My favourite TF2 loadouts & Unusual Taunts 2019!

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what's up everyone and welcome to another loadout video I say another loadout video it's been a while I'm really doing Veni loadout videos recently but everyone keeps asking when's the next a loadout video when you're gonna show ok here it is here's the yearly loadout video when I take you through my favorite loadouts and show off some of the unusual taunts on the different classes as well and guess where we're going to start guess we're gonna start we're gonna start with the scouts of course I'm starting off we have this very garish looking loadout I mean I've taken the criticism over the years people hate the line people hate the fact that is unusual stacked on top of each other people hate the fact that I have all of my cosmetics on my face but you know what I just like it okay I like the fact that he looks really really weird I mean it's it's just just just just look at his face honestly honestly it's it's what more could you want if you want to look terrifying do it but I only use this loadout for MVM as you can tell by the weapons I got my soda popper there and robots destroyed all the bits and pieces the milk and fan versus machine my fan of war that are used for MVM and this is just the the loadout I use for MVM as you can see got canteens as well my bonk boy which is professional kill streak it has stranger fire on it as well so you know it's pretty cool pretty cool I just like using it other load outs that I use this is my Halloween loadout which very sad face please because you can only use a drink Halloween I mean I love it I love it it's such a cool set the complete alien makes you look like there's any more from the alien series but you can only use it in Halloween but I have this loadout prepared every time there's a full moon every time there is Halloween activated screen for watches BAM I'm there I'm gonna be an alien running around the service the other one here is just something that I use generally for playing more seriously in comp and stuff like that just more more serious items I guess got my scattergun Australian festivai scatter gun there which is up to hale zone they got my professional kill streak Eluga morph with community Sparkle and I've got my Boston basher as well which obviously if you know about competitive in 6 is kind want to be building up that uber with your medic by whacking yourself with the Boston basher and the cosmetics I've got the strange cat hat the lucky cat huh I've got a strange version of that is one of the ones I mean created during my unboxing session then I've got my professor specs new users helped eight you're welcome you're welcome whoever you are out there no idea what what how that works but I'm guessing it's just people put me down as a referral or something and then we got the Robin walkers I love this this is on my favorite cosmetics in the game so there we go I hope that responds to some of the people who complained about me having all of my cosmetics on my head and face area there we go I've got slippers and I wear them on a lot of different classes but you guys want to see the the taunts as well I'll go back to number one see now I'm not going to look at the all classed ones I'm going to save that for a different class that doesn't have very many unusual tones but we've got some various things here I've got batting a thousand looks like a bit of a ninja and he does that fountain of delight got deep fried desire this one has got silver cyclone on it and we also have one with mega stroke so I have to remove that one in order to see this one no I have to remove that one I'm I'm an idiot there we go mega stroke on that one so yeah there is a bit of a glitch on the HUD that if you have the same torn equipped earlier in an earlier slide only show that effect we're going to go to the different loadout though and we're going to show this one it's just it's an it's a li inception I make this joke every year but I love it so much you're an alien and the aliens coming out but haunting phantasm actually looks brilliant with this as well I guess I can take it show you the zoom in broom which again is one of my favorite talents it's an all class talk show on scout it has that smoke that kind of cloudy effect underneath and you have the moon up in the sky so it looks really really cool I think this is this was one of the ones I used annular fire on and I was so happy with the result and it's a it's absolutely brilliant on to soldier I've got a number of different loadouts for soldier depending on what I'm doing this is kind of like my my original one this I mean a lot of people will see this and remember my old loadout video from about five years ago when I was talking about my loadouts then we've got the Hales own festive eyes professional killstreak Australia rocket launcher McCormick collector's gunboats this is the only collector's item action made myself every other collector's item I've traded for but this one actually made by collecting all the gun boats I'm putting them into the the chemistry set and then of course at the skill stick and then I've got my favourite hat in the game my tire in town with scorching obviously got a professional kill streak on it as well because why not and this is this is the only medal I really use on any of my load outs I don't really use my comp medals very often I really like this one because it'll season 9 it was my first ever Premiership win I've won it five more times since then and I've won various lands and things like that but this one always have really special memories for me because it was when you know we were working really hard together as a team and you know it's just a really nice experience going from playing in our first season in the top division and and going on to win and it's just I don't know this this medal just means means quite a lot so I like to wear it on my soldier because I've generally won medals on my soldier but in my old father which I wear on a number of classes nearly a quarter of a million points right now what's your highest points guys what's the highest amount of points you've got on a cosmetic because I'd love to know I want to see if anyone's cracked a million because I'm sure there must be there must be someone we're some other loadouts as well this one I kind of used for MVM I get to use the Robin Walker's again yeah because you can't use the Robin Walker's with gumboots you can't put your slippers over your metal boots unfortunately it does conflict which is one of the rare cases where a weapon conflicts has a conflict with a cosmetic doesn't happen elsewhere other cosmetic got though doctors a dapper top up with Robo active I really like the Robo active effect I think it's really cool it looks kind of like antifreeze which I've seen the green version canteens obviously for MVM beggars bazooka I've got robots destroyed in at 51 thousand robots destroyed I like how I've also got medics killed to half a looper charge and I've just got one I don't think I'm ever going to drop another medic because I just want to keep it out one I don't really use this in how side of MVM anymore got a buff banner as well exactly hail zone moving on to this one this is kind of like a Halloween version that I use because it's got some Halloween specific items like the soul makes you look excuse me it makes you look a zombie haunted grub grenades again I'm just adding on to that zombie look and the helmet with ether trail which is a strange one as well really like this hat I really like the effect as well it just makes it like a really good Halloween look and then I've got my strange professional kill streak collector's cow Mangler one of the rare cases where you can have a stranger fire onto a collector's weapon so you can get a strange collectors and I like to use conch as well in pub sometime so this is an interesting alternative we if we go back to the star we can take a look at the the different taunts we've got we've got soldiers wrecker and this is one of my favorite ones it has hellish inferno which is where you end like you have this red thing and all the bats coming out it looks so cool when you do it in game obviously when it's on on the menu it doesn't it looks a little bit behind but it looks so cool in game we've got fresh brick teria as well this was one of my original once again I think this is my thumbnail when I did my first loadout video five years ago half a decade ago guys this was the what's the the the thumbnail screaming tiger what are the ones do we have that are I think I think we've got another fresh-brewed victory I can change it quickly we've got another soldiers rec room as well which is midnight whirlwind which we saw that effect and we've got different fresh weave victory in this monstrous showstopper just the fireworks in the background but everything else on my soldier is actually all class which we will see later on to pyro number of different loadouts on pyro this one is my my go-to one though we got my festive iced forest fire flamethrower a lot of well of F's there and it's minimal where it's also strange energy orb I love the energy effect I think it's my favorite effect on a flamethrower and I use that quite a lot and I got my shotgun I used to use this a lot on different classes but don't really use it that much on my soldier anymore so it gets a lot of use on my pyro it's got isotope backwards boomstick field-tested strange this was my first ever unusual weapon actually now it sees the power jack just for that speed boost to get around and then I've got my Wraith wrap this used to be my most expensive item in the game a number more have been unboxed over the years so it used to be one of one and it's no longer that as a few more now but I think mines the only one with the professional kill streak and it has a Halloween spell on it so probably makes it slightly more rarer may be slightly more valuable but as for specific price I really don't know what's it got my Robin Walker's on again gotta have the slippers on guys gotta have the slippers on and I was aspect but I I don't know I've been using it but I'm not sure like it does clip with the Wraith wrap and as times gone on I'm not really sure what other cosmetic to use this if anyone's got any suggestions what you think would look better on the pyro in this slot instead of the arthropods aspect let me know because I'd love to know I'd love to try out some different things this is my vlog loadout I know if you hate the flock then now is the time to look away for a few seconds I've got strange collectors professional killstreak flog I don't know just just just why not it's a fun weapon to you sometimes but I don't try hard with the sport shot now I go for the man melter I love the man melter because it is so hilariously bad it is just useless most of the time but I like the fact you can extinguish teammates and fire at crits a critic Ross the map so actually you know as much as people meme about it being really bad I like the fact it adds a different game mechanic into it so it's quite enjoyable and then I've got my loadout here I've got the lazy napping how it's got two spells and this was gifted to me by a friend many years ago and it's got a marine theme on it I also have the mr. Quackers and this was actually gifted to me by a one who is the creator of the item so this is a strange version gifted to to me by him he also actually made the where's wallaby set in the latest Smith's most case as well so yeah it's a really nice to have a this little little Christmas gift back about a year ago now and then we've got the Robin Walker's as well of course of course you can have the Robin Walker's down here we've got a bit of a more of a festive one sometimes like to roll this out during Christmastime just you know just just yeah just add that we already got a festive flame throw you're not the festive flag and as well which you know as you can see don't really use that much don't play much pirate Christmases Eames but it's nice to have a Christmasy loadout we got the festive tree which also actually does have a Halloween spell on it and this is just stuff from various winter collections to winter 2016 collection when the final one this is what I like to call 2011 pyro now someone surely is gonna go out there and be like oh I'm gonna I'm gonna dig up facts and actually this item was released sure I'm just saying this was the go-to loadout back then you know in the original when pyro before jungle inferno before they extinguish enough before all of that people used to run to grease a flare gun and extinguisher though it's just what people always used to do and I just like to run it sometimes in pubs it's just fine to try and play again like Pyro's used to play you know in the past and then we got the old school kind of loader we've got the rubber glove the last breath and the coughing kit those were just so often used by Pyro's this is just kind of the old-school pyro loadout we can take a look at the taunts on pyro right now go back to the first loadout so when it comes to pirate specific taunts we've got the pool party this one is acidic and bubbles of envy which I really like it goes really well with this obviously it looks a little bit weird like this but these bubbles actually go around your little paddling pool which you can't see right now but yeah it looks really cool in the game especially if you've got a green themed loadout we take a look at this version this one is the one that I actually used my initial afire for and squat roaring rockets so has all of these kind of like fireworks in the background which also looks really really cool and yeah it just kind of like sprouts up from your from your little paddling pool and then finally we've got also the party trick which is the other one this is that my I think that's my first ever unusual tome for pyro and I've had it for such a long time fountain of delight it's a really cute on you can't not like it and yeah still I still have it kicking on to demo now obviously looking a little bit green blue no no no gold right gold yes golden Demoman of course of course of course yeah this is the go-to golden Demoman all of the different gold items have got my festive eyes Australian grenade launcher festive eyes sticky ball washer both of them Hales own sticky bombs up to 25,000 kills not bad not bad I'm also got my golden frying pan yeah five years old now and the joke is still going I was for the load-out though we've got my regulator which has got a professional kill streak on it it is sunbeams it glows very very gold we've got my dangerous two which are painted gold these are my original ones that I actually got from the achievement and this is my bid at Bombardier which is also specialized killstreak and painted gold if you go into another load out this is a pink demo amount loadout just because why not because I don't really use these weapons otherwise and I thought let's try and make an old pink loadout and we've got my sweet change grenade launcher my pink elephant Sika bomb launcher both of them have the hot effect this one's minimal wear and this one is factory new and they do look pretty cool actually I'm gonna do that so you can see that I this is one of my favourite skins in the game honestly I think it looks so cool and the collectors Scottish handshake just because I mean red is as close to pink as I could get for this loadout we've got the doctors at dapper topper there on the top Robo active again now a second pair of dangerous to a lot of people are saying how did you get to you can only get one well a number of years ago as you can see I received it 2015 so you know over four years ago now and basically if you had an item like this you could gift wrap it and trade it before valve removed of that feature so you can no longer do that so you are now limited to one dangerous to I was fortunate to to have to have two we've got the breeders bandana again pink then we go on to this loadout this is just like a demo Knight loadout kind of thing I'm not very good at emanate but I love the fact that I have this weapon so we've got collectors bootlegger collectors tighter and I like using a tightness that my favorite and I took me flowers using this loadout a lot during the madness versus machines missions where you had to go into medieval mode but this item here they I'm getting ready for this spectacularly lethal unusual professional kill streak horseless headless Horseman's head taker and it it's it's probably one of like the deceptively most expensive items in my backpack because not only is it you know the unusual head taker it's a clean one which means it's tradable now the majority of these are untradable but they you can get tradable versions it is also a strange one which are quite a stranger fire and the stranger fires for Halloween items are very rare now and very expensive so if you have strange Halloween items when I say things like that I mean like the gibbous the spine-chilling skull and stuff where and you know the head taker actually adds quite a lot of value to it's also professional kill streak I call that professional kill streak from an unboxing and again it's a very very rare version it does have some strange parts on it which isn't that big of a deal but it also has a Halloween spell exorcism so all of that combined actually makes this a pretty a pretty tasty weapon and I just feel bad that I'm not good enough at demo night to really utilize it so maybe that's what I should do is put some practice with this loadout and start getting good we've got the universal translator here with nebula this was obviously I got this one this was Demoman only because I really just wanted a hat with nebula and then it turned into all class and the price went through the roof so we can wear this on any class now but I'm actually still only using it on a demo man for the time being we got video cursed them around skull again just making him look a little bit more gross and the Haunted Pocket horseman I mean I'm using his axe I might as well have him attached to my booty right might as well he's only seems fair find a loadout for this demo man though this is just something I used for MVM you know I've got kind of a bit of a robot thing going on galvanized gibbous with nuts and bolts I love the fact that everyone hates the Hat and hates the effect it's just the combination of a poor man's unusual which I think to me adds a lot value - I love it it's very unique then one just got my old father kind of makes them look I don't know a little bit wise and then we've got the gold medal from the canteen crusher community MVM event that happened during 2018 I haven't quite got the top medal on madness versus machines yet because the community needs to unlock some more stuff but yeah I'm using the the gold one just because just to show that off and then yeah I just use iron bomber doesn't really get much use Scottish resistance is where it's at in MVM if you use that you can destroy robots very very quickly and easily and then the head taker as well you do get less HP but if you get a couple of heads then you're back up to normal if you get four heads then you know you get more HP more speed and it really helps and obviously in MVM at that is quite easy but if you go back to number one here we can take a look at some of the demoman taunts I've got obliterated of course the the OG the original Holy Grail just to make him look even more gold I love it we've got the bad pipes which is a spectral swirl which is a really cool effect it's one of my favorite Halloween effects I think it looks really really cool as you as you're moving around then we've got spent well spirits he's gonna do that as you can see it's got spooky night on it as well doesn't really have the effect but you can get you get the idea you know the dawn it's got the clouds again and the moon in the background so there we go that was dem amount on too heavy now we're halfway there guys keep it up let's go let's go onto heavy we've got my Thomas laughs I think that's probably the best use of minigun these days although you can use the regular meaning and depending on your play style we got the festive sandwich it's I don't know if I'm ever going to get this to Hales own like it just unless you just sit in a strange farm server or you play a lot of heavy you know I'm never going together but I like the face got allied healing done and teammates extinguished extinguishing so but someone's on fire you extinguish them with a sandwich that's tf2 you logic for you maybe on the fists of Steel that's my favor Mele tea is just to get out of bad situations then of course we've got the Dragonborn helmet and it's got the voices from below Halloween spell which just gives him that deep booming voice so it's kind of you know it's themed with the Hat I don't know I think I like that I like that then we've got these you know just just to just to balance out the scary the scariness you can bounce out with with the robbing walkers I do actually have the luchador still which I wear sometimes you got it onto that and you get something burning this way comes the burning bat that circles around and obviously I have to wear the the all-father I have to wear with the heavy that's just that's just obvious I have pretty much exactly the same loadout here but from VM the only things I've changed are the KGB because it's quite easy to get a little kill on to a robot and then you get some crits which is pretty cool and the brass beast he's does the most damage in MVM sometimes I run minigun but I do like to run the brass beast a lot of the time as well on to this one Santa there we go festive festive mittens BMOC gift bringer I'm Santa basically there we go there's nothing the money so it'd be said about this loadout yes Santa you've got to have a Santa loadout if you have the items for it onto here this is just a loadout I sometimes use when I'm pubbing just got the cat hat and the Robin Walker's if I want to go by without getting noticed without any unusual zon sometimes I rock this loadout instead but we can take a look at the unusual taunts now the heavy I don't actually have any heavy specific unusual taunts I know yet some sad violin music playing because it's it's bad we do have the proletariat pose down but I don't have an unusual version so what we're going to do we're going to show all the the all cast once the heavy gets the benefit of seeing all the all class unusual to ants that I have so we've got the schadenfreude Oh with Holy Grail the laugh taunt with The Shining beams coming out of your your but then we got the cos Otsuki kick I mean it's a Russian dance Russian class it just makes sense this is spectral swell this was one of the unusual fights that I got and used a couple of years ago then of course I've got my conga which is a professional kill streak one again don't ask why I don't know seemed like a good idea time to slap one of them on there fountain of delight we've seen the Zeeman broom but I think it just looks so good on their heavy can you imagine if Harry Potter was this beefy and this Russian they should do a Russian version of Harry Potter but have the heavy play Harry Potter just saying I'm giving you ideas guys you know you go and make the magic happen we've got the Shred alert I made this this has got silver silver cyclone iron unbox the and you shall find I use to actually used it on my genuine shred of thinking I would potentially get an unusual genuine but that doesn't happen actually it's just a shout out there you if you're gonna use a shredder and usual fire use it on just a unique one because if you use it on the genuine one you kind of lose a little bit of a value then we also have the skull cracker this has got screaming tiger which actually goes really well with this loadout but obviously this is a partner torn and you end up butting heads on to engineer and I'm all about worried about this one but I'll tell you about that in a bit you've basically to loadouts here this is my kind of I'm building a level 3 loadout and this is the one I use for MVM you've got the rescue Ranger we've got the Geiger counter which is obviously the reskin from the invasion update for the Wrangler you can have a strange version of it as well and this is my Australian wrench I don't have a golden wrench would be nice to have a golden wrench but obviously that's not possible so Australia after doing it of course has pumpkin bombs the Halloween spell on it and the strange PDA you can tell by the numbers I've got over 100k nearly one and a half million health dispensed to teammates and 21,000 teleports but only 2000 century kills because the the latter two numbers there will actually go up in MVM you can heal people in MVM with your dispense and you can teleport them but if you kill a robot with your Centurion nvm it doesn't add it because it's not it's not a human so you can tell how much nvm i play on engineer compared to actual playing regularly but this is my loadout you've got the big country with scorching frames just one of my oldest ones one of my oldest ones and that just came because I was doing a neutral trade with someone and someone was like trying to convince me and I was like I'm not sure if this is a good deal I'm not sure and they're like what if I throw in this and it was a the scorching famous big country and I didn't have an unusual I'm Angie at the time and I was like you know what I'll take you all right fine so this has just been the initial that I've had a mangy for a long time grizzled growth painted green I know people hate the line but I just like how weird he looks especially with the Max's head as well just he looks so strange you look so strange under this slowdown and for those of you who've been around this channel for a long time will remember my six unusual Zhan one class a video I have changed it up a little bit we still have the unusual shotgun that we saw earlier on the backwards boomstick with isotope I've got the cap here I could potentially use this the Black Dahlia with energy orb if I still wanted to I still do have the weapon so we could still have you know too unusual there but this is kind of like my combat energy loadout and I used the gunslinger see it's just a lot better when you're running around and not building level threes and I no longer have that unusual Airwolf or wrench that I used to have in this loadout that's for the hats we've got a big country again but this one's purple energy Braniac hairpiece with green energy that combines into a white energy which i think is one of the coolest things in tf2 have ever removed it I would be very sad because I like the fact that you can combine two different unusual effects to make essentially a brand new one and then we've got the Robin Walker's as well we're going on to the taunts now and we've got the Rancho Relaxo this is one of my oldest unusual taunts it's the one with the skill gotten gains the money just flying around we also have the bucking bronco this is when i uncrated obviously can't actually see the mechanics but so you get the idea of what happens and I really like this with this loadout because it's very very green I have to remove that and then I can show you this one another Rancho Relaxo this time with showstopper so we've got the fireworks I don't know what they're celebrating maybe he's looking at the fireworks we could think of it I mean the fireworks are behind him so maybe he's looking at a mirror at the fireworks I don't know let's not try to get into the law of the tour now the reason I was concerned about this loadout is because the the last engineer torn I have is the dueling banjo it's pretty cool it's got Holy Grail it's a pretty cool looking taunt the issue is once you start this taunt in your menu the banjo keeps play indefinitely so they go back here he's the banjo it won't stop it it's nothing you know there is something you can do S&B restart there we go you can just crack that in there and they will reset your sounds so anything that is glitch like that will disappear cheeky little fix will you know you didn't think you're going to be learning today did you well there we are there we are on to my medic and my medic has changed somewhat I used to use a gibbous kind of a loadout in in competitive but these days I thought you know I'm going to put up with my sunbeams unusual on so I've got my old strange festive loadout my crossbow my Medi gun with 35 I free 35,000 ubers on my medigun I've got I don't know how much healing that is like 11 million that's quite a lot and then I've got my uber sore as well edging closer to Hell zone getting there but as for the cosmetics I've got my sunbeams Tyrolean I've got my old father and I've got the robbing walkers again and this is the loader I generally use in competitive if we go to this one though you can say see just exactly saying well because I'm a medic in comp I'm it's a nice idea to be able to have the exact same load us and just switch to different weapons so here we go I've got my hills own festive eyes crits Creek and I like the fact that when you look at them from a distance it's kind of hard to see whether it's a medigun or a critical you obviously we're looking at the the models up close but in a comp game looking at distance it can be a little bit hard so cheeky changed to crits you never know you might be able to catch someone out and finally I've got vaccinated here which isn't super useful but can I get some use in Highlander is banned in Six's but I do use it in MVM at times as well and finally if you want the full thing there we go there we go we can slap everything together got the Blitz Algar worst worst drop-in MVM the Tyrolean is joined by my blighted beak which is scorching flames it's got a professional kill streak on it and then I've got my antlers green confetti which obviously can be used with anything so we've got the triple unusual odor on the medic if you just want to have the entire the entire look that way we can go back to the first loadout take a look at some of the got quite a few different medic taunts here so got the surgeon squeeze box this is with jarate shock this is one of the the newer ones from Halloween 2019 actually that's pretty cool I quite like the effect under sky still cloud with other lightning we've got the results are in this one is with ominous night so it's kind of like the spooky night but the clouds are green and the moon is green and it does actually look pretty cool because this is kind of green as well and it just kind of goes with everything I cancel that I can go on to this one and this is again the same but this is with 72 years is a much older effect obviously with the disco ball in the background we've got to meet the medics as well first one is showstopper we've got some fireworks this kind of goes well with it because meet the medic in game actually does have like low light that comes out from the bottom so with the fireworks it looks pretty good we remove that we can take a look at the next one and this one is with Erie Lightning Erie Lightning so it's kind of like jarate shock that we saw earlier on on the surgeon squeeze box but this one's got like purple clouds purple lightning so it looks pretty cool indeed on to the sniper white energy of course my favorite one of my favorite lay that's in the game it's just a shame that I don't play that much sniper got my house I'm Australian sniper rifle I've kind of stopped using this one now because I landed exactly on how his own I thought I was pretty cool so I started to use different different sniper rifles collectors Razorback and at the haunted Pro killstreak Bat Out of Hell for the hats themselves got the disco beat down killer exclusive obviously it's an all class and it just adds a little bit of a little bit of stuff on the top there above the white energy which is made by the Masters yellow belt with green energy and the villains veil with purple energy this is also a strange one but obviously combining green and purple makes white and that's why you get this this color go to the next so now this is just what I like to use when pubbing I just really like these cosmetics the corona australis the star duster and the final frontiersman they come from the quarantine collection case and they just look really cool together they were meant to be designed and you know it's just nice to have like an entire costume that kind of goes together been using the Alba hand a little bit more trying to use that and maybe get that one up to hell's own will then move on to a different sniper rifle but you can also use the the shooting style which probably goes a lot better with the loadout then we've got an Australian SMG there as well this is the loadout that I use for MVM same cosmetics but I just changed the weapons up we've got the hit man's heat maker which is just the best sniper rifle to use in MVM we've got the cleanest carbine which is really good because you can shoot tanks with it and then it says it turns mini it grants mini crits to you and then you can use the collectors Bush rocker here that I have and that turns a mini crates into Chris so you can build up a kripp meter mini Cryme to turn them into mini crits and then convert these many crates into crits and then do a bunch of damage final class war onto the spy and this is my I guess my Flex loadout we've got my revolver here flowerpower revolver minimal wear with isotope and it is strange-looking looks pretty good I do like this revolver then I've got my australium knife here which is probably my most why is my use most used knife and then we've got the dead ringer as well and the sapper all of these are like of the max like Hales own Hill Zone and Manko selects not quite got there with the revolver yeah I got my fedora with burning flames and then I've got my phantom with scorching flames I used to have another phantom with some beams used to be a glitch where he could have two items two of the same item on a load out but that glitch was patched so you can no longer have the triple loader and I used to use the spycrab a lot on my shoulder but I've started using the Robin walk is of course using them on there's so many different loadouts what are the second load out here and this is just something I used for MVM so the diamondbacks pretty good with MVM because you get those free crits and you can just use them to shoo the robots with just use the diamond block killer knife because I got robots destroyed on it dead ringer is very good in in MVM and I've just got like an old elite grade here this is um bow from the Mayflower collection here we've got the bed one bandana the deadhead they just looked so cool together and then you had the slithering scarf from unleash the beast and stops him from jungle inferno it looks really cool together just all together I think that's all really really kind of cool no doubt but although all of them being elite a bit more expensive this is my attempt at my all collectors loader that I've been working on for a long time I've got the two Cosmetics just need the last cosmetic and then we could have an all collectors loadout with the enforcer the big earner dead ringer and the sapper just need one more cosmetic to finish that I can't reveal anything here this is what I use in pubs sometimes so I've been trying to get my ambassador up to hail zone I'm at 6,400 just because it's not as good as it used to be but it would be nice to try and get out to Hill Zone just for the memories I've got my spy skull which I use in pubs as well because this isn't hail zone compared to my my knife got my cloak and dagger as well which is an interesting different kind of play style then we've got the cat hat there on walkers and the strange bandana that I use just because I mean it looks so weird right he's got a bandana covering his face but he's wearing a nice little cute cat hat and his little Robin slippers we've also got the taunts for the spy specifically we've got violife showstopper this is one of my oldest haunts where the showstopper in the background I think the best one of this would be if he had scale gotten gains because then the money would be flying around in the background to go the luxury lounge with a bewitched this is a really cool one this was from the most recent scream fortress as well looks pretty cool and he just sits there and has his whiskey then we've got disco fever this one has mega strike as he dances away I also have another one the last one at the video and this one has a showstopper it's another kind of old-school effect but there we go guys those are all of my low darts for 2019 updated I hope you enjoyed the video there's also a backpack review if you are interested in seeing all the other items that weren't showcased in the loadouts today but thank you for watching I hope you've all had a great year I know I looking forward to 2020 and seeing what that brings all of us thank you for watching take care and I'll see you next time
Channel: CeeJaey
Views: 45,093
Rating: 4.8779955 out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, Team Fortress, Loadouts, Unusuals, Australiums, Taunts, Video Game, First-person shooter, Shooter game, Shoot-em up, Valve, Steam
Id: eu5Ke9dtl90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 40sec (2140 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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