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it's been 84 years hello fellow Arts of blue and welcome to my channel and also welcome to another sculpting tutorial in this case I'm going to show you how to sculpt one of the trickiest things at least for me cloth we are going to see how to tackle both flowing cloth I'm going to do it on some ropes but this is a technique that is perfect for doing capes as well and also cloth that is sculpted over a solid surface so let's get cracking so for the flowing keyboard we're going to do is use one of this plastic C block bags I have one that is Warhammer branded I just I just had it and I thought it was funny green stuff doesn't really stick to this so this is what we're going to use still we are going to put some water here to help with it lifting off but yeah we're going to flatten our green stuff on top of this type of plastic and then we are going to let it cure for a little bit we are going to mix quite a bit of green stuff I we need a lot of extra material here you're going to see why in a minute once her beauty is fully mixed we're going to flatten it to this kind of shape we want to make like a curved section so we're going to put it here I want to make it quite thick and again as I said I'm going to put some water into the plastic film and just press it down there put a lot of water on top because we're going to roll it down just use whatever cylinder shaped object you have laying around I want to make this quite thick just because it's easier to make all the folds if it's thicker so the kind of shape we are talking about is this we want to make like a half a circle there half a circle on the bottom like this we just want like a section of a cone you we need to make sure that this is the proper length we which is it it's maybe a smidge Too Tall so I'm going to trim it down more or less like this [Music] once we have it I'm going to again put some water on top and try to flatten it even more making it a bit longer if we need to make it longer this is the moment to shape it as well as possible I said I wanted like a bit thick like millimeter and a half or so [Music] yeah I think this is going to be enough so this is basically the amount of material you want I think it's going to be enough uh I hope I'm right the key now is once we have the perfect shape we have to let this dry for about 45 to 40 minutes the thing is you don't want to use the Patty fresh because it's too floppy see you in 45 minutes when doing this you will naturally end up with quite a lot of extra putty green stuff is expensive and we all hate to waste money so a fantastic tip to preserve that extra putty is to put it into a Ziploc bag and put that back into the freezer the coat will almost bring the curing process to a hold and when you are ready to sculpt again just take that putty out of the freezer again knead it a bit to bring it up to temperature and you will have perfectly fresh spotted to keep on sculpting the sculpting top tip for you 45 minutes have passed and now we can start to build our cave this is the most crucial part of all of the sculpting so you have to be quick and you have to be decisive there is no going back after you start so this is quite a scary moment but it's not that hard are you going to take out our Cape as you can see it just pulls off pretty easily this bit here is a bit more complicated to my mini because have this thing hanging that I want to maintain so I have to kind of slide this inwards underneath something like that and have to push upwards I'm going to use color Shapers here these rubber tools that don't stick to green stuff and once you have it more or less Tagged so to speak onto the model you can start creating the shapes in my case I want to make this look like it's folded over the leg here as you can see there is a bit too much screen stuff still so I'm just going to trim it down once you have the shape more or less where you want it and you are happy with how the cape looks I'm gonna start adding defaults more or less we can enhance them later on with some more putty and add some more wrinkles and stuff like that but for the time being this will be enough because the party has been curing it's harder and it takes the shapes really really really well you can use your fingers to pull it off I don't mind if it has some bit of texture from touching it it's not that important the most important and crucial thing here is to have the shape perfectly well defined [Music] foreign as you can see on the very top of the cape here we have way too much material so I'm just going to take it this all off just around the area where the belt is going to be I'm pressing and driving the material upwards to take it off and it's now looking way way better much more happy with that again we don't need to make all of the texture now all of the wrinkles and stuff like that we just need to sculpt the general shape I'm pretty happy with how this is looking now so I might stop okay I think I'm going to leave this to fully dry and then I can refine all of the shapes a little bit better the gray stuff is completely cured it's now time to start refining the whole cloth before we sculpt on top of it and the first step is to stick a cutter with a new sharp blade and I'm just going to take away material but I don't want it and then after the water I'm going to smooth it out with my sandpaper don't be afraid of working on green stuff after it's secured you can totally do it makes for a better result you see I fought up here when I was doing it I off camera I tried to remove I beat too much of material and I poke the hole not a big deal which is going to trim it away just like that making sure the profile and everything looks good and I'm going to keep on removing material like this until I'm happy with the result and don't forget to also trim the bottom Edge so it's nice and sharp a little bit difficult since this is very floppy but be patient and you can very easily trim it and once that is done I'm going to take a sandpaper this is 400 grit sandpaper and I'm just going to smooth everything out some people say you can't use some paper on green stuff you'd most definitely can it's not as good as using it to something that is harder like milliped but you can totally use it and it's going to diff smooth and very good looking result in the end once you are happy with how to move your green stuff work is your first layer we can start sculpting the second one and for this it's just basically refining what's here and fixing all of these little mistakes for example we have a little bit of plastic showing and an ugly hole this is the area that I messed up previously so I'm just going to extend this screen stuff quite a bit first of all integrating it into the previous layer and once I feel it's integrated I'm just going to smooth it out towards the top if I have to smooth it quite a bit or it's a lot of putty I like to use metal tools because they are harder they do this kind of very intense work better here there he is going to have a belt and for this I'm just going to try to create that connection I'm going to add more green stuff onto the belt area later right now I'm just trying to create that shape that the cloth gets when it's stuck under a belt taking away the excess and then I can go with my Shapers and try to create some divots and a little bit of cloth texture you have to think of the first layer of green stuff as a kind of a of a canvas onto where you're going to sculpt the second one and of course always remember that you can actually sand this down and smooth everything even more after this is dry this area is a very good example of something that is missing it just doesn't look right due to how green stuff behaves when you layer it on top of things I'm going to use the second layer to create a more realistic cloth texture also I'm going to fill that Gap there a little little bit so it's a bit more resilient and I will just go around fill in the gaps the small points smoothing out and creating all of this cloth folds and a subtle texture all across the model after the second layer of putty dried I trimmed it again very slightly here and there and sanded some bits here and there again to smooth it out and make it a smooth looking as possible but I'm really really happy with how this looks and I even started sculpting the top section which is already dry and I'm going to show you how to sculpt cloth that is on top of a solid layer here on this last side a sculpting cloth that is on top of a solid layer is way easier than trying to sculpt cloth that is Flowing because while you have something to back up something to push onto I put a putty in a more or less D shape than I want it to be and now with a clay shaper I press it down so I'm sure that it sticks very very well to the underneath layer and then for cloth I actually prefer to use a steel tool for the main shaping the most important part when just sculpting cloth is trying to get it as realistic looking as possible and for that there is no tricks really you just have to learn how cloth flows and try to understand the process but it's very simple when it's not flowing onto the wind it's a very simple process really it's just while shaping it in this case as the Torso is Twisted on this direction and the arm is lifted off I'm not going to Sag this side as much as this one because with the natural motion of the Torso this piece of cloth could be tighter against his chest naturally so I'm going to try and accommodate for that a steel tools also have another Advantage when you try to integrate new putty onto existing one because it is harder you can push the putty and you won't leave a noticeable Gab I'm going to sculpt some folds here because with the arms so uptight this cloth here towards the towards the top should be wrinkly then for the open bit I'm just going to go around making sure there is no putty onto the eagle in the center so we have a nice clean look and then going to Sag it a little bit pushing from the inside out something like that I think I'm pretty happy with that it looks looks realistic enough for me and I'm happy once I have a shape that I'm happy with I go back with my rubber tools and I just smooth out any sharp edges and stuff like that that the metal tools can leave making sure that everything is as smooth as possible and that's it it's really not a complicated process at all it is a bit involved especially for the flowing cloth but if you go step by step and our patient you will end up with amazing looking piece of cloth and remember don't be afraid of working the green stuff once it's fully cured to make your sculpts even better thank you for watching this tutorial and don't forget that if you like my videos and want to help me make them you can follow me on social media you have the links to all my social media in the description below and the pin comment of this video share and like this video but most importantly there is patreon channel members pages and members allow me to do all the cool videos that I want to make and most importantly they allow me to release them all for free here in YouTube perks include access to an amazing Discord Community full of lovely people Early Access to some of the videos and now also private one-on-one online tutorings you have two tier options for those 45 minutes and 3 hours a month they are feeling fast so you want to have a private tutorial with me don't hesitate and join now help me and my family enjoy the list of the coolest persons in the planet including keroskuris Giovanni Constanta Martin Pasco Alejandro Maldonado Fuentes Robert Smith the rhinocer Heather hamster Craig Osborne Howard hold Bill Chris got winter Carlos Rivera Thomas Victor Thomas Nicholas funel Brandon Smith Alfredo Philip steenochida Stephanie all nicknamese Maximus Arundel Cara Smith Mark Jarvis Simpson Charles armington's G4 Dr villain Kieran murfel and Kevin sulas as for me I'll catch you in the next one bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: JuanHidalgo Miniatures
Views: 26,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting warhammer, painting miniatures, painting, wargames, warhammer, citadel, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, space marines, space marine, contrast paints, contrast, Space Wolves, Stormcast Eternals, cities of sigmar, chaos space marines, painting scale models, miniature busts, How to paint NMM, How to paint warhammer, how to paint d&D figures, sculpture, 3d print, 3d printed, games workshop, forge world, Age of sigmar, azrael, dark angels, sculpt robes, sculpt capes, cloth
Id: 4-ygL90JIU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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