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when I kicked off my Grimlock series with this Blood angel I did not expect that hundreds of people would like it so much that they wanted to try it out on their own Miniatures when I asked my viewers to submit their results two months after the release of the video I was blown away by the response I received over 300 submissions of course it never had to reach or impact that slap job had because it's way more Niche but it still made me extremely happy that there was so much positive response when I heard about Slap Shop I thought it was just the latest buzzword in mini painting that someone made up for marketing purposes stuff like that happens all the time and I didn't research it any further then I realized that this was just something that someone came up with to speed up their painting and even more importantly to have fun with painting really not bad for a few hours work and it's so fun and easy to do and isn't this exactly what we should aim for When painting making it feel fun and not like a chore just like slap drop my grimdark Approach was not something new as it merely combined already existing techniques and brush Strokes to create a vision a desired end result and for me that end result was something like this which is a large-scale ultramarine created by Chris Clayton years ago who won multiple Slayer swords obviously this ultramarine borrows techniques from scale modeling like the salt technique to create weathered blue armor and something a little more Innovative when using some sort of crackle medium for the white shoulder guard all of this is not necessarily compatible with the Warhammer 40K scale so I had to come up with different ways to create something similar these marines with battered armors captured in the middle of long Crusades No Rest no time to restore their armors like they should adjust the combination of ideas that I wanted to combine into a result that I had in mind that I would enjoy painting and that I would be happy with when finished just like my blood angel I started to solve for marine from a black base coat and give it a base layer of brown at some very dark brown and then I moved on to applying the typical blues that are associated with ultramarines but one thing I learned during painting all of these different chapters is that you need to adapt the approach when switching out the main colors so here instead of going for the almost black under painting that worked for the blood angel I realized that I had to do something different for this ultramarine don't get me wrong this looks perfectly fine if you like it and I could have stained all the edges with a red Brown like I show here but for the sake of a start to finish tutorial I completely started over one thing I noticed over the years is that I'm weird when it comes to Art and artistic expression my tastes and preferences constantly change and that's why I'm always looking for new ways to paint my Minis and that's why I'm getting bored if my style doesn't constantly evolve and this personality trait is also the reason why my walls have been relatively empty for the longest time I just can't decide I also hate committing to one style when it comes to hanging out of my walls of course I'm a self-absorbed YouTuber that's why I put my own art there but what if I want them to look different tomorrow I also hit permanent mounting systems these are basically glued on and I don't want to drill into my walls either this is concrete and what if I mess up the mounting and I'm stuck with a tilted picture forever and luckily this video sponsor this blade has swooped in to solve all of these problems for me let's appreciate the freaking quality on these for a second the prints are amazing a sharp and crisp and they are done on these metal canvases that just snap to your walls due to their amazing mounting system they feature designs by many pop culture Staples as well as over 40 000 different artists which means you can choose from over a million designs so you'll never get bored staring at your walls again no finally I can unleash my inner nerd I put some of the greatest artworks that have influenced me over the years on my walls the good thing is if I ever get bored I can just replace them with other designs in a few seconds mounting your display is super easy just clean the walls with these wipes they sent you stick the leave on and place the magnet on top ready to go the unique mounting system will let you adjust the plates easily which makes crooked pictures on the wall a thing of the past I also got this cute little tiger motive for my son's room and as it grows and his interests change we can switch them out until he finally realizes that this is the best stuff to put on your walls if you want your walls to get a premium upgrade as well you can check out this plate and browse the multitude of awesome designs using my link in the description to receive up to 37 off of your purchase and besides your wall looking awesome from now on you're also supporting this channel in the process after I had my new base color applied that would be the underpainting which would create the weathering effect I needed to build up the blues and for the sake of contrast since I can't quite shade all of this blue with wanting the brown to still show in the recesses and all the edges I had to mix in a bit of counter blue with my macrac blue base layer using a sponge to apply the color helps with creating that better than battered paint effect because it creates irregularity in the blue layer and leaves some of the brown to shine through wherever I couldn't reach with the spawn show where using the sponge would destroy any layers that I already applied I used the brush to stipple on my initial bluemix it's harder to mimic the texture but it's doable and also decently fast of course if your main goal is speed just stick to the sponge personally I just like the control that the brush gives me in these situations and generally I don't mind taking a bit longer next I was using pure my crack blue and as you can see I'm covering this area than before and with each new layer I make sure that the previous layer shines through to achieve that irregular weathered feeling here I'm using the brush again but of course you could just use the sponge instead just add initial first highlight layer shows how the final result will come together and how it looks really good with comparably little effort once I had all of the areas highlighted with this first layer I switched to Cargo blue again covering this in this area now make sure the shapes receive a credible highlight like on the shoulder guard I'm applying the light more like you would on a spherical shape and I give the leg highlights more typical for a cylindrical object I'm making sure areas facing up receive more light like the Apex Point here on this extension of the knee pad and I do the same thing for the knee itself for the Final highlights I needed a color that was significantly brighter so I mixed calendar blue with wolf gray applied a few pixels with my sponge and checked whether or not it might be a bit too bright and then adjusted the mix to where I was happy obviously I can't use this as an edge highlight because for the weathered effect I needed these to remain dark but I touched on all of these higher up parts and any flat areas that faced directly up and also a lot of these inverted edges where you would not expect a lot of mechanical damage this layer is important because it adds a lot of the contrast that we need it almost ties everything together it makes the miniature come alive and feel like there is some actual light shining on this three meter tall Giant just like when slapjob entered the stage the reactions I got to this technique were mixed so who cares if someone on the internet doesn't like the way you paint your toy soldiers it's always a good idea to stay open and see whether or not you can draw inspiration or value from a painting approach and if you can't find any value in it then that's perfectly fine too there's tons of different ways to paint your minis you just have to find the one that makes you happy I give both the chain sword and the Bold pistol casing a consistently of white and then started to create the pattern of bands on them with a dark gray mix with the new primaris Marines and especially their gear I get less of an archaic vibe from them but more the feeling of modern technology kind of like how sci-fi artists imagine weapons and fighting gear in the not so far future I took some inspiration for the colors and shapes of my friends from these artworks I wanted to use one of the new Strike Force Augustus minis for this video by the way and do the rocket launchers in this design which would have been awesome but I didn't get my hands on them until yesterday and I just can't film and edit a video like this in one day I really like the more high-tech neatness compared to the hazard Stripes I used on other minis if you want to see just the standard red casing on these weapons you can watch my black Templar video before adding more colors to this I added some quick and basic chipping with a sponge using the same color and then intensifying the wear by adding more to all of the edges first dragging the brush along to leave some thinner lines and then pressing the brush on harder on some parts to make these lines wider just to have a bit more variety then using contrast Imperial fist which is transparent which makes it perfect for this job I just stain the two stripes in the front yellow contrast paint being transparent also retaining the chips I just painted on and generally makes adding this bit of yellow a matter of 10 seconds at this point I also wanted to finish the decals before I move on to the next weathering step for the armor because they would have to be integrated with that I applied them to the shoulders and used microset and microsole like usually to make them conform to the shapes better and then use matte varnish to knock down the shine and smooth out the surface and then as usual I used some Sponge chipping for that painted on effect next I gave all the metallic parts even the ones I wanted gold like the chest eagle and the shoulder trims a base layer of dark aluminum if you watched my black Templar video then you know that I'm not a huge fan of gold metallics so I developed a much simpler approach for my Golds which ironically also looks a lot better at least in my opinion so after applying a base layer of silver metallics I stained them with a mix of contrast paint and inks for a deep and saturated Rich gold tone this works extremely well and if you watch my last painted like the bauxite video you saw that you can use a large variety of contrast paints or inks for doing this here I went for a mix that had more yellow in it but an intense Yellow base layer and as I shaded the golds more I added burnt Sinai ink to add that orange red Hue I also added some dark colors eventually but more on that in a minute one product I always wanted to try was the Vallejo modern washes there's still acrylics because as you probably know I don't want to use oils or animals for my Grim dark minis but they have some interesting properties as you're going to see here shortly I started with a few washes and with dark areas of the blue armor and also washed the white parts of the weapons to give them some staining however the build up was a bit slow and I know that it says for light colors but there was not a lot of stain even on these whites which was a bit disappointing I will give them one more try with the airbrush in the future maybe that allows for more control than even application but this just looked a bit lackluster so to get closer to my desired result which was to stain these particular areas with a more reddish tone I added some burnt sienna ink to the valet wash which resulted in deeper shadows and richer color one amazing property the model wash has though is that even if it looks dry you can wipe it away again with a wet brush and not forever but at least for a while kind of like animals can be wiped away with thinner this becomes especially convenient for cleaning up the highlights while we can retain these blackened edges like you can see on the middle part of the abdominal armor or on the shoulder guards and the top of the helmet like I said I'd show you a tiny bit more in regards to the goal I painted and here I added more Sienna to the One Wing of the eagle for more variety as well as the trims to make them more colorful well I had the paint on my brush I also did some last touch-ups to the white Parts which was still a bit lackluster after the Brown video wash and to round out the weathered effect I used White Aluminum for some bright metallic highlights on the especially exposed areas of the armor and also to create some really bright Reflections on the gold parts using silver as a highlight on gold desaturates the highlights again which makes it more appropriate for the Grim Dark theme in my opinion to finish up the mini I quickly glued some soil to the base and covered it in one layer of paint plus a wash and dry brushed highlight and then drowned everything in pigments I also dusted up the feet a bit I always feel like this is a big part of grimdark making sure the mini looks like it's part of the environment it is in which is usually dirt I also quickly needed the eyes in my usual pattern starting with a dark green contrast wash and just highlighting the lenses in a pretty straightforward way and then adding a very basic OSL effect on the edge of the eye sockets of the helmet and here's the result what do you think do you like or hate it should I have used slapshop instead and let me know which chapter I should do next if you like this video and you want to see the origins of the style you can check out my blood angels video or if you want to see this approach adapted to a bright face color just click here thanks for watching keep pushing that pigment and see you next time
Channel: Trovarion Miniatures
Views: 202,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniaturepainting, miniatures, warhammer, warhammer40k, slapchop, miniature painting, grimdark, space marines, ultramarines, grimdark ultramarines, enjoying miniature painting, beginner miniature painting, drybrushing, ninjon, the honest wargamer, miniature painting tutorial, miniature painting for beginners
Id: j3WuVDn4-HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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