TF2: Rarest & Coolest Winter Hats & Items!

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season's greetings everyone thank you for tuning in Casper here and as we know from our summer trivia and other tf2 hat trivia videos valve like to create rare and special items limited to a specific event or season and Christmas and the winter festive period in general are no different first up we've got items from the great Steam treasure hunt which ran from December sixth to December 20th 2010 just like events during the summer sales that we've looked at in previous episodes the great steam treasure hunt involved doing various achievements in steam itself such as adding an avatar or joining a group and tasks in specific games with there being 28 tasks in total over the two weeks of the hunt now one important thing to note is that many of the tasks involved doing things in paid games and from a wide range of paid games from triple-a shooters as small puzzlers to arcade shoot-'em-ups and everything in between and it's important to note this because it means that the chances of someone already owning all of these games which were required to 100% complete the hunt were pretty slim but why would people go through all this effort to do these challenges in all these different games and what does it have to do with tf2 hats well for every certain number of challenges that were completed you'd get entered into a raffle to win either five or ten games from your steam wish list and the grand prize this year was a stonking 100 free games on Steam but the real prizes of course were the limited availability tf2 hats the bounty hat the treasure hat and the hat of undeniable wealth and respect which comes with it's very own animated octopus to unlock these hats you had to complete 515 or all 28 of the challenges respectively and as a result of the costs and the variety of the games that were required these hats ended up being pretty rare as far as tf2 hats go yes there are 41,000 bounty hats in existence but only six and a half thousand treasure hats and only 400 hats of undeniable wealth and respect so if you do see someone wearing this hats while they're certainly undeniably wealthy and if owning rare hats in a video game is your thing sent some respect there way also in 2010 we got Team Fortress 2's first christmas-themed in game update known as Australian Christmas now whilst this update did bring a number of Christmas themed hats the only really special one was the world travelers hat and that is awarded to players who support mapmakers by purchasing at least one map stamp on the man coast or what's cool about this hat is if you're playing on a map that you've bought the stamp for and you wear this hat it has a very slight particle effect effectively making it a free unusual albeit not the most elaborate of one's things got pretty interesting again next year in 2011 with another crossover with steam itself the great gift pile event again required players to complete a variety of achievements in games and on Steam itself each achievement either gave you a coupon or a lump of coal the coal could either be used as a ticket to enter a raffle where the grand prize was literally every single game on Steam or you could craft seven coal into a random promotional item from a number of games that were taking part in the event and of course tf2 was one of those games and the items were pretty rare in fact there was only 12,000 of the BMOC the big man of Christmas 10,000 of the Ebenezer and just under 600 of the holiday headcase and note these items are being unlocked by everyone in steam not just tf2 owners because the prizes that you got weren't restricted to being from a game that you necessarily had owned or installed so because of this fact many of these very limited hats probably sit in backpacks of non tf2 players who really have no idea what they even are 2011 was a good year for cool cosmetics because it also gave us a rather inventive spirit of giving which effectively a strange quality cosmetic but instead of kills it counts the amount of Secrets axton's and similar gifts that you have given but what makes this extra cool is how the model actually changes as it levels up through the strange levels the cosmetics it's on the players bad slot above their heart appearing to be an x-ray machine as more gifts are given the size of the heart that you can see through the machine grows ultimately going through 19 levels in total requiring 250 gifts to be given to reach the final level this requires as much as 250 dollars to be spent to get it all the way to the top rank now if you're thinking this sounds like a familiar Christmas tale that's because it's a reference to the dr. Seuss story How the Grinch Stole Christmas in which the titular character is often referred to as having a heart two sizes too small as the Grinch does more charitable and nice acts within the spirit of Christmas his heart grows just like yours will in tf2 and we're not done with 2011 one last special Christmas item released in this year was the winter holiday noisemaker its special in a couple of ways one that it's got unlimited uses during the Christmas period as where most noisemakers in team fortress are limited to just 25 uses but its second unique quality is that it also emits a snowy particle effect when you use it making it one of the very few items in the game outside of unusual that can do this as its uses are unlimited you can spam this noisemaker as much as you want all Smith's must long and spread the holiday cheer leap frogging ahead to 2013 we have a very similar Steam sale event with slightly different means to unlocking the Team Fortress promo hats every certain amount of money spent in the sale or completing tasks like normal you earned trading cards these trading cards could then be crafted together to create a batch and when you created a badge you would also earn an item from one of several selected free-to-play games one of which was of course Team Fortress 2 perhaps that you could unlock were the portable Smiths and a spirit dispenser wore on Smith's most battle hood wore on Smith's Miss battle socks the Swiss mascara boo the sack full of Smith's muss and Randolph the blurred nosed caribou and according to backpack TF there are respectively 23,000 15,000 4000 around 4000 1501 that's right there is literally one of the Randolph blood nosed caribou in all of Team Fortress 2 and according to the comments here on backpack TF someone once traded it at the cost for over 5,000 u.s. dollars with you think that's a justifiable price for a one-of-a-kind patenting portress - or not one thing is for sure that Randolph the blood knows caribou is an extremely special Christmas item winter 2016 is responsible for introducing probably my favorite tf2 item origin story the boiling point on the surface this is a very similar taunt to the table tantrum for the heavy but instead of the regular cooking pot on the table it features an electric sous-vide cooker however the interesting thing about this is not how it looks but it's how you unlock it it's a promotional item which can only be obtained via the purchase of an actual real-life sous-vide cooker and it's going to set you back over a hundred and fifty dollars now I actually covered this story in a lot more detail in an earlier video so if you want to know just why on earth there is a tf2 and a premium cooking utensil cross over as well as the stories behind several other real-life merchandise unlocked promotional items then I'll link that video at the end of this video and in the description for you to check out finally I would just like to mention the altruist adornment and the philanthropist indulgence in appearance they are a bow tie and a chocolate chip cookie design respectively but it's the way that these are rewarded that makes them significant both in fact are given to people who participate in various events on the random acts of tf2 subreddits this reddit community is a team fortress based raffle and gift-giving community all about being charitable with your fellow tf2 players the altruist adornment is awarded on a monthly basis to various outstanding members of the gifting community and the philanthropist indulgence is awarded to all of those who take part in the now annual Christmas gift exchange it's too late to get one for 2018 as the gift exchange happens in early December but why not check out the community anyway and share some Christmas cheer links as ever are in the description I hope you enjoyed hearing about some of tf2 s coolest winter and Christmas event items and don't screen right now is where I talk about some of the promotional items that are tied to real-life physical tf2 goods and another video that you might like and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already thank you everyone and Merry Christmas [Music] special
Channel: Casperr
Views: 174,070
Rating: 4.9381957 out of 5
Keywords: tf2 christmas, tf2 winter, tf2 smissmas, tf2 christmas hats, tf2 santa hat, tf2 christmas items, tf2 smissmas items, tf2 rare winter hats, tf2 rare winter items, houwar, randolph blood nosed caribou, holiday headcase, big man of christmas, tf2 spirit of giving, tf2 winter noise maker, tf2 special items, tf2 rare items, tf2 cool items, tf2 rarest hats
Id: 8FA5ilGx1pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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