Sculpt Viking Beards and Hair With Green Stuff

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[Music] okay i'm going to show you how to sculpt beards and hair for space wolves or white scars or orcs or whatever the hell you want to use it for here's some examples of what we're getting at pretty epic beards you don't have to be constricted by their armor or anything like that i just i don't sub assembly or sub assembly paint anything i like to have the entire model put together we're going to be using this guy as an example to sculpt a beard and some hair on and we're just going to go for it this is an old space marine scout or an old space wolf scout head on a primaris infiltrator body and his little mic boom that he has stick down underneath his chin there we're just gonna put a giant beard over the top of it probably have it flowing down the front and he had a mohawk i cut that off and used some sanding sponges to round off the top and we're going to be using toothpicks as sculpting tools and some water and spit and that's pretty much all i'm going to use so we're going to take some green stuff here [Music] cut off a little bit and i like to mix my ratio two to one two yellow to one blue so we're gonna cut off a little bit of blue so it's about two to one like that [Music] and you're gonna this is what's what the reason i do that is because it makes the mixture much stickier and uh it'll be a lot softer than normal um and that's going to allow us to get a lot better flow it's like sculpting with softer clay rather than really harder clay so that's kind of what we're going for and i have a little jar of water here next to me for mixing and i'll just dip my finger in there water and continuously knead the green stuff pulling it apart and smooshing it back in and it's really important that it's really mixed up good you don't want it you know kind of half-assed so you definitely want to mix it really good some people like to cut off the bit in the middle where the yellow and the blue touch if you get really old green stuff it'll sort of cure there over time and if you're ever sculpting with your green stuff and you've noticed these little like hard chunks in it that's because those two spots that touch are have cured essentially and you need to cut that out the stuff i've been used this is the tail end of a 36 inch roll that i've been using so i know it's fresh um i sculpt a lot of stuff so it's been fine so far just dip my finger in the water and keep kneading until you get this nice kind of light green color and i mean i don't think you can over mix this stuff i feel like you could sit here for 10 15 minutes and do it i'm not gonna do that but i feel like you could and it wouldn't hurt you so [Music] so here it's really soft and and my hands are damp otherwise it'd be sticking to me like crazy um so that's kind of what you're going for [Music] and this is probably this is way too much but i like to at least mix up some it's really good to have some leftover stuff for straps and other things that you want to set up and do later because a lot of green stuff work is timing based um but hair and beards i like to sculpt right away while it's soft so it works out pretty good so all right so initially we're going to be using this guy and i've already done some fur on the back i'll do another tutorial on how i do fur but i like to have all the things around it that i've sculpted to be cured all the way so like for instance when i sculpted this guy his fur on the back was cured and hard whenever i did his hair so that way it can kind of flow over the top of it and then i don't disturb the fur underneath so when i'm about to start sculpting i'll continuously mix until i feel it start to get sticky you don't want it to be saturated with water and not sticky before you put it on it you want to be kind of sticky but you don't want it to stick to your fingers so there's kind of a balance [Music] so it's just about where it needs to be and i'm going to do the beard first so i'm going to grab a little piece about like that and that's going to be way too much but that's what we want you want more than you need and uh all you're gonna do is just roll yourself a little piece that looks like that curve it a little bit and it's pretty sticky right now and you're just gonna kind of place it on the model and now where the toothpicks come in i like to use spit on the toothpicks you can use water some i don't like to use vaseline some people like to use vaseline the reason i don't use it is because if it gets in between the green stuff and the model it won't stick to it and it's also a pain later when you go to paint um you have to wash your model really good because you don't want oils on it before you paint it and all that stuff so if the basically if the toothpick isn't in the frame it's in my mouth um getting more spit on it so that's kind of how i do it so what is happening is i'm pushing the green stuff down onto his face and i'm paying attention to where it's meeting his face and we are going to sculpt both the mustache and the beard all in one we're not going to do them separate um i used to do them separate and i've changed my ways uh i think it just looks a lot more fluid when you do it all as one and so i'm paying attention to where the green stuff is meeting the top of his face i'm pushing it up into where it would be like kind of into his sideburns and like underneath his cheek really paying attention to his nose and i'm not letting the green stuff flow up over the top of his nose just working the toothpick in there i'm keeping it wet and i'm forming a bond on his face and the green stuff and i'm really paying attention to that line that goes from his ears down his cheek onto his nose across to the other side [Music] and i'm not it's not a straight line it's not you don't go from ear nose to ear it's like it dips down like if you look at reference pictures of beards they don't i mean there are some werewolf dudes who have beards that go up to their eyes but we want ours to kind of dip down underneath and [Music] so i'm forming that bond really the only thing i'm paying attention to is just where the beard is meeting his face [Music] on the top side because what what i'm going to do is i'm going to start pulling it down and it's going to start forming the shape of the beard and we're not going to want to screw around with the top of it anymore we're going to want to leave that in place [Music] and i'm going to put a little indent underneath in between his nose and see just right there you can start to see the top of the beard form you can see his mustache forming we have probably five times more beard here than what we're going to end up with but you're going to see i'm going to start pulling it away and actually like ripping it off the bottom and it's going to [Music] it's going to help the flow because there's something about pulling it away from him that creates the motion in the wind and the dying you know the it'll be dynamic looking and so see there you go it's starting to to form this motion as i'm pulling this beard over as i'm i'm grabbing the bottom of it with the toothpick i'm keeping it wet [Music] and i don't have like it it's starting to deform where it wants to be but i don't have to be happy with that i could completely change the direction of it if i wanted to i could just grab it and pull it over to the over the other side and you shouldn't really let it tell you what to do you should just go with it and just keep working with it and if you and if you don't like it and you want to change it later i mean we could always come back and just pop this off the next day and do a whole new beard okay so here i'm going to make a decision all this down here is too much and i'm going to pull it away and so i'm going to start forming it into a point and just start gathering it and i'm going to grab it like that and just pull it it's going to come off and do a little cleanup down here there's like little bits and bobs still too much i'm going to just grab all this form it and i'm just going to work at it until it comes away grab it and pull it away and then once it's separated you can grab it and pull it away [Music] so these little bits that are sticking off you what you're trying to avoid is and this is why i sculpted the toothpick i don't use a i don't use an exacto knife or anything sharp and hard it's because i feel like when you're doing hair there's nothing in hair that is rigid and sharp and if you touch it with a sharp metal blade it's going to create a flat uh perfect line and that doesn't exist in hair you want a flow and so you want to continuously like i'm never pushing into it and just like stifling it or anything like that you want to always be moving when you touch it and so every time i touch the beard my toothpick is moving before i even touch the green stuff [Music] and eventually over time you're going to gain confidence with your strokes and you're going to get to where you can continuously working work it and it won't look overworked but when you're starting off you'll get to where you're too afraid to mess with it because you like the way it looks and so you'll try to continuously tweak tiny little spots on it and it's going to make it look overworked in that spot and that's fine like maybe you know you'll see later it's just about going like sometimes you'll nail it in the first try and it's just like boom and you've got it um like i'm starting to like the way this looks [Music] this is also my first tutorial so i'm kind of paying more attention to what i'm saying than what i'm actually doing but hey i'm learning every single thing i do i'm learning [Music] so starting to like it um you can get aggressive with his mouth like his mouth is closed so it's not a big deal that i go in there um some of the guys i think this guy in particular has he was shouting before i put the beard on and so after i sculpted him i just jammed the toothpick like i i did his mustache and then i just jam the toothpick into his mouth and i start opening that up in there and then you can define that lower lip and just work it out to where you can get that so you can see the inside of his mouth like he's yelling with this though like if you ever see someone with a giant viking beard like you really can't see their mouth it's just you define their mustache and as long as it's integrated into the beard it's gonna look sweet um but this is the look i'm going for and if you're watching this video you're trying to get this look so we're all happy you know i'll be at this for a while like i'm not really quite sure where to stop with this [Music] i'm starting to see each time i i sculpt each time i pull it's bringing more and more of the green stuff further down his body and it's forming it further down and that's fine like it's it it makes it more it gives it more flow it gives it more uh motion but what's going to happen is you're going to build it up further down and you're going to need to get rid of it so i'm just going to continuously pull it down [Music] i'm going to just grab it from the bottom and just kind of be bold and pull it away [Music] do a little cleanup [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and now i didn't like how it was all going to uh his right i'm gonna pull his uh this mustache over [Music] and it gives it a little bit i don't know with a different look it just it's not all sweeping to the same direction it's kind of sweeping over and over off to the side [Music] got a little extra down here i'm just gonna work it out you can use i like round toothpicks i found these colored toothpicks that seem to hold up a little longer i have some of these just regular plain round toothpicks but they seem to kind of fray at the bottom sooner than later and that's fine you can use them you just go through them faster yeah that's pretty much it i bought some clay shapers these royal sovereign um extra firm clay shapers uh they're okay but like um i don't know i just i like that i just love sculpting with a toothpick for some reason it just works those clay shapers are really great when you let the green stuff set up and you want to like smooth something out they're good for that but when you're sculpting something soft like beers and hair off you know just like right out of mixing it i feel like the the toothpick is just it works for me and maybe something else works for you it doesn't have to be a toothpick it could be hell maybe you can sculpt with a razor blade just fine like a lot of a lot of guys do and they make it look just fine so [Music] yeah i'm liking it um a lot of times i can't really see [Music] exactly what i'm doing until i stop and take a really zoomed in picture of what i'm doing and i say okay well it's got a lot of build up here there's something i can't see here maybe i need some magnifying glasses or something like that so i can actually work on the fly and not have to rely on the crutch of my camera [Music] but [Music] what i'm doing now is just i'm trying to think about what this is going to look like painted and i'm cleaning up edges and trying to make make it look integrated like it came that way when there's a coat of primer on here to where it looks like this guy's head is all molded into one i don't want it to look like a beard that's stuck on there and sculpted i want it to look real you know i want this guy to look like he just walked off the plains of fenris you know so that's what i'm going for kind of pulling that mustache part over and down a little i wanted to separate it so it wasn't one big swoop [Music] i think that's pretty good [Music] pushing that side piece in stuck out a little bit for hair it's the exact same thing just grab yourself a piece get it on there and just use don't worry about messing with it with your fingers use the toothpick for everything otherwise you're gonna have it's gonna stick to you and it's gonna be a hard time and right now i'm doing the same thing as with the beard i am only worrying about his hairline so the part that you're gonna see i'm creating a seal between the green stuff and his head and i'm pulling it down and making his hairline i look at his nose in between his eyes and draw a line up and i make a an imaginary line of where that hair is going to go up so i can like start to form an idea of where i want to push it back and he's got all this head gear on the side that i i want to continue or i want to leave out so he's going to have like a widow's peak that's coming down and i'm going to take the toothpick and kind of push he's got kind of like a it's too thick up top so i'm going to take the toothpick and kind of like roll it back a little and this is where i hold the toothpick like this and i very lightly pull i'm not very putting very much pressure and it allows me to create natural looking lines that pull back it's more i'm using more of a rigid grip here when i'm pushing it up against the head [Music] and none of this is you know if you don't get it right on the first try like it's not a big deal you can you can either pop it off the next day after it's cured hell i'm doing a hair for i'm doing a mane for ragnar i cut his top knot off and i'm doing um just hair flowing back and i'm not hap i'm not happy with this but i left it because it's gonna be an like an armature for another sculpt that goes on top of this and so it was difficult to sculpt this like that because there wasn't anything to sculpt it to and so i'm leaving it and that's the decision that you can make when you're doing something like this like maybe it's not what you want but maybe you can leave it and sculpt more on top of it later after it's cured or just pop it off and try again like it's completely up to you [Music] all right so i've kind of got his hairline where i want it to be it's going to be kind of a normally i would sculpt hair down around his ear but his is going to be more of a mohawk that goes back i'm like a mohawk that's down a floppy hawk and a lot of times like i don't have a plan at all when i start to do this i just let it kind of be what it wants to be and i'll say this is starting to look cool or maybe i want to completely change the direction and now i'm i'm going back in and i'm pushing into the side of this head and forming more of a line and almost a seal between the green stuff and the plastic so it doesn't want to pull away and pop off and that's a big part of why i mix the ratio like i do i want it to be really sticky and really soft because i don't want it to pop off while i'm sculpting or tear i want to be really gooey and fresh gum [Music] so i don't know what i don't know where i'm going with this i'm just seeing what happens i'm going to pull some of this away [Music] [Music] actually might want to add more on i don't normally do that but [Music] all right so the top of the head and the hair is a little bland i want to add more uh visual interest i want more places for paint and lines to [Music] define shapes [Music] and i'm just using the toothpick pushing it down in creating lines [Music] and contours there we go it's kind of more interesting now it's not just a blob [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh now i had no idea that this is going to look like that i just started pulling it over and you can see the lines i was making over here just started pulling it over and pulling it over and then i grabbed the bottom and then just folded it and all of a sudden now we have this really cool motion going on with this hair where it's coming around to the side and it's it's pushed itself back over and i'm gonna work with that i like the way that looks so and it's it's it's fragile there it wants to like come apart but i'm gonna leave it [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm further defining that hairline here really smooth strokes all the same direction pulling it in [Music] i'm happy with the top of his head how it comes down i'm happy with this hairline and how it swoops around what i don't like is where it meets his pauldron here it's a little crusty around the edges doesn't look natural and [Music] what i think the answer i think the answer to fixing that is we may have to screw with the shape a little bit but i'm just going to try to pull this away here and i'm going to spin the toothpick away from the hair to do that grabbed a little bit off [Music] got that kind of crusty part off and now i've [Music] working that over looking a little better [Music] [Laughter] [Music] much better now we've got this nice defined hard line that's hair and pauldron so it's not you know a smoosh into it it's going to be a lot easier to paint and it's going to be a lot easier for your eye to pick up on when you look at it he's looking a lot more epic than he was earlier without any hair huh [Music] but yeah it's that's pretty much it i could continue to work this but like i said earlier sometimes it's better to just leave things the way they are when you get them right because it's otherwise you get it almost looks overworked and doesn't look natural there's something about pulling it away from his head and what pulling it in the direction that you want that hair to be and if you start working it you start contradicting that and it won't translate and it ends up just looking overworked so all right i hope this has helped you guys out um i don't know that's about it take it easy
Channel: Valbjorn
Views: 64,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sculpting, miniatures, valbjorn, greenstuff, milliput, space wolves, astartes, gamesworkshop, forgeworld, kitbash, miniature sculpting, sculpt, wargaming, 40k, warhammer, space marines, sculpting miniatures
Id: DB3ojCR5yGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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