How to beat Fire Emblem 12 in the worst way possible

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i begin my fire m112 lunatic iron man by creating my customizable avatar character i choose to take advantage of the customization options by deciding not to use any of them i will proceed with the default name and portrait for my character build i decided to make chris into a knight for the background i choose priest child with a plus two defense then i choose beauty for the plus one base and ten percent growth for skill and speed and finally recluse for a plus fifteen percent strength growth i sally fourth and proceed to die in the prologue four times in a row lunatic difficulty is i need this game prologue one of the spyro emblem 12 lunatic iron man features only two enemies and even fewer decisions to make i defeat the first soldier and then move on to fight jagen the first boss fortunately to my understanding the first few prologue chapters in fire emblem 12 are secretly rigged so the bosses will never crit you so there is no chance of dying instantly on the first chapter by a one percent jagged crit i defeat him without much fanfare prologue 2 of this fire emblem 12 lunatic iron man is also barely a chapter because there is really only one way to play through it just like most of the prologue you start inside of a map that is so small that it is comparable in size to a new york city apartment that costs five thousand dollars a month luke targets ryan so i run him to a fort and he was a vulnerary while he does this i hit him with chris until he dies fortunately i am blessed with a great level up giving me the three speed i need to not get doubled by fighters prologue 3. i repeat the same process for roger to complete the chapter prologue 3 of this fire emblem 12 lunatic iron man can be accurately described as a knife fight in a phone booth with eight participants there is hardly any room to maneuver in this seven by nine tile map i formed my units into a tetris t-block formation and trade luke and roger's weapons this ensures that the ai will line up in a way that does not result in instant death i switch to a square formation and use voter race on everyone to survive the onslaught after manipulating the ais to my whims ceda uses her vast experience as one of the few survivors of the previous war to be defeated for xp prologue 4 of this fighter emblem 12 lunatic iron man gives us a choice between saying whether or not we are aware of prince mark's atrocities in the previous war the actual results of this question are not a war crimes tribunal but rather a choice between two maps and being able to recruit either gordon or athena for the prologue as a friend i choose to stay silent about the war crimes and recruit athena both in fear of retaliation and also because athena is a much more useful unit in the prologue in the actual chapter ryan crits the only archer of the map and then i use chris to brainlessly tank through the remainder of the enemies prologue 5 of the spiral emblem 12 lunatic iron man is quite difficult by this chapter even your stronger units can only take two hits before dying and some even get one shot the enemies are aggressive and have overlapping attack ranges often requiring some lucky dodges or intentional sacrifice i decide to use my less useful units as bait to divert attention and roger is successfully sacrificed for my technical benefit characters who die in the prologue do not die for real but i will have ample opportunity to kill them permanently when the main story starts up prologue 6 of this fire emblem 12 lunatic ironman is another few times when a fire and lung game offers you a meaningful choice here you can pick between fighting agma or drag recruiting the one that you fight for the rest of the prologue agma is the better unit but drag has an easier map so i decide to pick drought i arrange my units in a formation that leaders only the first two soldiers on the first turn this allows me to take down each of the enemies one by one without any losses prologue 7 of this fiber envel 12 lunatic iron man gives us another weird dialogue choice that decides a next map this time the choice is between recruiting either kane or est this time i decided to choose kane's map because it is much easier to funnel xp and chris there chris is quite strong by this point so i can just park him on the fork without thinking too hard i blocked the eastern fort with cedar to stop with pegasus knight reinforcement i cleared the map and by the end of the chapter i have gotten chris a level 10 and he has 18 defense chris's reputation for breaking the game in half is clearly well deserved prologue 8 of this fire island 12 lunatic iron man is perhaps one of the most difficult maps in the entire game it features cramped spaces powerful enemies weak player units and area based enemy aggression moving below this line will result in nearly every enemy attacking you all at once using aggressive turtling strategies i managed to make it to the last group without any casualties but then i decided to use kane as a guided missile to hit katarina and lure the last five enemies into rage after he gets vaporized in retaliation cecile ryan and america suffer similar fates for the greater good i make it out of the prologue with five losses but i am otherwise intact chapter one of this lunatic iron man sees all of her defeated comrades revive the dark necromantic spell however because the altean army lacks health insurance you are charged a fee 1000 gold per loss so we begin with only 5 000 gold i use this gold to buy two draco shows and give them to chris who will be doing most of the work for the early game i gave myself all the dlc items and decided to hold off on using the growth or bond drop for the time being and make sure to recruit marisha a cleric whose main personality traits include lusting after serial killer and being able to use the hammer and staff after being fatally wounded cecile luke and rodrick notice several person-shaped holes in the ground they recognize on an instinctual level that these holes are made for them and they crawl inside never to be seen again after witnessing this bizarre sight marth triggers lauren's self-destruct sequence by talking to him chapter two of his lunatic iron man introduces replacement units and also time travel the house everyone feature operates on real time and can be done for some pretty useful rewards such as free items and bonus xp if you mess with your system clock can greatly accelerate this process note that you cannot get any gold or level ups from this feature replacement units are generic characters with low stats given to you to fill your roster if you have lost too many units in fire end then 12 they are generally quite weak in this chapter we get two replacement units and also recruit catcher and cord or pretty good units that can be used for triangle attack shenanigans as i confront the first wave of enemy archers and cavaliers i feel charitable enough to recruit warren continuing my generous streak i proceeded to donate to warren drought gordon ryan brunel and dua's body is a science chapter three of his lunatic iron man features paula one of the best units in the game because of her early joining time superb basis and excellent growths she's even a part of the palace catcher s triangle attack that can be useful for taking down medius and lunatic difficulty keeping pilot alive is fairly complicated because she starts deep in enemy lines in order to ensure her safety you must litter a squad of jacunite south by sending someone to the west and then ah i forgot to move her um that that wasn't in the plan anyway so uh pal is dead in the meantime chris marches out into the sea to fight draconites and becomes sail he gets at level 20 and promotes into a berserker high kill mathis and recruit julian and borg now that the right-wing triangle attack is impossible the quarterboard bars triangle attack will likely be the next goal for my roster chapter 3x of this lunatic iron man is a guidance chapter in fire episode 12 instead of a death requirement there are alternative objectives or turn count requirements depending on the difficulty in lunatic mode chapter 3 x's requirements are to either complete the prologue without deaths or to be chapter 3 in under 38 turns it seems i have unintentionally met the term account requirements in this chapter the assassin clarice is hunting down all of martha's allies in the war of shadows meaning that she is trying to steal my job that will not do these assassins will also be added to my list this chapter features risk but i just leave him to die and instead focus on pumping more xp into chris versus demise sadly means that we will not have the option to shave chris's head a truly disastrous loss chapter four of this lunatic iron man features five recruitable characters who begin in dire straits yubello yulia ogma sirius and castor start on the other side of the map surrounded by thieves and pirates intent on killing them if i wanted to save them i could use yulia's rescue staff to teleport chris over to the other side but nah all of them die horribly i once again decided to send chris to fight everything on the map but a few enemies slipped through and they one shot catrio [Music] well chapter five of this lunatic iron man features ceda barst and the hammer staff we automatically get ceta who unfortunately is not as good in this game as she was in fire emblem 11 because a lack of strong wing spear targets i said board or chord i don't remember to recruit bars so i can complete the set for the axe fighter triangle attack the map has many fleeting thieves including rickard who i killed to get the vip card if i want to get the parthian early and an extra physics staff i could rush straight in with a paladin chris but fighting multiple mages and george who has a crit chance against chris is risky considering how many things went wrong in recent chapters i decided to take a safer route by using draconid chris to fly through the mountains and intercept the thieves without fighting the sniper squad using this strategy i managed to obtain the hammer staff safely and i end the chapter chapter 6 of this lunatic iron man sees the first serious use of time travel for actual benefit in the training grounds you can pay gold to fight an enemy and gain around 30 xp since i can accelerate the house everyone feature i can get free xp and then level up using the training grounds effectively allowing me to use it at 1 3 of the usual cost here i use their training bars to a usable level as the chapter starts following altean military doctrine i leave frey and norn behind and bait and hole up in the treasure room to fight the reinforcements unfortunately i get surprised as some enemies have long balls and they kill core rooting my triangle attack plans forever to soothe my frustration i also decided to kill off board who is now useless and also julian and ceta santos shows up with the starshard and i defeat him so i can grab it too the chapter ends with mark reflecting on his accomplishments i skipped chapter six x since i did not meet the requirements and move on to chapter seven of the zoonotic iron man we start off with nabarr and fina surrounded by thieves navarre isn't that great but fina is a useful dancer so i use the rescue staff to extract her but she immediately gets eaten by a fire dragon navarro dies in the background as i pondered the series of life decisions that led me to this point i sent chris north to intercept the fleeing thieves and in the process kill ashram on turn one somehow he still manages to appear in a cutscene at the start of turn two despite being dead chris gets around it and slowed down enough that i missed most of the treasure and only barely grabbed the star shard meanwhile the fire dragon continues to menace me i grant aaron's wish to die in battle and sent her in the north to offer the dragon a tasty treat i use the rescue staff on crist and bring him back south to defend the rest of my squad as the chapter ends i buy as many hand axes and javelins as i reasonably can chapter 8 of this lunatic iron man features hardin who is invincible because of the dark sphere and his loveless marriage despite what the cutscenes say he will never actually go after you in this map meaning you can turtle to our hearts content in the battle preps i train barst in the hyperbolic time chamber and promote him into a berserker at the beginning of the chapter we get kane who has gotten better from being burned to ashes in the prologue in a nearby village we can find vantu who is comically awful in this game i decided to keep kane but used bantu and all the generics i had this chapter and shields protect my main squad while training bars as much as possible this results in roger succumbing to another case of severe axe poisoning the boss guarding the seize point in this map is george managed to escape my wrath in chapter 5. he will once again temporarily dodge fate since i decided to recruit him to get a more pivotal disposable unit than xander generic's in chapter 9 of this lunatic iron man we find kane a man barely alive gentlemen we can rebuild him we have the technology we have the capability to bend the space-time continuum to get him to level 20 at a small discount better faster stronger mostly because of the growth drop actually in the chapter we must consider aggressive draconides from the north and hero reinforcements from the south i run away to the east and whole open the treasury as is tradition the boots are distributed to marth my next two promotions are marisha and kane i managed to recruit minerva who will be useful in the final map and ezzo who will be more useful in the immediate future as a projectile chapter 10 of the lunatic iron man starts everybody in range of enemy magical artillery i decided to counter with artillery of my own prepping ezzo and george as draco knight guided missiles i launch ezzo and george i have left swarm bishop and take him down i fight the other one with chris george is shot down by anti-air fire and dies enzo somehow survives but i already put him onto the death counter so i use rescue to recruit merrick and send up wendell to recruit ireland and dispose a window shortly afterwards normally at the end of the chapter you get the silver card for sparing the clerics but in lunatic mode your grand reward isn't ordinary because this game's idea and difficulty is taking fun toys away from you chapter 10x of this losing iron man is the guidance chapter achieved by sparring at least three clerics in chapter 10. not getting the silver card has allowed me to recognize the inherent faults of fiat currency so i decided to invest into cane coin trademark copyright a decentralized cryptocurrency is stored inside of kane i pumped the value of cane coin by giving him some stat boosters and by tricking malice and dice into investing i use their blood to cool my crypto mining rig the legions in this map are a physical manifestation of the price volatility of cryptocurrency and have 17 crit we need to only train high defense units with 17 or more luckier i try to be cautious but kane misses several defense level ups and i make a mistake resulting in his untimely death after fighting six legions and one turn the value of candy corn plummets the zero all my work in all my only wasted i decided to abort and leave the chapter by killing the real legion with chris in chapter 11 of this lunatic iron man we entered henry's way meaning we will fight dragons for four chapters in a row normally in fire emblem 12 dragons have one range but in lunatic mode they have one two range because you this entire map is a desert drastically reducing the movements of any ground units it also has many aggressive flying wyverns with 12 moves who are immensely threatening currently i only have two compound kehoe characters so i huddle everyone else into the corner chris intercepts wyverns before they get close and barst is on guard duty with a bow after some close calls i make it out without any casualties i put a decent amount of training into bars by killing jake and the stationary enemies as the chapter closes tiki confesses her love to marth but it turns out it's just zayn pulling an epic prank chapter 12 of the lunatic iron man is quite challenging i don't have much room to mess around this map is filled with the brim with incredibly powerful fire dragons and wyverns not to mention the deadly area based ambush reinforcements if you're not careful or knowledgeable of the map you stand a good chance of dying instantly i sent chris out to fight the initial onslaught and kill daryl's in the process the final and most dangerous group of reinforcements triggers when you approach the boss normally this is avoided by seizing as soon as possible by go for a different strat i position chris arrange the top and middle reinforcements and occupy the lower forts i send the generic antony as a heroic sacrifice to trigger the final group of reinforcements the plan succeeds and all reinforcements are either blocked or lured into attacking and being killed by chris completing the map chapter 13 of this lunatic iron man is a more chill chapter because there aren't as many aggressive enemies and the map is covered in snow unfortunately i still only have two combat capable units and training my ultra guys is a risky proposition against tanky ice dragons that have good chances we get three characters with stupid names at the start of their chapter ryden belf and roberto belf and ryden are actually surprisingly decent but roberto was kind of bad we can also recruit beck who sadly in this game does not have a ballista recognizing my need to kill off at least a few characters every few chapters and because his name lines up with the iconic voice line from sekhiro roberto meets his end i buy some physics stats at the secret shop and make sure i move on to the gaiden chapter by taking down the thieves chapter 13 x of this lunatic iron man is the guidance chapter whose requirements are guard military secrets select portions of this report are redacted this is a map containing various other environment 12 you can only see cows away have no means of improving your vision enemies must be cited before you can attack them but they can attack you with impunity in this chapter joins but is much less useful than she was in the prologue i sacrificed and as spotters to defeat them and and i make sure to grab the shield which is incredibly important for chapter chapter 14 of this lunatic iron man is a chapter where you will normally get the warp staff but in lunatic difficulty you instead get a fortified staff this sadly also locks you out of the secret shop in this chapter and you cannot get the alternative dragon stones or tiki or nagi at the start of the chapter we get zayn who can copy your units and who will feature probably in the next chapter and take down the thief and then set up a defensive formation on the left side i send the generic aurelius to trigger area based enemy aggression and then go to town once i clear the map i go to the central chamber and give goku the star shards and obtain the light sphere and star sphere all the other chambers open and reinforcements come in from the bottom and i deal with them using the hallway as a choke point finally i recruit tiki who is effective against dragging enemies this will be fantastic utility against the zero dragons i will have to fight for the next seven or so chapters in chapter 15 of this lunatic iron man i get infinite gold this chapter has very strong and numerous reinforcements but i shook a sniper at the body blocking nearly all of them the yolt shield allows chris to fight the enemy horseman on the right safely this allows you to eventually pick off everything at my leisure i recruit est kill off dolph and accidentally lose minerva after clearing the map i go after the real prize which is the arena normally in lunatic difficulty enemies in the arena are too strong to gain a profit however if you use zane transform into a capped unit a matchup should get a much more favorable i spend 10 hours over two days in the arena grinding gold live on a stream i kill abel and cap out merrick lind and arlen by training them with healing stabs by the end of the chapter i have gained 1 million gold and destroyed the entire altean economy in chapter 16 of this new tech iron man we would take aotea castle i start by spending 100 000 gold the entirety of the altean knights pension fund to train est into a capped unit i then spend 170 000 gold energy meant for critical road repair and instruction to max forge of thorns home in the chapter wikimasella who i will keep as bait for the next chapter i go left and get the geosphere from the thief once the reinforcements spawn i decide that the best way to fight them is to not fight them at all i unequip chris and have him sit at a choke point to break a soldier's weapon this unarmed soldier gets the other enemy stuck and effectively removes them from the fight oh my god bro i'm stuck can you help me they go room by room clearing everything eventually taking down the boss without ever needing to fight the reinforcements chapter 16x of this lunatic iron man is a guided chapter whose requirements are having a crisp that is at least promoted level 5 meaning that anyone who plays this game will always get it i spend 75 000 gold taken from the altean charity for feeding hungry orphans to forge a dragon pike with max might and hit for the end game this snap has reinforcements but you could block them by placing units on the forts the enemies on this map don't get aggressive unless you go past this line this makes things slightly complicated if you play like a normal human being but fortunately i don't have such weaknesses vasilin is our proverbial and literal to narrate into the shadow monster field coal mine and he dies i slowly take down the enemies and make sure not to accidentally kill katarina who i recruit by talking to her with chris three times they reminisce about characters that have been dead for 15 chapters chapter 17 of this lunatic iron man is filled with strong arcane shelters and weak groud recruits the conceit of the map is that the groud recruits are there unwillingly and that you should spare them in the battle preps i spent the entirety of altea's education budget 75 000 gold on forging another dragon pipe with max might and hit a thief on this map has no straw to tome but going after him is really not worth it because it triggers extra reinforcements i clear out the initial draconites recruit hamas then move down to the final chamber i decided to spare the groud soldiers so i can recruit china and samson to have more warm bodies for future chapters since my roster is too big to get disposable replacement units i will have to substitute them with actual characters what a time we live in chapter 18 of this lunatic iron man is a strange but fairly easy chapter i actually forgot to do a forge of this map for some reason so uh oops the gimmick of this chapter is that you need to rush west to the village to stop the arrest knights from clapping your cheeks in lunatic mode however there are four paladins who can intercept you i kill one with s and another with barst and i managed to get through i talked to the king of aurelius who doesn't actually have a name and it's just called kingdoms the reward for this gripping dialogue is the lifesphere and an intact sphincter they are really a nice retreat though they'll be back next chapter at the start of the chapter we get frost i volunteer him for tribute to trigger enemy aggression using my fires i mess with the enemy pathing to fight smaller groups individually i defeat them and move on to the next chapter chapter 19 of this lunatic iron man has some of the hardest recruitments and deadliest reinforcements in the whole game if you want to recruit the wolf guard you must visit the village to recruit roche the recruits violin who recruits sedgar who recruits wolf it is a widely known fact that they are absolutely not worth the effort there are paladin arena forces in their starting point jericho rides from three corners of the map reinforces from the palace and a deadly wave of area-based ambush reinforcements when you get close to the seas point let's not forget the high-powered ballista scattered throughout the map fortunately you can bypass all this just by killing the boss i forge a max might hammer for 14 000 gold depleting funds originally intended for marth's gambling addiction and flying north to revoke the bosses alive license roche dies when the village he's in is destroyed by a thief violin ceases to exist when the boss kills stops reinforcements but i do have to kill sedgar and wolf manually i clear the map consisting mostly of isolated groups of stationary enemies and i seized the end the chapter chapter 20 of this lunatic iron man is their final showdown against hardin emperor of arcanea and world-renowned incel i spent 132 000 gold money intended to rebuild villages and cities destroying the war to create a maximum for silver axe the moment you pass this line you'll be set upon from both sides by dozens of basically capped units however this can be exploited by lacking enough dignity to spend 100 or so turns exhausting all the enemy's swarm home and longbow uses after doing exactly this i make a gallant charge directly into the treasury which is no longer under the protection of storm film stages i spend 30 or so turns breaking enemy weapons to get every single enemy of reinforcement stuck and essentially nullified i set up an elaborate turn to kill harden and seize the throne in one fell swoop but this ends up being unnecessary since uh barst gets the crit on the first attack and one shots hearted we are on track onto fighting medius and getting the good ending by some definitions of the term chapter 21 of this lunatic iron man is breed the chapter for the abject hell that are the next three maps i redirect the funding for altean medical services spending all 95 000 gold ordering a brave lands this map contains the starlight which you need to defeat garnet in chapter 23. you don't have much time to get it since these will come in from the upper left aside from this the map's enemies are largely stationary so i decided to solid snake it off and sneak along the edges to intercept the thieves to lighten my roster i used hamas as bait and he dies we get yamir and he goes the way of the dinosaurs by being atomized by a meteor trip i get the starlight from michaelis who recruits himself into the afterlife because minerva died in chapter 15. i end the chapter by going to a cd alleyway spending 67 000 gold taking directly from destitute surfs to buy illicit stat boosters from anna's secret shop remember kids if a suspicious red-haired woman offers you spirit dust energy drops or speed wings just say no chapter 22 of this lunatic iron man is a brutal chapter with comically powerful reinforcements in addition to the dragons there are sorcerers with forged flower toes that deal 40 damage and ignore resistance the only way to win is to go as fast as you can i spend 127 000 gold forged and praybacks depleting the buns from mars body cleanup and disposal crew making it possible to hide all the evidence i give my stat boosters to tiki to make her into a cat monstrosity that could win shot dragons i destroy the enemies and fire me with my forged weapons using the new staff several times to take out heat targets i make it to the final chamber which is an absolute mind-wrenching blind point to destroying this thick hellhole death trap that will result not only in the deaths of your entire team but also everyone related to you four generations above and below the only way to survive is the seize on the turn to open the door fortunately i came in with a plan i opened the door cleared the way with chris sacrificed samson for no reason move martha and use a new on chris to one shot the boss and then use a new and more to seize the throne in chapter 23 of this lunatic iron man we lure garnet into the wilderness so we can pk him for his rune scimitar i spin 62 000 gold fortunate maximum throw on tome defunding the altean ministry of truth normally in this chapter you can get a second hammer and staff and also an almond staff which can resurrect a character but they are unavailable in lunatic difficulty i blast them away through a map with my forged weaponry and stat boosted mannequins but medea and both tragically lose their lives on the approach to garnet's gamer cave i have sheena sangarnov a pm offering to be his runescape gf for 10 000 gp she tells him that they should meet in the wilderness and that he should bring his most valuable items and show them all for a youtube video china dies with unrelated nbc but garnet has been successfully lured i proceeded to skill trick garner and then jump him ice barraging and ags spinning him into oblivion i loot his body and i get his spade and a rune scimitar i mean the fellowship in the final chapter of this lunatic iron man i defeat medius the power of capitalism by this point i have spent 1 million gold on manufacturing genetically engineered super soldiers and weapons of mass destruction i have 13 characters left which is one too many to deploy so i decided to kill off katarina in the drill grounds i spend the last 63 thousand of my gold erosion meant for the altean secret police to forge one last dragon pike we will fight medius two dozen dragons and two to four more as ambush spawn reinforcements every turn until the end of time to avoid this most people will try to one turn the chapter by saving it to four minor control clerics for extra staff actions but i can only recruit one of them since sirius minerva and julian are already dead i must instead brute force my way through and fight the dragons head on i begin by retreating to the bottom and letting the enemies spread themselves out i then surge forward with a devastating counter attack wiping out 11 dragons in one turn i keep pushing until i get into range of medius i have ryden and est cure nina lena and maria of their hypnosis by using the generic medication which is a bullet to the back of the head shortly afterwards the kernel tells ryden to turn the game off and he exits the simulation i then move in for the kill i have merit recruit ellis and then perform a kamikaze attack with a max force throw on tone this devastating uppercut with the invisible hand of the free market crits and deals 75 damage media is clapped back with a market correction completely observing merrick's portfolio and extinguishing his life i recognize now i have more than enough power to defeat medius so i decided to go for the greater victory by winning with fewer people left alive i'll wait one turn resulting in ellis and lynn's deaths for ambush spawn dragons arlen borisha tiki and nagi attack medius for minimal damage and die on the retaliation i have dwarf attack for zero damage and then deal the final blow with chris defeating medius and beating the game with a mere 96 characters dead and an impressive five characters left alive this concludes my lunatic iron man for fire emblem 12 new mystery of the emblem heroes of light and shadow after nearly two months of work and around 40 videos produced i have beaten the game with a perfect e ranking in speed survival and tactics this was quite the run utilizing nearly every kind of exploit and cheese strategy possible and honestly has been the most fun i've had in fire emblem in ages i eventually planned to revisit the game to do an ironman on reverse lunatic difficulty using other cool things i have learned but never got the chance to use but at the moment i would like to let the game rest a little if you want to see more content like this please consider subscribing to my youtube channel or following me on twitter if you would like to support the channel please consider donating to my patreon or by becoming a channel member if you have any ideas or perks that will interest you please let me know in the comments below thanks a lot and please look forward to my future projects see you in the next one
Channel: Excelblem
Views: 166,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem
Id: e2ME6Orqm-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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