Every miniature I ever painted

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it's been a journey to say the least and to celebrate four years as with more Miniatures I thought I'd give you a trip down memory lane and show you my journey as a painter every single paint job I've ever done from a 12 year old email all the way up to today [Music] it all started back in the 90s exactly which year I'm not really sure but the first ever Army book was this fourth edition wood elf book so I'm assuming it's somewhere around that time unfortunately there isn't much evidence left for my painting back in the 90s but I vividly remember painting mostly wood elves but also some space Orcs and a bunch of Lord of the Rings when that was released the painting was my favorite part of the hobby I even entered quite a few painting competitions in my local gaming store at best I landed a second place spot in one of the young blood painting competitions how good the Miniatures actually were well I guess that's up for debates unfortunately most of these miniature have either been re-primed in multiple steps or just simply sold away I never thought I'd be a famous YouTuber and have to show them in a video someday luckily there's a few of these space Orcs that survive the time travel from the mid 90s all the way to 2020s you can kind of see the level I was at when I was 13 14 years old I feel like I've come quite away [Music] since pretty much every miniature from that era have been re-primed I think we can safely jump back to Modern Times in September 2007 I had a sudden urge to get back into miniature painting with some help from my friend Albin I decided to jump on what was left from the then Woodhouse and now called silvernet I started off painting a few driads with the techniques I knew back then dry brushing and using washes but after one or two I realized that I thought it looked like crap and re-primed these again I decided to watch every single painting tutorial I could find on YouTube Sergio calvo Ben comets Antonio Pena and maniac and all of those were huge Inspirations back then and with that I learned about volumetric highlighting that is where things started to change for the better I painted up a handful of dryads without using any washes and this is where things started to change for real I also painted my first ever larger miniature from age of Sigmar drika [Music] with dracadon I was on to the rest of the army some three revenants a branch which and later a tree Lord ancient tired of painting drieds by hand and knowing that I had 60 more to paint I decided to get an airbrush and that was probably one of the best decisions in my painting career and the timing was absolutely fantastic because a few weeks later I got my dream miniature as a birthday gift hilarious Lady of the vines and during the time when I learned how to paint alaria I also got a bunch of new figures mostly from the iron Jaws range gorak on more Crusher [Music] as well as Omega balls and I did manage to finish not only my silverness Army but also the mega boss for my first ever age of Sigmar tournament and I want a single miniature painting competition with gorak and Best in Show with my entire silverness Army you can guess how much adrenaline you'd get on your first painting competition winning both [Music] thank you foreign at this stage I had been painting miniatures for about three to four hours per day for nine months straight and decided to tackle my most ambitious and biggest project yet I wanted to learn to paint more like David Soper and wanted to copy his iron yours Mega boss and I must say I came quite close considering I had just painted for nine months even though I'm not really at his level at this point I also had this idea because I was so excited about painting I wanted to paint a bigger variety of Miniatures so I put out an ad on Facebook offering my service as a commission painter in exchange for a tiny sum of money my first ever commission was this Terminator chaplain I was so happy with the end result I also painted archaeon on a horse probably the best miniature from the old warmer fantasy line Thorns of the Briar Queen storm size Curse Breakers as a commission and then popping that off with the Forge World fire Raptor exactly which miniature I painted where is impossible for me to remember but all of it happened sometime during October to December 2018. during this era I also painted my first ever non-metallic metal I repainted this guy I think four or five times before I felt like I got a good sense of how to place the highlights and this is my first ever 75 millimeter miniature the Barbarian in December 2018 I also entered my first ever non-tournament painting competition golden goblin I entered my David Soper copied orc Mega boss the one that is still the icon for this Channel and got first place with that as well as second place with my unit featuring The loremaster a branch witch as well as a tree Revenant with that in the bag in January 2019 I painted my first Warhammer on the world's warband for myself this is steelhearts Champions and they had already been painted once with a texture paint and still had some gravel on top of the plastic but I still managed to get something that I really enjoyed I converted them to kind of resemble my kids and my wife I painted some more terrain for my own gaming tables and then started with my second batch of commissions rubuta giliman as well as the old giant sod and funny enough the guy that I painted is all Giants are for later returned turned to order the new one once that one was released I painted scraggro The Loon King a unit of five more tree remnants this time kind of blew greenish instead of Caucasian skin tone and at this time finding more of my own personal style with more vibrant colors more saturation and sometimes just going nuts and come Marsh this year I got even more commissions painting a Vermin Lord for Warhammer fantasy the old Katan followed up by Marathi on foot and the commission that almost killed my love from miniature painting this is the Avatar of Shah it is just so much bigger than you think it is and it took me so much time to paint at this time I felt like I finally had control of my own ability and could paint all of the ideas that I had in mind and put that onto a miniature I had a friend who had been at my back for about six months saying alien you need to start making YouTube videos about miniature painting I did this was four years ago and I guess the the rest is history thank you that same month I decided it was time for me to start another project copying a very good painter Again David Soper again as I know very original even though I think the idea is great to learn from others by copying their style and analyzing into every minute detail how they paint something at this stage I had already started developing my own painting style and my own way of using colors in the end I never ended up finishing the miniature because it felt like I was kind of working against my own techniques to copy someone else I did however finish a bunch of miniature terrain bits in about an hour for one of my first videos and then I did three Space Marines and these Space Marines they do mean a lot for me because if it wasn't for the contrast paints release and me getting hold of the paints a few days prior and painting up these three in three separate videos my channel would never have taken off and I would probably never have decided to go full time at least not this early I then painted another orc for my Army the war chanter I built up a desert terrain piece and painted it up for another video and painted what is probably the most fun miniature I've ever painted as a commission The Loon boss on a giant cave Squig such a fantastic miniature and then another one of those pivotal moments in the Channel's history I painted the Untamed Beasts for just a painting tutorial video I think it was one of the first channels on YouTube that actually painted something from war cry to somewhat of a high level and I so distinctly remember watching Warhammer weekly because that was my favorite podcast I listened to and they recommended that video it made me all happy on the inside I also did a bug bear for a Dungeons and Dragons Kickstarter and by the end of the summer I finished another commission one of the coolest ones I've done as well sore bags Gates unfortunately there is not a lot of images left from this one but now a short interception from this week's sponsor which song Miniatures they offer this one incredible 3D printable subscription where they instead of giving you 10 mediocre or terrible Miniatures offer you one freaking Epic Big Bad Boy to the incredible small cost of one dollar you heard it right one dollar all of these figures that they offer come pre-supported and pre-hollowed they are ready to print directly at download and since April not only do you get this one awesome big figure for one dollar but they have a collaboration with smaller creators meaning that every month you get a trial subscription for one of the smaller creators in the industry and to all of you my squidmark viewers throughout the rest of July they are offering 90 of their entire backlog so if there's any one of their old Miniatures that you want to have seems like a good deal I'm gonna put all of the links to them in the video description and a massive thanks to which song for actually sponsoring this video and helping us do what we do in August of 2019 I finished another miniature that kind of is a pivotal miniature in the Channel's history this space Wolf Captain and the intricate base following with them I also attended a workshop with Roman group and I finished not one but two Miniatures one awesome Bust from Saba art called the runner and a night Goblin in a night atmosphere and then I had a collaboration with goober Town Hobbies he challenged me to paint this tomb King figure and make a vignette from it after that it was time for another commission this time underworld's warband molog's mob unfortunately I was terrible at documenting this so all I have is this boomerang moving on I painted gothtrack and then a lord ordinator my first ever Imperial fist paint job was inspired by Antonio Pena and I painted this one up for a video I repainted a toy dragon as well as a miniature bust of PewDiePie at this time I also painted my second version of the storm sires Curse Breakers this time it was purely for me in my enjoyment [Music] another DND character I painted the bust Krug and then some an ugly monster demon thing from print and paint we're now heading into December 2019. the channel had been around for six months and it was time challenging three of my friends to paint off and filming the entire thing all by myself I don't know how I did it but I painted up a necromonda character an edenth Archer a ninja as well as a 10 minute crude I then did a tutorial on painting skin and faces and I Know It looks like they Batista I'm not sure it looks good but I did the tutorial it's decent okay in January 2020 I painted a Dwarven Anvil Throne an undead pirate diorama as well as some tiny spaceship for a board game Kickstarter we've just started scratching the surface hold on to your socks I then painted a knight dressed as a knight I painted elonth from our first Kickstarter did I say one Eland well I actually meant three because I painted one box art for the campaign I then did another one for the master class and a video where I painted up one with just two different colors I had a collaboration with jasa and got to paint one of his custom made sculpts and the tiny Puck that I put on top of that diorama I finally got hold of one of my childhood dream games hero Quest and painted some of the Champions and then also some zombies and skeletons quite a lot of them I painted another underworth's warband this time for myself the wolf riding goblins for some reason I did not enjoy painting these I was not super happy with the undersold but at least they're painted I painted this large-scale figure and made a post-apocalyptic diorama scene for it in 24 hours a demon monster that I painted green for some reason for a video uh Rat riding a poison dude and I started working on my space orc Army that I quite honestly haven't gotten anywhere further on I painted up a space Crusade Space Marine and a bug bear with a lightning sword I then did a really fun painting challenge I painted up another hero Quest skeleton The Duchess from Maniac as well as the Lord executioner using these monochrome glasses and at this time while I was doing that I had also started on what would be my biggest project up to date painting up two thousand five hundred dollars worth of tile models to give away to someone that had lost his army and didn't have any Miniatures to play with anymore luckily halfway through painting these Tau models Lucas joined the team of squidmore and helped me finishing up the army so I quite didn't paint the entire thing myself so I can only take about 50 of the credit I don't know why I'm wearing these anymore I then ended the year with one of the dioramas that I'm least proud about I think that these two figures for our children game making somewhat of a Christmas scene around this time I also finished the first part of my now huge Goblin Army there was this massive spider Goblin that I started about two years prior to this and that later led me on to painting more squigs squid Hoppers goblins trolls you name it this is truly among my favorite Army in my collection I just love all of it they're so much fun to paint you have to try right it really does stand for everything I represent the fun basing you can have colorful figures mixing different color palettes crazy ideas and effects I also did my second collaboration with jazza I painted a pink horror A snotling and A Space Marine using drunk goggles that made me so dizzy I almost barfed not the prettiest work I've ever done but after that I finished my last ever painting commission one that took far too much time to finish tour Garden what I didn't know at that time is I had just embarked on another one of those Milestone moments for the YouTube channel we had the opportunity to build up the legendary Thunderhawk gunship all metal from 1997 and painted up in another set of videos it's truly an amazing experience that I won't forget anytime soon and it was so crazy difficult to paint because there was no way in the world that I could sit and hold it in my hand and paint so I had to figure out some weird stuff to just be able to get some came from the meeting [Music] after other world's warband for myself in July 2021 [Music] foreign that time Lucas and I as well started a new video series we opened a Fiverr account and offered people to paint their Miniatures for as little as five dollars in the three video series I painted a keeper of Secrets a rogue Trader orc castellan robot a ghosty boy a blood Bowl orc a lot of change [Music] nagash a necron guy Prince Duvall Oliphant Jacob bugmanson snake Style morafi eisenhorn and Silent King I cannot believe we managed to do that in just a couple of days oh these classes again let's not talk about the end result but here are the few years [Music] thank you after this Lucas and I tried every paint brand that we could get hold of in the miniature Hobby and while doing that we painted up quite a few figures on the cursed City game set [Music] I then painted one of my favorite things in my collection this 3D printed armor cast inspired Mega guardian we then had another challenge on this channel and I painted up this more time inspired 10 millimeter mini scene diorama why stop with the challenges there we then did the first 24 hour challenge me and Lucas and I painted up my Siege Army and I am super happy with how these ended up looking I have no idea how I could paint this much in such a short time but I'm happy nonetheless [Music] I then painted this bus together with one of my patrons in a one-on-one class I then painted The Arbiter from raid in the steelerama that we made and then began the work on another massive diorama Lucas and I spent a better part of a year building up this scene but also the mini dioramas on the side of it I cannot take even half of the credit for this scene because Lucas and Victor as well in this office spent so much time working on this but I was definitely a big part of it and then another one of those 24-hour marathons to give away an army to someone who lost their entire collection this time a flesh eat records won and of course I did not do nearly even half of this because we were four people working on it but you know it's something I painted so it's getting shared we also customized this Lord of the Rings pinball machine now we're nearing modern times during this period I had also worked on my iron Jaws Army it is not quite finished but I did manage to do quite a lot of it during one of the patreon march of armies that we've done and I think it's worth showing because the Army looks generally done I also painted a couple of more war bands for Warhammer underworlds during this time and it's just amazing how warmer unwell's gets pretty much all of the best Miniatures the games work should produce every year hello foreign [Music] days you've seen me paint a bunch of different Miniatures and videos like the blood Bowl cheerleader nagash as well as a bunch of Miniatures we had to paint up during the trading Series where we traded from a night Goblin all the way up to the warlord Titans like this necron Katan shot of the void a freaking board bringer and of course Lucas and I painted an entire custodis Army [Music] some miniature cardioramas for warp Forge an entire gaming table for warp Forge a giant octopie for the third jasa collaboration and of course the freehand I did on the chaos war on Titan we're nearing all of the Miniatures I've ever painted but two weeks prior to recording this video we did our last 24 hour challenge painting the Leviathan box for the new 10th edition Warhammer I painted up a bunch of tyranides and Space Marines and I had a ton of fun on most of them but not only that I also painted up my luminous Rel Nords Warhammer and worlds warband and as a final one this is Atlee from our last Kickstarter it is posted mastercast tutorial painting this one up just a week ago so you better go and check that one out and subscribe while you're active massive thanks to this week's sponsor and of course all of the awesome patrons that not only help build up this community but also make sure that everyone that helps us here at the squidmore office have a salary at the end of every month thank you guys so much bye bye
Channel: Squidmar Miniatures
Views: 191,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniature painting, painting warhammer, age of sigmar, squidmar, warhammer 40k, dungeons & dragons, d&d, how to paint warhammer, space marines, squidmar miniatures, emil nyström, airbrush, vallejo, citadel color
Id: EJH5iL7z78c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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