SCTV - Half Wits Semi-final

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it's time for the hagwon tonight the exciting semi-finals and here's the host of the half-wits [Applause] [Music] thank you good evening everybody welcome to half-wits tonight the semi-finals were the best contestants that have appeared on the show over the past season are teamed up and pitted against each other to see who will end up in our exciting championship round and as hard as it is to believe these four people have ended up here tonight so now let's meet our contestants Arthur and religion laughter what have you been up to since your last appearance on the show oh you know the usual like like what oh just um usual the usual what stuff good always a treat chatting with you Arthur and and now let's meet your lucky partner I met him already I'm sorry I met him already Alex I know we know Arthur I thought perhaps the studio audience with a like a chance to uh to meet him once again if that's all right with you let's welcome Wesley Wilks Wesley very nice to have you back really how have you been I'm not too good Alex my back's been bothering me I've got this ache in my lower back terrible this morning I was really irritable pain was so bad I could barely breathe it really wonderful really nice Wesley yeah good luck to both of you and now let's meet your opponents let's say hello to Blanche very Kellogg hello Blanche I understand you recently got married yes I did that is correct Alex how long have you been married since the wedding straight through who's the lucky guy my husband Blanche can we expect to hear the pitter-patter of little ray Kellog feet in the future I don't understand Alex are you planning to have kids children no I'm afraid not acts I'm going to concentrate on my career and what is that housewife and hopefully mother mm-hmm excellent choice Blanche ray Kellogg and finally Lawrence or Bach red Oh Alex and Lawrence I understand that congratulations are in order yes they are would you care to tell us why not sure did you not just graduate from high school - I think I did congratulations Lauren so you're not possibly considering college are you yes and no Alex I'm considering offers from Harvard and they have a fine football team Alex but I'm not exactly sure where Harvard is so I don't know how it would make any of the games very very good and now I think it's time to get down to the business of playing half-wits [Music] [Applause] and quite simply here's how the semi-finals work each team gets to pick a category out of which comes a mystery word which one player has to convey to his partner by using up to three words to describe it for example if the mystery word is baseball one might use these three words to describe a pitch hit slide now each team has one minute to guess as many mystery words as they can however if they guess incorrectly that same mystery word goes to the other team who can use the remaining time to chock up as many points for themselves as they can now each mystery word is worth 5 points and the team ahead on points at the end of the first round gets to pick the category for the following round the team ahead at the end of three rounds gets to play our fast lightning round where each mystery word is worth 50 points with only a 30-second time limit now any questions yes Arthur you have the time Alex time is 8:35 Thank You Alex Alex yes Florence out if the word baseball comes up come we use the same words that you just used Laurence I was just using that as an example I don't think the word baseball will come up just Alex if it comes up then yes yes you can use the same three words that I used because those are good words pitch hits slide Laurence we have to move on team captain Arthur Andrew Liggett confer with your partner and pick a category [Music] Arthur we need a category contains [Music] Arthur we need a category all right [Music] favorite pets favorite pets is the category Arthur on Wesley you have one minute and go Arthur you're wasting valuable time here well no points on that Arthur would have helped if you had said something just to help your partner out the word was Lysa absolutely you could have said dog to bet short no points on that and Lorenson Blanche the doors wide open here pick a category actually I've always had a soft spot for airplanes so we'll go with Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright is the category Blanche and Laurence you have one minute and go cockpit sorry that answer is incorrect no points on that please keep your category in mind when giving the clues it really helps now because of that incorrect answer Arthur and Wesley you can complete that round Wesley the word is yours and go functional cockfight I'm sorry no points on that that was a very very wrong now I'm only gonna say this once please listen to me contestant you can't just repeat the word that's on the card you have to describe it so your partner can guess it and Lawrence Frank Lloyd Wright was not one of the Wright brothers he was an architect please if you have any questions about your category ask them upfront we can save everybody a lot of time all right does everybody understand yes Arthur who's ahead at this point Alex nobody is they head on points we haven't had a correct answer yet nobody's ahead and let's just calm down here at this point and collect your little thoughts and Johnny Ola tell our viewers at home what our contestants could win tonight on half-wits where Alex tonight on hi France one of our teams in a brand-new stereo record cleaner this off the durable record cleaner brush I expected you to keep your stereo record collections estimate free just one wife with this price this little item removes dust and foreign particles that settle on your records giving them longer life look that smells brand-new yes save money by keeping your records and vintage condition with the new record cleaner brush by Raj Raj there's a brush before back to you Alex Thank You Johnny Ola ladies and gentlemen because our teams are stalemated at zero right now and the chances of getting a correct answer seem dismal at this point to say the least I have decided to flip a coin to see which team will go into our lightning round so I'll now call on our team captains Lawrence or Bach and Arthur Andrew Liggett step forward for the coin toss gentlemen are you ready ready okay call it while it's in the air please first just call the coin while it's in the air okay here we go yes sir I forgot what those things are what things you know those things what things things on the coin heads and tails a little slow upstairs and while it's in the air it's really not that difficult here we go hey Fitz you can't both call heads you see one person calls heads the other person calls tails that's all there is to it okay call it while it's in the air please here we go okay thanks you said his last time all right return to your seats does it matter what seats we go back to I don't care just return to your seats we're out of time no winners no surprise no correct answers what else is new I will tell next time if indeed there is a next time this is Alex from Elsa [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: vagabond
Views: 1,049,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sctv
Id: WIJna_6G244
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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