Ancestry DNA Solved A 115 Year Mystery

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mmm okay so it's just a talking blood hopefully you're gonna enjoy that I have a topic ancestry DNA uh um you know for a while there it was all the rage everybody was doing all these DNA tests and everything else sometimes it was interesting to watch some those videos and you guys I gotta tell you at that time I had decided there was no way I was gonna do one I did not want to put my DNA out there there wasn't anything I needed to know anyhow that I didn't already know so I thought however in 2019 that changed uh-huh I found out kind of by default and in last spring so spring of 2018 that not everybody was related the way we thought because a couple of family members had taken a DNA test and turns out there had been some speculation for many years about the parentage of my grandfather and it turns out those speculations were correct I didn't know that this was actually a thing I want to say a time or two I remember hearing some mention of it but it just it kind of went over my head I didn't quite catch that they were truly suggesting that the man who raised him that we all grew up knowing as his dad was not so anyhow fast forward for Christmas this last year well I'm gonna throw this in there too so you know my husband and I have been on an adoption journey for two years now and it has been a really painful process one thing that could have benefited us was actually proving Native American lineage and if we could prove what we had been told then it actually would have made part of the adoption process even easier especially here in the state of South Dakota because equi is very prominent in our state the there's nothing wrong with that let me go ahead and say that up front since my husband had been sold for most of his life that there was Cherokee down the family line I found out that if we could prove a direct descendent from the DAWs rules that was made all the difference in our journey in fact our adoption worker got really excited about that prospect so between that and the revelation for my family we decided to do DNA mm-hmm part of the way I got past my personal bias against it was I decided guys I've had seven kids if they want my DNA they have already got it because you give birth that many times it's out there somewhere so I decided whatever it's already out there and now that actually was information to find out so we both took it we got our tests before Christmas his came back pretty quickly he had it back at the beginning of January mine was not so quick uh there were a lot of DNA connections and more countries of origin so I'm assuming that's part of what the hang-up was because they were sent together receive together we got started getting all the text messages from home saying it's been their seat you just processing and then he kept getting text messages and I didn't so it was like three or four weeks later I got mine okay so um on that now I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna touch on the part that started it with the adoption journey I we don't know why it was said it within his family that a direct relative was in fact if I remember correctly he believed it was his great-grandma there's none absolutely none in fact I love him he's whiter than I am he turns out he's English German and Irish I believe it was Irish yeah and in that order for majority to minority me on the other hand so again I already knew it was confirmed about my grandpa and his parentage so that wasn't a shock now there is a couple of people who showed up on there that do not appear to be for my grandpa side that there doesn't seem to be any tree connection - and I haven't reached out to anybody just yet to figure out they are there's one person in particular that's actually fairly close and I think I've narrowed it down to where this person had to have come from in which case it's something that was never talked about my family so that's a lot of n guys seriously these DNA tests can really open up a can of worms and that's what I'm afraid to reach out now on that note I'm gonna say I have managed to get into touch with my grandfather's half siblings well one of them for sure who gave me the contact information for another one who's actually dealing with most of the genealogy stuff I thing is they all knew my grandpa existed they all grew up together so that's a whole other that's a whole other story I'm not gonna go there um crazy things so I grew up believing that I was like second third generation um like because my dad's grandpa like we know when he came over and that it wasn't done quite right but that's a whole other story too and then yeah my mom's side we knew that everybody came from Germany in fact we were able to trace part of it so again we thought we knew where everybody came from um that was not completely accurate um not only is my family that recent or not that recent for the country um turns out I've traced three separate lines so far to the Mayflower like that's that's a lot um and I'm not done yet so that's a lot of tree tracing it was kind of crazy um but backing up to what I thought versus what I now know based on those estimates of when we thought people came over where we thought everybody stood honestly I was truly under the assumption I was almost half Irish after I mean a little bit of English maybe just a smidge sprinkled in there somewhere mmm no no I am 54% English 32% Irish 11% German and then trickle down from there there's Norwegian and finished I believe but then the last one my mom told me this was showed up on hers so I wasn't super surprised okay is it kinda it's kind of crazy and I'm gonna touch on this here too in a sec the last one is Congolese southern Bantu people's um after my name is what it is well technically that's not African American but you hopefully you get what I'm trying to say anyhow um you know my percentage obviously is less than my mom's percentage it is a small enough amount that I do believe if our deep if our children do DNA tests there's a chance it's not going to show up in theirs if it does it will not show up in their children's it's it's really that minor but here's the thing so having grown up thinking that I could trace our my family so closely to immigration it gave me this weird sense of security that well you know for all the complaints in the US and everything else about the horrible things have happened through history as far as massacring the Native Americans and slavery and all these different things that didn't pertain to me directly like it is a part of our country's history but it wasn't a part of my history my history was purely some of the in justices that were imposed on Irish people because they were seen as second-class citizens as well but it's kind of been a gut blow all the way around because tracing all the way back to the Mayflower really means my family has part of my family has been here for all of it which would probably explain the congolese southern Bantu people's connection there because I will see you in just explain that which it is it's kind of Wow like I don't even know what to do with it because I had this weird sense of security like that really sucks but I am so glad I can say my family didn't take part in it and that's the longer the case so I don't know guys I gotta say it's been quite a ride I am building a really large family tree that is already benefiting other family members in other ways I'll go ahead and I'll share those two one way and and guys this is a huge shout out for ancestry and this is not a promotional thing that they don't even know I'm doing this video but there is so much information to be found on there but people don't even know exists the big hissing that has I have to head where all of this has been a benefit to my extended family is on my dad's side his dad before he was born had another sister so he was raised as one of five children four boys followed by the youngest was a little girl but there was another daughter the second born child in the family was a daughter back at the turn of the century so right at right around 1900 and what we had all been told growing up and by we I mean not just myself my dad and his siblings they all knew that there had been another child there were some varieties people kind of sprinkle in some thoughts about what might have happened but the truth what we were told or what I was told anyhow was that my great-grandmother had sent the little ones outside to play or at least said this little to play and I was in the house doing stuff looked out when she was gone that is what the story was and that they searched high and low that they thought and and that there were many theories that an animal had dragged her off that there was a band of gypsies coming through and they had taken her because that's what they do guys the stereotyping from the period don't think I'm saying that they thought maybe there was a Native American connection and that one wasn't really talked about much they really focused on the gypsies or the wild animals so that was it that was all he ever knew is that she had existed and she disappeared so I grew up with this thought that wow my grandpa's sister could still be out there somewhere what if she was taken by somebody and raised by another family not completely unheard of even in this day and age it happens um just a lot harder to trace back then so I started the ancestry stuff before my DNA came back I started building trees when you start building trees they make all of these connections um as well as hints that might be tied to the people you're adding to your tree which can be really helpful a lot of them are like census information draft cards immigration records those are the really big ones but what I actually came across was the note the local newspaper articles in fact this newspaper is still in print to this day I just haven't gone down to get copies of it because I'm not I'm not sure how to do some of it um I mean obviously I know how to do it but I don't know maybe going and getting the official copies versus just the ones I was able to read but not able to print off of ancestry was something but anyhow there was far more to the story migrated normally was not in the house supposedly she according to those articles she left the three children in five-year-old the cheerily girl and a five month old baby in mind you this is on a homestead in South Dakota at the turn of the century neighbors are not exactly close and by horseback when we're talking good distances the claim was that she had gone to a neighbor's for something to check on something leaving her three kids in the house she came back and the story went or what she had shared was that this year-old was just missing and that the five year old had told her that he had led her out to go see Papa Papa wasn't there he had gone to town for supplies or something and all it was just the five year old and if I went they left in the house that was it so that would have been two of my grandpa's older brothers that were still there they hunted high/low they called in a wolf expert from Deadwood who said yeah that's not possible a wild animal did not pack this child off um but they stuck to that story so I gotta give him that no let me rephrase that she stuck to that story they they did look into the gypsy theory they also apparently searched a nearby Indian settlement and again came up empty-handed so these news articles there's many of them it's been over several months about three months I believe it was two or three months after she had gone missing which was mid spring so things were still cold out my guess was like I was still slightly frozen in spots um I plays in here in a minute enter early summer late spring early summer they got a heavy rain and one day my great-grandfather was outside and he knew she had been wearing a red dress when she went missing so the rain had washed a bunch of the topsoil off and alongside the house he saw something red sticking out the ground so he pulled on it and he unearthed her from a shallow grave under the edge of the house all of this isn't in a news article we don't know why my family hid this we don't um but it was known yet none of us knew my grandpa passed away without to our knowledge without ever knowing she had been found a couple months later she wasn't missing any longer they just didn't talk about it what they didn't talk about is the fact that my great-grandmother pretty much lost it after that point she did go in to have a couple more kids but mentally she checked out and then a few years after that then she passed away so yeah guys ancestry the stuff that's on there is just amazing the amount of information I accept these multiple news articles and doing this little bit of digging I was able to uncover a story from my family that in a sense had haunted a lot of us for many years it was all right there it was just something that those who were actually there didn't talk about so we didn't know why we knew as much as we did and not that we don't know now the other thing I will say for whatever reason and I don't laugh at this but it's just odd to me all of the news articles all of the documents I found they never used her name we don't know when a little girl that's all I used hey that's all it was so I don't know I I don't even know what my great-aunts name was so maybe I will still find that because I've got a lot more research I can and will do and I've got more information on them now and as far as the time frames and years and stuff so maybe I'll be able to find a birth record for her I don't honestly know those were a little bit harder to come by back then the census information was a lot more complete so we'll see but obviously my great-grandfather was known in town because they made front-page news with each one of these articles and I said this is the publication that's still running today so anyhow crazy I spent too much time telling you about my great aunt that went missing when she was two and but that that's what all of this is we did the DNA test we're unearthing stuff you just don't know what you're gonna come across now I've talked to several friends some of them who have done the DNA chess and some who have various reasons for not doing him yet now that we have all done them I shouldn't that we have my mother and I have um I do believe my I'm hushed up one of my brother's plans to but I know his fiance plans to and we're getting ready to have my dad do one which so the Ryan job my dad has a very dry sense of humor at me oh that's right get some my sarcasm son I don't know but so the joke has been that you know if he doesn't do you an HSN it's gonna prove that I'm actually has many has to deal with me yeah I love him um but it's gonna be good I'm like I told my mom it would actually be helpful to have him do that because when you do the DNA test if you link your DNA or allow it to be shared with others it'll show all of those connections and so everybody I'm related to on my mother's side it says mother's side now I can naturally assume that everybody else that doesn't say mother side comes from my father's side but to have him in there it'll actually because it enters his DNA it'll further check off how close some of the other relations are so that'll be kind of helpful I want to say that fourth cousin and closer I had like 1500 DNA matches in their system uh beyond that uh it was like 52,000 DNA matches 54,000 somewhere in there I mean like seriously guys insane numbers I'm obviously never never going to get through all those profiles but there are people like a cousin who reached out to me earlier I know he was my cousin because we did the DNA test and maybe I mentioned this previously I don't know at this point I'm in like 20 minutes in um that my grandfather's biological father yeah I think I did mention that because then his sibling coming down from there is where this cousin comes from so obviously it's a little bit removed but it's family it's family I didn't know I had and this person stepped out and reached out to me which was pretty awesome because so far I've limited myself to my grandfather's half siblings and then a first cousin through there which the first cousin doesn't actually know a whole lot yet themselves the half sibling that I reached out to did ascent to contact another sibling to actually get more information and make those connections but I need to actually go send them more messages because I got that information and then I kind of got a little gun-shy and didn't send anything else but to be honest this is a side of the family or a section of family that is not young so much anymore and I really need to get this done before age catches up with people myself included so there it is we did the DNA chess um and I rambled on about myself my husband inside he well I have not done much with history honestly I spent so much time on my tree because I've been fighting all this I felt that I haven't really even looked at his DNA other than what the ethnicity or whatever that background portion so I really need to though because it really matters to our kid - so I just need to get through mine I my in-laws paid for a six-month membership for each of us but there was kind of a glitch and this is a heads up for you guys kind of glitch with the ancestry when I bought the DNA kits we did that days before they gave us the gift of the membership for six months ancestry offered a special so they have got different levels one is just the us with documents and stuff one is worldwide knowing that obviously we didn't originate in the US and thinking that the immigration was a little closer than it was I when they offered me three months of the worldwide for $1 yeah I did it I did not know at the time that doing that would actually mess up the gift of six months I was told that I cannot do congruent or anything like that that I had to pick one of the other you know like we could refund your dollar I was like no I want the world why just give that to me and refund my father-in-law's money for the other one which was also a challenge because it was a gift I couldn't request the refund he had to go in in - it was kind of sucked because then I had to ask my father not to return his own gift but he got for me was not at my intention but that is one things to be careful not to accidentally double up on memberships it by any means because they don't let you run them back to back they wouldn't even let me keep the six months running with the three month and then just have it for the additional three months you can't have two memberships running I had to pick one of the other so now my three months is about up and I'm gonna have to renew because it's actually been really helpful to have access to all that information and I originally didn't think the mine was worth it but guys there's so much information and without that membership I would not have found out about my great-aunt or have been able to build the bulk of the family tree that I have built to figure out where everybody comes from stuff and to trace those three line back to the Mayflower so any relatives of John Howland or richer born Elizabeth Chile well John Howlin at Elizabeth silly got married but I was able to trace two different lines back to them and a separate line to Richard Warren so yeah there it is so you're really doing them then my cousin or whoever you would be but I'm guessing I'd be a cousin anyhow this videos already getting too long and I don't know what else I'm gonna be able to get up this week so at least I've got this extra video let me know if you have done the DNA tests through ancestry or 23andme I'm sticking with károly ancestry because I wanted to be able to build the trees and everything else I do know that my little sister has previously done the 23andme and she's getting ready to do the ancestry test because since my youngest three siblings joined our family through adoption there is a matter of making more connections and figuring out who she is essentially I mean we know who she is but it's not the same thing and you probably know what I mean there too and she found out some really good stuff with the 23andme but not everybody takes the same test and if you're trying to make those connections and you're trying to find people it can be really important to take more than one test to make sure you're getting into all of the different databases to make those connections because you just never know what tests somebody else is taking on anyhow if you've taken a DNA test or you found out any interesting information I would actually love to hear about that in the comments section down below if you have any questions about that or anything else um I don't know I might be able to log in and see if there's some sort of code or something if there is it'll be in the description box down below I don't know if there is though so I apologize if you're looking and you don't find it otherwise you can just go straight to and order your own kick or sign up for their membership just simply build family trees based on the information you know yeah have a blessed day don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bill so you'll miss everything coming up next I will see you and the next one
Channel: Black Hills Mommy
Views: 335,585
Rating: 4.7391305 out of 5
Keywords: large family, ancestry dna, ancestry, DNA test, results, family, mystery, solved, century, old, native american, english, german, irish, white, Norwegian, Finnish, Southern Bantu peoples, congo, camaroon, murder mystery, unknown relatives, found relatives, Mayflower decendant, unexpected
Id: TmTilsjiA2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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