SCP-693 Knotty Stalker (SCP Animation)

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Ouch! The boy on the bus turns around. Did someone pull out one of his hairs? He looks around but the girl in the seat behind him is staring out the window. She’s so quiet and always keeps to herself, he doesn’t think it possibly could have been her. The boy turns back around wondering if he just imagined it, unable to see the small smile forming on the girl’s face. The bus stops and the girl practically sprints off and up the sidewalk to her house. She runs past her mother without saying hello and goes straight into her bedroom, closing and locking the door behind her. She sits at her desk, opens a drawer, and pulls out a small bag. She reaches into the bag and takes out a folded piece of paper. “Congratulations on your purchase of a genuine Knotty Stalker! Do you love someone, but they won't give you the time of day? Do you wish you could hear what they say about you behind their back? Well wonder no more! Using this fantabulous product, you can keep track of your loved ones' every move, their every word!” The girl imagines herself watching a tiny version of the boy on the bus right here on her desk, seeing everything that he does, listening to his secret thoughts and desires. If only she knew him better, then she’d have the confidence to talk to him, and could get him to like her as much as she liked him. She reaches into the bag and pulls out the Knotty Stalker. It doesn’t look like much, just a little doll made from a woven and twisted length of red string She looks back to the instructions. “All you have to do is get a single hair from the head of the object of your desires, slip it under a loose string on our Knotty Stalker, and see what you've been missing!” The girl reaches into her pocket and takes out a single strand of hair. She holds the hair up to the light, looking at it. If this works, it will mean all of her dreams coming true. Just like the instructions said to do, she takes the hair and slides it under a string on the doll’s body. She sets the doll down on her desk and waits… and waits… and… nothing happens. She picks up the instructions again, turning them over, but there’s nothing else except “Another wonderful product brought to you by” blah blah blah. Where were the rest of the instructions on how to get it to work? Why wasn’t the doll coming to life? What a piece of junk! What a… wait… what was that? The girl leans in close. Is the doll… breathing? She’s startled as the doll turns its head over its shoulder, seemingly looking right at her, or rather, right through her. “Coming mom” the doll shouts, before standing up. It starts to walk in place, looking like it is opening invisible doors, and then sitting down on a chair that she can’t see. It looks like it’s pretending to eat dinner. The girl’s eyes widen. The doll is alive, it’s really alive! It’s actually showing what the boy is doing right now. The Knotty Stalker has worked. The girl is fascinated by watching the little doll that gives her a peek into her crush’s life. She skips her own dinner so she can watch him finish his. She watches as he sits, probably watching TV, takes a shower, and gets ready for bed. It may all just be a little doll acting it out, but it feels like she is there with him. She watches the doll sleep for hours before falling finally asleep herself, her head resting on the desk next to him. The next morning, she passes by the boy and his friend sitting together on the bus and goes to the very back. She gets as low in the seat as she can so no one can see her and takes out the doll, holding it up to her ear. She listens to one side of the conversation as the boy talks about the action movie he watched last night, Weapon of Mass Extinction. The boy talks about how much he liked it and how it’s his new favorite movie. This was perfect, it’s exactly what she needed. The next day in school, as the boy is putting things into his locker, the girl approaches. She pretends to trip and drops her books in front of him, the books scattering on the floor in front of him. The boy helps her pick them up and notices the DVD she dropped… Weapons of Mass Extinction. She explains that she brought her favorite movie to school to loan it to a friend. What a coincidence that they both happen to love the same film. The boy and the girl, bonding over their love of low budget sci-fi action films, start spending more and more time together. No one has ever understood him the way that she does. It is as if she has known him for years, even though they’ve only been friends for a few days. Things move quickly though, and before long he realizes that he is having romantic feelings for the girl. This is all the girl had ever wanted. And it’s all thanks to the Knotty Stalker. Things are going so well in fact, that she imagines she won’t even need it much longer. But then something strange happens. She is sure she heard the boy tell his friend that he loved baseball, but when she brings up the idea of going to a game together, the boy looks at her like she was crazy. He hated baseball. After that things seem to change. The boy is still so nice when they are together, but now it sounds like he is talking about her behind her back. She worries that she has been wrong this whole time, that he has just been messing with her. This stupid doll isn’t making her dreams come true, it’s making her life a nightmare. But wait, who is the boy talking to? She leans in close to listen, is he… with another girl? Listening to one side of the conversation, she hears the boy tell someone that this is all just a big joke, a prank he is pulling on some dumb girl. Are they… no, they can’t be… kissing?! The girl is in a white, hot rage. She can’t believe he would do this to her, after she was nothing but perfect to him. She throws the doll across her room. She’s going to confront the boy and whoever he’s with. She’ll teach him a lesson. She’ll teach both of them a lesson. It’s starting to rain as the girl gets her bike out and starts to ride to where she knows he is, the spot that was supposed to be their own special place. Cars pass close by on the narrow road, splashing her with water but she doesn’t care. She finally reaches the picnic spot where he took her just a few days ago, and she sees a car parked nearby. It must belong to the evil seductress he is with. The girl glares at the car. She grits her teeth until they feel like they might crack, her fists are clenched so tight that she can’t tell if it’s the rain or blood from her fingernails digging in that she feels running down her palms. But she doesn’t care. She’s going to show both of them what happens when you break someone's heart. She takes a step towards the car and - The car that struck her slams on its brakes. The driver gets out and rushes towards her… It’s the boy. Her boy. The older couple who were stopped on the side of the road with a flat tire run over to help. The boy gets down next to her and cradles her head in his lap and they have one last moment to look into each other’s eyes before the light fades from hers. Unfortunately for all involved, their lives would never be the same. But how could they have known that they were the victims of an encounter with an anomaly that, while small, is extremely dangerous. One that is known to the SCP Foundation as SCP-693… the Knotty Stalker. SCP-693 are multiple humanoid shaped dolls, measuring roughly 18 centimeters in length, each made from a single string that is either red, blue, yellow, or black, with onyx beads for eyes. Their clothing will vary in color and style and seems to have no bearing on the properties of the doll. The string doll will behave exactly as one would expect, showing no anomalous properties at all, until the owner takes the steps that are spelled out in the instructions that always accompany SCP-693. The instruction sheet congratulates the owner on their acquisition of a Knotty Stalker and explains that in order to use it, a single hair from another person must be inserted into a loop of its string, at which point the doll will “attune” to that person. The doll will then come alive, mimicking the actions of the hair’s owner in real time including their speech. The doll will perfectly portray the attuned individual for nine days, after which point it will become unreliable. The exact way in which SCP-693 begins changing the speech and actions depends on the color of its base string, but in all cases, it’s end goal is to drive the current owner of the doll… to their death. SCP-693 goes about this by feeding inaccurate information to the owner. Dolls made of red string try to send their owner into increasingly violent fits of rage, dolls comprised of blue string try to depress their owner and lead them to self harm, yellow dolls want to make their owners attempt unwanted acts of physical love, and black dolls encourage their owners to engage in activities and place themselves in situations that are dangerous. Interestingly, SCP-693 will attune not just to the living, but to the deceased as well. When a dead person’s hair is placed in a loop of string, the Knotty Stalker will come to life just as it does when a living person’s is used. But instead of acting out the speech and movements of the person, the attuned doll will claim to be the deceased person and offer to act as a spiritual guide to the owner. But just like with a living person, at the nine day mark, SCP-693 will become unreliable, and will attempt to lead the owner down a path that results in their death. Once an SCP-693 instance is successful in causing its owner’s death, a new doll instance will appear and be found on the owner’s body. Several of these dolls have been recovered from Knotty Stalker victims and currently the Foundation has seven red instances, ten blue instances, five yellow instances and one black instance in its possession. All instances of SCP-693 contained by the Foundation were originally classified as Safe and kept in containment locker 12C-K, but following the events of incident 693 - E, that classification was revisited. During this incident, a researcher returned a Knotty Stalker doll to its containment locker but, in a lapse of judgement that went against Foundation protocols, they forgot to remove the hair that had been placed in the doll. When the locker was next opened, the dolls were observed to have all been moved. They were found in a circle around the accidentally still attuned doll, which had been crucified upside down on the wall of the locker. It is unknown where the dolls acquired nails. After this incident, a camera was placed inside of the locker and the results were surprising to say the least. It turns out that SCP-693 instances come to life when they are not observed, even when they aren’t attuned. While they have not yet been observed engaging in violent acts against each other, the camera has captured the Knotty Stalkers appearing to reenact the final thirty minutes of their last owner’s life over and over. Following this new information, all instances of Knotty Stalker dolls were moved to their own separate 25 by 25 by 25 centimeter steel containers within the containment locker, and their classification was upgraded to Euclid. SCP-693 is one of the rare anomalies where the Fondation actually has quite a good idea as to where it originates. And it was very easy to discover as well. Provided that they aren’t a deception, the instructions that appear with each instance of SCP-693 are quite explicit about where they came from. After congratulating the owner on their acquisition and explaining how the doll works, the instructions close by extolling the Knotty Stalker as yet “another wonderful product brought to you by The Factory.” For those unaware, The F actory is a place with a long connection to the Foundation, though the details on that will have to wait for another file exploration. All you need to know now is that the Factory produces a huge amount of anomalies, and it appears that SCP-693 is one of them. There are theories that the dolls may have been produced as an espionage tool, but as for why their primary purpose seems to be driving their owner to their death? Well that we simply don’t know. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, and be sure to subscribe as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 2,311,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-693, scp 693, scp693, scp doll, scp knotty stalker, scp stalker, knotty stalker, naughty stalker, voodoo doll, scp toy, scp factory, voodoo
Id: eG_bEIvltGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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