Scottish African Gets DNA Results... Is Bruce Fummey Black?

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Ambridge for me now four weeks ago I made a video of me taking a DNA test today I've just opened the results in the Parkland Hotel in Perth and what's more I got some of my Scottish African family to take tests as well there may be surprises so if you're interested in the people places and events in Scottish history then click the Subscribe button at the bottom right in the screen in the meantime let me tell you our story [Music] [Applause] can you see the family like this can you see the family like this can you see the family like this can you see the family like this four weeks ago I took my Heritage DNA test and I made a video of my own bar I went online and bought the DNA test I did the DNA test and my Heritage didn't know I was doing it now I was always going to make this video when I was going to reveal the results of the DNA test but when I made the video I pointed out that my Heritage had a proper wide range of geographical breakdown the quantitative data sets were the top dogs for anyone in Europe all for folks whose family had left Europe in the last few Generations they've got this thing where you can join up login and you can chase your current DNA matches and find family and relatives that you didn't know you had and they only take four weeks to give you your results so for somebody that's impatient like me that's brilliant now some of these tax companies take ages but the point is they must have liked what I said because they've sponsored this video yeah so it means they've sent four more DNA tests for free and we gotta slap up dinner [Laughter] so today I'm gonna get these guys to take my Heritage DNA test and when we're having our pudding I'll open the results of mine that should give a clue to everyone else is because we all have some DNA in common at this table right so let's find out who we all are Selassie right tell me who you are right and how we're connected and tell me about these boys here um I am your sister yes and these boys George's my son but hold on check because people might look at you and me and go did what their brother and sister well General recognize the family likeness yeah yeah it seemed bad but we've got a different different mums yeah and so you're my mum's Scottish and your mum is from Ghana right okay yeah right so is that a Swiss dance I knew that Dad was from Ghana right okay yeah and um who are these characters well this is George yeah um my son yes his father is From Success English yes [Laughter] Prince yeah whose father is Nigerian yeah that's kind of Boo as well because that's like that's that's the English of West Africa many other big boys in the playground and this is Zoe right my daughter whose dad is your brother and his mum is Scottish uh although in actual fact there's that's another thing I want to ask actually um because the thing is that all of us are descended from Vincent Draco jofumi yeah right okay so it's our dad right your granddad your granddad and so we're all we all have uh genes from Vincent Draco Joe fumi yeah okay um now here's the thing I I see I'm kind of I'm Scottish I see myself as Scott you know I've got a guy on a passport yeah and I've got a British passport uh but I see myself as Scottish right culturally and blah blah blah blah blah right yeah um but Ghana gives me somebody to cheer for and win a football World Cup that's the only time no no cheer for Ghana anyway you know I mean hey okay how would you describe yourself of somebody else yeah right but I describe myself as Scottish you describe yourself as Guinea right okay uh George right you're you've been interesting character oh do I describe myself as yeah yeah yeah and what what passports do you have what yeah I've got Ghanaian and British okay right uh I'd describe myself as British then yeah yeah because you you've only spent a tiny amount of time in Ghana didn't you yeah right so you're you're British but you kind of a British pass so the three of us all carry the same passport you define yourself as British you define yourself as opinion I Define myself as Scottish right okay princy boy yeah so where where are you in the uh the passports I have the same passwords as you guys Super Bowl yeah I have two passports uh with me ow I consider myself both I don't know I think I'm equally British and I'm equally Ghanaian yeah yeah because you you would be you were in first year at school when yeah when you guys came over yeah I was in the first year but yeah yeah so a lot you're informative stuff is going on yeah yeah but I've still got the I don't know I don't know I say because of mom and just the fact that I've I've probably been back and forth more than yeah yeah yeah so I'm just and I'm still linked with all of my kind of stuff I still can kind of speak the language yeah and so I'm I would say I'm I'm like I said I'm not fully British but I still got that even though I used to send your brains and your willy books yeah I love those books I'd say that that kind of prepped me for coming here yeah with the with the slang and stuff yeah yeah because when I came I was like wow it's just like how they say it yeah yeah yeah yeah so what what passports what nationalities do you have yeah so I have a British passport um I could potentially yes give me a passport and would they give it a guinea and passport yes right okay all right so three one up from you guys so but you've also got Australian citizenship yeah why is that um was born in Australia yeah and so I think through because she was born there she automatically gets citizenship and her Offspring also get the same thing I think yeah um so yeah how Australian do you feel how do you identify yourself I'm Scottish you know Scottish yeah yeah how Australians you feel not at all I've never been but I think it's still quite a cool thing to have yeah um but yeah you never know when you might use it yeah it's a really useful thing to have yeah yeah you never know when you're going to want to do something inappropriate to wallaby or something like that the bread okay here we are here so tell me right so because number one right haggis haggis haggis all right yeah see when we do this DNA test will that make us more Scottish let's see what happens yeah right you're seeing like the difference between Ghana and Nigeria is the the way they cook Joe off right now I've only had how did the Nigerians do it they say this is better like oh yeah of course right but what how did they do it what did they physically do that's different see any difference so they do they just think they just think that because they're Nigerian or because you're Ghanaian is to honestly I wouldn't know the difference if well all I know is that I'm I'm I'm more Ghana you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but but you haven't actually uh because you've got that Joel phrase to beat but it's it's an empty debate yeah do you think you're better they think they're better because they do jo-off race differently it's no better yeah then yeah of course that's jealous of course it's jealous yeah so the question is as well um as a I could you you both said British all right Scottish yeah I'm more scars than I mean because a lot of people you know the the contact and see the X percent Scottish or oh yeah why percentage on the channel and um some people argue that oh there's no difference and I get that you don't mean that you know what's the difference between genetically between Scottish and English you know the difference genetically between a carrot and a Scottish person yes the difference between a cabbage and an English person is zero you know what I mean right it's the same thing and um um but it's you know I like the question is how how much are genes or culture define you I mean why didn't you have hagas everyone else you're stealing your mom's house he loves haggies as well so I don't know why he does oh my goodness so what do you think about that like building family trees would you want to find people that have got your DNA elsewhere I think well I was speaking to someone the other day who their sister did it um and they found out that they had a half sister that they never actually wow um so did they meet the person no so I think we've only just got the results through but does the other person know yeah they've found out right but is it like this thing see what if you went on right and then and you found out that you've got a half brother or a half sister right and they don't know what would you do would you because you can you could I think you can contact people right or would you just go all right that's a bit creepy and move on do you know what I mean because then it brings a whole bunch of questions doesn't it yeah yeah I want to see what they look like because we've got to meet their personalities but we're not gonna like genetics isn't personalities just just meet them and just see this oh just like looking at me like we're like are they different and how are they different yeah yeah yeah yeah and I wondered and like how far away are we like how how far would that spreads yeah um that would be that would be kind of quite cute I think with us maybe all over the place and uh but yeah you can do that and that would be I'm kind of because initially I was kind of quite cynical about that but then the more you think about that actually may be quite interesting are you guys going to teach your DNA tests then yeah all right so what you need to do right you should have you should have a test yeah and there you go so I've done mine already all right so you've got two little vials right okay and you're gonna do the same thing for each one all right so uh and you've got a swab I'm gonna you're gonna take the swab all right swap yeah okay swap one side your cheek you're gonna take the top of the file off right swab one side okay I said for 30 seconds for 30 seconds okay all right both sides one say to one and one side with other yeah cool all right then okay you stick it in there and then bend over and it snaps and there you go now uh and then I'm gonna go so the two vials are gonna go in this bag you go in here first a biohazard bag right You've Got The Biohazard bag first on there in there right okay and then squeeze over here oh she's done this before and then we're gonna push them all off right so if you're giving them to me I'll post them all but you also have to do a thing oh yeah you have to go and log in www dot my Heritage setup everyone will have a unique a unique uh number where's your unique number it's on the back of the box or all right okay [Music] yeah so you need to go and log into my Heritage and uh give put that number in and then when you go on there you'll be able to get your test results and you can hook up to the to find other other families other matches you can build your family tree so we have one two three and four DNA tests right okay so we're gonna send them off to uh my Heritage and see how we go on no no no no all right well we playing it with my DNS all right um yeah uh because like we've all got some of this right okay so where's the thing Okay click on that wow [Music] [Laughter] so you know the questions how how Scottish am I yeah and who knows I'm 44 English and 30 Nigerian White no no that's that can't possibly be right no it can't be though it can't be because no because no the thing is English right but it could be well that's maybe 25 right okay and I was prepared I was emotionally I was prepared to be 25 English yeah but nothing that's like the Nigerians are like English and West Africa I'm English twice [Music] [Applause] and five percent Kenyan all right so that's quite a bit of uh that's too funny so imagine so I'm I'm rough I'm about 50 European and 50 yeah African well a little bit of East Africa with the Kenyan yeah but um West Africa but no that's that's [ __ ] man hold on right okay no um no the English thing I don't get right now you can there's this thing this rock so you can get you can change the accuracy measure all right so oh no three three point eight percent Middle Eastern five percent Kenyan 13.3 Sierra Leone 29.7 Nigerian 3.5 Italian see you really you've got a rocker switch you can move to high confidence or over to low confidence right so see when I move it to low confidence ah right now you've got a breakdown of the UK and Ireland and it's got Scotland Glasgow Ireland England Scottish right so what is what if I understand that correctly what is Santa's it thinks I might be Scottish but I'm definitely angry yeah that's a kick in the balls that's great wow okay and uh was if I do the thing to do all your comments are not English no but I knew my granny was English you know what I mean right I'll always knew that right I'm gonna have to investigate this in in more detail right and uh looks on your faces Priceless right no DNA matches DNA matches right so 2294 distance relatives wow right he was a shadow so but that's third or fourth cousins all right so like your granddad like you guys are cousin yeah because you've all got the same Granddad her dad second cousins is a great Granddad so our Granddad all the people who come from our Granddad yeah are your second cousin ah okay from our great Granddad or your third cousin okay right so if these are third or fourth cousin matches okay right it's from that great great granddaughter right and there's but there's 2 200 of them so there's a UK flag a UK flag a Canada flag so this this person's in Canada is a third and fourth cousin of mine uh this person's in the UK in the UK they're all English aren't they oh this person's strange um but not because my granddad that was from Fife right he he was illegitimate so the question then becomes was his dad English do you know what I mean right yeah wow this is rough oh no I'm still voting yes in the reference number one if you subscribe to the channel and you've done my Heritage test I'll be able to you should be able to find out are you connected to me tell me that so in the comment section would it be an interesting thing to have videos of me if I go and try and find track down some of these people and find out where some great great Granddad how did they get there and I got here how did this do you mean this Dutch woman this French uh guy uh the New Zealand the block from New Zealand right who's his 50s about the same age as me um how did they get there is that something you'd be interested to see as Future YouTube videos how what would be most interesting here's a here's a person that they've got because they've built a family tree of like over 200 people and there's people called sharp in it the farthest person away the nearest person to me or that try and explore this this pet this woman that's that's built this family tree with sharps in it right okay so let me know in the comment section uh what would be the most interesting thing uh for you to find out is it what would you want to see more videos about me exploring this family tree that was all very interesting I don't think anyone expect well why don't you get yourself a DNA test from my Heritage today I'll put a link on screen now and I'll put links in the description and pin to the top of the comment section if you sign up to get all those ongoing family connection features you'll get that for 14 days for free and then a 50 discount after that when the results our tests come back we'll make another video to reveal the results now either that video or another video link in the country of Scotland and the continent of Africa will be coming not on screen now in the meantime Jaime and darker is going to be a lot of my life there you go so Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers everyone cheers
Channel: Scotland History Tours
Views: 134,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bruce Fummey, Scotland History Tours, DNA test, MyHeritage, Scottish African, African Scot, African Scottish, DNA tests, Find my DNA, Find my ancestors, Family DNA, DNA test results
Id: QBKHUe41tvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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