Top 16 Scary SCP Stories to Fall Asleep To

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tell me if it starts to hurt the dentist says before reaching into your mouth with a pair of orthodontic pliers and starting to pull your front teeth back into place evidently your screams aren't enough of an indication of the extreme pain you feel because he doesn't stop pulling after what feels like hours of excruciating oral surgery you're finally standing outside the dentist's office texting with a friend come on show me it can't be that bad reads the message from your friend you're nervous to send her a picture though since you have a small crush on the girl and you don't want her to see you in this state but after she asks you again you decide to take a quick selfie and send it to her anyway you snap a photo of your mangled mouth and jaw the mess of wires had to be hastily applied to move your remaining crooked teeth back into place with globs of fast hardening epoxy and the result looks like a low budget horror movie prosthetic you send the message and wait you watch the dots appear that indicate she's writing a response then watch as they disappear without a reply you sadly slip the phone back into your pocket and begin walking away as you make your way home with your head hung in shame you keep your mouth shut tight you don't want any passersby to see what you've become you decide to detour through the park to avoid any people as much as possible and as you walk you decide to stop at a picnic table next to a small pond you sit at the table and watch the ducks mill about in the water you have it so lucky you think ducks never have to worry about their teeth getting knocked out by a baseball and leaving them looking like a monster the ducks suddenly all start moving away from your side of the pond eventually taking flight and leaving completely you get the sense that they're trying to get away from something and you turn around but there's nothing behind you oh it must be me you think but then you get the sense that there is something behind you and turn again still though there's nothing it's just you the picnic table and the empty pond you turn back to watch the still water but you can't shake the feeling that there's someone behind you and turn again hello is anyone there you ask but no one answers you turn back to the pond and you scream in fright at the thing standing before you and fall back off the picnic table you get up out of the dirt and you don't wait to stick around to see who or what this thing is you start to run as fast as you can but you immediately hear it chasing after you instinctually you take out your phone and start trying to take pictures of whatever it is that's behind you you know no one will ever believe you and you want some evidence of this this thing you manage to snap off a couple of pictures but you can hear the creature gaining on you you scream as your mouth begins to ache perhaps running this soon after your surgery is causing your damaged teeth to shift and the pain is intense it starts to feel like your mouth is full of jagged rocks but you can feel that it is your teeth pushing out and stabbing into your mouth you take one last picture before the creature leaps on you sending you both to the ground and your phone tumbling into the dirt early the next morning a police perimeter has been set up in the park the detective arrives and walks past the traumatized looking jogger who must have been the one that discovered the grisly scene an officer guarding the site lifts up the police tape so the detective can enter the crime scene that surrounds a body lying under a white sheet the detective asks the officer if they found anything yet and the officer hands the detective a plastic bag containing a dirty cell phone the detective puts on a latex glove and removes the phone from the bag the screen is cracked but it still works there's numerous messages on the screen that look like they're from someone trying to apologize for not responding sooner than asking where the phone's owner is and if they're mad at her the detective opens the phone's camera app and starts looking at the last photos that were taken it's a strange series of pictures they seem to all be selfies that a young man was taking as he ran through the park it almost appears as though there's a figure behind him but it's hard to tell there's a foggy white vignette on the pictures that gets worse the further he looks slowly closing in until the last photo is nothing but a blurred milky white screen the detective flips the phone over and looks at the lens which you can see is completely covered in a hard white substance the detective places the phone back in the evidence bag and kneels down next to the body the police officer turns away he's already seen the victim and doesn't need to again the detective pulls down the sheet to reveal a truly shocking sight the boy's mouth is a mess of teeth far far too many teeth there are teeth growing out of every part of his gums at horrible angles filling his mouth and jutting out at painfully odd angles who could have done this what could have done this the local police department may not have had any idea what the state of this victim meant but the scp foundation did because they had seen the same occurrence dozens of times before in fact they had seen it happen so many times that they had classified this anomalous entity as scp-4910 but it had already earned a much more ominous nickname within the foundation it was known as the grinner very little is known about scp-4910 and eyewitness accounts of the creature are all extremely brief due to those who have interacted with it quickly succumbing to its effects what is known is that scp-4910 is a quadruped and appears to be made partially or perhaps entirely out of teeth those who encounter scp-4910 quickly experience its primary anomalous effect which is that it causes the extremely rapid overproduction of teeth in its victims mouths existing teeth will quickly increase in size protruding farther out of the gums than should be able while new teeth will begin to sprout from any available space in the mouth including the roof of the mouth and underneath the tongue these new teeth will completely fill the mouth which almost immediately inhibits their ability to speak or vocalize it all the creature will then use this opportunity to attack and incapacitate the victim before starting to feed further adding to the mystery of scp-4910's appearance comes from the effect it has on any nearby recording equipment cameras and other devices that come within scp-4910's proximity will have their critical components compromised by a sudden appearance of a layer of dentin which is the calcified material that partially makes up teeth interestingly scp-4910 seems to possess some level of intelligence as it appears able to differentiate between normal civilians who it hunts for sustenance and members of organizations that seek to hunt down and contain or harm it which it uses for an even more nefarious purpose while the exact mechanics are still unclear it seems as though scp-491 is able to infect certain anomalous organization members with its ability causing them to act as a vector for the effect who then spread it to even more victims this effect is of course of great concern to the foundation and containment protocols for infected victims have been hastily put into place should a member of staff begin bearing a grin with too many teeth or multiple tooth-filled smiles they are to be immediately immobilized by any means necessary go preferably with a firearm that allows one to keep an appropriate distance and hopefully prevent any further spread of the effect the infected individual is then to be doused in a hydrochloric chemical compound that will reduce the afflicted to a pulp like substance once this pulp is no longer animate it can be transferred to the closest incineration site or disposal should a member of personnel have an interaction with scp-4910 and feel that they were exposed to its anomalous effects they may be saved by taking immediate medical action oral surgery to remove the additional teeth has been found to be effective when the procedure is undergone in the first one to two hours following exposure though the victim will suffer lifelong permanent physical issues from the procedure once three hours have passed the effect will have spread to the rest of the body with teeth appearing virtually anywhere unfortunately for the victim should the infection reach this point pain management has been shown to be ineffective and there is nothing that can be done to alleviate their suffering save for termination scp-4910 remains at large and has been given the ketter classification mobile task force epsilon codenamed turfing black is the only mtf authorized to respond to sightings and they have been given permission to engage the creature and utilize lethal force if necessary due to the danger this anomaly presents specifically to the scp foundation now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-745 the headlights for another predatory creature with a very unique hunting method and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives the single piercing high-pitched note echoes through the cathedral it hangs in the air as the boy sustains it for far longer than his small lungs should be capable of the boy is the star of the choir and is well known throughout his city and even beyond and people come from far and wide for the chance to hear his perfect soprano voice but on this night there are only a few people scattered amongst the many rows of pews to listen to the choir as it practices and for good reason while the boy's lauded voice is as sweet and powerful sounding as ever the choir itself is at its lowest point in recent memory this nadir has occurred because many of the other boys who used to sing in the choir have vanished the choir finishes its song that's all for tonight and the boys begin to put on their coats and gather their things from underneath their chairs the boy with the perfect voice feels something on his shoulder and spins around with a fright to see that it is just the hand of the priest who is also the conductor of the choir the priest is an old man with a deeply wrinkled yet kind face and he reminds the boy that he is to head straight home the boy promises the priest that he will go directly to his house and the priest reassuringly pats the boy on the shoulder before walking away to give the same advice to each of the other boys the boy steps out into the dark cold night as the heavy cathedral door is shut behind him it's softly raining and he pulls his coat shut to try to keep out the damp and cold as the boy begins to walk he takes note of the closed newsstand across the street the day's papers are still hanging outside and tell of yet another boy who has gone missing this one from the next town over there are still no leads in the cases and parents have been growing angry with the police over the lack of any progress as the boy walks down the darkened street he fails to notice the shadowy figure that has stepped out of a dark alley near the cathedral but soon he hears the sound of feet on the wet sidewalk behind him he glances over his shoulder and sees that the figure is walking the same direction as him the boy looks back straight ahead not wanting to draw any more attention to himself and tries to increase his pace as the boy walks his well-trained ears quickly detect that whoever is walking behind him has sped up as well the boy doesn't run but he feels a surge of real fear begin to rise inside of him the boy picks up his pace even more and again hears the person behind him increase theirs the boy is walking so fast now that if he went any faster he'd have to break into a run his house isn't far though he turns a corner and he can see it a quaint little home with warm light pouring out through the windows he knows that inside his mother will be standing in the kitchen cooking dinner he knows that inside is protection from the night and shadows the boy looks behind him and sees the figure round the same corner the boy can't wait any longer and he starts to run and he sees over his shoulder that the figure has begun to run as well the boy is sprinting as fast as he can his feet kicking up water from the sidewalk he can hear the figure getting closer and closer to him their long legs outpacing his own with ease he's so close to his house though he's so close to being dry and warm and safe he slides to a stop on the damp stones in front of the door and reaches out for the handle inside the warm little house the woman cooking dinner is startled by the sound of the door suddenly bursting open she turns to see an empty doorway she steps out into the street but it too is empty nothing present but the sound of the wind and the almost imperceptible sound of a single note being sung a beautiful high-pitched note what happened to the boy who was once the shining star of the cathedral's choir and what of the other missing boys where did they all go perhaps they went to scp-2678 a mysterious spatial anomaly that is also known as a city all of blood scp-2678 is an extra dimensional space that so far is known to be accessible through exactly one entrance a door in the basement of the sienna cathedral in siena italy strangely the extra dimensional location behind the door is only able to be entered by individuals who hold what could be termed traditionally catholic beliefs perhaps even stranger though is that when it was first discovered the door to the space was barred and the metal placard had been placed next to it that read scp foundation department of abnormalities this might not sound especially odd but it came as quite a surprise to the agents investigating it as there is no record of there ever having existed a department of abnormalities within the scp foundation other than scp-3790 of course which is another padlocked room bearing a similar sign but that file has been locked by the o5 council and we will have to save our exploration of that for another time back to scp-2678 individuals who have catholic beliefs that enter the scp-2678 space find that they emerge into a small tent-like structure that appears to be a sort of forward operating base that has been built around the freestanding doorway the outpost is abandoned but there still remains a number of strange objects including a biomedical laboratory-grade refrigerator containing numerous samples of blood and bone various types of audio recorders ranging from old wax strip models to magnetic tape machines and a computer terminal which when activated requests foundation credentials however all attempts to access this computer have been met with failure as it has rejected all attempts for reasons of insufficient clearance also found inside the outpost was the score for a previously unknown choral prelude titled sul golgata which when translated from italian means on golgotha with golgotha being the name of the hill that jesus christ was crucified on according to the bible the last object found in the tent was a skeleton though several bones were missing including the hip bone and both forearms further examination of the skeleton revealed it to have belonged to a young male though the exact cause of death was unable to be determined nor was it clear whether the bones had been removed before or after the young man expired upon exiting the outpost visitors to scp-2678 will find that they are on the outskirts of a gigantic city that is floating in the middle of a red orange void the city is truly massive having been measured at being over 300 square kilometers in size and consisting entirely of cathedrals palaces and churches all of which are in the italian gothic style of architecture a never-ending reign of a red liquid that was found to be human blood falls on the city at all times and has stained the buildings a deep red color and while they appear at first glance to be made of marble analysis is found that all the buildings are actually constructed of human bone specifically bones belonging to human males aged 7 to 12. later tests of the material found within the forward outpost's biomedical refrigerator revealed the stored blood and bones to be samples taken from throughout the city no life has ever been observed within scp-2678 though visitors have reported hearing a high-pitched discordant melody that seems to come from somewhere deep within the maze of structures all attempts to record the sound have failed as all audio equipment malfunctions when within the space and playback of recordings results in them having only picked up the sound of the blood rain falling at a very high volume this explains the various types of audio equipment found in the forward outpost which were likely used in unsuccessful attempts to record the music attempts to trace the source of the melody through the labyrinth-like city will inevitably lead to the same building which is an exact replica of the same siena cathedral that the entrance to scp-267 is located in though it too is made of bone and has been stained red from the falling blood and while the outside of the cathedral perfectly matches its real world counterpart the inside is a different story inside the cathedral one will find only a single large pipe organ the pipe organ has had its longest pipes the ones that produce the lowest notes cut in half and the corresponding petal boards torn out pressing a key on the organ will produce a note that mimics an adolescent male's voice and each key has its own unique voice just like with a normal pipe organ a note can be sustained for as long as the key is pressed down though after a time the voice emanating from the organ will seem to take on a panic tone attempts to determine just how the organ produces the notes have been met with failure as the organ does not have a wind box bellows or blower of any kind which would normally move air through the pipes the organ has another effect within scp-2678 besides just producing sounds though as whenever a note is played the rain falling outside will transform into regular water no matter how long the note is held and the now regular clear rain falls though the buildings will never be washed and always continue to be stained red tests were performed on the organ in order to determine just how long it could sustain a single note and the c7 key was pressed for over 20 minutes during which time the voice continued to sing out becoming more and more stressed and panicked sounding as time went on finally at the 23-minute mark the key itself splintered into pieces permanently removing the ability to produce that note the splintered remains of the key were also observed to bleed for several days following this test expeditions sent into scp-2678 have resulted in agents appearing to undergo a number of behavioral changes that at present are hypothesized to come as a result of hearing the organ music within the psychological changes have included an increased appreciation for choir music an ever stronger belief in structured religion more trust and authority figures less trust in those coming from a lower social or economic status and a reluctance to report crimes committed by fellow members of the scp foundation these changes appear to be permanent as well as there has been no evidence of them fading with time unfortunately little to no progress has been made in understanding the mysterious and unnerving space nor what the presence of a department of abnormalities forward operating base inside could mean and so for the time being all further explorations within have been cancelled the doorway in the basement of the siena cathedral has once again been barred with the entrance hidden behind a bookshelf and the ease with which the extra dimensional location can be contained by the foundation has resulted in it being given the safe classification what do you think scp-2678 actually is who built the strange city of blood and bone if it was built by a person at all let me know your theory in the comments and then go check out scp-783 there was a crooked man for another anomaly that involves a terrifying dimension easily accessed from our own and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives [Music] a prisoner in a striped uniform is led down the central corridor of a penitentiary by a pair of guards wherever he's being taken the prisoner is not going peacefully the other inmates stand at their cell doors watching as he is dragged past them the prisoner is begging for the guards to show him mercy pleading for them not to make him go in there to subject him to anything anything in the world but that the guards pay no attention to his cries as they force him along they reach the end of the corridor and stop in front of the last cell number 667 the prisoner looks into the dark empty cell and screams struggling against his captors one last time before they overpower him and shove him inside slamming the door shut behind him the prisoner looks around the small dim cell all that's inside is a bed with a thin mattress and a filthy toilet he looks extremely scared his eyes searching around the cell as if a monster is going to leap out from a dark corner and grab him the prisoner hears a cracking sound and jumps in fright spinning around to see a different kind of monster standing between the two guards who led him here is a third prison guard he's enormous and the prisoner watches as he cracks the knuckles of his massive hands the giant guard reaches for something hanging next to the cell door it's a clipboard he looks at the prisoner's uniform and notes his name before writing it down the large guard asks over his shoulder so what are we thinking one day two for this one one of the other guards answers he deserves a lot more than that for what he did why what he do asks the big one he attacked one of the nurses he's in pretty bad shape one of the nurses the veins in the larger guard's head start to bulge out as his grip on the pencil tightens who was it it was it was gloria the guard answers the pencil snaps in the giant guard's hand one of the guards quickly picks it up and hands it back to him through gritted teeth he answers i see as the giant guard stares at him with angry violent eyes the prisoner starts to slink back into the dark cell terrified of what's going to happen to him you like to attack nurses do you well we're going to give you plenty of time to think about that i'll see you in a year the two other guards look at each other clearly thinking that this is extreme even for a crime like this you sure that's a good idea one of the masks but it's already too late the guard has penciled in the date for exactly one year later no please no the prisoner screams rushing towards the bars and reaching out as if it will somehow help him but it doesn't there's a faint rustling of wind that seems to carry the sound of whispers and then the prisoner vanishes he's simply gone blinked out of existence the guard hangs the clipboard back on the wall before turning and quickly walking away he needs to get to the infirmary the two guards can do nothing but shrug at each other and follow after him poor guy one of them whispers as they walk away from the empty cell one year to the day later the huge guard walks down the same prison corridor it's late at night and as he walks along he lets his baton hit against the bars of the cells making a loud clatter wake up everyone wake up it's a homecoming day sleepy prisoners get up out of their beds and stand at the front of their cells trying their best to look through the bars to see the cell at the end of the block see what happens when you mess with staff come on get up get up today's the day it's a homecoming the guard gets to the end of the corridor and stops in front of the empty cell with the clipboard hanging on the wall next to it the door is open and there's nothing inside the dark cell except for the same dirty toilet and bed the guard takes out his pocket watch and checks the time everyone the guard and the prisoners alike are all focused on the empty cell the guard checks his watch again the minute hand ticks over to midnight and the moment it does the cell door slides shut and locks with a loud click the prison is completely silent each inmate waiting with baited breath to see what happens next the guard takes out a large heavy ring of keys and inserts one into the cell door before stepping inside he looks around and still it appears that nothing inside is different but then he spots what he's looking for there in the corner near the toilet is a huddled figure in a striped prison uniform well well well there you are the guard starts to walk towards this person who has somehow appeared in the cell but the huddled figure doesn't move or react in any way the guard reaches down and puts a hand on the man to flip him over how'd you enjoy your stay solitary confinement is one of the most brutal forms of punishment that is still in use across much of the world today the psychological and physical distress that comes from days weeks months even sometimes years spent alone can be devastating but as horrible as this practice is there exists a form of retribution that is even more terrifying one that even the most hardened of criminals fear and would do anything to avoid this is scp-2701 also known as true solitary scp-2701 is a seemingly standard looking prison cell located in a now condemned pennsylvania state penitentiary the prison which was built in the early mid 1800s was showing its age long before it was finally shut down and the cell contains only an old toilet and bed with a clipboard hanging to the left of the cell with various forms marked as intake the cell's construction materials appear normal and the contents themselves are non-anomalous it is only when someone is placed inside of scp-2701 and the clipboard next to the cell is used that its frightening effects become evident when a human being is locked within the cell their name is written on the intake form and a date is filled in under the release date section scp-2701's anomalous activation event is put in motion 13 seconds after these conditions have been met the person inside will disappear completely vanishing from view as if they simply no longer exist any attempts to better understand the process by which they dematerialize have been unsuccessful as all recording equipment looking into or placed inside the cell will show only static or blank images during the 13 seconds before the subject disappears researchers observing the effect in person though have reported the sounds of wind and unidentified whispering voices but it is still unknown what may be producing these at 12 o'clock am on the dot on the release date the cell's door will somehow close and lock itself if it is not already shut at this exact moment the person who vanished will reappear within the locked cell unfortunately for the person who is locked inside while they may have returned to our reality it is unlikely that they will ever be the same experiments into scp-2701 have revealed that those who are placed inside and vanish will experience a state of complete sensory deprivation while remaining fully conscious the entire time they experience no sounds smells or sense of touching anything they do not even see darkness since that would imply sight instead they truly experience no senses at all this effect can be disastrous for the human psyche with subjects reporting that they have developed intense fears of both shadows and light claustrophobia agoraphobia and a fear of going to sleep following their time within scp-2701 at the same time they will have experienced no physical changes at all including aging no matter how much time has passed but the worst part of scp-2701 is that those who are locked inside do not experience time at the same rate as you or i no tests have revealed that once someone disappears from within the cell they will feel as if time has been significantly stretched out with the dilation effect causing them to perceive time at a rate that has been estimated to be between three and four hundred times longer than normal that means that someone placed inside for two hours will experience time as if they have been locked away for 25 to 33 days while someone placed inside for a whole year will feel as though they have been floating in a void of nothingness for several centuries foundation researchers have theorized that the absence of any outside stimulation for that long of a period causes the mind to break down rational thought structures in an effort to mitigate stress and that a complete psychological breakdown soon follows in order to better understand the effects of scp-2701 the scp foundation embarked on a number of tests using class d personnel in one experiment which was performed on a d-class known as d-77391 the event started at 11 45 pm and the release date was set for the coming midnight this led to the d-class being inside the cell for 15 minutes though they experienced their time within as having lasted 75 to 100 hours when d-77391 was interviewed six hours after reappearing they described their time inside as being a true hell experiencing nothing but emptiness they couldn't do anything they couldn't sleep they couldn't even scream they were left alone with only their thoughts and memories the only thing that kept them from completely losing their mind was something one of the researchers told them before they entered the cell the researcher told them that no matter what they felt that they had to hold on to the idea that they were going to come back they needed to remember they wouldn't be in there forever while these words of encouragement did seem to stave off the worst of the mental effects d-77391 could have suffered they also impacted the results of the experiment and the offending researcher was later reassigned to a different project following a six-month suspension the scp foundation first became aware of scp-2701 following reports of certain abnormalities at a pennsylvania state penitentiary there were numerous complaints by lawyers that they were not being allowed to meet with their clients and that they were being denied access to the site by the prison's warden when police were finally dispatched to the site to investigate it was discovered that the entire prison which previously housed 137 inmates and employed a number of staff had only one inhabitant the warden he described the activation procedure for cell 667 and explained that he had placed every single prisoner inside one by one and made them disappear he had been keeping the funds that were supposed to be used for the care of the inmates as well as to bribe officials and former staff in order to keep the wardens scheme secret and prevent any official inquiries the wardens surrendered to the police without incident and an undercover foundation agent within the philadelphia police soon alerted scp agents to the cell's anomalous effects when a foundation team arrived on site they found the cell exactly as described along with the intake forms the prison warden had been telling the truth over a hundred forms were filled out with inmates names with release dates ranging from 50 to over 1300 years in the future the ease with which scp-2701 is able to be contained has led to it receiving the safe classification the former prison where scp-2701 is located is monitored at all times by video and audio surveillance and a security guard equipped with full body restraints is present at all times to both detain any subjects who appear within the cell as well as prevent any new ones from being placed inside that aren't a part of an official scp foundation experiment now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-052 the time traveling train for another anomaly with a direct line to the unknown and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives a scientist sits in his lab working on an experiment when the door suddenly opens and a tall hard-nosed man enters the scientist hastily stands up and salutes the general who oversees the scientist's entire program the general dispenses with formalities and tells the scientist that he's being assigned to something new before the scientist can even ask what it is he'll be working on the general gives a small wave of his hand and two soldiers appear in the doorway they are each holding the side of a large metal box and from the strained expression on their faces it's clear that the box is very heavy they set the box down on the scientist's heavy wooden desk with a loud thud before stepping away from it the scientist looks over the bulky lead case that's been brought to him no idea of what could be waiting inside be very careful with this the general says before handing a folder full of papers to the scientist the scientist unsure of how to respond moves his hand to salute the general but he has already turned on his heel and started to exit the small lab followed closely behind by the two soldiers the scientist looks over the folder that was given to him there's nothing on the cover so he opens it and starts looking inside skimming over the long dry paragraphs that say nothing at all and seem to be included in every government report for some reason ah there it is contents one 6.2 kilogram sphere of plutonium-239 plutonium-239 he's been doing research in this army-run research lab for some time and knows exactly what this is a sphere of plutonium-239 can only be one thing a core for a new atomic bomb two were already dropped on the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki and their never-before-seen power caused death and destruction on a truly horrendous level but they had also helped to put an end to the second world war potentially saving the lives of thousands or even millions more and no matter what moral questions he had about it this was his job and as an expert in physics and chemistry his research would potentially help put a stop to fighting in the future after all no one would dare go to war when they knew their opponent had weapons that could cause devastation on this scale right the scientist pores over the typewritten records reading each and every handwritten note in the margins as he reads through them he sees warnings about the experiments from the report's unnamed author there are references to how slim the safety margins are when handling the material for testing since the core is intended to be used in a new nuclear weapon it needs to be right on the edge of supercriticality the point where fissile material undergoes a chain reaction that is key to nuclear detonations the report then describes an experiment where the core was to be surrounded with bricks made of tungsten carbide that would act as a mirror of sorts bouncing neutrons back at the core which would knock loose other neutrons the experiment was to be stopped before the core went super critical but when the scientist turns the page to view the results he finds nothing there's no more pages in the folder the scientists had heard rumors about these types of experiments tickling the dragon's tail they called it but where were the rest of the reports was this really the last experiment that was done he sees at the top of the page that this last experiment was performed over a year ago just then the scientist notices someone walking by in the hall it's the general he runs out into the hallway waving the report at him general general the general stops and turns around clearly annoyed at being intercepted while on the way from one important meeting to another general what happened in the last experiment the general somehow looks even more annoyed by the question don't worry about it he barks back at the scientist his time on the project was finished it's yours now and with that the general leaves the scientists standing in the hall with his incomplete file days pass and the scientist receives additional orders on what types of experiments he should be carrying out all of them are designed to guarantee that the core of plutonium will be suitable for use in a new weapon for the latest test he's performing an experiment not dissimilar to the last one described in the report but instead of using tungsten carbide bricks to reflect neutrons back at the core and achieve criticality a beryllium dome had been created which is to be lowered down over the sphere of plutonium as he lowers the dome he knows that if it were to close completely it would cause the core to go supercritical in an instant in order to prevent this he uses a screwdriver to prop up one side of the dome allowing just enough neutrons to escape so that the core can maintain its stability as he lowers the dome just a small amount more he starts to hear something it's a faint noise at first but gradually grows more and more audible radio activity produces no sound so the scientist is confused especially since it sounds like the noise is coming from inside the dome but surely that's impossible there were no processes happening within that should be creating any sort of noise the scientist bends down and lifts up the edge of the dome ever so slightly more just enough so that he can peek inside as he does the sound grows louder he looks right into the core of plutonium-239 and sees something there is movement on the sphere he knows this is impossible but he can see them with his own eyes images dancing on the surface of the plutonium sphere they were faces unnatural faces contorted and twisted in pain he can see now that these are the source of the sound he was hearing because the faces are screaming the scientist jumps back and the screwdriver slips away from the edge of the beryllium dome allowing it to fall and completely cover the plutonium out in the hallway a security guard covers his eyes momentarily blinded by the flash of intense blue light when his vision returns he runs into the laboratory it came from the exposed sphere of plutonium sits on the desk and the security guard looks up to see that the dome that once covered it has been embedded into the ceiling he hears a moan come from the other side of the desk and rushes around to help the scientist but when he looks down at the ground he doesn't see a man lying there on the floor is a charred and bloody body the small amount of skin and flesh that is left sloughing off his body the scientist reaches toward him with a skeletal hand emitting one final groan before collapsing nuclear weapons have claimed many lives not just those who suffer directly from their overwhelming destructive energy or the subsequent residual radiation known as fallout but many of those who researched and developed the science and technology behind them also became victims of their incredible almost otherworldly power today's anomaly is an example of exactly that combining the astonishing power of nuclear weapons with the world of the supernatural this is scp-095-fr the demon core scp-095-fr is a 6.2 kilogram sphere 89 millimeters in diameter that is composed entirely of plutonium-239 despite at one point seeming to be a normal sphere of the plutonium isotope scp-095-fr now seems to be in a permanent self-sustaining state of criticality this results in a near constant emission of alpha radiation which is powerful enough to damage any electrical circuits within a 20 meter radius the sphere's danger grows the closer you get to it too within a 10 meter radius any living tissue will become extremely irradiated leading to radiation sickness while denser materials like metal or bone will themselves become extremely radioactive the plutonium sphere is somehow able to maintain a consistent mass despite its state which should lead to a decrease in overall mass it's theorized that it may be undergoing some sort of regenerative process though it's been impossible to determine just how this might be occurring scp-095-fr was recovered from the seafloor near bikini atoll which was the site of a series of nuclear weapon tests by the united states government known as operation crossroad these and later tests including the castle bravo test resulted in the island chain becoming extremely irradiated and many of the island's residents soon showed signs of acute radiation syndrome leading to much of the indigenous population being forced to relocate following the operation crossroad test an anomalously high source of radiation was detected in the sea though records are incomplete it appears that the core plutonium that had been responsible for the deaths of multiple scientists had somehow ended up on the ocean floor whether it got there due to being part of a failed bomb detonation or if it somehow appeared there by other more anomalous means is unknown but regardless of how it got there the attempted recovery of the object led to the deaths of several american service members from radiation related illnesses which the scp foundation soon learned of after assisting in the retrieval of the sphere the plutonium was relinquished to the foundation's custody for containment the scp-095-fr sphere was placed under the purview of the french branch of the scp foundation owing to their having a readily available site for containment where the sphere was stored in a lead-lined radiation blocking safe and classified as euclid only d-class were permitted to transport and handle the plutonium since its effects amounted to a death sentence for anyone who got too close they were also responsible for transferring the sphere to a new safe every six months due to the damage it was causing them from constant bombardment of radiation all of these containment procedures would have to be changed though following the events of january 7th 2015. on that day 69 years after it first took the lives of two scientists at the los alamos laboratory and despite it being a scientific impossibility the demon core suddenly went supercritical all on its own the resulting explosion was estimated to be roughly 33 kilotons or about twice the power of the atomic bombs that had been detonated over hiroshima and nagasaki nearly the entire site housing scp-095-fr was destroyed along with 14 other safe and euclid-class anomalies and in the end the death count totaled 285 with casualties coming from either the blast itself the collapse of structures on the site or from the resulting radiation poisoning incredibly the sphere itself survived the explosion showing no signs that it had detonated with the force of a nuclear weapon when it was recovered from the site's wreckage foundation researchers studying the demon core determined that it was likely to explode again in roughly 50 years and that the only discernible difference measured in the core before it suddenly went super critical and destroyed the foundation site was a sudden spike in radiation foundation scientists have no idea how the demon core survived or how it detonated without warning some theorize that it may exist in some kind of time loop which would potentially explain its explosion regeneration cycle and that it is possible the core has actually detonated several times before entering into foundation custody but perhaps the bigger question when it comes to the demon core and why it has become such a dangerous object is why is there something contained within this seemingly cursed sphere of plutonium is it a part of those who have been impacted by the quest to harness the power of atomic energy somehow contained within now desperate to get out and unleash their anger on the world research continues but due to the extreme danger that comes from working with the anomaly it's likely these questions will remain unanswered for some time following the destruction of the foundation site scp-095-fr was reclassified to ketter and moved to an underground bunker designed to withstand an explosion equivalent to a standard atomic bomb which it is hoped will be enough to contain the blast that is almost inevitably going to happen again it's a sobering thought even for those of us who work with and around anomalies on a daily basis to be reminded of the incredible destructive power of nuclear weapons some of the most feared and deadly anomalies contained by the scp foundation pale in comparison to the carnage that we've inflicted on ourselves and it's important to remember that sometimes the true demons are found inside of us now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-767 crime scene photographs for another anomalous object with a strange and deadly secret and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the sep foundation's classified archives two recreational divers are swimming along the seafloor nearly a hundred feet below the surface this husband and wife duo are no strangers to scuba diving and they move effortlessly through the water as they marvel at the various fish and plant life that normally remain unseen by humans the woman taps her husband on the shoulder and points in the direction of a forest of kelp before starting to swim towards it the man is about to follow when he sees something out of the corner of his eye he stops and turns to get a better look a few dozen meters away is a group of people the man is confused he looks back towards his wife who is motioning for him to follow her he raises a single finger as if to say i'll be with you in a minute and starts to swim in the direction of the strange crowd of people standing on the sea floor he still can't make out exactly what he's looking at a light current is causing silt to kick up and hang in the air obscuring his view as he gets closer though everything becomes clear it really is a group of people standing perfectly still 30 meters underwater but they aren't living people of course they're statues the man can see now that these are statues of children they're standing in a circle facing outwards and each one is holding hands with the statues next to them forming an unbroken ring he swims closer to get a better look the statues are covered in algae and other plant life he doesn't know who or why someone would make this strange art piece but whatever their reasons it looks like it's been down here a long time he swims around the circle and counts more than 20 in total with each one looking to be unique while the center of the circle of statues is empty there's pieces of bricks and concrete scattered all around it there used to be something down here a building or some kind of structure that once housed the statues and has now collapsed it seems impossible that anything could have ever been built down here he looks back in the direction of his wife but he can't see her she must be somewhere along the kelp investigating her own mysteries he's about to head in her direction when he notices something the inside of the circle isn't empty something is inside sticking out of the sand he swims up above the ring to get a better look there's definitely something buried in the circle of statues he can see now that it is the corner of what looks to be a metal box he swims down closer to the box and reaches a handout towards it when he suddenly stops and looks up the woman swims out of the dense kelp forest carrying a brightly colored shell she can't wait to show her husband how beautiful it is she looks around but there's no sign of him she looks in the direction that he swam and spots the same strange group of people that he did as she swims towards them she also quickly realizes that these are just statues very odd ones but statues nonetheless she also notices the rubble that surrounds them the broken chunks of concrete bricks some bones wait bones that's when she spots something else lying on the ocean floor just outside the ring of statues it's her husband's scuba tank with his shattered mask resting on top hi i'm dr bob and this is scp-1451 also known as sunken children's perimeter [Music] scp-1451 is the designation that has been given to an anomalous set of metal statues that possess very strange and deadly properties the 26 statues each of which is unique and have been given the designations scp-1451-1-26 all resemble human children and range in height from 1.32 to 1.43 meters they are located within an ocean inlet on the seafloor and are arranged in a circle facing outwards with each holding hands with the ones next to it forming an unbroken ring these statues are anything but stationary though at least some of the time and in fact they have three distinct stages of motion which the scp foundation refers to as class one through three scenarios the first a class one scenario is the designation given when no movement is detected at all this is the state that the statues appear to spend the majority of their time in the designation will change to class 2 when some slight movement of the statues is detected in this state they can be seen to slowly raise and lower their hands while also subtly moving together in a counterclockwise direction bubbles have been observed coming from the statues mouths during this scenario scp-1451 will be seen to behave this way when a large object comes near it and it will often mean that the statues are preparing to transition into a class 3 scenario a class 3 scenario will be triggered when a solid object that weighs more than 40 grams enters the center of the circle when the object whether it be a living one or not enters this activation area the statues will fully animate and turn their attention on the object with only one purpose to destroy it when the statues enter a class iii scenario they exhibit incredible strength and agility they appear to possess at least a rudimentary form of intelligence as well as they have been seen utilizing teamwork and advanced tactics once the statues have been activated they are relentless in the pursuit of their targets stopping at nothing to neutralize them should you manage to make it out of the activation area the statues will still continue to give chase and in one case they followed a target over a kilometer before finally overtaking it once they get their hands on a target death and destruction are all but assured they will rip and tear anything that enters their circle apart be it man or machine with their metallic hands once they have eliminated the object the statues will then return to their class 1 scenario position attempts to intercept the statues as they return to their activation area will lead to what the foundation has dubbed a class 3.5 scenario during which they will destroy anyone or anything that tries to intervene or prevent them from reaching their destination while scp-1451 might seem to be one of the simpler anomalies in the scp foundation database there may just be more to this story than first meets the eye and in fact the sunken children's perimeter may not even be the first anomaly that was contained here those with foundation overseer level clearance have access to some rather interesting documents that help to fill in just what scp-1451 might really be and more importantly what they're protecting the documents include a manifest of the materials that were initially recovered from the area where scp-1451 was discovered these materials included roughly 20 kilograms of bricks 4 000 kilograms of containment-grade concrete the type normally used in scp foundation sites and most interesting of all a damaged scranton box for those unaware scranton boxes were the precursors to dr scranton's much better known reality anchors these powerful devices are used to contain reality warping anomalies and prevent them from bending the fabric of our universe to their whims dr scranton's initial research into the technology produced an early version that was used in the containment of anomalies though we now know that the technology was flawed and could lead to failures and containment in the case of scp-1451 a document was partially recovered from the scranton box that alludes to just such a failure in this instance a powerful euclid-class reality warper was being held at area 56 a location that the foundation has no record of ever having existed the corrupted file seems to suggest that the reality warping scp's primary anomalous attribute was that things it believed to be real would become real if it misconceived reality in any way its anomalous abilities would force that misconception to become actual reality for example after the anomalous entity referred to an agent assigned to its containment as a child the agent was at risk of undergoing various physical and mental changes to truly become a child it appears that the anomaly may have begun conflating various aspects of its containment mixing up the concepts of containment itself the metal of its cage the concrete of itself the child agent involved with its containment the scp foundation itself they all became entangled within the reality warping anomalies mind and appear to have been jumbled together in such a way that led to the creation of scp-1451 a group of metal children who are eternally on guard and destroy anything that tries to breach their perimeter just what happened to area 56 the personnel who were stationed there or the powerful reality warping anomaly they contained continues to be a mystery [Music] scp-1451 has been classified as euclid and is considered to be effectively contained at its current location a sphere of wire mesh netting has been erected around it in order to ensure that no objects enter its activation area but in the event that an object does manage to enter the circle the statues are to be remotely monitored and no attempts whatsoever are to be made to try and rescue the person or object that triggered the class 3 scenario now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-4975 time's up for another anomaly that is relentless in the pursuit of its targets and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives a woman runs through a house screaming and crying for help she looks behind her and catches a glimpse of a shadowy figure in the next room and it's coming towards her she screams again and runs in the only direction she can to get away from it up the stairs she runs into the bathroom at the top of the stairs and locks the door behind her she is breathing heavy as she quickly takes stock of her situation there's a window but it's much too small for her to fit through and even if she could she'd probably break her neck trying to drop to the ground below there's no way out she's trapped but she has an idea she takes a deep breath giving herself a brief moment to gather her courage before she unlocks the door and opens it she steps onto the landing and spots what she's looking for a telephone on a small table but then she also sees the shadow of the thing chasing her coming up the stairs she runs to the phone and picks it up before running back into the bathroom again she shuts the door behind her and starts dialing 9-1-1 but just as she's about to dial the last number the phone is ripped out of her hands and slams against the door she runs to pick it up again but when she does she finds that the cord has been cut there's got to be something else she can try she rushes to the medicine cabinet and starts searching for anything she can that might help her she frantically looks for something anything but is startled by a loud noise she turns to see the door bulging on its hinges again and again her pursuer is trying to kick it down she goes back to searching the medicine cabinet there must be something she can use the woman closes the medicine cabinet and for a second time seems to stop she stares at herself in the mirror a look of confusion on her face she mouths the words help me to herself in the mirror the door suddenly bursts off the frame and slams to the floor the woman spins around holding the only thing she could find a toothbrush her pursuer steps through the now empty doorway he's a large terrifying looking man with wild yet focused eyes and he's holding the biggest knife she's ever seen the man approaches and the woman cowers in fear he pauses for just a moment admiring himself in the medicine cabinet mirror and smiling seemingly very happy with how this entire scene has unfolded the man then raises the knife above him as the woman holds up the toothbrush as if it will somehow protect her but it can't and the man brings down the knife again and again and again this murder may have occurred over 40 years ago but its memory is more alive than you might think sometimes what happened in the past doesn't stay there and finds a way to repeat itself again and again and again though maybe not in the way that you expect so join me dr bob and find out exactly why scp-987 is known to the scp foundation as the gruesome gallery scp-987 is a collection of 13 different wall-mounted mirrors of varying shapes and sizes which have been designated as scp-987-a through m over half of the collection consists of medicine cabinets but the others range in size from small makeup mirrors to full length mirrors with the largest measuring one by one and a half meters the aesthetic style and materials used indicate that all the mirrors were produced between the 1940s and the 1990s and there's nothing about their construction or immediate appearance that would give the impression that they are anomalous at all photos and video of the mirrors also show them to be perfectly normal mirrors with the surfaces reflecting exactly as you would expect in all it appears at first glance that these are completely normal mirrors though more in-depth research into the mirrors has been made difficult you'll see why later scp-987 mirrors will finally reveal their strange and unnerving characteristics when a person stands directly in front of them and looks at their surface when they do they won't see their reflection as they expected but an image of a completely different place it was theorized by researchers that these locations being shown were the mirror's previous location and research into the origins of the mirrors have revealed the original locations of mirrors c k and m which confirmed this theory to be true but the mirrors don't just show a static location when someone looks directly into the mirror they will see an entire scene play out one that always depicts someone's extremely violent and or gruesome death each mirror depicts a different scene and location though most of them appear to take place in a bathroom of some kind the scenes shown vary in length with the shortest being just 48 seconds and the longest running for over 4 minutes after the scene finishes it will simply start again like a video that has been set on repeat but the strange qualities of scp-987 don't stop there after the video loops and repeats itself twice the images will start to change person in the mirror who is about to suffer a horrific death will seem to become aware that someone is watching them through the mirror they will often begin soundlessly pleading with the viewer to help them growing more emphatic as the scene evolves if there is an aggressor present in the scene they too will sometimes seem to become aware that they are being watched through the mirror and may even appear to interact with the person who is watching them by making hostile gestures or writing on the surface of the mirror three of the victims portrayed on the glass of scp-987 mirrors have been identified the previously mentioned scp-987-c k and m mirs scp-987c depicts a well-to-do 62-year-old male in the bathroom of his california home in 1968. the man is bound and kneeling on the floor when a young asian woman dressed in lingerie enters the room and proceeds to strangle the man to death the scene will repeat one time and then begin to change in this instance the woman will usually stop at the mirror after she enters the room to reapply her lipstick she will then kiss the mirror leaving a red imprint on the glass before asphyxiating the man on the floor when looking into scp-987-k the viewer will see a 34 year old man in the hallway of his home which has been identified as being in maine during the early 2000s the man is standing on a ladder while he installs a new chandelier in the ceiling after a moment the man loses his balance and becomes entangled in the elaborate lighting fixture as he struggles to compose himself he accidentally pulls a length of electrical wire from the ceiling that becomes wrapped around the man's neck as he falls from the ladder leading to him being simultaneously strangled and electrocuted when the scene repeats and starts to change the man will appear to become more and more apprehensive about his task and his final moments will become more and more painful looking his wife will sometimes enter as well to find his dead body suspended from the ceiling before the scene ends and starts to repeat scp-987m shows a 20-year-old woman in the bathroom of a hotel room in new york city in 1978. the woman is seen to be reacting to an aggressor who was outside the view offered by the mirror the woman looks afraid and will try to run out of the room but a man in a denim jacket rushes the woman stabs her in the abdomen with a knife and flees the woman falls to the ground and dies almost instantly when it repeats for the third time the woman will attempt to communicate with the viewer prior to the aggressor entering the scene but she will appear inebriated and will struggle to communicate clearly if scp-987 was simply a collection of mirrors that displayed the final moments of individuals and changed on repeat viewings in odd and frightening ways that would be strange enough but there's even more to this bizarre scp in addition to the mirrors is scp-9871 commonly referred to within the foundation as the curator scp-9871 is an invisible entity visible only to heat-sensitive cameras that takes up roughly the space of a two-meter tall person the area it occupies is endothermic meaning it drains the heat from nearby objects in this instance from ones that are roughly one to two meters away it has also demonstrated the ability to manipulate objects up to eight meters away that weigh as much as 150 kilograms scp-9871's primary behavior is to move along the ground going from mirror to mirror in an apparently random pattern it stops in front of each mirror for roughly 30 minutes before moving on to the next it only engages in this behavior when alone though and if anyone is present it will maintain at least a three meter distance from them at all times the only exceptions to this occurred when staff attempted to do anything to the mirrors other than gently clean them if the mirrors are tampered with in any way scp-9871 will react quickly and aggressively making any physical research into the mirrors difficult if not impossible both scp-9871 as well as the collection of all 13 mirrors have been classified as euclid and are currently contained at research site 14 in an airtight 5 by 12 by 3 meter chamber with concrete walls that is itself enclosed in a faraday cage the chamber is monitored at all times by both standard and thermographic cameras but despite this there have been several instances of scp-9871 seeming to breach containment and disappear for short periods of time before reappearing in the containment cell on at least five known occasions scp-9871 dissipated from both the normal and thermal imaging cameras in each of these instances when it reappeared a new mirror materialized as well which has led to the foundation's original collection of 13 mirrors growing to 18 in total and it seems likely that this number may continue to increase while in most cases scp-9871 returns with a mirror that depicts a death that occurred long in the past in one especially chilling instance the 9871 entity disappeared a full 15 minutes before the death took place when it returned it had the mirror depicting the freak accident death of a man being killed by his own chandelier whether scp-9871 had any hand in this death or perhaps even all of the deaths is currently unknown what does seem likely is that the presence of the mirrors in foundation control is the only thing that keeps scp-9871 in containment at least most of the time but be careful the next time you're performing a dangerous task and notice that a mirror is in view you never know who or what may be watching now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob and be sure to subscribe as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives a young man and his girlfriend entered the apartment they share she tosses her keys on the entryway table as the man checks the time on his phone he reminds the young woman that they will need to leave soon if they don't want to miss the movie they have purchased tickets for the woman agrees but she wants to take a quick shower before they leave as she goes to freshen up the man sits down at his computer to get in a quick round or two of his favorite online squad based first person shooter he puts on his headset and jumps into a game before he knows it he's just finished his third round he checks the time on his phone again and realizes that they were running late he takes off his headphones and is confused when he hears what sounds like the shower still running he gets up and goes to the bathroom door and listens the shower is definitely still on the man knocks on the door and asks if everything is all right he waits a moment but there's no response he knocks again and still nothing she doesn't usually take showers this long and he immediately worries that she might have passed out or well he doesn't even want to think about it i'm coming in okay he announces as he opens the door to check on her the man immediately notices how steamy the room is the hot water must have been running for a while and he's worried she really did pass out from the heat what's going on are you okay he asks and when there's no response again he pulls open the shower curtain to find nothing just an empty tub there's no sign of his girlfriend anywhere the man is beyond confused he turns off the water and goes to the bedroom but she isn't in there either he runs to the front door but it's still locked and her keys are sitting on the table he unlocks the door and sticks his head out into the hallway anyway but nothing is out there what is going on he checks the bedroom again in the bathroom but she hasn't suddenly reappeared and either he's in complete shock unsure of what could be happening he sits down on the toilet and puts his head in his hands his head is spinning as it feels like the world is suddenly falling down all around him the police are immediately suspicious of the man's story his girlfriend simply vanished while taking a shower you expect us to believe that the detective asks the man has no answer though it's as if she simply blinked out of existence he's convinced she must still be in the building somewhere that she somehow slipped out without him noticing but none of the security footage from inside the building shows anything abnormal there's footage from the cameras in the lobby of them entering the building but nothing after that of her leaving just as in every missing person case like this the boyfriend is the number one suspect but without any evidence they can't hold him any longer after many long hours of interviews they finally allow him to leave but not back to the apartment since it's an active crime scene the man has no family to speak of and his few friends seem to have the same suspicions as the police and want nothing to do with him his girlfriend was the only person he truly had in the world and now she's gone he's put up in a shabby motel and days pass then weeks then months but no evidence of the missing woman ever turns up the man replays the memory of that day over and over in his head searching for some kind of answer but try as he might he can't remember anything helpful no clue as to what could have happened the case is completely cold and has been from the very start the police eventually have to move on to newer more solvable cases they finally allow the man to return home he's overwhelmed with emotion the first time he enters the apartment the place is a mess it looks like the police turned it inside out looking for clues not knowing what else to do he starts the long process of cleaning up the apartment after hours of putting things away he eventually gathers the strength to go to the one room he's been avoiding the bathroom he opens the door to the last place he's certain his girlfriend was he enters to find that it looks like the rest of the apartment as if someone has looked at every single object but just like him the police never found any trace of where she went after straightening up this last room he decides that he should take a shower and go to bed it fills him with dread to think about standing in the last place he knows where she was but he's had months to grieve the loss of his girlfriend and he's decided that he needs to move on whatever that means when someone goes missing without a trace he turns on the shower and lets the water heat up before stepping in once he's in every thought he has is about her he wonders if she ever actually got in the shower at all or somehow used it as a diversion to slip out unseen he just can't figure out how the day's events race through his mind just as they have a thousand times before but his thoughts are interrupted when he notices that the water has started to pool around his feet he looks down and sees that the drain cover looks normal maybe there's a clog though do showers clog when they're not used he has no idea he bends down to get a closer look the long black creature emerges from the drain in the blink of an eye and latches onto his mouth muffling him before he even has a chance to scream he struggles and pulls down the curtain on top of him as he falls back onto the shower floor but it's already too late in a matter of minutes he too will be gone without a trace is there anything more comforting after a hard day than a nice long hot shower the answer to that is no there is nothing better but that relaxing shower might just be the last you ever take when unbeknownst to you your pipes are home to an instance of scp-153 also known as drain worms scp-153 refers to a species that resembles the common nematode or roundworm consisting of a long thin body with a large mouth on one end while some round worms can grow to as large as a meter long which is in itself a disturbing thought scp-153 instances can be much much larger and it is estimated that they can reach up to nearly 10 meters in length though it is hypothesized that some instances in the wild may grow even longer these worm-like creatures will feed off of any available organic material however their favorite form of sustenance is fresh animal tissue and they appear to have an especially strong predilection towards human flesh in order to satiate their desire to feed on their preferred prey scp-153 has developed a rather unique predatory style that perfectly suits its elongated body structure while it is unknown just where they originate they are most often found in the pipes of sewer and drainage systems 153 instances will swim up those pipes seeking out ones that lead to people's homes and especially those that connect to showers and bathtubs once they reach the end of the pipe scp-153 will latch onto the drain cover and begin secreting an acidic substance the acid quickly dissolves the drain cover and scp-153 will position its own mouth in its place which it then is able to camouflage as the missing drain cover almost perfectly once scp-153 has taken this position it is virtually impossible to distinguish it from the original or discern that anything has changed scp-153 will then lie in wait until it detects that someone has entered the shower or bathtub once the unsuspecting person has begun to bathe it will very quickly emerge from the drain flapping onto the victim's face most likely in order to prevent them from calling for help it then begins to rapidly secrete more of the same acid that it used to dissolve the drain cover with how effectively it was able to dissolve metal it's no surprise that scp-153 is able to quickly produce the same effect on its victim their skin muscle and bone will all be almost immediately liquefied allowing scp-153 to feed on the slurry and the drain worms feed extremely quickly as well after just several minutes basically nothing will remain of the person who stepped into the shower and 153 will retreat back into the drain leaving no signs that it was ever there save for the missing drain cover the scp foundation became aware of this anomaly following multiple mysterious missing person cases that all had one key element in common each was reported as having disappeared after entering a bathroom to either shower or take a bath the foundation soon discovered that large populations of scp-153 instances were living in the sewers beneath several major american cities and immediately began enacting containment procedures the foundation collected as many specimens as they could and brought them to bio research area 12 where they keep them contained in 10 by 10 by 5 meter tanks that are kept partially filled with sewage and other organic material for them to feed on of course it is of the utmost importance that these containers are never connected to any other plumbing systems either internal or external with several specimens contained the foundation began researching the creatures in order to hopefully better understand them and how they were able to develop such complex hunting techniques research was also approved to find out whether they could be used as a sort of waste disposal system in certain extreme circumstances such as with scp-2717 a mass of living animal tissue that has grown to line nearly four kilometers of sewer pipes beneath amsterdam a small number of scp-153 instances were approved for release into the wild in order to test whether they could stall the spread of 2717 however this experiment was halted following some disturbing new reports more missing person reports came to the foundation's attention that bore the hallmarks of an scp-153 attack but these new reports were not limited to people who vanished after bathing it now appears that scp-153 has further adapted and has begun to emerge not just from showers and bathtub drains but now also from sinks and yes even toilets the foundation is unaware of just how many instances of scp-153 continue to exist in the wild but there's no doubt that many continue to live and hunt undetected in sewers around the world this anomaly which has been classified as euclid is taken very seriously by the foundation and any reports of people who go missing from bathrooms are immediately investigated for signs of scp-153 field agents are to be equipped with infrared and ultraviolet sensors which can bypass scp-153's camouflage and if specimens are able to be captured alive then they are to be brought to area 12 for further research but don't bother worrying too much the next time you step into the tub if you've been targeted by scp-153 there's not much you'll be able to do anyway and your worries will soon be going down the drain along with whatever remains of you now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-2385 for another anomaly that has a special way of getting inside you and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives just a little further your friend says they're leading your group and as you all emerge from the woods your flashlight illuminates a tall chain-link fence with barbed wire strung across the top how are you supposed to get over that another of your friends asks and the group's leader has just the answer they point their flashlight several yards down where you see a large pine tree that has fallen over onto the fence creating a bridge that you should be able to shimmy along to get over the barrier you and your group of friends take turns climbing over the toppled tree before dropping down on the other side of the tall fence after dusting yourselves off your group walks further into the clearing until you come to an old set of railroad tracks that are rusty and look like they haven't been used in some time well one of your more incredulous friends asks what's supposed to happen the group's leader explains that if we're lucky we'll see it see what the ghost life they go on to explain that on certain nights a mysterious light will appear in this very clearing wandering the area around the railroad tracks what is it you ask your friend tells you that many years ago maybe a hundred or more this was once a bustling and busy stretch of railroad one night a union pacific worker came out to check a portion of the tracks that were supposedly damaged the worker went out into the night with his dim lantern and he walked along the tracks until he stopped in this very clearing he spotted what looked to be damaged to one of the rails and bent down to examine it no one knows why he didn't hear the train barreling towards him more hear its whistle cry out in the night the man would never hear anything again as bam the train took his head clean off now with only his lantern to guide him in the night the headless railway worker wanders this clearing still searching for his missing head that's a stupid story one of your friends says how could someone not notice an entire train i don't know but it's true no it isn't as the two go back and forth you suddenly notice something in the distance um hey look over there everyone follows the direction you're pointing and sees it a dim ball of light hanging in the air see your friend says i told you it was true he steps towards the ball of light and as he does it actually moves drifting back at the same rate he comes forward as if to maintain the exact same distance when your friend takes a step back the light moves just the same look over there you say another one what's going on were these the ghosts of multiple headless rail workers all searching for their missing craniums this light is brighter than the other though and rather than maintaining a set distance from your group it's slowly moving towards you what do we do one asks i don't know the leader says i've never dealt with a ghost before the light continues to move towards your group and no one knows what to do frozen in fear you watch as the light passes straight through you and your friends start to scream as it is absorbed into your chest their cries become muffled though sounding to you as if they're under water your hearing isn't the only thing that feels that way your whole body suddenly feels as though you're submerged in liquid you can't breathe and you thrash at the air trying to swim but nothing is there you scream and choke and fall to the ground as the ball of light passes through you like you weren't even there leaving you in the dirt gasping for breath your friends rush over to help you up asking what happened but there's no time to explain because two even bigger brighter lights have appeared you're terrified of what they might do to you but before you can even think about running a voice calls out from the darkness stop right there the two big balls of light are headlights attached to the front of a black suv and a pair of angry looking armed guards have just gotten out of it the last thing you hear is one of the men say i can't believe we have to deal with this before you feel the sting of a dart hitting your thigh and your vision goes black you open your eyes to find that you're sitting in your own car with your group of friends they too appear to have been asleep and are just waking you're parked on the side of the road next to a thick forest of pine trees and the sun is just starting to rise what were we supposed to do again one of your friends asked from the back seat i don't remember you say but the sun's coming up let's get out of here and you drive your group of friends back home with no memory of the previous night's events this group of teens was quite lucky what they thought was little more than an urban legend known as the girden lights was actually a mysterious and dangerous anomaly which the scp foundation knows much better as scp-2640 scp-2640 is a temporal anomaly that is found within a 5 000 square meter area near the town of girden arkansas the area is densely covered with pine trees with the only man-made object found within it being a set of railroad tracks that bisect the area of most interest within scp-2640 though are the strange entities that manifest inside designated as scp-2640-1 these entities are floating orbs of light that are capable of appearing alone or in groups though no more than 12 at once have ever been observed manifesting at the same time their light will vary in intensity from 75 to 450 lux which is roughly equivalent to the range of light produced by standard light bulbs and the color is always a bluish white the lights will normally be seen to travel slowly within scp-2640 though they have been observed moving quite quickly on occasion with the quickest ones having been measured traveling at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour there is also a connection between the luminosity of the entities and their behavior those measured at less than 150 lux will not interact with humans instead maintaining a distance of at least 20 meters from the nearest observer at all times attempts to move closer will lead to the entity moving away at the same rate ensuring that it maintains the same 20 meters of distance at all times on the opposite end of the scale those that are closer to 450 lux are very active and will approach and even interact with humans in some instances the brighter scp-2640-1 entities will actually pass through solid objects including people which leads to a very strange sensation for the person involved when this has occurred the subject has described a sensation of being suspended in liquid or floating in a swimming pool despite there being no outward physical changes to them this feeling of being in water will start the moment a 2640-1 entity makes contact with their body and will cease once it is no longer touching them the scp-2640-1 entities appear bound to the scp-2640 area and any that approach the boundaries will slowly dim until they disappear completely in order to better understand the nature of scp-2640 and specifically the 2640-1 entities found within an expedition into the area using d-class personnel was authorized the three class d's were equipped with special equipment capable of measuring the relative reality distortion in a given area and told to follow along the railroad tracks that run within scp-2640 with orders to report anything they experienced that was out of the ordinary as they progressed deeper into scp-2640 their equipment detected significant reality distorting effects and just as they did the scp-2640-1 entities began appearing despite being quite scared of what they perceived as ghosts the class-d personnel were under strict orders not to run the 2640-1 that was on the brighter end of the scale approached one of the d-classes and passed through his body leading him to experiencing the sensation of being underwater and since he was unable to swim made him believe that he might drown the entity passed harmlessly through him and he was left with no lasting injuries at least not any physical ones after this test and given the extremely high reality distorting effects that were detected in the area it was theorized by researcher dr connors that scp-2640 might be one of the strongest temporal anomalies on the planet his report goes on to hypothesize that scp-2640-1 are actually life forms from another time period that we can see visually due to this anomaly yet cannot interact with lest we cause irreparable damage to the time-space continuum dr connors also noted that the area of scp-2640 appeared to be slowly growing and in order to prevent further spread the installation of several zyank anastasicos constant temporal sinks or exacts was authorized and it was a good thing that the exacts were installed because there was soon an incident that would prove how necessary they are in a debriefing after said event with tony hargrove a level 3 tech support staff the scp foundation learned a horrifying reality about the true nature of scp-2640 mr hargrove explained that he was sent into scp-2640 in order to assess the damage to the foundation assets after a major tornado had passed through the area he explained that while power was still running to the site one of the exacts had been damaged and needed to be replaced so a maintenance team was sent to install a spare that was kept on site as the maintenance team approached the area where the exacts was no longer functioning they reported that there were numerous 2640-1 instances out more than they had ever seen before and a higher concentration of the brighter instances than usual soon after they reported this hargrove lost contact with the maintenance team and decided to go investigate himself as he entered the scp-2640 area he saw something that he had never seen before there weren't just a few more instances of 2640-1s than normal but hundreds maybe even thousands floating all around him there were so many that they lit up the sky to the point where he didn't even need a flashlight our group followed the same railroad tracks that the maintenance team had and after walking several hundred meters he spotted something in the mud next to the tracks it was the replacement temporal sink that they were supposed to be installing and there was blood on it he realized that there wasn't just blood on the machine but it was everywhere covering the ground all around him then he saw something else an scp-2640-1 instance near him but different somehow i can't remember how i first saw it he said right behind the orbs there was this spot where the rain just wasn't like it was bending around some invisible mass and some great thing behind each orb and once i saw it i couldn't unsee it hargrove tried to step back away from the creature and fell into a ditch next to the tracks clutching the exacts in his arms as the creature seemed to swim towards him as you lay as still as he could in the ditch he got the sense that this 2640-1 instance wasn't just randomly moving towards him it was looking for him as the void where the rain ceased to be swam over him through the air he attempted to lie as still as he could still holding tightly to the exacts the scp-2640-1 instance turned and circled over him like a shark searching for its prey in a cloud of blood before gliding away into the trees at that moment hargrove knew that the scp-2640-1 entities weren't what the foundation thought they were these weren't just beautiful balls of light that danced and played in the darkness there were something else something horrible something dangerous he knew that his maintenance team would never be found and that the ditch he was lying in that was slowly filling with rain water was mixed with their blood the scp-2640-1s were hunting them and they never had any idea hargrove knew what he had to do he crawled through the ditch stopping anytime a 2640-1 got near to him holding his breath until long after it passed it took hours of inching along on his belly in the water and mud until he finally reached the point where the damage exacts was located he managed to get the new temporal sink online and as it powered on he watched as the 2640-1 lights around him slowly started to fade and then disappear once again [Music] the deaths of the four foundation personnel who were on the maintenance team as well as six other civilians who were killed were attributed to the tornado and mr hargrove requested that he be administered a class b amnestic and reassigned to a new location both of which are pending approval the rail line that runs into scp-2640 has been decommissioned and a three meter tall electrified fence has been erected around the entirety of the area in order to prevent civilians from approaching no fewer than eight zyank and estacos constant temporal sinks are placed in the surrounding area in order to prevent the further spread of scp-2640 and a subterranean miniaturized pressurized water reactor has been installed on site in order to provide constant uninterrupted power the disinformation bureau has an ongoing dissemination campaign to further the notion that the scp-2640-1 lights are nothing more than an urban legend and should any civilians manage to witness them they are administered class b amnestics in order to keep this euclid-class anomaly a secret just what is the true nature of scp-2640 and perhaps more importantly scp-2640-1 is the breach of our reality a look into the past when this area was covered by an ancient ocean or a glimpse into the future when the seas have swallowed it once again no matter which is the answer the reality is that there is something there now something that has managed to pierce the veil of time and make us its prey now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-4434 anglerfish for another anomaly that has a very memorable technique for luring its prey and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives [Music] the group of children on their bikes stare intently at the large abandoned house rumors have been circulating all school year about a monster that lives inside one child tells the others about the kid from a couple towns over who went inside and never came back out and it's easy to believe that something evil could be lurking inside the run-down home with its peeling paint and many broken windows the children begin teasing each other daring one another to go in and see the monster for themselves no one seems especially eager to volunteer though as they all egg each other on as the group of children joke about who should be forced to go inside another comes riding up behind them struggling to catch his breath you left me behind again he complains clearly this is not the first time that this smallest child of the group has been made to try and keep up with his bigger and faster friends the bigger kids all turn to look at him they don't need to discuss it any further the answer to who must go inside has already been decided the smaller child tries to protest but ultimately what decision does he have but to go inside he can't let everyone else think that he's a chicken he's got to prove once and for all that he's just as tough as any of them without another word he lets his bike fall into the dirt and makes his way towards the big creepy house the door pushes open without any resistance and the boy looks into the dark house the boy steps inside and the floorboards creak loudly under his feet the inside looks much like the outside old worn and abandoned but then he hears something a scratching noise coming from above him he turns to leave but he can see all of his friends through the doorway and they motion for him to keep going the boy steals his nerves and turns back he's going to show them just how brave he is the boy starts up the stairs each one groaning as he steps onto it he reaches the top of the stairs to find a landing with more rooms each full of dirt and debris there's spray paint on many of the walls and lots of trash it looks like teens may use this as a place to hang out but there at the other side of the landing is one more room and the door is shut from outside the group of children can see through the upper windows as the boy makes his way through the house they're not laughing and teasing any longer in fact they're impressed by how bravely he is exploring the old home though none of them would admit it out loud he's earning their respect the boy reaches the shot door at the end of the hall and presses his ear to it but he doesn't hear anything inside he places his hand on the doorknob and slowly opens it the boy screams and falls backwards as the cat that was hiding inside panics and jumps through one of the open windows the boy can't help but laugh of course it was just a the boy screams again as the floor gives way beneath him and crashes down onto the first floor in a pile of debris he's stunned by the fall before starting to scream again as that floor gives way too his yelling is silenced by the air being knocked out of him as he hits the basement floor he's covered in dust and pieces of two floors he fell through he feels bruised and sore but he can wiggle his fingers and toes he's not paralyzed and it doesn't even feel like he's broken a bone maybe he's okay but no he's definitely not okay because suddenly there's something picking him up off the floor as his eyes adjust to the dark basement he sees what it is that's holding him it's half man half machine a huge disgusting mix of metal and flesh the boy is too scared to scream anymore as the creature's unmoving dead looking eyes stare straight into his its face looks as though the skin has been stretched across a human metallic skull the boy can only watch as the monster raises its sharp metallic fingers and brushes the dirt out of the boy's hair the boy starts to whimper but whatever this thing is it doesn't seem to want to hurt him a tiny robotic voice coming from a small device on the creature's face suddenly breaks the silence the boy doesn't understand but the robotic man tilts his horrific head to the side and repeats the same thing the boy is still confused but he feels like the robot is trying to tell him something he somehow gets the sense that it's not going to hurt him is this the monster that everyone has been afraid of a misunderstood machine man living down here in the basement the robot flinches as something is smashed on the back of his head he tosses the boy to the side and turns to see the boy's friends each of them armed with pieces of wood and other scraps as weapons they've come here to save their friend from the monster that they dared him to find another runs up to strike the robot but before he can reach him he falls to his knees in pain as do the rest of the children the creature has begun emitting a high frequency noise and the children try to cover their ears they all feel a searing pain that makes it feel as though their heads will explode the piercing noise continues to ring out but the monster looks like it has entered some kind of dormant state and is no longer moving the small boy is able to slowly get back to his knees hands still clasped to the side of his head and stand up he runs past the monster and his friends who are writing on the floor in pain up the stairs and out of the old house a woman stands at a kitchen counter chopping vegetables for their dinner that evening and talking to her oldest daughter about her plans for that weekend when the back door suddenly bursts open standing there is her son the small boy he's barely able to whisper the words monster there's a monster in the basement before he collapses blood pouring from his ears and nose before he begins convulsing on the floor at the local police station an officer is speaking on the phone i see yes that is quite strange a metal man you don't say i'll send someone out there right away don't go anywhere a police officer hangs up the phone and looks around making sure no one is nearby or listening to him and then takes out a cell phone he dials a number from memory and someone answers on the other end almost immediately yes this is field agent patch the police officer says you need to get a containment team out here right away and a good one too i don't know what it is but it's dangerous an scp foundation mobile task force that specializes in containing dangerous humanoid threats soon arrived at the house and took the anomaly into captivity misinformation teams concocted a cover story about a gas leak leading to the unfortunate deaths of several of the town's children and administering amnestics to any potential witnesses once the messy business of containment was over though it was time to figure out just what this strange creature was scp-203 appears to have at one time been a caucasian human male though its appearance now is far different than it once was this bipedal humanoid creature stands 2.5 meters tall and weighs roughly 200 kilograms both its incredible height and weight are due to the fact that the man's original skeleton has been entirely removed and replaced with a mechanical framework made of cast iron the metal skeleton is much larger than the original bones and in many places scp-203's skin has split from being stretched over it revealing the mechanical structure underneath other parts of the framework appear to have been intentionally made to protrude through the skin though it is unclear for what purpose in addition to this larger than normal mechanical skeleton a number of other augmentations are present on scp-203 its fingers have been extended into sharpened hook-like barbs that are approximately one meter long its lips have been removed entirely making it clear that there is no movable jawbone and that the skull is likely one large hollow piece of metal and there are several more hook-like protrusions jutting out around the mouth area smaller but similar in appearance to the fingers scp-203's legs have been modified as well with two added joints that give them an appearance more akin to a dog's and its toes have been removed and replaced with a solid piece of metal similar to those found in steel-toed boots its chest has no sternum or breastplate which causes the skin stretched across to pull inward as its diaphragm contracts its ears have also been removed though it still seems to possess hearing that is far beyond that of an average human and while its eyes still remain they are held in a permanently forward-facing position by several needles that emerge from the eye sockets the irises also appear permanently dilated and do not react to light in place of a mouth is a small speaker covered by a metal grate that is capable of producing basic vocalizations though with a distinctly robotic sound of them tests have shown that scp-203 has a basic understanding of english but its own primary language seems to be a type of arabic though there are no records of the exact dialect scp-203 does not need to eat or drink and without any visible mouth it is likely incapable of either instead it runs off of a power cell located within its body that will provide energy for up to 72 hours after those three days scp-203 will shut down and enter a hibernation state for three to four hours during which its power source will recharge providing it with another 72 hours of energy all attempts to examine scp-203 by either x-ray ct ultrasound and other forms of diagnostic imagery have failed and attempts at exploratory surgery have triggered its defense mechanisms which are both painful and deadly when it perceives that it is being threatened in some way scp-203 is capable of emitting a high-frequency droning sound that has a profoundly damaging effect on the human nervous system the effects of this defense mechanism were able to be observed directly when a d-class personnel accidentally struck scp-203 and its droning sound was activated immediately after being exposed to the sound d-104 experienced a severe headache after 15 minutes the headache grew worse and d104 began to bleed from the ears after a half hour the d-class who had now gone to the infirmary began to experience seizures and was bleeding from all of his orifices ten minutes later the d-class was dead another test was performed and the results were nearly identical with symptoms progressing at roughly the same rate however this time rather than move the d-class to the infirmary it was kept in the cell with scp-203 after 40 minutes the d-class was dead and a few minutes later 203 finally ceased its droning sound scp-203 then approached the body of the deceased d-class and began to use its own augmentations to start removing the skeleton of the d-class while scp-203 was stopped before it could complete its task it now appears that the droning sound that produces is a defense mechanism but may also be a part of the process by which it creates new instances of scp-203 in interviews with scp-203 it claims to have no memories of its life prior to its augmentation it says that it now exists in a near constant state of pain and confusion and that the times when its battery is expended and it enters a rest state are its only escape from the pain of its existence it also claims that it has no memory of what happens once its defense mechanism is activated nor does it remember what it did to the body of the d-class that was left in its cell however it is unknown just how truthful scp-203 is being there has been no way to verify anything that scp-203 tells researchers and for the time being its statements are to be regarded by foundation staff as an attempt to elicit sympathy or otherwise manipulate them emotionally it's made several requests for pain killing medication and anesthetics but so far all of these requests have been denied scp-203 has been classified as euclid and it is kept in a specialized storage bunker at a research site two d-class personnel equipped with sound filtering equipment guarded at all times and it is accompanied by an armed escort to any testing or research sessions is scp-203 the ultimate victim a normal human that was transformed against his will into a crude amalgamation of man and machine maybe there is something more to scp-203 or rather less is scp-203 fooling all of us is this tortured iron soul nothing more than a metallic monster disguising itself with the skin of its last victim perhaps with more research we will one day know the answer now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-783 there was a crooked man for another anomaly with very interesting ideas of what a human's body should look like and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives a storm rages outside of the little old house as inside a little old woman bounces a little baby on her little old knee the baby coos and laughs as the old woman makes funny faces and noises for the child trying to keep it entertained as they wait for his parents to return from their much needed night out by themselves the old woman herself needs a rest now though he's forgotten how exhausting it can be to watch a child okay that's enough it's time for both of us to take a little nap before your parents get back she gets up and takes the baby into a nearby room that looks as though it was a nursery at one time but it hasn't been used for many years as she goes to set the child into the crib a strong gust of wind blows through the room she places the baby down and rushes to the window and closes it shut it must have been left cracked open by mistake [Music] room is cold from the wind but she has just the thing to fix that she moves to a small closet and opens the creaky door a little old woman strains to reach up to the top shelf and feels around ah there it is she pulled down a baby blanket a soft baby blue with colorful animals printed on it it looks as though it's been up there for a long time and she gives it a good shake before walking back to the crib look what we have here it's your daddy's own blankie she gives it another shake there we go good as new she leans into the crib and wraps the small helpless child in the blanket before giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead now you get some sleep your mommy and daddy will be back before you know it and we want to show them what a good babysitter grammy is don't we that way i get to see you all the time the little old woman switches off the light and exits the room leaving the door cracked just a few inches she heads back to the couch and plops down on it almost as soon as she does though the baby starts crying this high she gets back up and goes back to the nursery what's the matter little dear she says as she turns the lights on oh no she rushes to the crib you've kicked your blanket off you must be freezing she grabs the blanket from the end of the crib and tucks it around the baby once again there you go that's better the old woman leaves the room and quietly closes the door shut leaving it open just a few inches the moment she turns around to go back to the couch though the crying starts again with the size she opens the door and goes back into the room once again the blanket is stuffed at the end of the crib where the baby has kicked it off fine don't want a blanket that's fine she picks the baby up out of the crib and rocks him in her arms until it stops crying she sets him back in the crib there you go no blankets just please get some sleep grammy's tired the old woman takes the blanket out of the crib and leaves the room she closes the door most of the way and incredibly this time the child remains silent the old woman resumes her place on the couch and starts to yawn just as she does the wind outside picks up and howls loudly the old woman shivers she looks next to her and spots the baby blanket he picks it up and examines the cute animal print remembering when her own son was a baby wrapped in it she smiles at the happy thought and throws the blanket around her shoulders she leans back on the couch and finds that her eyes are growing very heavy she'll rest them for just a moment she won't fall asleep she'll just rest mom it's us we're back thanks again for a couple both scream when they enter the house to find that the old woman is lying face down on the floor in a pool of blood the source of the blood is obvious chunks of flesh from her shoulders and upper back have been torn out leaving jagged holes as if she were mauled by an animal as the man runs to the old woman trying to do anything he can to help her the woman runs to the nursery to find that the baby is sleeping peacefully in his crib the woman picks up the child tears streaming down her cheeks and returns to the living room to see her husband kneeling beside his dead mother both the husband and wife are so shocked by what they have found and neither notices the baby blanket lying on the couch or that the cruel blood-covered mouth on it is slowly fading from view until it disappears completely there is little in life that is more comforting than a favorite blanket perhaps you've had the same one since you were a child or you have a heavy one that you like to wrap yourself in when you're feeling down or maybe it's just one that's especially fluffy and warm that you'd do anything to keep today's anomaly plays on those very feelings using them against its victims to become one of the more insidious predatory anomalies in the scp foundation archives this is scp-799 also known as the carnivorous blanket scp-799 is a type of creature that can vary in shape size and appearance but as the name implies always takes the form of a blanket of some kind the exact material the anomaly is made out of is unknown but it is a very soft fiber that in many ways resembles a high quality merino wool blend the one that retains heat even more effectively than its natural counterpart scp-799's weight can vary from between half a kilogram all the way to six kilograms and while examples have been found in nearly every color imaginable it seems predisposed towards pastels and will frequently have patterns featuring stylized friendly depictions of various animals both the pastel colors and the childish patterns are especially common in instances of scp-799 that weigh less than two kilograms and would colloquially be known as baby blankets while scp-799 is undoubtedly a living organism there is some debate as to whether it is itself an animal or perhaps a type of fungal colony instances of 799 are incapable of locomotion lying motionless for long periods of time and require little in the way of nutrition what small amount they do need they appear to be able to gain almost entirely from the organic particles present in normal household dust such as animal dander and dead human skin cells the blanket feeds via a series of minute filter-feeding mouth-like structures that are spread across the surface of the creature which wait for nutrients to fall into them not unlike a sponge on the ocean floor instances of scp-799 can survive for quite a while in this state and one specimen was noted as having lived for multiple years in a damp attic subsisting entirely on the small organic particles that would drift down from the rafters above should an instance of scp-799 be forced to go for long periods of time without a source of nutrition though like when for example it is placed inside of a sealed closet or drawer it will begin to undergo certain physical changes which result in it metamorphosing into its predatory form these changes aren't noticeable from only casual observation and consists of the blanket converting its many filter feeding mouths into a single large one that is lined with multiple rows of extremely sharp teeth the blanket creature also develops a new form of tissue inside its cloth-like structure one that is similar to muscle and capable of contracting and squeezing once its metamorphosis is complete the instance of scp-799 will lie in weight for an unsuspecting creature to cover themselves with it or wrap it around their body once they do the blanket will bite its time until they enter a state of rest usually waiting for them to fall asleep entirely at which point its feeding phase will begin once the creature has detected that its victim is dormant it will use its newly formed muscle to latch onto them holding them in place as it opens its tooth-lined maw it will begin to bite at its confined prey tearing off several kilograms of flesh bone and any other organic material it can swallowing it and converting it into a thin slurry that it spreads through its body almost immediately this traumatic violent process nearly always leads to the victim dying of blood loss within 10 minutes of the attack the mouth on scp-799 will have been completely reabsorbed leaving no signs that it is anything other than a normal everyday blanket though one which now mysteriously weighs several kilograms more than it did before by 40 minutes after the attack the entire digestive system within scp-799 will have d-metamorphosed back into its original form with a single digestive tract being changed once again to the many dispersed filter-feeding mouths while scp-799 is more than happy to feed on any warm-blooded animal including humans it shows no interest in cold-blooded ones or inanimate objects it appears then that its senses may be limited to only touch and heat using those as signs that it is now wrapped around a potential meal adding to the strangeness of scp-799 is that it reproduces through budding like flatworms and corals when it has absorbed enough nutrients and sufficiently increased its mass either very slowly through filter feeding or rapidly via its carnivorous phase it will begin to take on a quilt-like appearance over several weeks one of the quilt squares will puff up and slide off the blanket this new smaller instance will resemble a doily or throw pillow until it too begins to feed and grow the new instance is a perfect clone of its parent identical in every way and it will eventually grow to a similar size and begin its own reproductive cycle it is unknown exactly how long it takes scp-799 to reach full maturity but the current best guess is that when kept in its filter feeding phase an instance will reproduce every 50 to 60 years instances of scp-799 are quite prevalent across the planet and the scp foundation currently has hundreds of examples in containment unfortunately it is unknown just how many still exist in the wild as it is very difficult to identify instances with one of the only reliable means being through genetic testing should any instances be located though they are to be destroyed immediately as the foundation already has a large enough population and containment for research purposes and they pose too much of a risk both in terms of harm and exposure to the general public scp-799 has been classified as euclid and each instance is kept in its own separate biocontainment cell at biosite 66 dust is regularly collected from the on-site d-class personnel dorms and is sprinkled over the blankets regularly to keep them in their filter feeding state though only just enough to hopefully maintain their size and not allow them to reproduce should any small cloth objects appear in their containment lockers it is to be removed immediately and contained separately scp-799 isn't the only predatory creature that resembles a cloth good in foundation containment and research into possible connections to scp-1626 the oversized grey-hooded sweatshirt that sends penetrating fibers into anyone unlucky enough to put it on is ongoing now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-1051 nevadan extraterrestrial for another anomaly with a rather unique feeding strategy and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives a doctor frantically writes in his journal it's almost impossible to believe everything that's transpired has taken place in such a short amount of time it all began three days ago it was just another day down in the mines a worker was drilling into a seam of coal when suddenly there was an issue with the rig from what i've gathered it sounds like the drill bit exploded due to some kind of mechanical defect sending shards of metal flying throughout the tunnel the worker was lucky that none of the large pieces struck him as they surely would have been fatal he had though still been grazed by a piece of shrapnel from the ruined drill bit and it had left a deep cut across his upper arm other miners who were working nearby heard the commotion and quickly came to his aid they applied a tourniquet to stem the flow of blood and helped him to the mine shaft elevator for the long ride to the surface once they reached the safety of daylight they brought the injured man to the on-site medical clinic where i was on duty at the time i cleaned the wound since there was a substantial amount of coal dust that had gotten inside before suturing and bandaging it the miner was sent to his bunk house to recover and i thought that would be the end of it of course it was only the beginning roughly 24 hours later the same miner presented himself to me once again i asked about his injury and he explained that while his arm was fine he now felt like he might be coming down with an illness his symptoms included a runny nose a cough and body aches so my assumption was that he'd simply had some bad luck and caught a cold that just so happened to coincide with being injured on the job i sent him to his bunk once again telling him that he wouldn't be able to work and should instead use the day to rest and recover the next day i was once again in the clinic when my phone rang it wasn't the sick minor but instead his supervisor the minor hadn't shown up for his shift that morning and he asked for me to go check on him since he knew he hadn't been feeling well i agreed that it was strange that neither of us had heard anything else from the minor and went to see him straight away i entered the bunk house where many of the workers stay while on site at this remote mine it was empty except for the injured miner who was still in his bed as i approached i could immediately tell something was very wrong the man was curled up in the fetal position and was sweating profusely while also shivering a quick touch of his forehead revealed that the man had a high fever too he was practically incoherent seemingly delirious from his high temperature the miner was moved to the empty bed inside the clinic so i could better observe and tend to him but very carefully since i assumed now that he was actually suffering from influenza and didn't want to risk an outbreak at the mine i was getting ready to administer fluids to the miner who was still mumbling incomprehensibly when i noticed something on his face it appeared that he was crying but the tears that ran down his cheeks weren't made of water they were blood i hadn't seen anything like it before there was no reason why influenza should be causing this man to cry tears of blood i could see the veins in his forehead starting to pulse as if his blood pressure had suddenly skyrocketed and just as i was leaning in to get a closer look something horrible happened the miner suddenly opened his mouth and expelled an enormous stream of blood the blast of blood struck me in the face and knocked me backwards in fright as the man continued expelling more and more blood from his mouth which soon covered the walls of the clinic with seemingly all the blood having been discharged from his body man then went limp i attempted to resuscitate him but strangely there was no need the man was comatose but he was alive there i was standing in the middle of the clinic over the man both he myself as well as the room completely covered in blood it was one of the worst things i'd ever experienced as a doctor and yet somehow it was about to get even worse i was still in shock from what had just happened when i heard the door to the clinic open behind me i turned around to see a group of half a dozen more miners from the site each one coughing sweating and shivering one held a cloth to his ear that was stained red while another attempted to stop his nose from bleeding whatever had infected the first patient wasn't a one-off medical event this had the makings of an epidemic i knew that i was in way over my head i was just a general practitioner not an infectious disease specialist and i called the center for disease control to get their guidance i was told to quarantine the sick man as best i could and that a rapid response team would be sent who were better equipped to deal with potential outbreaks while i waited for the cdc to arrive i began moving the afflicted men to a bunk house that had been designated for quarantining several more also began expelling huge amounts of blood though unlike the first patient none of the others survived the traumatic event as i was putting the final infected man into a bed i noticed something though there was a huge amount of heat radiating off of his lower body and when i pulled down the blankets i discovered something that even with all of the strange happenings i still couldn't believe there were huge lumps growing on his legs each of which looked to be filled with some kind of fluid or gas and they were extremely hot to the touch as if the chemicals inside the lumps were creating a source of heat as i was investigating the bizarre growths i suddenly looked up to see that the man was no longer in a state of delirium instead a crazed look had come over his eyes and he suddenly leapt out of bed flailing and clawing at me as if he wanted to kill me i don't know how but i was able to fight off the man and run out of the bunk house he gave chase though and with no other option i ran into a nearby storage shed the man was beating and scratching at the door but i was able to barricade it by dragging a heavy shelf in front of it after several minutes of trying to break inside he finally gave up and left and here i remain i'm too afraid to go back out it seems that if the disease won't kill me then whatever it is turning people into will all i can do is wait for the cdc team to get here and hopefully know how to deal with whatever the situation has become the doctor closes his small notebook and notices a drop of something fall onto the cover he reaches up and wipes his hand across his mouth it comes back covered in blood the doctor didn't know what the disease was that had so rapidly spread through the workers at the mine nor did the cdc response team when they arrived no it wasn't until the scp foundation caught word of the mysterious outbreak that someone would finally determine what was happening with what would soon be called scp-016 which is also known as the sentient microorganism scp-016 is a blood-borne pathogen that was first discovered after a worker at a remote mine was injured while drilling into a coal seam deep beneath the earth it is theorized that coal dust entered the wound dust which perhaps carried dormant spores of what would become scp-016 over the next several days all the remaining employees at the mine were infected as was the cdc crisis team that was sent to the mine to investigate the outbreak of what was potentially an undiscovered pathogen following the cdc's inability to deal with the disease the scp foundation took over the site and quickly terminated all affected personnel in order to prevent further spread the first infected person patient zero was taken into foundation custody for further investigation and the mine shaft itself was collapsed by an explosive device in order to seal it off after studying patient zero the foundation learned a great deal about just what they were dealing with what they found was that scp-016 has an incubation period that can vary wildly from just 24 hours to as long as two years with the length appearing to be dependent on the number of other potential human hosts in the immediate area once symptoms begin to present in an individual they will at first look to be quite similar to the common cold they can include coughing a runny nose itchy eyes and body aches roughly 48 hours after the first symptoms the infected person will experience a form of hemorrhagic fever similar to the ebola virus which causes a small amount of bleeding in the lungs this leads to the infected blood becoming aspirated most likely in order to better spread through the air the third stage of the disease leads to the host crashing and bleeding out as they start to bleed profusely from multiple body orifices including the nose tear ducts mouth and even through the pores of their skin their blood pressure will also skyrocket during this final stage and in some cases have vomited blood as far as 5 meters oddly enough although most die from the traumatic event this almost complete exsanguination will not always result in death sometimes following the removal of almost all blood from the body the patient will somehow survive and the pathogen inside their body will return to its dormant phase once again before eventually repeating the process but scp-016 is more than just a rapid and often deadly blood-borne disease as you will soon see as scp researchers studied the disease what they discovered was that it had a very strange property that sets it apart from other hemorrhagic fevers like ebola and the marburg virus what they found was that when someone infected with scp-016 is placed into a high-stress situation such as one where their life is being threatened scp-016 will transition from rapidly reproducing inside of its host's body to instead begin rewriting their host's actual dna this genetic manipulation combined with the stimulation of rapid cell division leads to the host undergoing major physiological changes and in extremely small amounts of time in just 24 hours the host can begin showing physical changes to their body and a complete bodily reconstruction can occur in less than two weeks most of the hosts who begin to undergo physical changes will not survive the process due to how heavily the transformation stresses the body but those that do will be changed in more than just physical ways they'll exhibit hyper-aggressive behaviors not dissimilar to those infected by rabies and it's theorized that the pathogen may cause this behavior in order to better spread the virus when the foundation realized that scp-016 was capable of these transformative effects they immediately undertook a number of experiments on d-class personnel in order to better understand their full extent in the first test a d-class was infected with scp-016 and as soon as they began showing symptoms their cell was slowly flooded with water in order to stimulate the life-threatening situation needed to trigger the transformation process over the next 24 hours researchers watched as the subject appeared to develop gills which would allow it to survive in the now water-filled cell the transformations didn't stop there though and over the next two weeks the subject also had their limbs change into fins their eyesight deteriorated and their sense of hearing increased as they developed an echolocation ability very similar to the one employed by whales and dolphins the experiment was concluded by removing all of the water from the cell leading to the death of the subject from asphyxiation as they could no longer breathe in the open air a similar experiment was performed on another d-class but this time instead of taking on aquatic animal properties the d-class experienced rapid muscle growth and their knuckles grew bone-like protrusions it attempted to use both of these to break through the door of their flooding cell but they were unable to breach the reinforced steel and soon died from drowning the foundation now knew that the virus could react in different ways to the same situation the same experiment was run a third time but in this instance the infected d-class exhibited an entirely different means of trying to escape the subject had a massive growth appear on its chest which seemed to be fed from two different tubes of flesh also emanating from the subject's body fearing what it planned to do the foundation ended the experiment early and terminated the subject an autopsy revealed that the growth was actually a hollow chamber that was being fed by the tubes with oxygen and acetylene gas which when combined in sufficient amounts would cause a massive combustion event in other words scp-016 was turning the subject into a living bomb moving on from flooded cell tests the researchers next left a d-class inside of a room with no stressing elements and instead told them to focus on growing a pair of wings without any reason to begin the transformation process scp-016 went through its normal stages and the subject died from blood loss without any other changes occurring in the final test a d-class was placed inside of an acrylic box that was suspended over a mine shaft with a timer attached indicating the time when the bottom of the box would open and drop the d-class into the thousand-foot deep shaft this d-class was also told to focus on growing wings that would allow them to survive the plunge the subject began to transform over the next 24 hours but rather than grow wings they instead developed a tentacle-like appendage on their arm that was capable of producing silk similar to a spider's spinneret they used the silk producing organ to secure themselves to the box showing that subjects did not appear to be able to control the way in which scp-016 would alter their bodies this experiment concluded when the timer reached zero and the bomb attached to it detonated as had been the plan all along following this last test scp-016 samples were placed into containment and access to the sample for experimental purposes is only allowed with prior authorization from level 4 or o5 personnel with full documentation of the proposed experiment required beforehand failure to follow any of these procedures will lead to the offending personnel being reassigned to d-class duty or terminated scp-016 has been classified as ketter and the only existing sample is kept in a petri dish which is under extreme lockdown inside of a five by five by five meter room where the temperature is kept below zero degrees celsius at all times should an outbreak of scp-016 occur all infected personnel are to be immediately terminated on-site and if the infection cannot be contained within 48 hours then the on-site nuclear device is to be detonated prior to any additional personnel being evacuated while the containment procedures may sound callous unfortunately when it comes to anomalous pathogens as dangerous as scp-016 no chances can be taken now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-150 the body stealing parasite for another scp that will get inside of you and do frightening things to your body and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives watch this the teenage boy says before jumping his skateboard up onto the stair railing his friends watch in amazement as he deftly guides his board down the long rail they hoot and holler in support until suddenly the boy seems to lose his balance he falls from the rail and tumbles down the stairs at the large parking garage where they had been practicing their skateboarding tricks the boy hits the ground at the end of the stairs and all of his friends go quiet the boy is stunned but eventually he opens his eyes and stands up but none of his friends can do anything except stare oh no oh no oh no the boy says as he looks down at his arm which is now bent at a 90 degree angle in a spot where no joint should exist the children watching all begin to scream and one unsure of what else to do turns and runs what do i do what do i do the boy with a broken arm says to no one and everyone luckily one of the group quickly collects herself and steps forward to take control of the situation come on she says we're getting you to the hospital the girl puts her arm around him on his non-damaged side and helps him to the street where they have a stroke of good luck parked just a block away is an ambulance hey the girl cries out waving towards the ambulance the paramedics inside must have seen her because the ambulance's lights immediately come on and it drives the short distance to them the ambulance stops and two paramedics quickly exit the vehicle the paramedics don't even need to ask what happened they can obviously see from the unnatural angle of the boy's arm that he needs immediate medical attention and they quickly place him into the back of the ambulance the girl begins to pull herself into the back as well but is quite forcefully shoved back into the street patience only is a sole response from the paramedic who pushed her before he slams the door shut the girl gets a brief look at her friend's frightened face through the back window as the ambulance speeds away several days later the children are sitting outside of the same parking structure but none of them are in any mood to skate all they can think about is their missing friend neither the boy's parents nor the police have any idea what happened to him or where he went there's no records at any of the local hospitals of him ever being brought there nor does there seem to be any evidence of this particular ambulance having existed at all no one even seems to believe the children that he got into an ambulance the whole story just seems too far-fetched and outlandish but the children know what they saw as they discuss the events for the hundredth or perhaps thousandth time one of the smallest of the group suddenly stands up in points there it is the rest of the group looks in the direction he's motioning and sees the same thing it's the ambulance none of them know what to do as the vehicle flies past them this time with no lights on and comes to a stop a block away from where they first spotted it they watch as the two paramedics exit the vehicle and go around to the back it's hard to see from this distance but it looks as though they took something out of the rear of the ambulance something that requires both of them to lift before dropping it on the sidewalk behind some trash cans the children watch as the paramedics get back into the ambulance and drive away disappearing just as quickly as they appeared after a moment of shock they all in unison begin running to the place where the ambulance stopped they come to a skidding halt just in front of the trash cans none of them can do anything except stare until they all break out into screams one of the children turning and immediately running away and they have good reason to scream because in front of them is their friend his arm is no longer broken appearing to have been somehow repaired in just a matter of days but it is also no longer attached to his shoulder the boy opens his eyes as his friends scream and looks down to see that his arms and legs have been reattached at a new angle jutting out from his back leaving him standing on all fours his face staring up at the sky like some kind of twisted animal what happened to this young man was tragic but he wasn't the first victim of this strange malicious anomaly and unfortunately neither would he be the last because this was scp-4419 also known as the butcher's chariot scp-4419 appears to be a seemingly normal vehicle which resembles a standard ambulance but the exact make and model varies between manifestations this anomalous ambulance will appear spontaneously in locations where a medical emergency of some kind is about to take place just how scp-4419 is able to predict where and when these events will take place is unknown nor is it understood how it always takes the form of an ambulance that resembles one appropriate to the local area once the medical event has occurred whether that be a minor injury like a sprain or something more serious such as a gunshot wound scp-4419 will quickly approach the injured individual two individuals which have a humanoid appearance and are dressed in paramedic uniforms that are just like the ambulance always appropriate to the location will exit the ambulance they will then secure the victim using a stretcher if need be and place them in the back of the ambulance while the individuals who emerge from scp-4419 will for the most part act as though they are normal medical professionals they will strongly resist any attempt to either impede them in their quest to secure the injured person as well as prevent anyone else except for their target from getting into the back of the scp-4419 ambulance up to and including the use of extreme physical force as soon as the paramedic appearing individuals have managed to secure the victim in the back of the ambulance it will then quickly leave the area at a high rate of speed and research has shown that as soon as it is out of observation scp-4419 will demanifest along with whoever is inside but this isn't the end of what this anomaly has in store for its victim between two and seven days later the scp-4419 ambulance will suddenly reappear at the same area where it picked up its victim the same individuals will exit the ambulance and leave the victim somewhere nearby before getting back in the vehicle and leaving the scene once again the victim who is left behind will always have suffered what can only be described as invasive bodily modifications their injuries are so extreme that in most cases they should have resulted in the death of the victim and yet they will always somehow still be alive while the exact form of modification will vary from victim to victim there does appear to be some correlation between the original medical emergency and the resulting procedure and the scp foundation has documented a number of encounters with scp-4419 stretching all the way back to the early 1980s some notable examples include one from 1983 in which a pedestrian who was crossing the street was struck by an automobile resulting in them breaking their leg scp-4419 was on site and quickly helped the man into the back of the ambulance when he was returned several days later all of his limbs had been reattached in such a way that they were protruding from the front of his torso in another event which occurred in 1994 a man suffered a broken jaw in a fight outside of a bar to no surprise scp-4419 was on hand and took the man away for treatment when he was next seen his jaw had been permanently forced open and a glass window had been installed in the back of his throat which permitted direct viewing of his heart which had also been moved to the back of the throat unfortunately there was no way to reverse this procedure and the man had to be euthanized in 2003 a husband and wife were in a car accident where they each sustained multiple broken bones when scp-4419 dropped them back off the two had been fused together at the back and any bones that were broken in the crash had been removed completely when an elderly gentleman had a heart attack in 2006 he was picked up by scp-4419 and returned with 11 new non-functioning hearts grafted inside of his body attempts were made to remove these additional hearts through surgery but unfortunately the man did not survive the procedure in 2008 a structure fire resulted in 19 people suffering extreme burns seven more injuries came when a crowd attempted to stop the scp-4419 paramedics from placing all of the victims in the back of the ambulance but they were unsuccessful in preventing them from leaving the scene with them when the group of victims was finally returned it was as a single organism a large solitary mass which twitches and shivers when physical contact is applied no method for euthanizing this organism has been able to be found and currently they are stored inside of a tank at site-31 in perhaps the strangest sighting of scp-4419 a u.s private was wounded while on patrol in afghanistan and a military medical evacuation vehicle arrived to evacuate him suspicious about the vehicle's sudden appearance and the forceful conduct of the medical staff the private's fellow soldiers ended up opening fire on the vehicle they reported seeing a viscous black fluid leaking from the vehicle's surface but they were unable to stop it from taking the injured private in a deviation from its normal behavior the victim was not returned to the same place and instead appeared in the barracks the next day the victim had been broken down into a thin paste and was spread across the walls agents were dispatched to secure what was left of the man and they reported finding a still intact eyeball that dilated when they approached the collected viscera has been labeled as remains and placed in storage but it is currently unknown whether or not the victim has truly expired due to the danger scp-4419 presents to anyone who suffers an injury as well as its ability to appear virtually anywhere on the planet it has been classified as ketter containment efforts at this point are largely focused on maintaining information control and post-manifestation cleanup as opposed to any attempts at physical confinement anyone who witnesses an scp-441 manifestation is to be administered amnestics and victims are to be treated in order to restore them to their original physical state as much as possible or euthanized when no viable medical treatments are available with the cover story constructed in order to explain their death scp-4419 is one of the most cruel and sadistic anomalies in the scp foundation's database ranking right up there with scp-106 the old man hopefully one day we will find a means to contain this brutal so-called medical vehicle but until then be careful if you suffer an injury and an ambulance is suddenly on hand you might come back changed in ways you never thought possible now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-466 the yule man for another anomaly that seems to delight in the suffering of others and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives all he could see were glimpses flashes of movement but he could clearly make out that there was a girl he could see the man walk up behind her and slip a bag over her head there was a struggle a body being dragged through the dark and then the sound of a shovel scraping against the hard dirt the body is thrown into the shallow hole and as the dirt begins to rain down on her face her eye opens up the boy's eyes open too and he sits up with a panicked jolt shaky and covered in sweat he looks around his dark room and realizes that it was only a dream the entire morning as the boy gets ready rides the bus and sits through school all he can think about is the dream and the girl a group of teenage girls are out for a ride in one of their father's sports car convertible they're having too much fun and driving much too fast down the dark country roads it doesn't take much it never does just the shadow of an animal bolting across the road but it's enough to make the driver jerk the wheel causing the car to lose control all of the girls scream but none more than the one who is tossed from the sliding spinning car the girls stand around their dead friend and make a solemn pact no one here will ever know that she was with them but what will they do with her one of them points towards the woods and everyone turns to look at the dilapidated shed as the girls now dirty from their long night of digging and then filling a hole emerge from the shed into the dim morning light none of them are aware that beneath the dirt the girl is still breathing the boy gasps for air and struggles in the dark he throws the blankets off of him before realizing that he is safe in his own bed another breakfast another ride to school another day of classes where the boy can think of nothing but the girl from his dreams who is she he's never seen her in his life he's sure of it but then why does she keep appearing in his dreams the boy is snapped out of his deep train of thought by the teacher slapping his desk and he apologizes before focusing on his studies once again the look on the woman's face is a mix of sadness and annoyance she doesn't know how much longer she can go on like this it never stops how can someone cough so much the woman sits in her chair and tries to push away the same thought that comes to her over and over that it would be better for both of them if it would just end the girl coughs loudly in her bed the disease has ravaged her lungs and it takes all of her willpower not to scratch at the burning itching sores on her face and chest she looks towards the door with dazed eyes and sees her mother enter the room she's carrying a tray with soup just like she always does at this time even though she has no appetite at all as her mother gets closer she can see that the tray is empty and it isn't a tray in her hands it's a pillow the girl can barely muster a scream as the woman places the pillow over her daughter's face as the mother walks out of the old shed in the backyard and towards the house she stops for a moment can she hear the sound of coughing coming from the shed that morning at breakfast the boy's father tells him in no uncertain terms that he doesn't want to hear any more about the girl it's just a dream and he needs to put it out of his mind what he needs to be focusing on is school the note from his teacher said that he isn't paying attention in class and if that keeps up he's going to have much bigger problems the boy promises no more about the girl as the boy stares out the bus window it isn't his fault that thoughts about his dream rush into his head because as the bus drives along the country roads he catches a glimpse of something down a long tree-covered driveway it's the house from his dream the shed door opens with a creek allowing a sliver of light from the full moon to fall inside the boy enters the shed as quietly as he can and goes inside he soon emerges with his bike and a shovel strapped to his back before riding away from his own backyard into the night the boy stops his bike at the bottom of the driveway leading up to the old abandoned house he rides up the drive and doesn't even consider stopping at the house his destination is somewhere else the boy lets his bike fall to the ground in the backyard and stares at it it's the shed he's seen so many times before despite never seeing it in person it's dark and quiet the shed silhouetted against the large bright moon he approaches the only door on the small shed and reaches for the handle it opens with a loud rusty squeak the boy takes out a flashlight and turns it on illuminating the shed's interior inside is nothing except for a wooden bench sitting on the dirt floor but wait there is something else a spot on the ground appears different blackened almost as if it were burned this is the spot though this is the place the boy keeps seeing in his dreams he knows she's down there she needs his help the boy thrusts his shovel down into the dirt but it doesn't even scratch the surface the ground is cold and hard he strikes down again and the shovel pierces into the dirt the shovel suddenly falls to the ground though as the boy begins to count he drops to his knees as the coughing becomes a fit he can't stop and now he can't breathe it feels like his throat is filling with something he falls to the ground still coughing as he feels whatever is filling his throat and lungs moving and vibrating the final great hacking cough he unleashes a swarm of creatures from his mouth he lies in the dirt struggling but unable to get any air as the buzz of thousands of locusts drowns out his final noises it's no surprise that what this young man ran into wasn't a dream at all but an interaction with an anomaly that has since been classified as scp-4595 but also has the quite simple and appropriate name of which scp-4595 is the designation given to a small room located inside of a wood shed that is itself found behind a home near the town of jasper indiana the house appears to have been abandoned for some time and there are no reliable records of who the home's most recent or original owners were the only item inside the woodshed is a simple rough-hewn wooden bench though at the time of the anomaly's discovery two other objects were found as well the first was a small shovel the type that might be used for gardening the shovel appears to be ordinary in every way except for the very tip which has what looks to be a blood stain on it though tests have been unable to retrieve any genetic material from the discoloration the second object was a small human skeleton the body of the deceased person was removed from the woodshed and an autopsy revealed that it had belonged to an adolescent male roughly 11 to 13 years old while the exact cause of death was unable to be determined it is extremely likely that it was due to the anomalous effects that scp-4595 produces but more on those in a moment further examination of the woodshed reveals that the word witch has been scrawled on the door with charcoal though it is unknown who wrote the message and whether it is meant to serve as a warning or has some other purpose it is highly likely though that the word is referring to the final element of scp-4595 the body that is buried beneath the woodshed's dirt floor ground penetrating imaging tools were brought in to investigate the shed and researchers discovered that underneath one portion of the floor that appears to have been scorched at some point a body is buried roughly one meter beneath the surface which has since been designated as scp-4595-a scans have revealed the body to be a humanoid figure vaguely feminine in appearance its limbs are twisted in a painful and unnatural manner there are several large wounds present on its face chest and neck but perhaps strangest of all is that despite evidence at the site pointing to the location not having been disturbed for many years the corpse buried beneath does not seem to show any signs at all of decomposition still appearing as it most likely did at the time it was interred in the ground you are most likely asking yourself why the scp foundation has relied solely on subterranean imaging in order to assess the state of scp-4595-a and why they don't simply dig up the anomalous corpse the reason why they haven't is due to the anomalous effects present at the site testing on scp-4595 has concluded that anyone who enters the shed and remains there for any substantial amount of time will begin to experience a number of effects first they will start to feel paranoid getting the impression that someone is watching them this purely mental effect is quickly followed by a physical one where the individual's skin will start to itch those who linger in scp-4595 long enough will eventually begin to violently scratch it themselves in an attempt to relieve the itchiness these effects while very uncomfortable will eventually subside if they leave the location and it is very likely that they are meant to serve as a warning of what will happen if one partakes in the most dangerous aspect of scp-4595 which is disturbing the body buried beneath it anyone who attempts to impact scp-4595-a by attempting to dig it up or otherwise remove it from the location will quickly experience a horrendous anomalous effect the individual will soon find that they are experiencing a shortness of breath and soon will begin coughing and choking and be unable to breathe at all this is due to a phenomenon in which any empty space in their chest cavity lungs airways stomach and intestines will completely fill with shista circa gregaria better known as the desert locust the insects will continue to appear within the individual's body until they expire a process that typically takes mere minutes any locusts that manage to escape the individual's body most often through the mouth and nose will disappear into a vapor that quickly dissipates the moment they cross the threshold of the woodshed's doorway so far no method has been determined that can prevent any of scp-4595's effects and for the time being no personnel are allowed to enter the anomalous shed except for testing purposes but even in those cases the disturbance of scp-4595-a is not allowed due to the relative ease with which the foundation can secure the site and is able to prevent anyone from entering it has been classified as safe with the additional disruption class of dark and the risk class of warning just what is scp-4595 is the scp-4595-a body a victim doomed to an eternity beneath this ramshackle shed or is it a monster sealed away for some unknown purpose the only warning for us to stay away being a single word on the door maybe one day we'll finally know the answer to why scp-4595 is only known as the witch now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-3998 the wicker witch lives for another scp entry that tells the tale of a witch though maybe not the story that you'd expect and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives [Music] what was that the man and woman's hike through a gently rolling portion of the rocky mountains has just taken a turn for the dangerous there's something there in the bush the man tells her before stepping in front of her in a defensive pose they watch the bush intently there's a slight rustling of the leaves as if something is inside the man picks up a stick from the ground and holds it in front of him ready to strike whatever fearsome beast is lurking in the underbrush the rustling stops but the man doesn't move from his protective stance do you think it's gone the woman asks the man isn't sure he leans in towards the bush searching for signs of what might be hiding inside when ah the man screams and falls backwards as the creature emerges from the bush ah the woman cries it's a pika she kneels down to get a closer look at the adorable little creature pikas are native to this part of colorado and they resemble rabbits but with small rounded ears she watches it hop back off the trail before turning around to see her friend lying tangled in the branches of a tree she can't help but laugh as she offers a hand to help pull him out of his predicament are you alright she asks between fits of laughter yes he's fine the only thing hurt was his pride he notices a small red spot on his arm and rubs it but it doesn't seem to hurt at all his attention is diverted by the woman though who was marveling at the tree he was just stuck in free of the branches he can appreciate now that the tree really is incredible it looks like a huge blue spruce but the name is a complete misnomer because this tree is a vibrant red color i've never seen anything like it she says and the man hasn't either neither knows what species it is and strangely there don't seem to be any others like it maybe this is the result of an odd genetic defect that turns blue spruces red after admiring the tree for a moment the pair decides that they've hiked far enough and that they should probably head back to the car she jokes that he's likely exhausted from his run-in with a wild animal and he laughs but clearly his ego has been bruised the man stops his car in front of the woman's house and she thanks him for taking her on the hike as she starts to get out though he stops her he asks if she wants to go do something else like dinner the woman thanks him for his offer but she has to be up early the next day for work just a quick drink then an hour 30 minutes the woman tries her best to let her friend down easy explaining that she likes him as a friend and as only that the man opens his mouth to respond but she stops him if he valued their friendship then he wouldn't try to take advantage of it by using it as a backdoor to dating her the man again looks like his pride has been shattered he apologizes and admits that she is right it's just that he has such a good time with her that he never wants it to end she gives him a sad smile as she closes the car door and he watches her enter her house before he finally drives away it's two weeks later when the man's phone rings it's his friend she explains that she's been thinking a lot about what he said in the car and that she likes spending time with him too maybe there could be something more to their relationship the man can't believe it is this really happening the woman is serious she'd like to take him up on that dinner offer if he's still interested her treat she wants to know what he's doing right ah the man suddenly yelps in pain is he okay what was that sound yes i'm fine it was nothing the man tells her it's just that now now's not a good time the woman doesn't understand she thought he'd want to see her she explains that she's leaving town for a work trip the next day and will be gone for a couple of weeks she was hoping she could see him before she left but the man cries out in pain again he tells her that he hasn't been feeling well all day but that he'll be all right okay well get well soon i'll call you when i get back they exchange goodbyes and the man hangs up the phone the man looks terrible his skin is pale and his face looks hollow and gaunt he looks down at his arm and sees that the veins themselves appear to be moving pulsing and vibrating he screams again in agony and falls to the floor clutching his arm after writhing on the floor he manages to summon the strength to reach for the phone his hand searches on the table above him and eventually he's able to knock it onto the floor he grabs the phone and starts to dial nine one before he can press one again another wave of intense searing pain consumes him several weeks later the woman is standing outside the man's house mail and newspapers are piled up on his front porch as if no one has been in or out in some time she knocks on the door but there's no response hello she calls out but still nothing she's very worried she's tried calling him several times but he never answered or returned her messages she tries the doorknob and to her surprise the front door swings open she steps inside and the room is dark she's also immediately hit by a strong aroma of pine she searches on the wall and finds the switch she turns on the lights and can't believe what she sees standing in front of her there in the middle of the room is a massive spruce tree its upper branches pressing against the ceiling she reaches out and touches the tree's vivid red branches they feel sticky and wet she pulls her hand away and looks down to see that it's covered in a red substance that's when she notices something else stuck among the trunk at the base of the tree is the half-consumed body of her friend unfortunately this pair would never have the opportunity to see their feelings take root and grow because unbeknownst to them this beautiful tree is actually a very deadly anomaly known to the scp foundation as scp-867 but which is perhaps better known by its very appropriate nickname blood spruce scp-867 is or at least appears to be quite similar to the species of tree piscier pungence better known as the blue spruce of course there are a number of dramatic differences between 867 and its non-anomalous counterpart visually and most obvious is the coloration while blue spruces as the name implies are typically a blue green color scp-867 is a deep vibrant red there's another major visual difference too with the blood spruce lacking any sort of seed cones that you would normally expect to find with no pine cones to protect and spread seeds you'd be right to ask how scp-867 goes about reproducing the answer to that question is what makes this beautiful tree such a dangerous anomaly the secret to how scp-867 reproduces is found in its leaves while they look like pine needles scp-867's leaves are in fact needles their structure is very similar to that of hypodermic needles and each one contains a single long thin seed which sits above a small gas pocket at the base when a living creature touches the leaves the tree immediately reacts it triggers the gas pocket in the base of the leaf to release which injects the seed into the skin of whatever touched it the process is quite similar to that found in auto injectors like those used to quickly treat allergic reactions the seed itself is extremely small and is coated in a liquid that has both anesthetic and coagulant properties which makes the process virtually undetectable once implanted in the skin these seeds can lay dormant for up to two weeks before they begin the germination process and the true horror of scp-867 is revealed once the seeds begin to sprout and grow they will not seek to penetrate through the skin like a plant rising out of the soil instead the strange plant will grow within its host's body spreading throughout the circulatory system this process is extremely painful for the host the plant's tendrils wind through their veins and capillary system stretching and pressing against them as the blood spruce grows within them eventually the ever-increasing size of the plant's tendrils becomes too much and the veins will begin to rupture this leads to severe internal bleeding and soon after the death of the host the entire process is quite quick with it only taking 24 hours from when the seeds first sprout to the host dying but that single day will feel like an eternity the afflicted individual as they feel the plant rapidly growing inside of their body but even though the host has expired this parasitoid tree is far from finished with them or at least their body soon after death a new instance of the blood spruce will burst from the body the red tree is quite small at first but it will continue to quickly grow just as it did within its host's body and can reach maturity in just 30 days and unlike most other plants scp-867 is able to grow regardless of light or soil conditions because it does not produce food via photosynthesis no this plant is carnivorous as it grows the 867 will slowly consume its host's body until nothing remains except the blood red tree instances of scp-867 were first identified in colorado during the 1990s following reports of numerous disappearances of hikers and park rangers the scp foundation dispatched a team to the area to investigate and they soon discovered numerous instances of the previously unidentified tree several still young specimens were acquired though unfortunately this led to the deaths of several agents who were not yet aware of just how dangerous the red spruces could be once their threat level was properly assessed several specimens were flagged for containment and research purposes while all of the other identified instances still in the wild were destroyed the remaining instances of scp-867 were classified as euclid and are now securely kept at a foundation bio-containment site direct human contact with the plants is normally not allowed and remote rovers are used for the majority of tests and upkeep if for any reason it is necessary for a human to enter 867's containment cell they are to wear full hazmat suits with a kevlar underlayer and upon exiting the cell must undergo a full herbicidal treatment and inspection should any possible puncture marks be discovered they will be forced to quarantine for no less than 15 days ah nature it's so beautiful peaceful and calming yet seems determined to try and kill us in any number of ways if you're out hiking or camping in the woods try to remember this extremely famous adage which i may or may not have just made up it goes leaves of three let them be needles of red well you're probably already dead now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob like scp-021 the skin worm for another deadly anomaly with parasitic tendencies and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives three scp foundation agents stand before a large warehouse their mission is simple enter the building find the observation unit that has gone missing inside recover the data from it and leave it should be easy but the rundown structure they're standing in front of is no ordinary building this is scp-015 the leader of the group a large muscled man who goes by the code name of agent 6 slides open a large door on the front of the warehouse and immediately the whole group is struck by a site that makes them reconsider just how easy this mission is going to be in front of them is not a wide open warehouse floor but a cramped tunnel leading deeper into the building the group has a job to do though and so the three head inside agent two first followed by agent lon the data specialist and finally agent six the expedition leader in the rear as they enter the narrow hall of pipes the light from their flashlights plays off the floor walls and ceiling flashlights are one of the only items allowed in scp-015 and they reveal what the researchers had told them in their briefing that many of the pipes aren't made of standard materials but instead are all sorts of strange substances like wood glass or even bone the odd series of pipes have formed a twisting tunnel leading deeper into the warehouse the group must be careful since the floor is uneven with pipes occasionally sticking up out of the floor like tree roots ready to trip the unobservant the three follow the corridors of pipes along the path that they each had to memorize as they come to branching paths agent two speaks the series of turns they must take aloud left left right left right right again straight right and so on as they go deeper and deeper they'd have to follow the directions exactly if they hope to reach the place where the modular robotic vehicle should be left straight straight again right just a couple more turns and they'd reach the point where the mrv had sent its last signal before going offline as they walk though they find that some of the passageways are getting more difficult to pass the pipes have closed in at certain points choking the already small tunnels down to mere crawl ways at one particularly narrow point the group must get down on their bellies and pull themselves along the ground after lawn and two exit the tight passage agent six suddenly calls out to the two agents ahead of him what is it what's wrong two asks i'm stuck comes the response from six lon and too grab six's arms and begin pulling with a loud grunt from all of them six finally comes free his pant leg is shredded from the thorny wood that one of the pipes in the narrow tunnel is made from but he's free and they can continue on finally after what seemed like an hour of walking they finally find it the modular robotic vehicle that had been sent in to investigate the current state of scp-015 there's something very strange about the robot's condition though it looks like it has been speared right through its primary observation unit a smooth black pipe that appeared to be made of dark fabric had pierced the vehicle right through its camera but the lens didn't appear broken instead it looked as if the pipe had somehow connected with it docking inside the lens housing as if the two parts were made for each other other pipes had protruded from the floors and walls as well snaking into open spots on the vehicle and lifting it up a foot off the ground they looked over the robot which was held helpless in the air its wheels slowly spinning as its internal battery ran down the agents walked around the mrv examining it looking confused about the fate that had befallen it six suddenly broke the silence well what are you waiting for lon wasn't sure what to do though as she got closer to the robot she noticed that a foul-smelling substance was dripping from the pipe that had merged with the camera her job was to remove the data from the mrv but they also had strict orders not to damage anything in scp-015 so what was she to do about the robot wasn't it technically a part of scp-015 now she was worried that if she removed the data cards then scp-015 might well she didn't know exactly six didn't buy it though the researchers may have told them that zero one five reacts but he could see now that it's just a bunch of weird pipes maybe it grows or moves a bit but how would it even know they were there it hadn't shown any signs of sentience let alone sapience he wasn't going to hang around in here any longer than he had to though and if lon wouldn't get on with it then he would six moves to the mrv and flips open the data cover on its side more of the fetid liquid pours out but he ignores it lawn and two both look at each other did the other hear that too it sounded like steam venting from somewhere deep inside scp-015 six doesn't seem to have heard it and begins to remove the thin data cards from the mrv with the data now recovered he decides to see if he could free the vehicle from the pipes it wasn't necessarily a mission objective but why let good foundation property go to waste when it's right here in front of them six pulls first at the mrv then the pipes that were running into it but he can't get it to move it's completely stuck seemingly fused to the pipes come on we've got the data let's get out of here two says but six isn't done trying he sets his flashlight down and uses both hands pushing against the wall of pipes with his foot to gain additional leverage when suddenly there's a creaking sound ha i think i got it but six was mistaken it wasn't the sound of the mrv coming free that he had heard but the sound of the floor underneath him giving way six falls into the floor up to his armpits and the other two agents rushed to help him but as they do they noticed the glow and immediate burst of heat coming from the hole thickly flowing molten glass begins to fill the hole and agent six cries for help as they desperately try to pull him free his cries turn into screams of desperation as they each grab an arm and after a struggle finally managed to free him and drag him from the home six is no longer screaming as he is pulled free though his eyes and mouth are locked wide in sheer panic lon is now the one who starts to scream as she realizes that they have pulled only the top half of agent six from the hole above the fiery pit the bottom half of his body is completely gone burned away by the heat of the liquid glass there's no time to be shocked though because pipes begin to hiss and ping all around them a wooden pipe above two and lawn suddenly bursts sending a cloud of dust flying into their faces it's powdered glass and it starts to pour out of the broken pipe covering what's left of six completely two spits out a thick stream of blood his mouth shredded from the glass particles as lawn desperately tries not to rub them deeper into the cuts in her eyes they both know they can't stay here though they have to run the pipes are deafening as they move as quickly as they can back the way they came it sounds like a train is barreling through the building they're surrounded by chaos boiling chemicals pour out of one pipe tiny slicing rose thorns spray out of another they come to a crawl way that's just a couple feet wide but it's their only way forward and they have no choice but to enter two dives in and starts crawling lana is hesitant but a blast of steam from a pipe near her head convinces her she has no choice and she follows after him two wriggles through the narrow passage and is surrounded by more sounds of pipes creaking all around him each one seems like it might burst and pour who knows what deadly substance onto him but he has to suppress his fear and keep moving forward finally he emerges into a wider hallway he turns and looks back at the hole long should have been right behind him but there's no sign of her he sticks his head back in and calls for her there's no response but he can hear her still in there somewhere in the dark struggling he has to help her two gets back into the passage and starts crawling she couldn't have been that far behind him probably just around the next turn but as he crawls around the bend there's nothing there just another wall of pipes the passage has been sealed up it's a dead end he presses his ear to the wall and can hear lawn screaming on the other side he hits his flashlight against the pipes and anger the pipe shakes for a moment then bursts spraying out a black liquid that covers his hand it's some kind of corrosive acid and he screams as it burns through his gloves to the flesh beneath he quickly crawls backwards out of the narrow tunnel and emerges back out into the wider passage chuck cradles his hand trying not to look at the exposed bone i'm sorry he cries as he runs through the tunnel of pipes towards what he hopes is the exit i'll get help i'll come back i swear lon can't hear his promises though she heard what she thought was a pipe burst followed by two's cries but she doesn't know now if he's dead or alive she decides she has no choice but to go back the way she came maybe there's another way out but after moving just a few inches her feet touch a solid wall she's trapped in a space no bigger than a coffin she feels around but there's nothing here in the dark nothing at all just smooth fuzzy warm pipes no way there is something a gap in the ceiling but it's just the open end of another pipe and now there's something dripping out of it droplets of whatever the substance is land on her face and then a full stream of liquid pours out onto her she coughs as it gets into her mouth but then realizes that it's sweet it's honey at least it wasn't molten glass or deadly acid maybe she could even survive for a time on the liquid until another expedition team came to rescue her her brief moment of hope is cut short when she realizes that the pipe isn't stopping and that she's already lying in an inch deep pool of honey lawn beats on the walls and ceiling as the honey continues to rise around her and screams for help she tries to plug the pipe with her fingers but it's no use nothing can stop more and more of it from pouring out the honey continues to rise around her and all she can do is scream and clot the pipes that have created her tune she presses her lips to the ceiling in an attempt to gain one last breath before the honey completely fills the space her final choking gasps are sickly and sweet as the honey fills her lungs agent two keeps running through the tunnel of pipes his hand no longer hurts at least either from the shock or from the fact that all the nerve endings had been burned away the horrible sounds coming from the pipes seemed to have stopped too maybe he really would make it out of this alive lawn might have found another way out too there's no telling how many routes through this maze of pipes exist he would probably exit the building to find her outside waiting for him poor agent six though never had a chance after opening that cover on the mrv his thoughts are abruptly interrupted though when his foot catches on an unseen pipe and he falls forward onto the floor or rather he should have fallen on the floor instead a pit opens up in the ground leading to a steep sloping floor of pipes he screams and tries to stop himself the slick liquid covering everything makes it impossible for him to slow his descent and he begins to slide down the pipes his dimming flashlight shows what seemed to be an endless tunnel of pipes stretching down into the dark the tube of pipes twisted this way and that slamming him into the walls on either side tumbling him head over feet and the descent never seemed to end he screamed until his voice went hoarse and gave out entirely he didn't have any way to mark the passage of time other than when his flashlight finally started to flicker and then dim before finally dying he slid down the endless tunnel of pipes for what felt like days in the darkness far deeper than they physically should have been able to go when the friction of the pipes began to tear his skin away it was almost welcome at least there would finally be an end following the loss of the scp-015 recovery team the data on the modular robotic vehicle was deemed non-vital and no further expeditions were authorized in order to try and recover it scp-015 is a mass of pipes vents boilers and other various plumbing apparatuses that have completely filled an otherwise nondescript warehouse located in a major american city anytime the warehouse is not being directly observed the pipes will begin to grow filling nearly all of the available space in the building but also trying to connect to other nearby structures through the sewer and other subterranean infrastructure systems the current best estimate of foundation researchers is that the building contains over 190 kilometers of pipes which range from just 2.5 centimeters to over one meter in diameter while some of these pipes will look new others have the appearance of being rusted or damaged with many showing signs of leaking the pipes are made of a strange assortment of materials as well including bone wood steel pressed ash human flesh glass and granite oddly no pipes composed of lead pvc plastic copper or any other material one would normally expect to be used for the production of pipes have been found but by far the strangest anomalous quality of scp-015 is that it appears to react to aggressors should the building detect that the personnel inside of it are carrying tools or if they make any attempt to either damage or repair any of its pipes they will trigger an immediate reaction pipes near the offending subject will often burst spraying them with a variety of liquids that have included oil mercury rats a species of insect not yet identified ground glass sea water entrails and molten iron more and more pipes will continue to burst around the subject until they either retreat from scp-015 or are killed scp-015 was discovered by the foundation after reports that pipes emanating from a warehouse had mysteriously started to connect to multiple other nearby structures with no obvious answer for how or why they had suddenly begun emerging from the structure the pipes were eventually able to be cut back and are now solely within the warehouse once again but the human cost of containing scp-015 has been high and so far 11 scp personnel have been killed in their interactions with the anomaly and an additional 20 are still missing all of the missing are presumed to also be dead though there have been reports of banging and screaming coming from within the building that may indicate they are still alive in some form scp-015 has been classified as euclid and because the building itself is impossible to move it has been effectively contained on site the foundation maintains a gap of at least two meters around the warehouse and no structures are allowed to be built that make contact with the building's outer walls should any protrusions from scp-015 be detected the pipes are to be immediately capped and sealed internal exploration of scp-015 is permitted with approval from senior staff but following numerous losses within the site expedition teams must consist of three members all of whom are equipped with safety lines and gps tracking the teams are not allowed to bring any hand or power tools within the building nor are they to attempt any repairs or maintenance of any kind while inside there's no need to enforce these rules though seeing as scp-015 appears more than happy to terminate the offenders itself the scp foundation contains many anomalous locations though scp-015 may just be one of the strangest but decide for yourself by comparing it to scp-024 another abandoned building with secrets of its own to be found inside and don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives an scp foundation doctor wearing a hazmat suit is escorted by two guards through the secure facility they stop in front of a large sealed door and one of the guards scans his security card there's an audible hiss as the door slides open the doctor nervously looks to the guard who motions him inside they certainly won't be joining him the doctor steps into the small airlock and the door snaps shut a complicated locking mechanism seals the door behind him he's truly locked in the reverse process then begins on the lock door in front of him it finishes and the door opens revealing a room with bright lights that briefly blind the doctor as his eyes adjust he can see that the entire room is white and bathed in an intense light he steps out of the airlock and towards the center of the room where his task awaits he takes one slow step at a time pausing for a moment after each before taking the next the doctor wants to get this over with as quickly as possible but he has to abide by the protocols and this is how they dictate that one must walk in this containment chamber as the doctor gets closer to the center and his eyes further adjust to the bright light he can finally see what this room contains in the very middle of the room directly under the lights is a man he's lying on a table and isn't moving at all except for his slow rhythmic breathing which is assisted by the ventilator he's connected to a feeding tube has been placed inside his nose and numerous machines next to the man hum and beep as they measure his vital signs the doctor continues to take one slow step after another and eventually after what feels like an eternity he reaches the middle of the room the lights above the man are angled to create large dark shadows coming off of him and now the doctor is finally close enough to make out what he was warned about in his briefings even though the man is completely still the shadows are moving scurrying on the edges of the man's shadow are what look to be spiders and big ones too roughly three inches across but the doctor can't see any actual spiders on the man only the shadows of these massive arachnids are visible as they move back and forth along the man's shadow the doctor is growing increasingly nervous he can feel the sweat dripping down the inside of his hazmat suit though he tries to tell himself it's just a result of the bright lights beating down on him the doctor reaches the machines measuring the man's vital signs and jots down their readings marking down that the man's medically induced coma appears stable he's continually distracted from his work though by the movement of the spiders one suddenly jumps from one part of the man's shadow to another startling the doctor and causing him to jump back the spiders abruptly stop moving and even though he can't see their eyes he has the feeling that they are looking right at him the doctor is frozen with fear staring right back at the spiders but after a moment they go back to their previous behavior and start crawling along the edge of the comatose man's shadows once more the doctor continues to go down his checklist and audibly gulps he's reached the final item the one labeled physical exam nervous sweat runs down his face into his eyes and he wishes he wasn't wearing this hazmat suit so he could wipe it off he knows he must get much closer to the man and more importantly his shadow than he feels comfortable with he has to physically take the man's pulse though they won't let him out of this room if he doesn't he reaches out towards the man's hand slowly and carefully he can see the shadow of his hand getting dangerously close to the man's shadow and the spiders one of the spiders stops moving as if it is watching and waiting for the doctor's shadow to get closer it raises up on its hind legs looking like it is ready to pounce the doctor gets closer and closer to the man's hand when out of nowhere the room is rocked by an explosion the doctor spins around and on a monitor next to the airlock door he can see a feet of the hallway outside the guards who had escorted him run down the hall as a red emergency light flashes he turns back to the man on the table the spider that was waiting for him lowers itself out of its attack mode and goes back to scurrying along the shadow the room is shaken by an even bigger explosion and it suddenly goes dark the power must have gone out from whatever is happening outside he can hear the sound of muffled gunfire mixed with far-off screams but both are drowned out by his nervous heavy breathing inside of the suit the doctor drops to the ground and tries to crawl back to the door but he has no idea which direction it is he hits his head hard and hears a crack come down his mask that must have been the table the doctor turns and crawls the other direction eventually finding the airlock door he stands up and bangs and pulls on the door but it won't move he fumbles with his hazmat suit and finds the button for his emergency light a chemical light comes on inside of his suit casting his face in a sickly yellow light but the light starts to flicker something must be malfunctioning the light on one side of his protective mask goes out leaving half of his face in darkness but that's the least of his problems because all of his attention is now focused on the shadow moving across his face it's the shadow of a spider his eyes go wide as the spider stops and stands up on its rear legs [Music] arachnophobia the fear of spiders and cyaphobia the fear of shadows are some of the most common phobias and today's scp file is a terrifying and dangerous combination of both i'm dr bob and this is scp-538 also known as the shadow spiders scp-538 is what appears to be a kind of living shadow not dissimilar to scp-017 though these shadows always take the form of an unknown species of spider these anomalous arachnids seek out the shadows cast by other living objects attaching themselves to the edge of the living creature's shadow in such a way that their own shadows aren't obscured once attached to a shadow the spiders will appear to feed off of them this allows them to rapidly grow in size with adults measuring a total area of roughly 15 square centimeters once they reach their full size they will continue to feed though this will only maintain their size the feeding process seems to not impact the host in any way and the spiders can remain on a shadow indefinitely while the spiders have been observed feeding on the shadows of inanimate objects when no living creatures are available these don't appear to provide the spiders with whatever nutrients they require and they will slowly atrophy and decrease in size it is only when they are connected to the shadow of a living organism that scp-538 can thrive scp-538 are not locked to the shadow they are on though the spiders have shown the ability to move across areas to reach a new host though they will decrease in size when not attached to a shadow losing as much as two square centimeters of their size for every second that they aren't on a shadow and should they be stranded in the open without a shadow to feed on they will decrease in size until they disappear completely at which point that individual instance of scp-538 is considered to be terminated the spiders normally avoid this fate thanks to their extremely fast movement though and fully grown instances have been measured moving up to one meter per second while scp-538 instances are usually quite benign seeming content to simply live on the shadow of their host they will attack if they are frightened which is when the real danger presented by these anomalous arachnids comes to light if the spiders are agitated usually from the result of a rapid movement by its host the spider will fight the organism's shadow before attempting to flee once bitten the unlucky individual will progress through five distinct stages all of which take place over the course of roughly one hour during the first the subject will report pain in the area of their body that corresponds to the part of their shadow that was bitten but no puncture wounds or other marks will be visible in this location minor psychological effects have been reported in this stage mostly consisting of an increase in irritability and the tendency for the bitten subject to lash out at those around them the second stage occurs 10 to 15 minutes after being bitten the subject will begin sweating despite reporting that they feel cold while their skin will become red and warm to the touch 25 to 30 minutes after the bite the third stage will begin at this point the psychological effects become very noticeable with the subject becoming violent and attempting to attack any person nearby their speech will be slurred and they may show signs of impairment to their motor skills the fourth stage begins at the 40 to 45 minute mark and at this point the subject's skin color will go from being red to a pale white as their core temperature drops five to eight degrees celsius their psychological state will alter once again and they will go from being extremely aggressive to overly apologetic blaming their previous behavior on the fact that they weren't feeling well and weren't acting like themselves after offering their apologies they will then request their leave from the area and attempt to retreat to a darkened area the fifth and final stage happens 55 to 60 minutes after the bite at which point the subject faces a grisly end to the entire ordeal their entire body will rapidly dissolve into a translucent liquid while at the exact same time their shadow will disintegrate into numerous smaller instances of scp-538 the spider offspring measure just four centimeters across and the new instances will immediately begin seeking out shadows of their own that they can attach to and feed off of there is currently no known cure for being bitten by an scp-538 instance and even death will not halt the process instead should the subject expire while in the earlier stages of the condition death will cause the final step to occur immediately in a bit of good news only bites to the area of an individual's shadow that correspond to a spot of bare skin seem to cause these effects even thin materials like cotton clothing appear to be enough to prevent the process from starting the scp foundation has multiple instances of scp-538 in containment and they are kept in a white 15 by 15 by 3 meter room that is accessible only via an airlock four 200-watt lights are focused on a table in the center of the room where d-class personnel in a medically induced coma is kept in a stable state in order to serve as a feeding source for the scp-538 specimens no other sources of shade are allowed into the room so that the d-class serves as the only source of shadows any personnel that enter the room whether to repair a light source or to check on the condition of the d-class are to wear sealed hazardous material suits equipped with oxygen tanks and are advised that they must move slowly and deliberately in order to avoid agitating any instances of scp-538 initially doctors sent to examine the d-class personnel were allowed to enter the room alone however following the events of incident i-538-1 that protocol has been changed during the incident an attack by the chaos insurgency caused disruptions to both the main and backup power sources to the part of the site where the scp-538 containment cell is located just as a foundation doctor was in the middle of an examination of the comatose d-class power outage led to all lights in the containment cell shutting off while at the same time sealing the airlock that provides the only means in or out of the room and trapping the doctor inside the power was not able to be restored to the containment cell for another 18 hours at which point the doctor was finally removed from the cell the doctor sobbed uncontrollably as he kept repeating that he could feel them crawling all over him the doctor was required to attend mandatory psychological therapy for his newly developed arachnophobia and was later reassigned following this incident the examination protocol was updated and health checkups of the d-class personnel are now performed by a doctor who was accompanied in the cell by two security personnel each of whom are equipped with two 250-watt flashlights that can be used in the event of another disruption to the lights if at any time a staff member is bitten by one of the spiders they are to be immediately placed within scp-538's containment cell as soon as possible as the failure to properly contain them could easily lead to a massive containment breach by scp-538 entities bitten individuals will often attempt to hide the fact that they are bitten so anyone who comes into contact with the shadow spiders must be carefully monitored for signs of any of the symptoms that follow a bite the ease with which they could quickly spread and the huge threat they posed to humanity has led to scp-538 being classified as euclid and while the foundation hopes that they have been successfully contained we all must remain ever vigilant of movement on the edge of shadows should you spot something don't take any chances your future non-liquefied body will thank you for it now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a single anomaly as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 3,395,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp 4910, scp 2678, scp 2701, scp 095, scp 1451, scp 987, scp 153, scp 2640, scp 203, scp 799, scp 016, scp 4419, scp 4595, scp 867, scp 015, scp 538
Id: 89hEWdXADQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 45sec (11145 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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