The Dimitri Documentary. [Fire Emblem: Support Science #21] Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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He was pretty fascinating a character to follow. He reminds me of that old quote, the line between good and evil runs down the human heart.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/fierypickles29 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

1.5 hours! Faerghast did Dimitri justice. You can tell he put a lot of thought and passion into this - and it's what Dimitri deserves (and I hope it does really well, since Faerghast really handled the whole Youtuber scandals so well).

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/PaladinAlchemist 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm about a half hour in as I type this, but I just had to get this out: this is fantastic. It's thoughtful, it's interesting, it's super insightful, and it's clearly got a lot of passion behind it. I can say I learned something, too, cause I'm a massive Dimitri fangirl and even I hadn't caught on to the bit regarding Lambert not actually saying that which is good. Great work. Dimitri deserves this level of care and attention in analysis.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/TheCobraSlayer 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/bruhboy321 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is hands down the best Support Science you've ever done. The amount of effort put into analyzing how Dimitri changes throughout Three Houses was incredibly engaging and informative to watch. You should be proud on yourself for how high quality this video is.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/DurgenTheFirst 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy Dimitri support science batman the madman actually did it. From one Dimitri fanboy to another god bless you for taking the time out to make this, especially with the Fire Emblem Youtuber community going to shit in the last couple months. Gonna watch this bad boy over dinner with an IPA.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/mmmsocreamy 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really well-done analysis! Your read of Dimitri's character is very-accurate.

However, I completely disagree with the analysis on who contributed the most to Dimitri's recovery: namely calling Byleth the most ineffective and overestimating Felix and Dedue's contribution.

While I understand that this video was crafted as an analysis of Dimitri's character, that section was IMO the weaker part of the video.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/wheeness_galore 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was really well done imo—you brought up a lot of good points. I already liked dimitris story, but I appreciate it even more after watching this. thank you for making it :)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/lilytune 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nice analysis of Dimitri, though on what basis are the claims, that "[…]the fact is, she [Edelgard] is complicit with their crimes in Duscur[…]" when she herself denies any involvement in the Tragedy of Duscur multiple times in both AM and CF, there is no evidence of her involvement and there is a strong possibility, that she was still experimented on, when it took place, as the earliest signs of her being free are her recruiting Jeritza in 1177, not to mention she was only 13-14 years old.

All of this doesn't influence the quality of the Analysis of Dimitri though, as it is something I could see him believing.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/tirex367 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
Dimitri carries himself like Alm or Ellie would do he's a kind-hearted youth with genuine compassion for others in the months leading up to three houses release all we knew of Dimitri was that he was a nice guy just with a mysterious chip on his shoulder of course we would eventually find out that whatever Shadow he was harboring within him would see him becoming the eye patch wearing unkempt hair having murder loving person upon seeing the time skip Dimitri hype train was off the rails at this point and the big question that was on everyone's Minds was simply what happened to Dimitri fast forward to the game's release with the game finally in hand we'd soon come to find out for ourselves Dimitri did end up being comparable to the aforementioned Lords but the line was quickly drawn where elliewood's characterization lies in the reaffirmation of his ideals and goals in the face of turmoil being Albert's murder and Indian's death Demetrius characterization lies in his involvement in a single event which caused a fundamental change in perspective and psyche the tragedy of dusker the assassination of his father King Lambert and Glenn Rodriguez first born son and the alleged death of Queen Patricia Dimitri the sole survivor and first-hand witness of the gruesome deaths of his family and close friends was forever changed we meet Dimitri as he begins his time as a student at Garrick mock Monastery and over the course of azer moon we see this young man go through three stages of how he views himself his friends and the world the academy Arc the war Arc and the Redemption Arc these character arcs are themselves observable in plain sight he is initially understood to be a gentle but troubled soul in the War Phase which for the purpose of this video is understood as Dimitri between chapter 13 and 17. he's sadistic extremely violent and unstable and in the Redemption Arc he returns to form in hopes of liberating his people ending the war and atoning for his past sins at the center of every characterization however is the tragedy of dusker witnessing the gruesome and horrific event first hand had not only psychologically damaged him and brought about his psychosis but it fundamentally impacted his outlook on life views on Justice Knighthood politics and mortality to name a few in this support science I want to explore the three stages of Dimitri's mentality as he edges to the point of losing his grip on reality and his lifelong climb back when he goes over that point at the center of this internal struggle lies two of Dimitri's most important values the compassion for the living and the compassion for the Dead in this video I will chronologically outline his journey and in doing so hone in on how all of the above Dimension values especially the two I specifically mentioned just above change and influence him through a critical analysis of the tragedy of dusker edelgaard's betrayal and Cornelius tyranny into his isolation in Garrick mock I will explore how he goes from a kind-hearted and compassionate teenager into a man so beaten down psychologically destroyed and isolated so as to be unrecognizable then I will examine how when confronted by his peers and those he loves Dimitri's morality once again transforms to lead him back to a path towards Redemption it is popular to say even in game that Dimitri's Journey returns him to normal end quote but I disagree I argue that Dimitri was never normal from the start rather his journey is one that takes him from a man hounded by his conscience to serve the dead to a man though he cannot control it is willing to confront reality the good and bad for what it is Academy Dimitri in the academy phase his biggest personality traits on display is his destructive selflessness and his harsh scrutiny of his own character he's chilled to the Bone by his actions in the western rebellion and fully Embraces Felix's brutal criticism of him and also affirms it to be true he has a tendency to jump to the worst conclusions about himself with Mercedes he constantly apologizes that he's too much of a burden to her since he can't learn to sew he apologizes to Annette and takes personal responsibility for Gilbert being distant from her life coupled with this tendency he is also incredibly humble he encourages Ash to treat him as not the heir of fargus but as a friend he even Praises him because Ash doesn't have a dark side where Dimitri knows he does furthermore this humbleness and self-awareness plays into his political Outlook in a complex way he saw firsthand that nobility and chivalry can look terribly ugly when he saw Glenn get murdered while he understands that the Untold Truth of Knighthood can be unceremonious and horrifying his ideals are nonetheless naive he wants to find peace with others he has certain aspirations to follow the footsteps of Lambert and become a man who is a role model an exemplary Knight and a lord in rodrigue yet opposed to this is his desire to destroy those who caused the tragedy but I wouldn't pin his kindness to others as an attempt to mask or minimize his true feelings the complexity derives from the fact that these two sides are both his true feelings his consistent desire to make others happy and comfortable with him is a result from his understanding of his self-scrutiny he is incredibly humble despite his high ranking position because he is fully aware of how awful he can be but it's complicated isn't it he has a manic desire for revenge and that runs antithetical to the ideals he upholds for Dimitri balancing between classical Fire Emblem Lord idealism and his singular goal of Revenge in the academy to begin with is a contradictory position to take with this understanding of Academy Dimitri in mind let's shift focus into the tragedy of dusker itself Dimitri's mental issues the motivation of his revenge and really what surrounds his characterization and that of His companion minions is this Monumental moment for fargus and fodlin but before getting into the mental health problems that arose for Dimitri I feel a disclaimer is necessary there is a legitimate criticism to be had of Dimitri's writing that he does not properly represent real-life mental health issues and I'm sure there are those who would deem it perhaps distasteful or off-putting to quote-unquote diagnosed Dimitri with one as if he were a true representation of an individual suffering psychosis however I am using psychosis to give us Clarity on the narrative and what we can learn about this character psychosis helps us understand Dimitri but Dimitri does not necessarily help us understand psychosis this video assumes that the homicidal Tendencies of Dimitri are done for the sake of narrative tension and are not meant to be in line with or a commentary on the reality of people who go through psychotic episodes and it is imperative that we make that distinction because it is easy to be persuaded that violence and psychosis go hand in hand when often they do not we are examining Dimitri's mentality to draw attention to how his traumatic experience influence influence his view of reality and how his Madness in the war phase is merely the end of a clearly degrading mental state he doesn't flip psychosis he doesn't flip off psychosis it is The Logical end to his trauma Dimitri is psychotic but he isn't a psychopath a very quick definition of both provides the difference the terms psychotic and psychopath are used a lot in popular culture sometimes interchangeably but they refer to two different mental health problems both of them serious if someone is psychotic or has what doctors call psychosis their mind is losing its grip on reality a psychopath is someone who isn't able to feel for others and may act in Reckless and anti-social ways within the context of Dimitri's mental issues it's clear that he falls in the psychotic Camp he is convinced that he can hear the cries of the dead and must tirelessly work to appease and avenge them while it's true that the above definition could explain why War Phase Dimitri behaves the way he does it is not because he is suddenly a psychopath but more on that observation later origins of Insanity The Tragedy of dusker witnessing the tragedy of dusker firsthand is the source of his pain the event that categorically and fundamentally changed his life and ultimately caused the psychosis that plagues him when the game begins but what's more important to understand isn't where his psychosis comes from it's how his psychosis and by extension the tragedy affects his way of life the tragedy of dusker isn't just an event that alone affected Dimitri it actually affected the lives of his comrades Felix rodrigue Annette Gilbert Ingrid to do and many others were profoundly affected by it but for several major players namely Dimitri's adversaries and other groups it was a personal political and anti-theocratic power play in the events leading up to the tragedy which occurred in the year 1176 several Kingdom Nobles most notably Viscount clyman and likely other Western Kingdom Nobles thought that Lambert was too Reckless and unfit to rule as king climbing before the tragedy only had a small house in the West when he was promised power if he conspired with Cornelia and those who Slither in the dark to assassinate the king kleiman participated in the same year the kingdom swiftly retaliated against dusker and subjugated the country climate being a key player in that subjugation was given the country to rule in its annexation meaning klyman's Gambit against the kingdom succeeded and instead of a measly one Thief they have an entire country but it wasn't just climbing that conspired against Lambert it was multiple Nobles from Western fargus as well Gaspar Roe Gideon and Matthias are the western territories suspected of being the location for where the Rebellion against the kingdom took place two years after this event 1178 Dimitri alongside Felix and Dadu served as a distinguished commander in the suppression of a western Kingdom Rebellion it is here when the 16 year old Dimitri violently and sadistically killed his enemies for the first time shut up and stop walking around on your hind legs you're not fooling me I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so because I know what you really are Beast craving blood a beast craving blood am I I assume you're speaking of the events two years ago last time we met outside the academy I am the way you suppressed that Rebellion he was ruthless Slaughter and you loved every second I remember the way you killed your victims how you watched them suffer face that expression all the world's evil packed into it that was our first battle I remember it vividly [Music] oh something wrong go ahead and deny it you wild boar I deny nothing Felix well then I suppose the Dimitri I once knew died during that slaughtering dusker along with my brother you're right hmm hurry up and get out of my sight I don't make a habit of talking to beasts [Music] this is from Dimitri and Felix's C support It's usually the first time we hear of Dimitri's sadistic side Dimitri denies nothing and fully accepts Felix's accusation this brings up several questions that at least I had in my first playthrough of azer moon why isn't Dimitri always violent why is it here he goes berserk and not say against Leonardo's army or miklon's gang how does Dimitri hide his depraved and sadistic side and if he's hiding it how does he do it so well Academy Dimitri we know so far seems like a pretty Pleasant guy so what's the deal is Dimitri as depraved as Felix and himself both think he is the answer is yes and no like I mentioned just before that exchange the Rebellion suppression was against Western Nobles who were rumored to have conspired against Lambert Dimitri's depravity is revealed because he is fighting those who he believes are responsible for the tragedy he doesn't have that much to go off of but he knows that the discurians themselves aren't responsible for killing Lambert but they were scapegoated and the culprits within the kingdom territory lie here Dimitri believes that by killing his enemies here he is doing his work to avenge his murdered family who demand body after body in the name of Revenge next consider the times before the War Phase where his sadism reveals itself ramire Village the chaotic and depraved imagery of villagers murdering one another with those who Slither in the dark observing from afar it triggers Dimitri into reliving the tragedy once more and he is unable to suppress his desire to deliver the brutal Vengeance on those who decapitated his father they charge in without any plan whatsoever beasts all of them the experiment is over kill them [Applause] [Music] no I will cut you to shreds the next instance is against Solon where Dimitri swears to avenge his supposedly trapped Professor with no chance to see them again the unmasking of the flame Emperor and the realization that edelgaard the only family Dimitri had left besides Rufus had not only betrayed him but had been implicated in the tragedy as well and consequently had been deceiving him this entire time Dimitri isn't always violent and he doesn't necessarily struggle to hide his violent urges either on any given day in the academy phase I don't believe he hides it he's able to suppress his sadism because well he genuinely is someone who would rather settle things peacefully but when it comes to the subject of Vengeance and dispatching that Vengeance in an equivalent manner to how his family was killed The psychosis overwhelms him and there's nothing to be done to Reign it in he must try to appease the voices that Claw at him to not let their deaths be in vain Dimitri denies nothing to Felix because the fact is Dimitri acknowledges his depravity as being real just as much as his sanity is also real Dimitri is not the only one affected by this tragedy though like I said rodrigue lost his son Felix lost his brother and Ingrid lost her fiancee but they don't swear Vengeance against those responsible and are certainly not obsessed with Revenge as Dimitri is a massive part of Felix's characterization is his unwillingness to dwell on his brother's murder and to keep fighting on Ingrid copes by remembering Glenn as a heroic Knight rodrigue must bury his desire for justice because he needs to run his own kingdom and care for his own family yet Dimitri copes by seeking Revenge but there is more Nuance behind his motivation than revenge in its simplest form in order for us to even begin dissecting his own motivations a much deeper emotional understanding of Dimitri is needed past what the academy phase and the C and B supports can provide The Compassion Spectrum if you were to put Dimitri's compassion on a spectrum and label the left side as for the living and the right side as for the dead Academy Dimitri would place in the middle he very much cares about those around him and has a questionable sense of self-preservation he is incredibly kind to others and careful not to offend them and takes criticism of his person on the nose and generally aims to please he doesn't have self-confidence issues but his sense of self-worth is a work in progress the day my father was killed I saw the swine who did it they were not of dusker I saw that knew it Beyond a doubt and yet I was unable to prevent the massacre that followed him nor could I clear away the dishonor of regicide that has unjustly clung to you and your people I will not rest until I make up for that I owe you just as I owe the spirits of those I let die I do consider fogas to be abhorrent but you are an exception you offered me your hand and pulled me out from an abyss of suffering and death to do you say that I saved you but do you know that you also saved me that day if I had been unable to save anyone I would have been the sole survivor I would have had no reason to keep living but I saved Someone Saved you that and that alone has always been my crutch when I stood before those soldiers and their swords that day I was prepared to die but then you suddenly appeared shielded me here we see that Dimitri is willing to risk his own body for a complete stranger he's never met before for a mental reprieve from the tragedy of dusker Dimitri saved the Dew in 1176 likely shortly after the tragedy occurred in the first place this action is a far cry from the sadism displayed in the Rebellion that occurred two years afterwards for the living he'll throw his body on the line as a sacrifice for others for the Dead who have no control he must serve them just as posthumously by doing to the criminals what they did to those they killed this way of life for the Young Prince was seared into him upon hearing Lambert's last words I saw the same flames of Torment just four years ago in dusker [Applause] yeah the pain make the burning stop help me somebody Avengers those who killed us tear them apart destroy them all ah at first glance it seems rather obvious Dimitri must Avenge the dead because Lambert explicitly told him to but would you believe me if I told you that Lambert never actually said this despite Dimitri claiming he vividly remembers every moment of that event he is an unreliable narrator every instance of Lambert's mention outside of Dimitri's own ones describes Lambert as a noble and kind man who doesn't seem to wish harm on anyone displaying the same sense of compassion towards everyone as the present Dimitri displays towards his friends secondly Dimitri describes the ghosts and voices of Lambert Glenn and Patricia as unrelenting spirits who push Dimitri more and more to avenge them no matter what he does no matter how many bodies he piles up this runs opposite of how all of these characters actually are Dimitri being an unreliable narrator about Lambert's death points out that the voices Dimitri hears in his head are not actually there there are no souls in his mind torturing him avenging the dead is something Dimitri himself believes must happen because turning such heinous injustices into Justice is heartfelt even if it is with extreme prejudice the voices are how his mind makes sense of that and how he can justify such a belief to himself he is not the one saying that everyone must die it's Souls of those killed injustly therefore it is compassionate and right to do this even if it hurts his allies and himself the dead cannot fight for their cause so it falls on the only one who can and he must deliver that Justice in the same way the opposite was delivered as if the only way to bring balance to the imagery of Lambert's severed head is to return the favor with Adel guards it is Dimitri's desire to help those in need that forces him to fight for his dead family and friends and Grant the Vengeance that they desperately cling on to him for out the year at the Academy this relatively equal balance shifts more and more to a deteriorating sense of self-control self-preservation and empathy for the living He develops headaches seeing hermeyer Village burned he disregards bileth and dadu's concerns and instead spends more time alone by sneaking out late into the night to try to get evidence of wrongdoing he has delusions that those voices truly are the souls of those who died at dusker and is hearing them more often than normal lastly he starts having extremely violent and emotional reactions to Solon and the flame Emperor than should be called for deny it as he might but over the course of the year the prince's mind starts to lose its grip on reality with each successive relapse becoming more extreme in reality it was only a matter of time the reveal of the flame Emperor was merely the final push adelgard's treachery is the moment where Dimitri's thirst for Revenge becomes all he desires this reveal is the last major Revelation Dimitri experiences throughout his Academy phase Journey for Revenge the thing is edelgard being the flame Emperor isn't what causes his complete mental breakdown in the beginning of the war phase but it does set the stage for it while Dimitri is adamant that edelgard is now responsible for the tragedy even though he has no proof it'll guard nonetheless becomes his Target for brutal Vengeance for his family however the flame Emperor was seen with Talus prior to this and he heard the emperor condemn his actions if nothing else she is playing accomplice to the tragedy which Dimitri himself asserts earlier in the academy phase while edelgard may not be the murderer Dimitri thinks she is and may not agree with those who Slither in the dark the fact is she is complicit with their crimes at dusker and their ongoing evils add on to that that such a treasured family member a source of Dimitri's happier times knew all along who caused the tragedy and did nothing completely betraying Dimitri's trust and reality even was too much for him to manage some sort of Twisted joke as famous of a line it is signifies the hardest relapse into Dimitri's depraved side but this moment is not what brings Dimitri into the long-term psychosis seen in the War Phase it's what comes afterward dear forecast greetings this is Dimitri Alexandra Blakey I just wanted to say that I'm really quite enjoying your presentation about me thus far it is certainly pleasing to my eye you want to visit the kingdom sometime and show it to the rest of us I'll have you know that I have in fact liked this video and clicked subscribe as well and I do hope you continue with this series sincerely Dimitri Alexandra blakefield king of folks yes I like your name it sounds an awful lot like Vargas was that intentional War Phase part one five years of hate finally after a half decade of Torment it happened I found him uh I fear his deep hatred and the weight of his Solitude have consumed him for far too long we must bring him back from The Edge on which he stands this is a line uttered by Gilbert in chapter 14. while grateful to see bileth endometri alive Gilbert is heartbroken at what the prince has become Dimitri has spent five years escaping the grasp of the Empire and five years ruminating on his Vengeance against edelgaard interestingly because of the multiple paths to take in three houses Dimitri's fate after the assault on Garrick mock plays out differently finding the distinctions between them helps us understand how this isolation has destroyed Dimitri's mental state in Crimson flower Dimitri does not spend years in solitude and instead Reya and the church and Knights of Cerros find refuge in the Kingdom with Reya and the church able to support Dimitri in the aftermath of the flame Emperor's reveal Dimitri is eventually able to Reign it in and Rule the Kingdom with Reya alongside him so it isn't the flame Emperor reveal itself that is the straw that broke the camel's back azer Moon of course plays out differently after the Empire destroyed the church Dimitri was imprisoned for alleged regicide against his Uncle Rufus this was a setup by Cornelia to gain complete control over the kingdom which would be now called the fargus dukedom and serve edelgaard Didu secured Dimitri's escape from execution and in time the exiled Prince is left alone to ruminate every single day on his singular goal of revenge against edelgaard Dimitri invertent win plays out similarly but I will highlight this later part two all love lost earlier I talked about the compassion Spectrum where Dimitri's affinity for compassion lies as it wrestles between caring for the living and the dead upon being discovered it is learned very quick that this isolation has severely skewed Dimitri's compassion away from the living what's more is Dimitri's own self-worth has been even more diminished and he merely views himself a pawn for which the dead possess Dimitri is nearly entirely contemptuous for the living and has no patience for them your highness I have been following news of your whereabouts for a while now I am relieved to have finally found you do not call me that I am not a prince but a Walking Corpse I understand feeling impatient your highness but patience is key at a time like this if we fix up our base it will improve morale which will be sorely needed as we fools stay up please calm yourself your highness we are not your enemies my enemies say the same what happened to him it's like he's a completely different person when Gilbert says the way he's behaving it's as though he's being haunted by some unseen Force he's not exactly wrong Dimitri suffers at the whims of the voices he hears and it falls on him to carry out their wishes and this perspective generally compels him to act in their interests however even at the beginning of the war phase Dimitri does show glimpses of something resembling the values he held onto before included in the list of people he must fight for are still the weak and the defenseless while he deems himself as more or less dead and someone who would willfully come down to the rat's level of Thieves and brigands he would do it if it meant stopping their Injustice as if to say he's delivering their karma so this is all to say that even though he fights to avenge the dead he also fights to avenge the weak and defenseless the small pockets of a more compassionate side of Dimitri can come out but as we will soon see it's as if Dimitri himself doesn't believe he deserves to have this acknowledged even from his own mouth or from anybody else what is the meaning of this [Music] the Dimitri you once knew is dead All That Remains is the repulsive blood-stained monster you see before you if you do not approve of what I have become then kill me if you insist that you cannot then I will continue to use you and your friends until the flesh Falls from your bones notice how Dimitri deems his allies as mere tools to further his family's goals also that he treats himself as merely a vessel to carry out the wishes of the Dead Dimitri doesn't hate the living he has cold indifference for them a one-eyed demon so it's you you're the one who's been going around killing the Imperial troops what is it to you you bastard life is worthless to you isn't it you took the words from my mouth General the only thing that matters is to appease the dead to listen and to always remember Lambert Glenn Patricia and even the dues cries for vengeance against edelgaard in the Empire not like Glenn I swear it any love I once had for my step-sister has been tossed aside only hatred remains if I could tear that woman to shreds right this very moment I would I don't care if she's the emperor it's no different than killing anyone else all of you do not worry about my resolve please father a new two-stepmother do not gaze at me with that look in your eyes I will bring you her head soon and when I do you may finally rest in peace I know it yes I know it we should make haste and prepare to move out at once I must kill her as soon as possible [Music] we have no time to leisurely set up camp if I must I will go by myself this perspective not only causes him to behave in incredibly Brazen acts of endangerment and destruction but to engage in unreasonably partisan philosophical arguments about the value of Life Death the living and the dead or now that your life is at its end will you hold to the lie that your hands are not stained red with blood this this war I did what I had to for the empire for the people for my family [Music] so you are piling up corpses for the people and your family and I am doing the same for the Salvation of the Dead after all is said and done we are both murderers both stained both monsters you're wrong [Music] am I This Is War every last one of us has lost someone we care for but we all choose to suppress our anger and grief and go right on living do you know why that's right all the boar is accomplishing is stacking up more Corpses tell me Felix if the dead are Beyond reach is it not also pointless to mourn or even bury those who are lost Dimitri clashes with Randolph and Felix Randolph believes his cause is Noble because he is fighting for the Empire and the future of his loved ones and because Dimitri is so depraved he must be the enemy of humanity Dimitri's Counterpoint is that he disregards the living and does the exact same thing as Randolph is doing except it's for the dead they're both blood-stained monsters on one hand Randolph is Right Dimitri is an enemy to humanity because Dimitri hardly has any Humanity left for anyone or anything Felix's claim that they are not in it for Dimitri's sake conveys that Dimitri's apathetic self-destructive behavior is quite visibly a threat to their own lives not just in that Dimitri outright tells bileth that he will use them and the others until he gets what he wants even if they die in the process but his wild and unpredictable Behavior will have dire consequences to their mission whole analyzing how the others in this Army try to understand tolerate and reach out to Dimitri is fascinating it is as Felix tells bileth not everyone on Dimitri's side is here fighting for the sake of their lost king or country many side with the church like the knights and the church members of course others like lycythia are opposed to the Empire and have interests that happen to line up with that of Dimitris but need to tolerate his crazy Antics because they simply don't have a choice however there are just a handful of individuals directly important to Demetrius growth who will confront him out of love for who he was and guilt for what he has become these characters share a deep relationship with him it is their actions and responses to his ways which will eventually steer him back to the right path part three allies let's talk about bileth while bileth takes the reins of the Army and the role of acting Archbishop for the church they are also asked to watch over Dimitri and to prevent him from going too far while bileth is not known for insightful commentary Dimitri does show more dependence on his former Professor than on others he doesn't immediately throw bileth out when they return to Garrick Mock and find him in the monastery he also yells out to the professor to get down when Randolph changes his AI during their fight against him indicating that unreasonable disgust for bileth and their friends isn't a hundred percent genuine and instead his humanity is not entirely vanished forever while Dimitri may make threats to bileth and be very reluctant to speaking with them the valuable relationship they built at the Academy phase still exists deep within him Dimitri's Humanity in this Arc will be explored later however if I might offer some criticism in the analysis here this is about as far as they get in helping get through to the Lord due to their lack of commentary or defined personality as an avatar there is not much they do to confront Dimitri meaningfully often it's as simple you should calm down or keep a hold of yourself which yeah telling that to the man who wants revenge against the people who murdered his family and ruined his life and has spent five years in isolation waiting for his opportunity is not very helpful this would not really be a problem if the narrative did not play off bileth as the key reason why Dimitri finally goes after Redemption but it heavily relies on their relationship with him in the academy phase to carry it really if you thought about it someone like to do or Felix could have been the one present at the your hands are warm scene and it still would work if not work more but I have digressed long enough bileth does at least talk with Dimitri and guides him from certain death during gameplay Gilbert in the War Phase Gilbert takes the role of Dimitri's strategist and guardian due to deduce absence these two already have a strong connection dating back to even Dimitri's birth Gilbert's knowledge of the world around him informing Dimitri and bilath to see rodrigue providing the choice between taking back ferdiad or taking on enbar and generally being The Mastermind to think of what comes next his knowledge of the world around him and his personal philosophy challenges Dimitri in a few ways Gilbert presses Dimitri to return to ferdiad to liberate the Kingdom from Cornelius tyranny and the Empire's oppression he is also one of the few characters in the game who isn't afraid to discuss sensitive philosophical issues if you believe the Legends this Valley is evidence of the goddess's judgment passed on Humanity for its corruption the forest that once covered the surrounding area was burnt to Ash by a pillar of light that descended from the heavens that Legend fueled belief in a place of Torment between our world and the next where one's sins are purified in the cleansing flames nonsense sins are not so easily washed away indeed and there are no accounts of such a place in scripture yet those who cannot face their own sins have no choice but to cling to the idea I wouldn't call Gilbert helpless in the struggle to get Dimitri back but he needs to rely on bileth and by extension rodrigue because he straight up completely busy trying to string together strategies for upcoming battles later in the video we will talk about the support chain because it is incredibly important where bileth Gilbert and even Felix share a close relationship to the prince they are all Limited in how capable they are to fix Dimitri bileth is relentlessly ineffective Gilbert is busy orchestrating the war effort and Felix is too aggressively partisan in their arguments for either of them to break through to each other or concede any point of each other and is unwilling to show empathy to his face but Felix's father rodrigue shares an especially close and unique relationship the history behind these two go way back rodrigue was Lambert's best friend from growing up in the officers Academy together to becoming a trusted confidante during Lambert's various political campaigns when Lambert was killed the responsibility for Dimitri's upbringing lay largely onto him before Lambert had even left for dusker rodrigue promised him that should anything happen to him where Lambert would no longer be around and Dimitri started to go down the wrong path rodrigue would be the one to set him straight needless to say rodrigue is incredibly important to Dimitri's life growing up and certainly taught him the value of chivalry Knighthood and leadership as he himself is a model example of what a Regal man of fargas should be pardon my rudeness I meant Lord rodrigue he is my father's old companion and the father of Felix on the occasions he would visit the capitol he'd take me out hunting or on long horse rides while to do is like a brother to me rodrigue is more like a second father it might sound ridiculous but he's the kind of man I hope to become one day someone who helps others someone who can reach out and save a lost soul in chapter 15 rodrigue finally reunites with his adoptive son after a pleasant exchange things quickly get aggressive between the two rodrigue believes it is best for them to free ferdiad and put an end to Cornelius tyranny while Dimitri believes it'd be a waste of time and they should pursue edelgard and they must go to anbar instead ultimately Dimitri's word is the rule and despite the Kingdom's people being in Dire Straits they decide to pursue the Empire head on the discussion gets heated your highness verdiad is in a terrible state right now the Tyranny is unbearable and so the rebellions are endless refugees starved to death in the streets if I may speak freely your highness we should change course for ferdiad and take down those traitors before we Embark to anbar there's no time for that we must annihilate enbar before all else think this through I understand wanting to destroy the Empire and the emperor I want that so much it hurts but which is more important the dead or the living silence no Dimitri you will hear me out are you asking me asking the dead to forgive that woman no I would not ask that of you what I am asking is that you allow us to prioritize the Kingdom capital over the imperial capital for now as Lambert's close and trusted friend I am confident that he would have advised the same do not dare to put words in the mouths of the Dead they are your words alone even if you borrow their lips until I offer up that woman's head father will remain a slave to his lingering regret and hatred even now he suffers as we waste time with Idol chatter his suffering continues you are my king our King Wherever You Lead we will follow what's your highness there are those who take up their sword in the name of Revenge and yet along the way lose the strength and composure to follow through do well to bear that in mind the value behind this exchange is twofold this entire conversation shows us that despite Dimitri's apathy towards well nearly everyone he respects rodrigue and at the end of their dispute over Lambert's wishes he calls him a friend after he gives the Arid bar to him an extremely compassionate gesture that rodrigue had to struggle to obtain in the first place secondly Rodriguez words are foreshadowing for what is to come there are those who take up their sword in the name of Revenge and yet along the way lose their strength and composure to follow through you would do well to bear that in mind what is implied here is that Dimitri's fixation on Revenge will begin to crumble and he will lose sight of his purpose Dimitri react to this by looking down and saying nothing the truth is Dimitri doesn't disagree and internally knows rodrigue to be right deep down Rodriguez introduction and statement marks the impetus of a slow and gradual decline of Dimitri's value in his self-ascribed singular purpose in life his revenge as well as his contempt towards the well-being of himself his allies and even his enemies in other words Dimitri is returning to the center of the compassion Spectrum part four the diminishing Flame on their way to enbar Dimitri squares off against Imperial soldiers led by General ladislava alongside Laurens who is leading the faction of the Leicester Alliance siding with the Empire as well as Lord akaran before the battle Dimitri has yet another ideological clash with his peers this time opposing Felix and bileth bileth fails to prove a point against Dimitri and Felix aggressively chimes in but the argument itself doesn't get very far Dimitri will always argue in favor of the Dead's voice and Vengeance where Felix refuses to acknowledge his point and instead insists that avenging the dead is an arbitrary task Felix doesn't believe that we should be consumed with revenge for fallen loved ones and Dimitri makes a counter example that people do take the wishes of the dead into consideration when we mourn them and have them buried Felix dismisses him but not necessarily because he disagrees entirely but because Dimitri is so far gone that arguing at this point is completely useless and he gets frustrated that he and his peers need to constantly deal with him and try to rein him in Felix also foreshadows Dimitri's downfall warning bileth that this entire operation is a ticking Time Bomb for disaster look no further than Dimitri's monumentally undignifying end in verdant wind ultimately nothing that anyone says to Dimitri is able to truly rein him in Gilbert and rodrigue don't seem to have the Vigor or time to engage with him at this level bileth can only helplessly try to get him to calm himself and Felix can only get so far arguing with him it all seems hopeless except in the very same chapter Rodriguez and Felix's forewarnings are coming to fruition several important things happen after the battle at the bridge beginning with Dimitri's end map quote saying it's all a farce in a melancholic tone instead of his usual manic ravings this quote is then expanded upon in the ending cut scene as bileth asks if he regrets killing them idiots embracing death for the sake of that woman truly foolish [Music] I I don't know [Music] they were just beasts with human faces I had no choice but to kill them and so I did that that is all there is to it I believe it is true that Dimitri doesn't regret killing them as it was necessary for them to survive and continue but what is happening is that Dimitri is becoming less apathetic to the living He questions the motives of the soldiers instead of outright ignoring them and hesitates when he said he had to kill them Dimitri believes his purpose in life is to avenge the victims of the tragedy of dusker by stacking up as many bodies as possible to view the living as mere tools for his goal is necessary to keep going there are two other key moments in chapter 16 which point to Dimitri's Humanity if to Do's paralog in the academy phase was completed he will rely in Meriden as a reinforcement the following exchange occurs directly after the battle I want to behold the moment your wish is finally granted to do course and in exchange I ask that you swear something to me here and now do not ever throw your life away again understood your highness understood even though dadu's appearance is technically optional this exchange once again appeals to Dimitri's Humanity for the first time Dimitri outright tells someone else that his life is valuable and meaningful to him to do in contrast to nearly everyone else is to his own admittance worth protecting and preserving this gesture of Brotherly Love shows us that Dimitri's contempt is not as infallible as he makes it seem it is also contradictory to how Dimitri wishes to exist in a world as reprehensible as he believes it to be if he views himself and everyone has mere tools for the fallen's Revenge he should not feel any sense of self-preservation or preservation of those around him but to do represents so much more than just a friend to do you say that I saved you but do you know that you also saved me that day if I had been unable to save anyone I would have been the sole survivor I would have had no reason to keep living but I saved Someone Saved you that and that alone has always been my crutch listen to do perhaps you consider me to be somewhat special but I think the same of you you are irreplaceable cherished so stop saying that we cannot be friends stop saying such awful things if rodrigue is Dimitri's non-biological father to do is his non-biological brother the influence of his second family has no doubt rescued Dimitri from his despair in the past and their influence is starting to pull him from his Insanity once more part 5 a father's hope now before I talk about rodrigue's death and the flesh cut scene I should preface that I'm not a terribly huge fan of the execution behind it what I instead want to focus on is the impact of what rodrigue death has despite the contrived scenarios the writers created after Dimitri defeats edelgard on grinderfield she Retreats and Dimitri wants to chase after her but in the midst of their argument fleish the maiden who believes he killed her brother Randolph appears from the bushes and attacks him with a knife after fleece delivers the first stab Dimitri could have easily perried and killed fleish himself this would not be the first time Dimitri has been injured but for some reason Dimitri decides to allow flesh to continue injuring him until Rodriguez steps in takes a lethal Blow from fleish and bileth then kills her it's unlikely that Dimitri was so injured that he could not have moved after that first strike Dimitri is canonically superhumanly strong and needless to say well gets up immediately afterward like nothing happened so what happened here why did he just sit there and take it your highness are you safe please tell me it wasn't in vain it's punishment it's mine to bear Dimitri does not fear death it is a fate he has long thought he deserved for Flash who is fueled by revenge for her Fallen brother this Vengeance would serve as The Equalizer with this punishment he would join his father instead of constantly being subject to his beck and call Dimitri's infallible Iron Will has been dwindling away since Rodriguez joined him in AOL his warning back then has come to fruition and it's come down to this but rodrigue wasn't giving up on Dimitri nor was he going to let his best friend down Dimitri initially treats his death as a sacrifice to him and in this perspective starts to panic if rodrigue Will joined the ranks of the Dead who will stalk him rodrigue however is still alive and his dying words are from his mouth alone your highness you have one thing terribly wrong none of them none of us died for you I'm dying for what I believe in just as they did your life is your own it belongs to no other living or dead live for what you believe in Dimitri my boy you really do look just like his majesty Lambert Dimitri Glenn none of them died so that Dimitri might live they died for what they believed in more importantly for Dimitri to understand however is that they lived for what they believed in their life was their own Above All Else Dimitri must let go of the cleaning voices of the dead and put himself first Rodriguez death is so impactful that Dimitri starts to have an existential crisis let us hearken back to when geralt was killed I don't believe it's a sign of strength to just keep moving forward no matter what taking the time to grieve for those we've lost their strength in that too that's what I think anyway that said it's also important to remember that no matter how sad you are eventually your tears will dry up that's when you have to figure out what it is you're living for then you can cling to that with all your might and start moving forward again [Music] four years ago in dusker I experience the same pain you're feeling now my father was the strongest man I knew someone I loved and admired deeply that day he was killed before my eyes his head severed clean off my stepmother the kindest person I had ever known left me behind and disappeared into the infernal Flames everyone who I considered precious my family and my closest friends I couldn't save any of them not a single one now the burden of the work they left behind falls on me I must ensure they have no regrets that's my duty as the sole survivor of the tragedy it's a heavy burden but accepting it gave me the strength to pick myself up off the ground and start moving again start living again Gerald is gone so what will you do now professor what must you do look deep in your heart and I'm certain you'll find the answer there indelible and inescapable if Dimitri is to swear by his own advice back then it is clear that he feels very weak right now he is trying to bury his emotions and his desire to liberate himself from his survivor's guilt he is trying to keep moving forward with vengeance no matter how disconnected from that goal he really is but if he accepts his true feelings he no longer has a purpose in life until bileth tells him those who died with lingering regret they will not lose their hold on me so easily but you seem to have all the answers so tell me professor tell me how do I silence their desperate pleas how do I how do I save them ever since that day nine years ago I have lived only to avenge the Fallen my time at the officers Academy was also that I could secure my revenge and clear away the regret of the Dead it was the only thing that kept me alive my only reason to keep moving forward [Music] but then who or what should I live for what I believe in Rodriguez said the same thing but is it possible I am a murderous monster my hands are stained red could one such as I truly hope for such a life as the sole survivor of that day do I do I have the right to live for myself [Music] foreign s are so warm have they always been live for what you believe in exact words demanded by rodrique before his passing upon hearing these words uttered by bileth again Dimitri realizes what he must do next [Music] Redemption phase part one The Chosen way with his Stone Wall built from contempt apathy and revenge smashed to pieces from the death of a father's final words and the final blow dealt from his old Professor Dimitri finally yields to the humanity buried deep within him as his allies deliberate on their next move the prince emerges I know that no amount of regret can ever bring back the lives we have lost I I know that well like patching up a tear with a different material things can never be as they were the best I can hope for is to make things whole again I wish to do the right thing from now on that is why I have made a decision I intend to take back the Kingdom capital I wish to save our people those who I turned my back on for far too long follow my heart and do the right thing the only way I can atone for my sins my life is my own it belongs to no one else and it is high time that I started Living For What I believe in I will no longer allow the voices of the Dead to bind me this is something that I must do no something that I am choosing to do I will accomplish my aim even if it means risking my life to do so these words uttered by Dimitri brings Rodriguez words in Full Circle Dimitri's manic obsession with Revenge was never purely his own deep down buried he wanted to save his people he wanted to protect the weak and defenseless like he had always done but his guilt the voices and the psychological Damage Done from the tragedy seeing Lambert's head ripped clean off it grabbed hold of that compassion Twisted it into something horrible and pulled it far from where it ought to be part two renewed not returned we often believe and often are told by the characters themselves that Dimitri went back to normal however in understanding who Dimitri is at his core I argue that that is not the case the prince from the academy days bent on Revenge and the prince who is trying to atone for his cruelty are not the same Dimitri is not suddenly cured of his psychosis either his survivor's guilt even the voices are still there the boar still resides within him as well consider Dimitri's tone against Cornelia the preparations are all in place time to meet my old Master ready the tightness in the streets let's give them a Welcome To Remember advance smash that traitor Cornelia and reclaim the capital I will not lose I swear it by the blood in my veins his violent tendencies still remain they do not manifest themselves in grotesque depravity but it is uncorrect to suggest that he's 100 cured of his Mental Illness but wait if he has neither returned to normal or truly separated himself from his violent side what has Dimitri become really what even is normal for this man everyone is saying His Highness is back to his old self but I do not think that is accurate what he was until recently is what he had been for as long as I've known him so tortured by his compassion for the Fallen that it had driven him mad he has always been too kind to be king he has always felt too much for the weak and the dead that is exactly why I look up to him Dimitri in the academy phase was a young and compassionate Prince fueled by Vengeance and hatred against those responsible for the tragedy despite his charismatic and happy demeanor a depraved manifestation of his compassion would lay dormant until those feelings would overcome him Dimitri in the first half of the War Phase was a contemptuous and depraved person whose compassion was tightly gripped by the voices of the Fallen leaving next to nothing for those fighting alongside him he had no time or patience to care for the living it was all postulating to him Dimitri now is a compassionate Prince awaiting his coronation who decided that he will fight for the well-being and freedom of those who are weak and vulnerable who will atone for his actions and honor the dead in a productive way to fight to preserve his life and that of others instead of going on brazenly destructive Rampages at the cost of his own life and last but not least with a renewed heart in mind how would Dimitri think of edelgaard now that said I must point out that if we make for 30 Ed the emperor's head will slip further Out Of Reach can you live with that still hold hatred in my heart for her and for the once responsible for the tragedy that I will carry with me until death Tallis Solon and cronya were in service to edelgard's Future the death knight answered to her and she nonetheless assisted Cornelia into turning the kingdom into a dukedom that trampled upon the freedoms of his people she may not have been directly responsible for the ramire Calamity or the tragedy but she is undeniably an accomplice but because Dimitri's people chose to accept him as their King despite him turning his backs on them having to kill his own soldiers and Dimitri believing himself irredeemable for his past Deeds his people accepted him as their savior there is much to do but it is all critical work if we hope to stand a chance against the empire yes I am well aware I believe we have spoken of this before everyone has something they simply cannot accept as for adelgard I am certain she will never be able to accept the Church of seros I believe that is why she seeks to destroy it is looking to revolutionize the world in her mind for the better but even if she manages to birth a new world it would be at the cost of no I wish to end this war through acceptance not Annihilation just as my people accepted me I wish dearly to accept her but I fear Dimitri looks at edelgaard still as an enemy but he no longer sees her as a Monster who must die with this Clarity comes the chance to speak with one another not about who is responsible for the tragedy or what she's done in the past but a conversation in hopes to settle this war through peaceful coexistence I at this point Dimitri has all but won the war they reclaimed fargus absorbed the alliance and are knocking right in front of enbar's doorstep this is an olive branch to spare edelgard's Army and even herself sadly while the discussion at enbar ends up being a philosophical Clash about how this war should end and how people should be governed their conversation ends relatively amicably there is only one thing left to do and the war once and for all Dimitri is ready to kill edelgard for the sake of Peace in their final Clash against each other Dimitri once again tries to reach out for edelgar's hand only to have his kindness backfire in her last ditch effort to kill him despite saying he has no compassion for her upon seeing her hegemon form he still believes that eilgard herself could be redeemed but that is not the case Dimitri finishes this war by killing edelgaard with the very same gift given from Dimitri to encourage the young woman to carve a path for what she believes in it is used to sever the their relationship and the act of leaving the dagger behind serves as edelgaard's path coming to an end [Music] [Music] l Ines [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] look [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] part three atonement what the story shows is redeemed Dimitri at his absolute best shouldering the burden of restoring a rotten Kingdom leading the war effort and taking initiative in beginning to atone for what he's done upon such an epiphany he once again begins to connect with his allies he comes off so much more mentally stronger than not even Cornelius taunts as she Lay Dying calling him pitiable and weak can get to him not even learning that Patricia may have conspired against his father to leave him is enough to cause him to relapse back into a manic State yes he is visibly emotionally hurt by what he was told but he keeps fighting he's already hit rock bottom and while it's a cliche he can only go up from here even comparing Dimitri from Crimson flower this Dimitri is more compassionate to edelgaard to the point of reaching out to her and wanting to accept her that's pretty remarkable he chooses to focus on the living his kingdom and himself and if I were to look at the compassion Spectrum again I'd say he has surpassed the equilibrium he managed to maintain in his younger days while he constantly looks forward to the future as King in the main campaign he is chronically reflecting and dwelling on his past sins on one hand he claims to have released himself of the demands of the Fallen yet on the other he is still marred by them because Redemption is a process and he's only just started it from abandoning his country and people in their time of need for five years to unmercifully murdering his enemies and becoming a target of Vengeance himself Dimitri deems himself Unforgivable [Music] do not forget that I abandoned them and fled once as well you had no choice if you had remained in a capital you would have been killed I'm so dark and gloomy you're gonna end up looking just like Father Annette you probably do not realize but over those five years I took many many lives I slaughtered generals and officials alike with brutality you would scarcely think a human was capable of and as I have intensified my fight with the Empire how many people have fallen in the capital my hands are already dripping with blood I cannot be forgiven you really are a lot more like father than I am kind soul Mercedes I think you're kind too Dimitri sometimes to a fault find me no not at all I am just a killer a disgusting monster but why do you kill for the sake of your loved ones those who have passed real monsters kill for selfish reasons they're incapable of expressing sorrow when they kill so please don't call yourself a monster I I am scared so scared that I will forget their faces who I have killed cannot let myself forget them I know that and yet whatever my feelings it is all the act of a monster sometimes you have an animal's face contorted with anger and bloodlust at other times a man's with a friendly smile which is your true face do not waste your breath on questions with such obvious answers they are both the real me father my friends Glenn they all meant a great deal to me and they were all brutally slaughtered I alone survived if I do not shoulder the anguish and regret they must have felt who will he may claim that his life is his own now but such guilt does not just wash away the difference is he now has the mind to look back at what he's done with shame instead of contempt in the face of so much guilt and self-loathing on this Road to Redemption Demetrius faced with two options [Music] I often think the same of myself especially after battles where many lives were lost I must go on living I cannot give in to death so readily it is my duty to atone from my sins and to pay for the lives I've taken I suppose that must be why the goddess allows me to live on is there a reason she allows me to live only you can know that but I believe there is a reason everyone says that I need to cheer up you may be the first person to tell me not to your life must also be difficult for you to understand my position so it is I often feel I am not strong enough to live it for Dimitri to continue to live he must remember what he's done and force himself to persevere but in remembering the boundless guilt and shame he must atone for another option always looms like a shadow Dimitri's relationship with the dead after all of this analysis I believe is adequately explained however his own mortality has only been explored once Dimitri was prepared to be killed by fleish he treated it like a punishment which he deserved throughout his manic desire for Revenge Dimitri's self-loathing and self-destruction contributed to his belief that death will come for him regardless if he accomplishes his goal or not and In the Flesh scene he merely accepted it now however death presents an alternative value an easy out to atonement Dimitri battles with thoughts of suicide this is no more apparent than in his support chain with Gilbert another character on a journey of atonement constantly feeling overwhelmed by his own guilt and shame their B support begins with Gilbert requesting that Dimitri take less risks on the battlefield in fear that he may be killed Dimitri appreciates his discretion but refutes that he is good for nothing but war and that this is his way of contributing to their Victory but hearing this upsets Gilbert it reminds him that Dimitri is a spitting image of Lambert both would rather dive head first into battle on the front lines but the comparison reminds him of his failure to protect him and in that failure it's changed Dimitri too much you grow more like him with each day's passing and in you I am reminded of my failure and my duty to him do not wish to speak of that matter as I said before I feel no resentment toward you even so you have changed since that fateful day your highness perhaps too much I worry that in your pain you have locked away your true feelings your passion is dulled and you're bigger faded you want to hear my true feelings Gustav then let me ask you this why did you save my life that day why did you not allow me to die along with the others if you truly was to atone for your sins [Music] then take my life here and now ask me to perform the unthinkable you are the future of fargus your kingdom needs you alive that I was able to save you is my only sense of salvation your highness I repeat myself consider the value of your own life you continue risking all be it on the battlefield or by issuing mad orders such as this I will be forced to save you from yourself I see so you will continue to protect and serve me will you in that case when I assume the throne I will order you to work for me in the Kingdom your highness no please my father would be happy to see such a day perhaps I will ask you to instruct me further in the ways of battle when that time comes [Music] if I wish to atone from my sins I must take your life deception has never been your strong suit Dimitri you think I cannot see you must know I would take my own life before I let anyone harm you this comment by Gilbert provokes Dimitri to demand him to take his life in Dimitri's mind this would allow Gilbert to atone for his sin of leaving Dimitri to bear so much weight from being the sole survivor of the tragedy despite he himself being the one who saved him from certain death that day it is an ultimatum it is a startling request but Dimitri isn't lying or playing around he's dead serious but the act of Gilbert atoning in this way serves another purpose it's to allow for Dimitri himself to finally be at peace Dimitri wants an assisted suicide and he wants his longtime friend to kill him your demand that I take your life was sincere no matter how you might pretend otherwise it's two to view so you think you can see right through me do you I watched over you from the day you were born and that is why it pains me so to do this like taking the life of my own son I am sorry to burden you with this but you have my gratitude now make it quick yes [Music] you really are cruel man you believe death will bring an end to your torment that is nothing but an act of cowardice no matter how difficult no matter how painful your duty to your people is to continue fighting even if those who have died the many whose lives I have taken would rather see me dead many pray for your death however there are far more who need you here alive in fargus in the monastery in this Army and here standing before you to Bear your torment alongside you that your highness atonement Dimitri wanted to die here he even thanked him for doing this perhaps he believed that he couldn't do it himself so he wanted someone else to and Gilbert was the only one who could logically do it for him he really did come that close but Gilbert teaches him an important lesson a quick painless death may bring an end to his torment but it is cowardly and Dimitri has a duty to his people look at my hands they are shaking when I saw your sword swing before my eyes for the first time I did not wish to die many times I have felt that I cannot afford to die but this was the first time I truly feared the prospect tell me Gustav it's really right for me to live it is your highness it I thank you [Music] this is Dimitri at his most vulnerable in his Redemption Arc despite knowing that he has a duty to his people to protect them as well as the passion and drive to serve as king the despair endured from his past experiences and actions are such that they will never leave him behind he mentions here that he did not wish to die showing us that these are feelings he battles with often at the same time he admits that he cannot afford to die either showing us that he must do his best to persevere and ultimately he honestly doesn't know if he deserves this atonement and redemption in the first place the young man is torn between feelings of life and death sure Dimitri needs to defeat adelgard and the Empire and of course he needs to rule over fragus and reform the husk of what this Kingdom has become but he isn't afraid of these things his biggest enemy of all is himself but really the point and really what he needs to know is that he does have a reason to keep on living the point of his Redemption is not about him making things up and finding reparations for the lives he's taken what he must do is become a brand new Dimitri accept how compassionate he is and turn that compassion into strength and that's how he will become a great king final part looking to the Future I don't think many people if anyone expected Dimitri to be such a departure from how we've come to understand and even accept the traditional young charismatic and well-intentioned teenage Lord in Fire Emblem but Dimitri is truly a nuanced take on this archetype at the center of this Nuance is the tragedy of dusker a catastrophic event for fargus fodlin and Dimitri especially where the buck-based stop at overcoming some militant Force which drove someone like Marth away from his home Dimitri must not only take back his kingdom but he must choose above all else to accept himself yet despite the young man coming so far from the depths of Despair into a man who is trying his best to atone for his inhuman actions and repent for the lives he ripped away for the sake of Vengeance he is never truly free from the grasp of his loved ones it is a lovely night is it not how many years has it been since I was kept awake by hopes for the future rather than by Nightmares of the past I have had the same nightmare for nine long years a nightmare in which I am constantly tormented by those who have died they asked me why I have not Avenged them why I got to live yet they had to die no matter how many corpses I piled up for them in the end their voices only grew louder voices loathing me calling out to me they're inescapable death cries ringing in my ears clinging to my soul even now I can always hear them I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die but I will not cover my ears I will go on living and their voices will serve as a warning as a king and as a wretch who claimed countless lives I will build a kingdom where the people can live in peace I am sure she would laugh and call such talk foolish but I wish to change this world in my own way when you go down this path of atonement you're not going to feel satisfied with yourself if you're atoning for the dead you you can never truly turn back the hands of time and you can only move forward Dimitri however can atone by accepting himself to take that Fierce compassion he's always had and harness it to become newer and stronger not just back to normal and through that strength he is able to do amazing things he improves the living situation for Orphans improves foreign relations and even institutes a new form of government with a parliament to hear the voices of his people Dimitri's epilogue is a happy one and he's happy too and after all of this after all that's said and done if you ask me he deserves it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 405,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem three houses, dimitri fire emblem, dimitri supports, fe3h, fire emblem analysis, support science, dimitri fire emblem heroes, dimitri CYL4 builds, Dimitri feh, ghaststation, faerghast, edelgard, claude, three houses LP, blue lions fire emblem playthrough, blue lions ending, three houses cutscenes, three houses cutscenes japanese, three houses cutscenes male, three houses cutscenes black eagles, three houses cutscenes golden deer, brave dimitri fire emblem
Id: MbACngcWkEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 16sec (5116 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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