Viewers paid $2000 to kill all my characters in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright

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fire envelope fate's birthright is one of the easier fire angle games even on lunatic difficulty so to spice things up i'll be playing an iron man challenge meaning i cannot load saves or reset the game and if i lose the run ends in addition to that it will be a kmu or a kill my unit challenge run this is a variation of the more popular pmu or pikmin unit run where other people pick the characters that you use instead i allow people to kill my characters in real time by periodic votes or by super chatting as i stream the game in the character creation i create a female avatar named kaspazin with a plus speed boon and minus skill bane with an apothecary talent after a false start that doesn't count i set up the bounty board which puts characters into tears based on their usefulness with better characters being more expensive almost immediately waves of super chats roll in and kill off nearly every character i have before the game even really begun i skipped chapters one through five of the birthday real by going through the branch of fate to start my run these traffics are identical in every route but more importantly i get to retain my level 360 that i obtained by dancing for 2100 turns in chapter 5. however people in the chat have already paid oh no dollars to kill her in chapter 6 corn realized instantly that king garen is evil a revelation that requires 10 chapters of naval gazing and a magical plot orb in the conquest route chapter 7 begins in court meeting sakura hana and tsubaki whose lives have already been paid for with a total sum of 20 dollars the boss of this map is silas who has a parasocial relationship with the main character as he thinks they're best friends when cora does not remember him at all every character that joins you at the start of chapter 7 hasn't paid for so i kill all of them all i have a bit of trouble killing off azera because only a few enemies could even damage her but i get it done by having silas do it fortunately coron can solo the map play dragon stone on heel tiles which makes this map possible even under these circumstances at the end of the map silas asks to be killed so i obliged saizo and orochi joined so i preemptively increased their bounty because their utility is heightened with a lack of other living characters however all this does is incite the mob and zaizo's life is bought at the premium price almost immediately afterwards i take a quick look into chapter 8 of birthright and immediately nope out of there because i have a total of two living characters corn and orochi to bolster my ranks i decided to take a detour into paralog 1 to obtain mozu as per the contractual agreement i kill off sizo and silas at the start of the chapter and train what remains of my roster unfortunately as i was doing this the kill hanoka and kill azama funds have reached completion meaning that i would have even fewer characters to work with in the next story mission to increase my survival odds i decided to do a few skirmish maps to get mozu and orochi to a more reasonable level but this backfires tremendously right after i begin the first coverage map suddenly a youtube user with a large amount of disposable income paid 100 euros to quote unquote yeet orochi and so i did almost immediately afterwards partially because i was quite tilted at this point i accidentally left mozu in range of a knight with a javelin and she gets dual striked into oblivion this death was for free this unfortunate sequence of events has left me in an even worse position than when i started with only corn alive and setsna as the only other usable character for chapter 8. i started off chapter 8 of birthright and by legal mandates kill off hanoka and azama i recruit setsuna who comes hilariously under leveled and underpowered meaning that the bulk of the work will have to be done by corin fortunately i appear to have overestimated the difficulty of chapter 8 as many enemies are stationary until you go into their range and they can be picked off individually upon beating the map we recruit hayato who's also kind of a [ __ ] unit but i'll take what i can get i decide to use dlc items and trade and skimmer straps to hopefully survive the next chapter and i train hayato as a dark fire and setsuna as a dread fighter right as i begin chapter 9 one friendly youtube user tells me that they love my content and that they have wanted to donate for a while to repay the enjoyment they get from my videos they wish me a happy holiday and tell me to kill hayato and right after that another youtube user asks me uh how about i kill setsuna 2 oh dear in the middle of chapter 9 you can also recruit hinata and oboro who could possibly source the run but they are also killed off leaving me with no hope of survival since coryn is the only character that i have left i cannot use guard stance to avoid being dual striked drastically increase the damage she receives with no more options available to me i decided to yolo it and immediately get a mob in the starting room by a mix of physical and magical enemies with a one to two range weapon that i cannot effectively defend against i must use a dragon stone for the defense bonus or die instantly so i cannot counter attack them i desperately attempt to prop myself up with tonics but is not enough and after an unlucky series of dragonfang and crit overkills korran dies marking the first birthright's kmu and bloody profitable failure for season two of the fire emblem faith's birthright kill my unit iron man i reworked the bounty board to look a bit nicer and all of the unfulfilled bounties from season 1 are carried over the prices were raised by the chat's request and confirmed with the po the second avatar i make is a male chord named cornucopia with a plus defense boon minus luck bane and a night talent this has already happened on its own but i now officially allow multiple people to pull together donations for individual character bounties i desperately rush through chapter 6 in the hopes that i can outpace the super chats and get at least some use out of my characters in the early game before they die but this strategy has limited effectiveness sakura felicia and rinka are all killed off and azira is shocked by 11 donations ending her before i can get any use out of the overpowered 1136 singer fortunately as a result of my haste the raised prices and the steady depletion of my viewers wallets i managed to make it out of chapter 7 with six living characters amazing now that i'm not running solo in this birthright kmu i try to bolster my ranks to the point where i can use all of my deployment slots i recruit mozu and promote oroji into a dark fire to make her stronger and more capable of capturing enemies once i'm able to construct the prison i then enter chapter 8 whether in hanoka azaba and kaze are all killed one member of the chat who is a fan of the character silas attempts to coax me into using him by donating whenever he levels up fully aware of the fact that i don't take money to keep characters alive something i have said repeatedly and loudly and in fact put into the faq section of the description this act of blatant favoritism soon backfires and draws attention of a more nefarious and malevolent kind there is one particularly relevant japanese proverb that applies to this situation the nail that sticks out gets hammered down in this specific case the proverbial nail is stylus and the proverbial hammer is a fact that other members of the chat pile in and pay money to have him killed truly the lesson we must all take from this is that hate is stronger than love to further my goal of eventually being able to use all my deployment slots i decided to do the ana on the run dlc map to recruit anna whose voice actor karen strassmann has been criticized for promoting nfts appropriately since the future predicts the past in this map you fight an rv of 14 banded brother berserkers with identical stats but small variations in their names and weapons the enemies scale to your story progression but this map is actually quite challenging early on you must route the enemy while ensuring that anna lives which is difficult because she is quite fragile just like the bubble upon which speculative cryptocurrencies are built fortunately whenever she takes damage she simply pulls the rug and escapes to a different pump and dump scheme i end up needing to sacrifice higher though to ensure my squad's safety with the inflated stats of pay to one deal with c classes using enough damage to fight the berserkers evenly i get most of the enemies stuck on coron who tanks them with the dragon stone and slowly clear them out all of this work rewards me with ana a level 10 outlaw whose personal skill gives her a luck percent chance of obtaining currency when defeating enemies which seems nice but just like the futile meaningless effort we expend in the struggle of our daily lives it is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things as all will become dust in any record of our mortal toil will be forgotten as memories fade away in the cold unfeeling winds of time i complete a handful of swimmers math to train my characters and capture generics and then begin chapter 9 of birthright where zola has impersonated the duke of azumo hinoka accidentally sees through the disguise by assuming that no royalty with any self-respect would behave in this way and ambushes the ambush i blow my way through the starting room with 10 times as many characters as they had last time and get into a fairly stable situation after the initial danger there's not too much to deal with aside from a small trickle of reinforcements and blocks of stationary enemies hinata and ovoro join the army but are immediately killed off since their bounties have been carried over from the last run after defeating zola leo tries to kill him like he does in every other route but korean decides to keep him around even though he's obviously going to betray him izana now freed from captivity ponders his orb a little to consult the ancient gods who ignored him and just given snippets of lyrics from lost in thoughts all alone which shockingly appeared to refer directly to cory i decided to spruce up this particular birthday stream by temporarily reintroducing the face cam and also adding a hand cam so people can observe the blazing fast epm required to play this turn-based game at maximum efficiency in chapter 10 takumi shows up possessed so he first put him to sleep temporarily and later permanently you also fight mokushu ninjas but honestly who gives a [ __ ] about that side plot i do a few more skirmishes and then play chapter 11 where you fight a bunch of enemy fires on a boat the valet soldiers show up randomly for some reason but you won't find out why unless you pay 20 dollars for the revelation dlc normally i would go through and make fun of each individual chapter in detail but birthright makes that kind of unsatisfying because two-thirds of it is actually just pointless filler and if the writers aren't going to try i'm not going to either to inject some more raw power into my birthright kmu i tried to recruit some amiibo characters who are all quite strong the only issue is that their recruitment chapters are pretty tough and i don't have a level 37-0 to trivialize it for me ike's chapter pits you against the radiant hero and a bunch of real mercenary facsimiles they are split into two groups meaning that you can defeat them in detail which well is exactly what i do i take down the left side pretty easily and the right side moves in to pursue me however the store brand girl mercenaries do not move as a group and separate themselves allowing me to defeat them one by one i take down ike allowing me to recruit him ike is strong enough that i can hopefully use him to help snowball the rest of the amiibo chapters as my team will get stronger with every recruitment allowing me to complete the future of people recruitment chapters more easily and reliably following through on this logic i start robin's recruitment chapter and almost immediately get ike killed in robin's amiibo chapter we can only deploy four characters to square off against not lissa not frederick and not krom who was paired up with robin they will all stay stationary unless you move into their range which is a problem because i don't have characters that can take more than one hit i walk slightly over the water to lure robin into attacking and since frederick can't cross water he'll have to walk around i used ike as a lure and he once shot robin in retaliation but unfortunately frederick also moves in resulting in his untimely demise once not frederick swings around i surround him and take free shots at one range to take advantage of the two range only spear and take him down not krom and not lisa are cleaned up afterwards this will be the extent of my amiibo gathering journey because marth's and lucina's chapters are still too difficult even though i have lost ike i now have gained robin but i definitely will not lose next chapter to a similar blunder over the past few chapters i have managed to build a support point to get mostly to an answering support with corin but she is killed off by chat roughly 20 seconds after the support is completed i start chapter 12 where the setup of the previous few chapters converges into a bizarre resolution zolo disguises a zero to look like some dancer lady so she can frame king garen for copyright infringement and file a dmca claim to send him to the youtube jail but garen is unaffected because zola has betrayed coryn but has also been charmed enough to beg garen to spare corin resulting in his death uh yeah yeah this is too [ __ ] stupid i'll just pretend this didn't happen chapter 12 is an escape map that is famous for being easily skipped by flying to the escape point but i decided to attempt to grab the treasure first however xander who is too strong to fight at this point in the story pursues you he catches up to my rear guard and slays robin shortly afterwards in my haste to make changes to the bounty board i accidentally delete my entire obs scene this causes literally everything to break and my software crashes prematurely ending the street after recovering from the system crash i limp away and escape to complete chapter 12. i capture two great knights that i attempt to recruit and use but chat kills them off in my desperation i construct the inheritor shop and purchase the generic archer chotaro i buy one and then two and then many many more i grind some gold in skirmish maps and dlcs so my barracks can be filled to the brim with chitaro i start chapter 13 which begins with a suggestive cutscene involving camilla but i no longer care about such trivial things because my primary concern is to figure out how to make jotaro useful you see waifus are temporary but the glory of jotaro is eternal jitaro arrives as a level 1 archer with horrifyingly bad base stats and awful growths his only merit being that you can obtain an infinite amount of jitaro i tried to train a couple of them but the jachara attrition rate is too high and i never get one that's any good i learn camilla with ajitaro attempt to go for the kill with age taro but you can't hit her um they're they're really bad well if nothing else at least the memes the guys sent in were pretty funny after killing off ryoma and starlet off screen i begin chapter 14 and sees all rational thought as it will no longer be required to beat the game i reclass chord into a knight and promote him into a general giving him 38th defense which is more than enough to just win the entire rest of my team is now irrelevant after clearing all chapter 14 i start chapter 15 where a bunch of wolves are blown up triggering a fight in which the entire wolf clan is slaughtered because of this little oopsy doodle kaze dies in the cutscene and i reclass according to a dread fighter and i play chapter 16 where takubi comes down with a disease forcing us to play a boring route map after blamelessly face taking through that entire map i beat chapter 17 where korean slaughters the entire ice tribe and floral commits suicide by self-immolation as i begin chapter 18 i started taking shots of whiskey to numb my senses as i beat the map in two turns by walking up to leo and attacking him as there is no longer any content remaining that's interesting story-wise and no challenge remaining gameplay-wise i will be heading towards the finale at record speed in chapter 19 of birthright leo uses a plot device to teleport gordon to the rainbow sage so he can obtain his power but it turns out that the true power was within him all along in other words we have played this boring round map for nothing the same plot device teleports us back to where we were and we proceed to chapter 20 where iago tricks everyone into getting bored by a dead dragon that was turned into a building in this map you fight infinitely spawning faceless while being digested by stomach acid before the boss becomes aggressive and kills itself by attacking you ending the chapter next up is chapter 21 a lava map where you just fly up the boss and beat him up this leads us to a secret passageway into the norian capital in chapter 22 where we fight shira and his 62 friends unfortunately he cannot be made into a pair of boots in this route but just like all of the other chapters this map is easily trivialized by existing and ending your turn the next five chapters of birthright are specifically about beating up each of the remaining named characters individually chapter 23 is camilla's map who simply recycles her character motivations from chapter 13. this is normally a difficult map if you use a full deployment because she regularly activates dragon veins that damage every character in one of the three sections of the map this mass damage can be difficult to overcome with 12 characters but with just one is just 10 damage return i beat the map by using my usual tactics next up is chapter 24 which is hanza's map lilith shows up for her literal first appearance in the route and is instantly killed by hans who you in turn killed during the map by walking towards him shortly afterwards in chapter 25 you walk towards iago and beat him up but don't kill him because leo pops up out of nowhere to kill steal you before [ __ ] off and doing nothing more for the story in chapter 26 xander challenges you to an honorable duel and in the process kills elise disheartened xander then decides to commit suicide by corn and dies impaled on the cob finally after 27 corn fights garen and learns replicates so this is now technically not a solo run after getting jump scared by a general encounter i defeat guarantee and the map now that we have finished speed running killing our adopted family we now move on to the final map which actually poses an interesting challenge for roster as diminished as mine in the final map of this birth threat kmu king garen transforms into a gigantic dragon and instantly kills corn to the benefit of all that still live corn has a dream sequence where four dead people and three living ones cheer him on giving him the plot managing the power he needs to stand up against his adopted naz father azura starts seeing copyrighted music forcing garen to have stupid ai that wastes his first 11 turns activating dragon events that don't matter oh wait that happens anyway never mind my plan instead is to rush corn and his replicate into attack while all of my other characters expend their lives as human shields however i mess up my unit placement and am unable to secure the kill in part due to the unpredictability of anime movements and in part because of my inebriation a dozen giotaros die as i go in for the kill i strike twice with the alpha yato but i am unable to finish garen off immediately with the second coin since there are roughly 10 million enemies remaining and i'm liable to getting bobbed and killed in a moment of sheer brilliance i decide to emergency class change chord into a great knight to gain more defense because replicates will mirror most changes to the original character and vice versa both of the korans benefit from this defense bonus corrin takes a lot of hits but survives by a decent margin and i land the final blow on garen defeating him and completing the run as garen dissolves into mist he mutters something about his backstory that is not expanded on even if you paid 20 for the golden route dlc and simultaneously azura decides to join the blue man group in the sky as she is banned from youtube for a third copyright strike at last we could have saved her if only we paid twenty dollars for the revlion dlc in the following cutscene ryoma becomes king and insidiously forces nor to become a mere vassal state dependent on imperialist hoshido's bountiful resources after a jubilant festival to celebrate their bloody conquest coherent walks out to a lake and fatally sees a 20-dollar bill floating in the lake but alas does not use it to save azura the game ends as the hoshide siblings report to their dead mother who visibly approves of the countless lives extinguished in her name this concludes the fire emblem fades birthright to kill my unit iron man in addition to making me a lot of money this project is extremely fun and will hopefully be a staple of the channel going forward i estimate that across this run approximately 200 central donations were made for a total sum of roughly 2 000 united states dollars before youtube's cut and taxes thank you all for your generous contributions but more importantly this was really really funny i got into youtube to make people laugh but this sheer the sheer scale of this collab of storytelling is something i could never even have dreamed of a year ago but enough of that i am going to complain about the game now unfortunately i seem to have seriously overestimated the difficulty of the birthright raft as i was able to blow through the second half of the game in only a couple of hours revelation is probably a better choice for this kind of run because of the higher cast size and increased difficulty of core to solo runs this is in part because birthright's story just wasn't as fun to make fun of as conquests but i plan to genuinely keep the video summaries a bit shorter in overall length from now on maybe i'm just tired for doing a lot of fire up my face content but i don't really see myself doing another 50 episode series like i did for conquest anyway if you like this series please subscribe to my youtube channel for semi-comedic abusing check out my twitter and if you want to support future video production consider becoming a youtube member contributing to my patreon or participating in the next kmu thanks for watching and see you all in the next one
Channel: Excelblem
Views: 145,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rWqp40cyEVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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