Abdominal Planet - SCP-007

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“As you can clearly see, this completely throws our entire understanding of our place in the universe into complete disarray!” says the astronomer as he excitedly makes his case to a panel of aged, and supposedly learned advisors. “My observations leave no doubt that everything we previously suspected to be the absolute truth… is wrong.” The panel of advisors murmur and lean close together to whisper to each other. The astronomer can’t hear what they are saying, but the passion and joy that he felt as he explained his findings to the room is quickly draining from his face. He can see the men mouthing the words “no” and “lies” as they make disapproving gestures. But how could this be? Had they not understood what he was showing them? Maybe he didn’t explain things in a way that they could comprehend. Here he was, the greatest scientist of his day, presenting hard facts backed up by rigorous observations and this was their reaction? The group of advisors finish conferring and grow quiet. The chief advisor clears his throat and everyone in the room waits for him to speak. “Royal Scientist… this panel has examined your findings and listened to your… theories.” The advisor can’t help but sneer at the word. “And has decided that the ideas you present are not only incorrect, but dangerous.” The astronomer can’t believe what he’s hearing. “This panel, acting under the authority of the king, has charged you with the crime of heresy!” The astronomer is shocked. He steps towards the panel to plead with them but he’s stopped by a pair of guards who grab him by the arms. “Stop! Stop! I’m a man of science! I only presented you with the truth!” But no one seems moved by his appeals. The panel watches as the astronomer is dragged from the room, kicking and fighting, still insisting on his innocence. The screams echo through the dungeon as the torturer cranks another notch on the rack, stretching the astronomer’s body just a little bit more. He has no idea how long this has been going on… hours, days? The pain has been excruciating and without end. He closes his eyes, trying to escape the torture by retreating into his mind, but he’s slapped on the face and brought back to the reality of his situation. Standing in front of him is the chief advisor, the same one who sentenced him to this inhumane treatment. “You can end this any time you like. Simply recant your statements and admit you were mistaken and all of this will be over.” The astronomer is unsure if by “over” he means that they will release him, or simply kill him to put him out of his misery. But it didn’t matter which the right answer was, he couldn’t lie. The astronomer knew the truth and no amount of pain, no matter how intense or how long they submitted him to it would change what he now knew. Disappointed with the astronomer’s steadfastness, the advisor signals to the torturer who cranks the rack again, stretching the astronomer’s body to the point where he feels like his bones might pop out of their sockets. “Recant!” the advisor screams, repeating the word over and over, growing louder as the astronomer’s own cries increase from the pain caused by the torturer cranking the rack more and more. The astronomer closes his eyes again, he’s certain this will be the end of him soon, and that he will die with the great secret he’s learned without getting the chance to share it with the world. But suddenly, the astronomer notices that the room has gone quiet.The advisor is no longer yelling and the torturer has stopped operating the machine. The astronomer opens his eyes to see the advisor and the torturer both in a deep bow. His gaze continues up and he sees… the king himself standing in front of him. The king stares at the astronomer for what feels like an eternity before simply asking “is it true?” The astronomer, limbs still stretched on the rack, manages a nod and with his remaining strength whispers “it’s true.” The king motions with his hand to the torturer who stands up and begins releasing the astronomer from his constraints. The advisor protests “but my lord, this man -” but he’s cut off by the king with a stern look and retreats back into his deep bow. “Show me” the king says, as the astronomer stands, rubbing his sore shoulders where the tendons and muscles were stretched far beyond their natural limits. The astronomer opens the door to his laboratory and gestures for the king to enter. The room is a mess of papers and scientific equipment, a reflection of the busy and scattered mind of the man who works here. The king is immediately drawn to a table with a large scroll. He spreads it across the table and examines it, but his face betrays no hint of what he is thinking. “Is this what you showed my advisors?” The astronomer nods yes. “Would you like to see for yourself?” The astronomer motions to the window, where a brass tube is attached to a tripod. The king approaches the device but doesn’t know how it works. The astronomer demonstrates by looking through the eyepiece. He moves it slightly, making small adjustments to make sure it is just right for the king. “There, now look.” The king bends over to peer through the telescope, and a look of shock comes over his face. What he sees is the most incredible thing he has ever witnessed. There, far above up in the sky, unable to be seen by the naked eye, is a man. And he is staring back at him. The planet that this played out on was not Earth, but a bizarre place that is one of the strangest anomalies in the entire SCP Foundation archive. This is SCP-007, also known as… Abdominal Planet. SCP-007 is a spherical object located in the abdomen of a young man. Or rather, in the space where his abdomen should be, since most of the muscle, skin, and organs that should be present, simply are not. The subject, a caucasian male in his mid twenties of average height and build does not appear affected by the large missing portion of his body, and has not reported experiencing pain or discomfort of any kind. In the space where his abdominal muscles and organs should be is a small globe composed of soil and water. This sphere, which measures roughly sixty centimeters in diameter, resembles the planet Earth, though the arrangement of the continents does not match any known configuration from our own planet’s history. The tiny planet has its own weather patterns and even a small, but still detectable, gravitational pull. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of SCP-007, is that it appears to be inhabited. Microscopic organisms, that would correspond to roughly the scale of human beings on earth, have been observed on the surface of the planet. So far, two distinct intelligent species have been identified, both of whom seem to possess a technological level similar to the 15th century on Earth. It is unknown if the inhabitants of the Abdominal Planet are aware of the world outside of their planet, and communication attempts with the planet’s occupants have been placed on hold by senior Foundation officials pending further study into what effect an exchange may have on them… or us. The human subject within which SCP-007 is located provided the Foundation with a name that he claims to be his, but no records of such a person existing have yet to be located. Upon being questioned about the lack of records, he willfully offered both a social security and driver’s license number, but when they were checked against current records, neither had yet to be assigned by the US government. And the mysteries surrounding this man don’t stop there. The subject has not shown the need for either food or water and it is unknown what energy source his body continues to operate on without nutrition. He is capable of both eating and drinking though, despite the large missing section of his stomach, but it is still not known what happens to the substances after he swallows them. The man is above average intelligence, and scored a 128 on an administered IQ test. He also generally appears friendly and amiable, and expresses only a passing curiosity about the planet located within his abdomen and how it came to be there. When asked about the origins of the planet, he replied very matter of factly that “I just woke up one day, and there it was. I don't have any idea how it got there.” Due to the poorly understood nature of SCP-007, it has been classified as Euclid and the small planet and the man it resides in are contained in a sealed, comfortably furnished, ten by ten meter room that the subject is not allowed to leave. The subject is to be monitored closely by foundation staff and has a weekly chess game with one of attending doctors, which also serves as an opportunity to evaluate his mental health. So far, he has not shown any signs of mental illness or violent tendencies and seems to be quite content. In general, he appears happy with his restricted living situation inside the Foundation facility and has made no attempts to escape. The subject has made multiple requests for access to a computer with an internet connection, but due to potential security risks, this request has thus far been denied. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 3,163,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-007, scp 007, scp007, scp abdominal planet, abdominal planet, ab planet, stomach planet, tiny planet, planetoid, living planet, scp planet, scp euclid, euclid
Id: 5ovm0nvdgbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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