Can you beat Fire Emblem 8 with 0 Strength and 0% Strength growths?

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Fire Emblem 8 The Sacred Stones is widely regarded to be one of the easier Fire Emblem games but is it so easy if all of your characters have zero strength I modded my gain so that every single player here has zero base strength and zero percent strength growth and the same goes for magic everything else is unchanged so while all my units will struggle to do damage they will have normal durability and all enemies except for critical characters are the same as they are in the base game with zero shredded magic all of my damage will be fixed on wolfen might and other miscellaneous bonuses like weapon Effectiveness weapon triangle and supports I can technically gain some strength via promotions stat boosters and medicines tone but only if I could obtain them to add to the difficulty I'll be playing this as an Iron Man challenge so I cannot reload saves or reset I don't know if being in the game under these restrictions is actually possible but I guess we'll find out in the prologue of fe8 Erica's father dies and we see that Erica has zero strength which is about on par with Erica in a normal playthrough Seth also has zero strength making him as weak as Erica which is terrifying this prologue chapters only three enemies and of our Seth can normally defeat them in one round here he only does single digit damage as a pre-rolled the unit with an artificially induced zero percent strength growth his damage output has very little potential for improvement in chapter 1 of FEA we get frauds who has zero strength and Gilliam who has zero strength meaning that her most practical purpose is they are useless even with zero percent sharp growth training characters are still good on stats but all this does is improve the durability hilariously enemy soldiers are still very weak even a hard difficulty and I can still do decent damage to them with zero strength but what isn't weak is the boss Burgett forget baguette who has nine defense and sits on the gate tile well this normally wouldn't be an issue it definitely is when second only deal two damage a hittub the silver Lance fortunately we do have a solution effective damage from Erica's Rapier which actually oh aha that's that's still pretty bad with weapon triangle disadvantage and bad hit rates I will just have to get lucky since the boss will two shot Erica even if she heals the vulnerary I get hit on my first attack but on my second try I get a lucky critical and defeat him instantly in Chapter 2 of FEA we are joined by Vanessa who has zero strength Garcia who has zero strength Ross who has zero strength and motor who has zero magic unlike the previous two losers these characters are all great Vanessa can use the triangle attack for triple damage and become a larger Knight for appears to ignore defense motor can become a bishop and use a Slater's skill for Effective damage against Monsters Garcia and Ross can both use axes which are the best weapon set because of the high base damage I recruited ax users but find that the majority of my cast is completely helpless against the bandits so I have to send Seth down south immediately everyone else hides away as Seth strictly dispatches the first Spanish of the silver Lance and then slowly dispatches the rest of them two to three damage at a time near the using up an entire iron sword fun fact one of the main reasons you cannot infinitely grind XP in early fe8 Maps is that your units will become too strong and start killing enemies in one round however in this circumstance where everyone has zero strength that will not be a problem I trap an Archer and have Ross appeal the attack and for minimal damage to gain combat XP Yoshi which is level 10 for his automatic promotion however as I do so I accidentally messed up my formation in The Archers a with a moon and one shot Vanessa in Chapter 3 of FEA I discovered that Ross actually cannot promote yet because you don't enter battle preparations in this map which are required for their free training promotion here we add two characters to the roster naimi who has zero strength and comb who has zero strength Naomi can become a sniper as early as chapter 6 and get a massive plus 3D strength as her probableness and comb can still set boosters and become an assassin to use a silencer skill which allows for instant kills if you set things up correctly you can actually get code to level 20 on this map by setting up a steel loop with an enemy Thief but oh I killed him I clear the map but finding the boss is incredibly damaging and tanky since he's abandoned I don't have any effective weapons against him and only Seth with a surveillance can deal any amount of damage to him I'm also extremely strapped for healing resources as a heel staff scales his power based on your magic and since motor has zero magic heals for a lot less than normally should I just have to throw Seth at the boss and hope I get enough 60 chance hits on him before a run out of HP I enter combat three times and land 5 out of 6 hits defeating the boss and finally granting me access to the road map in chapter 4 of fe8 we are joined by Arthur who has zero magic and loot who has zero magic Andrea can become ambition for Slayer while loot doesn't have any special mechanics but doing magic damage is still very useful against enemy Arbor Knights and other foes have high defense Ross finally promotes and becomes a pirate for plus two strength but unfortunately he's still very slow and paid only one point of speed in 9 levels clearly I must use alternative methods of gaining power and so I decided to build supports supports and fe8 can grant additional damage based on your Affinity if both your units and the support pair have a fire wind lights or animal Affinity that you can get one additional might per support ring support is an fe-8 are capped at 5 total ranks so this is a potential plus 5 damage depending on the character and their available living support Partners I have Ross build support to the Garcia and with all of these bonuses Ross has become incredibly strong and is capable of doing double digit damage in chapter 5 of fe8 we recruit Natasha who has zero magic and can potentially recruit Joshua who has zero strength Natasha can become a bishop while Joshua has great speed since he's exactly as strong as most of our units that means he's actually pretty good since he can often double the this map has an optional time-based objective for a guiding ring which you can obtain only if you save all the villages unfortunately some are pretty far away and because of my low damage output I cannot find my way through very quickly as the first group of Bandits spawn I try to push as far as I can but I overextend and use my lower healing ability Gilliam is targeted and killed unfortunate I saved the first Village and get a draco shield and the second one as well unfortunately I am blocked off from the third Village and it is destroyed losing the access to the corrosion item as a small constellation Joshua comes to attack me as he has zero strength and I have zero strength he cannot kill me and I cannot kill him making it very easy to recruit him and clear the map and send Ross into the arena and he somehow manages to win a couple of battles but soon the enemy Skilling gets too harsh and I have to stop it seems that our winner grinding with zero strength is not viable I decided to move on and kill the boss with my newly obtained armor Slayer in chapter 5x of fv8 we are introduced to Ether where zero Kyle who has zero strength Ford who has zero strength and Orson who has 15 strength oh give me a moment um and Orson who has zero strength while these characters don't actually join their main Squad until chapter 8. I might as well talk about them now a fruit can do tremendous effective damage to the region lead but he will mostly be absent because I will likely play the Erica route Hao and four are garbage and Orson has amazing stats and is incredibly loyal here we have extremely limited weapons and healing resources so I decided to play it safe and just let Orson do most of the killing the difficulty comes with the boss who has 7th defense and a throne bonus so even the Orson can only do three damage to him with a silver sword I decide to build a c support between Ephraim and Ford to get an extra point of damage so Ephraim can do two damage a hit with a killer Lance I attack repeatedly with Ephraim and orson's official Critical Hits and I kill the boss in around a dozen attacks and customarily before we leave the chapter I take all of orson's belongings just to be safe because there is zero chance of him betraying us to indulge in necrophilia in chapter 6 some FEA we are joined by nobody there are no new units in this chapter this map has fogavora and a time-based objective to defeat the boss for the giant spider kills all the villagers normally it was said Vanessa to fight The Spider and save them but here Vanessa will be unable to damage the spider due to having zero shred and also being dead I go north instead of South and fight a lot of Cavaliers who quickly overwhelm me resulting in comb being killed which is a tremendous loss because he is my only Thief until renack joins Erica finally managed to pull her weight by using her red fear to do tremendous damage to a Cavalier as I tried to rush their boss in order to save the civilians unfortunately I am too late and two out of the three villagers are killed losing me the only orions vote and making sure the Navy will probably never be able to promote right before the last villager dies I managed to swarm the boss with all my characters attacking with Seth Joshua Ross Garcia and finally Nami who takes him down with a 69 hit in chapter 7 of FEA we can normally obtain an energy ring by stealing from the enemy Mage but unfortunately Cole my only is dead so I can't get it this map otherwise plays fairly normally though it takes around five to six times as many turns because of my lower damage output hilariously the enemies are barely even a threat and the ballista the feature of the map barely does anything which just goes to show how weak FEA enemies actually are I reached the boss and I break his weapons or can possibly an extra XP and I use up all of my iron axes so that Ross can reach level 20. having gained zero strength from levels but also having only reached a total of 10 speed which is pathetically low but hilariously not even that far below average at level 20 Ross has the same amount of speed as Garcia level 9. in chapter 8 of fe8 Ephraim Ford and Kyle join back up but only ashram is useful because originally is ridiculous with no thief on my roster I try to trick an enemy Thief into opening a chest with a cerebral but unfortunately he just keeps attacking me so I have to kill him fortunately I remember that I had a spirit chassis for chapter 3 so I'm able to get a stat booster anyway I have to pass up on the silver sword which would have been nice add an Elysian whip which I can't use anyway because Vanessa is dead I waddle up to a throne a sick Ephraim at the boss and due to his abilities as a merry suit and having a 10 damage effective weapon he is able to one round tyrito damn we then come up to the split between the Erica and Ephraim routes and I picked the easier Eric around because I'm reasonably sure that harder Maps like Phantom ship would just kill me in chapter 9 of FEA we recruit Tana who has zero strength and can also potentially recruit Amelia who has zero strength Tana is a fire and can become a wider Knight for peers while Amelia can promote twice for Extra Strength this map will give you a Servo if you visit both Villages so I send Tana down south to get the Rapier for the East Village and it sends Seth very far forward to get the Draco show from the West Village unfortunately Seth gets trapped and is unable to get out because he cannot kill enemies fast enough while his defense makes him immune to most enemies what a particular sniper if this were being particularly strong of this map his striking for 4 damage a hit I desperately try to hurry the rest of my team to rescue Seth with a number of enemies that come at me slows me down significantly and set his repeatedly attacked I sneak forward through as counterpotter to try to lure enemies away from his death when he gets doubled by a mirror Madonna dies for nothing as Seth is one hit away from being killed I send Tana on a suicidal delivery run to give Seth an Elixir which saves his life at the cost of hers and hilariously while all this is happening Amelia actually straight up gets tired and leaves the map because it took too long to reach her in chapter 10 of FAA we can recruit the Innes who has zero strength gerick who has zero strength check this was Joe shred and Marissa who has zero strength and is his sniper with a great stats and he'll still be able to kill most flying enemies even with zero strength because of effective damage for balls you get Rick without the strength is overall kind of bad because swords aren't very good and tethis is unchanged the base game because dancers don't fight Marissa can become an assassin but unfortunate number of hero crests I get is limited I promote Ross using the ocean seal from chapter 9 to make him to a Berserker for a tasty plus one strength for a total of three right out of the gate France is suddenly killed for no reason as they move down to try to recruit all the characters which is made more difficult because Tada died last map it is very difficult for the green units to protect chathis because of the lower damage output and she is very nearly killed by blissa several times I managed to recruit everyone but then a ton of reinforced and fires come into attack I turn her walk and navy and Ennis are able to One-Shot both of them even with zero strength so it ends up being no big deal using Garrick's hero Crest and Peru Garcia into a hero to improve his speed and I kill the boss Pablo for our first guiding ring in chapter 11 of feas we can potentially recruit lava show who has zero magic and dazo who has zero strength Lover Show isn't very impressive because she can't become a bishop but she can provide a plus 3 damage sport for Joshua dosula's mediocre but at least as decently durable and has a lot of HP I use my guiding range to promote motor into a bishop so he can start murderizing monsters which are the only enemies you face on this map lava show and Dasa start pretty far away and are constantly under attack so he must try to reach and rescue them unfortunately even with the incredibly powerful battlebax Dosa is unable to one round any of the attacking enemies and thus lava shell was quickly swarmed and killed without me being able to do anything about it in other words I got Battle Before dawned I managed to clear the rest of the enemies while keeping daza alive so he joins us at the end of the map in chapter 12 of FEA we get solid who has zero magic and everyone who has zero magic Sally is quite fast while Edwin can become a Summoner who can summon an infinite number of phantoms who all have zero strength I begin the chapter by going on extended rants but why I don't like playing ROM hacks in my YouTube channel as I play the rom hack on my YouTube channel I argue that the core experience of Fire Emblem is that has a history and that other people have played the same game resulting in a mutual shared experience Fire Emblem raw hack so if superficially similar to actual Fire Emblem games are inhered in capable of tapping into the strength because of their poor accessibility and low relatability to most players I ascribe this to some kind of uncanny valley effect or changing something small like making everyone have zero strength can make the game still feel like Fire Emblem but the more things you change the more rapidly the game feels like the metaphorical equivalent of a creature dressed in human skin I continue by pontificating my thoughts oh is that a gargoyle oh they just killed loose after chapter 12 of FEA I decided to go into the Tower of bony so I can Farm Rune swords Rune swords are an airbank sword with 12 might that deal magical damage and he was the user at the penalty of having her strength normally this weapon is kind of bad but since most of my characters have zero strength half of zero is still zero so here it is excellent I use an RNG abuse trick to guarantee the appearance of a rune sword on the first floor which goes like this first enter the Tower of voting and start a battle second Retreat immediately third save the game into a hard reset and finally four enter the tower again and now there will be a bone Walker in the upper left with a rune sword in order to obtain the Rune sword you've got to kill this guy from outside his range on player phase or else you'll change weapons and you just get iron Lance I set up my farming method by having Ross kill most of the enemies using iron axes and then sneak motor to get the Kill by doubling him with a shine troll I repeat this process for a little over an hour and obtain over 20 Rune swords in Chapter 13 of FEA we can recruit Cormac who has zero strength as well as Emilia who has returned for chapter 9 and who has zero strength core mat can immediately promote into a wyvern knife for Pierce and a million at this point is not worth using I take back everything she is complete garbage don't use her this is a defendant map where can either try to survive for 11 turns we're at the map early by defeating the boss but I don't really have any chance of doing so I start by attacking the ballistas of the Rune source which show a crazy amount of damage sometimes even double digits but this isn't enough to actually kill anything and I am pushed back I sacrificed Kyle so I can safely recruit Emilia but right after I recruit Cormac dozler is overwhelmed and killed because of my lack of healing suddenly it rear enforcement storming over the left and I'm repeatedly attacked by a purged home which puts Erica into mortal danger I hide behind the choke point and on the last turn I spy a warrior that has a sword Slayer and acts that does effective damage against sword classes and I decide I must have this and I go on an all-out assault to obtain it Ross attacks the killer ax for a 72 crit chance and motor lands a crit as well bringing the warrior down to 7 HP which is just barely enough for Seth to finish him off with a rune sword this is worthy with a sword Slayer which will be a essential to defeat bosses in upcoming maps in chapter 14 of FEA we can recruit renak who has zero strength redneck is the only other Thief we can get in FEA is having come back at this point you can already buy chest and door keys so he's kind of redundant I go through the center and defeat The Archers using Rune swords and then break the wall and pay 10K to recruit redneck because not our show is unable to recruit him for free due to being dead I grab a guiding ring in hero Crest and use them to promote Yuen into a Summoner and hilariously his Phantoms are preserved by an enemy staff user and turned around to attack him however as the Phantoms have zero strength this ends up just being funny instead of tragic I also promote Joshua into an assassin for the silencer skill for a future boss killing speaking of bosses the boss on this map is Carlisle a swordmaster normally you wouldn't be able to trivialize him with an effective weapon like Arbor Knight but the source layer I got last map allows me to do exactly that I have Ross move and wiping from the face of the Earth with a 108 damage crit in chapter 15 of fe8 Ephraim rejoins the crew with zero strength and he brings with him duso who has zero strength and now who has zero magic duso is an incredibly strong peripheral while now can become a Summoner there are two bosses on this map Kellogg and vulture who both have a lot of Defense I immediately go left to deal with kellik who is a hero and has the hoplong guard making him invulnerable to Critical Hits but he is still susceptible to effective damage so I attack him with a sword Slayer Killing Him in one round and resulting in the immediate cessation of his existence I have renak get most of the hidden treasure on the map and also have him steal a guiding by enemy Shaman but this places him in range of the devil wax Berserker who immediately kills him after this tragic loss and moved to defeat the other boss vulture who is a wyvern Knight and has the phylase shield which renders him immune to effective damage from bows but he is still vulnerable to effective damage from dragon slaying weapons for what is possible the first time ever in history I actually use a dragon ax to obtain it on this map for his standard purpose which is subdividing vulture into his in chapter 16 of fe8 we get Murr who has zero strength but regardless is one of the strongest units of the game being able to do 28 base damage against regular enemies and 60 against Monsters Straight Out of the Box though as a counterbalance this you can only attack 15 times before her Dragonstone is depleted some have an irrational fear of using myrrh because of this but I would argued that not using Merv is comparable to trying to conserve ammunition during a home invasion three Mass thugs break into your house and you try to fight them off with a death slab who are you trying to save those bullets for God I give Burr the metastube so she has a tremendous five percent strength growth so on average by the time she reaches level 20 she could potentially have one strength I train and murdered the other chapter where she is basically Invincible because she starts with 17 defense and has a 150 defense growth and I reached the boss Orson who has one strength because I messed up when editing his stats as pins for this mistake I equipped Ross with the devil ax and try to have him kill himself with a one percent chance devil acts backfire critical and I even repair the devil axle that hammer and staff to get more attempts but alas even after 40 tries I did not get a devil ax backfire even once I decided to just kill Orson and then in the following cutscene burned his body pillow to hide the evidence of his conjugal visits to the morgue in chapter 17 of FEA we can recruit the final character serving who has zero strength she's not very good I move immediately to the Middle Island and am surrounded by Cavalry and heroes of the South Mages to the East and rivers and Jewish to the North Ross kills the heroes of the sword Slayer Ephraim uses the Regan Leaf to take care of the horse units and I use bows and dragon sling weapons against the wyverns but I don't have enough damage to deal with The Druids all of the villagers are killed and I have Seth God checked The Druids at the bridge and those goes well for a little while before he is struck by a 47 hit nose ratu and then two 26 percent hit Lunas all in one turn which When taking into account true hit has a roughly 0.85 chance of occurring God damn not only do I lose Seth I also lose the hop on guard and the odd Houma which is pretty bad I make it through the Druids but the reinforcements don't let up I have to hurt you defeat them before I go over well lion is quite intimidating as he has 18 defense and a nosferatutome which can easily heal himself with the full HP every turn this is quite bad since I can only do single digit damage normally I will try to break his weapons with my face but I cannot wait 50 turns back to happen because the reinforcements will overwhelm me so I decided to gamble on a silencer activation from Joshua I give him a jam shirt I wish I have only one and repeatedly attacked lion in the hopes of getting an instant kill silencer activation chance is half of your crit chance but this probability is average again against bosses so they only have a 10 chance of success furthermore once the championship breaks my crit chance will go down drastically and so will my chances of killing the boss Joshua repeatedly fails to kill Lyon nine times zero but finally on the 10th try he triggers silencer and insta kills lion from OHP in chapter 18 of fe8 we Face a map consisting entirely of monsters this map has a ton of eggs which all hash into threatening Gorgons who all use powerful dark magic normally you would move aggressively to the map and clear all the eggs before they hatch but in my case the eggs are actually very difficult to kill they all have 10 defense and should not count as monsters for the purpose of effective weapon calculation so for the most part I actually cannot kill them at all let me repeat that in this run I am not strong enough to destroy gorgonix ridiculous nearly all the gorkans hash and I hide away in the starting area luring them away with Phantoms before one-shotting them with Legendary Weapons this is a route map which isn't too bad but clearing every enemy will take a tremendous toll on my resources as my Legendary Weapons or my only real way of defeating monsters because of their High HP and defense so I decided to use an alternative method known as the enemy control glitch here's how it works when an enemy attacks and would end their turn on an event tile such as a fire tile if you reset the game at the right moment right after the attack but before they turn gray then you can take control of the turn and every enemy that has not yet moved allowing you to do a ton of shenanigans I consider stealing the enemy dark magic such as Stone and Demon surge but I decided against it and instead take a toxin Lance an enemy-only weapon that can influx poison so I can can use it for a funny boss kill strategy I then repeatedly use the enemy control which it moves every single Monster onto fire tiles throwing away all their weapons so that none of them can do anything except wait while they were all slowly roasted to death 10 HP at a time I leave one enemy for last so murder can get a kill to get her final level even with the meta Stone she has not level strength a single time and upon reaching her level cap has gained a total of zero strength for a total of zero strength chapter 19 of fe8 is a defendant map where we must protect pontifex manso who has 11 strength which is more than anyone on my team technically speaking we can end the map by defeating the boss but given that have zero strength that is not viable the map is populated by multiple suicidal rusted Knights and if you save four of them you can get a light burn at the end of the map but unfortunately no human being alive has ever achieved this since this map is populated by a ridiculously strong promoted units my only chance is to abandon the throne room and seek refuge in the upper left corner I have Erica rescue manso and make a B-Line with most of my characters into the safe room I have Serena and Cormac trying to rescue do some nice but too many of them suicidally attacked the enemy forces and die instantly on the approach to the safe room Saleh is killed by Druids Serene is murdered by an Archer and a media dies are swordmaster I use them as strongly doesn't hold the line while everyone else shuffles the safety into the upper left I shut the door by having Ross sit at the entry point without a weapon and then consider my next steps the enemies all line up and get completely stuck unable to attack me so I have already essentially won the map however thieves come in to steal all the treasure including a rune sword from a room directly below me I decide I must have this Resort and I use a warp staff to teleport core mag to Clay a bit without any exit strategy but I am too late and the thief leaves Vision range before I can get to him and Cormac dies for nothing in chapter 20 of Fe there are a total of uh 157 enemies what this map is filled with incredibly powerful monsters and frequent reinforcements not to mention that the boss moreover is an extremely powerful Draco zombie fortunately because I lost a lot of characters in the previous map I'm actually able to deploy every remaining character on my team normally people skip this map I killed the boss and working the Lord in deceased but I don't think I can do that because I'm not sure if myrrh can kill moreva in one round with zero strength so I decided to take the slow route fighting nearly every enemy that spawns what ensues is a nearly two hour long struggle a battle of attrition as I expend nearly every use of my Legendary Weapons I go through a Topper where merely all the reinforcements spawn defeating cyclauses from the North Middle Dunes from the West low gauze in the center and death goes from every direction I use Phantom to distract enemies and lure away shadow shots but Navy identified as being weaker than the Phantom is prioritized over one and killed Larissa dies soon after due to being snatched by a mogul As I push further into the center of the map arners flanked and defeated by gargoyles taking the ivory with him and as I move towards borva I triggered the secondary boss Reeve who moves and attack Diesel with a very high crit chance unfortunately do so lives and forced to gavel with myrrh who only had 7 dragons on uses left by this point and she managed to crit Reeve so I can finish him off of the Ross at this point I'm stuck in the middle a massive spider and Surf respawns and I can do nothing about it the enemies are too tanky to clear before the next group spawns and as a result I'm overwhelmed resulting in Natasha and Garrett's death as I make a final push towards the boss no it suddenly a stand by a Cerberus because he was prioritize over a phantom due to being unarmed at this point it is turned 29 and I have killed around 125 enemies nearly 80 percent of the 157 possible enemies on this map and it is at this point that I find out that murder is actually capable of killing Marvel in one round even with zero strength and then all of my opinion on the chapter was always completely unnecessary half murder killed her father and then warped Erica over five tiles to reach a season Point only to find out that her path was obstructed by a forest hidden by the enemy so she was two towers short I cursed the stupid game as I wrecked my brain for a few standard moments before I realized I can have tata's dance or motor so he can warp Erica again allowing her to reach the gate and seize to complete the chapter in the final chapter of fe8 most of my legendary weapons are merely used up and myrrh only has a single Dragonstone noose left so I am forced to buy Eve ranked weapons for the armory in the prep screen because I'm actually running out of weapons in general I push through the early parts of the map with low-cost weapons and fight one of the Draco zombies who I take down with a lucky Double Dragon ax to Ross if you're approach lion from the stairs below him that will spawn 30 skeletons on your ass but since I approached from the right I managed to avoid this entirely I slowly peel away lines onto Roger's Gorgons by attacking and rescue drugs by units away to exploit their passive Ai and Lyon is truly a ridiculous enemy having 74 HP and 26 defense making it very difficult to damage him since there are no weapons that do effective damage against necromancers furthermore his for Tom also has infinite uses so breaking his weapons is not possible either however there are ways to do damage that ignores defense one of which isn't Clips a long-range dark magic tone that halves your opponent's HP it has awful hit rates so to increase it I grind supports between you and Ross and tethis and he bandages the nail line with an eclipse for us turning 37 damage Pierce is another alternative but all my PS users are dead so I follow up with the toxin lands that I stole from my enemy in chapter 18. I have ever move into attack with the Contraband toxin lands for zero damage to inflict the poison status effects on lion lion does not move and does not have passive healing so I can continually reapply poison with this unlawful toxin glass but slowly poisoned him to death in a similar manner to how his father died from an incurable terminal illness the Crown Prince of Grado can do absolutely nothing as he repeatedly takes one to three damage every turn from this illegal bio weapon Ephraim performs the final application of forces within zero damage crit and lion finally goes down the demon king is resurrected but his soul is immediately spawned kept born by the sacred stone of roster despite being a solar Tusk The Demon King is ridiculously Strong having 120 HP 36 defense and 41 resistance I opened the battle by having Efron try to poison with a toxin less but unfortunately the demon king is vaccinated I move everyone else in and the Demon King summons eight monsters as reinforcements two of which are Draco zombies which is very unlucky I have you and chai for a 60 damage Eclipse unfortunately he misses so I decided to deal with the summons first because for the most part my characters can only do single digit damage to the Demon King this might be the first time in history that anyone has left his final boss live past term too Garcia and Uso eat shakana white Erica kills a male to it and end from defeats a death coil I used Murray's last Dragonstone to try to kill Draco zombie but not only does she not crit and make a very stupid blunder by accidentally trading all my axes to her so Ross actually cannot attack I have voted or used the total staff to heal everyone to full HP and then brace for impact the Demon King moves first and is actually a ranger one shot Erica with demon light but he casts nightmare instead putting nearly my entire Army to sleep better than completely helpless and unable to act fortunately motor was just outside the blast radius and I managed to cast another notora to wake everyone up Ross finishes off the Draco zombie and from in his takedown two mildewins and I nearly killed the other Draco zombie as well with nearly all of the goons taken care of we can now Fight The Demon King properly one he summons again that wasn't in the wiki this Behavior likely was not documented because everyone normally kills the Demon King immediately before any of this could happen having discovered that the Demon King can be rarely summon infinite reinforcements and lose all hope in being able to guide him down and so I decide that it's now or never I must take down the Demon King immediately I try for another 60 damage eclipse on the Demon King but it also misses and so I have Ross move into attack with the garm and with his staff boosts his seventh strength and support bonuses he Nails the demon king for a 48 damage crit I have checked his dance with him and he lands yet another 48 damage crit I trade over the Garmin to Garcia who hits the Demon King for 8 more damage bring him down to 16 HP that was all the damage I could do this turn so now I must focus on trying to survive I have Erica and duso slayed two clearable whites and Ephraim takes down the gargoyle wow it is kills and Arch logo everyone else is on body blocking Duty especially Murr who now can no longer attack and I have motor use the third and last charge of the Latona staff to heal everyone to full HP one last time the demon king moves and and amid the obliterates you went with demon life anus is annihilated by a draco zombie myrrh who was now incapable of kame is attacked repeatedly and barely survives finally it is my shirt again and I have Garcia attacked with a Garb and then trade her over to Ross who swings in the face of demon king once and for all [Music] this concludes my Fire Emblem 8 zero strength Iron Man which took exactly 2018 turrets of my entire Armory there were nine survivors Erica Ephraim Ross Garcia motor Joshua tetus dusu and myrrh the character endings are as a result quite sad but fortunate you could just watch those on YouTube instead after the credits I loaded my bio again and found that boss's wedding counter actually glitched out and for some reason says that he has over 1.2 million battles overall this challenge is much more difficult than I initially imagined but at the same time Alex also surprised by just how possible it was maybe it's just me but some elements of the game feel for some reason as if they were designed around having zero strength such as nearly every boss being able to be taken down with effective weapons Sacred Stones is normally quite easy but with zero strength it generally becomes a challenging and exciting albeit sometimes tedious experience anyway if you enjoyed this series and would like to see more like it please remember to comment like the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel I put a lot of work into my videos so if you want to support me in this endeavor consider becoming a YouTube member attributing to my patreon or showing up the next time I stream thanks for watching and see you all in the next one
Channel: Excelblem
Views: 118,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5eb8rbGVlro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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