Sermon: "Who Will Go?" by Dr. Willie Oliver

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[Music] it is my happy pleasure and privilege to present the keynote speaker for the centennial celebration of the fort lauderdale seventh-day adventist church our speaker is dr willie oliver who is the director of the department of family ministries for the general conference of seventh-day adventists church world headquarters since june 2010 dr oliver is an ordained minister pastoral counselor family sociologist and a certified family life educator by the national council on family relations he holds a phd in sociology with concentration in gender and family and social stratification he holds a master's a degree in religion as well as in sociology and a ba in theology he's an adjunct professor of family ministries at the seventh-day adventist theological seminary nestled on the campus of andrews university in addition he's also an adjunct professor of marriage and family at the adventist university of africa he's also the former director for family ministries for the north american division the atlantic union conference and the greater new york conference he has also served as the lead pastor in new york city and currently serves as a volunteer pastor for family ministries at his local church in washington dc with his wife elaine dr oliver conducts marriage conferences retreats relationship seminars and leadership training conferences around the globe they are founders of from this day column in message magazine and real family talk column in adventist world online they are editors of the annual family ministries resource book on orders of three books which include real family talk answers to question about love marriage and sex hope for today's families the world missionary book for 2019 and connected devotionals for an intimate marriage the all of us also produced and host a weekly family strengthening program on the hope channel called real family talk with willie and elaine oliver dr oliver and his dear wife elaine have been married for 36 years under the parents of two adult children i have had the pleasure of actually attending northern caribbean university back in the day and willie and i were colleagues on campus i can still remember those good old days let us listen to a special item of music [Music] a great high priest whose name is my name [Music] his is [Music] [Music] [Music] when satan turns [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] my my god [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus raymond loewy was an immigrant who disembarked in manhattan in 1919 imagining new york city would be a stylish and classy place when he disembarked he was disenchanted what louis found was an untidy product of the industrial age massive loud and complex lowey went on to become a prominent industrial designer who grasped an essential norm about human aspiration and drive so what was loi's top secret he perceived that consumers are of two minds between two divergent forces the curiosity about things that are new and concerned about anything that is too new as a result they are attracted to products that are bold but also immediately understandable raymond lowey believed that people want things that are most advanced yet acceptable a phrase which can be shortened to maya louie believed that people often vacillate between curiosity about new things and anxiety about anything too new so did jesus in the temple in jerusalem he asked the chief priests and the elders did the baptism of john come from heaven or was it hume of human origin in verse 25. the people love john because his baptism is new and thrilling in the eyes of jesus and the people john's baptism is clearly most advanced people are at ease with john because he comes out of a long line of hebrew prophets and his baptism is embedded in religious tradition john is most advanced yet acceptable because of this the priests and elders are unable to come to a conclusion and they say we do not know in verse 27 in today's text jesus appears to understand this same idea our topic today is titled who will go let us pray dear god feed us in jesus name amen turn with me to the book of matthew chapter 21 verses 28 through 31 and here's what the bible has to say beginning in verse 28 what do you think a man had two sons and he went to the first and said son go and work in my vineyard today and he answered i will not but afterward he changed his mind and he went and he went to the other son and said the same and he answered i go sir but did not go which of the two did the will of the father they said the first jesus said to them truly i say to you the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of god before you for john came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him and even when you saw it you did not after your you afterward change your minds and believe him this narrative the context of this narrative finds jesus at his triumphal entry into jerusalem at the cleansing of the temple in jerusalem and with a fig tree he cursed because it had no leaves but he had it had leaves rather but no fruit the storyline continues with the chief priests and elders of the temple challenging the authority of jesus to teach and questioning the audacious social situations in which he participated in verses 24-27 jesus engages the leaders in conversation about where the baptism of john came from which immediately becomes a trap for them while the clashes between jesus and the religious leaders increase he presents a number of parables meaning to revile their narcissism materialism and self-satisfaction these thought-provoking parables are meant to explain the remarkable swap taking place in response to the coming of messiah essentially jesus is rejected by the leaders of israel while at the same time being accepted by the untouchables and the underclass of his day the unfortunate theme running through the narratives of the gospels though is that those assumed to be among the saved are lost even as sinners who accept messiah are saved and in that vein we can hear the desperate existential cry of the thief on the cross jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom in the middle of this ancient near east dialectic we find the parable of the man who had two sons by making use of parables jesus allows his hearers to reprove themselves without being aware of how they got there it is a lot like when nathan the old testament prophet remember him who got david the king of israel to become outraged with his own behavior before knowing who the prophet was speaking about a parable made it much easier for king david to be outraged by the behavior of the perpetrator in the story that we find in 2nd samuel chapter 12 verses 1-15 only to have the prophet nathan say to him you are the man in this genre of storytelling that jesus employs with the leaders of israel when he tells them the parable of the man who had two sons what do you think jesus asked he begins his conversation with them by employing the socratic method a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions effectively the story is about two sons the father sends to work in his vineyard yet jesus means to show these church leaders who did not believe john's baptism was from god how they discredited themselves when the publicans and prostitutes not only believe in john's baptism but embraced it for themselves ellen white sheds light on this incident by sharing and desire of ages pages 594-595 the following in his contest with the rabbis it was not christ's purpose to humiliate his opponents he was not glad to see them in a hard place he had and he had an important lesson to teach he had mortified his enemies by allowing them to be entangled in the net they had spread for him their their acknowledged ignorance in regard to character of the character of john's baptism gave him an opportunity to speak and he improved the opportunity by presenting before them their real position adding another warning to the many already given so the father goes to the first son and says son go and work in the vineyard today and he answered i will not but afterward he changed his mind and went and he went to the other son and said the same and he answered i go sir but did not go which of the two did the will of the father they said the first jesus said to them truly i say to you the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of god before you the parable of course symbolizes two kinds of people the kind that does better than they promise represented by the first son and the kind that promise more than they deliver exemplified by the second son to be sure both sons had the same father demonstrating that god is father of all humankind yet there are considerable differences among human beings including among those who belong to the community of believers some are faithful others unfaithful some are kind others unkind some are patient others impatient some are agreeable others miserable some are generous others stingy some are loving others indifferent some love the truth others falsehood some are givers others takers some live to smile others to frown some love unconditionally others are haters some are optimists others pessimists some love righteousness others unrighteousness some live in the sunshine others in the shadows some love jesus others satan some are heaven bound others hellbound yes indeed there is only one father but huge differences among his children both sons receive the same command to go and work in the vineyard today it is the same command we all are still receiving from the father today one command comes from exodus chapter 20 and verse 9 that says six days you shall labor and do all your work the other command is found in matthew 28 19 that states go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit god means for his children to be industrious to make a good living in some worthy enterprise that makes a difference in the temporal lives of people to help build up his kingdom god also intends for his children to work in his vineyard for the salvation of souls the call to work in the vineyard requires present obedience the directive today carries urgency with it the father doesn't say go to the vineyard when you get a chance the father doesn't say go to the vineyard when it is convenient the father doesn't say go to the vineyard next week or next month the father says go and work in the vineyard today there is authority and affection in the command of the father the psalmist affirms in psalm chapter 10 verses 13 and 14 as a father shows compassion to his children so the lord shows compassion to those who fear him for he knows our frame he remembers that we are dust the command is urgent and at once benevolent and filled with love the command is not meant to harm us rather involve us intimately in his mission of saving humankind ellen white describes the story of jesus piercing question to the rabbis and their subsequent answer by disclosing in desire of ages page 595 and i quote the priests and rulers could not give a correct answer to christ's question and thus he obtained their opinion in favor of the first son this son represented the publicans those who were despised and hated by the pharisees the publicans had been grossly immoral they had indeed been transgressors of the law of god showing in their lives an absolute resistance to his requirements they had been unthankful and unholy when told to go and work in the lord's vineyard they had given a contemptuous refusal but when john came preaching repentance and baptism the publicans received his message and were baptized as already noted the two sons behave very differently one son did better than the than he indicated his response was bad but his deeds were good at first he inappropriately answered his father by saying i will not to the command of his father to go work in the vineyard today who speaks to his father in that way while excuses are bad blatant denials are worse yet such hasty rejections are not unusual when responding to the call of the gospel refusing the call of the gospel is not uncommon because we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity as psalm 51 5 tells us these individuals don't mind coming to church but find it difficult to share the good news with their neighbors co-workers or friends they believe that communicating the good news is not their spiritual gift working for the lord is very difficult for them they are afraid to be seen as religious fanatics or freaks they don't mind going to potluck after church they will even bring in vegetarian meatloaf or a vegan casserole to share with the group but don't ask them to share a track with someone on the street or pray for a neighbor in need no sir no man it's not what they do this is outside their comfort zone still it is truly exceptional and magnificent when a person allows the spirit of god to fill them with a vision for mission and transform their hearts from fear to holy boldness it is what the apostle paul is referencing when he states and such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the lord jesus christ and by the spirit of our god first corinthians 6 11 the truth is we can all be changed if we allow god to do so this was the experience of the first son this was his better late than never kind of involvement the first son repented and immediately went to work in his father's vineyard to be sure the only evidence of repentance is obedience this is why the first son who said no eventually answered his father's command and went to work in the vineyard it is the benevolent heart of the father who could have disinherited the son for his wrongheaded behavior but the father god waits on the son to be remorseful for his past conduct and is ready to forgive ready to bless ready to accept the son in a new relationship with him ellen white goes on to describe the response of the second son by saying in desire of ages pages 595 and 596 the second son represented the leading men of the jewish nation some of the pharisees had repented and received the baptism of john but the leaders would not acknowledge that he came from god his warnings and then initiations did not lead them to reformation they rejected the council of god against themselves being not baptized of him as we find in luke 7 30. they treated this message his message with disdain like the second son who when called said i go sir but went not the priests and rulers professed obedience but acted disobedience like many of us do today they made great professions of piety they claimed to be obeying the law of god but they rendered only a false obedience republicans on the other hand were denounced and cursed by the pharisees as infidels but they showed by their faith and works that they were going into the kingdom of heaven before those self-righteous men who had been given great light but whose works did not correspond to their profession of godliness the second son's initial response to his father was positive respectful and even showed great esteem for him his answer was good but his actions were bad like the two sons we all receive the call to go although the specifics of the call are not the same for everyone yet we are all given privilege to respond the second son is what we would call a schmoozer a past talker someone who always wants to leave a good impression this is a person who has a lot of style but no substance he gives his father a title of respect recognition and regard i go sir he responded to the command of the uh of the father uh he responded to the command of of the son and go and work in the vineyard today his command to go to work to the vineyard that day while it is appropriate for children to speak respectfully to their parents a part of the requirements of the fifth commandment in exodus 2012 that affirms honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the lord your god is giving you obedience is even better the second son gave an answer that seemed from the heart it is the kind of answer we should always give when we receive a request from god yet we must go beyond simply being polite we must do as he commands his power and grace the conundrum in this segment of the narrative however is the contradiction between what the second son said he would do and what he actually did he did not go this is like so many in intimate relationships even in marriages in marriage i mean they promise to do great things but often fall short they promise to love honor and cherish in sickness and in health but don't don't quite get there they promise to be kind and patient but are unkind and impatient instead they promise to do anything for you but won't make the commitment to get the children from school because they're simply too busy they say like the second son many of us show piety and dedication to god by praying lavish and articulate prayers in public but find it very challenging to do something in private we have good intentions to venture out of our timidity but something always comes up much like the people in the story in luke 14 16-20 and here's what it says but he said to him the mance once gave a great banquet and invited many and at the time for the banquet he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited come for everything is now ready but they all began to make excuses the first said to him i have bought a feel and i must go out and see it please have me excused and another said i have bought five yoke of oxen and i go to examine them please have me excused and another said i have married a wife and therefore i cannot come these people are like the fig tree jesus ran into in matthew 21 19 they have lots of leaves but no fruit you cannot say yes then do nothing you cannot hear the command and not respond we can't just have lots of leaves but no fruit there is a reason we are children of the father first corinthians chapter 6 verse 20 says for you were bought with a price so glorify god in your body we belong to god he paid for us he did something for us and we want to do something back additionally the apostle paul declares in ephesians 4 and verse 1 i therefore a prisoner for the lord urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called and first peter chapter 1 15 submits but as he who called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct the old testament prophet offers in jeremiah 29 13 you will seek me and find me when you seek with all your hearts and hebrews 10 36 proclaims for you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of god you may receive what is promised and in first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 58 the apostle paul enunciates therefore my beloved brothers and sisters be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that in the lord your labor is not in vain don't be afraid say yes to his command go and work in the vineyard today unlike the two brothers who seem somewhat schizophrenic in their responses to the father's command to go and work in the vineyard today when we think of an exceptional and vigorous answer to the father's directive what instantly comes to mind is the compelling and exuberant response given by isaiah in his dialogue with god recorded in the book of isaiah chapter 6 and verse 8 that states and i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send and who will go for us then i said here i am send me god asks who will go isaiah answers i will go it is the same question that god asked today it is the same question he's asking you it is the same question he's asking me who will go and in the vein in the tradition of isaiah as the people of god we need to process our response and be able to say i will go in the process of isaiah's reflection on his unfitness for the work god is calling him to perform one of the seraphim of god flies towards him and touches his mouth with a live coal from the altar not to scorch him but to purify him and expunge his sin cleansed by god's grace empowered by god's authority made ready by god's promise isaiah becomes aware of the reality that he has been given the aptitude the capacity and competence to worship the god of heaven in spirit and in truth isaiah becomes cognizant of the ability facility and power he has received to become one of god's extraordinary emissaries this is the point at which isaiah announces with convince with conviction here i am send me i will go with unmistakable assurance isaiah responds with all of his being with all of his conviction with all of his strength to the order given by the father in matthew 21 28-30 to his two sons this is the response we must give this is the approach we must say we too like isaiah must recognize our incapacity and allow the spirit of god to transform us as we are touched with a cold from the altar of god without equivocation without hesitation without saying one thing and doing another isaiah responds i will go and today we too like isaiah must respond i will go a similar invitation is being made today by the god of the universe who made you and made me the call is no ordinary call the call is not for the halting or hesitating the call is not for the faltering or tentative the call is not for the uncertain or stumbling the call is an extraordinary exceptional remarkable call the call is for everyone who believes in him to go and work in the vineyard today as a time of the end draws near the call for workers takes on new urgency the call is to develop better relationships with one another so that energized by the love by loving those closest to us god may use you and me with power and joy to reach those who don't know him yet this is the reason john 13 35 declares by this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another to be husbands or wives who love this way to be fathers or mothers who love this way to be sons and daughters who love this way to be aunts and uncles grandparents and cousins who love this way you have to do what the apostle counsels in colossians 3 12 through 14 where he says put on then as god's chosen ones holy and beloved compassionate hearts kindness humility meekness and patience bearing with one another and if one has a complaint against another forgiving each other as the lord has forgiven you so you also must forgive and above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony when we learn to love like this in our marriage and family relationships in fact when we learn to love like this in all our relationships when the call comes from the father who will go work in my vineyard today when we can all be ready and willing to say i will go brothers and sisters god our creator who authorized certified and qualified isaiah is longing to do the same for anyone who is humble enough and willing enough to be used by him to call sinners to repentance and to become a part of his kingdom of grace if you're going to be like one of the two brothers of matthew 21 be like the first brother change your mind and allow the god of the harvest to use you mightily to share the good news of salvation with anyone who would hear so you may help hasten his coming leonard sweet an american theologian semiotician church historian pastor and author who serves as the e stanley jones professor emeritus of at drew theological school at drew university in madison new jersey once shared a story when he served at the united theological seminary in dayton ohio that went something like this one of our students sweet said received an appointment from a bishop and the student did not feel the placement exactly suited his abilities it was beneath him i overheard him complaining about it to another students at suite and then the other student said you know the world's a better place because michelangelo did not say i don't do ceilings her comments stopped me dead in my tracks i had to admit that she was right if you and i are going to be faithful to the ministry god is calling us to then we had better understand that i reflected on the attitudes of key people throughout the scriptures and the history of the church the world's a better place because a german monk named martin luther did not say i don't do doors the world is a better place because an oxford don named john wesley didn't say i don't do preaching in the fields the world's a better place because moses didn't say i don't do pharaohs or mass migrations the world's a better place because noah didn't say i don't do arks and animals the world's a better place because rahab didn't say i don't do enemy spies the world is a better place because roof didn't say i don't do mother's in-law the world's a better place because samuel didn't say i don't do mornings the world's a better place because peter didn't say i don't do gentiles the world's a better place because john didn't say i don't do deserts the world's a better place because mary didn't say i don't do virgin births the world's a better place because paul didn't say i don't do correspondence the world is a better place because mary magdalene didn't say i don't do feet the world's a better place brothers and sisters because jesus didn't say i don't do crosses today god the father is saying to you and to me go work in my vineyard today and i do declare that the world will be a better place when you and you and you and you and i are willing to say i will go in response to god's call to each one of us today when as the people of god we recognize the times in which we're living and what it is god needs us to do as we go into the strength as we go in the strength of the lord the message will be shared people will respond and jesus will come who wants to respond to god's call today to be a better husband a better wife a better father a better mother a better son a better daughter a better aunt or uncle niece or nephew a better grandmother or a grandfather who wants to be a better disciple and say in the spirit of isaiah here i am send me as we reconsecrate our lives or accept christ for the first time as lord of our lives i want you to pray in fact i want to pray for god's power to transform you and make you all he wants you to be so that when jesus comes again and we know it will be soon you will be a part of that great number look at the world today filled with a world pandemic people are sick people are dying people are anxious people are in despair and god is calling us at such a time as this to be his hands to be his feet to be his heart to a world that's dying and in need of a savior today jesus is calling you to be a better husband a better wife a better father a better mother he's calling us to have stronger relationships because in relationships when we have strong marriages we are more likely to have strong families and when we have strong families the church is more likely to be a strong church and more likely to share the gospel with power and joy and help hasten the coming of jesus christ someone today wants to reconsecrate his life her life to jesus christ and wherever you are you just want to say whether raising your hand or just speaking to god right where you are take me lord transform me make me over again help me to have the power help me to have the strength help me to not be afraid help me to say i will go and if you've never accepted jesus christ as your personal savior or you have fallen backwards today is your opportunity to say yes once more to jesus every single time we say yes to jesus we say no to satan so this is your moment say yes to jesus allow him into your heart he will transform you he will give you a new lease on life he will give you the strength you need to be overcomers in whatever sin besets you so as you raise your hand accepting him and perhaps someone is saying oh pastor i'll i need to be baptized i'd like to be baptized in the near future you raise your hand wherever you are and you get in touch with the pastor where you attend church and let him know pastor let her know pastor i would love to be baptized i would love to give myself to jesus it is late brothers and sisters jesus is coming soon and all of us need to be ready today not tomorrow the father is calling today who will go or please go into the vineyard today and our response to who will go needs to be a resounding i will go in the strength of the lord let's pray together father god thank you for the visitation of your spirit thank you that you have promised to be with us always you promise to give us your peace you have promised to supply all of our needs i want to claim these promises for my brothers and sisters who are listening today whatever their need is family relationships whatever their need is a closer walk with jesus whatever their need is to give themselves completely to jesus whatever their need is please supply and we'll be careful to give you the honor and the glory as together soon and very soon we'll look up into the sky and there you will be coming in glory to take your children home may everyone listening to this message today can be saying with a loud voice this is our god we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation to this end we pray and we thank you in the name of jesus amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] facing the rising sun [Applause] let us march on let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] out [Music] let alone [Music] is [Music] gold [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] let us see [Music] [Music] sleep we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] god [Applause] [Music] am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Fort Lauderdale SDA Church
Views: 2,247
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Id: tz0reJ5XVQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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