in together now i don't know about you i said you know after what we got last night i think maybe i'll go some things that just happened in our life would say oh we could all go look back on and say oh this is a horrible nightmare all people shouldn't be treated that way it helped us it was an encouragement to us it was under difficult times nerve-wracking as it were god disciplines his people and now thankful for godly parents that was showing us the right way giving us a choice but what would happen if you do and what will happen if you don't is it possible we are wait in the balances and we can be found wanting if we if we don't give this last day message the way god said to give it i know you hear that a lot but listen this is so imperative oh we're giving the message away you know this last day message are we giving it the way that god would have us to give it and i just put it like because it is a life and death matter it is not just all well take it or leave it or just you know soft pedal it we have to give it as it is life and death issue the whole world is going to be tested and tried on this last day message of the three angels of revelation 14. and all that's involved with that and i pray and i know that you're hearing it here on three abn and it should be over and over and don't go never get tired of it our message is a life and death and it's going to be the testing truth of this age and the world needs to hear it we need to take it in it needs to change our hearts and change our life what if we don't give this message the way god said to give it the way he's revealed it here in his word and we just want to give it in our own way so that we can say well we're giving the message i ask the question here is it time to to fight air it's a simple question but well worth pondering is it time that we we've fought air see a lot of times a christian we just stand back and we don't want we don't want to cause any trouble we just you know we're just going to be real quiet is there a time we have to stand and fight as it were even though god said i'll fight your battles we have to make a stand on issues i found this article reviewing herald in 726 written in 1898 notice almost 120 um years ago remember truth doesn't change doesn't matter how old it is the article says then even then it says it is time the time has come when the truth is to be proclaimed against falsehood and error the truth is what is to be proclaimed between falsehood and air people say well you have to be careful with it we need to follow exactly what it said here if it was truth back then how much more today we have to fight against that falsehood and error because the devil has deceived and led millions down his path and god is looking for a people who will march as it were to his orders and give the message like never before i've mentioned already but i just have to mention with what's going on in the world today lord have mercy it demands our attention like never before i don't know about you but there's times i kind of like to get it off my mind it seems like for a while but the lord doesn't allow that and i'm glad that he doesn't because he understands he realizes he's coming soon he wants us to realize that so that we can be about our father's business what you see happening and taking place right now surely it reminds you of his coming this is not a time we can be silent this is a time we need to push like we've never pushed before because i'm telling i just know and you know by reading the time will come when you'll not be able to do it without being fined and arrested and thrown into prison and so i asked myself over and over what is our work now what is our work well we know nothing is to occupy our mind but the giving of the three angels message but notice how this work what we should be doing right now again the article in review in herald 7 26 1898 says this now it starts out this way so there's no questioning about it it says notices the work now the work what the work now is to be done in our world oh is to exalt the law of the lord and call notice the attention of the people to it to me that's very simple our work now is to do what to exalt to lift up the law of god to bring the attention of the people to the law now remember the man of sin what does he say oh he's going to exalt another day he has great power we understand that the man of sin we might even say he's got big britches but you know what no matter how big we might think this person or that person may be they cannot unknow what god has declared to be stand fast forever but the law of god is being attacked right now so as the law of god is being attacked and we see these changes taking place do i withdraw do i try to behave myself as it were or do we want to exalt it and raise it up let me give you something here i found a very it's an undated manuscript 145 but please listen to this it makes sense to me this is the position those will occupy who love god oh oh there it is did you get that this is the position that those who love god will occupy okay i want to know what it is don't you those who love god sincerely and their neighbor as themself oh as what and their neighbor as themselves on these two hang all the law we understand that notice this what will we be doing notice they will exalt the commandments listen in proportion as the contempt increases is is it being challenged right now oh absolutely it's being challenged it's increasing every day it's happening right under our noses and most of us say oh way down the road it's going to happen the change of the sabbath to sunday as we will know as the law of god is being right being attacked we need to raise up and we need to talk about it more than maybe that we are right now after all psalms 19 119 160 says this thy word is true from where from the beginning oh i like this every one of thy judgments endureth forever every one of their righteous judgments endureth forever so that may come back at you again is there any contempt now shown of the on the law of god is there any contempt now you say oh yes it's being challenged everywhere david understood this as he i want to say he poured out his heart to god in psalms 119 you remember this sir uh that'd be verses 1 11 through 115 read that when you have the opportunity he was pouring his heart out to god and he said to god right now oh interesting notice here he said show that there is a god he's praying god show that you're god i prayed that a lot and i'm sure you prayed that a lot god show yourself to be god not to be mocked of men and not to trample upon god's law or the truths that he's given to us but what stand up for what is truth show them he said there is a god and there are notice limits to his forbearance hmm is it possible to presume upon his mercy is it possible to exalt you know exhaust his mercy sure it is sure thank god that we serve a god who loves us and he's challenging us today to reverence his law to elevate it lift it up more as we see that you know it's disregarded and contempt and people are trampling onto today psalms 119 quickly 136 says this here's the way and i don't know if you've ever had this happen i'm sure that you have but in psalms there 119 136 talking about david he notices he said rivers rivers of waters waters run down my eyes because they keep not by law rivers he cried tears over it how many of us were so busy with everything that's going on do we ever you know concerned about the law of god what's taking place in our world the commandments of men rather than the commandments of god how many of us again the challenge today how many of us are really sighing and crying for the abominations that be done inside and outside the church those are legitimate questions they're in the spirit of prophecy they're in it we read ezekiel 8 and ezekiel 9. man we are challenged as the people how many of us are sighing and crying for the abominations that be done in the land you realize that if we don't i want you to study many of you stu if we're not signing and crying for the abomination to be done inside and outside the church we will not receive of the latter rain we will not be able to go through the big time of trouble we will not be saved in god's kingdom this is something i believe that we really need to look at closely if you disagree with us you disagree with it but i encourage you please to study it remember to say well we need to be careful what we say yeah maybe we do need to be real careful make sure we say the things that god wants us to say abominations that be done in the land for the the it's it the contempt the disrespect shown for the law of god and again you know if you don't you mean you'd be so i don't know if i believe that or not isn't it time that we cast our care on him because he he cares for us he's trying to wake up his people he's trying to wake me up i don't know about you but i want to be wide awake of the things that are transpiring in the world today that i don't understand all of them but i i understand enough to know that i tell you things are happening and it could break loose any moments ten commandments if you think this is not an issue in the all you have to do is just mention to a a person that you believe that by god's grace we should keep all the ten commandments watch their reaction they maybe were your friend one moment they're not your friend now so what should we get another question comes back what should we be doing who believe in keeping god's law especially at this time after all we do believe ecclesiastes do we not oh my what a beautiful passage ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 10 and of course verse 13. verse 10 is interesting you hardly i don't hardly ever hear it read but it starts out notice the preacher the preacher sought to find out acceptable words well you know what a lot of preachers including myself we need to be seeking out the words that god would have us to say those things that are acceptable to god not just get through a sabbath sermon not just get through a little series of meetings not just to kind of get by but really give the flock you know some something to eat words meat to chew on verse goes on and says and that which was written was upright even words of truth so the preacher then sought to do what find out find acceptable words which was written upright even the words of truth so we need to be proclaiming what is what what is truth verse 13 you know this well let us hear what let's hear the conclusion of the oh the whole matter notice fear god and keep his what good keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man you've heard it you've memorized it but or we have applied have we applied it to our life are we really living it out in our life i talk to people who know they know they know and they let you know that they know but really has that truth come in and change your life you're no longer the same anymore the whole duty of man is to fear god and keep his commandments for it's the whole duty look up that word whole duty it just simply means all it simply means everything that has to do with life for this is the whole duty of man i hope we're seeing it that way today we're going to we wait in the balances i do believe this if we really believe as a people that we're the people of god if we really think you know satan is out as a roaring lion and he's certainly going to get rid of all that he can he's going to try to entrap he's going to try to disguise himself how many of us are really preparing for that i like what paul had to say in romans 7 12 he said wherefore by the law the law is holy and the commandment holy and it's what it's just and good i'm wondering what people do with these simple passages of scripture when they read them and it's like there's no light doesn't come on the bible says the commandments are holy and they're just and they're and they're good you notice that remember the law does what it's designed to do it's simply romans 3 20 it points out what sin is it's doing its duty it condemns the sinner because we know as seventh-day adventist christians and we you should know studying the word of god the sinner can only be saved by the blood of the lamb did you get it revelation 7 14 we're saved by the blood of the lamb isn't that beautiful ephesians 2 8 by grace are you saved through faith this is what it's all about the one in whom we have redemption through the blood of his forgiveness and his sins ephesians 1 7. please remember please remember the law was not changed in any way to meet fallen man in his condition it remains what it has always been it's holy it's just and it's good the bible's clear no one who believes in jesus christ is under bondage to the law of god for the law the bible says is the what law of life life is in the sun first john 5 11 oh these are good the key is here the word of god is life to those who obey this is beautiful the precepts the law is spiritual romans 7 14. romans 8 6 to the spiritually minded is life and peace i wonder how many of us are really contemplating the nearness of the coming of jesus the power that there is in the blood of the lamb how god will raise us up from this world and use us in such a marked wonderful way that he can take man sinful man come in and say sup with him and change him change those natural desires and those tendencies above temptation that leads us into sin god is able to give us that victory in our hearts and our lives no one said it would be easy it's not going to be without trials and tribulations and heartaches and maybe maybe failure you fell down you get back up you fall down you get back up but praise god if something happens you go down get back up by the grace of god god's begun a good work in you i know he's going to finish it the enemy is working i know in many many uh disguises there's no doubt about that we need to be calling more and more in my opinion more and more for for the people of god to stand in the old paths though straight testimony stand in the old waste places you remember that in isaiah 58 sure you do we need to be a people that restores the path but are we really doing that we might talk about it but we're living it out in our life god said these are the people these are my people in the last days that's going to restore these old paths they're going to go back the way that it's supposed to be not some newfangled thing i mean i hear sometime some of you might disagree with me that's all right but i hear all time well this church is conservative this church is liberal come on now i thought that was in the political field that you could say that god has a church and he has identified his church and what makes up his last state church to me if you say it's liberal that means you're not living up to the light that god has given because you're liberal you want another thing if you're conservative that means you're sitting on it like a hen sitting on an egg somebody and we're afraid to move forward with the light that is given god never identifies his church that way the world identifies in the political realm now please think about it please think about that god's people need to stand right now because we're in the judgment hour there's a weighing that's going on when your name comes up there's going to be a final verdict and how will you be found what is the platform of truth i love the message that god has given to this last day church revelation 14. i love it no one said it was an easy message but it is a wonderful message that tests and tries and sanctifies prepares the people to meet him and there's a warning against those who are trying to attempting to change to change the three angels message or to change the law of god or the change is coming about that we see that's right just around the corner in my opinion right now from the seventh day to the first day of the week and i just want to encourage you never never never exalt the you know institutions of man above the institution of god when we do this we're showing contempt for the law giver no one wants to do that i know you don't want to do that we cannot give way from what the bible has said and stand on it this is what we are challenged to do as a people today how will you stand right at this moment right now today i'm talking about at this moment men are trampling upon the law of god they're making up their own laws and their own laws that they're making up is manufactured by the by the enemy there's no doubt about it they're affecting our liberty they're affecting our religious freedoms uh liberty of conscience again there's a forming of the image of the beast these all things are being done in darkness but yet they're going to come to light in the very near future and how will you stand and how will i stand i don't want anybody coming up to me later on and say you knew these things were going to happen and you didn't say anything some of you preachers and teachers and elders whoever might be as people of god right now don't purpose in your heart right now you're not going you don't want anybody coming up and saying to you you knew these things were going to happen you knew these judgments are going to be falling in the land you knew there could be wars and rumors of war you knew there was going to be destruction you knew there was going to be famine and pestilence in the land you knew there was going to be sunday law you knew it could come about by climate change and yet you said nothing oh we don't want that lord have mercy on us there's three things quickly before the close of probation i'm going to remind and i think remind over and over and over while i'm trying to remind you of it remember i say remind that means i i accept that you you i'm sure you know it no more than i know about it but there's three things that's very very important when we talk about this the close of probation and the change now of course we we're speaking about the attempted change of what the seventh day to the first day of the week we understand that by the law daniel says in daniel 7 25 and he shall think to change what good times and laws so we know this is they shall think to change times and laws so we realize as we see this you know this movement going forward right now we have been put here on this planet in my opinion for such a time as this to warn let them laugh let them heckle right now if they want to let them think that you're not so you know you don't you've lost it up here but at least tell them that and when it comes to past then they will know at least they'll ask questions they'll say you knew you told us before this was going to happen it never had we didn't believe it but now we see it come to pass what else is going to take place then you go to the word of god and reveal that which god has given to you number two we know that the will that this will will be uh this is what's this sabbath question is going to be the big test this is the last test of the people of god our eternal destiny depends upon it think about it if you really knew you were taking a test right now your eternal destiny depended upon it wouldn't you concentrate on it wouldn't you do the very best this is exactly what you're going through right now this is the test this has been the test since 1844. oh what a comment and i know it deserves some studies for most of you but what a test this is the great eternal destiny is depending on it letter 11 in 1890 says this this is the test now we're talking about the sabbath and sunday or the sunday laws notice this this is the test that the people of god what must have notice before they are sealed people go on and on about all this kind of stuff and waste time on it when it's very clear from the word of god let's just accept it right accept it what it says there's going to be a test that's going to be given as a sabbath sunday issue before they are sealed how many adventists who claim to keep the seventh-day sabbath is going to say okay to test i stand the test by the grace of god because the opposite is if you don't then you're going to accept the man you know the man of sin's day and after the law is passed that will simply be the mark of the beast we couldn't be ashamed about that don't anybody shudder when you talk about the mark of the beast don't anybody shudder when we talk about the image to the beast don't back down because god has put it in his word and he looks at you he said i've called you out of darkness under marvelous light i've called you for such a time as this i've called you to warn the world of what's going to take place when his wrath is full his cup is full he's going to come oh dear friends we've got to be ready the laws of land you know they make void the law and every person has had the opportunity to understand what truth is what will you do oh it's going to be difficult you're going to have to do without i'm going to have to do without there's going to be some self-sacrificing here the whole world is going to turn against you if you stand for truth are you prepared by the grace of god am i really prepared i question myself every day oh lord help me to be prepared all we do without is sometimes one meal and we think we're going to die i think some of you get what i'm talking about remember a lot of the laws that's being passed right now you know satan is behind every one of them there's no doubt about it because they're against the laws of god they're under disguise they're under a cover and they're under the cover of this it's going to be good for the country if we do such and such it's going to be good for the country or it's going to be for the common good of all really it can't go against the laws that god has in his word here can it it couldn't be good for all of us and the other part they'll say well this way if we pass certain laws it's going to keep you know it's going to keep evil down really the bible says it's going to wax worse and worse to the coming of the lord as i mentioned while ago it's certainly come under climate change or economic disaster uh health pandemic which we're like here in covent 19 you're hearing the with the first wave we've been in this is talking about the second wave it's even mentioned in the third wave right now and our leader said right now oh he said this is a dark time next few months he said it's going to be a dark time in the history of this world well i wonder what they might know about it that maybe we don't know we should know more than they know based upon the word of god is this the time god's cup is full and he's going to let it play out this time i have to mention everything and once again this is what my third time everything that's going on in america and around the world is all going to boil down to something very very simple those who obey god and those who don't obey god and you know that and you have known that for literally years and years and years and years but we're not hiding the word of god in our heart where we're going to know the difference i say based on the word of god tough times are ahead we need christ more than ever before there's no doubt in my mind we're going to need him just to survive to try to get by the world's not going to have anything to do with you as you well know and i'm encouraging you today to be true to god or you're going to be true to to mankind the test is coming the test is here many of you by the grace of god been passing that test but it's going to be a little more severe as the laws certainly of the lands are passed that way what should we do now think with me what should we be doing now i've asked that several times but again what should we be doing now reviewing herald 1 1 and 1889 says this oh i like this right here because somebody said oh you're just making a bunch of racket let's write what it says let not the commandment keeping people of god do what be silent at this time let not what let not the commandment people uh people of god at this time beaten like we gracefully accepted its situation notice there is a prospect before us of waging a continuous war at the risk of old imprisonment losing property even life itself know what to do what to defend the law of god coming back to the beginning right law of god psalms 119 126 so familiar to you i know it is it says oh it's time for thee oh lord to work for they have what for they have made void thy law this is the cry psalms 119 173 quickly notice what it says let thine hand whoa or cry out to god lord let your hand help me for i have chosen thy precepts what have you chosen today oh god lord have mercy on us today as a people of the languishing people i'm putting myself in i'm not trying to point fingers to anybody i'm not trying to condemn anybody but if i can stir you up by the grace of god through the power of the holy spirit to say i'm i know i'm waiting the balances i don't want to be found wanting oh wow there is a great work left to be done god has a work specially for you to do we need to stay close to jesus it seems like the whole world is guilty and will be guilty of receiving the mark of the beast and be lost whose names are not written in revelation 13 8 in the lamb's book of life i can't hardly stand that thought i think of family and friends and who will you choose today i'm going to call my dear sister-in-law up here sister yvonne shelton i'm going to sing one of my i like this one of my favorites one of my favorite songs fairest lord jesus [Music] lord jesus rule of [Music] those [Music] the way [Music] my glory joy i'd rather have jesus than the silver [Music] i rather have [Music] jesus [Music] is i'd rather have [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] this give me jesus give me jesus [Music] but give me jesus give me jesus [Applause] me but give me [Music] oh glory praise the lord thank you oh i love that song and i know it was a blessing to each one of you you know it talks about ferris lord jesus and just give me jesus so i'm praying right now as we come to a close in 3a being worship hour i pray that your prayer is give me jesus if that's all you can pray today just give me jesus i guarantee you'll come into your life in a very very special way he wants to do something great for you he wants you to be saved and in the kingdom he wants me to be there too he wants the whole world but we have to give our life to him would you not do that right now today i want to pray for you and then i want you to be praying for me too i'm going to kneel right here and just have a quick closing prayer that the spirit of the living god will touch your heart and take your life right now [Music] loving father in heaven thank you for your precious word thank you for the beautiful words of this song thank you for the love we thank you brother tim who playing that piano so nice the gift that you've given sister yvonne may these words and music touch hearts and life so may they turn them over to you today's month my prayer in jesus name amen god bless each and every one of you thank you for joining through abn worship hour and you know what in the very near future we look forward to seeing you again god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 32,146
Rating: 4.8521008 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Worship Hour, kenny shelton, Sermon, bible, live church, the book of life, second coming of jesus, seventh-day adventist
Id: aNl5-5nHUpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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