My favourite TF2 loadouts & Unusual Taunts 2018!

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yes it's another year and what does that mean another loadout video yes we're gonna go through all nine classes again I'm gonna showcase some of the loadout sort of used for different game modes for different reasons and yeah you guys can let me know what you think and of course there'll be some unusual and I'll show off some of the unusual taunts as well so that you can see all of the different classes in there different poses but guess where we're gonna start we're gonna start with spot now we're gonna start with scout we're gonna start with scout we're gonna keep it going and of course it is the shiny cabbage faced man yes the very odd-looking scout this is pretty much the loadout I use for MDM these days because if you're in a server playing like this I don't know he's the cabbage ninja the lettuce ninja whatever you want to call him he's very shiny and very green but yes I play MVM with this because you know but a bit of damage with this sometimes use the force of nature if I can find it there we go to get around then we got the milk as well which is you know hey five points if you can know what that description is a reference towards and then we've got my my fan versus machine my fan of war which you know is pretty good 430 robots destroyed it's pretty it's pretty good pretty good then we got my tousle cap which is scorching flames Mya bonk boy which is strange professional kill streak and some beams and we've got my bruises bandana and of course the canteen for playing MVM with will take a look at the taunts on this one so I'm going to go through the tours I've got a lot of all class taunts as well I'm gonna try and limit those to the classes that don't have very many class specific taunts so we all look at the Scout taunts here so we've got the batting a thousand with the mega strike I've got three chicken taunts and it's probably a glitch out so we have to remove some of them in order to show the different effects so I've got this one which was a nice gift from epic storm and this is infernal smoke I think I need to remove that one and then I can show this one now and this one is midnight whirlwind if you don't remove them it only shows the first effective you've got multiple taunts of the same kite type if we remove that one then we can look at this one which is pretty much the same but it's silver cycling so the little whirlwind that goes around it is slightly lighter in color if we go back and then we can take a look another load out now that I've got and this is still low now I use on Halloween it's it's how we Nonie I can kind of understand why but I would love to be an alien all the time give me a stranger five for these items and then use them on Scout 24/7 but yes it's Halloween only so I shall oween it up I got my lightsaber I got my Kappa you know things like that but yes this is what if you see an offer full on alien Scout during Halloween yeah it could be me could be me finally I've got kind of my trihard loadout I guess I should call it it's no unusual we've got some we got some of the strangest so I've got my cat hat that I uncrated I've got my professor specs with my eight new users helped you're welcome and my Robin Walker's as well which also strange so they always stand out very much when I'm running around as a scout for I want to play some comp games and you're not gonna see me from across the map just use ask agar and that's the best best choice playing and then I've got my community sparkle lugar morph I just kind of like this one it's nice to have the sparkles it's nice to have the sparkle in my Boston basher which is a pretty good for you know hurting yourself in order to build a burr in a comp scenario one thing I will I forgot to show and you've probably seen this before now we do have the burst restaurant and it is kind of funny when you know you use the burst gesture as the alien because look haha but look oh you didn't even need to click on the right one so there we go I've actually got an unusual one now so this is a strange unusual one it has haunted phantasm so it has these green ghosts that come out from the bottom and it's a strange one so you know it can't count sometimes you taunt and it has other ghosts coming out so it's pretty good it's pretty good I like it I like it but those are my scout loadouts moving on to soldier we start off on this one with kind of my trihard loadout I guess we got my my rocket I need three more kills and then I've got four four four four four kills forty-four thousand four hundred forty-one at the moment but a little more and we'll have all the fours and then I got my gumbo gumbo this is the best way to play comp at the moment just so you got mobility and then I got my skill stick the the strangest scaped plan then I got my tyrant sound my favorite hat in the game it is scorching flames level 88 fire horns it's just it's just my favorite I always wear my season 9 premiere ship gold medal that's the first season that I won premiership I've won it five times so I've got five different medals but I don't know season nine was just that first season it was just really exciting it's kind of I got good memories of that season so that's one I wear and I wear my old father as well on the the soldier and this is the kind of one I'll wear if I'm you know playing soldier in a comp game or something like that take a look at the initial taunts start off with a fresh brewed victory and we got my screaming tiger one which is the fire going around I think I need to remove that and then we can take a look at this one which is showstopper so got to this one this showstopper looks very nice then we got soldiers Requiem which this one is midnight whirlwind and if I if I cancel that and then I go to this one this one is a hellish inferno hellish inferno which I really like I really I think that's like a themed torn right it's like rip it's just got like hell and bats coming out I really like that one if we go back here then we go to my second reload so this is the kind of letter that I used during MVM which is slightly different so beggars bazooka is the best thing to kill robots in MVM emergency I've got robots destroyed part on it so that's what it uses the battalions backup now the reason behind that is if you take a look at my buff banner I've got exactly two health so I was like you know I'm gonna leave it there but leave it there at 8,500 and I'm gonna be the guy that runs the battalions now so I put out you know I'm not gonna have as much damage potential but the battalions keeps and me and my team alive so I'm trying to get that one up to here zones well I use my festive tree which is anti freeze I have my old father and my Robin Walker's and of course my strange battery canteen for MVM but that's pretty much that I use for MVM just because it's that's just a better loadout and I like to wear different unusual 's when I play different game modes finally I've got one more which is my Halloween loadout and this is kind of like a try-hard pubsey know when those Halloween contracts hit the servers and you're kind of like okay either go into casual you don't need a frack sand people to get these contracts done I'll put on my my black box on my gold box and it's called my conch which is just you know you're just healing everything everything's just so much health coming back and then I've got my strange unusual helmet which is ether trail go that goes with the the really cursed soul which is a haunted one and the grub grenades I mean just look like a zombie right I mean actually cool I love it I love it get him in this stable just that's just I love that loadout I love that loadout it's just unfortunately these two are Halloween only so can only do it during full moon or during Halloween but yes I really like this load out onto the pyro and the pyro he's changed a bit over the time I used to have a couple of unusual on him cosmetic wise but I only use the one now so I've got my flamethrower which is forest fire it is festive eyes it is got energy orb and it is strange so that's my favourites flamethrower to use all you see is my shotgun which is a backwards boomstick with isotope on it and here's also a strange one and I also use the power jack just for moving around and then I've got my Wraith wrap which is of course professional kill streak using this glitched pro at kill streak fabricators and kits that came out during a glitched MVM a few years ago this one's got gangrene footprints so during Halloween I'll actually have green footprints behind me and of course it's scorching flames I use the arthropods aspect now a lot of people telling me this looks ugly people telling me the other offers aspect is ugly and I'm like I was thinking about getting a strange one you know I quite like it I quite like it with this loadout it looks like a like a bug like a devil bug or something I don't know but just for the little bit of cuteness we know the Robin Walker's as well I mean I'm trying to use this on many many cos it's because I got strange ones and I just want to level them up but that's kind of like my default go to pyro loadout for playing I'll play that in like parks in Highlander parks and in servers as well I'll take a look at some of the loadouts now I like this this is an all class one but I'm going to show you on on pirate because it's just so cool so cool what's the name of this spooky nice spooky night and you know it's got the moon it's got the clouds and I got a broom and you can move around this is more class time you can use on every class just show you on pyro though then we've got pool party no this is the one that I you can actually see the pool or anything you just see him sitting down but this is the one that I use an unusual a fire on and I got what's it called roaring Rockets then we've got party trick this is my my first ever pyro unusual torn actually which is got fountain of delight now if we remove this one cancel please don't die on me now okay sorry about that so we are back and yeah the item service died during a loadout video how amazing is that thanks valve we can take a look at the other pool party I got which I've traded for and this one is acidic bubbles of envy and that is the one that I wanted when I was using unusual fire it just looks so cool when you have it kind of around the pyro when he's in this little gasoline pool having a pool party it looks so cool I love it I love a nice green so it goes with my loadout as well we take a look at the other loadout so I have on pirate this is my flog loadout a lot of people hate me for it if I jump into a pub server and start playing with a flock people start yelling uwm one don't care don't care I got my strange collectors professional killed Street flogged yes trying to get that to Heil zone I think that'd be pretty cool but I do like the Frog it's fun to play with I've got also my strange collectors professional finishing man melter I like the man melt it goes well with the flock you can't air blast people with the flock so you can use the man melter to extinguish teammates and then use crits you get crits every time you extinguish and then you can do a lot of damage and that builds up your flock it's a nice little combo then I've got my a Marin teen Napa's hat which goes pretty well it's painted kind of a like a purpley colour and then I got my pink bruisers bandana and then again the Robin Walker's just to go around and that is my my loadout for pirate I do have a third loadout which is kind of a Christmasy load Oh Christmassy we got festive we've got kind of the regular greeny items there we got my festive tree candy what candy schmancy fancy schmancy handy canes and the Smith Smith sweater just a little Christmasy loadout for um just you know just to bring a bit of a bit of fire to it the Christmas time moving on to the demo now and of course there is the golden Demoman not changed much if I'm playing it at pubs over there I might switch to things like the ion bomber or things like that but in general this is the gold man we've got my Hales own festive eyes and professional killstreak Australian grenade launcher that's quite a mouthful and the same dealio here on my sticky ball much up to 23,000 kills now nearly 24,000 see how many how many kills I've had with my sticky bomb launcher in the past year if anyone's ago look look at the previous video how many more of added and I've got my um my golden firing pan yeah maybe one day maybe one day then we've got my professional kill streak regulator sunbeams and got the dangerous to with this has got a specialized skill tree because as has this might be the one buddy I don't know they were glitched people are just throwing them on things I just thrown one there but they're all painted gold we'll take a look at some of the taunts so we've got the blue traitor taunt which is just with Holy Grail it looks so cool in this loader I mean that that is just the coolest thing I love it so much gold so much gold we've also got the bad pipes which it's got spectral swirl which is pretty cool it looks better on the other loadout which we're going to look at in a second this is my second load us this is the loader I use you for MDM hmm so we've got my sweet dreams grenade launcher minimal wear hot and this one pink elephant sticky bomb launcher factory new hot both of them have got pro killstreaks on it so I can use that for nvm sometimes I'll switch things up though and I use my diamond because that's got robots the strange part on it but in general I like to have like a different load out and just take a look at these unusual weapons for the Hat I've got my duck ducks is a dapper topper Robo active so you know it's got that kind of pink theme we've got another dangerous too so this was back when as you can see date received 2015 this was when there was a small period of time where you could actually trade these items so you could gift-wrapped them and trade them that's no longer the case you can't trade them anymore even with gift wrap so it's quite fortunate to get a second pair of these when I had the chance and then I've got another Breeders bandana which is painted pink and of course my battery canteens for getting those charges in MVM now my third load out for Demoman there we go we have my third load out which is kind of like a demo night loadout I'm not great at playing demo night I'll be honest with you however I like to give it a try so I've got my bootleggers and my Titan I got collector's version of those I quite like having those because there's no strange version so it's nice to have a different kind of quality of item in those slots and then I've got my um case it's gonna take a breath for this one spectacularly lethal unusual professional kill streak horseless headless Horseman's head taker there we go yes very very long name it is the the head taker which I've made strange using a stranger fire and I made it I made it professional kill shoot using perfect those were items that you were able to get during Halloween which makes them quite expensive now this one is a tradable one which again raises the price of it as well because most versions you get are untradable whereas this one you can actually trade it has a Halloween spell on it as well exorcism it has the strange pants tokyo's domination screw cookers so this is actually a really really expensive item just because of all those things the fact that it is strange like a regular version and untradable version would not be very much you have to get for wrapping and stuff like that but a clean meaning it's tradable one with a Halloween spell and it's strange if I'd and it's got a professional kill streak on it that's quite a combination so it's a it's a nice weapon it's you to have and then I use my nebula hats my one and only nebula unusual it's my Universal Translator which is of course now all class I can use it on other classes as well please on my demo man here with the voodoo curse soul and the haunted a pocket horseman there is on the back there who he wants to be when he grows up you know that the Headless Horseman and that's something I like to do during Halloween and just run around as a demo night and give it a bit of a go because hey I'm not great demo night but it's nice to try it every now and again on too heavy now and we have kind of like my my regular try Hardy loadout I guess if you want to call it that I got my Hales own professional kill streak festivai the minigun the sandwich and the fists of Steel this is what I do if I was playing like a Highlander game as a heavy for example or just playing in a server and wanting to get some fracks I've got my dragon born helmet with burning flames and voices from below so it gives them a really deep voice kind of like the dragon one right it's themed now got my Roman walkers which I like to get some points on and my all-father as well that's the kind of loadout now the heavy unfortunately we don't have very many unusual taunts for the heavy he has what I don't own any for him that is specific to the heavy so we're gonna look at the old class ones that we haven't looked I promised I would show you here we go we've got the conga not my Congress professional kill Street because again I use a glitch professional kill streaker onto it in his fountain of delight so we have the nice little hearts coming out of it then we've got the Khazar ski kick which i uncrated if you remember Halloween before last and that's got spectral swell nice little purple so these all group taunts we've got a skull cracker this is screaming tiger I'm just going to zoom out a little bit here yeah there we go so you can see the fire I mean it looks pretty cool and of course that's a partner taunt which he stands still and it just keeps going and then we got the zooming broom as well there we go and heavy can heavy can be Harry Potter if he wants to heavy Potter how about that the best jester say I mean the heavy maybe I need to get a heavy specific unusual taunt just so he doesn't feel left out we'll move on to another load out though we do have a load out here noises like my MVM loadout which like I said oh he's from VM and I've got my diamond bot killer here now a lot of people like to use the brass beast in MVM because it does any more damage I like to be a little bit more mobile because I like to rotate to different places and I use my my bot killer cuz it's also got robots destroyed on it sandwich just regular again and then the killing off as a boxing sometimes it's nice to just you know get a punch on to a robot get a kill and then you get these five seconds of crits which can do a lot more damage and because there's no point in kind of getting the strangers I have the Dragonborn and the large luchador saw replace the Robin Walker's with the large Lucia torso I can just have that just move down you can see the back going around the burning bat and then my my battery canteen and my all-father I do have a third loadout which is my Santa loadout yay this is the one I like to wear during Christmas I get a strange holiday punch going because he is mittens he is Santa he is Santa here's the gift bringer though is what I'll do during Christmas just jump into a server and throw out some gifts sir so everybody can can feel like they're getting something for Christmas but the BMOC your father and the gift bring up on to the engineer now and I basically have two loadouts for the engineer one is kind of the one that I'm running this is what I'll run in MVM for example or if I'm playing on a payload map if I'm being on the defense I'm building level threes I've got my rescue rangers got giant robots destroyed I've got 102 kills and 51 giant robots so so you can tell I play mostly MVM as engineered not really in pubs I've got my Geiger counter as well which is basically that reskinned Wrangler this is a strange version and then I've got my my Australian wrench which again you can take a look at the kills I feel a lot more than that if we look down here take a look at health dispense two teammates how many is that over 1 million from dispensers 14,000 teleports mostly play MV Amazon ng not really playing in one punch pubs but if I was building level 3 so that's what I do big country there with scorching flames and then I go with the grizzled growth so he kind of just looks a bit weird he's very green and the max is sever head or painted lime just kind of a very green looking I have some nice taunts that go well with this you've got the skill got on games Rancho Relaxo can't see his chase just floating that's the one with the money now if we go cancel here we can take a look at this one here this is the other one we saw on his showstopper so I have to Rancho Relaxo s1 with skill gotten gains on one with showstopper and then we take a look at the bucking bronco this one has got infernal smoke suits that green smoke it goes kind of well with the white here the green hair can't see the bucking bronco but yeah job in my head for some reason if we go back now we can take a look at my second loadout which is this used to have six unusual zon it not as many anymore I think Lee could have more if I wanted to I do still have the pistol but have my shotgun I've got the capper strange Catholic guy over a thousand kills in it by now but I don't use it as regularly but it gives people it's pretty fun to use I got my gunslinger which is now professional kill streak I upgraded it I still got my PDA and then this big country is purple energy this one is my brilliant care piece with green energy and it gives that white energy look when you put it all together and then I've got my Robin Walker's just for the the little cute birds on my slippers on to the next class and medic and same CJ where's the initials now you see I'm a medic main I play medic in Highlander i play medic in sixes that is my main so when I'm playing I don't want to stand out from a mile away and I want to also be able to switch between low ducks quickly so this is my my comp loader I'll run the crossbow I'll run the the minigun as you can see my minigun is now up to 30 1938 ubers that's another weapon I'd like to see him go back to previous videos how many kill how many sorry Uber's and assists I've got up over the Year 61 and a half thousand assists and I got my epic professional kill streak festive bonesaw so nearly a house there we just got work just under three thousand kills to go now used to run the give us quite a lot found my give us this is the the Hat I used to use a lot as you can see it's got 132,000 points on it and thirty thousand assists that's because I was mostly playing medic but now I was like you know what I in created a strange cat hat let's go for that let's go for that and I got my Robin Walker's on my old father that's kind of like it's a little bit like a like a homeless person right a little bit a little bit so that's that's the kind of laid out though you use at the moment if I'm you know playing regularly then if we go to be we've got the crits Creek and we go to see we've got a quick fix which I'll switch between that and the vaccinator but mostly you know in sixes I'll switch between a and B for uber and crits and in Highlander coast also bust up the quick fix if I need it we take a look at the the haunts for the medic that I've got I've got two specific taunts I've got the me the medic where that showstopper that was my original first unusual taunt I got for the medic but since then I've also got the results are in this has ominous night so it's got that green moon in the background the green and I think it looks very cool just like that the x-ray is kind of like similar colors you know it looks pretty cool so those are kind of like my comp loadout so a medic there we go a B and C and it's like girls you go well you know what if I'm on a pub server and I feel like I want to flex on someone you know bust out the shininess there we go we've got the Australian blood circle we've got the Australian minigun we've got the new resource Sheamus before and then we've got my vintage Tyrolean where that some beams my scorching professional kill streak blighted beak and my usual antlers with green confetti that is as shiny as you can get ladies and gentlemen that is just that is just just shiny that is just shiny cuz sometimes you know when I'm playing in my boring old regular medic clothes sometimes it's like hey let's go into a server and show how shiny I can be that is the final hold up for medic we go onto sniper now my sniper is another one with white energy now I've running my my regular Australian sniper rifle I got up to hell's own and again I could up to exactly hell zone eight thousand five hundred and I was like you know what let's try and get other items to hell since I've been using the upper hand more often recently or the shooting star which is obviously the reskin of the machina so things like that I've been using I've got my razor back and my bats out of hell though it's kind of the stuff I'll use in a pub server if I'm sniping I don't get backstabbed and this is just a regular melee weapon basically just a reskin for my unusual style I've got my killer exclusive with disco beat down that's painted white that has the little effects on the top we just move them down a little bit you can see and then we've got my green energy yellow belt and I've got my purple and lynching villains veil which is also strange and green and purple together make white as we know and that is the effect that we get there we've got some nice taunts for well we've got one actually but one unusual taunt which was my first ever unusual taunt that I yeah I got so the disco ball 72 units I see you that's the first ever unusual I ever uncrated in my life many many many years ago now but that was my first ever unbox if I'm ever playing in a server and I feel like I want to try hard I might run this loadout which is you know the shooting star just go for the body shots jarate and bush rocker if anyone gets close to me I can just Kapow you know hit them with the crit when they're covered in the pp and then for the loadouts we've got the corona australis the star duster and the final frontiersman which kind of go well together you know it's basically a set for the sniper and I think that's quite cool and it does mean that you don't stand out very much with all of the unusual but moving on to the third ladder this is the thing I'll use in MVM so again I've got the same loadout with cosmetics I've got that battery canteen in case I do need to use a canteen and MVM for a sniper that's very very rare but instead over here I'm running the Hitman's heat maker because it is the best sniper rifle to use in MVM because you can use the focus and just stay zoomed in then I've got my jarate and my Bush whacker which again very useful but I've just got my regular collectors ones because you know killing robots doesn't count towards your strange there's no point so I'll use these ones because you know the brush rack is actually really good to take on tanks as well because if your soldier buddy is running in the buff banner that means you're going to get mini crits with the bush wrecker those become regular crits so it's pretty good that's my MVM sniper later finally we have us by which this is kind of like my my big loadout I guess I've got my ambassador trying to get it to hails own you know it's been nerfed it's not as good as it used to be we are at six thousand one hundred and thirty six kills so we've just got just under two and a half thousand kills to go and then I got my knife which is of course hell's own my regular Aussie knife my dead ringer which is also hell's own my mango select sapper for the cosmetics there we've got my fedora which is you know limited tap because you can't get them anymore and he there's a burning flames one and then we got the party phantom with scorching flames so you get this kind of double fire effect and then I got my Robin Walker's on the feet just so that he's nice in their cozy I've got some nice spy unusual taunts we've got my bio life which is my original this one is showstopper and then we also have disco fever which again is also showstopper this one again we said donate it was a nice donation from scanning this year so yeah a little bit of dancing it's kind of funny dancing with those slippers on I have to be honest um we go back and we can take a look at the other loadouts this would be maybe my trihard loadout if I really really wanted to try hard I run the revolver because it's more sort of guaranteed damage coming out of the revolver this is my strange unusual revolver flowerpower with isotope minimal wear then I've got the spy circle a lot of people use this bicycle these days I flip between using this bicycle and the knife I think this bicycle can be useful but it can kind of be annoying depending on the way that you want to play but you know it's always nice to run at some point and then I got my own visit watch I actually prefer running in vis what if I'm tryharding just getting in behind and going for those odd picks and then just the regular sapper and then for this later I've got the big Duan bandana and then the dead head both from the mayflower cosmetics collection they were the two elite grade items and they go really really well together actually and then I got the Robin Walker's as well just on the feet so we've got like a triple elites load out there for the spy there's no more load outs except for this one which is a work in progress which is my attempt at making an all collectors loadout this was a video I made a long time ago where I still was going to try and do this and collectors items are extremely expensive but I was going for the spy one because you can have four items on spy it's kind of like the engineer where you can have four slots as well however with the engineer you can't have a collectors PDA so I was like you know or go for the spies you can have for collectors weapons and I just think that final collectors cosmetic for the spy in this loadout will be complete but there we go guys those were all of my loadouts I hope you enjoyed seeing the different unusual as the different taunts and things like that and I have G you liked the reasoning for the different kind of loadouts between comp and MVM and pubbing and things like that let me know what was your favorite let me know what you guys think how i can i how can i improve those loadouts for next year i would like to hear your feedback but thanks for watching guys I hope you had a eight 2018 and let's hope 2019 is gonna be even better for us take care and I'll see you next time
Channel: CeeJaey
Views: 31,838
Rating: 4.9250493 out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, Team Fortress, Loadouts, Unusuals, Unusual Taunts, Australiums, MvM, Video Game, First-person shooter, Shooter game, Shoot-em up, Valve, Steam, Steam Community
Id: gwpHKnNaj1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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