Scream Fortress 2018 unboxing!

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right so we've got 25 of the screen fortress wall paint ones and then once it viola I mean we got 25 of these as well which are basically just the gargoyle cases with purple instead of red so lucky cat hat is the only elite grade so in all of the hundreds and hundreds of cases I've unboxed maybe even maybe a thousand I don't know I've only ever had one elite grade item and I've never had an unusual war paint or an unusual weapons or CFS changes today so we're gonna start off with viola vermin as a plan will do the viola very means will do 25 of these and then we'll do on we go into the the wall paints okay what if it was purple next year they're just gonna change it and they're gonna change it to like I don't know white and because it like the white fright collection there you go thank you valve that's that's free of charge the white fright collection just change the spiders color to white BAM you get to go you're good to go open with a key sure you want to open this case yeah I'm sure I'm sure I'm ready for the Halloween no boxing of 2018 and we got some shoes Olympic leapers here comes the the traditional time of opening up all the cases in getting all the Masanori getting all the the mercenary items like Simon boom the results are in the results are in and we've got an unusual there we go it's just about this year dog can be like unboxings always start with saying blues just blues blues for the first like ten boxes don't matter a news your fire stereo results room that's the medic one that's a well all torn it's one of the like original ones right it's one of the like the original medic tones okay next item we got another item yeah nights I'm gonna heavy hat vampire Vanquisher okay okay so there we go we're starting off with unusual fires let's go open the key I'm sure let's keep going next item yeah we got a couple of items something we got the turtle dad in the shell it's unique item question mark yellow text okay okay interesting interesting and I got another hat murderers motif okay so is that like a different type that's not in the collection the tile thing right so the turtle things not in the collection it's like the those freaking planes that they had in one of the updates I come to which up there it was but they were like different things right okay okay okay I'm down with it I'm down with it nice description tag oh he's always helpful and then we go out this half Phaistos hung handcraft a surprise that's a blue surprise that I blue when you can you think Thea the Spartan hell that's like one of the old ones right that's one of the old things it looks very similar and that was like a really good it was really good hat real good hat in its day it still it's some surprise that one that one there's mercenary grade thought it would be higher than that we got a man Co ticket that's gonna pay for next week's nvm you know strange count transfer tool very helpful indeed we've got four items out of this geez Scopus scales okay so we've got that's another one of these and I mean think so there's a bunch of these I guess a bunch of these I guess okay so we've got four items out of the same box geez and highway star mercenary grade so I said we're going through all the mercenaries we got five please so far we've got five more to go next five will all be Blues we've got a hat here the Man O'War that's very grade and we got crocodile face crocodile crocodile Mundi okay that's what is that the one I saw in the server earlier on the one that Zak's was wearing I swear was brown or maybe that was just the lighting these look these reminds me of would like the clothes remember the dinosaurs program back in the 90s with those dinosaurs they wore like suits and they went to work and stuff it's probably showing my age bom bompa is good show waiting for response Thanks please respond with an unusual no bandits boots some bandits boots you got three more please to get three more my throat still hurts from that choking by the way still hurts oh what's this mini ng I like that it's like a Lego ng now let's see I like that I'm guessing that's engineer I would guess it's an engineer one right there's some pain deep commitment to purple yeah who gets committed to purple yeah good beats these ones I know cannot be unusual because I checked because apparently they clip in so apparently these clip with pretty much like lots of items so um having them as an unusual would have been pretty cool but when I checked on the wiki they can't be unusual it's not possible so yeah Oh dress pirard oh that's such a weird item for spy what the hell like I wouldn't associate that kind of thing with spy that's a papal though that's a which got a commander great that's pretty close we've got one commander we haven't got one of the Blues which I'm I'm gonna predict we're gonna get we're gonna get mm-hmm we're gonna get the arachnoid arsonist in the next case okay I'm predicting you know if I'm right you guys go give me a billion pounds brain be brain also the fact that now the code is it's it's designed so that's its design okay that wasn't magic I'm not a witch please don't send you no Forks and torches my way you know basically the when you unbox it's it's coded to go for the Blues that you don't have already so that's why I've not had any dupes yet and that's why I've got all of the Blues so yeah basically when you if you were to unbox X number of things you're guaranteed to get different blues you won't get dupes until you've got all of the things now we're gonna start getting blue chips beer now it's totally random now it's totally random strange Highbury style okay or stress the first strange of the day that's for sniper right okay probably never wear it but hey it's always good to have vampire Vanquisher okay okay so good let's go another one of these crocodile things these keys are just this is just unique right you can get strange ones you can't get unusual ones I'm guessing I'm guessing they're just a couple of added extras we've got hit all Hello shell of a man should have a man that's the that's the part of the tour this one right okay okay and we got a hat Man O'War again so I'm gonna have to look at that croc so we got like a crocodile and a tortoise right there's the two lizardy things vampire Vanquisher again what's our bonus item man Cody kids it's gonna have a whole tour by the end of this we're gonna have a whole tour by the endless tacos end you mean he is he playing gee I feel it another one of these high race star open weird key let's go Man O'War not even strange not even strange not even blessing me with a cheeky strange you know another one of these turtle shells are these I'm guessing these are tradable I'm guessing as they come out cases that tradable right well I mean when the UH when the trade period has gone down y'all know what I mean imagine if he could have imagined if you got unusual on of these you should got unusual ones of these and have like a little like unusual effect on him like a little scorching flames little mini Angie that'd be sick I I'd like that again that's free advice valve free advice should take my advice level Kroger down nice what is this pyro in Chinatown okay yes and you once that's another commander great items we haven't got that one yet it's the first time first time we got that okay three more no five more been on case it's all split up so got five more of these violent vermin cases so that's enough times you gonna use your hat you think right no knots time to get a crocodile tail and use your hat please no that's pretty cool I quite like that I reckon that would look good with my my wraith wrap I've had a decent one of those that'd be pretty cool a strange one what do you guys think Man O'War new chicken have tickets for a tour we're literally gonna pay for my tour on Monday yes I'm sure of course I'm sure bought the damn cases I bought that I'm cute so hello no just an elite grade but a strangely grade you serious that's like strange lucky cat dudes that's nuts that's nuts I don't know like that's gonna be the most expensive item you can get on this case that's not unusual right I strain the strange version of the leaf that's so cool 13 pounds on the market Wow nice Dan that's like what five six keys cost 17 pounds I'm getting different numbers here I mean I still that's insane that's only the second that's the second time the second time in my life I've ever uncrated in an elite grade I am is it old class I'm guessing it is I'm guessing it would be it wouldn't be restricted no items that in collections aren't restricted they changed that I think I was a good changed about me when it came to Halloween because when they put them in these cases they're part of a collection and those aren't Halloween restricted dice dice um they some orangey so you we break boy isn't even a character I did get Ally I am before but still that's ER ice rare strange elite the only Ally oh my god yes sir that's nuts mm-hmm enough to pair that up with my Robin Walker's son I have like an all strange elite loadout how about that all strange Leona that's gonna be the next video can you have Oh strangely loadouts on old classes next I am can't were you gonna give me back my go to get that's the talk that's the tour boys and girls that's the tour I'm a place of MVM Lea all right we still got two more I am still got two more items Oh didn't get any haven't had any assassin grade items yet oh that's so good the full tour the full tour available now oh hello decal tool and I'm one of those in years I got another one of these vampire Vanquisher and we go one more one more let's get an unusual hat come on come on hit me a neutral manner walk now it's not well still so out of the 25 cases we got two strangers we got two Purple's two commandos the dress Prado and the pyro in trying time ago all of the all of the blues I've got a lot of these vampire Vanquishers and a lot of the man Awards what five mana wars for vampire vanquish hmm and of course we got the street strange lucky yeah okay so violent vermin I would say has been a success I mean I'm if I'm being picky you know no unusual technically got an unusual fire and we got the the strange elite that's probably worth more than like a mercenary great unusual perhaps at the net we'd have to do some calculations okay so now we're on to screen you spell screen fortress oh yeah so now we're on to the wall paints so like I said never unbox the stream never unbox an unusual skin back when I used to do skins remember easy to just do skins and it was at different rates now they do wall paints you can make your own skin that weapons never had strange what I keep seeing strange never had an unusual weapon skin never had or never uncrated an unusual weapon skin never on creating an usual war paint but I've got a couple of these from the somebodies and these ones are gonna be on are not tradable and marketable right because they're the ones I go for my contract so we're gonna go on to these so there is one two three four four mercenary three commando two assassin and one elite grade okay well we are we gonna break the curse today it's Halloween it's about giving curses can we break the curse we'll see what a strange to kick spectral shimmered wall pain stranger stuff that's the best blast pretty good right whoa Thank You mr. saucy for the 30 months in the row unboxing is the answer hey if the sub during the unboxing if the subscriber during the unbox he says unboxing is the answer that's what I've got believe thank you very much for the three months in a row dude so you're gonna work that's that's pretty good right that's minimal whereas well that's gonna be worth a decent amount strange commando grade spectral shimmered I mean it doesn't look amazing but then again that's part of my my config doesn't make this stuff look at that great and these little things but that's pretty that's pretty good stuff with its change command oh great minimal we're okay another strange totally boned tell you burned wall pain okay that minimal wear as well okay so we start off we're kicking off with the strangers we're kicking off with the strangers it's pretty good for an alien haunted ghost small pain that seems very familiar that seems very familiar looks kind of like the alien alien one from a while ago where the alien alien something once the alien isolation was nightly in isolation is it well paint color holiday whole thing famous now we got a bonus item another ticket oh and the M fans and for treats for a treat but double ice him again another ticket what's going on with these tickets man spirit Halloween will pain okay blue you got all the blues now with all the for please okay start hating us with the good stuff now come on valve come on gimme gimme gimme give me give me the good stuff was this totally boned again I don't to be boned I want I want the good stuff come on come on come on shooting minigame that's that's really helpful thanks and the holiday ones no spirit of Halloween despair of spirit of Halloween war was that we're of Halloween war pain okay no I it's called war pain spirit of Halloween lost spirit of Halloween war that doesn't make sense that sentence doesn't make sense CJ you chat and [ __ ] as usual shut up and unbox what is this strange part full moon kills okay I think I even have one of those on any of my weapons I should get that for like a spooky way that I never use except for like Halloween we got triple I'm out of this one Oh strange spirit of Halloween strange one I got another item did read on go die did she love it did you read wrong go unusually fire whoo took a few more boxes took a few more boxes but we got another unusual afire here we here we go ladies and gentlemen it's all good it's all good okay so that's two unusual five so far that's pretty good I'm gonna take a victory sip here because my throat it's tearing up tearing up marasmus is on my side it's Halloween I've had to do stuff on Halloween on the pass I can use your hats stuff like that so clearly marasmus is a he's backing me up did you read wrong guy like that or actually I really do like that tone for sniper so one of my favorite sniper tones my first ever unusual my first ever unusual taunt or a first ever unusual anything they're ever unboxed it's on my youtube was I got when they you had taunts and it was an unusual taunt and it was the air the ICU with the 72 effect I still have that I still have that for sniper so yeah okay so that's good still not had an unusual like thing from these cases I found unusual of fires I've now done usual hat I don't know how unusual vania okay just just just point it out just point it out just pointing out there okay well see we'll see what happens we'll see what happens boned totally boned okay okay we've got a double here got some paint it's Australian pain gone off it's orange or range and spirit of Halloween does almost say one of those was factoring you know I don't know of any factory news I mean that one's still pretty good the stranger minimum where commander great items please dick no no can I lie okay horror holiday no good enough not good enough not pleased with that boned again getting a lot of bones one man won't might think yeah skeletons was like Mike had more mango tickets than anything else right I have to check how many toes I can do after this unboxing at least is useful I guess at least it's useful paint commitment to purple again and was this teammates extinguished that's a decent part right pirates on that for their flame for us and you can put them on milk and jarate so I think that's one of the more pricey once maybe maybe I'm Chang [ __ ] he knows Hornet ghosts we're getting a lot of loose we've had one non blue so far I have all these wall paints I'm telling you I'm I am cursed when it comes to wall paints okay we get the unusual fires but actually the actual wall paints I never get anything good I'm just getting these mercy great stuff right it's just it's just it just hits me one after the other blue blue blue another blue gonna be another blue the warp what these I never get good reference or Warpaint's another blue is it less it's the chances less likely I guess I don't know there's you take a look at it there's less blues there's only four blues so the the chances of getting a dupe must be much higher when you're doing these kind of cases because it's a guy I just guess it's more likely right compared to the cosmetic ones don't know I just even when it was when he went was the weapons maybe weapons and war paints is just more rare another blue extra item description the neutral fires are cool I'm just saying the actual stuff I'm supposed to get out of these boxes is always poo I'm getting booboo what's going on with these blues I'm not feeling it it's not even unusual blues you know it's like how many case we've got five cases left right so I've done twenty cases and now of the 20 cases one has been non blue everything else has been blue that just either that's really bad luck when it comes to me and wall paints or because of the fewer numbers in their cases maybe just it's just those that I don't know any mathematicians out there totally boned you can't even see the bones anymore that's how that's how worn out I am with the totally boned warping okay look at the bones that is how thin my patience is they get another totally boned I'm gonna just stop saying the word bone toughing bones boond and more mbm tickets needs more calcium definitely calcium deficient that one that's what he should say no battle-scarred calcium deficient where we got here this one looks pretty pretty nice I was factoring and stretching you so you got fracturing you know these others are factoring you I don't think I mean again like minimal where's that's factoring you we got we got faction you boned bone I don't know nvm for tonight I'm not doing every I'm tonight no I got scrims and stuff tonight I'm just like show you got strange great thanks I just I just don't get it I don't get like the luck I've had with these cases there's gotta be something there I'm not having this look at the sea of blue is just a sea of blue I just come on that can't be right that can't be right that can't be right I'm sorry can I call the help and say there's something wrong with my wallpaper I'm gonna do more I'm doing more do more I'm not having this I'm not having this are you 10 more of these wall paint cases I'm sorry I'm not having that okay this is what I mean I'm not dated I'm committed okay we're committed to getting good items that's what we're doing here cake I'm not having that 24 Blues out of 25 cases I came we got new news your fire very happy that's pretty sick but unusual fires the bonus two bonus the actual stuff from the cases was quite literally sheet pile of pile of the proverbial shall we say okay all right I'm gonna panicking you guys shouldn't panic either because I'm not addicted not addicted I'm not dicted I am committed committed to the cause okay this is the unboxing cause it's like it's like one people campaign for something okay the campaign for Human Rights and you know equality and stuff I'm campaigning for unboxing I'm dedicated to the cause don't have to restart the game use with there we go let's type in scream fortress I didn't know if they'd just spit okay so I can just see the blue again it's just like rubbing it in rubbing it it's like hey CJ just for some more cases you idiot look what you got before blues everywhere I should just have that Eiffel 65 song I'm blue just constantly playing mix that in with was it Tom Jones it's not unusual someone should make a mega mix of that anyone who's got talent I ain't got talent no one's good talent just do that make a mix and that will that will that song would accurately describe as a backing track for the unboxing of these wall paint gazes okay that's what I'm saying so we've got ten more okay and there better be something good there better be something good but I believe I'm not threatening your new cases it's okay you know in trouble okay um tuned for six two four six yeah okay we got enough keys I can't count family so we're gonna open these that we got 10 more we got a double double thing oh hello there you go there we go yeah they're listening now they're listening and listening right we've got a purple commando caliber a canvas one pane okay it doesn't look very good quality but you know yes come on shredder lads Oh baby that's what I'm talking about it's still not an initial Warplanes but it's three unusually fires in 52 cases yes hmm oh do I I'm trying to think now like what unusual effect would look best cuz the the shredder has like the fire ice right behind it kind of stuff I don't know would you go for a Halloween would you guys think Halloween effect on that will wait until Halloween's over and use an unusual effect like a normal one I mean this night is the best I do have a bunch of these so I've got okay it's got three today all right excuse me I actually have three lying around or three knocking about my backpack so I'm gonna have to decide if I want to use those during Halloween or wait until after Halloween some of them are might use don't during Halloween it depends I'll have to go through the unusual effects and see okay okay so that's pretty cool that's pretty cool so we got our no that was the first case what am I talking about that wasn't this wasn't the second case that was the first game that's what he does though it's I'm feeling baited I'm feeling baited here they're just getting like oh look at this CJ you got a purple one you should fire well done and then the next nine it's just gonna be a sea of blue it's gonna be like finding Nemo but you don't find the unusual you just find more blue okay no I believe no positivity p.m. a positive mental attitude if I believe I can unusual I will get an unusual what is it even even even the game didn't know what I was give to Paul thanks like a gift [ __ ] people now we got bones again totally bone ed tell you what yeah second I'm getting sick of these bones turn you wanna go just let's just blues again blues they [ __ ] okay hello burnin enemy kills yeah that's that's not graze it that's not great is it anything so downhill from here is oh it's so it was all downhill though um yeah yeah it was it was is it worth buying those ten just for the unusual afire that's what's going through my head right now we want more bones Teddy boned I'm feeling totally boned gaben's laughing with his wallet right now laughing at my misfortune more bones this one's got blood on it more veins we've got five more we're halfway there through freely encore okay ready plan 450 I only plan 450 any planned but the Encore that's that's where the good stuff comes right you can't even see the pain it's scratched to [ __ ] what is this what is this at least I can transfer my strangers all over the place burnin enemy strange pies only 30 ref Wow they don't even buy you a key these days it doesn't even buy you a key haunted ghosts funny has taken so long for them to do these considering haunted ghost is one of the oldest unusual effects perhaps right Wow thanks Val I really need backpack expanders even though my backpack is at maximum capacity but I appreciate the thought it's the thought that counts right it's the thought that counts I am boxed tour of duty ticket of course hello what's this assassin grade strange hello that looks really good oh is that factoring you is that factoring you what do you think I'm feeling it could be minimal wear around the edges it looks a bit rough but on the front that could be factoring you you said a factually new assassin grade strange is it what do you guys think the in chat factually new a minimal wear and get another minimal where's you bring in my hopes down that's good that's good because if it is fetching here where is it is there a factory new assassin grade strange it's past cut all my days how much is that gonna be worth that's gonna be worth a decent amount that's a really nice that's oh that's probably the best thing so far I've got hyped over this I was like all of it is it's purple it's minimal wear it's strange blown out of war okay um you click on use right you just oh oh do I keep it do I use it look at a ghost it's so cool well let's look on the black box oh that's that's it that's right really like this pain actually I really like this paint what else have we got nice that looks like something else yes go right now 100 euros on the market did I just make a hundred euros well I mean I did kind of spend stuff on keys 100 euros whilst we sure look at our minion he's on the fight it's on the Vitis are tho effing that nobody ever uses that's so cool sniper rifle snip berry Flay that's pretty cool Wow no don't redeem wahoo don't redeem Dallas that's that's a little you want to see on the rocket launcher look it up look at our baby that's my little Hondo gyro inspected all right yeah of course he does it like it looks good and this is based on this is with my config that makes everything look like RB this makes everything look you know this makes everything look like poo okay and I close this now escape okay so all of my um all of my a whinging a moaning after those first 25 where I got 24 blues and one purple in 8 cases I found an unusual fire another purple and a strange factory new pink hydrate it's time to hydrate yeah I think you stay hydrated but best bot on twitch clearly telling everyone to just keep drinking okay two more cases can we beat that can we be that I think that's the highest that's think that's the best like if we put in wall paints and skins that are uncredible into one kind of package deal that's probably the best thing I've ever got from Laker skins wise I think I've got pinks in the past I have a vague memory of having pinks I don't think I ever got a factory new pink I don't know someone who's seen all of my unboxing videos can you remember but definitely definitely not a fashion you strange I I would I probably put money on me never having something better than that we got two blues incoming you say we'll see we'll see open with a case we were the case if in one case with another case okay let's see you got Spirit Halloween it's no good with our bonus what's the bonus Julie minigame so one more case hmm well we think what we feelin what you feel in chat is it gonna be this is gonna be a blue is it gonna be better than a blue strange blue purple pink are we gonna get a lecture shocked strange factory-new electro-shocked unusual i probably cry or is it gonna be totally but we're getting a lot of tire bones yeah gonna be loaned if it's another totally boned I'll give you all like I don't know if I can give you points yeah everyone points you have ever wants I'm feeling it's gonna be totally boned and I'm gonna feel totally burned I'm gonna be sad we'll see last case no bonus box it's why I need the the freakin soldier trumpet that's a feels bad man that is a feels bad man but hey our haul from today hasn't been too bad okay let's let's let's what's the word recap let's recap okay so we got all of the blues with some dupes we got two purples and we got the strange elite grade hat from I mean that's that's the best thing I've got from from collections stuff I've only ever had an elite great thing but once before wasn't that the the lightening hair from the ng right but I've never had a strange one and now we got the strange lucky cat we got that so that was pretty decent I would say from the from the cosmetic side of things that that's really good type they're a four-inch screen fortress in you um and then when it comes to this we've got a hell of a lot of Blues very very very many blues however we've got a strange minimal we're commando spectral shimmered inspect that's like a pinky version it's crackle a little ghost face teehee and we got the Calavera canvas feel tested now it's good but still pretty decent commander grade and then we got the factory new ghost town wall pain strange strange assassin grade war paint which one that looks very good I don't know what tumor taste it looks like and I've not seen electro-shocked but that looked pretty good whom you're looking at the stuff that I pretty good and then a new usual if I just type in an usual and then we got unusual fires so we got this one here results are in for the medic that's the one where he goes with his with his doo-dah with his x-ray it's real that we've got the didgeridoo on go which is that say dunno I could play that's for the sniper rifle sniper not the sniper rifle i drinkin didgeridoo as a sniper rifle the sound it would make when you fired it and then we got the Shred alert and usually a fire so I mean not as good as last year when we got the was at the Cassatt ski kick that was like an old class looped on but still two class ones and then this is all class as well this is an old class or class one as well the Shred alert so overall that's out of 160 cases we did three unusual or fires one strange elite grade and one strange factory-new assassin war paint I'm gonna say that's pretty good I'm gonna say that's pretty good I'm gonna say that's a that's that's a that's a positive result from from that I I'm not gonna use them yet I guess I'm a reason yeah I know you and it you want us to know but I've got three others waiting as well so I'm going to sit down I'm gonna look at the possible different unusual and then I probably make another video doing on another stream in the future where I'll use some of them during Halloween and then use some others outside of Halloween I just have to decide which ones I want cuz only a nice mixture of effects but there we go that's the results of scream fortress 10 2018 unboxing I'm pretty happy with that I'm
Channel: CeeJaey
Views: 23,325
Rating: 4.8863635 out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, Team Fortress, Scream Fortress, Halloween, Unboxing, Uncasing, Uncrating, Violet Vermin, War Paint, Unusual, Unusualifier, Steam, Steam Community, Valve, Video Game, First-person shooter, Shooter game, Shoot-em up
Id: 0LPJiiet4i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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